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Created October 12, 2020 21:10
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CockroachDbLib.Models;
using CockroachDbLib.Repository;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace BlazorAppWithCockroachDB.Api.Controllers
public class AccountController : ControllerBase
private readonly IAccountRepository accountRepository;
public AccountController(IAccountRepository _accountRepository)
accountRepository = _accountRepository;
public IActionResult GetAllAccounts()
List<Account> allAccounts = accountRepository.GetAllAccounts();
if (allAccounts.Count == 0)
return BadRequest("No account exit, try creating a new account");
return Ok(allAccounts);
public async Task<IActionResult> GetAccount(int? id)
Account account = await accountRepository.GetAccountById(id);
if(account == null)
return NotFound($"Account with Id {id} doesn't exit");
return Ok(account);
public int GetLastAccountId()
return accountRepository.GetLastAccountId();
public async Task<IActionResult> Create([FromBody] Account newAccount)
Account createdAccount = await accountRepository.CreateAccount(newAccount);
if(createdAccount != null)
return new CreatedAtActionResult("GetAccount", "Account", new { }, createdAccount);
return BadRequest("Error occured please try again.");
public IActionResult UpdateAccount([FromBody] Account account)
return Ok("Account updated successfully.");
public async Task<IActionResult> Delete(int? id)
string result = await accountRepository.DeleteAccount(id);
if(result == null)
return BadRequest("Account doesn't exit");
return Ok("Account deleted successfully");
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