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Created March 4, 2016 16:40
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aries Good vibes in the air will help make today's Full Moon pleasant. You feel genuinely sympathetic and sensitive to the needs of partners and close friends. Gosh, golly, gee!
taurus Today, the only Full Moon in your sign all year takes place. Fortunately for you, other planetary aspects nicely smooth everything over. (Looking good!)
gemini This is an interesting day for love affairs, romance and sweet flirtations. Similarly, the arts and sports also are pleasantly blessed. Enjoy good times with children.
cancer Even though there is some tension with today's Full Moon, it's still a very pleasant day with family members. People are gentle and kind to each other.
leo Your communications with siblings and relatives are particularly warm and caring today because you appreciate where the other person is coming from and what he or she is going through. This is a good thing.
virgo You might be tempted to spend too much money on elegance and luxury today. Just keep this in mind. Don't be rash with your hard-earned cash!
libra Think twice before you make decisions about property, possessions and cash flow. It's good to feel sympathetic to others; however, you don't want to give away the store!
scorpio It's easy to put the needs of others before your own today. You feel especially sympathetic toward someone. (Wonderful! You will get lots of brownie points for being kind.)
sagittarius Although tension could erupt at work today because of the Full Moon, basically, you feel tenderhearted and easy-going with others. Because of this, everything will be fine.
capricorn Romance with a boss or someone older or richer than you could begin today. Or perhaps someone like this will show you a kindness.
aquarius Travel opportunities and a chance to get further education could fall in your lap today. Perhaps someone thinks you deserve this break?
pisces Either you will be generous to someone in need today or someone will be generous to you. It's a feel-good day, where people have genuine concerns for those who are less fortunate.
aries This is a very tricky day, financially speaking. It's probably best to do nothing. Postpone shopping or major financial transactions.
taurus Even though the Moon is in your sign today, everything is confusing as well as unexpected. That's why it's easy to get rattled. Just slow down, and remain calm.
gemini You might feel vaguely uneasy about something today. You have a restless feeling in your tummy, as it were. This is just a warning to avoid important decisions today. (Life is too confusing.)
cancer Acquaintances and friends will be both surprising and mysterious today. You might meet someone new who is very different and rather seductive. Caution.
leo Double-check all instructions that you get from authority figures today. If you're talking to parents, bosses, teachers, VIPs or the police, make sure you know what is expected of you.
virgo Travel plans and anything having to do with higher education, publishing, the media, medicine or the law is definitely subject to confusion, interruptions and delays today. Hold the phone!
libra This is a poor day to make important decisions about how to share something or to divide an inheritance or anything like that. Just wait until tomorrow.
scorpio Important conversations with partners and close friends could be exciting or they could be upsetting. Today is an unpredictable and confusing day. Just go with the flow.
sagittarius Delays with electronics, computers, power outages, confused communication and canceled appointments might be a challenge today. Avoid important decisions.
capricorn Parents should be extra vigilant about their children today. This is an accident-prone day for children in your care. (Romantic flirtations might surprise you.)
aquarius Parents and family members are unpredictable today. Someone might want sympathy from you. Naturally, it's appropriate to be kind and helpful to family members; nevertheless, make sure you get your facts straight.
pisces This is an accident-prone day. Slow down and take it easy. It's also a poor day to sign contracts or to make important agreements. Try to be extra clear in all your communication with others, especially relatives and siblings.
aries This is a far better day for transactions. Feel free to sign contracts or agree to important arrangements. Discussions with siblings and relatives will be energetic!
taurus This is an excellent day for business and commerce. Feel free to explore moneymaking ideas. You feel more daring than usual, and ready to take a chance.
gemini What a wonderful day for you! Not only is the Moon in your sign, it's getting a wonderful boost from fiery Mars. You believe in yourself today. Yeehaw!
cancer Whereas yesterday was confusing or erratic, today is quite the opposite! You feel confident and sure about what it is you want. This applies especially to shopping or earning money.
leo All group activities are blessed today. This is a great day for sports and working together in any kind of competitive situation.
virgo It's easy to make a good impression on bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs today. In fact, some aspect of your private life will likely catch someone's attention. (Not to worry. You look sharp!)
libra Be alert for travel opportunities or chances to further your education or training in some way. Similarly, matters with publishing, medicine and the law are good.
scorpio Now is the time to address inheritances, insurance matters or how to divide shared property. You feel confident in your ability to defend your best interests.
sagittarius Discussions with partners and close friends are lively today! If you have debates or arguments, they'll be friendly but vigorous. You're in a good mood!
capricorn You'll have no trouble getting people at work to agree with you because you sound like you know what you're doing. Your enthusiasm for your work says it all.
aquarius This is a great day for sports. In fact, it's a great day for any kind of competitive activity. You feel energetic and eager to do your best.
pisces Family discussions are vigorous today. Quite likely, you'll get your way, especially if you want to introduce improvements and change -- or move the furniture around.
aries You feel unusually intense about everything lately. Don't worry; this is just a passing influence. It's an excellent time to discuss how to deal with shared property and shared responsibilities.
taurus Because both the Sun and Mercury are directly opposite your sign now, this is the time to focus on important discussions with partners and close friends. You need to be heard, and so do others.
gemini Don't hesitate to speak up about work, or any issue that is important to you. People will listen to you today! Similarly, health issues should be openly expressed.
cancer You feel flirtatious and playful today! This is a great day for fun, love affairs and romance. It's also a wonderful time for teaching children.
leo Home, family and domestic issues are your primary concerns right now. Family discussions are significant, especially discussions with parents.
virgo Busy you! Short trips, errands and increased time with siblings and relatives keep you on the go! Many of you are reading, writing and studying more than usual as well.
libra This is a good day for money discussions or business arrangements. It's also a good day for shopping and sharing moneymaking ideas!
scorpio People will listen to whatever you say today, because you're putting so much of yourself into your words. You believe in yourself! (Which is why others do, too.)
sagittarius Research of any kind will be productive today. You're best off working behind the scenes or working alone today.
capricorn This is an excellent day to set future goals. Think about your dreams and hopes for the future. What can you do today -- or this month, or this year -- to make them a reality?
aquarius You're extremely convincing in discussions with parents, bosses, teachers, and VIPs today. People in power will see that you mean what you say and you say what you mean!
pisces This is a wonderful day to study or learn something new. You're enthusiastic and hungry for new knowledge. It's also a great day to travel. Do something different that is out of the ordinary.
aries For many, especially early Aries, this is an eventful time with partnerships and close friendships. You're moving into a new era.
taurus You continue to search for ways to best express yourself through your work. Many of you have increased responsibilities with children now as well.
gemini You feel more confident about where you live. For the past several years, you tried to establish a secure home for yourself. (And you're succeeding!)
cancer The challenges of job changes and residential moves in the past few years are beginning to diminish. Nevertheless, the dust has not completely settled.
leo Continue to strive to get out of debt. In the next year, your financial scene will improve. However, that time has not yet arrived.
virgo It's been such a struggle during the past two to three years. You'll be happy to know that the struggle is almost coming to an end, but not quite yet. Courage!
libra You have a hint this year, and most definitely after June of next year, of a new cycle that you're entering. You're getting ready to completely reinvent yourself.
scorpio In the next few years, many of you will start to dismantle much of what you've created since 1999. It's time to get rid of whatever is no longer relevant in your life in terms of people, places and possessions.
sagittarius You soon will have the challenge of learning how to work with groups and, at the same time, maintain your own integrity and independence. Not an easy juggling act!
capricorn Since 1996, and then again in 2003, you made an effort to go in a specific direction. By next year, you will achieve that time of harvest for which you have been steadily working. Finally!
aquarius In the past few years, the support from others has diminished or disappeared. Finally, you can see a light at the end of the tunnel. And it's not a train!
pisces Although the resources of others are diminishing, in turn, your own good fortune is going to grow in 2010. You win some; you lose some.
aries For the next month, affections for romantic loved ones will be sweetly passionate. In addition, gifts, goodies and favors from others could come your way more than usual.
taurus Relations with partners and close friends will get quite cozy and warmly diplomatic in the next month. This is the perfect time to mend broken fences.
gemini Cooperation from co-workers will be easier to get during the next several weeks. In fact, work-related romance also might ignite for some of you!
cancer Romance, love affairs, vacations, parties, the theater, the arts, sports and playful times with children all will be sources of pleasure for you in the next three to four weeks. Enjoy!
leo Many of you will have an opportunity to redecorate or fix up where you live during the next two weeks. You want to make things look more beautiful.
virgo In the month ahead, it will be easier for you to earn money from your writing or your communication skills. It's a great time for teachers, actors and salespeople, and also for bus drivers and cabbies.
libra Your financial scene is nicely blessed in the month ahead. Enjoy shopping for goodies. Give serious consideration to your moneymaking ideas.
scorpio The next few weeks are the perfect time to shop for wardrobe items because you like what you see in the mirror. Enjoy pleasant relations with everyone!
sagittarius Solitude in beautiful surroundings will delight you at various times during the next month. Try to give yourself this little luxury. (You'll love it.)
capricorn It's easy to foster good friendships with others during the month ahead. Your relations with members of groups, clubs and organizations will be very warm.
aquarius Romance with a boss or VIP could flourish in the next month. Many of you also will be asked to give your creative or artistic input on something. (Do it.)
pisces Travel for pleasure is likely in the month ahead! Whee! Similarly, some of you will have wonderful opportunities to go to school, take a course or expand your education in some way.
aries Be cautious when making transactions concerning shared property or jointly held possessions, or other people's wealth, for which you might be responsible. You might have an error in judgment today.
taurus Discussions with partners and close friends are friendly and big-hearted today. You feel generous to others, and they feel generous to you.
gemini Don't bite off more than you can chew at work today. Be realistic about whatever responsibilities you're going to accept. Today, your reach could exceed your grasp.
cancer It's easy to be generous to loved ones today, especially children and romantic partners. You also might be generous to a charity. (However, you could blow too much money on a good time!)
leo Make sure you can keep your promises to family members today. You might be tempted to promise something that is beyond your ability to produce. (Keep yourself honest.)
virgo You're full of big ideas today! You're enthusiastic and ready for anything. Good times with siblings and relatives are likely. You want to laugh it up with others.
libra Think twice before you make money transactions or financial deals today. This includes big ideas about how to earn money, as well as ideas about spending. You easily can overestimate things!
scorpio It's easy to overlook details today. You're looking at the big picture, so keep this in mind when making important plans. (Be sure to listen to what others have to say.)
sagittarius You have good feelings toward everyone today. In part, this is because you're personally very optimistic. It's easy to believe in your future.
capricorn Group situations are upbeat and active today. However, be careful not to make promises to others that you can't keep. (It's easy to do this today.)
aquarius Strive to be realistic in your dealings with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs today. Stick to doable deadlines. Don't go out on a limb to impress someone.
pisces Travel plans and anything having to do with higher education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law encourage you today. You see a way to build a better mousetrap!
aries You feel deeply about romantic issues today. However, in a different vein (the other arm) you also might feel passionately about inheritances, jointly held property and how things are being shared.
taurus This is good day for serious discussions with partners and close friends. However, be aware that others will take what you say extremely seriously!
gemini Co-workers are supportive today. In fact, a work-related romance could begin now. You also might improve the appearance of where you work by changing things around.
cancer The arts, sports, matters related to children and many social occasions are all issues that you feel passionately about today. These are not casual; for you, they matter!
leo Family situations are highly emotional today. Therefore, tread carefully. However, you can make improvements to your family relationships, as well as the appearance of your home.
virgo This is a great day if you're in sales, teaching, acting, marketing or any high-communication job. You're extremely convincing and persuasive today!
libra You might see entirely new uses for something you already own today. Alternatively, some of you will see new sources of income or ways to make some money on the side.
scorpio You feel strongly about many issues today. Because of this, you will express your point of view to others. This is the kind of day where you'll say what you mean, and mean what you say!
sagittarius Try to find some private moments today. Solitude in beautiful surroundings will refresh and replenish you. You need some time to pull your act together before you take it on the road.
capricorn Group relationships are unusually vigorous and forceful today. Friendships are extremely important you. In fact, a new acquaintance ultimately could change your life!
aquarius Relations with bosses, VIPs, or professors or teachers could be intense today. Love relationships are springing up everywhere!
pisces Avoid arguments about politics, religion and racial issues today. You feel passionately about certain causes. If you can travel anywhere today, by all means, do so. You need a change of scenery.
aries Don't give away the farm today. Through either a generous impulse or a casual (even sloppy) oversight, you could go overboard when dividing something or sharing something with somebody else. Be careful!
taurus In discussions with partners and close friends, keep your feet planted firmly on the ground today. Enjoy fun times, but be careful about agreements. Remain realistic.
gemini Your work with co-workers is quite positive and upbeat today. However, you will be wise to double-check everything, because your information could have errors. (People are inclined to overlook details today.)
cancer This is a marvelous, fun-loving, creative day! Enjoy good times with sports, and playful activities with children. Romance and love affairs are thrilling!
leo You've got big ideas for doing something at home today. Similarly, you might have big ideas about inviting a group of people to your home. (Just make sure you can swing this.)
virgo You're extremely hopeful and optimistic about something today. Nevertheless, it's always wise to be careful not to count your chickens before they're barbecued. Hmmm?
libra Be aware of your financial dealings today. You might be casual with money. If shopping, keep your receipts. Think twice, if you're going to spend money on extravagant items.
scorpio It's very easy to make promises that you can't keep today. This is simply because you feel so positive and enthusiastic about something. It's a great day, but do stay grounded.
sagittarius You feel a compassionate concern for someone who is less fortunate than you. If you do something to help others today, you will. (This is good.)
capricorn Group activities are upbeat and enthusiastic! You're excited about some goals you have. Others probably can help you today. Keep an open mind about this.
aquarius In discussions with parents, bosses, teachers and VIPs today, remain realistic. Don't promise more than you can deliver. Err on the side of caution.
pisces The study or discussion of politics, religion, philosophy or racial issues will intrigue you today. You're looking for big answers to big questions. You want greater wisdom about certain areas.
aries Be very careful about all financial matters today, especially dealing with shared property, insurance matters and inheritances. (This includes dealing with other people's wealth or possessions.) You don't have all the facts.
taurus Someone might deceive you or innocently lead you astray today. Therefore, avoid important decisions, because you could be mistaken and not know it!
gemini Double-check all your facts at work today. Confusion is rampant, especially related to your job or with anything having to do with your health. This also might apply to small pets.
cancer You could be disappointed in a romantic partner today or confused about something related to children, sports or the arts. Avoid making important decisions.
leo When it comes to domestic matters or family affairs today, you have Vaseline on your lens. For whatever reason, you're not seeing things clearly. Therefore, tread carefully!
virgo Think twice before you make promises or agree to anything today, especially with siblings and relatives. This also applies to negotiations with others. (Something fishy is going on.)
libra Guard your money today. You might find money; you might lose money. You might be tempted to spend too much on something. Definitely, keep your receipts. Count your change.
scorpio Confusion is rampant today! People are getting their wires crossed; in addition, they might expect too much from others, and therefore, become disappointed. Forewarned is forearmed!
sagittarius If you have a funny feeling that something sneaky is going on behind your back, it probably is. There are secrets going on today, that's for sure.
capricorn A friend or a member of a group might say something that makes you wonder; it could be that whatever you hear is not true. This could be intended deceit or just a mistake.
aquarius Be extra careful in discussions with bosses and VIPs today. Conversations are like two ships passing in the night. It's very hard to be on the same wavelength.
pisces Feelings of escapism are strong today. You'd rather be anywhere else but here. It's hard to study. Travel plans could be delayed or confused.
aries A brief planetary influence might make conversations with partners and close friends a bit stiff or stilted today. People feel closed and shut down. (Not to worry.)
taurus Something about your work, your job, or any task that you set for yourself today seems to be burdensome and onerous. Oy vey. It's all just too much. (But gone very soon.)
gemini Children might be an increased responsibility for some reason today. And romantic relationships might be sober or depressing. (Even a hurricane lasts for only a day.)
cancer You might feel lonely and cut off from others today, especially family members. Don't worry about it, because this is a very fleeting, temporary influence from the heavens. Have courage!
leo Don't worry if you feel a bit depressed or down today. Everybody feels this way in some manner. It's because Saturn is lined up with the Moon, but just for today.
virgo You feel broke today. Your cash flow is down to a dribble. Don't worry about this, because tomorrow, things look different. (It's always darkest before it gets pitch black.)
libra Many people feel a sense of loneliness and isolation today. This makes things look worse than they really are. Relations with females could be difficult. Just lie low.
scorpio It's hard to whip up enthusiasm about anything today. For some reason, life seems to be lackluster. Keep your head down, and your powder dry.
sagittarius The criticisms of others, especially in a group situation, might be discouraging to you today. Don't let this get to you. (It's temporary.)
capricorn Relations with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs are tough today. It seems like nobody will cut you any slack! Tomorrow is a different day.
aquarius This is the kind of day where all the joy went out of Whoville. Just go with the flow. It's no big deal. Don't overreact to others.
pisces You might be disappointed in your fair share of something. Or perhaps others seem to be stingy or greedy. Don't react today. Wait until tomorrow.
aries This is a much better day in all your relationships with partners and close friends. (Great relief!) It's also a wonderful day to begin a romantic relationship that might turn into something.
taurus Things at work will flow quite smoothly today. It's easy to impress bosses and VIPs. You also might make improvements to your work environment. (You certainly have the energy to do this today.)
gemini This is a lovely, playful, flirtatious day! Give yourself some moments of fun! Watch sports, grab a movie, enjoy playful activities with children or slip away on a vacation.
cancer Family relationships are much improved today. Discussions with relatives are positive. You'll enjoy time spent alone at home, if you get a chance for this.
leo You're eager to communicate your ideas to others today, especially to siblings and relatives. You're thinking big, and you want to know who else agrees with your ideas.
virgo This is a good day for business and commerce. It's also a good day for dealings with foreign countries or to expand your base of operations.
libra You feel jubilant, upbeat and far happier today! The position of the Moon can be a powerful thing! It's a good day to relate to groups.
scorpio You feel far more content with yourself today. In fact, this inner contentment gives you an energy that spreads to every aspect of your life. Wonderful!
sagittarius Relations with females, especially in a group situation, will be very positive today. Physical activities are vigorous and enthusiastic!
capricorn You make an excellent impression on others today (especially bosses and VIPS who will notice you more than usual)! In fact, some aspect of your personal life seems to be made a bit public.
aquarius Grab every opportunity to travel somewhere. You also might get a chance to learn something new or sign up for a course. Enjoy profound discussions about lofty topics.
pisces You're more pleased (than you were yesterday) with how shared property is handled today, that's for sure! Now you feel you're being treated fairly, perhaps even with generosity.
aries Surprise gifts and goodies will come to you from others today. You can benefit from the wealth or resources of others. Whatever happens likely will be unexpected.
taurus Partners and close friends suddenly want more freedom! Or possibly, this works the other way, and you want more space or freedom in a relationship. Be prepared for this.
gemini New opportunities or new technology might be introduced to your job today. You likely will see a way to make improvements or reforms. People are excited and rebellious!
cancer Surprise flirtations could be thrilling today. A new romance might begin. A sudden chance for a vacation could drop in your lap. Children will be hard to predict; therefore, parents should be vigilant.
leo Unexpected company might drop by at home today. Something unexpected will definitely occur. Small appliances might break down. New technology at home could be exciting.
virgo You're full of bright, geniuslike ideas today! You're thinking outside the box. Expect to meet new acquaintances and new contacts who are different from you.
libra New sources of income might occur today. Anything having to do with your cash flow is a bit unpredictable. Keep your receipts. Keep an eye on your money.
scorpio You feel highly independent today! You don't want other people telling you what to do. You want the freedom to do your own thing and explore new ideas.
sagittarius You're restless for adventure today! Travel plans will appeal. Similarly, why not explore any chance for further education or training? You need a change of scenery!
capricorn You could be a real character today. Your relationship with groups or casual acquaintances will be different today. Somebody might throw you off guard.
aquarius Be open to unexpected opportunities to promote your good name with others today. Something surprising might suddenly happen that boosts your reputation in a positive way.
pisces Grab any chance to travel somewhere or to get further education if it suddenly opens up for you. Today is full of all kinds of unexpected, unusual opportunities to expand your world.
aries Major changes are taking place that are related to your health or your job. Quite likely, these changes have been a long time in coming.
taurus You might experience a major change in your relationships with children now. How things have been up till now has to change for the better.
gemini Some kind of major shift is going on within your family sphere or where you live. If you work this out calmly and carefully, it can turn out to be better.
cancer Because of recent changes, you've revised your ideas and your way of doing things on a daily basis. This could impact your relationships with siblings and family members.
leo Changing your source of income is possible. This could be a major shift. Hopefully, it will be a shift for the better; nevertheless, reserve your resources.
virgo Relationships are dicey right now. You feel a lot of pressure on you. Just go carefully, and don't push the river.
libra You might feel that whatever you're trying to do is blocked by authority figures or other people in power. Just be patient. Don't be pushy, but don't give up, either.
scorpio A lot of heavy changes are either going on around you or, by contrast, are blocked and stopped cold. Either way, it seems like you want to shift something from point A to point B.
sagittarius You might choose to quit a group or club right now or to drop a friendship. It's as if some things are just more trouble than they're worth. Either way, you are shifting your goals.
capricorn Major changes have provoked a shift in your thinking and your belief systems. This could apply to politics, religion or your personal idea of what life is all about.
aquarius You might take an entirely new approach to how you deal with someone else's values or how you choose to deal with shared property. You need to get this right.
pisces You've been struggling with certain partnerships for quite a while. You're at the stage where you're going to give up on what is no longer working.
aries You couldn't pick a better day all year to make long-range plans for the future about shared property, inheritances and insurance matters. Take advantage of this.
taurus This is an ideal day to sit down with partners and close friends and work out differences. Look for common values and objectives, and win/win solutions.
gemini Think about what you want to do at work, or where you want to go in your job. How do you want things to be, down the road?
cancer Take some time today to think about your approach to romance, love affairs and your social life in general. Are you having fun? Do you ever take a vacation?
leo This is the perfect day to make long-range plans for the future about home, family and anything having to do with where you live. You want practical, long-term solutions.
virgo Think about your style of communicating with others, especially siblings and relatives. Do you think others really hear you? What can you do to improve your communication?
libra Earnings, financial matters and major expenditures are something to ponder today. What can you do to feel more secure about your cash flow?
scorpio This is an extremely powerful day for you. The New Moon is occurring in your sign, giving you a chance to make plans and resolutions for a better future. Take a moment to think about this.
sagittarius You need more time alone to strategize what you want for the future. Don't let all the busy hubbub around you distract you. Give yourself some peace and quiet.
capricorn This is the ideal day to think about your long-range goals and how you can achieve them. Your thoughts are powerful. Your wishes mold your choices
aquarius Are you happy with the direction your life is going? Today's the perfect time to think about your life direction in general, as well as your relationships to the authority figures in your life.
pisces What further education or training can you get that will improve your skills in life? What can help you better enjoy your job and your personal world?
aries You're invigorated, enthusiastic and adventurous today. You want to experience something that's different and new and that's fun and teaches you something. (Tall order.)
taurus You're ready to roll up your sleeves and get down to brass tacks when it comes to business about shared property, inheritances, insurance matters and such. You want progress!
gemini Conversations with partners and close friends are lively today. Be prepared to go more than halfway when dealing with others. Remain cooperative.
cancer When it comes to health matters or something related to your job, you have energy to burn today! You're especially convincing about communicating your ideas.
leo This is a wonderful, fun-loving day! Enjoy sports, the theater, movies, the creative arts, playful activities with children and romantic flirtations.
virgo Family discussions are energetic today. You'll be very convincing if you want others to listen to you. You might want to make improvements or repairs where you live.
libra You're rather forward, almost to the point of being pushy in your conversations with others today, especially discussions with siblings and relatives. It's a strong day for selling, acting and teaching.
scorpio You're enthusiastic about financial matters today. You might make some new resolves about spending money. You're also just as willing to work hard to earn it. (Something is up.)
sagittarius You might be a bit dramatic in your responses to others today because you feel unusually emotional about things. Nothing is casual. Everything matters.
capricorn Quiet research done on your own might yield some surprising results today. Whatever you learn will strike a chord in you. Something makes you feel more confident in a quiet but resolute way.
aquarius Discussions with female acquaintances and friends will be lively today! Alternatively, you might meet a new female acquaintance who is very strong and assertive.
pisces Some aspect of your private life is suddenly made public today, but you don't care. You feel bold, devil-may-care and independent! Furthermore, you don't mind if others see this carefree attitude.
aries Travel plans might be canceled or delayed today. Furthermore, anything having to do with higher education, publishing, the media, medicine or the law could be suddenly sidetracked. Big oops!
taurus Be very careful about other people's wealth and possessions today, especially if you're responsible for what other people own. Some kind of untoward accident or theft could take place!
gemini Relationships with partners and close friends are a bit dicey today. Either partner (this includes you) could suddenly explode or rebel about something. Yikes!
cancer Computer crashes, power outages, fire drills, canceled appointments and staff shortages are some reasons this day could go south in a New York minute. Be on guard for sudden changes!
leo Parents should be extra vigilant about their children today. Lovers should be extra patient with each other. Vacation plans might be canceled. Sports accidents are likely. (It's that kinda day.)
virgo Unexpected events might take place at home today. For starters, expected company might not show. On the other hand, someone completely unexpected could knock on your door!
libra This is a mildly accident-prone day. Therefore, slow down and take extra time with everything you do. Don't push the river.
scorpio Financial matters are unpredictable today. You might find money; you might lose money. You might break something you own. Be careful.
sagittarius You might be quite obsessed with something that's unusual or unconventional today. If you don't have the freedom to pursue what interests you, you'll be annoyed!
capricorn You feel restless today. You have that feeling that you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. (Let's hope it's the same size as the last one, then you'll have a pair.)
aquarius People are extremely independent today. This is why you can expect a few surprises when dealing with others, especially female acquaintances. Someone might bite your head off.
pisces You feel unusually rebellious in your relations with authority figures -- bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs and the police. It might be wise to zip your lip. Better to be safe than sorry.
aries This is a poor day to approach parents, bosses or the police with a request or a solicitation for permission. You'll be turned away.
taurus You might be discouraged about travel plans or something related to higher education today. Suddenly, what was looking great is looking bleak! (This is a temporary setback.)
gemini News about how something is shared could depress you today. You might feel that people aren't being fair. Don't be discouraged. Things will change quickly.
cancer Conversations with partners and close friends are a bit depressing today. People are shut down in their feelings toward each other. (No big deal.)
leo Co-workers might disappoint you today. In fact, it's hard to get anything off the ground at work because you feel it's one step forward, two steps back.
virgo Romance might be in the toilet today. It's hard to feel lighthearted and playful. Children also might feel burdensome. (Hey, this goes with the territory.)
libra Discussions with parents and older relatives might be a bummer today. People are too busy telling you why you can't do something. Oy vey.
scorpio It's easy to feel discouraged today; this is in part because many people feel this way. Don't worry; tomorrow is a better day. Just fake it till you make it.
sagittarius You might feel broke today or financially crunched. Your cash flow has slowed to a dribble. Don't let this get you down, because tomorrow things will look different. (Mike Todd said there's a difference between being poor and being broke.)
capricorn Life is hard today. Situations around you seem to be depressing. Furthermore, others are judgmental. Get through today, because tomorrow is a much better day!
aquarius It's hard to know what to do today. If you're alone, you might feel lonely and depressed. However, if you're with others, you might still feel lonely and depressed! Sheesh!
pisces Criticism from others, especially people who are older than you, could rain on your parade. Don't let this get you down. It's a temporary dark cloud on your horizon.
aries This is an excellent day to talk to bosses, parents, teachers and authority figures. This is the day to ask for whatever you want. (You just might get it.)
taurus Today is the day to repair glitched travel plans or to push opportunities in higher education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law. All is good.
gemini Gifts, goodies and favors can come to you from others today. In some manner, you stand to benefit from the wealth of others. (Take note: Romance will be sexy!)
cancer Enjoy conversations and dealings with partners and close friends today. Everything unfolds very smoothly. People are happy to see you.
leo Everything on the job is quite pleasant today. Cooperation from co-workers and customers is at hand. It's a lovely way to end your week. (Whew.)
virgo Romance, flirtations, love affairs, vacations, parties and anything having to do with the theater, movies and the arts all get a lovely boost today! Have fun!
libra This is a lovely day to entertain at home. Enjoy family get-togethers. It's also a good day for real estate deals. (You have a warm feeling in your tummy.)
scorpio Sales, teaching, writing, driving and most of your daily interactions with others will go extremely well today. It's easy to be friendly today.
sagittarius This is an excellent day for business and commerce. Trust your moneymaking ideas. If shopping, you'll buy beautiful things that are practical and will last for a long time. (Labels will impress you.)
capricorn People are remarkably mellow and friendly today. In addition, you might have an increased interest in the arts or the beauty of your daily surroundings. Treat yourself to some fresh flowers.
aquarius Solitude in beautiful surroundings will delight you today. Set aside some time with an extra cup of coffee to ponder the meaning of life. (You enjoy your own company today.)
pisces Relations with others -- especially in groups, clubs and organizations or conferences and conventions -- are far better today! You truly enjoy the company of others and vice versa.
