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Created October 7, 2010 12:48
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use Net::Amazon;
use Net::Amazon::Request::Wishlist;
use DBI;
use Product;
sub createRecord{
my $rec = shift;
print "creating record for: " . $rec->getAsin() . "\n";
my $db='amazon';
my $host="localhost";
my $uid="USERNAME";
my $passwd="PASSWORD";
my $conn="dbi:mysql:$db:$host";
my $asin = $rec->getAsin();
my $name = $rec->getName();
my $desc = "";
# quotes will ruin our query, replace with underscore
$name =~ s/'//g;
my $dbh = DBI->connect($conn,$userid,$passwd);
my $query = "insert into products(asin,name,description) values('$asin','$name','$desc')";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $ua = Net::Amazon->new(token=>'YOUR_AMAZON_TOKEN');
my $req = Net::Amazon::Request::Wishlist->new(wishlist=>'YOUR_WISHLIST_ID');
my @products;
my @wishlist;
my $db='amazon';
my $host="localhost";
my $uid="USERNAME";
my $passwd="YOUR_PASSWORD";
my $conn="dbi:mysql:$db:$host";
my $dbh = DBI->connect($conn,$userid,$passwd);
my $query = "select asin,name,description from products";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->bind_columns(\$asin, \$name, \$description);
#print "found: $asin | $name | $description\n";
push(@products, Product->new($asin, $name, $description));
my $resp = $ua->request($req);
foreach my $item ($resp->properties){
push(@wishlist, Product->new($item->ASIN(), $item->ProductName(),));
# print "Found a product: " . $_->getAsin() . "\n";
foreach my $wish (@wishlist){
#print "Found a wishlist: " . $_->getAsin() . "\n";
my $flag = 0;
foreach my $prod (@products){
if($wish->getAsin() eq $prod->getAsin()){
$flag = 1;
if($flag == 0){
exit 0;
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