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Last active November 13, 2023 07:42
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Greasemonkey Script to format JSON
// ==UserScript==
// @name Make JSON Pretty
// @version 0.1
// @description Make JSON look nice
// @author Jon Gaudette <>
// @include *.json
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
function prettySource(obj) {
var maxDepth = 250,
depth = 0,
root = true,
sp = " ",
function objProp (prop) {
if (prop===null) {
return "<span style='color:#A6BE88; font-style:italic;'>null</span>,\n";
var t = (typeof(prop)+"").toLowerCase();
if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(prop)==="[object Object]" || Object.prototype.toString.apply(prop)==="[object Array]") {
return branch(prop).replace(/\n/gim,'\n'+sp) + ",\n";
else if (t==="function") {
return "<span style='color:#0A0;'>" + (prop+"").replace("<","&lt;").replace(">","&gt;").replace(/function\s?\(/,"function <strong>"+((prop.constructor&&||||"")+"</strong>(").replace(/\n/gim,'\n ') + "</span>,\n";
else if (t==="string") {
return "<span style='color:#D0D;'>\"" + prop + "\"</span>,\n";
else if (t==="number") {
return "<span style='color:#F00;'>" + prop + "</span>,\n";
else if (t==="boolean") {
return "<span style='color:#00D;'>" + (prop===true?"true":"false") + "</span>,\n";
return (prop.toSource || prop.toString)().replace(/^\((new\s)?(.+)\)$/,'$2') + ",\n";
function branch (what) {
var wasRoot=root===true, x, dig, text="", m=0;
root = false;
if (depth>maxDepth) {
return "<span style='color:#AAA; font-style:italic;'>[Maximum Depth Reached]</span>";
if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(what)==="[object Array]") {
text = "<pre style='color:#555; display:"+(wasRoot===false?"inline":"block")+"; margin:0; padding:0;'><strong>[</strong>\n";
for (x=0; x<what.length; x++) {
dig = (x+"# ").length;
text += sp.substring(0,4-dig) + "<span style='color:#ABC; font-style:italic;'>#" + x + "</span> " + objProp(what[x]);
return text.replace(/\,\n$/,'\n') + "<strong>]</strong></pre>";
else if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(what)==="[object Object]") {
text = "<pre style='color:#555; display:"+(wasRoot===false?"inline":"block")+"; margin:0; padding:0;'><strong>{</strong>\n";
for (x in what) {
if (what.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
m = Math.max(m,(x+"").length);
m += 1;
for (x in what) {
if (what.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
text += sp + "<span style='color:#089;'>" + x + "</span>"+(new Array(m-(x+"").length).join(" "))+" : " + objProp(what[x]);
return text.replace(/\,\n$/,'\n') + "<strong>}</strong></pre>";
var r = branch(obj);
sp = root = branch = objProp = null;
return r;
if (document.getElementById('jsonify_pretty_print')) {
location.href += "";
else {
var src = '',
relaxedMode = true;
txt = document.body.textContent.split('\n').join(' ').replace(/^[^\{\[]*/gim,'').replace(/[^\}\]]*$/gim,'');
if (window.JSON && window.JSON.parse) {
try {
src = prettySource(JSON.parse(txt));
} catch(err) {
relaxedMode = confirm('Invalid JSON; strict parse failed.\n\nParse in relaxed mode?')===true;
if (!relaxedMode) {
return false;
if (relaxedMode===true) {
try {
src = prettySource(eval('('+txt+')'));
} catch(err) {
alert('Invalid JSON; relaxed parse failed.\n\nWARNING: This JSON output will not parse in most web browsers.');
return false;
document.write('<html><body><span id="jsonify_pretty_print"><\/span><pre>'+src+'<\/pre><\/body><\/html>');
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