aries Grab every opportunity to travel that comes your way during the next six weeks. You want to go places! You need a change of scenery, and you need excitement in your life.
taurus In the month ahead, you'll be more involved with shared property, dealing with the possessions and wealth of others, inheritances, insurance matters and such. Get as much done as possible.
gemini The Sun is moving directly opposite your sign now, where it will stay for the next six weeks. This causes you to focus more than usual on partnerships and close friendships.
cancer Suddenly, you're gung-ho to get more organized. You want a home for everything, and everything in its home. Give yourself the right materials to do a great job.
leo It's party city for your sign for the next few weeks! Enjoy sports, movies, the theater, romance, love affairs, social events and playful activities with children.
virgo Home, family and domestic matters will be your top priorities for the next six weeks. Discussions with family members will be significant. This is also a good time to entertain at home.
libra Fasten your seat belt. Your daily pace is going to accelerate in the month ahead, with short trips, errands and talking to everyone.
scorpio Your attention will now turn to your cash flow. (Why is there always so much month left at the end of the money?)
sagittarius During the month ahead, you're going to be more energized than usual! It's your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Yay!
capricorn Work behind the scenes or alone if you can for the next month, because you need to regroup and plan ahead for your new year. (Your new year is from birthday to birthday.)
aquarius Your popularity is increasing now. The next six weeks are a wonderful time to join clubs, groups and organizations.
pisces The Sun is at high noon in your chart for the next six weeks, making others notice you more than usual, especially bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Furthermore, they think you're extremely competent!
aries This is a good day to talk to others, especially female acquaintances and friends, so you can discuss your goals, dreams and hopes for the future. Feedback from others will help you.
taurus Some part of your private life will be on display today, especially with respect to bosses, teachers, parents and VIPs. People will learn more about you.
gemini This is a very pleasant day! You'll adore learning anything new. It's a great day to study, read and explore new subjects -- especially philosophy, religion and politics.
cancer Discussions about shared property or anything you hold jointly with somebody else will go quite well today. It's a good time to talk to partners about how to spend a certain sum of money.
leo Conversations with partners and close friends will be lively today. There's something important that you want to discuss. Make sure you listen to people today.
virgo Tackle detail work on the job today, because you are prepared to multitask and address many areas. You are very much on the go!
libra Sports, playful activities with children, the arts, vacations and romantic discussions will interest you today. Because you feel playful and prankish today, you'll enjoy puzzles or games.
scorpio Talk to family members today, especially parents. You can iron out loose details about practical matters and money or cash-flow situations. This might be quite productive!
sagittarius Don't sit at home today. This is a good day to get out and run little errands, shop and talk to siblings and relatives. Short trips also might appeal.
capricorn Focus on your cash flow today. Make friends with your bank account. Figure out how much money you don't have.
aquarius The Moon is in your sign today, making a lovely aspect to Mercury. This makes you talkative and eager to share your ideas with everyone. You want to enlighten someone about something.
pisces Quiet research, or even just reading a book by yourself, will please you today. You need time for some peace and quiet. (Run away somewhere and hide.)
aries People are good to you today. Gifts, goodies and favors might come your way easily. Keep your pockets open, and be grateful for whatever you receive.
taurus This is a lovely day to schmooze with others, especially partners and close friends. Good feelings abound! You feel generous to others, and they feel generous to you. What a great way to start your week.
gemini People at work are cooperative today. Because there is such nice, easygoing give-and-take with everyone, join in the spirit of things. Be ready to help co-workers.
cancer This is a wonderful day for love affairs, romance, playful activities, parties, vacations, sports and fun times with children. Who wants to work today? Not you!
leo You'll enjoy doing any kind of interior decorating at home today. You'll also love buying beautiful things for your home or for family members. Invite people over -- it's a great day to entertain.
virgo You can make money from your communications today. This is an excellent day for writers, editors, salespeople, teachers and actors. Your words are money!
libra This is wonderful day for business and commerce, with one exception: You might go overboard in some way. Keep this in mind. This also might apply to shopping in general.
scorpio This is definitely a feel-good day! You feel openhearted, warm and generous to everyone. (While this is a wonderful thing, don't give away the farm!)
sagittarius Solitude in beautiful surroundings will please and delight you today. If you get a little time to slip away to a park or a beautiful place to contemplate your navel, you will enjoy it.
capricorn The feel-good vibes today will promote all group activities. Enjoy meetings with others. Clubs, groups and organizations will offer a few fun moments.
aquarius People might seek out your creative opinion about something today. Meanwhile, romance with a boss or someone older, richer or more experienced could spring up today.
pisces Travel opportunities are at hand today. Similarly, you can boost your dealings with publishing, the media, higher education, medicine and the law. It's a happy day!
aries This is a great day to make travel plans or plans for further education, training or anything having to do with promoting your job, your career or your life experience. Plan ahead!
taurus You can make great strides if you sit down with others to discuss shared property, insurance matters or inheritances. People are in a very practical frame of mind.
gemini Partners and close friends are willing to talk about practical, long-term solutions for issues that you both share. This includes taking care of children.
cancer Your thinking is very careful and exact today. Choose work that requires attention to detail. You have the energy and perseverance to slog away at routine tasks.
leo Artists can make headway in taking care of mundane details such as preparation or buying cleaning supplies. This also is a good day to discuss the care and education of children.
virgo Family discussions are practical today. People want to discuss long-term security. Talk to relatives, especially a parent, about home repairs.
libra You're in such a practical frame of mind today; why not use this energy to take care of whatever is right in front of you? Just roll up your sleeves and dig in! You want long-term results.
scorpio This is a good day for business and finances. If shopping, you will want practical items that will last far into the future. You're also willing to work hard to earn your money today.
sagittarius You're in a serious frame of mind today. Discussions with people who are older or more experienced will benefit you. Listen to the advice of others.
capricorn Research or working on your own will pay off today. You're willing to forgo today's pleasures for good results tomorrow.
aquarius Think about your goals and dreams for the future. What do you have to do now, in very practical terms, in order to see results a year from now?
pisces Discussions with authority figures -- bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs -- will focus on long-range plans for the future. People want to know that they can count on you. And they can!
aries Unexpected gifts and goodies might come your way today. Alternatively, you suddenly might give someone a gift. (What goes around comes around.)
taurus Surprise get-togethers with partners and close friends will be upbeat, friendly and a little different today. Someone new and interesting might cross your path.
gemini You might receive unexpected praise or even an unexpected raise at work today. Similarly, surprisingly you get good news related to your health or even a small pet.
cancer A playful, surprising flirtation might make your day. Unexpected invitations to parties, the theater or sports events also could please you. New love can blossom.
leo Surprise company might drop by today. You might buy something very modern or high-tech for your home or a family member. Your domestic scene is unpredictable.
virgo You're bound to meet someone new who is different, unusual and probably unorthodox today. This is a classic day to meet a real character!
libra You might find money today; you might lose money. Spontaneous purchases likely will please you. You might find a new job! Your financial scene is full of surprises.
scorpio You're excited and ready for adventure! You want something different to happen. Don't worry -- it will! Either you'll meet new people or existing friends will surprise you.
sagittarius You feel restless today. You want something different to happen, but you're not sure what. In one way, you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. (Let's hope it's the same size as the first one.)
capricorn You might be surprised by the decision of a group today. Or perhaps a member of a group will do something unusual. Expect a bizarre encounter with someone.
aquarius A boss, parent, teacher, or authority figure might do something that surprises you today. Or possibly vice versa -- you surprise them. Stay on your toes.
pisces Grab any unexpected opportunity to travel or get further education or training today. Because your window of opportunity will be brief, you will have to act quickly. (Like now!)
aries Be cautious when in discussions about shared property today, because you might not have all the facts. Something could sway you toward being generous to the point where you might later regret it.
taurus A partner or close friend might disappoint you for some reason today. However, part of your disappointment might be because you had unrealistic expectations.
gemini Be careful with health issues today. Guard against any kind of misuse of drugs or questionable food that might make you sick. Be aware.
cancer Some kind of starry-eyed romance could be a source of disappointment for you today. Remember: Unexpressed expectations almost always lead to disappointment.
leo Be extra patient with family members today. If your expectations or ideals are too high, you will feel disappointed. It's far better to expect less and be happy.
virgo Relations with relatives and siblings are confusing today; nevertheless, they are well-meaning. Remain forthright. Don't skirt the truth to avoid a confrontation.
libra Be careful with financial matters today. If shopping, keep your receipts. Some kind of deception is possible. Or you might kid yourself about money matters with respect to how to earn it or spend it.
scorpio You feel idealistic about others today. You want everyone to be happy. You also feel sympathetic toward others. (Just make sure you don't expect too much from people. Keep your feet on the ground.)
sagittarius You're willing to go out of your way to help someone today. You're ready to put your interests second to the interests of someone else who is needy. This is very good; however, don't be a martyr.
capricorn Before you share your hopes and dreams for the future with others, make sure you have a sympathetic audience. Today is a bit tricky.
aquarius It's easy to idolize someone older, richer or more experienced than you today. In fact, you might develop a crush on your boss or someone in authority.
pisces Your appreciation of beauty is aroused today. Therefore, give yourself a chance to enjoy parks, museums, galleries and beautiful places.
aries Travel anywhere if you can, because you have strong need for adventure. This is also a wonderful time to learn something new. (Take a class.)
taurus You feel intense. Discussions about shared property, inheritances, insurance matters and anything you own jointly with someone will be critical.
gemini You need more sleep than usual because the Sun is as far away from your sign as it gets all year. Protect your energy. Get more rest in the next few weeks.
cancer Because you're eager to get better organized at work and at home, get down to it! Furthermore, give yourself the right tools and equipment to do a great job. Busy you!
leo Parties, sports events, the theater, plus fun flirtations, love affairs and romance are tops on your menu for the next few weeks. Paint the town red!
virgo Home, family and your private, domestic life are your priorities now. Discussions with family, especially parents, will be significant.
libra Short trips, buying and selling, wheeling and dealing, plus increased reading, writing and studying make this a busy time! Accept this accelerated pace.
scorpio Your focus on your cash flow is very strong now. Perhaps you are trying to boost your earnings or find a new job? Many of you, however, are spending lots of money as well.
sagittarius Because people and opportunities are attracted to you now, make the most of this. Seriously, make hay while the sun shines! This is your hour.
capricorn Continue to work alone or work behind the scenes right now, because you have a lot of thinking to do. In a few weeks, your personal year (birthday to birthday) will begin. What do you want it to be?
aquarius This probably is one of the best times all year for you to think about your goals, dreams and hopes for the future. Bounce these ideas off others to get their feedback.
pisces Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs notice you now. Because they see you in such a favorable light, you might as well milk this for all it's worth.
aries Because you're full of bright, friendly energy today, it's a joy dealing with others. Relationships with clubs, groups, organizations and friends are very positive today. Enjoy schmoozing with others!
taurus It's easy to feel content today. You're happy with yourself, which means you're happy with the world. Relations with others are unusually easygoing and friendly.
gemini Meetings with others, whether they are casual get-togethers or major conferences and conventions, will be a positive experience for you. Enjoy all group encounters.
cancer People notice you today, especially bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. They see your ability to relate to others, no matter what their background or their station in life. You rock!
leo Someone from a different background, or another country, or a different culture will figure strongly in your day today. Publishing, higher education and travel opportunities are favorable.
virgo You might benefit from the wealth or resources of others today. This is a good day to ask for a loan or a favor from someone. (You just might get it.)
libra This is a lovely day to schmooze with others. In particular, you will enjoy easy-going, upbeat conversations with partners and close friends. It's all good.
scorpio Coworkers are supportive today. You will easily expand your ability to reach out and communicate with others, especially people far away.
sagittarius Romantic flirtations, sports events, the theater, movies, playful activities with children, and all creative projects will go well today. Enjoy your day!
capricorn This is an excellent day to talk to family members about anything that is important to you. In particular, parents and female relatives will respond positively to your suggestions. (It's a good day for any kind of meeting at home.)
aquarius Communication with others is particularly upbeat today. This favors sales, marketing, teaching, acting, reading, writing and editing. It's easy to persuade others to agree with you!
pisces Trust your financial judgment today. This is a good day for business and commerce. It's also a fun day to go shopping. In particular, you will enjoy shopping and exploring foreign artifacts.
aries The study of any subject will appeal to you today. You're very curious to explore ideas and other cultures. Travel plans are exciting. This is also a strong day for publishing, the media, medicine and the law.
taurus Discussions about the division of labor or the division of money will go well today because you are predisposed to being fair and generous to others. Hopefully, they will share your point of view as well!
gemini Collaborate with partners and close friends on big plans today. You're excited about something. (It could be related to travel or higher education.)
cancer You know how to express your ideas at work today so that others will jump on board. You're extremely enthusiastic! This is good, because enthusiasm is contagious!
leo You're definitely in touch with your muse today. This is a wonderful day for artists, as well as teachers. Show business, the entertainment world, sports, and hospitality industry also are blessed.
virgo Family discussions about how to expand something or take it to another level will be successful today. Any kind of group meeting or gathering at home will be a positive, upbeat experience.
libra Discussions with siblings and relatives are friendly and optimistic today. This is a good day to mend broken fences.
scorpio Write down your moneymaking ideas. You have big, expansive plans about how to boost your earnings. They might just work!
sagittarius This is a popular day for you. People want to be in your company because your enthusiasm inspires others.
capricorn You might be spiritually uplifted by something today. Time spent alone will be a positive experience. Background research could generate future earnings.
aquarius Don't be afraid to think big when you consider your dreams and goals for the future today. Too often, we fear success more than failure. (Failure is familiar.)
pisces Bosses, parents and VIPs will be impressed with your big ideas today. Your suggestions might include dealing with foreign countries or traveling to promote your career. Don't hesitate to use the media or publishing in some fashion.
aries Double-check travel plans, because they could be canceled or delayed. Similarly, anything having to do with higher education, classes, publishing, the media, medicine or the law will suffer from interruptions.
taurus Make friends with your bank account. Stay on top of your cash-flow scene, especially regarding debt, shared property, inheritances and insurance matters. Expect some glitches!
gemini Partners are feisty and independent today! Harmony is tough to achieve. Either you or somebody else could be demanding "more space" and freedom. Go gently.
cancer Expect computer crashes, power outages, fire drills, staff shortages, canceled appointments, delays and interruptions. Fasten your seat belt.
leo Parents should be extra mindful of their children today, because this is an accident-prone day for your kids. This also can apply to teachers. Romance is equally rocky.
virgo Your home routine will not go smoothly today. You might start off being out of coffee or burning the toast. Small appliances could break down. Minor breakages could occur. Aaargghh!
libra This is an accident-prone day. Allow extra time for everything. Don't push the envelope. Count to three before you speak to others in order to avoid a knee-jerk reaction you might later regret.
scorpio Guard your money and your possessions today. It's easy to lose things or break things. If shopping, keep your receipts. Everything having to do with your money and possessions is subject to sudden change.
sagittarius You feel a strong need for excitement today. (You'll get bored very easily.) Nevertheless, it could be nerve-wracking today, because life is full of little surprises when you least expect them!
capricorn You feel vaguely unsettled and restless today. Don't worry about this. It will be gone completely by tomorrow. Just slow down and allow extra time for everything. Relax.
aquarius Meetings, conferences and even casual appointments might be canceled today. People are very unpredictable. Even a friend suddenly might be rude to you. "Whaaat?" (Be patient.)
pisces Think twice before you open your mouth when talking to authority figures today. You might blurt out something you'll later regret. Feelings of independence and rebellion are strong! (Oops.)
aries Be careful today. Slow down and take extra precautions. Today's Full Moon can create an accident-prone situation for you.
taurus Tension about money and cash flow could arise because of today's Full Moon. Be mindful of your money and possessions. Don't be impulsive.
gemini Today is the only Full Moon in your sign all year. Naturally, you feel more emotional than usual. This means you have to be patient with everyone, especially partners.
cancer Underlying tension might exist today. That's because the Full Moon is taking place in a hidden part of your chart that affects your subconscious. Easy does it.
leo Be patient with friends and groups today because the Full Moon could cause tension. It tends to make people feel more uptight than usual.
virgo Today you have to face the classic dilemma of how to satisfy both family and home versus career and job. You can't be in two places at once! Just cope as best you can.
libra Avoid arguments about politics, religion and racial issues today. Don't get your belly in a rash. Be tolerant about the viewpoints of others.
scorpio Issues might arise today concerning the property of other people or anything you own jointly with someone else. Don't make a big deal about anything. People might be grumpy because of the Full Moon today.
sagittarius This is the only Full Moon directly opposite your sign all year. This means you have to be especially patient with partners and close friends. (It will benefit you to follow this advice.)
capricorn The Full Moon tension could cause problems at the workplace today. It might even trigger some health concerns. Whatever arises will be gone in 48 hours. (Whew!) Relax.
aquarius Parents and teachers must be extra vigilant with their children today, because the Full Moon could cause accidents and meltdowns. (Children feel the Full Moon just like adults do.)
pisces You cannot ignore the demands of career and your public reputation today; nevertheless, it's also tough to ignore your family. This is a classic Full Moon dilemma.
aries This is an enjoyable day because you feel positive and hopeful about your future. Isn't it amazing how our state of mind affects everything? Curious but true (and something to remember at all times!).
taurus This is a wonderful day for business and commerce. It's also a good day for shopping, wheeling and dealing, and buying and selling. Ka-ching!
gemini You feel hopeful and enthusiastic about something today. You might even be overjoyed. Travel plans for something having to do with groups will please you.
cancer Solitude in beautiful surroundings is just what you need today. You want to pull your act together so you can take it on the road.
leo A discussion with a female could lead to invitations or future travel opportunities. Meetings, committees, classes and conferences will go well today.
virgo Personal details about your private life might suddenly be made rather public today. Fortunately, it's all positive and perhaps even humorous. Enjoy your day.
libra Try to do something different today. Break from your daily routine. You want to learn something new; plus, you want some adventure! (Go someplace you've never been before.)
scorpio Focus on shared property and your responsibilities to others today. Taxes, debt, inheritances, insurance matters and anything that is jointly owned gets top priority today.
sagittarius You'll have to go more than halfway when dealing with others, because the Moon is opposite your sign today. Since people are so upbeat, this should be easy.
capricorn Relationships with co-workers are friendly today. News pertaining to a small pet could be quite joyful. Work-related travel is also likely.
aquarius You feel prankish and playful today! You want to have a good time. And why not? Life is short -- and fat. Playful activities with children, sports, love and romance are all areas that get a lovely boost.
pisces Invite people over to your home today. You'll enjoy any kind of gathering -- whether it's a family gathering or a group of people who want to study something together. People are in a good mood today.
aries This is a poor day for important discussions with partners and family members. People feel stifled in their emotions. You can't make ideas fly!
taurus Negative thinking is prevalent today. It's the kind of day where your glass is half-empty instead of half-full. Nevertheless, it's only your point of view that makes things this way.
gemini Your finances are crunchy today. You might be concerned about earnings. Why is there always so much month left at the end of the money?
cancer The Moon in your sign today makes you more emotional than usual. Unfortunately, a harsh aspect to stern Saturn puts a damper on things. Oh well.
leo It's easy to fall into negative thinking today. A little trick is to take your three top worries and rephrase them in a positive way. For example, "I'm so happy to be losing weight." Write them down.
virgo Someone older or more experienced than you might be critical of your ideas today. Don't let this get you down.
libra This is a poor day to approach bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs for permission, a favor or approval. The response likely will be, "talk to the hand."
scorpio Something having to do with travel, higher education or publishing and the media feels like a burden today. Avoid serious discussions about politics, religion and racial issues.
sagittarius You might feel unfairly treated in getting your fair share of something. Or you feel that others have been stingy with you. If this is the case, wait a day or two to discuss this.
capricorn Be tolerant in discussions with partners and close friends today. It's easy for people to feel bummed out about things. It's like there are negative spores in the air!
aquarius Don't let the criticisms or the negative attitude of co-workers, (especially people who are older or more experienced than you) get you down today. Just keep things light.
pisces Romance is in the toilet today. Children might feel like a burden or a heavy responsibility. Vacations and sports might encounter obstacles.
aries Today is the perfect day to make long-range travel plans, or plans about anything having to do with higher education and further training. You know what you want and you have the patience to wade through the details to make it happen.
taurus Focus on shared property, insurance matters, inheritances and how to invest money in secure ways. It's a good day for financial planning.
gemini Discussions with partners and close friends will be very profitable and productive today. Both parties are willing to consider whatever affects your long-range future.
cancer On your job today, choose work that requires attention to detail. You'll find it easy to focus today, and you won't mind doing routine stuff.
leo This is an excellent day for parents and teachers to discuss the education, care and maintenance of children. You're interested in their long-range future right now. (A good day to plan a party as well.)
virgo Get active with plans to make where you live look more attractive. Discuss renovations or decorating ideas with others. In fact, all family discussions will be quite productive today. (A good day for real estate deals.)
libra Business transactions will go well today. You have a positive attitude, and you're interested in practical results. A new friendship with someone older could begin.
scorpio Financial transactions and business discussions will go well today. Everything having to do with business and commerce is favored. People are sensible and practical today.
sagittarius You have a positive attitude toward whatever duties and obligations you face today. You're not worried about work. You just want results. (It's easy to be disciplined today.)
capricorn You'll get a lot done if you're working alone or behind the scenes today. In fact, you'll enjoy plugging away at something.
aquarius Group standards will be important to you today. You want to fit in, and you want to be viewed as sensible. You want to be an asset to the group.
pisces You're serious enough about your goals today that self-denial will not be a problem. You will give up pleasure today for results tomorrow.
aries For the next few months, you'll be more concerned than usual with plans for your professional life or your life direction in general. Discussions with bosses, superiors, parents and employers will be significant.
taurus Your desire to travel, study and learn new things will be strong in the next few months. Try to expose yourself to different things because you're unusually open to different possibilities now.
gemini Research and discussions about shared property, inheritances, wills and debt will go well during the next few months. It looks like you're getting your house in order.
cancer Mercury will be opposite your sign up until early February. This definitely increases your flow of communication with others, especially partners and close friends.
leo Busy you! The next two months are excellent for all kinds of mental work. It will be easy to be attentive to details and to concentrate on the job at hand.
virgo Games, mental activities, puzzles and reading for pleasure will appeal to you this month and next. (You want to use your mind for amusing diversions.)
libra Communication with a parent or a family member, especially somebody older, will be important in the next few months. You might withdraw somewhat to work on something privately.
scorpio The next few months will be busy (not a good time to kick back and relax). The tempo of events will accelerate! Get with the program.
sagittarius Focus on moneymaking ideas and business and commercial affairs during the next few months. Got a few ideas up your sleeve?
capricorn Mercury enters your sign today, and it stays until Feb. 10. This is most unusual! Normally, it stays only three weeks. You're going to be talkative!
aquarius Your ability to research something that is dear to your heart will be excellent during the next few months. You want to dig up all the information you can find.
pisces The next few months are the perfect time to examine your ideals and goals for the future. You'll think about group standards and groups you admire or don't!
aries Travel for pleasure and adventure will appeal to you in the next few weeks. You might fall in love with somebody from another culture or a different country.
taurus You can benefit from the wealth of others in the next few weeks. Expect gifts, goodies, favors and perhaps even cash!
gemini Relations with partners and close friends will be coochy-coo and pleasant in the next few weeks. Enjoy harmonious times ahead.
cancer You can get praise or a raise at your job soon. Relations with co-workers will be particularly smooth and friendly in the next few weeks.
leo Romance, love affairs, sports, playful activities with children, parties and just plain old fun will give you a boost in the next few weeks. It's time to kick up your heels!
virgo Use the next few weeks to entertain at home and redecorate or fix up your digs. You'll love whatever you do to improve the place.
libra If you look, you'll see just how much beauty there is in your daily surroundings in the next two weeks. This is the time to tell others how much you care.
scorpio It's a good time for business and commerce in the next three weeks. You might see new ways of earning money on the side. You also might buy beautiful things.
sagittarius Shop for wardrobe items in the next few weeks, because you will like what you see in the mirror. You feel more attractive and, certainly, more friendly with others.
capricorn Solitude in beautiful surroundings will delight you in the next few weeks. Give yourself a chance to smell the roses (which is always more fun than smelling the coffee).
aquarius Friendships can deepen in the next few weeks. A friend could become a lover. In a group situation, you might encounter someone who will become a friend. It's all good.
pisces Romance with a boss or someone older, richer or more experienced than you is likely in the next few weeks. Others might ask for your creative input on things as well.
aries You'll encounter difficulties if you have important conversations with bosses, parents, teachers or VIPs today. Delay this kind of conversation until Friday.
taurus Authority figures are tough to deal with today, especially if you have an agenda related to politics, religion or racial issues. People are not open today!
gemini Delay important discussions about shared property, inheritances and insurance matters until the end of the week. (You'll be glad you did this.)
cancer It's very easy to see the flaws and imperfections of partners and close friends today. Naturally, this doesn't promote the relationship! Just remember that we all have flaws, even you.
leo In a way, this is a negative day. But in another way, it's a good day for heavy mental work and tasks that require concentration and attention to detail.
virgo Artists and creative people can get a lot done today, especially the grunt work of setting something up or organizing your supplies. The same advice applies to sports.
libra This is not a good day to talk to parents and relatives. People are too easily critical of each other. Just coast, today.
scorpio Don't fall into a worry pattern today. It's easy to do this. Remember: "Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but gets you nowhere."
sagittarius Financial concerns are depressing today. You might be disappointed about financial matters, cash flow or the fact that you feel broke. (Is that hysterical laughter I hear?)
capricorn It's easy to feel cut off and lonely today. Some of you might have to say goodbye to someone. (It's always darkest before it gets pitch black.)
aquarius You might be disappointed in a friend today, or vice versa -- a friend could be critical of you. Conversations with groups are stilted and stiff. It's that kind of day. (Run away! Run away!)
pisces Don't let bosses, parents, teachers and authority figures discourage you today. The fact is, they probably are discouraged as well! Pessimism is rampant today. Fortunately, this is just a temporary dark cloud on your horizon.
aries Continue to grab every opportunity to learn more, by taking a course, going back to school or being curious about your surroundings. Naturally, travel is also a wonderful way to learn.
taurus You must face the responsibilities you have for the possessions of others. This means you also face their values. (Good luck!)
gemini While the Sun and Venus continue to oppose your sign, you have an opportunity to improve your closest relationships. You also have a chance to learn more about how you act in these relationships.
cancer Because you have an urge to get better organized in your life, act on it. Give yourself the right tools to do a good job.
leo Romance, love affairs, playful activities with children, sports, vacations, parties and fun, entertaining times are your focus. Kick up your heels a little!
virgo Go forward with decorating plans or any ideas you have to make where you live look more attractive. The next few weeks are also a wonderful time to entertain at home.
libra Short trips, increased time with siblings and relatives, plus busy errands keep you on the go. Get out and hustle!
scorpio The next few weeks are an excellent time for you to promote your earnings in some way, or to get a better job. You'll also enjoy shopping for yourself and loved ones.
sagittarius This continues to be a time when opportunities and people are drawn to you, so make the most of this. Enjoy schmoozing with others.
capricorn As your birthday approaches, work alone or behind the scenes during the next few weeks. Start to think about what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be all about.
aquarius This is a popular time for you. Join clubs, groups and organizations. Talk to others about your future goals, and get their feedback.
pisces Important people notice you now, because the Sun is at high noon in your chart. Furthermore, they see you in a very favorable light. Make the most of this!
aries Disagreements with partners and close friends are likely late in the day, because you feel very passionately about something. Perhaps the situation needs a little breathing space.
taurus Difficulties with a co-worker (especially a female) might arise today (especially this evening). You might want to give this situation a wide berth. Who needs trouble?
gemini Parents and educators must be patient with children today. Similarly, romantic partners must be patient with each other. It's easy for people to have meltdowns, especially this evening.
cancer Late in the day, family exchanges could be confrontational. People might use guilt or jealousy as emotional blackmail. Try to avoid this. (Ya think?)
leo Don't try to persuade others to agree with you today, because it isn't worth it. Instead of agreement, you'll get only an argument. Just coast through your day.
virgo You might feel obsessed about financial matters or buying something today. That's generally not a good way to make a purchase or to make important money decisions.
libra Do whatever you can to refrain from getting emotionally carried away, especially this evening. Heated emotions will blur your common sense. Not good.
scorpio Someone might be working against your best interests -- and doing so behind the scenes. Just be careful about this. Trust your gut instincts.
sagittarius Don't get your belly in a rash if you start to have squabbles or differences of opinion with a friend or members of a group today, especially later in the day. You can sidestep this, right?
capricorn It is rarely to your advantage to have an intense standoff with an authority figure -- a parent, boss, teacher or the police. Therefore, avoid letting this happen today and this evening. (You don't want to go there.)
aquarius Try not to get involved in heated arguments about politics, religion or racial issues today. They will just be emotional ego battles.
pisces Disputes about shared property, differing values or the wealth or earnings of your partner could get nasty today. This is not a good day to discuss these things. (Postpone this if you can.)
aries Travel plans look exciting today. This can be a powerful day if you're active in publishing, the media or higher education (universities, colleges and technical schools). You're definitely up for adventure!
taurus You'll have no trouble defending your best interests today if you have to share something or divide an inheritance or something like that. You're very good about going after what you want.
