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Created November 28, 2015 18:26
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Some of my auto rigging scripts that I'm compiling. Still need to work on annotating.
import maya.cmds as cmds
from collections import namedtuple
PivotCtrl = namedtuple("PivotCtrl", "jnt ctrl sdk offset")
def getInheritedRotation(obj):
rotation = [0,0,0]
p = cmds.listRelatives(obj, allParents=True)
while p != None:
if cmds.nodeType(p) != "joint":
rotation = [x + y for x,y in zip(rotation, cmds.xform(p, q=True, rotation=True))]
rotation = [x + y for x,y in zip(rotation, cmds.joint(p, q=True, orientation=True))]
p = cmds.listRelatives(p, allParents=True)
return rotation
def getChildLevel(obj):
p = cmds.listRelatives(obj, allParents=True, type="joint")
level = 1
while p != None:
level += 1
p = cmds.listRelatives(p, allParents=True, type="joint")
return level
def generateColour(level, lenLevels, red=True, green=True, blue=False, redSub=False, greenSub=True, blueSub=False):
div = 1.0/lenLevels
col = [0,0,0]
if red and not redSub:
col[0] = div*level
elif red:
col[0] = 1-div*level
if green and not greenSub:
col[1] = div*level
elif green:
col[1] = 1-div*level
if blue and not blueSub:
col[2] = div*level
if blue:
col[2] = 1-div*level
return col
def generateColourList(lenLevels, red=True, green=True, blue=False, redSub=False, greenSub=True, blueSub=False):
colours = []
for i in range(1,lenLevels+1):
colours.append(generateColour(i, lenLevels, red, green, blue))
return colours
if __name__ == "__main__":
jnt = [, type="joint")[0]]
jntHier = cmds.listRelatives(allDescendents=True, type="joint")[1:] + jnt
colours = generateColourList(len(jntHier))
allJntCtrls = []
for i,jnt in enumerate(jntHier):
jntPos = cmds.joint(jnt, q=True, p=True)
jntOri = cmds.joint(jnt, q=True, o=True)
finalJntOri = [x + y for x,y in zip(jntOri, getInheritedRotation(jnt))]
ctrl ="{}_ctrl".format(jnt))
cmds.xform("{}.cv[0:]".format(ctrl[0]), rotation=(0,90,0))
ctrl[1] = cmds.listRelatives(ctrl[0], shapes=True, type="nurbsCurve")[0]
cmds.setAttr("{}.overrideEnabled".format(ctrl[1]), 1)
cmds.setAttr("{}.overrideRGBColors".format(ctrl[1]), 1)
cmds.setAttr("{}.overrideColorRGB".format(ctrl[1]), *colours[i], type="double3")
sdk =, name="{}_sdk".format(ctrl[0]))
off =, name="{}_0".format(ctrl[0]))
cmds.xform(off, translation=jntPos, rotation=finalJntOri)
allJntCtrls.append(PivotCtrl(jnt=jnt, ctrl=ctrl, sdk=sdk, offset=off))
for i in range(len(allJntCtrls)):
if i < len(allJntCtrls)-1:
cmds.parent(allJntCtrls[i].offset, allJntCtrls[i+1].ctrl[0])
# Just setting to orient constrain atm, need to change for other options
cmds.orientConstraint(allJntCtrls[i].ctrl[0], allJntCtrls[i].jnt, name="{}_oc".format(allJntCtrls[i].jnt))
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