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Created March 27, 2012 18:27
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F# sudoku
open System
type Cell = { possible_values: int array; value: int option }
with override this.ToString() = match this.value with Some i -> i.ToString() | _ -> "."
static member PossibleValues = [|1..9|]
type Puzzle = array<array<Cell>>
module internal Setup =
let puzzle =
let answer =
let format_puzzle (puzzle: string) : Puzzle =
let cell c = match Int32.Parse(c.ToString()) with
| 0 -> { possible_values = Cell.PossibleValues ; value = None }
| i -> { possible_values = [|i|] ; value = Some i }
puzzle.Split(',') |> (fun row -> row |> (fun c -> cell c) |> Seq.toArray)
module internal Solution =
let string_p (p: Puzzle) : string =
p |> Array.fold (fun acc a -> Array.concat [acc; a]) [||] |> Array.fold (fun s i -> s + i.ToString()) ""
let lines (s: string) =
let l = Cell.PossibleValues.Length
seq { for i in l..(l+1)..s.Length -> i } |> Seq.fold (fun (s:string) idx -> s.Insert(idx,"\n")) s
let pp (p: Puzzle) = printf "\n\npuzzle ::\n%s" <| (p |> string_p |> lines)
let _check (a: Cell array) (cell: Cell): Cell =
match cell.value with
| None -> let a = a |> Array.choose (fun c -> c.value)
let pv = cell.possible_values |> Array.filter (fun p -> a |> Array.forall (fun i -> p <> i))
let v = match pv.Length with 1 -> Some pv.[0] | _ -> None
{ possible_values = pv; value = v }
| Some v -> cell
let check (puzzle: Puzzle) ri ci (cell: Cell) =
let row = puzzle.[ri]
let col = puzzle |> (fun s -> s.[ci])
let c_reg, r_reg = (ci/3) * 3, (ri/3) * 3
let region = [| for r in (0 + r_reg)..(2 + r_reg) do
for c in (0 + c_reg)..(2 + c_reg) do
yield puzzle |> Seq.nth r |> Seq.nth c |]
cell |> _check row |> _check col |> _check region
let left (puzzle: Puzzle) = puzzle |> Array.sumBy (fun row -> row |> Array.sumBy (fun cell -> match cell.value with None -> 1 | _ -> 0))
let solve (puzzle: Puzzle) =
let rec solve' puzzle remaining count =
printf "\n\nattempt %i\n" count
printf "remaining :: %A\n" remaining
pp puzzle
if remaining < 1 then puzzle
else let p = puzzle |> Array.mapi (fun ri row -> row |> Array.mapi (fun ci cell -> check puzzle ri ci cell))
let _remaining = left p
if remaining = _remaining then failwith "last iter :: no change"
solve' p _remaining (count + 1)
solve' puzzle (Cell.PossibleValues.Length * Cell.PossibleValues.Length) 0
open Solution
open Setup
let solution = solve (format_puzzle puzzle)
printf <| if answer = string_p solution then "\n\n\n - THE END - \n\n\n" else "\n\n\n - DIDN'T MATCH - \n\n\n"
let a = Console.ReadLine()
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