gemini Exchanges with partners and close friends are lively today! If others make bold suggestions to you, you're ready to agree to anything. (It's that kind of day.)
cancer You can get an enormous amount done at work today. You have the energy of two people! Nevertheless, you also have the ability to delegate today. (You're powerful!)
leo Make plans to play, create something artistic, enjoy playful activities with children or schmooze with romantic interests. Any sports event will get you cheering!
virgo You certainly have the energy to introduce changes at home today. You might also be introducing changes within your family and the way relationships are played out.
libra You can sell, teach, act, promote, market and explain anything to anyone today. Your communication is unusually bold and dynamic. Go, go, go!
scorpio Business and commerce are favored today. You're very aggressive about how you earn your money. You're equally aggressive about how you spend it. Ka-pow!
sagittarius You feel physically energetic today. You're ready for anything. It's a great day for new beginnings. You'll enjoy any kind of competition, but of course, you have to win!
capricorn You can do a lot behind the scenes today or just working alone. In fact, some of you might be having a secret love affair or be up to something that's hush-hush.
aquarius Enjoy schmoozing with others, especially in group situations. This is the perfect day to tell people what you want to do in the future to see what they say.
pisces Bosses, parents, VIPs and the police are impressed with you today. Just be careful that you don't come on so strong that you threaten authority figures.
aries This is a wonderful Friday. Enjoy good times with others. Get out and schmooze! Accept invitations to party. Partnerships are unusually warm and fun.
taurus Work will flow easily today. Co-workers are cooperative. However, more than that, bosses and VIPs really appreciate your efforts. (You can earn points today!)
gemini A new flirtation could be exciting today, especially with someone from another background or a different country. In fact, it might even seem like a dream come true.
cancer Family relationships are warm and friendly today. People are ready to help each other or listen sympathetically to each other. Encourage gatherings at home. Entertain friends!
leo Because you're so intuitive in your conversations with others, you will fit right in wherever you go today. It's easy to be upbeat, optimistic and friendly to everyone.
virgo Everything having to do with business, commerce and financial matters looks good today. You might boost your income, or you might find a new way to earn money.
libra You feel warm and friendly toward everyone today, and others feel friendly to you! You're also concerned for the welfare of others. It's a feel-good day.
scorpio Solitude in beautiful surroundings will please you today. Seek out little moments of privacy. Read a newspaper, go for a walk or a drive. You need downtime just for you.
sagittarius Group exchanges or a conversation with a female friend will be gratifying and rewarding today. You appreciate the fact that someone is willing to listen to you (and perhaps vice versa).
capricorn People see you in a very positive light today. Fortunately, some of these people are people in power -- bosses, VIPs and such. They notice your ability to network and relate to others.
aquarius Travel opportunities or chances to further your education are excellent today. Look around you. Something might open up where you least expect it. (Enjoy the beauty of your surroundings as well.)
pisces A sympathetic person might help you today or show generosity to you. Alternatively, you might share whatever you can with someone who needs it.
aries Enjoy your popularity. This is a good time to join groups, clubs, committees and organizations. This is not a time to go it alone.
taurus Be open to all kinds of opportunities that can come your way now because lucky Jupiter is slowly moving across the top of your chart. You can boost your good name among your peers.
gemini Travel opportunities, as well as opportunities to get further education or training, will abound now for you. Get ready!
cancer Be ready to capitalize on offers of generosity from others. Similarly, you can benefit from the wealth of partners at this time.
leo This is an excellent time for your relationships. It's also an excellent time to form new partnerships. (This is not a time to go it alone.)
virgo Look for ways to improve your job or find a better job, because they exist for you now. At the least, your evil boss will quit.
libra Creative opportunities abound for you now. Some will expand their families through children. It's a time of pleasant fun for you.
scorpio Continue to look for opportunities to make your home more comfortable. This is the year in which you have a chance to enjoy a happy family and domestic life. It's a good year to buy real estate.
sagittarius More than others signs, it's important for you to put a positive spin on life. If you believe there's something better down the road, that's all you need to know. (And there is, incidentally.)
capricorn Be on the lookout for ways to boost your earnings, because they do exist this year and even into next year. It could be something on the side, or it could be a new job.
aquarius Your good fortune still continues for the rest of this year and into the beginning of 2010. Make the most of this. This kind of blessing comes only once every 12 years.
pisces Increasing opportunities to feel content with yourself are all around you. In part, you might sense that you are headed for an extremely fortunate year.
aries Surprise gifts and goodies might come your way today. However, be very careful if you are responsible for the possessions of others. (Something unexpected might occur.)
taurus A partner or close friend will surprise you today, perhaps with an unusual suggestion or a request. Possibly, you will meet someone who is a bit bizarre or a real character.
gemini Something connected with your work could go sideways today. You might lose some paperwork, have computer problems or experience staff shortages. Be prepared!
cancer Unexpected flirtations could make your day! (Woo, woo.) However, parents should be extra vigilant about children, because this could be an accident-prone day for them.
leo Surprise company might drop by today. Unexpected company might cancel. Minor breakages or problems with small appliances and electronics could occur.
virgo This is a mildly accident-prone day; therefore, slow down and be extra careful. Allow extra time for everything. Don't push the river. Play it cool.
libra Keep an eye on your belongings and your cash flow today. You might find money; you might lose money. If shopping, keep your receipts. (Make friends with your bank account.)
scorpio You're certainly spontaneous and impulsive today! Because of this, you might catch others off guard with suggestions or your actions. Just stay light on your feet.
sagittarius This is a restless day for you. You have that feeling that you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. (Hopefully, it will be the same size as the previous one.)
capricorn Your relations with friends and groups might take a detour today. A meeting could be canceled. Someone unexpected could show up. You might meet somebody who is quite bizarre. Who knows?
aquarius Surprises from parents, teachers, bosses and VIPs are likely today. Something could make you want to rebel or quit your day job. Try to restrain these knee-jerk reactions.
pisces Sudden opportunities to travel or to take a course or do something unusual and different might pop up today. If so, grab them, because this window of opportunity will be brief.
aries Some media news might arouse your sympathy to work with a group or for a charitable cause. Friends will help if travel or educational plans are interrupted. Weird day!
taurus A surprise from out of left field about the earnings of others or anything you hold jointly with someone (debt, insurance matters, shared property) could occur. Or something could nicely boost your reputation.
gemini The independence of a partner or friend could promote travel opportunities for you. "I'm outta here!" It's a curious day.
cancer Computer crashes, canceled appointments and disruptions at work are likely today. Fortunately, the cavalry will rescue you. (I hear the bugle now.)
leo This is an accident-prone day for your kids. Be extra vigilant. However, unexpected flirtations and romance might be a real bonus!
virgo Domestic squabbles or surprises at home might be unnerving. Fortunately, good news will arrive about your job or your health (or possibly a small pet).
libra This is an accident-prone day, so be careful. Slow down and give yourself extra time to do everything. Beyond that, things are great! Enjoy schmoozing with others.
scorpio Be careful about financial speculation today. It's all a bit of a crapshoot. Sports-related expenses or the cost of entertaining might shock you. What's new?
sagittarius You feel restless and rebellious today. You don't want anyone telling you what to do. Fortunately, others are enjoying your cocky, confident attitude. You're on a roll!
capricorn This could be an accident-prone day for you because you feel so restless and impulsive. But if you slow down and think about what you're doing, you might hatch some moneymaking plans!
aquarius Financial squabbles or arguments about possessions with a friend or a group could be a drag today. But not for long, because with your buoyant optimism, nothing will pull you down today.
pisces Don't quit your day job if relations with bosses and authority figures rub you the wrong way. You're tempted to say or do something rash; don't do it. Something very good is cooking in the wings -- just waiting for you!
aries Because your appreciation of beauty is heightened today, give yourself an opportunity to enjoy beautiful surroundings. Visit galleries, museums, pleasing buildings or parks.
taurus Your sympathy for somebody might cause you to be generous to someone in need today. Or, vice versa, someone could show you kindness and sympathy.
gemini This is an excellent day to talk to partners and close friends about touchy subjects. You both will look for a win-win solution. (Cooperation is easy.)
cancer Grab any opportunity to show kindness or assistance to a co-worker today. You might introduce something new where you work that is of benefit to everyone, especially the little guy.
leo You're in touch with your muse today. You feel imaginative and creative! Entertaining diversions, playful activities with children and sweet romance can please you.
virgo Feelings of well-being with family members are strong today. This is a great day for family discussions. Listen to others with sympathy and genuine interest.
libra Trust your intuition today. Your vibes will lead you in the right way so that you'll say the right thing at the right time to the right person. (How cool is that?)
scorpio You feel unusually generous with others today, especially in a sympathetic way. However, you also feel generous with yourself if it comes to buying something you really, really want. Ka-ching!
sagittarius Your idealism is aroused today. You feel that you want to work for the highest good. Look for any little (or big) opportunity to do this as you encounter others today.
capricorn Your psychic capabilities are finely tuned today. Trust your gut instincts about anything. You can sense what is really going on.
aquarius Friendships are warm and mutually appreciative today. You feel supportive and caring toward others, and they feel the same way toward you. (Would that life were always this easy.)
pisces You might be surprised at the consideration or kindness that someone in authority shows to you today. Or perhaps you have an opportunity to show this consideration to someone.
aries Today's New Moon is the perfect day to think about what kind of further education or training could help you in your job or enhance your life in general. Any ideas?
taurus What can you do to get better organized with shared property, debt, taxes and possessions that you own jointly with others? Tie up loose ends here.
gemini Today the only New Moon all year that is directly opposite your sign is taking place. What can you do to improve your closest relationships?
cancer The New Moon is an ideal time for new beginnings and making resolutions. How can you improve your job? How can you get better organized in your life?
leo As children, we love to create! But as we age, we often drift away from this. What can you do to express your creativity?
virgo Focus on home and family matters today. What can you do to improve your family relationships? What can you do to make your home more comfortable?
libra Today's New Moon is a good day to observe your style of communicating to others. Do you listen? Are you clear in what you say?
scorpio This is the perfect day to think about how you can make more money or get a better job. How well are you handling your possessions? Are you on top of this?
sagittarius The only New Moon in your sign all year is taking place today. This is the time to think about how you can improve both your image in the world and your closest relationships.
capricorn It's important to take time out of your busy day to get in touch with your spiritual beliefs or your religion. What are the guidelines that give your life meaning?
aquarius Who are your friends? The people you hang out with influence your mind, which, in turn, makes your choices, which ultimately are your life!
pisces This is a good day for you to think about how you relate to people in authority. Do you respect them? Do you immediately rebel? How can you improve this area of your life?
aries Avoid political, religious or racial debates today, because heated debates quickly can become passionate arguments. Nobody likes these. (And nobody wins, either.)
taurus Discussions about shared property or sharing the cost of family situations or living together will be dicey today. Therefore, postpone these talks for another day. (Definitely!)
gemini There's not an easy give-and-take between others today. Quite the opposite. People are entrenched in their point of view and are quite rigid. Tread carefully!
cancer Be extra diplomatic at work today or with any issues that are related to your health. Disputes about money are likely. Just take it easy. (Also, avoid disputes with others about small pets.)
leo You feel very passionate today, especially physically. (Flirtations will not be so casual.) Sports will be competitive. Don't get your belly in a rash when dealing with children.
virgo You might be concerned about a romantic association or the responsibilities of children. This could lead to some heated domestic discussions. Stay cool.
libra Don't be so eager to get others to agree with you today. Does it really matter? A week from now, you won't mind any of this at all. It's just an ego moment. (Like a bad hair day.)
scorpio Don't go overboard when shopping, or even with your ideas about how to earn money. It's easy to be obsessed about something today. Chill out.
sagittarius You feel very passionately about things today. In particular, you want to get your way about money matters or perhaps something to do with something you own.
capricorn This is a poor day to ask for permission or approval from authority figures. Just play everything very low-key. Wait until another day.
aquarius Your enthusiasm in a group situation might be a tad overwhelming to others. Think about how you bounce off of other people. Try to see it from their viewpoint.
pisces Romance with a boss or with someone older or richer might begin today. There's definitely an element of passion involved! You also might insist on getting your own way about something. Easy does it.
aries Something unexpected will thrust you temporarily into the public eye. In particular, bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs (including the police) will notice you suddenly. Be aware of this.
taurus Surprise opportunities to travel somewhere or to get further training or education might pop up today. If so, act quickly, because these windows of opportunity will be brief.
gemini Gifts, goodies and favors from others might unexpectedly come your way today. "Yay, me!" Don't hesitate to accept something, or you might lose it. (You'll have to act fast.)
cancer People are unpredictable today. Partners or close friends suddenly might express their need for more freedom and independence. Possibly, you are the one saying this.
leo Expect interruptions to your work day due to computer crashes, power outages, staff shortages, canceled appointments or equipment failures. Just go with the flow. (What else can you do?)
virgo This is an accident-prone day for your children; therefore, be extra vigilant. On the upside, unexpected flirtations might make your day! Woo, woo!
libra Something will interrupt your domestic routine today. It could be as minor as burnt toast or running out of coffee (aargggh!), or unexpected company might suddenly drop by. Something will happen.
scorpio This is potentially an accident-prone day for you, so slow down and take it easy. Double-check your work. Give yourself extra time to do everything. Expect a few surprises.
sagittarius You might find money today; you might lose money today. Something unusual with your cash flow could occur. Ditto for your possessions. Therefore, keep an eye on things!
capricorn You feel restless today, but in a pleasant way. You have a desire for excitement. It's nothing overboard; it's subtle. At the very least, you might move your furniture around.
aquarius Surprise secrets could come out today. You might learn something quite unexpected. Alternatively, others might learn something rather surprising about you! (Oops.)
pisces You might meet a new and exciting friend today -- someone who is unusual or perhaps even bizarre. Or perhaps an old friend will do something quite unexpected. It's an interesting day.
aries You're restless for adventure today. In fact, because of this, something just might happen! An unexpected chance to travel somewhere or to take a course or learn something new might suddenly materialize.
taurus You feel flirtatious and very turned on today. You want something wild and passionate to happen. (Don't we all?) Guard against reckless impulses! We can't all be in the movies.
gemini Because you seek stimulation today, you might stir the pot with a partner or close friend and cause a little skirmish, especially by making someone jealous. (If you play with matches, you might get burned.)
cancer Surprise flirtations at your workplace might occur today. Even an unexpected invitation from a co-worker might catch you off guard. Expect snafus with electronic equipment and computers.
leo You feel playful, prankish and flirtatious today! However, on a more serious note, parents should keep an eye on their children, because accidental surprises are possible. (Your kids might be rebellious today.)
virgo Spontaneous get-togethers at home will please you today. You're in the mood for something different. Family members are unusually independent and opinionated! (Watch out.)
libra This is a mildly accident-prone day, so take it easy. Allow extra time for everything. Don't push the river. You might meet somebody who is bizarre or unusual today.
scorpio Keep an eye on your money and your cash flow scene today. You could find money or you could lose money. Impulse purchases are likely. (Keep your receipts.)
sagittarius You're unusually exuberant today! You want something different to happen. Because you're in this mood, you might meet somebody knew who is rather unorthodox or just plain weird.
capricorn Surprise secrets might come out today. (Let's hope they're not about you!) Quite likely, you'll learn something very interesting.
aquarius A friend or a member of a group will catch you off guard in some way today. Or perhaps, you'll meet somebody who is unusual and different. It's an interesting day.
pisces Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs are unpredictable today. Unexpected flirtations with authority types could be unnerving! (Whaaat?)
aries Wonderful opportunities related to publishing, the media, medicine and the law are at hand today. You also might get an invitation to travel or to study. Enjoy beautiful surroundings.
taurus You might receive a gift today or a loan from somebody. You definitely can benefit from the wealth of others. Romantic partners will enjoy sweet times.
gemini All your dealings with the public, with partners and with close friends will go extremely well today. You're in a feel-good mood, and you want others to be as happy as you are.
cancer This is a great day at work because co-workers are supportive. Opportunities for work-related travel will please you. You might learn something new or have a chance to teach something to others.
leo New love can blossom for some of you today. This is also a wonderful day for vacations, parties and entertaining diversions. Watch a game; catch a movie; enjoy playful times with children.
virgo The introduction of something high-tech to your home might be exciting today. (Or perhaps it's a piece of modern art.) Spontaneous get-togethers at home will be fun.
libra This can be a fun and productive day for teachers, actors, writers, salespeople and anyone who drives for a living. It's easy to enjoy the beauty of your daily surroundings.
scorpio Trust your moneymaking ideas today. Look for ways to boost your income. Similarly, you might be thrilled with a spontaneous purchase.
sagittarius This is a feel-good day! It's also a good day for financial enterprises. Legal matters can work out your benefit. People are generous to each other today.
capricorn You feel contented and warmhearted toward others today. It's easy to be patient and tolerant. If only every day was like this!
aquarius A new friendship or romantic relationship might begin today. This is the kind of day where friends can become lovers. It's also a good day to form partnerships.
pisces This is a good day to approach bosses, parents and teachers to ask for permission or approval. There's a good chance you'll get it.
aries You feel sympathetic toward friends today. In fact, your concern for others is so strong, you might join a group or work with others in a charitable way to help those who are less fortunate.
taurus Others see your compassion today. You will have an opportunity to be decent to someone who is in need, and in turn, this will trigger respect for you from others.
gemini Beauty inspires you today. You will enjoy discussions about religion, politics and philosophy or metaphysics. Big ideas are thrilling!
cancer You might receive an inheritance or a gift from someone today, especially if someone is concerned for your well-being. Alternatively, you might do fund-raising for those who are needy.
leo You feel loving toward partners and close friends today. You're genuinely concerned about their well-being. In turn, you know they are equally concerned about you.
virgo Because your ideals are aroused today, you want to improve your health, as well as improve anything that's connected to your job or your workplace. You know there is a better way to do things!
libra You're in touch with your creative abilities today. You're also in touch with the welfare of children. If you can do anything to help a child, you will.
scorpio Family relations will run smoothly today. There is an easy give-and-take between everyone. People are all pulling together to make things better.
sagittarius Wherever you look today, you see the world with more sympathetic eyes. Because of this, you more easily express your affection to others, which is a good thing.
capricorn Be careful about taking risks with your money today. Your idealism could lead you astray, because you think something is better than it really is.
aquarius You feel enormously idealistic today. You want to help whoever you can for both their sake and your own feelings of self-respect and satisfaction. (Never miss an opportunity to practice kindness.)
pisces An unusual story or event might occur today that arouses your interest in spiritual matters. You might be unusually psychic about something.
aries In the next six weeks, you'll be in the spotlight, particularly in the eyes of authority figures -- parents, bosses, VIPs and the police. Look smart!
aries Do whatever you can in the month ahead to push the boundaries of your experiences. Travel, take a course, go someplace you've never been before.
taurus Do whatever you can in the month ahead to push the boundaries of your experiences. Travel, take a course, go someplace you've never been before.
gemini It's time now to address loose ends with insurance matters, inheritances, shared property, taxes and debt. The month ahead is also great for research of any kind.
cancer Because a bundle of planets are now opposite your sign, you have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. This is no big deal. (You can learn a lot.)
leo Suddenly, the stars are boosting your energy to get better organized. Make the most of this! Give yourself the right tools to do a good job.
virgo The next six weeks are a wonderful time for a vacation. Do whatever you can to have fun! Enjoy movies, the theater, playful activities with children, sports and all the arts. Romance is hot!
libra Now your focus swings to home, family and domestic matters. Tackle redecorating projects. Family discussions will be particularly important now.
scorpio Busy you! Short trips, errands and increased reading, writing and studying are just some of the reasons you are running around during the next month.
sagittarius Money issues have your attention now. You might be able to get a raise or figure out how to make money on the side. You're also buying goodies!
capricorn For the next several weeks, four planets are in your sign, including the Sun. This hugely charges your energy! Expect opportunities and people to be attracted to you now.
aquarius Play it low-key and work behind the scenes, because the month ahead is a good time for you to plan your new year ahead. How do you want to 2010 to be different from 2009?
pisces Your popularity rating is going to increase during the next six weeks. Accept all invitations. Enjoy the company of others. Join groups, classes, clubs and organizations.
aries You feel restless today. You have the feeling that you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. (Let's hope it's the same size as the first one, because then you have a pair!)
taurus A friend might surprise you today. Meetings with clubs and organizations might be rescheduled or canceled. Expect to meet a real character today.
gemini Bosses, parents and VIPs are unpredictable today. In turn, this makes you feel rebellious. Don't quit your day job. (The feeling passes quickly.) Be polite in any encounters with the police.
cancer Romance with someone from another culture or a different background is possible today. Give yourself a chance to explore the creations of other cultures. Different religions, philosophies and concepts intrigue you today.
leo Surprise gifts, goodies and favors from others might materialize out of the blue today. If this happens, act quickly, because your window of opportunity is brief.
virgo Partners and close friends are rather independent and rebellious today. (Possibly the person who feels this way is you.) Just keep things light and friendly.
libra Computer problems, canceled appointments and staff shortages could create problems at work today. Someone might surprise you with interesting information. Hmmm.
scorpio Surprise flirtations might make your day today. Something having to do with romance, sports, the arts or children is completely unexpected. (But probably fun.)
sagittarius Minor breakages at home might occur today. You might burn the toast. Family members are impatient. It's that kinda day. (Cut people some slack.)
capricorn This is a mildly accident-prone day. Therefore, allow extra time for everything and slow down. Expect to meet someone new who is a bit unusual or bizarre in some way.
aquarius Keep an eye on your money today. You might find money; you might lose money. You also might see a new way to earn money! These same warnings apply to your possessions. You might find something or lose something.
pisces Guard against acting rashly today because you certainly feel impulsive! Don't be impatient with others or with your normal routine. Avoid work requiring attention to detail.
aries You're giving serious thought to your life direction today. You're wondering if you believe in what you're doing Somebody might persuade you to make some changes.
taurus Avoid arguments about religion, politics and racial issues. People are keen to proselytize or push their propaganda. (Don't be one of them.)
gemini Others might have ideas about how you should share property that is jointly held. These people might be persuasive! Think twice before you act on their suggestions.
cancer Refrain from trying to improve your partner or a close friend. (You're tempted!) Likewise, don't let others do this to you. Let's face it: It's just meddling.
leo You're so productive today that you're ready to move mountains! You want to improve how things are done at work; you also want to improve your health. Go for it!
virgo Those of you who are involved in sports can make headway because you see ways to improve your own performance or to improve the performance of your team. However, don't try to improve your romantic partner! (Like, duh?)
libra You can avoid domestic arguments if you avoid telling others how to improve themselves today. Hopefully, they will avoid doing this to you!
scorpio Your persuasive skills are very strong today. You can sell, market, teach or introduce anything to anyone. People are like putty in your hands.
sagittarius Give some serious thought to a new source of income. This is entirely possible for you to arrange or discover. You're taking a new approach to your earning power.
capricorn Take a realistic look in the mirror. What can you do to improve your image? Don't project your desire to improve yourself onto how others should improve themselves.
aquarius Your research abilities today are fantastic. It's as if you have X-ray vision. And in talking to others, you easily will see their hidden agenda. (Oh yeah.)
pisces You might meet a powerful friend today who seems intent on telling you how to do things. In turn, you might want to introduce new and better ideas to a group.
aries You're torn between the demands of partners versus the demands of parents and authority figures. It seems you can't keep everyone happy! Just do your best.
taurus The demands of politics, religion and tradition might conflict with what you need to do to respect your health and your job. Just be patient.
gemini The responsibilities that you have to children, lovers and yourself -- especially those that are financial and practical -- might present a juggling problem! Just do what you can do. (You have no other choice.)
cancer Today is a day where the happiness of others, especially family members and partners, is a strong consideration for you. Nevertheless, you cannot please everyone all the time!
leo Don't be worried about pleasing everybody. Fortunately, you have the energy now to work hard. You're not responsible for the happiness of everyone. Relax.
virgo It's hard to juggle your desire for fun and pleasure with your responsibilities to others (especially financially). Just do what you can. It is what it is.
libra Your challenge now is finding that line between martyrdom and selfishness. Somewhere in the middle is a healthy self-interest, especially with respect to family obligations.
scorpio Don't be worried about your responsibilities today. You are only a frail human like everyone else. No one is superhuman! Just do what you can (which is all you can do)!
sagittarius It's difficult to meet your financial obligations and, at the same time, go along with the crowd, especially groups and friends. (Have you noticed how much money your rich friends cost you?)
capricorn You might be physically tired today. You might feel impatient with restrictions and obligations. This just goes with the territory, don't you think?
aquarius Today there could be elements of self-sacrifice on your part. You're working behind the scenes to meet certain obligations and the expectations of others. Good luck.
pisces Your relationships with friends and groups might run counter to your resources, especially in terms of debt and shared property. Just make the best out of the situation at hand.
aries Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs from your past might be in your world again. Try to turn this to your advantage.
taurus Travel delays -- as well as delays in higher education, medicine, publishing, the media and the law -- are likely at this time. However, it's a good time to finish old business in these areas.
gemini Clean up loose details related to inheritances, insurance matters, taxes and debt. Actually, you might be forced to look at these areas anyhow.
cancer Old friends and ex-partners are back in your life again. Look sharp, because living well is the best revenge.
leo Errors, delays, cancellations and breakdowns in equipment at work will dog your step now and for the next few weeks. Just allow extra time for everything.
virgo Old flames are back in your life again. Similarly, many of you will be dealing with old issues regarding children or even hearing from children you haven't heard from for a while.
libra Relatives are suddenly coming out of the woodwork. They might even be camped on your doorstep! Stock the fridge. This is also a good time for house repairs.
scorpio You can expect lots of errors, glitches and delays in your life on a daily basis during the next few weeks. Fear not, they will be minor, but these things are always frustrating. Courage!
sagittarius Checks will be late in the mail, along with other financial delays during the next few weeks. You have to just accept this and make the best of it.
capricorn Today the planet Mercury is retrograde in your sign. This means you will have silly delays and errors, and suffer lost items and misplaced papers for the next few weeks. Join the club, we number millions!
aquarius Your ability to research matters of the past will be very good in the next few weeks. Look for solutions to old problems.
pisces Friends from the past are back in your life again. Some of you will be revisiting goals and making slight changes to what you want to do in the future.
aries You might experience a strong infatuation or flirtation with a boss, teacher or authority figure in your life today. You also might feel very strongly about making something look better at work.
taurus You're obsessed with ideas about travel, education, publishing and the media. You have this feeling that you simply have to do something different! You want a change.
gemini Because your romantic desires are very strong today, your attraction to someone might become an obsession! (However, someone else might give you a gift today.)
cancer Relations with partners can be very passionate today. However, even issues with professional relationships will be intense. Nothing is casual today.
leo A new romance that is work-related could begin today. Others will be determined to create a more attractive workplace. Some will want to introduce new health measures.
virgo Romance is hot today! However, this is a wonderful day for creative activities, sports and playful activities with children. You want to do what you want!
libra Redecorating projects at home are very exciting today. Look for ways to get rid of what you no longer need in order to make everything look more attractive.
scorpio You're unusually persuasive in all your conversations today. This is a great day to sell, teach, persuade and communicate anything to anyone. No one will be able to resist you.
sagittarius You might be obsessed about buying something today. Beware of compulsive spending. You have the feeling you just have to have something. (Keep your receipts.)
capricorn Whatever happens today, you'll feel unusually intense about it. Quite likely, it will be positive. The word "casual" is not in your vocabulary today.
aquarius Time spent alone, whether working alone or in quiet solitude, will replenish and restore you in some way today. Give yourself an opportunity to have this benefit.
pisces Conversations with casual acquaintances or members of groups might be heated today. People will hold very strongly to their point of view (including you!). Try to see where the other person is coming from.
aries "It was Monday. It was Monday all day." That's how things feel today. Relations with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs are stilted and a bit stiff. Keep your head down and your powder dry.
taurus Plans for education, travel or anything having to do with publishing and the media might look suddenly discouraging. All is not lost. Things probably will look different by the end of the week.
gemini You might be disappointed about your share of something. Others might seem stingy. Wait to see what happens. In the meantime, send out for dark chocolate.
cancer Relations with partners and close friends are rather distant today. People are all bound up in themselves. Conversation does not flow easily.
leo Authority figures at work are difficult today. That means this is a very poor day to approach anyone for permission or approval.
virgo Responsibilities for children seem to be a burden today. This just goes with the territory. Children are a responsibility, and that's just the way it always is. (You were a kid once, too.)
libra Relations with parents and relatives are discouraging today. Others won't go along with your plans and ideas. In fact, someone might really rain on your parade! (Oh well.)
scorpio You might have difficulty relating to others today, especially people who are older or more experienced. Relatives also will be cool or distant. It's easy to feel lonely today.
sagittarius Your cash flow and your financial scene might be discouraging today. That's pretty much par for the course for this time of year. Just tough it out.
capricorn People are unusually reserved today. This could make you feel withdrawn or a bit cut off from others. Don't worry about this. (It's gone in 24 hours.)
aquarius Many people feel lonely today. Don't worry about this. It's just a brief dark cloud on your horizon. This feeling will only last for a day or two, and then it's gone.
pisces Don't be discouraged if authority figures are critical of your ideas. People who are older or in power feel conservative today. Nobody's willing to take a risk.
aries This is an excellent day to make long-range plans with partners, relatives and siblings. People are in a sensible frame of mind, and they're curious to hear what you have to say.
