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Created November 7, 2023 02:23
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var objs = []; // we'll store the object references in this array
function walkTheObject( obj ) {
var keys = Object.keys( obj ); // get all own property names of the object
// Check if 'info' and 'error' keys are present (meaning it is probably the object we want)
if (keys.indexOf("info") > -1 && keys.indexOf("error") > -1) {
function test(strings, ...values) {
let str = '';
strings.forEach((string, i) => {
if (values[i] !== undefined)
str += string + (values[i]._unsafeValue);
str += string;
//return str;
// Replace all of the log handlers with ones that actually log to the console
// obj.error = function(t) {
// for (var a = [], s = 1; s < arguments.length; s++)
// a[s - 1] = arguments[s];
// var c = e(n.log.apply(void 0, o([t], a)).level(i.LogLevel.Error));
// return A.log(c),
// new r.LogError(c.logString)
// }
obj.error = test;
obj.warn = test; = test;
obj.log = test;
//obj.log = function(n) {
// t && !t.shouldLoggerLogAtLevel(n.logLevel, this) || A.log(e(n))
obj.http = test;
obj.performance = test;
obj.verbose = test;
obj.debug = test;
obj.silly = test;
keys.forEach( function ( key ) {
var value = obj[ key ]; // get property value
// if (key == "shouldLoggerLogAtLevel") {
// // Replace function to return true
// obj[key] = function () {
// console.log("feature");
// return true;
// }
// }
// if (key == "info") {
// console.log("info");
// // Replace to log arguments called with to console
// // Expand the arguments so that console.log prints them out
// obj[key] = function () {
// //console.log(arguments);
// // Parse the aruments into a string
// var args =;
// var argsString = args.join(", ");
// console.log(argsString);
// }
// }
// if the property value is an object...
if ( value && typeof value === 'object' ) {
// if we don't have this reference...
if ( objs.indexOf( value ) < 0 ) {
objs.push( value ); // store the reference
walkTheObject( value); // traverse all its own properties
walkTheObject( this);
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