taurus Business and commerce are favored today. If shopping, you'll want to buy something that's sensible, practical and long-lasting.
gemini This is the kind of day where you'll benefit most by demonstrating a willing acceptance of duty. Do whatever you can to create order out of chaos. Make things practical and orderly.
cancer You're in the mood to get better organized! Whatever you do probably will be done behind the scenes or by working alone; nevertheless, you'll accomplish a great deal!
leo Listen to the advice of someone who is older or more experienced than you. It doesn't mean you have to follow it; it is simply there as a guideline. What's to lose?
virgo Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will notice you today, and it will be a good thing. They see you as studious, reliable and conscientious. (Nothing wrong with that!)
libra You couldn't pick a better day to make travel plans or plans about higher education or further training. Similarly, it's a good day for medical plans or doctors' appointments, or anything having to do with legal matters.
scorpio Take care of loose details with insurance matters, inheritances, taxes, debt and shared property. Scratch some of these items off your to-do list.
sagittarius Be prepared to go more than halfway when dealing with others today. This is because the Moon is directly opposite your sign today. In two weeks, people will cater to you!
capricorn Routine, relatively boring work will not bother you today. Your physical comforts are less important. You simply want to get the job done.
aquarius Get organized about social events and anything having to do with entertainment and the hospitality industry. It's also a good day to discuss the care and education of children.
pisces Family discussions will be practical today. Listen to the advice of those who are more experienced or older than you.
aries You feel enthusiastic about wanting to explore something today. Either your ideas or the suggestions of others (especially relatives and siblings) are very intriguing to you. They sound like fun!
taurus Be careful about any big ideas you have regarding finances or making major purchases. This is actually a poor day to spend your money. Caution! Postpone major purchases just to be safe; wait until tomorrow.
gemini Everything looks upbeat and enthusiastic today. Indeed, you can enjoy this day. One tiny warning: Avoid making important decisions. Just laugh it up.
cancer It's easy to feel happy and content today. You won't mind enjoying your own company if you have to be alone. Try to relax as much as possible today. Mellow out.
leo Group activities will be fun and enthusiastic today. Accept all invitations. Enjoy the company of others. However, do not agree to volunteer for anything important (not today).
virgo Some aspect of your private life is suddenly in the public eye today. Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will especially notice you. Fortunately, it all looks positive!
libra You'll love talking to people from different backgrounds and different cultures today. You're in the mood to explore new ideas, new religions, new concepts and different ways of doing things.
scorpio Others might be very generous to you today. If so, just say "thank you." Consider yourself lucky. (But don't hold your breath; it could be an empty offer.)
sagittarius Relations with partners and close friends can be warm and friendly today. Enjoy the company of others; however, don't make important promises to anyone.
capricorn Others will help you work today. People are helpful today, especially in group situations. Nevertheless, allow extra time for anything that you have to initiate.
aquarius This is a wonderful, creative, fun-loving day. Romance, love affairs, sports and playful times with children will delight you. Set aside some time to play!
pisces This is a lovely day to entertain at home. Family discussions will go well. Even quiet time alone will be satisfying. Discussions with older relatives, parents in particular, can benefit you.
aries Today is the Full Moon, which is the classic time when you feel pulled between the demands of home and family versus the demands of your external world and your career. (You can't ignore your public life.)
taurus This is an accident-prone day for you. Take extra precautions when driving, jogging or walking. Allow extra time for everything. Avoid arguments about religion, politics, publishing, racial issues and the law.
gemini Disputes about shared property, insurance matters, inheritances and who owes whom what might arise because of today's Full Moon tension. Chill out.
cancer Today, the only Full Moon in your sign all year is occurring. Furthermore, the Moon is the ruler of Cancer. You definitely feel the energy today! Be patient with partners and close friends.
leo Your patience with co-workers, customers and people related to your job could be tested today. Just remember that everybody feels the tension of today's Full Moon.
virgo You're torn between your responsibilities with friends and groups versus your responsibilities with a romantic partner or with children. You can't please everyone! Just relax.
libra Tension with authority figures could arise today because of the Full Moon. Tread carefully! No matter what happens, you can't ignore your responsibilities with home and family.
scorpio This is an accident-prone day. Slow down and allow extra time for everything. Don't push the river. Think twice before you speak. Easy does it.
sagittarius Financial stress might occur because of today's Full Moon. You know what you want to do with your money, but perhaps others don't agree. Postpone these decisions for 48 hours.
capricorn It's hard to know whose interests to put first -- your own or the interests of others. The Full Moon is the classic time for tension with partners to arise. Be tolerant; be patient.
aquarius Today's Full Moon makes you feel vaguely irritable or restless. Don't worry about this. This feeling is gone in 48 hours.
pisces Friends or members of groups might make demands of you today. These events could conflict with your responsibilities for children or your romantic interests. Don't be bullied into anything.
aries This is an exciting way to start your new year! Romance, fun invitations, playful times with children, vacations, sports and anything that has to do with the arts are very promising now! Ole!
taurus Unusual events are taking place at home today. This is not your typical day. Unexpected people might arrive at the door. You can promote your reputation this year!
gemini You're eager for adventure and stimulation today. Conversations with others, especially relatives and siblings, will be full of little surprises. It's a great day! Expect to travel or get further education this year.
cancer You might dream up new ways of earning money this year! Some of you will get an inheritance or a gift from your partner or an external source. Yay!
leo This continues to be a wonderful year for partnerships for you. Others will be very supportive. In fact, today, unexpected gifts and goodies might come your way!
virgo You definitely can do something to improve your job scene this year. You can get a better job, a better boss, better duties or a better workstation.
libra You have a wonderful, romantic, fun-filled, creative year ahead of you. Plan a vacation sometime this year. You might meet the love of your life!
scorpio This is a wonderful year to enjoy great benefits with your home and family. It's also a great time to explore real estate speculation.
sagittarius It's easy for your optimism to be high this year. You believe in your future! Optimism and physical activity are survival factors for you.
capricorn Keep your eyes peeled for new ways to earn money this year. Most of you can boost your earnings. Some of you will buy beautiful things as well.
aquarius Your confidence and poise are increasing. (Even you can see this.) Recently, you've been able to pull off more than you ever thought possible! Life is good.
pisces For the first time since 1998, lucky Jupiter is in your sign for all of 2010. This will attract opportunities and important people to you. Lucky you! Expect the best, and make the most of this year!
aries You feel unusually playful today. This is a great day for sports, fun activities with children, social occasions, parties and -- most definitely -- hot romance! Woo woo!
taurus You have the energy to completely rearrange your living room today. Use this energy in a positive way. Avoid squabbles with family members. (Why not clean up the place?)
gemini You're amazingly convincing today. You can persuade anybody to agree with anything. It's a great day for teachers, actors, salespeople or people who drive for a living.
cancer You're in the mood to spend money today. Actually, you are one of the wisest money signs in the zodiac, so you probably know what you're doing. Go right ahead.
leo Both the Moon and Mars are in your sign today, giving you lots of gusto and energy! Be careful that you don't bowl people over. You're on a roll!
virgo You're doing something very private or secretive today. At the very least, you're working alone or behind the scenes. Something is very hush-hush. Hmmmm.
libra Go along with all kinds of group activities today -- committees, meetings, conferences, conventions, clubs and sporting events. You have positive energy to exchange with others!
scorpio Your ambition is aroused today. You're not afraid to go after what you want. Just make sure that your strong energy is not threatening to bosses, teachers and VIPs.
sagittarius Do something different today. Break away from your daily routine. You want to learn something new, and you want a little adventure. Go someplace you've never been before.
capricorn What can you do to clear up loose details about shared property, inheritances, insurance matters, taxes and debt? Try to make a small beginning here.
aquarius Conversations with partners and close friends are lively today! Be prepared to go more than halfway when dealing with others. Actually, you have no choice.
pisces Any effort you make today to get better organized will please you later. Do yourself a favor and de-clutter your surroundings. When your surroundings are neat instead of messy, your mind is calm instead of confused.
aries Important partnerships and relationships will be tested this year. Those that have outlived their usefulness will end.
taurus You're entering a two-year window of hard work. However, at the end of that time, you'll have accomplished a lot!
gemini No matter how old you are, for the next few years you are secretly going to wonder what you should be when you grow up. Children might be a responsibility.
cancer It's important for you to secure your feeling of home in the next few years. You want a home base that you can count on.
leo Many of you will change jobs, residences or both in the next few years. You've been reinventing yourself since 2005!
virgo You'll give much thought to your values in the next few years. Partly, you'll ponder how to earn money. But on a deeper level, you want to know what really matters.
libra You're starting out on a new 30-year journey. The last time this happened was around 1980-81. Fasten your seat belt.
scorpio In the next few years, you'll give up people, places and possessions because it's time to get rid of what is no longer relevant in your life. You're the one to do it!
sagittarius This continues to be a very strong time for you. Make hay while the Sun shines. Go with what works. Let go of what doesn't work.
capricorn You're entering a period of harvest in your life. Some of you will graduate; some will get an excellent job; others will get married or have a long-awaited child. Your cherished dreams can come true in the next few years.
aquarius You're entering a time of preparation. Do whatever you can in terms of travel or getting further education or training so that you can make the best use of the opportunities that arise in a few years.
pisces Your partner might be out of a job or changing jobs. For whatever reason, you have to rely on your own resources now. That's just the way it is.
aries This is the day to talk to bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs about whatever you want. You'll be tremendously convincing. People will sit up and listen.
taurus Do anything that is educational or exploratory today. You want to learn something new. You also want to have a sense of adventure. You want to expand your horizons!
gemini Focus your energy on dealing with inheritances, red-tape matters about insurance, taxes and debt. You have the focus to get things done today!
cancer You might attract somebody who is very strong and persevering today. If you feel a bit overwhelmed, step back a little. Be cool.
leo Because you're in the mood to get better organized -- and you have the energy and the follow-through to do so -- get busy! Capitalize on this urge. Get as much done as possible. Go, go, go!
virgo This is a playful, creative day. Take a long lunch. Leave work early (if you can). Enjoy sports and playful times with children. Flirt a little. (Wink.)
libra Family conversations are intense and lively today. Nevertheless, relatives, especially parents, will hear what you say because you will put so much of yourself into your words.
scorpio This is a great day for salespeople, actors, teachers and anyone in marketing, or anyone who drives for a living. You know how to take an idea (or anything else) from Point A to Point B.
sagittarius Because you're full of some good moneymaking ideas today, why not write a few of them down? Even if it's a get-rich-slow scheme. Just do it.
capricorn Your research abilities are quite astounding today. If there's something you want to know, you'll find out about it.
aquarius Relations with groups and casual acquaintances are quite powerful today. People will look to you for leadership or direction today.
pisces You might surprise bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs today. Without knowing it, you will display a sense of confidence and strength that they didn't know existed! (Maybe you didn't, either.)
aries It's easy to impress bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs today. You're diplomatic and smooth! Discussions about how to improve something or make it look better are likely.
taurus You'll enjoy any kind of study today. (Actually, it will be fun to hit the books.) Discussions about travel, publishing, the media, higher education, medicine and the law will go well.
gemini This is an excellent day to discuss shared property, inheritances, insurance matters or how to divide something. All parties will be amenable and cooperative.
cancer Don't hesitate to discuss important matters with close friends and partners today. Because the stars are smiling on you today, others will be open to whatever you say.
leo Your routine work will go well today. Whatever you do could earn you praise or a raise, because people are impressed with your smooth delivery.
virgo Playful activities with children will delight you today. It's also a great day for sports, vacations, arts and crafts, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry.
libra Family discussions will be pleasant and congenial today. This is also an excellent day to make repairs or to fix up your home to make it look more attractive. It's all good.
scorpio You can make money via communication today. It's a particularly good day for actors, teachers, salespeople or anyone who does marketing or drives for a living.
sagittarius You're full of excellent moneymaking ideas today. You might want to write some of them down. Obviously, this is a good day for financial negotiations and for wheeling and dealing!
capricorn Hold the phone! Four planets are in your sign: the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto. This draws a dazzling amount of energy to you. You can charm the birds off the trees.
aquarius You're so secretive lately! It looks like it's for a good reason -- you're doing a lot behind the scenes. This kind of energy promotes research.
pisces This is a lovely day to schmooze with friends. Any contact with groups, clubs and organizations will please you. In fact, a casual relationship could heat up into something romantic!
aries This is a poor day for important discussions with partners and close friends. People feel unfriendly, lonely and cut off from each other. Yikes!
taurus Just stick to your routine at work today. Don't rock the boat. Don't let co-workers discourage you. Someone older or more experienced might be critical. Just let it go.
gemini This is a rocky day for romance. If things go wrong, don't take it to heart. Don't say anything rash or do anything impulsive. Lots of people feel cut off from each other today.
cancer Family discussions are challenging today. Ditto for family businesses. People are more focused on problems than on solutions. Run away! Run away!
leo You're too worried today. Remember the saying: "Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but gets you nowhere."
virgo Why is there always so much month left at the end of the money? Financial matters seem discouraging today. Actually, they'll look better, even by tomorrow!
libra Today is the kind of day when you feel your glass is half-empty instead of half-full. Don't worry, because many people feel like this today. It's gone by tomorrow.
scorpio You might feel lonely and cut off. Or you might feel that nobody loves you. Don't worry; this is just a temporary dark cloud on your horizon.
sagittarius Someone older or more experienced might really bum you out today. Either this person is critical of your efforts, or he or she ignores you. Don't let this get you down.
capricorn This is a very poor day to ask for permission or approval from authority figures -- parents, teachers, bosses and VIPs. Don't even go there.
aquarius Travel plans or anything having to do with higher education, medicine and the law could look a bit bleak today. Just hang in there, because tomorrow, things will look different.
pisces You might be disappointed by your share of something today. Or possibly, you are the one who is reluctant to share. Either way, postpone discussions about shared property. Tomorrow, you'll have a completely different outlook.
aries Talk to partners and close friends. You'll enjoy relating to groups, especially about charitable causes or how to do good.
taurus Co-workers are supportive, and you feel the same way toward them. Suddenly, it's a mutual admiration society!
gemini Your creative vibes are hot today. Do anything that will allow you to express your talents. Romance can be very sweet and tender today (just like juicy corn).
cancer Family discussions will be mutually sympathetic today. Your concern might be that a particular family member needs help or sympathy. Do whatever you can to be supportive.
leo You might spend a lot of time daydreaming today. It's hard to stay focused because your mind keeps drifting off. Maybe you can try something creative that requires imagination.
virgo Be careful in financial transactions today. In one way, they could be extremely favorable, but in another way, you might be so idealistic you are missing something. Double-check everything.
libra You feel very sympathetic about someone or something today. In fact you might donate money to a group, club or organization because you feel it's the right thing to do. Good for you.
scorpio This is a wonderfully creative day. Enjoy pleasant activities with children. Find opportunities to express your creative talents. The theater, show business, the entertainment world, the hospitality industry and sports will flourish!
sagittarius Discussions with groups or perhaps with an individual friend will be energetic and imaginative today. Wishful thinking about travel to fun places will make good conversation.
capricorn People are impressed with your ability and your vision today. In fact, the people who are impressed are authority figures in your life -- parents, bosses, teachers and VIPs. Milk this for all it's worth!
aquarius Your appreciation of beauty is heightened today. Therefore, give yourself a chance to enjoy something lovely. Visit parks, museums, galleries and beautiful buildings. Enjoy your day!
pisces You feel sympathy for somebody who is less fortunate than you. Act on these feelings if you can. Do something to help someone who is in real need today.
aries With four planets at high noon in your chart, people definitely notice you now, especially bosses, parents and VIPs. It's as if there's a spotlight on you.
taurus Travel plans are so appealing. Basically, you want a little adventure in your life. You want to get out of Dodge. You want more fun!
gemini Be alert for the possibility of gifts, goodies and favors coming your way now. You definitely can benefit from the wealth and resources of others. Don't worry about attached strings -- just say thank you.
cancer Your focus is strongly on partners and close friends right now because four planets are directly opposing your sign. Nevertheless, this is a good time to mend broken fences.
leo You're working so hard to get better organized that you might get some praise or even a raise at work. However, you also might strike up a romance!
virgo If you can get away on a vacation now -- by all means, do so. Romance can flourish now. Good times, parties, sporting events, plus playful activities with children are good choices.
libra Decorating projects appeal to you now. You want to do something to make where you live feel more comfortable and look more beautiful. This is also a good time for real estate deals.
scorpio Retail, newspapers and service industries can make good money today. Communications with siblings and relatives are positive and mutually sympathetic.
sagittarius You're full of good moneymaking ideas today. But you're also equally full of spending ideas. You're tempted by goodies for yourself or loved ones.
capricorn This is an excellent day to buy wardrobe items because essentially, you like what you see in the mirror. You have confidence and poise. (You might even be a bit extravagant.)
aquarius Work behind the scenes or work alone at this time. In fact, you will enjoy solitude in beautiful surroundings. Use today to regroup, restore and replenish yourself.
pisces A casual friend could become a romantic interest today. All group dynamics will be very friendly, if not very, very, very friendly.
aries Disputes about sharing the cost of child-related expenses, romantic involvements, vacations or social events might annoy you. Talk to a boss or a parent about this later.
taurus Things are a bit testy today with partners and close friends. Later, exchanges with people from other cultures or from afar will be a good diversion. (Whew!)
gemini Differences with co-workers could be due to competition today. Instead, focus on getting what you want from others who have the resources and ability to help you.
cancer Parents must be patient with children today. Artists must be patient with themselves, and romantic partners must cut each other some slack! After all, you just want to be happy -- right?
leo Family disputes might arise today; however, they're avoidable. Turn your attention to your job or anything related to health and small pets.
virgo You might want to count to three before you respond to others today. Without thinking, you could be a tad harsh. Focus instead on fun activities with others -- especially children -- or anything to do with sports.
libra This is not an ideal day to relate to groups, whether they be small committees or large conferences and classes. Instead, bide your time. Avoid financial squabbles.
scorpio It's easy to be quarrelsome today. People are emotional, and so are you. Volatile outbursts are possible. Talk softly and carry a big stick.
sagittarius Because you might feel grouchy today, don't take this out on others. Feelings of uneasiness or dissatisfaction are at play here. Instead, focus on money issues. (When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping!)
capricorn To preserve your relationships with others, you will have to demonstrate patience today. (In truth, your knee-jerk reaction might be to tell someone off!) But what will this gain you?
aquarius Relations with partners and authority figures are a bit dicey today. People are emotionally explosive. They easily speak before thinking. Tread carefully!
pisces Avoid arguments about religion, politics and racial issues today. Similarly, publishing, the media and higher education could be contentious issues. (Lighten up.)
aries Be very careful with financial arrangements concerning inheritances, insurance matters or anything having to do with shared property today. Avoid going overboard. Be careful.
taurus Make sure you don?t promise more than you can deliver when you?re talking to partners and close friends today. You will be tempted to do this. Remain realistic.
gemini Avoid being excessive today, especially if you?re exploring new health measures or any kind of new health regimen or treatment. Similarly, you might agree to unrealistic deadlines at work. (Oops.)
cancer On the whole, this can be a fun-loving, creative day. Enjoy playful activities with children. Accept invitations. But don?t drink and drive!
leo Domestic and family situations will be upbeat and happy today. Nevertheless, avoid important agreements or promises, because it is easy to go out on a limb and later regret it.
virgo You feel optimistic about your future and whatever you?re doing today. You?re very hopeful about something. It?s OK to have your head in the clouds; just make sure your feet are firmly on the ground.
libra Be careful you don?t spend too much money today. Similarly, don?t be overly optimistic about financial arrangements, business and commerce. Check everything thoroughly.
scorpio This is a tricky day. Your financial judgment is a bit off. Extravagance, laziness and foolish generosity will tempt you. (Do a reality check.)
sagittarius You feel surprisingly content with yourself today. This is a strong time for you, because you see clearly what is working, as well as what is not! This is empowering.
capricorn Others might make promises to you that are more than they can deliver. If you are suspicious that this is the case, it?s probably true. Trust your gut feeling.
aquarius In an effort to impress bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs, don?t bite off more than you can chew today. Remain realistic about what you can deliver to them.
pisces You?re excited about travel plans or anything having to do with publishing, the media, medicine and higher education. Things look so hopeful! Adopt a wait-and-see attitude.
aries Romance with the boss could begin today. Whatever happens, people in power or authority view you with very favorable eyes. (You can turn this to your advantage.)
taurus This is a wonderful day to make travel plans, especially travel for pleasure. Because your appreciation of beauty is heightened today, give yourself a chance to enjoy beautiful surroundings.
gemini Gifts, goodies and favors from others will come to you today. Keep your pockets open. Some of you will benefit through your partner or from the resources of others.
cancer Enjoy schmoozing with the public today. Relations with partners and close friends are warm and friendly. Now is the time to mend broken fences with old friends.
leo Co-workers are supportive today. In fact, some of you might begin a romance at work. This is also a good day to earn praise, or even a raise. You're very smooth and diplomatic today.
virgo Artists can be unusually playful today. This is a wonderful day for romance. It's also a great day to enjoy time spent with children. Plan a vacation!
libra Anything you do today to make where you live look more attractive will please you. Tackle big or small decorating projects. Shop for goodies for your home.
scorpio Because your communication skills are so smooth today, you'll be on top of negotiations, buying and selling, and wheeling and dealing. Discussions with siblings and relatives go well.
sagittarius This is a good day for business and commerce. You see new ways of making money. If shopping, you might buy art or something attractive that will later increase in value.
capricorn Your social skills are well-honed today! People will truly enjoy the pleasure of your company, because you find it easy to be charming as well as genuinely interested in others.
aquarius A feeling of inner contentment gives you strength today. You're happy to be alive. Many of you will enjoy solitude in beautiful surroundings.
pisces Friends could become lovers today. Casual relationships definitely will be warmer and closer. The support of others is gratifying.
aries You are the artisan of the zodiac. You're excellent with your hands and when working with arts and crafts. Don't be surprised if someone asks you for your creative input today.
taurus Unexpected offers to travel or to get further education or training in some way could fall in your lap today. If so, act quickly. Say yes!
gemini Gifts and goodies from others can come your way today. Whatever happens, you stand to benefit from the wealth and resources of others. Lucky you!
cancer This is an excellent day to relate to partners and close friends. It's also a good day to mend broken fences. All's well that ends well.
leo New romance can spring up today. This is a good day for fun, games, sports, pleasure and all social outings. Enjoy playful activities with children.
virgo Something pleasant or unexpected might occur at home or within your family today. This could be anything from unexpected company to a surprise guest. (Sounds like fun.)
libra This is an easy day for teaching, acting, selling, marketing and driving for a living. Expect to meet new and interesting people today.
scorpio Sudden opportunities to make money could arise today. If so, act quickly, because your window of opportunity will be brief. Similarly, spontaneous purchases also are likely.
sagittarius You feel full of playful energy today. Because of this, you might attract all kinds of different and unusual people to you. Your day definitely will not go as planned. (Expect some fun.)
capricorn You probably feel restless today. It's as if there's a quickly moving undercurrent to everything. You're almost waiting for something to happen, aren't you?
aquarius Friends will surprise you today. Alternatively, you might very well meet somebody entirely new, someone who is different and a real character. It's an interesting day.
pisces Bosses, parents, teachers and authority figures in your life will do something unexpected today. Let's hope it involves a raise or some praise for you! Unexpected flirtations with someone older or richer also might make your day.
aries A romantic relationship with someone older, richer or more established might begin today. People in authority will surprise you today.
taurus Today you are genuinely curious about sudden opportunities to travel somewhere or to explore further education or training somehow. Romance with someone from a different background is likely.
gemini Gifts, goodies and favors from others will continue to come your way today. This is also an excellent day for fundraising or for getting others to help a third party in need.
cancer An entirely new way of relating to someone close to you might occur today. Or perhaps your partner or close friend decides to take a new approach with you. Just go with the flow.
leo New technology might be introduced at work today. Alternatively, you might feel so independent that you're tempted to quit your day job. Think twice about this.
virgo You feel playful and prankish today. Because of this, you spontaneously want to do things that you might not normally do. You feel like a child again!
libra New technology might be introduced to where you live. A family member might surprise you in some way. Something unexpected definitely will occur in your private life.
scorpio Today's full of surprises. Most likely, you will encounter new groups or new friends. Things will not go as expected today, but it will be fun!
sagittarius Keep an eye on your money today. You might find money; you might lose money. Spontaneous purchases, especially of electronics and technological equipment, will please you.
capricorn You feel playful, restless and highly independent today! In fact, you're in a teasing mood. Anything might happen, especially if you get your way!
aquarius You might discover a way to have a few moments of privacy today, possibly in a hidden little place, in an unexpected way. One of life's brief little joys.
pisces Your involvement with others, especially groups, will be exciting today. People are interested in your input, and you're interested in theirs! New friends will make you feel younger and more knowledgeable.
aries Today's New Moon is the perfect time for you to think about your life direction in general. Are you heading in the direction you want to go?
taurus Is there any further education or training that you can get that will help you in your job or career, or enrich your life in some way? Today is the best day to consider this possibility.
gemini What is your relationship to the debt in your life? It's good to develop a steady, ongoing plan to reduce your debt. Perhaps you need to define matters about shared property.
cancer How can you improve your partnerships or close friendships? This is the only New Moon all year that gives you an excellent chance for "a new beginning" in this area.
leo Can you think of ways to improve your job, how you do your job or how you feel about your job? The New Moon makes today a great day to make new resolutions.
virgo It's important to have a healthy balance in your life. Do you have a good balance between play, fun and recreation versus your work, obligations and responsibilities?
libra Every New Moon is a chance to make resolutions. Today's New Moon is the time to think about how to improve your home and your family relationships.
scorpio Are you clear in your communication with others? Do you really listen, or are you just waiting for your chance to talk? Think about this.
sagittarius What is your relationship to money? Do you think you are your bank account or your possessions? What are your values?
capricorn Today, the only New Moon in your sign all year is taking place. This is the perfect opportunity to think about the image you create.
aquarius Do you take enough downtime for simple moments of privacy to restore and replenish your state of mind? It's so easy to ignore this in our busy, hectic lives.
pisces Do you hang out with quality people? If you want to have more friends, the secret is simple: be friendly!
aries The delays dealing with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs definitely will begin to lessen as of today. Looks like things are returning to normal.
taurus For several weeks now, delays and interruptions regarding travel and higher education have been frustrating. Finally, all of this will diminish considerably. Whew!
gemini Mercury is your ruler, and it's been retrograde for the past month, causing havoc. Today this will start to reduce, and things will begin to return to normal.
cancer Recently, ex-partners have been back in your world. As of today, you can start to move forward with a more positive attitude. (Leave the past in the past.)
leo Everything having to do with your work has been aggravated by silly errors, lost items and delays. As of today, things will start to return to normal!
virgo Old flames and ex-lovers have been on the scene lately. You'll have a stronger sense of what to expect starting today.
libra Some of you have had relatives camped on your doorstep. Starting today, this energy will leave, and, hopefully, so will they!
scorpio You have suffered from transportation delays and communication mix-ups for weeks now. It will be a relief to learn that these delays will hugely diminish -- finally.
sagittarius Confusion and mix-ups with cash-flow situations, banking and even your earnings have plagued you lately. As of today, all of this will begin to disappear into the past. Things will be back to normal soon.
capricorn Mercury has been retrograde in your sign for weeks now. You might have thought you were losing it. It makes you forgetful and confused, and it's easier to lose things as well as to make silly errors. That's over as of today.
aquarius A general feeling of restlessness and uncertainty might have plagued you in the past month. You'll be glad to know that the cause of this is now fading away. Good!
pisces Although it's been interesting running into old friends, dealing with past issues and hearing old gossip, it's time to get your show back on the road. Starting today, it's all systems go.
aries You'll have a much easier time today if you are patient when dealing with groups. Little flare-ups with friends and acquaintances could cause a problem.
taurus Demonstrate grace under pressure when dealing with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs today. Don't blow your cool, because you could regret it later. (Act in such a way that you'll have no regrets.)
gemini Avoid religious, political and racial arguments or discussions today. Things will get heated too quickly, and nobody will win anyhow. (Think about this.)
aries You might have to defend your boundaries or your turf today with respect to shared possessions. Something will make you quickly feel quite territorial!
cancer You might have to defend your boundaries or your turf today with respect to shared possessions. Something will make you quickly feel quite territorial!
leo Relations with partners and close friends are mildly explosive today. This occurs only for a short window of time, but when it does, it's a doozy!
virgo Parents must be patient with children today. People playing sports must guard against accidents. Today's a bit of a crapshoot.
libra Avoid domestic conflict or difficult conversations with parents and relatives. Just let it go. You will lose more ground trying to prove something. (It's no big deal.)
scorpio This is a mildly accident-prone day. This is not an accident waiting to happen. Rather, it means that your own impatience, anger or irritation could distract you. It's up to you.
sagittarius Avoid arguments with siblings and relatives today. It's very easy to think that you're right, and to end up in conflict with others. Take it easy.
capricorn Squabbles and differences about cash flow, possessions or financial matters could arise today. These difficulties will be fleeting; therefore, hold your tongue.
aquarius Today the Moon is in your sign, but it is opposite fiery Mars. This makes you too quick to fight with others. Cool your jets. In your effort to win a silly argument, you could lose a friend. (Why do that?)
pisces Be patient with co-workers today. There's no need to prove that you are right about something. Just let things go. You'll be happier if you keep the peace.
aries This year, you will have an opportunity to explore your spiritual side in a deeper way. It's definitely a time of growth that will be meaningful for you.
taurus You have much to look forward to this year, because it's going to be a popular time for you! Expect to join groups, clubs and organizations.
gemini For the first time in 12 years, lucky Jupiter is going across the top of your chart, bringing all kinds of opportunities to you. Important people will be attracted to you as well.
cancer Opportunities to travel and to explore further education are excellent for you this year. (In fact, it's the best in more than 10 years.) Make the most of this!
leo Gifts, goodies, inheritances and bonuses through partners will enrich your coffers this year. You definitely will benefit from the wealth of others.
virgo Relationships have never been better than they will be this year. You'll find partnerships to be rewarding and much more full of joy.
libra You can improve your job this year, get a better job or improve your attitude toward your job. Perhaps your evil boss will be transferred. Something really improves your employment scene, as well as your health.
scorpio Plan on taking a vacation this year. Romance, love affairs, sports and playful activities with children are areas that will be sources of joy for you. It's your turn to party!
sagittarius This is the best year for real estate speculation. You also can improve your home, as well as improve all your family relations. Lucky you!
capricorn It's easier to have a positive attitude about everything this year. It's as if suddenly, your glass is half-full instead of half-empty. (Well, that's nice.)
aquarius You definitely have a chance to boost your earnings this year. Some of you also will increase your assets by buying something quite special.
pisces For the first time since 1998, lucky Jupiter is back in your sign. This year you definitely will increase your poise and self-confidence. It's your year to howl!
aries In the next six weeks, friends, groups and organizations will assume a greater importance in your life, and your popularity will increase. Enjoy these good times!
taurus The Sun is at the very top of your chart now and for the next month. This acts like a spotlight on you, and it makes other people notice you more than usual. Use this to your advantage.
gemini You want to get out of Dodge! Try to travel in the next few weeks. You're eager for adventure, and you're equally eager to learn something new. Just do it.
cancer You're going to feel more intense about everything during the next month. Just accept this and go with the flow. Your levels of physical desire are strong.
leo For the next month, your focus is on partnerships and close friendships. Actually, this is an opportunity for you to observe your style of relating to others.
virgo Since you're gung-ho to get better organized during the next month, give yourself the right tools to do a great job. Buy paint, cleaning supplies, shelving, file folders, whatever.
libra It's party city for you for the next six weeks! Enjoy romantic liaisons with others. New flirtations will be thrilling.
scorpio Your attention now turns to home, family and domestic matters. Discussions with parents will be significant. You'll also enjoy private moments at home.
sagittarius Busy you! Fasten your seatbelt. Short trips, visits with siblings and relatives, increased reading, writing and studying, plus busy errands keep you hopping for the next few weeks.
capricorn You're full of moneymaking ideas! In the next month, you'll be watching your cash flow more than usual. You're trying to cut costs, as well as boost your income.
aquarius The Sun is now in your sign, bringing you opportunities and increased popularity. It's your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year!
pisces Work alone or behind the scenes, because you need some quiet time right now. This is a good time to strategize what you want your new year to be.
aries The next month will be especially warm with friends and groups. You feel so full and friendly, and others feel the same way to you.
taurus You might be asked to give your creative opinion about something, especially how to make something look more attractive. This could happen anytime in the next few weeks. Say "yes".
gemini Let's hope you have a chance to travel because you certainly have the urge. In the month ahead, travel, adventure, and anything with higher learning, publishing, and the media will appeal.
cancer You can benefit from the resources of wealth of others during the next several weeks. Inheritances, gifts, goodies and favors will come your way. Lucky you.
leo Relations with others will beautifully improve during the next month because fair Venus paves the way for everything. New romance or committed relationships could begin.
virgo You might get praise or even a raise at work in the next month. This is also a good time for your health, except don't overdo sweets! (Easier said than done.)
libra Romance, love affairs, the arts, playful activities with children, vacations and fun social occasions will give your life a big boost during the next six weeks. Paint the town red!
scorpio Family relations are particularly warm during the next several weeks. It's easy to express your affection for others. It's also a good time to redecorate or invest in real estate.
sagittarius Expect to notice beauty in your daily surroundings more than usual during the next few weeks. You have your artistic sunglasses on. Relations with others are warm.
capricorn Your moneymaking ideas are looking good. Have faith in these ideas because essentially, you play it safe. (And you hate to waste money!)
aquarius The month ahead is a good time to schmooze with others. Relations are friendly. It's also a good time to shop for wardrobe items, because you like what you see in the mirror! ("I look pretty good!")
pisces Solitude in beautiful surroundings will please you now. You want some time alone to pull your act together before you take it on the road.
aries Do whatever you can to maintain your cool today. Because the Moon is in your sign, you're more emotional than usual. It's all too easy to bark at someone today. (Stay frosty.)
taurus Some days it's easy to feel content, with a warm feeling in your tummy; this is not one of those days. Therefore, relax and take it easy. Be patient with everyone. Things will be easier for you if you do.
gemini Disputes with partners or children about shared property and shared possessions are likely today. Don't make a big deal about things. Lighten up.
cancer This is a poor day to contradict bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Just let things slide. Do not awaken the sleeping giant. Arguments with authority figures will not go well and might only be regrettable.
leo Avoid arguments about racial issues, politics and religion today. People will quickly get vehemently angry (or snarly and critical)! Who needs this?
virgo Either you or somebody else feels very territorial about your possessions or your share of something today. This is a poor day for important discussions about these things.
libra Don't try to have important discussions with partners and close friends today. They will not go well. Just keep things light.
scorpio Although you might have great ideas about improving things at work or how to introduce reforms, don't do it today. People will squelch your ideas.
sagittarius Romance is rocky today. Ditto for relationships with children. Therefore, skate along lightly on the surface of things. Keep smiling.
capricorn Avoid family disputes today! They quickly will get ugly. All discussions with authority figures will be unproductive and possibly unpleasant.
aquarius Disputes with relatives and siblings might arise easily today because people are critical of each other or discouraging of each other. Naturally, this is hurtful, and it builds from there. Go gently.
pisces Your financial scene is discouraging today. The income you expected from someone else is either lessened or nonexistent! Bummer. Be patient, because this could be a temporary hiccup.
aries You might make a new friend today, especially someone older, more mature, more experienced or richer. Possibly, somebody like this will offer you advice.
taurus Romance with someone older -- especially your boss, a teacher or somebody in a position of power or wealth -- could begin today. Alternatively, others might ask for your artistic input on something.
gemini Long-range travel plans are promising. You might enjoy religious art today. Someone older might give you advice or you'll get an opportunity related to higher education.
cancer This is an excellent day to benefit from inheritances, legal discussions, insurance matters, money back from the government or anything related to a legal document. It looks like you're the winner!
leo Romance with someone older might begin today. An ongoing relationship could move to a committed level. (Wedding bells?) This is a great day to make long-range plans.
virgo Bosses and authority figures are impressed with your efforts at work today. You're making things run more smoothly for a long time in the future.
libra Artists and musicians can be particularly productive today. You have the patience to do your homework, to practice and to line your ducks up in a row.
scorpio You'll enjoy purchases for home and family that are practical and long-lasting. This is a great day to do anything related to real estate deals or redecorating.
sagittarius New relationships that begin today will be stable and conservative. Your discussions with others will be objective, realistic and concerned with practical matters.
capricorn This is a good day for business and commerce. You're in a sensible, practical frame of mind. You won't take risks, because you want long-term security.
aquarius This is perfect day to discuss problems. You have an objective frame of mind, and you easily see all sides of a argument. You might encounter somebody from a different class or educational background.
pisces This is a wonderful day for research. You'll be happy working alone or working behind the scenes getting data that will be helpful and practical for your future.
aries This is an emotional day for you because the Moon is in your sign. This makes you impatient with others. Guard against knee-jerk reactions.
taurus Perhaps because of chaotic activities at home (or for other reasons), you need a breather! Try to get some quiet time just for yourself to work or relax alone.
gemini You might have a meaningful conversation with a female acquaintance today. Or the conversation could be competitive and slightly challenging. Who knows?
cancer Some aspect of your private life suddenly will be made public today. Whatever occurs might put you on the defensive. Actually, it's small potatoes. Relax.
leo Try to do something different today. You're restless, you want some adventure and you want to learn something new! Go someplace you've never been before. Talk to people from other cultures and different backgrounds.
virgo Although you're focused on red-tape matters about insurance, inheritances, shared property and banking, do not make any permanent decisions today. Wait until tomorrow.
libra Because the Moon is opposite your sign today, you will have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. Don't worry. In two weeks, people will have to go more than halfway dealing with you!
scorpio You have an urge to get better organized today. However, this is a poor day to shop. It's a better day to just putter and put things in tidy, neat piles.
sagittarius This is a fun-loving, goofy day. It's the perfect day to kick back and relax, if you can. Enjoy playful times with children. Watch some sports. Grab a movie.
capricorn Your thoughts turn to home, family and domestic matters today. Discussions with family members might take a surprising turn. (They'll certainly be frank.) However, avoid important decisions today.
aquarius This is a busy day with errands, short trips and possibly shopping. Actually, it's a poor day for shopping. Above all, keep your receipts.
pisces You might be concerned with cash flow and financial matters today. Guard against errors or loss. This is not a good day for major expenditures.
aries Do what you can to keep the peace with partners. This is a challenging time for partnerships. Those that have run their course will end.
taurus In the next few years, you'll want to keep your nose to the grindstone. Fortunately, opportunities coming your way will encourage you.
gemini Expect increased responsibilities with children in the next few years. This is your window to figure out what you really want to do for the rest of your life.
cancer It's important to secure your home scene. You need to have a domestic situation that you can rely on. You need a safe haven!
leo Whether you think this or not right now, in the next three years, many of you will change jobs, residences or both. It would be wise to start to think about this possibility.
virgo You'll be giving a lot of thought to your value system in the next few years. It's important for you to know what really counts in life -- for you.
libra You are at the beginning of a new 30-year cycle. During this time, in the first seven or eight years, you will reinvent yourself! It's very exciting.
scorpio Start to get rid of whatever is no longer relevant in your life. Go through closets, drawers, garages and storage areas, and get rid of what is no longer necessary. Lighten your load!
sagittarius In the next few years, you're going to learn how to work successfully with others and yet, at the same time, maintain your own independence and integrity. (This is not always easy to do.)
capricorn This is the time in your life you've been waiting for. During the next few years, you'll feel proud of your achievements. Many will graduate, get a better job, get married or achieve a cherished dream.
aquarius This is a time of preparation for you. Think about what further schooling, training or even travel could better prepare you for your job or enhance your life in general.
pisces Disputes with others about shared property are likely during the next few years. This can be challenging.
aries You couldn't pick a better day to tweak your long-term goals for the future. Think about what you want to achieve. Think about how you want to work with groups.
taurus Where do you want to be 10 years from now? Five years from now? What can you do this year to start to go in that direction?
gemini Because your mind is very clear today, make long-range plans about travel, higher education, publishing, media, medicine and the law. Strategize your future.
cancer This is good day for discussions about shared property and long-range financial planning. You want to take care of that rainy day ahead.
leo It's easy to work with others today because you have natural discipline and self-control. Talk to partners about how to get better organized.
virgo Channel your energies into getting better organized today. You've got a lot of self-discipline today. That's why you'll get some good results!
libra Discussions about the care and education of children will focus on practical solutions today. You might want to teach children. (You're in a sensible frame of mind.)
scorpio Talk to a parent about practical matters, especially for the long-term future. You're willing to work hard to get things better organized at home. You want things to work on a practical level.
sagittarius Conversations with relatives and siblings will be concerned with practical, long-term solutions today. You won't waste time playing or goofing off!
capricorn When it comes to finances today, you want to feel secure about your job and your future earnings. If you're spending money, you'll buy practical, long-lasting items.
aquarius You're in an extremely practical, sensible, steady-Eddie frame of mind today. Plain vanilla. That's why you're so concerned with getting things done and not wasting time today.
pisces Any research you do today will be successful. You have the patience and self-discipline to dig deep to find what you're looking for. Dull routine will not put you off.
aries This is a lovely day to start off your week. You're in full gear, eager to communicate to others -- especially groups -- because you feel optimistic and positive!
taurus This is a pretty good day for business and commerce. It's also a good day for shopping. You easily can impress bosses and VIPs today. (Not a bad thing.)
gemini Today the Moon is in your sign, making a lovely aspect to everything. You might feel more emotionally excited about life. However, things will go well, and very much in your favor!
cancer This is a good day to work on red-tape items connected with inheritances, insurance matters, taxes, debt or work that you are doing privately. You will make great headway.
leo Get out and schmooze with partners and close friends today. All group activities will be upbeat and social. People will enjoy talking to you today!
virgo Something is going to happen (it could be minor) that draws attention to you today. But you won't mind it a bit because it makes you look good.
libra This is a playful, romantic, creative day! Flirtations are promising. Enjoy playful activities with children, as well as sports. Take time to socialize.
scorpio Family relations are positive today. Conversations with parents and relatives will go well. This is also an excellent day for real estate deals.
sagittarius Your communication skills are hot today. You're also in the mood to buzz around doing busy errands or take short trips. It's a go, go, go day!
capricorn Money and finances are favored today. Trust your business judgment. Things will go well at work (and even shopping could be particularly good). Ka-ching!
aquarius This is a lovely day for your sign! You feel tuned in to the universe. Whether you're working, playing or just enjoying the company of others, you're happy!
pisces This can be a peaceful, contented day for you. It's a good time to alphabetize your blessings. After all, one of the best years of your life is starting to unfold! Would I kid you?
aries This is an interesting day. It's a time when friends could become lovers. All kinds of intense, flirtatious energy is in the air. (And it's aggressive, too!)
taurus Today, some of you will fall in love with your boss or an authority figure in your life. Perhaps just a flirtation will stun you. Others will feel strongly about creative issues.
gemini You want to travel today. You want to go someplace different. You want adventure! Religious, political and artistic ideas excite you!
cancer This is a passionate day for your sign! (You will feel passionate with partners about intimate issues.) However, you also feel passionate about shared property and financial matters. Oops.
leo An interesting emotional tug of war exists today between you and partners or close friends. Even if you have differences, you'll enjoy the differences!
virgo You feel strongly today about health issues, issues at work or both! Perhaps you're defending your point of view? Whatever it is, you're not going to back down.
libra This actually can be a fun-loving, exciting day for you. Flirtations are passionate. Sporting events will be competitive. You want to have fun -- or else!
scorpio You're determined to accomplish something at home, perhaps related to renovations or redecorating projects. You intend to have your way. And that's it.
sagittarius Today, you're persuasive and forceful in all your communications. Because of this quality, it makes now the perfect time to ask for what you want. (Ya think?)
capricorn Financial matters are testy today. You might have squabbles about shared property or how you earn money. Disputes over possessions are possible.
aquarius Relations with others definitely are stimulated today! You can be passionate and sexy, or full of excitable arguments. Either way, your exchanges with loved ones are not boring!
pisces You're determined to accomplish as much as possible at work today. In truth, you might be better off working alone or behind the scenes. Give others a wide berth. (Forewarned is forearmed.)
aries Domestic discussions do not flow easily today, because people feel distant and cool with each other. This can apply especially to conversations with parents or authority figures. Fear not. The whole world feels this way today!
taurus You might feel self-critical and overly worried today. It's easy to make mountains out of molehills. Try to lighten up. This worried, fearful feeling lasts only for one day.
gemini Money feels tight today. You might be worried about cash flow, how much something costs or why there's always so much month left at the end of the money.
cancer Today the Moon is in your sign, which makes you feel more emotional than usual. However, it makes a harsh aspect to stern Saturn, and this could create a fleeting depression. It's gone in 24 hours.
leo It's easy to feel lonely and cut off from others today. This is not really the truth; it just feels that way. Life looks worse than it is.
virgo Someone older or more experienced might be critical of you today. (You need this like a fish needs a bicycle.) Try to give it little thought.
libra This is a poor day to deal with parents, teachers, bosses and authority figures. Everything will just go south in a New York minute. Postpone important requests for tomorrow.
scorpio Avoid disputes about religion, politics and racial issues today. Similarly, don't go up against teachers, professors or authority figures at school or in publishing and the media. Not today!
sagittarius You might be disappointed by your fair share of something. Others might seem stingy to you today. Wait until tomorrow to see how things really look.
capricorn Conversations with partners and close friends are difficult because either you or others act cold and insensitive. This is a classic day for genuine misunderstandings.
aquarius Be cooperative with co-workers and as tolerant as possible today. It's very easy to be ticked off by and annoyed with others, and vice versa! Easy does it.
pisces Romance is in the toilet today. The creative arts can suffer. Activities with children will seem burdensome.
aries Unexpected company might drop by today. Appliances might break down. Minor breakages could occur. It's an unpredictable day at home.
taurus This is a slightly accident-prone day, so be careful. In the same way, this can be a verbally accident-prone day, where you might blurt out something you'll later regret. Caution!
gemini Your financial scene is unpredictable today. You might find money; you might lose money. You might break something you own. You might find something you lost.
cancer You feel impatient and rebellious today. You don't want to be told what to do. If the wrong thing happens, it's going to be the last straw!
leo Out of the blue, some wild, wonderful ideas might occur to you today. You might see needed changes that could be made in your life. Improvements!
virgo If you're dealing with any kind of group situation today, whether it's a small meeting or a large conference, you will advocate for change. You see a better way of doing things.
libra You might want to tell authority figures what you think about things today. You'd like to open their eyes to needed reforms. Oh well. Good luck.
scorpio Unexpected travel opportunities or something having to do with publishing and the media might fall in your lap today. If a chance to take a course or go to school comes along, grab it.
sagittarius Gifts, goodies and favors from others might suddenly manifest themselves today. If so, act quickly, because this window of opportunity is brief.
capricorn A partner or close friend might stir the pot today just to see what happens. This is a pretty dangerous way to deal with a boring relationship.
aquarius New technology might be introduced to your workplace today. Possibly, technology can affect your health in a helpful way. Be open and flexible.
pisces Sudden flirtations might make your day! However, the outcome of sports likely will be surprising and unpredictable. (This is an accident-prone day for children in your care. Be aware of this, and be extra vigilant.)
aries The Full Moon tension today can cause difficulty with friends and groups. This makes dealing with children and romantic partners challenging! Stay frosty.
taurus You'll need extra patience today to deal with the challenges of home and family versus career and your public reputation. You just can't keep everyone happy.
gemini The Full Moon today can create accident-prone conditions for you. Therefore, be careful, slow down and allow extra time for everything. Be cautious when driving, walking and jogging.
cancer Today's Full Moon can create financial tension for you. This tension could be about disputes related to money matters or about possessions. It's your interests versus the interests of others.
leo Who are you going to put first today -- your wants and needs, or the wants and needs of others? This is the kind of dichotomy that every Full Moon can create.
virgo The tension from today's Full Moon could create problems for you at work or even with your health. You feel you have to make a choice. Perhaps you do. Choose wisely.
libra This is a rocky day for romance, sports, social occasions, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry. Everything seems to be bigger than life! (It's just today's Full Moon energy. Relax.)
scorpio Some aspect of your private life definitely will be made public today. People will notice you, especially bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Just be aware of this.
sagittarius This is an accident-prone day, especially related to travel. Take extra precautions. Similarly, avoid heated discussions about race, politics and religion.
capricorn You might have to fight for your share of something today. Issues about inheritances, shared property, taxes and insurance matters could come to a head now.
aquarius Today's Full Moon is directly opposite your sign, and this creates stress between you and partners or close friends. Your only alternative is to display grace under pressure. Mellow out.
pisces Don't be overly aggressive with co-workers on the job today. And don't be aggressive with other people if it's related to small pets, your own health issues or some kind of hygiene factor. It's just today's Full Moon madness.
aries This year will be increasingly mystical and spiritual for you. Don't resist this. It's a natural progression in a 12-year cycle.
taurus As this year progresses, you'll become increasingly popular! Accept all invitations. Enjoy the company of others.
gemini Bountiful career opportunities will come to you this year and into 2011. It's your time in the Sun! (The last time things were this good was 1998-99.)
cancer Travel opportunities, as well as chances to explore education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law, are wonderful for you this year! Make the most of this.
leo You will benefit from the wealth of others during the next 12-18 months. Expect inheritances, gifts, goodies, favors and the use of other people's possessions.
virgo Lucky you! In the year ahead, you will wonderfully improve your partnerships and closest friendships. Things will occur that make you appreciate these people in your life.
libra You have a wonderful chance to improve your job this year, or the way you do your job, or possibly, you will get a better job. At the least, your evil boss will leave.
scorpio One of the most playful, joyful and rewarding years lies ahead for you. Romance, love affairs, vacations, enjoyable times with children and the arts will be wonderful sources of delight!
sagittarius Your home and family scene will greatly improve this year. In fact, this celestial influence is so strong that real estate transactions also will benefit you. This blessing lasts into 2011.
capricorn For a variety of reasons, in the next 18 months, your happiness quotient will rise. You'll get more satisfaction out of life, and you'll feel more hopeful for your future.
aquarius If you play your cards right, most of you can boost your earnings in the next 18 months. Alternatively, some of you will buy beautiful things that make you feel richer.
pisces For the first time since 1998, lucky Jupiter is in your sign. This will boost your poise and self-confidence this year. Good things will be attracted to you.
aries Relationships are challenging. Something is coming to a head. Partnerships that have outlived their usefulness likely will end. Other relationships will have to make adjustments in order to endure.
taurus Health issues, as well as issues at work, are a struggle for you. It's hard to introduce reforms that you want. Therefore, resign yourself to whatever it is you can do.
gemini Issues about shared property -- especially shared expenses and responsibilities for children and the division of costs and labor in romantic relationships -- are tough. What improvements can you make?
cancer Family relationships, as well your relationship to where you live, require your attention now. Get rid of what is no longer relevant. Things are going to change.
leo You might face a residential move or job change you did not anticipate. If this lies ahead of you, just accept this. You can't fight it.
virgo Job changes or your attempts to find a new source of earnings are either blocked or they leave you with little choice. Just do what you can.
libra It's difficult to make the changes that you want to create. Avoid dangerous areas, especially related to crime or violence. Just be patient with yourself and the world around you.
scorpio You will have to let go of what is no longer relevant in your life, in terms of property, possessions and even people. Don't try to hold on to things. Lighten up!
sagittarius You need to learn how to relate to groups and keep them happy, and at the same time, maintain your own integrity and independence. Something has to give.
capricorn Avoid confrontations with authority figures -- parents, bosses, teachers, VIPs and the police. You cannot win right now. Be tolerant and patient.
aquarius Don't make a big issue about anything related to race, politics or religion. Similarly, with travel plans and plans for education, just do what you can. Don't push the river.
pisces You might not get your way when dealing with shared property right now. Whatever you try to do, you feel blocked. Therefore, search out the way of the least resistance.
aries Expect interruptions at work today. Computer crashes, power outages, canceled appointments, staff shortages and equipment breakdowns are likely. Grin and bear it.
taurus Parents should be extra vigilant today with their children, because this is an accident-prone day for your kids. Keep them safe. Sports and social events could be canceled as well. (Rocky day for romance.)
gemini Be patient at home today with family members. Accidents might occur. Emotional flare-ups could take place. Cut others some slack, and go with the flow.
cancer This is an accident-prone day for your sign. Take extra precautions when driving, walking and jogging. Keep your eyes open today, and slow down. Allow extra time for everything.
leo There is an unpredictable influence today that can affect your finances or your possessions. Therefore, take precautions. Guard against loss or theft. (However, you also might find money!) Yay!
virgo You might feel rebellious and impatient with others today. (You're restless!) Just acknowledge this, and don't make a big deal about things. By midweek, all is well.
libra Do whatever you can to remain calm and collected today. It's as if strange vibes out in the universe are making you agitated and impatient with everyone and everything. Press pause.
scorpio A blow-up with a friend, acquaintance or member of a group could occur today. (Best to keep your opinions to yourself.) You might meet somebody unusual and interesting.
sagittarius Something quite unexpected might thrust you into the limelight today. Eeek! Be prepared for this. Don't lose your cool. (Everybody is watching.)
capricorn Travel plans might be canceled today. Similarly, matters related to higher education could be canceled or delayed. Publishing and the media also are subject to rescheduling. Chill out.
aquarius Be extra aware of your responsibilities for the property and possessions of others. Something could go wrong in the blink of an eye. Expect the unexpected.
pisces Partners might surprise you with demands for more space or more freedom. (Or perhaps you are the one feeling this way.) These feelings will change in a few days.
aries Tread carefully when dealing with partners and close friends today. Don't react to criticism or negative comments from others. Possibly, you might be the one who is critical! (Oops.)
taurus An authority figure or someone who is older or more experienced than you wants to introduce reforms and make a clean sweep of things at work. You're not impressed.
gemini Children might be burdensome today. Romance is just as bleak and disappointing. Avoid power struggles that will only make things worse. Run away! Run away!
cancer Avoid difficult discussions with parents and older relatives today. People will be critical and unforgiving. (You need this like a fish needs a bicycle.)
leo Avoid negative thinking today. The truth is, things look worse today than they really are. Your glass is not only half-empty, it's cracked!
aries Financial matters look a bit gloomy. Salaries might disappoint. Expenditures might be too high. It's hard to make ends meet. (Things are not as bad as they seem.)
virgo Financial matters look a bit gloomy. Salaries might disappoint. Expenditures might be too high. It's hard to make ends meet. (Things are not as bad as they seem.)
libra Differences and heated debates with others make you cut yourself off. The result is that you might feel lonely and unloved. Of course, this isn't true! You just feel this way today.
scorpio It's hard to maintain a positive attitude today. Don't worry -- join the club; we number in the millions. This is just a passing dark cloud on your horizon. Have courage!
sagittarius Someone older, perhaps a friend or an acquaintance, might rain on your parade today. Don't take this seriously. What does this person really know about your life?
capricorn Authority figures are difficult to deal with today; therefore, give them a wide berth! Do not wake the sleeping giant. Don't ask for permission for anything.
aquarius Travel plans might be disappointing. Authority figures in medicine, the law and higher education might discourage you. Don't take this seriously. It's a temporary situation.
pisces You might be disappointed in your share of something. Perhaps you think others are stingy or unfair? (You could be right.) Wait until another day to defend your turf, because today, you lack the self-confidence and righteous indignation to do a good job.
aries What a difference a day makes! Relations with partners, close friends and even the general public are so much better today. You feel warm-hearted toward everyone. (They like you, too!)
taurus Relations with co-workers are much improved today. You also feel better about health issues. It's easy to take care of daily tasks at your job.
gemini Romance, love affairs, sports, playful activities with children and anything having to do with all the arts will please you today. Suddenly, it's a fun-loving day!
cancer This is an excellent day for real estate deals. It's also a good day for family business. In fact, family discussions in general will be positive. Buy pretty things for your home.
leo This is a good day for retail business. It's also an excellent time to relate to relatives and siblings. Writing, studying and communication in general are pleasant and easy.
virgo Business and commerce are favored today. It's a good day to shop. You'll enjoy buying beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. (Trust your moneymaking ideas.)
libra The Moon is in your sign today, and you feel great. Things are inclined to go your way. Therefore, ask for anything that you want to get a "yes" answer to.
scorpio Solitude in beautiful surroundings will please you today. Try to steal a little time just for yourself. It will help you get centered and will make you feel pleased with yourself.
sagittarius You're friendly today! Relations with females (regardless of your own sex) are very good today. Talk to others about your goals for the future.
capricorn Some aspect of your private life suddenly will be made public. Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will notice! Nevertheless, you come out smelling like a rose.
aquarius Grab any opportunity to travel today. Visit beautiful places, because you'll enjoy the beauty of your surroundings. Go to a park, museum, gallery or beautiful building.
pisces Others are generous and sympathetic to you today. Perhaps you feel this way to someone else who is less fortunate. It's all good. Kindness is the most important thing. (No doubt about it.)
aries You definitely can benefit from the wealth of others today. People will give you things. You also can benefit through partners and close friends. Yay me!
taurus This is a good day to form new partnerships or working units. Discussions with partners, close friends and members of the general public will go well. People are supportive of you.
gemini Don't hesitate to make suggestions at work about how to make improvements because others will listen to you. Similarly, you might want to listen to suggestions about how to improve your own health!
cancer This is a playful, fun-loving day! You might develop a crush on someone from a different background or a different culture. Vacation plans sound exciting! (It's a good day for financial speculation.)
leo Family relationships are blessed today. In fact, people find it easy to be generous with each other. Female relatives are pleasant and friendly.
virgo You're full of wonderful ideas, because you're in a positive frame of mind today. Your optimism is so contagious that others will want to be in your presence. Enjoy your day!
libra This is a good day for business and commerce. You're full of moneymaking ideas. Whatever you dream up could be a potential profit in the future.
scorpio Because the Moon is in your sign today, you have just a bit of extra good luck. Ask the universe for a favor. The answer could be yes!
sagittarius It's easy to feel content and pleased with your world today. This is important, because optimism is a survival issue for you. You have to believe there's something better down the road.
capricorn Friends definitely will benefit you today. This is good day to form working units or join in partnership with others. All group efforts will benefit others as well as yourself.
aquarius You make a great impression on others today, especially bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Quite likely, they will learn something about you that they didn't know before.
pisces Try to do something different today. Go someplace you've never been before. You want adventure and you want to learn something new!
aries Share your bright ideas with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. They'll be impressed. Conversely, they might have something surprising to tell you!
taurus Sudden opportunities to travel, take a course or get further learning might fall in your lap today. If so, act quickly, because your window of opportunity is brief.
gemini Gifts, goodies and favors from others will come your way today. If you want to take advantage of this, act quickly!
cancer Partners and close friends might surprise you with an unusual suggestion today. Or they might do something quite unexpected. Be ready to dance in either direction. Stay light on your feet.
leo The introduction of new technology at work is exciting. (Yes, there's always that painful learning curve.) Surprise news that is health-related or related to small pets also is likely.
virgo Unexpected flirtations might make your day. Some of these flirtations could blossom into new romance! You're full of creative ideas. (Parents should be vigilant about children, because this could be an accident-prone day for your kids.)
libra Surprise company might drop by today. Something else could upset your normal routine, but in a pleasant way. You might buy new high-tech gizmos for your home.
scorpio Expect to meet new people today, especially people who are unusual or a bit bizarre. This definitely is not a boring day! Expect the unexpected.
sagittarius You might come up with some good moneymaking ideas today. Do give them some consideration. You also might find money or lose money.
capricorn You're full of impulses and impetuous ideas today. It's a fun-loving day, but you might keep going off in different directions all at once.
aquarius You're restless and excited about something today. You might not even know what it is. It's sort of a general undercurrent that you feel with everything.
pisces A friend might surprise you today. Alternatively, you might make a new friend today. If this is the case, this person will be from a different background or quite different from you in some way.
aries You might learn something meaningful today. This is the kind of day when you could even experience a religious conversion or a strong spiritual experience.
taurus Someone might help you in a way that is actually life-changing. Your contact with others will be very powerful today.
gemini Be open to tremendous opportunities that might come your way today. Perhaps they appear modest at first. Something ultimately can really promote your name!
cancer Opportunities to travel, to explore further education or to take advantage of something in publishing, the media, medicine or the law are fantastic today. Whatever happens might even change your life.
leo Inheritances, money back from the government and the resources and wealth of others will impact you strongly today and in the future. This should be good news!
virgo Important discussions with partners and close friends might transform your entire relationship. However, it's good. You're willing to look deeply at things and see how to improve them.
libra Something might happen today that enormously improves your job, your health or both! The potential for something better in the future is very exciting.
scorpio Opportunities for vacations, love affairs, romance and all social occasions are abundant today. You also might greatly transform your relationship with children -- for the better.
sagittarius Something having to do with real estate, your family or where you live can be hugely improved today. Or perhaps the seeds of improvement are just planted now, and they will grow in the future.
capricorn You're full of wonderful ideas today. Believe in yourself. Whatever you do can enormously boost your reputation in your circle.
aquarius You have an excellent chance of doing something that will improve your salary or income. You might find a new source of income or find a better job. Be alert!
pisces You might gain power today or have a chance of making creative changes in your life. Don't use these opportunities for selfish purposes. The extent to which you can benefit others will magnify your own benefit.
aries You feel strongly sympathetic toward someone today. Perhaps these feelings will cause you to work with others to help someone (or others) in need.
taurus Romance for the boss or someone older or more experienced than you might begin today. Be careful! You could be looking at this person through rose-colored glasses.
gemini Your appreciation of beauty is heightened today. Because of this, give yourself a chance to enjoy things. Visit galleries, boutiques, museums, parks and beautiful places. Romance with someone from another culture could begin.
cancer People will help you today. You might get favors, money, gift and offers of assistance. Alternatively, you might offer the same things to someone who needs them.
leo Relations with partners and close friends are very cozy today. There's a mutual appreciation and a sense of loving concern for each other. (Aw, gee.)
virgo You definitely have opportunities to improve your job, through getting a raise or praise from others. However, you also might boost your reputation in the eyes of others by helping someone in need.
libra You're inspired today! Whether you're involved in the arts, show business or sports, you can come up with genius-like, imaginative solutions.
scorpio Act on your urge to improve your family situation or to beautify your home. There are many ways that you can improve your private life today. Kindness to family members is definitely one of them.
sagittarius You're highly imaginative today. You also will discover just how much love there is in your daily surroundings. This is reassuring.
capricorn When shopping today, you will be tempted by luxurious goodies! Something will be elegant and irresistible. Keep your receipts.
aquarius It's easy to feel warm and kind toward others today. You will work to do anything you can to make the world a better place, either locally, in your neighborhood, or globally, for the planet.
pisces Your humanitarian sense is aroused today. If you find an opportunity to be altruistic, kind and caring to others, you will act on it. You'll also enjoy peace and quiet today. (Great day for a massage!)
aries Travel plans will be canceled or delayed today. School plans (especially university and college) also might be rescheduled. Interruptions to publishing, the media, medicine and the law are likely! Press pause.
taurus Stay in touch with your bank account today. Checks could be bouncing! Anything having to do with shared property, debt and taxes might yield a surprise. (Oops.)
gemini Expect the unexpected from partners and close friends today. Someone might demand more freedom and space. Others might say and do things that catch you off-guard.
cancer Interruptions to your workday are likely due to computer glitches, power outages, staff shortages, canceled appointments and equipment breakdowns. Yikes! Just grin and bear it.
leo This is an accident-prone day for children in your care and, most especially, for your own kids. Be extra vigilant. Slow down and take it easy.
virgo Something will interrupt your daily routine at home today. It could be unexpected company, the breakdown of small appliances or trouble with technology. Tempers also might flare!
libra This is an accident-prone day. Therefore, slow down and take extra precautions in everything you do -- especially driving, walking and jogging. Think twice before you speak.
scorpio You might find money today; you might lose money. You might break a possession or find something you lost. Things could go either way -- it's a crapshoot.
sagittarius Today might be explosive, with all kinds of unpredictable events and surprises. You definitely will feel restless, nervous and a bit jumpy. (Not to worry.)
sagittarius Like Sagittarius, you feel on edge today. It's as if you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. This is a quickly passing feeling. Relax.
capricorn Like Sagittarius, you feel on edge today. It's as if you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. This is a quickly passing feeling. Relax.
aquarius A friend might surprise you today, or you might meet someone who is bizarre and unusual! Something might cause you to rethink your future goals.
pisces Don't quit your day job today. You might feel rebellious about any kind of authority figures in your life, including parents. Patience is your best salvation. Demonstrate grace under pressure.
aries Today begins with some difficulty, especially with parents, bosses and authority figures. (This includes the police.) But later on, you feel much happier about everything.
taurus Avoid arguments about religion, politics or anything connected with higher education, publishing, the media and the law. Friends and groups are supportive later in the day. (Thank heavens.)
gemini Although you might start this day feeling financially disappointed by the input of others (or lack of it), later, it improves! Relations with bosses, parents and VIPs are great. (Who knew?)
cancer Avoid squabbles with partners and close friends. This is a brief, passing moment. Later, everyone is happy because of the input of someone from another country or another culture.
leo You might be worried about something that is work-related or even health-related. Fortunately, later in the day, these worries disappear! (What was that all about?)
virgo Financial matters are disappointing today. However, late in the day, sports events and social invitations chase your troubles away. Yay!
libra This is a poor day to disagree with parents and bosses. Be patient with family members. Later in the day, you can get better organized at work. Even your health feels better!
scorpio Don't be victimized by your worries today. They will pass very quickly (especially if you drink a lot of water). News from work will elevate your spirits.
sagittarius Criticisms from older or more experienced people might get you down early in the day. Positive financial news lifts your hopes later.
capricorn This is a poor day to go head-on with authority figures -- bosses and parents, for example. Be patient. Later in the day, all is fun and laughter.
aquarius Travel plans or matters related to publishing and higher education might disappoint you today. Something makes you feel good, however, later in the day.
pisces Don't react to the criticism of others, especially female acquaintances. Friends are going to be supportive later in the day. Go with what is positive in your life, and ignore the naysayers. Always!
aries The month ahead is an ideal time for you to examine your goals for the future. Discuss your hopes and dreams with others. Their feedback will help you.
taurus In the month ahead, make plans for your professional life. This also is a good time to undertake any kind of studies that can help you in your career or in your life in general.
gemini Grab every chance for education or to study during the few weeks. You're eager to learn. This also is great time to travel. Everything interests you!
cancer Talk to others, especially partners, about shared property and anything you hold jointly with others. You might be influenced by someone now -- or vice versa.
leo Today, Mercury moves directly opposite your sign for the next month, making this a wonderful time to clarify important issues with partners and close friends. Try it.
virgo In the month ahead, you can accomplish a lot of mental work. Your attention to detail and your powers of concentration are excellent.
libra You feel playful and prankish during the next month. Enjoy fun times with children. Reading, writing and playing games will appeal to you as well.
scorpio Discussions about home and family issues will arise during the next few weeks. This also is a good time to settle issues in family businesses. Tackle repairs at home as well.
sagittarius The pace of your days is accelerating! Short trips, conversations with others (especially siblings and relatives), plus increased reading, writing and studying keep you hopping!
capricorn Now your attention turns to whatever you value in life, especially money, cash flow and your possessions. Trust your moneymaking ideas. You might see how to boost your earnings.
aquarius Today, Mercury moves into your sign to stay for the next four weeks. This makes you talkative and eager to communicate with everyone. You've got something to say!
pisces Your ability to study and do research, or to work alone or behind the scenes is excellent during the next month. Try to accomplish as much as possible.
aries During the next six weeks, make an extra effort to enjoy solitude in beautiful surroundings. You need time alone to pull your act together before you take it on the road.
taurus The month ahead is a wonderful time for all group activities. This is just the beginning of what is truly going to happen this year, which is that your popularity rating is going to soar!
gemini Some of you might develop a crush on your boss or someone older or richer during the next month. Others will be asked for their creative input about something. (Do it.)
cancer Travel for pleasure suddenly might be a possibility for you during the next month. Expect opportunities to take a course or further your education as well.
leo Gifts, goodies and favors from others continue to come your way. You're starting to ride the gravy train this year!
virgo Your relationships definitely are starting to improve. All partnerships -- both intimate and professional -- will give you satisfaction and happiness this year.
libra Already you can see opportunities to improve your job. You will get a better job or better duties, a better boss or a better attitude. Something improves!
scorpio Grab any opportunity to go on vacation. Romance, love affairs, sports and playful activities with children are sources of joy.
sagittarius You definitely can improve home relationships this year, starting now. Similarly, some of you will improve your domestic scene in practical ways as well. Ka-ching!
capricorn In the month ahead, you will have more opportunities to see how much love there is in your everyday world. Lucky you. (Look around you.)
aquarius Expect to shop for beautiful items for yourself and others in the next six weeks. You might buy art or other luxurious things. Others can dream up new ways of earning money!
pisces Relations with everyone start to improve now. You find it easy to be charming, witty, sympathetic and entertaining. Everyone wants to be in your presence. These good vibes are going to continue for all of 2010!
aries This is an excellent day to make long-range plans about your life direction in general. For starters, are you headed in the direction you want to go? Think about this.
taurus What kind of education can you get to improve your general future? It might improve your job or, quite simply, enhance your life. Perhaps travel is the answer.
gemini Make plans today to straighten out business about shared property, taxes, debt and anything you hold jointly with others. The next 24 hours are the perfect time to develop a strategy for this.
cancer What are your plans for committed partnerships? You can't hide your head in the sand. Very soon, you will have to make a serious decision.
leo Make some future plans about deadlines related to your job. The secret will be to stick to these deadlines!
virgo The next day or two are perfect for making long-range plans about vacations, sporting events and fun activities with children. What's it going to be?
libra This is an excellent time for serious family discussions about family businesses and family matters and also how to tackle major repairs at home. You want long-term, practical results.
scorpio This is a wonderful day for any kind of long-range planning. You're in a serious frame of mind. (Plus, the New Moon, which peaks tomorrow, is a lovely time to begin new ideas.)
sagittarius Think about how you can improve your income or boost how you might make money on the side. Trust your moneymaking ideas. If you buy something, it will be practical and long-lasting.
capricorn You're in a very practical frame of mind today. This is a good time to talk to others about what needs to be done. You're ready!
aquarius Your ability to research anything or seek out answers to old problems is wonderful today. You have strong powers of concentration; furthermore, you easily pay attention to detail.
pisces Talk to someone older, wiser or more experienced than you for advice today. See what others have to offer.
aries Quarrels with others are likely today. However, you can avoid them or certainly diminish their impact if you practice patience. Why not do that? (For everyone, including yourself.)
taurus Avoid heavy-duty discussions about racial issues, politics and religion. Similarly, disputes can arise about travel, publishing and the media. Chill out.
gemini Don't fight about who is responsible for what today. Avoid disputes about shared possessions. Table these discussions for another day (for your own peace of mind).
cancer You might end up quarreling with a loved one or a partner or close friend today. But why bother? It's the kind of thing that can blow over if nobody loses his or her temper. Forewarned is forearmed.
leo Things have been very testy between Aquarians and Leos lately. Your only recourse is to show some patience and tolerance. You can do this.
virgo Avoid squabbles about minor things with employees and co-workers today. It's simply your irritation that is showing. Instead, demonstrate grace under pressure.
libra A friend or a member of a group might disappoint you today. Perhaps you don't like this person's stance on something? Just move on.
scorpio Domestic disputes, especially with parents or authority figures, are likely today. Is it really worth ruining the harmony of your home? It's best to bite your tongue. (It's just one day.)
sagittarius Don't make a big deal about things today. Be careful when driving, walking or jogging. An angry mind is a distracted mind, and this can encourage accidents.
capricorn It's very easy to be at odds with others today, because Mercury, the planet of communication, is opposite Mars, the planet that rules war. Chill out!
aquarius Instead of losing your temper with others today, channel this energy into work. You can get a lot of research done. Go, go, go!
pisces Be patient with friends and groups. Just remember that you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. The tension of today will be gone by tomorrow, and you'll be glad you kept your cool.
aries You might have an opportunity to join a group or join efforts with others to help those who are less fortunate. Any kind of charitable activity will appeal to you today.
taurus Your imagination and vision can promote your career today, especially in the arts or anything having to do with the movie industry, high fashion or even something related to the ocean. You're clued in!
gemini Your appreciation of beauty is aroused today. Because of this, visit beautiful places -- parks, galleries, museums and beautiful buildings.
cancer Do whatever you can to help somebody else in need today. Possibly, others are helping you, if you are in need. Either way, today it's easy to be sympathetic.
leo Today, it's easy to idealize your partnerships or close friendships. This might be pleasant, or you might be disappointed in someone because he or she is not perfect. (Oh dear.)
virgo If you can help a co-worker today, you will. You feel idealistic about where you're working; in particular, you feel sympathetic to others. Perhaps others feel this way toward you.
libra Today you're in touch with your muse. It's the perfect day for people who work creatively or in the arts. You feel tenderhearted toward children.
scorpio Family discussions can be profitable today because people will be frank with each other, as well as mutually sympathetic. It's a good day to listen to loved ones.
sagittarius Don't be worried if you spend time today daydreaming and indulging in wishful thinking. We all need to fantasize sometimes. It's just the nature of being human, right?
capricorn You might go overboard today spending money on luxurious, elegant items. Think twice before you do this. At least, if you do go ahead, keep your receipts!
aquarius You feel very idealistic today. You also will feel compassion and sympathy for those who are less fortunate than you. You're willing to put the needs of others before your own.
pisces A friend might inspire you to do greater things today. Or you might join a club or an organization that wants to do charitable work. It's all good.
aries This is a great day for sports. It's also a wonderful day to perfect a technique or learn any particular skill.
taurus You'll work hard to get better organized at home today. Now is the time to reduce the clutter at home and restore peace where there is disharmony.
gemini You're unusually convincing today! You're dogged in your efforts to pursue what you want. You're unusually determined in all your conversations.
cancer You're willing to work hard to earn money today. You have amazing endurance and tenacity to do this. However, this same influence could make you work hard on a particular major expenditure.
leo Your energy is relentless today! You can move mountains. Capitalize on this celestial influence and get as much done as possible. Nothing is too much trouble for you today.
virgo Many of you are involved in secret activities or doing something behind the scenes. At the very least, you are working alone to get something done.
libra Join forces with others or with groups and clubs to get something done today. You have amazing energy to bring on board. People will be inspired by your steady effort.
scorpio You are truly ambitious today! Nothing can get in the way of working for what you want. You're giving everything your all. Furthermore, you're not going to let up!
sagittarius This is a great day to make plans for future travel, plans for higher education or both. The same energy can help you in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. You want results!
capricorn Tie up loose details about shared property or anything you own jointly with others. Your determination to do this can achieve a lot today.
aquarius You can either fight a partner or close friend or join forces with him or her. By far, the latter is your better choice. (What do you think?)
pisces This is a wonderful day to do anything that requires diligence, perseverance, determination and careful planning. You will work patiently toward your goals -- and find it easy to do so!
aries This is a lovely, feel-good day. You're willing to put the welfare of others before your own. (How noble.)
taurus What a popular day! Quite likely, you'll meet someone artistic and creative today. A romance with someone from a different background could begin.
gemini Your public reputation gets a lovely boost today. People think highly of you, especially authority figures -- bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Flirtations with important people are exciting.
cancer Travel offers, or a chance to get further education, might fall in your lap today. It's also a good day for publishing, the media, medicine and the law.
leo Gifts, goodies, favors and bonuses from others will come to you today. Some of you will benefit indirectly through your partner. Lucky you!
virgo Today favors all partnerships and close friendships. Someone might act like a teacher to you or expand your awareness about something. It's a lovely day to schmooze with others.
libra Anything having to do with your health or your job can get a lovely boost today. Two of the very best planets are hooked together, giving you a double whammy of good fortune and good luck. Yay!
scorpio Grab every opportunity to party today. Enjoy fun times, sports, show business, the entertainment world and a vacation. Playful activities with children are rewarding.
sagittarius This is a warm, wonderful day at home and within your family. It's also a fabulous day for real estate deals. Entertain at home. Buy beautiful things for your home or family. You can't go wrong!
capricorn Today you will have an opportunity to discover just how much love there is in your daily world. You also might notice the beauty around you as well. Corny but true.
aquarius This is a wonderful day for business and commerce. Pay attention to your moneymaking ideas. You'll also be tempted to buy beautiful art and goodies for yourself.
pisces It's easy to be charming and warm to everyone you meet, because you feel good about yourself today. (Others want to be in your company as well.) Enjoy your day!
aries Because you're in a talkative mood today, you'll enjoy interacting with others, especially in group situations. Younger people could be stimulating for you.
taurus Some activity that is behind the scenes or done while you are working alone might impress bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs today. Trust your gut instincts.
gemini A conversation with a female could be very enlightening today. You might discuss religion, politics, foreign cultures and unusual ideas. There's so much to learn!
cancer Some aspect of your private life, or perhaps your private business or something that you share with someone else, could come out in public today. A parent or a boss might learn something.
leo This is a good day to discuss new ideas with partners and close friends, especially about publishing and the media. Or perhaps you're interested in travel plans or something having to do with education and training.
virgo If you have some ideas about how to improve your health today, give them some serious consideration. New information about how to feel better can come your way.
libra This is a social day! Invitations to sporting events, movies, the theater and social occasions are likely. New plans with children might arise. Exciting flirtations also might make your day!
scorpio Tackle home repairs if possible today. They will be done quickly. Family discussions are emotional but real today, because people are ready to share their feelings.
sagittarius This is a great day to learn something new. It's ideal for reading, writing, studying, acting, selling and marketing. Your mind is very alert.
capricorn Trust your moneymaking ideas. This is the kind of day where you can fly by the seat of your pants. Your hunches are good, so you should listen to them.
aquarius Mercury is in your sign, making a nice aspect to the Moon today. This improves all your communication with others, especially females.
pisces Any kind of behind-the-scenes research will go extremely well today. You have an uncanny knack of knowing exactly where to look. You're very "tuned in"!
aries For the next month, think about what you want your personal year (birthday to birthday) to be all about. Why not plan your life instead of just reacting to whatever happens?
taurus In the next month, you will be popular! Join groups, clubs and organizations. Enjoy the company of friends.
gemini For the next four weeks, the Sun will be at high noon in your chart, acting like a spotlight on you. This makes others notice you, especially bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs.
cancer Try to do something different during the next month, because you want adventure and you want to learn something new. Travel anywhere if you can.
leo You'll feel passionately about your life during the next month. This includes intimate relations, as well as issues about shared property.
virgo You might be a bit tired during the next month. This is because the Sun is now as far away from your sign as it gets all year. Get more sleep.
libra You're gung-ho to get better organized at work and at home. Capitalize on this urge! Get the right tools to do a bang-up job.
scorpio Expect to have a playful month ahead. Look for opportunities to express your creativity. Enjoy movies, sports and socializing.
sagittarius Home, family and domestic issues are your primary focus for the next 4-6 weeks. Discussions with parents and family will be significant.
capricorn The pace of your days will accelerate during the next month because of short trips, conversations with others and increased reading and writing. You're busy!
aquarius Focus on ways to boost your earnings, and be aware of how to take care of what you own. The month ahead is about your cash flow and your possessions.
pisces It's your turn to recharge your batteries for the next year. The Sun is in your sign, attracting opportunities and people to you. This is going to be a fabulous year for you, because Jupiter is back in your sign for the first time since 1998. Yee haw!
aries Money issues are important today. While something behind the scenes supports you, squabbles with children or about spending money on fun stuff could arise. Patience!
taurus You might feel more emotional about things today because the Moon is in your sign. In particular, little meltdowns at home or with family members are possible. (Schmoozing with friends is fun.)
gemini Since you make a good impression on important people today, you might as well milk this for all it's worth. However, be careful about little arguments with daily contacts, especially siblings.
cancer Make travel plans or explore ideas in publishing, higher education, the media, medicine and the law. Discussions with a female will promote ideas in these areas.
leo Since your private life is suddenly made public today -- especially under the scrutiny of authority figures, like bosses and VIPs -- be very careful. A public argument is possible. (Don't lose face.)
virgo Do something different today. Go someplace you've never been before. Talk to people from other cultures. You want a change of scenery.
libra Disputes with others (friends or groups) about shared property or how to spend an allotted amount of money might arise today. Fortunately, things at work are good.
scorpio Be patient with partners and close friends. A fleeting blowup could occur (very brief). Fun social times are the order of the day.
sagittarius Be patient with co-workers today. Instead, turn your attention to family and events at home, because here is where you will have positive experiences.
capricorn Sports, parties, the arts, show business and playful activities with children are sources of joy and pleasure for you today. (Try not to squabble about shared property with someone else.)
aquarius Disputes with partners at home might flare up today. Oy! However, on the whole, this is a pleasant day. Guard against spending too much money on something. (Might this be the source of the arguments?)
pisces Don't be impatient with others today, especially at work. Instead, show your positive side, because this is your winning year! Put on your game face.
aries This is a year when your spirituality and inner being can mature in a positive way. Primarily, it's because you'll find it easier to put the needs of others before your own.
taurus Since this is going to be one of the most popular years you've had in more than a decade, get used to it. You're learning that the way to have more friends is to be friendly!
gemini You have an opportunity to promote your good name this year. Something will happen that elevates your reputation in your own little circle.
cancer Travel opportunities and chances to promote yourself in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and anything having to do with higher education bode well for you this year. Pack your bags!
leo This year you definitely can benefit from the wealth and resources of others. Keep your pockets open. Don't be afraid to accept what is offered to you.
virgo Do remember that this year you can improve your closest friendships and partnerships. Even relations with the general public will improve. Everyone loves you.
libra Continue to look for ways to improve your job, your work area, your duties or even to get a better job. All these things are possible this year.
scorpio What a playful, promising year ahead! Love affairs, romance, fun vacations, sports, enjoyable activities with children and the creative arts are a blessing for you in 2010.
sagittarius Not since 1998 have you had such a wonderful opportunity to improve your family life, your home and your domestic scene. This is also a wonderful year for real estate.
capricorn Because your daily optimism is higher this year, you're a happier person. Because you're a happier person, others want to be in your company. Because others want to be in your company, you feel loved.
aquarius There is very good potential with your earnings this year. Important purchases will make you feel richer as well.
pisces You are the winning sign this year! Lucky Jupiter is back in Pisces for the first time since 1998. You're surrounded by horseshoes.
aries This is an excellent day for long-range planning. Talk to daily contacts, siblings and relatives about future plans, because these conversations will be productive.
taurus You're in a sensible frame of mind today with respect to money, possessions and your cash flow. It's a good day for practical decisions about business and commerce.
gemini Because the Moon is in your sign today, you might be more excitable or emotional than usual. You're concerned with getting doable results.
cancer Someone older might help you with a behind-the-scenes or secret project today. Listen to the advice of those who have more experience than you. You have nothing to lose.
leo Someone older, more experienced or wiser likely will comment on your ideas today. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. Listen to what is offered.
virgo Bosses, parents, teachers and authority figures are impressed with your reliable, cautious, practical approach to things. They're interested in cost-cutting results.
libra This is a good day to make future travel plans and decisions about higher education, medicine, law plus anything having to do with publishing and the media. You know what you're doing.
scorpio Summon up the patience to deal with red-tape details about wills, inheritances, taxes, shared property and debt. Get done as much as you can today, because you have the concentration necessary for the job.
sagittarius Someone older might want to guide you on a project or advise you on something. Possibly, you are the older person wanting to advise somebody else. It's a good thing.
capricorn Discussions with authority figures, bosses, teachers and such will go well today. Because you come across as reliable and competent, they are willing to listen to you.
aquarius Discussions about the care and maintenance of children will be productive today. Romantic partners might agree about the division of labor or how to share expenses.
pisces Parents or elders within your family must be respected today. Younger people should listen to the advice of older people. Much can be gained by doing so.
aries This is a busy day, full of new contacts, new ideas and new discoveries. Be open to what life has to offer you!
taurus Make friends with your bank account. Stay in touch with your cash-flow scene. Stay in touch with your money scene or how you earn money.
gemini Because the Moon is in your sign today, you have just a little bit of extra good luck. Ask for anything if you want a "yes" answer. You just might get it.
cancer Work alone or behind the scenes today if possible. You need a little peace and quiet. Life has been very stimulating lately!
leo A female friend might be very glad to talk today. In turn, you can benefit by sharing your dreams and hopes for the future with others, because their feedback could be helpful to you.
virgo Certain details about your private life are suddenly made public today, especially in front of bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Be prepared for this.
libra Try to do something different today. Shake it up a little! If you can learn something new or go someplace you've never been before, you'll find it rewarding and satisfying.
scorpio Because you have vacation and party plans in mind, you might need to line up the support and resources of others. This is the day to think about these practical details.
sagittarius Be prepared to go more than halfway when dealing with others today, because the Moon is entirely opposite your sign. It's not a big deal. You can do this.
capricorn Make that to-do list today, and see how much you can get done. Whatever you do to get better organized in your job and at home will please you.
aquarius Sports, movies, games, parties, many vacations, playful activities with children, plus flirtations, romance and love affairs are all tops on the menu for you today! (And it's Monday.)
pisces Spend time today focusing on family events or puttering around at home if possible. You need to pay more attention to parents and your domestic scene.
aries This is the kind of day when you might find something that was lost or might discover a secret. Certainly, any kind of research will pay off handsomely! You'll get results.
taurus This is an unusually strong day for you. You have the strength to confront a group of people in a meeting or a class or even a convention, and tell them what you think. Bravo!
gemini You can change how other people think of you today. You seem to project a new image. Perhaps you can modify your reputation to make others think more highly of you.
cancer Today, you have a lovely opportunity to explore new learning or meet people from other cultures and different countries. Travel, publishing and the media could make a difference in your life.
leo Look for ways to use what other people own. You might see a completely new use for something. People can help you today.
virgo An honest discussion with partners and close friends can improve your relationship or transform it in some way for the better today. Don't be afraid to put your cards on the table.
libra You can introduce improvements and reform at work today. Similarly, you can come up with ways to improve your health. You know how to make things better today!
scorpio You're very creative today. Because of this, you might put a new spin on something so that everybody has a good time -- including you. (Passionate romance might blossom!)
sagittarius Get rid of garbage at home today. Organize clutter. Recycle or give away what you no longer use. This is a good day to make improvements to where you live.
capricorn You're so persuasive today! This is a wonderful day to sell, market, teach, influence or even drive somewhere.
aquarius Be on the lookout for new ways to earn money or to make a little something on the side. (You're very resourceful today.)
pisces You can make changes in your immediate environment to improve things. Seize any opportunity that comes your way today. Quite likely, you will gain more power in some situation.
aries It's easy to feel generous and sympathetic toward family members today, especially parents and female relatives. Family gatherings will be warm and friendly.
taurus You're in an upbeat, optimistic frame of mind. You feel good about your future. You have that feeling that something better is around the corner. Glory hallelujah!
gemini Trust your moneymaking ideas today. You easily will find ways to impress bosses, parents and VIPs, and in turn, this could lead to an increase in your earnings. Ka-ching!
cancer The Moon is in your sign today, making a lovely aspect to fair Venus and moneybags Jupiter. This is a positive, winning day for you! Go for it!
leo You feel quietly content with the world today. You're pleased with how life is unfolding. In particular, relations with partners and close friends are rewarding and heartwarming.
virgo A female acquaintance might help you at work today. Again, someone you know (probably a female) can help you with health issues today. Listen to the advice of others.
libra Parents, bosses, teachers and VIPs notice you today. For some reason, you catch the eye of everyone. In fact, probably, aspects of your private life are suddenly made public. Yikes! (You won't mind.)
scorpio Do something different today. Go someplace you've never been before. You will meet someone you truly like (perhaps love?) from another culture or a different country.
sagittarius Gifts, goodies and favors from others can come your way today. You definitely will benefit from the resources of others or the wealth of your partner.
capricorn This is a wonderful day to schmooze with others, especially partners and close friends. Even dealings with the general public are positive and optimistic!
aquarius Everything having to do with your job will run quite smoothly today. You can expand things for some reason. Expect a raise, praise or good times with co-workers. Yay!
pisces What a wonderful, creative day! You are in touch with your muse. Sports, vacations, playful activities with children, as well as romance and love affairs, are rewarding. Enjoy your day!
aries This is a goofy day. Don't go shopping or make important decisions. Instead, focus on home, family and domestic issues. Keep a low profile.
taurus This is a wonderful day to goof off and enjoy the company of others. Meetings and groups can be fun and good pleasure. However, do not volunteer for anything. Just coast.
gemini Avoid making important financial decisions today. Postpone important purchases. Whatever you initiate today will tend NOT to fulfill its purpose. Forewarned is forearmed!
cancer Everything is sort of on pause today. Avoid important decisions. Similarly, avoid major purchases. (Postpone these until tomorrow.) In the meantime, just coast and enjoy yourself!
leo Work behind the scenes or alone if you can today. Actually, you just want to hide. Sneak away to a movie, read a book, do a puzzle in this newspaper. Let the day slip by. (Of course, you might be taking care of four kids!)
virgo Confidential conversations with friends and groups will be surprisingly candid today. People are willing to drop their masks and tell it like it is. (Oh, my.)
libra Some aspect of your private life definitely will be made public today. This probably also will be completely beyond your control. Just grin and bear it.
scorpio Travel plans are unreliable today. Similarly, anything having to do with schooling, children, sports or romance will be unpredictable.
sagittarius You can't count on anything from others today. Even if something was promised to you, there is no guarantee you will get it today. Wait until tomorrow.
capricorn You'll have to go more than halfway when dealing with others today. That's because today, the Moon is opposite your sign. Don't worry. In two weeks, everyone has to go more than halfway when dealing with you. Ha!
aquarius Shortages and delays are likely at work today. Just grin and bear it. Don't make a big deal about anything. So what?
pisces This is a wonderfully creative day. Tap into your creative talents. Enjoy being a kid again. Just do your own thing, and dance like nobody is looking.
aries This is a wonderful day to schmooze and enjoy the company of others. Catch a movie. Watch some sports. Enjoy playful activities with children. Flirtations will be fun.
taurus Home, family and domestic activities are your primary interests today. Discussions with a parent could be significant. Invite the family over for pizza and beer.
gemini This is a busy, bustling day for you! Talk to relatives and siblings. Run errands. It's a good day for negotiations, wheeling and dealing, plus buying and selling.
cancer Your focus is on business and commerce today. You might be shopping or making business deals. It's easy to identify with your possessions today. "This is mine! All mine!"
leo The Moon is in your sign today, which makes you a bit more emotional than usual. However, it also brings a little bit of extra good luck to you. Yay!
virgo Work alone or behind the scenes today. Keep a low profile. This is a good day for quiet research.
libra Enjoy schmoozing with others today. All group activities are favored. Discussions with a female, in particular, could be significant. It's a good day to join a class.
scorpio Quite likely, some aspect of your private life will suddenly be made public. In fact, bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will notice you. Be aware of this.
sagittarius Because your sense of adventure is aroused, you want to do something different today! Go someplace you've never been before. Try to learn something new.
capricorn Wrap up a few details with red-tape matters regarding inheritances, wills, insurance matters and shared property. Just do it.
aquarius Because the Moon is opposite your sign today, you will have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. This is not a big deal. Be friendly. Two weeks from now, others will have to go more than halfway dealing with you.
pisces You want to get better organized today. Set aside 10 minutes to reduce the clutter that is accumulating at home and at work. Just 10 minutes every day will make a difference in two months! (You'll love yourself for this later.)
aries Your idealism is aroused today. Discussions with others will prompt you to join charitable groups or work for a worthy cause. (You're giving serious thought to your future goals.)
taurus You might have an idealistic point of view about bosses or authority figures today. Therefore, wait a few days before you make a major decision. It's important to know what you're really doing.
gemini A different ideology or religion could catch your interest today. However, you're so sympathetic and idealistic today, you might go overboard! Wait a few days to make sure you see things clearly.
cancer Avoid important decisions about shared property, wills, inheritances and insurance matters. There is Vaseline on your lens today. (Things look a bit fuzzy.)
leo You might be disappointed with a partner or close friend today. Perhaps you're expecting too much. After all, your loved one is a frail mortal, just like you.
virgo Be extra clear in all your communications with co-workers today. It's very easy to make a wrong assumption or to hear things incorrectly.
libra This is a wonderful day for all kinds of creativity. You're in touch with your muse. You feel imaginative. You also feel very tenderhearted toward children.
scorpio Don't fall for a sob story from a family member today. However, it's also important to be genuinely sympathetic with the problems of others. (It's hard to keep a good balance.)
sagittarius You might spend a large portion of today daydreaming or wool-gathering. That's OK. We all need a mental health day now and then. (No big deal.)
capricorn You're tempted to spend money on elegance and luxury today. Postpone this for another day. Consider these purchases when you are in a more realistic frame of mind.
aquarius It's a bit confusing today because the thoughts and energies of others are bombarding you. It's as if your normal filter is not working. (You're picking up acid rock through your Mercury fillings!)
pisces You're willing to devote yourself to the cause of someone or something else. You won't hesitate to put the needs of others before your own today. (Don't be a martyr.)
aries Today's Full Moon might introduce some irritation or impatience with co-workers. Or you might feel this way with customers and clients. Use a little extra patience today.
taurus Parents and teachers must be patient with children today. Everyone feels the tension of the Full Moon, including children.
gemini It's tough to make a choice between the demands of family and home versus the demands of your external world and your career. Nevertheless, on this particular Full Moon, you cannot ignore your reputation in the world.
cancer Today's Full Moon makes you prone to accidents. Therefore, slow down and take it easy. Allow extra time for everything. Be alert.
leo Today's Full Moon could introduce money angst or concerns about finances for you. Stay in touch with your bank account. Make sure you know what's happening.
virgo The Full Moon today is in your sign, and this is the only time all year this occurs. This is why you feel increased tension with partners and close friends. Easy does it.
libra You're restless today. There's an underlying busyness to your day. Don't worry; this is just the agitation from today's Full Moon. It will be gone in 48 hours.
scorpio Be extra patient with others, especially when dealing with groups today. The Full Moon today will make others more emotional than usual. Be aware of this when you're dealing with people.
sagittarius Despite the demands of your career, profession or the external world, you still have to focus on home, family and domestic needs today. However, today's Full Moon makes it a challenge!
capricorn This is an accident-prone day because of the Full Moon. Therefore, take extra precautions driving, walking and jogging. Also, be extra careful in your daily activities.
aquarius Avoid impulse spending today. Today's Full Moon could cause you to feel pulled in several directions about financial matters, earnings and cash flow. (Frustrating!)
pisces The only Full Moon that opposes your sign all year is taking place today. Naturally, this is going to set up some extra tension between you and others. Demonstrate grace under pressure.
aries Your interest in mystical and spiritual subjects is strong today. You also feel sympathetic and generous to those who are suffering and more needy than you.
taurus Group activities are stimulating today! In fact, you're so enthused that you might entertain ambitious goals for the future. You feel like The Little Engine That Could.
gemini Your enthusiasm for life is gaining momentum now, because you see that people are impressed with you! This is a good time for you to promote your good name with your peers and to make a good reputation for yourself.
cancer Travel plans are exciting. Many of you are enthusiastic about taking courses or going to school. You have many ways to broaden your horizons.
leo You definitely can benefit from the wealth of others at this time. Gifts, goodies and perks from others will come your way. Perhaps someone will let you use something that he or she owns.
virgo Relations with partners and close friends definitely will improve this year. Yesterday and today are good indications of how this is shaping up. (Good time to mend broken fences.)
libra Without question, this is the year for you to improve your job. You can get a better job, better duties, a better work scene or a better boss. Yay!
scorpio Do plan on a vacation this year, because playful activities are promising. Love, romance, sports and fun times with children will be the source of much enjoyment.
sagittarius Look for ways to beautify and improve your home. This is a wonderful year for real estate. Entertain family at home today or invite friends over.
capricorn From the thought springs the word. From the word springs the deed. The deed soon becomes habit, and habit hardens into character. Continue to think positive thoughts!
aquarius Your financial matters and your cash flow are starting to pick up and improve. Yay! It's about time. Trust your moneymaking ideas.
pisces Today, Mercury joins the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in your sign. My goodness! Five planets in Pisces! It's all about you.
aries News about your health might cause you some puzzlement. Similarly, your job will be interrupted by computer crashes, staff shortages, power outages, fire drills and canceled appointments. Oh dear.
taurus Parents should be extra vigilant today, because this is an accident-prone day for your children. It's also an accident-prone day for sports and for anything connected with the arts, show business and the entertainment world. Forewarned is forearmed.
gemini Your daily routine at home will change today. Unexpected company might drop by. Someone you expect to arrive might not show up!
cancer This is an accident-prone day for your sign, so take extra precautions. Slow down and be careful, especially when driving, walking or jogging. (Think twice before you speak.)
leo Keep an eye on your money today. You might find money; you might lose money. You might break a possession. You might find something you previously lost. It's a crapshoot!
virgo Relations with others will be unpredictable today, in large measure because you are unpredictable today. First, you want to do one thing, then you change your mind.
libra You feel edgy and nervous today. Something in the air seems to cause you mild anxiety. Don't worry. It's gone by tomorrow.
scorpio You might meet somebody quite unusual today. What is more likely is that someone in a group situation will say or do something shocking. Either way, it's not a boring day!
sagittarius Be ready to dodge in either direction, because bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will say or do something unexpected today. (Don't quit your day job.)
capricorn Travel plans might be canceled, delayed or changed today. Ditto for anything having to do with higher education. Just grin and bear it, and go with the flow.
aquarius Unexpected gifts, goodies and favors from others might come your way. By contrast, you might not get your fair share of something. Whaaat? It's hard to say which way the wind blows today.
pisces Partners and close friends are completely unpredictable today. Don't make a big deal of things. Just be cooperative and pretend not to notice.
aries Your ability to do research will be excellent during the next month. Look for answers and solutions now!
taurus Discussions with friends, colleagues and people in group situations will be pleasant in the next few weeks. Expect to be rubbing shoulders with younger people.
gemini Talk to bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs and the police about issues that are important. You'll find that in the next few weeks, authority figures will listen to you.
cancer Your ability to study is excellent for the next month. Take a course. Go back to school. Work related to publishing, the media and higher education will go well. Travel anywhere if you can.
leo Tie up loose ends with shared property, inheritances, wills, estates, insurance matters and debt. Focus on reducing your debt during the next few weeks. Good luck!
virgo Conversations with partners and close friends will be meaningful in the next few weeks. Mercury is directly opposite your sign now, which means you're having a gabfest with someone!
libra Tackle work that requires mental clarity and attention to detail, because this is what you can do easily during the next few weeks. (That's because the planet Mercury is traveling through your House of Employment.)
scorpio Enjoy yourself as much as possible in the next month. Games, puzzles, teasing, romantic flirtations, playful sports and fun times with children will please and delight you.
sagittarius The next five weeks are an excellent time for family discussions or talks about family businesses. This is also a very good time to attend to house repairs. Get down to it!
capricorn The tempo of your days is certain to increase in the month ahead. Short trips, errands, increased reading and writing, plus time spent with siblings will keep you hopping.
aquarius Value your moneymaking ideas in the month ahead. You're entering a very resourceful time when you can dream up ways to boost your income!
pisces Your desire to talk to others definitely will increase during the next few weeks because today, Mercury enters your sign! You want to enlighten others about your opinion on everything!
aries This is a fabulous day for research of any kind. Your mind is particularly penetrating, and you have excellent powers of concentration.
taurus Discussions with others, especially in group situations, will be powerful but effective. People will listen to you. (It will surprise you how much stock they put in your words.)
gemini Don't hesitate to speak up with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs today. You sound like you know what you're saying. You have a strong sense of reality. (And maybe you do.)
cancer You will enjoy any kind of study -- especially about history, philosophy, religion or anything pertaining to human-consciousness movements. You want to get the bottom of things. (You're also very convincing.)
leo You couldn't pick a better day to tackle red-tape details about insurance matters, inheritances, shared property and credit-card debt. (Actually, any debt.) Roll up your sleeves and dig in!
virgo Discussions with partners and close friends will be unusually meaningful today -- very powerful and to the point. One party is going to demand complete honesty from the other.
libra This is a good day to introduce improvements and reforms to wherever you work. Similarly, you can introduce improvements to your health.
scorpio This is a great day for sports. It's also a good day to do preparation for the arts or show business. You want to clean things up and get them right.
sagittarius Family discussions will be revealing today. This is a good day to tackle repairs related to bathrooms, plumbing, clogged sinks and anything to do with garbage.
capricorn You're so convincing, you can sell snow to the Eskimos today! Just be careful you don't come on too strong with others.
aquarius There's a good likelihood that you can see new ways of making money today. Or perhaps you can see excellent ways to cut costs. Either way, you win.
pisces Your powers of observation are very keen today. You notice everything around you. You see the subtext in everything as well, which means you can spot a phony a mile away.
aries Remember to plan your new year, because your birthday is just around the corner. Don't just respond to life as it happens (management by crisis). Instead, steer your life. Make some goals!
taurus This is a popular time for you. Accept all invitations and enjoy the company of others.
gemini The Sun is at high noon in your chart, acting like a spotlight on you. This is why others notice you more than usual. (And it's easy to impress them!)
cancer Your desire for travel and adventure and to learn something is strong. Go someplace you've never been before. Shake up your routine.
leo Questions about shared property, debt, insurance matters and anything having to do with inheritances might come up. This is a good time to deal with these matters.
virgo Get lots of sleep. You might be tired because the Sun is as far way from your sign is a gets all year. Discussions with partners are significant.
libra Act on your urge to get better organized. Give yourself the right tools to do a great job. You're determined to clean up your act!
scorpio It's time to be a kid again. Enjoy playful times with young people. Watch or participate in sports. Get in touch with your creative self. Romance and love can blossom now. It's a fun time for Scorpios!
sagittarius Family discussions are important now. Perhaps repairs to where you live are taking place. This is a good time to improve your home or explore realistic possibilities.
capricorn Busy you! You're on the go. Short trips, errands, extra reading and writing, plus demands from siblings keep you hopping now. (This is not a time to stay at home.)
aquarius You're full of moneymaking ideas now. In part, this is because your cash flow is very active. You're focused on earnings (and you're sure spending a lot as well)!
pisces Because five planets are now in Pisces, you attract all kinds of attention, people and opportunities to you. Make the most of this. This is going to be a very beneficial year for you!
aries Focus on travel plans or anything having to do with higher education today. You feel a need to secure fuzzy details about your future. (Good!)
taurus Talk to others about problems with shared property, debt, insurance matters or anything having to do with inheritances. Don't gloss over things. Sit down and have an honest discussion.
gemini Someone older or wiser might give you advice about relationships and partnerships today. It never hurts to listen to the voice of experience.
cancer Choose routine details at work today, because you have the patience to do this kind of job. You can pay attention to detail and just plug away.
leo You might want to teach young people something today. Or vice versa -- perhaps someone wants to teach you. It's a good day to make long-range plans about sports and vacations.
virgo Focus on domestic details and family business today. Discussions with female relatives, especially your mother, are important. Find out which way the wind is blowing.
libra Some interesting news will reach you today. It could concern siblings and relatives. (A female acquaintance is involved in something.)
scorpio This is a good day to stay on top of your money scene. Make friends with your bank account. Figure out just how much money is coming in, and how much is going out. Wazzup?
sagittarius Today the Moon is in your sign, which gives you a slight advantage over all the other signs. However, this also can make you a bit more emotional than usual. (You win some; you lose some.)
capricorn Work behind the scenes or work alone today. For some reason, you want to be hush-hush or very private about something. That's OK.
aquarius Others might persuade you to change your goals today. This could be a good thing or not. Make sure you're changing things because you want to, not because others want you to.
pisces Some aspect of your private life will suddenly be made public today. In fact, bosses, parents and VIPs will notice you! Be aware of this so you're not caught off guard!
aries There is a definite feeling of excitement in the air today! Privately, you are very hopeful about something. This feeling is so strong, it is akin to religious fervor. (Oh, my.)
taurus Group activities will be particularly exciting today. You couldn't have a better day to schmooze with others. Get out and rub shoulders with people. It's an upbeat day! People are happy to see each other.
gemini Conversations with VIPs, bosses and parents are exciting. People have great vision for the future! Big plans that could benefit your career and your public reputation are exciting.
cancer Travel, dealing with foreign countries, discussions about philosophy, politics, religion and enjoying the company of others from different cultures are all enjoyable activities today. Media has happy news.
leo You definitely can benefit from the wealth of others today. Gifts, goodies, favors and direct cash might even come your way. This is also a passionate, sexy day!
virgo Conversations with partners and close friends are wonderfully upbeat and happy today. People are in a wonderful mood. Enjoy your day!
libra You feel healthier today. Your whole body and mind set seem to be stronger, more optimistic and happier. Yay!
scorpio It's a great day to party! Enjoy playful activities with children. Love and romance can flourish. Sports will be exciting. Take a minivacation if you can. (It's an excellent day for financial speculation as well.)
sagittarius Family gatherings definitely will be upbeat, positive and very pleasant today. Everyone is in a great mood. Discussions about family businesses are hopeful.
capricorn This is a busy day, but it's a fun day. You're trying to do everything. Just make sure your plans are realistic. (Don't bite off more than you can chew.)
aquarius This is an excellent day for business and commerce. You've got big moneymaking ideas. However, be cautious -- you might be spending money in a very big way as well. (Keep your receipts.)
pisces It's easy to see the larger view of things today. You can organize things very well, especially anything that is business-related. You feel confident and on top of your scene. Trust your gut instincts.
aries "It was Monday. It was Monday all day." This is not an easy way to start your week. Avoid confrontations with authority figures, especially parents, bosses, teachers and the police. Forewarned is forearmed.
taurus Don't get entangled in arguments about politics or religion. Authority figures will just shut you down. Travel plans could meet with obstacles.
gemini You might be disappointed by your fair share of something. ("It's not fair!") Matters regarding debt, insurance, inheritances and shared property are discouraging. Courage.
cancer Discussions with partners and close friends are discouraging today. People are easily critical of each other. Therefore, give people a wide berth! Be tolerant and patient.
leo Use today's energy to quietly work by yourself and do routine work. You haven't got the energy for anything razzle-dazzle. People are quick to quash your suggestions at work. (You might have stiff joints today.)
virgo Activities with children are onerous or full of serious responsibilities today. It's hard to be lighthearted about things. Romantic relationships also are stressful. (Fortunately, this is a fleeting influence. Whew!)
libra Relations with partners and close friends are abrupt, difficult and mutually unsympathetic. This is because the Moon is at odds with stern Saturn, but it's a very brief thing.
scorpio It's easy to worry too much today. Remember the saying: "Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but gets you nowhere."
sagittarius Financial matters might be discouraging today. Perhaps your hopes about increased earnings are dashed. Don't take this to heart. This is a brief bummer moment.
capricorn Today the Moon is in your sign, at odds with your ruler, Saturn. It's a negative influence. Fortunately, the Moon moves very quickly, so tomorrow is another day -- and a better one!
aquarius Some days your glass is half-full, but today your glass is half-empty. Relax. Tomorrow is a much better day!
pisces Someone older or more experienced than you might be critical of something you say or do. Don't let this get you down. (People pretend they know a lot, even when they don't.)
aries You make an excellent impression on important people today, especially parents, bosses, teachers and VIPs. (This includes the police.) Looking good!
taurus Be on the lookout for travel opportunities or chances to get further education or to take a course. All of these areas can bring you good luck today. Discussions with foreign people will enlighten you.
gemini You can benefit from the wealth and resources of others today. Keep your pockets open. Gifts, goodies and favors could come your way.
cancer This is an excellent day to talk to partners and close friends. Someone close to you might comfort you if you're upset by a third party or a travel disappointment.
leo Use today to get better organized at work and at home. You want to expand somehow, and make everything work more efficiently, for yourself as well as others. Good thinking!
virgo This is a fun-loving, playful, flirtatious day. Ironically, relations with partners and close friends might be a bit stiff; nevertheless, you're ready to kick up your heels and have fun!
libra Entertain or relax at home. Study sessions and meetings at home will be educational and informative, especially those about other countries and different customs.
scorpio Your relationships with children, or perhaps a romantic connection, might disappoint you today; however, this is actually a positive day for you. Enjoy short trips. Conversations with others, especially siblings, are upbeat.
sagittarius This is a good day for business and commerce. It's also an excellent day to buy things that are practical and long-lasting. You're looking to the future with sensible eyes.
capricorn You are reasonably happy today. This is a good day for business and shopping, in part, because you feel well-disposed and friendly toward everyone.
aquarius Solitude in beautiful surroundings will please you today. You need a mental rest from all your thoughts about earning money and juggling expenses.
pisces A conversation with a female friend or acquaintance will be a pleasant exchange for you today. Share your dreams and hopes for the future with someone to see if her feedback is helpful.
aries Anything having to do with vacations, sports, playful times with children and romance and love affairs will go forward with ease and enthusiasm. Delays and disappointments are over.
taurus For months, there's been chaos and increased activity at home. Starting today, you swiftly resolve a lot of this confusion.
gemini Delays have been discouraging. Many of your plans have been a step behind. This is over now. Trust in your future.
cancer Go ahead with your financial plans, be they to earn money or spend it. You can feel more confident about your whole financial scene. Expect the cash to flow!
leo For some months now, it's been so hard to complete or finish things. As of today, these delays will be over. Now you're like a hot knife cutting through butter.
virgo Secretive or private plans have been stalled in the water lately. It's been hard for you to get things off the ground. Now you will go forward with much more ease.
libra Activities with groups, clubs and organizations now get the green light to do whatever you need to do. Your work with groups will be much easier from here on.
scorpio Now your career can really get off the ground. For months now, things have been a bit stalled in the water. As of today, the brakes are off. Yay!
sagittarius Go forward with travel plans and anything connected with the media, publishing, higher education, medicine and the law. The delays you experienced in the past are now over.
capricorn If you felt mired down dealing with red-tape details about inheritances, shared property, insurance matters and the like, fear not -- many of these problems are over. Whatever you want to happen can move forward quickly now.
aquarius Long-standing feuds with partners and close friends will come to an end now. However, new ones might begin! Either way, tension is relieved.
pisces Delays that you suffered at work, or even ones that are health-related, are now over. You can move forward and accomplish a lot at work now. (Believe this.)
aries Some of you might experience a breakdown in a relationship today. Things could come to a head, and then finish! (It's hard to say.)
taurus Something hidden or behind the scenes might go awry today. It's all beyond your control. Others might be dabbling in a secret love affair. (Oh yeah.)
gemini Disputes with others, especially people in groups, are likely today because you feel so passionately about something. Or perhaps others feel this way? Feelings are running high!
cancer A sudden flirtation or romance with someone older, like your teacher or your boss, could begin now. An element of intense passion is overwhelming to you.
leo Avoid arguments about religion, politics or racial issues. People are so intense about things today they have a do-or-die attitude about it. Everything seems so important!
virgo You need to make changes to passionate relationships or relationships about shared property and shared responsibilities. Something needs to be done.
libra You might feel a strong desire to improve your partner or change your existing partnership in some way. Or perhaps, someone feels this way about you. Either way, it's probably unrealistic -- and it's meddling.
scorpio You might be able to introduce reforms or better ways of doing things at work today. If so, go right ahead. Heavy flirtations with co-workers also are likely.
sagittarius Romance is unusually passionate today. However, you feel unusually passionate about sports, the arts, playful competitions and even games with children!
capricorn You're keen to make improvements at home, especially improvements where you tear down things to get rid of what you no longer want. You want to give the place a facelift.
aquarius Be careful that you are not so forceful in your communications with others that you actually blow them away today. Easy does it. Shouting doesn't make people hear you better.
pisces You feel a bit obsessive about financial matters today. You might be obsessed about doing something to earn money, or might be upset about buying something. Try to lighten up. Find a happy middle, because it certainly exists.
aries This year, you have an opportunity to get more in touch with your spiritual world and your inner development. To do this, you might value more time alone, if you can get it.
taurus This is going to be a popular year for you. Get in the swing of things. Join clubs, groups and organizations. Accept all invitations. Be friendly!
gemini Without question, you have a chance to improve your reputation this year. You can receive increased respect from your peer group. This year is a turning point for you.
cancer Chances to get further schooling or improve your education will come to you this year. Similarly, many of you will have a chance to travel. It's time to broaden your horizons!
leo Gifts, goodies and favors from others will come to you this year. Somehow you have the ability to benefit from the wealth and resources of others. Keep your pockets open!
virgo Partnerships and close friendships definitely will improve this year. This is also a wonderful time to enter into new partnerships, whether they are personal or professional.
libra Look for ways to improve your job this year, because they certainly exist! Alternatively, some of you will get a better job.
scorpio Vacations, love affairs, romance, playful times with children, sports and fun social occasions will make this a fun year for you.
sagittarius This is a wonderful year for you in your personal life. Anything having to do with home, family and your domestic world will be blessed or enlarged in some way.
capricorn Your optimism will give this year a big boost in many ways. You will have a firsthand chance to see the power of positive thinking.
aquarius Most of you will make more money this year. Trust your moneymaking ideas. Many of you will be spending more as well, to buy beautiful things. You're going to feel rich!
pisces This is one of the most beneficial years you have had since 1998, therefore, make the most of it! Lucky Jupiter is in your sign, bringing you good fortune, increased confidence and poise. Yay!
aries Artists and anyone who works with creative projects can be productive now. Similarly, people involved in sports, working with children and anything having to do with show business are also busy and on the go!
taurus Use your increased energy and motivation to make things better at home. Reduce your clutter. Get rid of what you no longer need.
gemini Your communication skills are excellent now. This is a wonderful time for writers, editors, speechwriters, lecturers, teachers, actors and anyone in sales and marketing. You can't lose!
cancer You're sure working hard for your money now. And you're spending it very freely as well, which is not necessarily your style. There's lots of energy with your cash-flow scene!
leo You continue to come on pretty strong when dealing with others. That's because Mars has been in your sign for so long now! (Eight months versus its usual six-week sojourn.)
virgo Some of you might be dabbling in a secret, forbidden love affair. Or maybe a secret for other reasons. You're playing your cards close to your chest.
libra You have lots of energy for group activities now. Gym classes, group sports and competitive exercises with others will turn your crank.
scorpio Your ambition has been aroused for months! But not until recently have you been able to go forward with much success. Now you are encouraged!
sagittarius Travel plans and anything having to do with higher education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law look extremely encouraging. You're very happy about this.
capricorn Sit down with others to discuss how to share what must be divided -- perhaps an inheritance or a specific amount of money. Differing opinions will soon reach a consensus.
aquarius Don't be annoyed with others, especially partners and close friends. Seek ways to make the peace. It takes a lot of energy to stay angry. Harmony makes for happiness.
pisces It's easy to get a lot done now because you have the motivation and the energy to follow through on whatever you do. Capitalize on this! Get as much done as possible. Make hay while the sun shines!
aries This is an excellent time to think about how you want your new year ahead to unfold. Don't just let life happen to you. Develop a game plan!
taurus In the next 48 hours, you have a wonderful opportunity to think of your long-range plans for the future. Where do you want to be 15 years from now? Ten years from now? Five years from now? Two years? What should you do in the next year to get there?
gemini Think about what you can do to improve your reputation in your own circle. What will bring you greater respect and prestige? Think about this.
cancer What further education or experience through travel could you explore that would enhance or enrich your life? What can you do to better prepare yourself for your future?
leo Long-range planning about your shared resources with others would be very wise. Start to think now what you can do for a rainy day in the future.
virgo What can you do to improve your closest partnerships and friendships? As tomorrow's New Moon approaches, this is a wonderful thing to ponder.
libra Look for ways to improve your health in the coming year. Similarly, what can you do to improve your job or how you do your job?
scorpio Remember to give yourself opportunities to express your creativity. As children, we are constantly creating -- drawing, singing, dancing. What happens when we get older?
sagittarius Look for ways to improve your relationships at home and your relationships with family members. You also might think about ways to improve where you live.
capricorn Make clear communication with others your goal. Do you really listen to others, or just wait for your turn to speak? Hmmm?
aquarius Money is going to be an important issue for you in the coming year. As this New Moon approaches tomorrow, think about what you can do to earn money as well as take care of what you already own.
pisces You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Take a realistic look in the mirror. What can you do to improve your image?
aries Try to stay calm today. You feel edgy, nervous and restless, and you don't know why. Don't worry; it's an underlying tension that many people can feel. No big deal.
taurus Meetings and group situations might be canceled today. Someone might do something to interrupt things. However, you likely will meet somebody today who is unusual or unorthodox (or, at least, interesting!).
gemini Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs might surprise you today. Someone could say or do something that throws you a curve. Be ready for anything.
cancer Travel plans might be canceled today. Similarly, anything having to do with higher education, classes and schoolwork also could be changed, rescheduled or canceled.
leo Surprises in situations about death, taxes and shared property await you today. You might not get your fair share of something.
virgo Partners or close friends will do something unexpected today. Perhaps a casual friendship will heat up into something that turns into a committed situation. You might be the most surprised!
libra Expect interruptions at your job today. Computer crashes, power outages, fire drills, staff shortages and the like will be something to cope with.
scorpio This is an accident-prone day for children in your care. Teachers and parents must keep an extra eye open for whatever might happen in a negative way with young people. Be vigilant.
sagittarius Unexpected company might arrive at your door today. Something at home will go sideways. Small appliances could break down. People are easily irritated with each other.
capricorn This is definitely an accident-prone day. Therefore, slow down and take it easy. Be extra aware of everything you do. It's easy to blurt out something and then later regret it.
aquarius You might find money today. You might lose money. You might break a possession. Something having to do with your cash flow and your possessions is unpredictable. On the other hand, you might have geniuslike moneymaking ideas! Who knows?
pisces You feel restless and rebellious today. This is a temporary influence; however, you must be careful to avoid accidents. Be mindful of everything around you.
aries This is a restless day for you. Just accept this. Don't worry about trying to fix things, because eventually they will fade away on their own -- in about two days, maybe three.
taurus A friend might do something that is bizarre or unorthodox. In any event, others will surprise you today. Possibly, you will meet someone who is a real character. (It's not a boring day.)
gemini Calculations of bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs are unpredictable today. Surprising news from on high might amaze you. Stay tuned.
cancer Unexpected opportunities to travel, as well as unexpected opportunities to explore training or get further education, might fall in your lap today. Since your window of opportunity will be brief, act quickly!
leo Unexpected gifts and goodies from others might come your way today. Be on the lookout for this. Keep your pockets open. You really can benefit from the wealth of others today.
virgo Partners and close friends will surprise you in some way today. Perhaps someone will demand more freedom. You might have to deal with a minor rebellion.
libra Your workday will be interrupted by canceled appointments, staff shortages, computer crashes, power outages or fire drills. Nothing will go as planned. Just get used to it.
scorpio This is an accident-prone day for children in your care. This especially applies to Scorpio parents. Therefore, be extra vigilant with your youngsters.
sagittarius Something having to do with your home routine will be interrupted today. Unexpected company might drop by. Small appliances could break down. Anything can happen.
capricorn This is an accident-prone day. Therefore, slow down and take it easy. Allow extra time for everything. Think before you act or speak.
aquarius Keep an eye on your money today, because you might find money or you might lose money. Check your bank account. Protect your possessions against loss or theft.
pisces You feel restless, impulsive and a bit rebellious today. You don't want others telling you what to do. You intend to call the shots. (And no doubt, this is exactly what you'll do.)
aries You're unusually assertive via your speech today. You won't hesitate to tell others what to think, and you might even tell them what to do! Naturally, this is bound to get a reaction from others.
taurus Your research skills are fabulous today. If you're looking for answers for anything, you will find them. You'll be quick but successful.
gemini Interactions with others, especially in group situations, are lively and dynamic today. People might be blown away by your energy and your talkativeness. Yada, yada, yada.
cancer Without question, you have the ability to impress bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs today. When you speak, you will speak with authority. You really sound like you know what you're talking about.
leo Travel plans and anything having to do with study, schooling, publishing, media, medicine and the law will interest you today. You want to discuss fascinating topics with others. You want to learn more!
virgo You have a very good idea about how you want to treat something that needs to be shared or divided. You know what you want to do, and you won't hesitate to defend your own best interests.
libra Discussions with partners and close friends are lively today! Alternatively, you might meet somebody who is intellectually stimulating and very interesting.
scorpio This can be an extremely productive day at work for you. Conversations with everyone -- co-workers and bosses -- will go well. You're full of ideas, and so is everyone else.
sagittarius Creativity abounds today! This is a great day for artists, actors, photographers, dancers, writers and anyone who wants to pursue any creative activity or arts and crafts.
capricorn Family discussions will be lively and energetic today. This is an excellent day to tackle home repairs.
aquarius You're enthusiastic about life today. You want to learn something new. Reading, writing and talking to anyone will please you. Short trips to someplace new will intrigue you.
pisces You're full of moneymaking ideas. You want to go ahead in some way to earn money. Others might have good ideas as well -- so listen as well as speak.
aries Try not to be critical of partners and close friends; hopefully, they will show the same courtesy to you. It's easy to fall into nitpicking, negative speech patterns today. Who needs this? Not you!
taurus Sometimes our glass is half-empty; sometimes it's half-full. Today is one of those half-empty days. It's really a matter of attitude. If you realize this, you can just wait until it changes!
gemini Someone older or more experienced might be critical of you, especially of how you work with young people. Bummer. (You need this like a fish needs a bicycle.)
cancer Conversations with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs might discourage you today. People are critical and demanding. You don't feel particularly cooperative either. (Oops.)
leo Travel plans might discourage you today. Ditto for anything having to do with higher education, medicine, the law and publishing. Don't make a big deal about things.
virgo You might be disappointed by your share of something today. You feel that others are mean and stingy. This is a poor day to borrow money or ask for a mortgage or anything like that.
libra Discussions with partners and close friends are restricting, limiting and possibly quite dismal! Therefore, this is not the day to bring up important topics. Just coast.
scorpio You have excellent powers of concentration today. Choose work that requires attention to detail. You will slog away until it's done.
sagittarius You're in a critical, serious frame of mind today, which does not invite parties and social times. Instead, you might want to practice a particular skill or teach children something.
capricorn Someone older or more experienced than you might be critical of you. Try not to react to this. To respond only will make things worse. Just let it go.
aquarius It's easy to fall into negative thinking today. Don't be critical of others. If others criticize you, cut them some slack. Why not?
pisces You might be discouraged by your financial scene today. Perhaps something has changed, but more likely, it's just your point of view. Today you feel like you just don't have enough.
aries The next four weeks are all about you, dear Aries. It's your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Fortunately, people and opportunities will be drawn to you inexplicably.
taurus Work alone or behind the scenes for the next month. You need time to think about what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be all about.
gemini You have a popular month ahead. Get out and schmooze with others. Accept all invitations. Join clubs, groups and organizations.
cancer For the next six weeks, the Sun will be at high noon in your chart, shining down on you like a spotlight. Others will notice you more than usual -- especially bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Make the most of this!
leo Make plans to travel. You want to broaden your horizons. Any kind of study or the exploration of new subjects and ideas will delight you.
virgo In the month ahead, you'll be more focused on debt, insurance matters, inheritances, bills, taxes and the wealth and resources of others, especially partners. You want to figure things out.
libra This is the time of culmination in your life when you are seeing some successes, and, at the same time, seeing what you have to let go. The quicker you do this, the happier you'll be.
scorpio You're keen to get better organized! You want your life to run more efficiently and effectively. Therefore, get the appropriate tools to improve things.
sagittarius You feel playful, flirtatious, prankish and full of fun! The next six weeks are perfect for a vacation, love affairs, romance, playful activities with children and sports.
capricorn Home, family and your domestic issues will be your primary focus for the next month. Discussions with a parent could be significant. Tackle home repairs.
aquarius You're keen to enlighten others. The next six weeks are a wonderful time for writers, teachers, actors and people who work in sales and marketing.
pisces Write down your moneymaking ideas. Your focus is definitely on your cash flow and your financial scene in the next six weeks. Whee!
aries Avoid power struggles with others today, because this is what you're tempted to do. You have a secret urge to prove to others that you're right. So what?
taurus Your powers of observation are excellent today. This is a good time to get to the bottom of something. You might want to know more information about what other people earn or own.
gemini Squabbles with others, especially members and groups, are silly power struggles today. You don't have to get involved. Step aside. ("A lot of men didn't, and a lot of men died.")
cancer This is a very poor day to bring up touchy subjects with bosses, parents or VIPs. Right off the bat, somebody is going to try to be in charge. If this is important, avoid these discussions!
leo Don't get involved in heavy discussions about politics, religion or racial issues. Control issues will immediately arise. (You won't get a chance to discuss the facts.)
virgo Squabbles about shared property, inheritances and anything you own jointly with others might arise today. This is a poor day for these kinds of discussions. Try to postpone them for another day.
libra Power struggles with partners could get ugly today. Each wants to improve or make over the other. It's just meddling to the nth agree. (Not good.)
scorpio Your ideas about how to improve things at work or to introduce reforms will meet with resistance today. People aren't really listening. They're just obstinate. (Don't ya love it?)
sagittarius Avoid power struggles with children today. After all, you are the adult. Similarly, avoid power struggles with romantic partners. Things will only get worse.
capricorn Be respectful with family members today, especially parents or your elders. Arguments can disintegrate quickly into nasty, destructive exchanges. Ouch!
aquarius Whether you're aware of this or not, you're loaded for bear today. You want to win an argument. (Do you think it's wise to be this pushy?)
pisces You might come up with an entirely new source of income today. You might decide to let go of previous ideas and methods in order to research something new.
aries It's easy for others to oppose you today. No matter what you do, you cannot win. Just accept this.
taurus Authority figures and bosses at work will not be receptive to your ideas. Therefore, this is not the day to speak up. Hide your light under a bushel.
gemini Others might be critical about your parenting style or your creative ideas, or even your social suggestions about how to have fun. Don't get your belly in a rash. What do they know?
cancer Avoid important discussions with older relatives and parents today. You will only run into opposition and obstacles. You have to know when to hold and when to fold.
leo You're inclined to worry too much about something today, simply because others won't endorse your ideas. This doesn't mean your ideas aren't great. Perhaps others can't grasp how you think?
virgo Whatever you try to do today regarding possessions and cash flow likely will meet with opposition from others. (It might even be tough getting money from a bank.)
libra You like to have harmony with others. It's important for your peace of mind. This is why you should not make a big issue about anything when talking to partners and close friends today. (Not today.)
scorpio Bosses and authority figures will discourage your suggestions today. Knowing this ahead of time, keep a low profile. Health concerns about bones, aching joints or teeth also are likely.
sagittarius For some of you, the responsibilities of educating and maintaining children seem to be heavy and onerous today. Let's face it -- this goes with the territory. (But of course, there are wonderful rewards as well.)
capricorn Parents and older family members are not easy to deal with today. People are easily critical and not receptive to new suggestions.
aquarius It's easy to fall into negative thinking today. Don't worry too much. Worry is actually a habit.
pisces Your financial scene looks a bit dismal today. (Why is there always so much month left at the end of the money?) Actually, things are not as bad as they seem today.
aries This is a wonderful day for artists and teachers. You have the patience to work continuously on perfecting your performance. You will not give up!
taurus You can make great strides today by clearing up clutter at home or removing obstacles in your domestic scene. Whether you are shoving furniture around or building, you'll get results!
gemini You're extremely persuasive today. You could sell snow to the Eskimos. You're assertive and confident in both writing and talking, which is good news for actors and salespeople.
cancer You're willing to work very hard to earn your money today. You have endurance and stamina. You will try anything to see if you can boost your earnings or secure your financial scene.
leo Today you are strong like a bull! You have amazing stamina and persistence. Tackle any job that requires steady perseverance, because you've got what it takes.
virgo Some of you could be involved in a secret meeting today, perhaps a love affair. Others will work behind the scenes or alone to accomplish something.
libra People are impressed with your efforts to help in a group situation today. You're willing to give it all you've got. In fact, your performance can set the pace for others.
scorpio You're extremely ambitious today. Actually, you have been ambitious for quite a while now, but today you're willing to act on your dreams. Go for the brass ring!
sagittarius Make travel plans. This is also an excellent day to study hard or explore educational opportunities, as well as to make advances in publishing, the media, medicine and the law.
capricorn Tackle loose details about insurance matters, wills, inheritances, taxes and shared property. You have the energy and persistence to get the job done.
aquarius Work in tandem with others today. Form working units. Two people can always finish the job more than twice as fast.
pisces You will be extremely productive today, simply because you won't stop until you're finished. Routine work, or any work that requires concentration and dogged persistence, should be your first choice.
aries You're in the mood to overhaul things at home and make changes for the better. In particular, these changes likely will involve getting rid of what you don't need. "Take the garbage out!"
taurus Discussions with others, particularly relatives and siblings, might get heated today. Your knee-jerk reaction is to persuade others to agree with you. Is this really necessary?
gemini You feel very strongly about financial matters today. This could pertain to how to earn money, or you might be just as obsessed about buying something. (Lighten up.)
cancer You might be more emotional than usual because the Moon is in your sign today. Furthermore, it opposes big daddy Pluto. Guard against jealousy today! (Oops.)
leo Your peace of mind might be vaguely disturbed today because something behind the scenes is bothering you. It's as if you're worried about something, but you're not sure what. This will pass very quickly.
virgo Heated exchanges with others, especially friends or people in groups, might arise today. People are inclined to be pushy with their opinions. (Just watch from the sidelines.)
libra Avoid disputes with parents, bosses and authority figures today. They could quickly turn nasty. Feelings of envy and jealousy are running strong.
scorpio Arguments about politics, religion and racial issues, or something having to do with publishing and travel, might arise today. It's far better to steer clear of all this! Stay mellow.
sagittarius This is a poor day to discuss inheritances, how to share something or how to approach a problem with taxes and death. People are too stuck in their views.
capricorn Jealousy with a partner or close friend might make relationships a bit sticky today. You could be doing a slow burn about something. Try to relax.
aquarius Speak up about your ideas to introduce reforms or to improve where you work. You also might have ideas about how to improve your own health!
pisces Participants in sports will be competitive today. No question! Romantic partners will be jealous of one another. No question! Don't give in to these dark feelings.
aries Home, family and domestic matters are your top priorities today. Discussions with a parent or a female relative could be significant.
taurus You're eager to talk to others today. You want to share your ideas and feelings about something. Or perhaps you want to enlighten or teach people something? Yada, yada, yada.
gemini Don't be surprised if you find that you identify strongly with something you own today. This is a good day to take care of things that you own, perhaps to clean them or maintain them in some way.
cancer Because the Moon is in your sign today, you feel a bit more emotional than usual. Plus, the Moon is your ruler! Guard against knee-jerk reactions. Easy does it.
leo You have to be extra patient with female acquaintances today (regardless of your own sex). You likely have a desire to communicate your inner feelings. (Or maybe you just want to be left alone.)
virgo You might feel protective or even parental toward a friend today. You're looking out for someone else's best interests, and you want to make sure that this person is OK. This is good.
libra Some aspect of your private life might suddenly be made public today. Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs notice you. Just be aware of this.
scorpio Try to do something different today. Shake it up a little. Go someplace you've never been before. Learn something new!
sagittarius You might feel very possessive of something today. You don't want to lend something to someone. You also might have to deal with shared property or decide how to share something with someone.
capricorn You have to go more than halfway when dealing with others, because the Moon is opposite your sign today. Conflict with others will be emotional. (Patience is your only recourse.)
aquarius Focus on getting better organized today. You might want to give time to home crafts, home-care matters or personal hygiene. Tackle your to-do list.
pisces This is a romantic, playful day! Enjoy a few sly flirtations. You also will enjoy buying artistic items or spending money on entertainment.
aries Avoid power struggles with others today. Do not be too quick to place blame, even if things look very clear to you. (Is there really any point in this?) Focus on solutions instead of problems.
taurus You feel vaguely disgruntled today, and you don't know why. Don't worry about this. Nevertheless, don't let this unsettled feeling place you at odds with others. Be patient with yourself.
gemini Even though you're ready to challenge somebody today about something, it's best to avoid this. People are quick to take offense. In fact, they're looking for a fight! (Yikes.)
cancer Definitely avoid arguments with authority figures today -- parents, bosses, teachers, VIPs and the police. Everyone is determined to get their own way. Things are just too black-and-white. (Not good.)
leo This is a classic day for terrible arguments about politics, religion and racial issues. People think that they are right and others are wrong. Be careful!
virgo Disputes about how things are shared are likely today. This is not a good day to discuss inheritances, insurance matters or anything having to do with shared property.
libra Resist the urge to try to improve others today, especially partners and close friends. (This will go over like a lead balloon.)
scorpio Even if you have great ideas about how to make improvements at work, others likely will resist your suggestions. Wait for another day to do this.
sagittarius Be patient with children today. Similarly, be patient with romantic partners. People are too quick to butt heads today!
capricorn If you have ideas about how to make improvements at home, be very polite and gentle in your suggestions. Someone might mistake your comments for criticism. Oops.
aquarius People are extremely forceful today. They're convinced that they are right about things. Obviously, this is a poor day to decide to discuss anything important, especially with siblings. (Ya think?)
pisces Arguments about money, earnings or how to earn money are likely to arise today. If shopping, keep your receipts. Disputes about cash flow could arise later. Don't let anyone forcefully sell you something. Run the other way!
aries All occasions are favored today. Enjoy romance and flirtations with others. Sports, playful activities with children, movies and entertaining diversions will delight you. Have a party!
taurus Entertain at home today. Invite the gang over for pizza and beer. This is a good day to buy beautiful things for your home or a loved one. Enjoy your day!(This is also a good day for real estate situations.)
gemini You feel unusually friendly toward everyone today. Conversations with relatives and siblings will be warm. It's a good day for partnerships, negotiations and signing contracts.
cancer You have good moneymaking ideas today! (You might be able to boost your income.) You also will want to spend money on beautiful things for yourself and your sweetie. Purchases of art could be profitable in the future.
leo This is a feel-good day. The Moon is in your sign, making a lovely aspect to three other planets, especially Venus. You feel sociable, friendly toward everyone and up for a good time. It's a great day to schmooze with others!
virgo Solitude in beautiful surroundings will delight you today. You feel quietly pleased with yourself for some reason. Someone might show you an act of generosity.
libra All group activities are blessed today. Enjoy the company of others, especially females. Talk to others about your long-term goals.
scorpio Some aspect of your private life might be suddenly made public today. Important people will notice you. Fortunately, it's all good.
sagittarius Try to do something different today. Vary your routine. Go someplace you've never been before. Shake it up a little to stimulate your world!
capricorn This is an excellent day to discuss how to share something or to discuss with others how to spend an allotted amount of money on something. People are cooperative.
aquarius It's easy to get agreement with others today. Who knew? Choose today to mend broken fences with partners and close friends.
pisces This is an excellent day for business and commerce. It's also a good day at work. Be open to suggestions from and cooperation with others. It will work in your favor.
aries With the Sun, Mercury and Venus in your sign, this continues to be a fabulous time for you. Everything goes your way. Milk this for all it's worth!
taurus Use today to plan what you want for your new year. (Your new year is birthday to birthday.) What kind of goals do you envision for yourself?
gemini Enjoy your increased popularity. Get out and schmooze with others. All group dynamics and group situations are particularly beneficial for you now.
cancer This is an excellent time to impress bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Everybody thinks you're the cat's meow. Since you have this good press, make the most of it!
leo Travel plans and anything having to do with advanced learning or higher education are favorable now. Romance with someone from another country or a different culture also is likely.
virgo In many ways, you stand to benefit from the wealth of others. Gifts, goodies and favors might come your way. It's a good time to ask for a loan.
libra Partnerships and close friendships are your primary focus now. You can learn a lot about how you relate to others, because others will be like a mirror for you.
scorpio Because you have a strong urge to get better organized now, give yourself the right tools to do a good job. In other words, make the most of this excellent motivation!
sagittarius Vacations, parties, the arts, sports and playful activities with children are all beautifully favored now. Ask yourself what you can do to have fun.
capricorn This is an excellent time to make home repairs. Family discussions, as well as discussions about family businesses, will go well. Discussions with a parent could be especially significant.
aquarius Keep up your busy pace! Short trips, errands, negotiations, buying and selling, as well as increased reading, writing and studying, keep you on your toes!
pisces Because things are going so well and in your favor this year, naturally many of you are now dreaming up new ways to earn money. Or perhaps some of you have a better job to go to?
aries Things could go sideways at work today. You might overestimate something or have to deal with cancellations and interruptions for some reason.
taurus Be careful gambling or playing any kind of a long shot today. Similarly, be careful if you are taking care of children. It's easy to take something for granted today.
gemini Some kind of domestic upset is possible at home or within your family. Be careful that you don't promise somebody more than you can deliver.
cancer This is an accident-prone day. Slow down and take it easy. Watch everything you do. Be extra aware of your actions, your speech and even your driving.
leo Watch your cash flow today. Keep an eye on your money. You might find money; you might lose money. Make friends with your bank account. If shopping, keep your receipts.
virgo There is an unexpected quality to this day. Something could catch you off guard. Or perhaps something is excessive -- in other words, too much of a good thing.
libra Today you might feel vaguely restless or unsettled for some reason. Don't worry, it's in the stars. Fortunately, it is a short-lived influence -- gone by tomorrow.
scorpio A friend might surprise you or do something unusual today. Alternatively, you might meet somebody who is a real character or bizarre in some way.
sagittarius Be aware of what you're doing today, because something will catch you by surprise or off guard, and it will be rather public as well. In other words, people will see what you are going through.
capricorn Travel cancellations and changes are likely today. Matters connected with schools also might have cancellations or changes.
aquarius Stay in touch with your bank account. Something having to do with shared resources and the money or wealth of others, plus taxes, debt and insurance matters, are areas where you might have a surprise. Oops.
pisces A partner or close friend might throw you a curve today. Just be ready for this. Perhaps this person decided he or she wants more freedom? Or perhaps you will are the one who is rebellious?
aries Today you find it easy to show feelings of sympathy and compassion to others, especially at work. Possibly, this is related to your health. (Your response is noble.)
taurus You're prepared to make sacrifices for others today. In particular, this might relate to children or someone with whom you're romantically involved.
gemini Relations with creative, artistic people are exciting today. They might cause you to feel pulled between the demands of home and family versus the demands of your career.
cancer Romance with someone older or richer, perhaps even your boss, might begin today. Or someone will ask for your artistic input on something. (Big difference!)
leo Travel for pleasure is exciting. You're making plans for future fun! Romance with someone from another culture or a different country is possible.
virgo Gifts, goodies, favors from others and cash might come your way today. This is the time to ask for a loan or a mortgage. Others can help you.
libra Relations with partners and close friends are smooth and charming today. This is also a great day to deal with members of the general public. You're in the zone!
scorpio Someone is likely to do a favor for you at work today. Or you might get a raise or some kind of luxurious perk that makes you feel lucky.
sagittarius This is a tender, romantic day for many of you. Enjoy sweet times with your main squeeze. This also is a lovely day for playful activities with children or a chance to enjoy the arts.
capricorn Buy something beautiful for your home today. Do whatever you can to make where you live feel more comfortable and welcoming to everyone, including you.
aquarius It's easy to be charming and patient with others today. This is why all your conversations with everyone, especially relatives and siblings, will be enjoyable and pleasing.
pisces You might boost your income today. However, what is more likely is that you will spend money on something rather luxurious and elegant. Could be costly!
aries You'll enjoy buying beautiful things for yourself and loved ones in the next few weeks. Fortunately, opportunities to earn more money also exist for you. Keep your eyes open!
taurus The next few weeks are the perfect time to buy wardrobe items for yourself. In large measure, it's because you like what you see in the mirror. Relations with others are particularly cozy and congenial.
gemini Solitude in beautiful surroundings will please you in the month ahead. Try to find some time to be by yourself to contemplate, meditate or just enjoy being alive.
cancer In the month ahead, a friend could become a lover. Certainly, new friendships can begin. It's very easy to let others know how much you care for them. (It's good.)
leo No matter what you do for a living, someone will ask for your creative or artistic input about things. Office arrangement, furniture arrangement, design layout or landscaping might be areas for your input.
virgo Travel for pleasure will delight you during the next few weeks. Some of you also will fall in love with somebody from another culture or a different background. (It's a great way to learn a new language.)
libra Gifts, goodies, favors from others and the opportunity to use things that other people own are just some benefits that will come to you during the next few weeks. Romance is also particularly sweet and tender.
scorpio The month ahead is the perfect time to patch up shaky relationships or mend broken fences in good friendships. Mutual agreement is easy to establish.
sagittarius You might get a raise or find praise at work. Relations with co-workers are excellent now.
capricorn The month ahead is a wonderful, fun-loving, flirtatious, playful time for you. Enjoy sports, romance, vacations, the arts and parties!
aquarius Home-decorating projects will appeal to you now. Roll up your sleeves and get busy. Entertain at home in the coming month.
pisces Expect to appreciate how much beauty there is in your daily surroundings during the next few weeks. You might discover how much love there is around you as well.
aries It's easy to feel sympathy for others today. Because of this, you might meet with groups of people to discuss charitable projects or how to help those who are in need.
taurus You feel extremely sympathetic toward others today. You're willing to go more than halfway to help somebody, and certainly to listen to this person's problems.
gemini Group activities that are for a charitable cause -- especially to rescue a needy group -- will appeal to you today. You want to be part of something bigger than yourself.
cancer Bosses, parents and authority figures might be impressed with your visionary ideas today. However, if you think something fishy is going on, it is.
leo Your appreciation of beauty is heightened today. Therefore, visit beautiful parks, buildings, museums, gardens and art galleries. Enjoy relations with people from different cultures.
virgo Even though you feel sympathetic toward somebody today, don't give away the farm. It's important to have a measure of healthy self-interest.
libra This is a great day to mend broken fences. You feel sympathetic and interested in partners and close friends. You're willing to go more than halfway to help someone.
scorpio You might see new ways of doing things at work today. You might choose an unusual health regimen or solution to a health problem.
sagittarius This is a wonderfully creative day for you! Enjoy the arts, film, music or playful times with children. Secret flirtations might give you a thrill.
capricorn You feel sympathetic to a family member today. This is a good thing; however, don't let anyone take advantage of you. Remain realistic.
aquarius Don't worry if you pass your time today woolgathering or daydreaming. We all need times like this. (I call them mental-health days.)
pisces Be careful if shopping today, because you're tempted to buy things that are elegant and impossibly gorgeous. If you can afford this, fine. However, this could be an impulse that you later regret. (Best to keep your receipts.)
aries This is an excellent day to share things with others. You feel generous, but so do they! (You could be laughing all the way to the bank.)
taurus You have to go more than halfway with others today, because the Moon is directly opposite your sign. Fortunately, it's a fun day to deal with groups and close friends. Everyone is upbeat!
gemini This is a positive day at work. It's also a great day for your general sense of well-being. You can do something to improve your health.
cancer What a wonderful, fun-loving day! Participate in sports or watch a game. Movies, show business, parties, playful activities with children and fun flirtations will delight you.
leo Invite the gang over for pizza and beer today (or whatever you like to feed your family and friends). It's a great day for family get-togethers.
virgo Because your communication with others is so tuned-in today, this is a great day for selling, teaching or acting, or for anyone who drives for living.
libra Pay attention to your moneymaking ideas today. You're not afraid to think big. You might make certain expenditures that are necessary to improve your job or, possibly, to improve your health.
scorpio The Moon is in your sign today, making a lovely aspect to lucky moneybags Jupiter. Enjoy good times today. Everyone wants to be in your company. Get out and schmooze!
sagittarius Solitude in beautiful surroundings will please you today. You feel a need to contemplate issues in a gentle, private way.
capricorn Group activities will delight you today. Enjoy the company of others, especially female friends. This is an excellent day to think about your goals for the future.
aquarius Some aspect of your private life will suddenly get high visibility today. People certainly notice you! Don't worry, it's all good. You come out smelling like a rose.
pisces Try to do something different today. Shake it up a little. You want adventure, and you want to learn something new! Travel anywhere if you get a chance. Explore opportunities in publishing, higher education, medicine and the law.
aries You will focus more on money issues during the next two and a half months. Expect delays, especially with checks being late in the mail. (Oh dear.)
taurus Mercury is entering your sign now, where it will stay until June. (This is rather unusual.) It will cause delays and bring partners and old friends back into your life.
gemini Try to get lots done in the next few weeks, because after that, your ruler, Mercury, will go retrograde. This means your efficiency will go down.
cancer In the next several months, you will be much more involved with others than usual, especially in group situations. You also can expect to hear from friends from the past.
leo Discussions with bosses, parents, VIPs and authority figures in your life will be significant in the next few months. Expect to rehash old issues and rethink your life direction.
virgo Make travel plans now, because in a few weeks, travel delays will be likely. Similarly, delays in publishing are possible down the road, so act now!
libra In the next few months, you will be able to wrap up a lot of old business and loose details connected with insurance matters, inheritances and shared property. Just do it.
scorpio Ex-partners and old friends from your past will start to show up in the next month. In many ways, this is an opportunity for closure.
sagittarius Get busy if you're beginning a new project at work. Do as much as you can in the next few weeks, because after that, your best bet is to focus on finishing things.
capricorn This month you will run into old flames and people from your past. You also might run into people connected with sports, the entertainment world or your children.
aquarius The next two months are the perfect time for reuniting with family members. Expect to have a lot of discussions about the bad old days.
pisces Prepare yourself for transportation delays, confused communication and a lot of silly errors in the next six weeks. They won't be big; they'll just be frustrating.
aries This is a lovely day! You feel bold in your dealings with others, and just a bit playful and prankish. You're tempted to push people's buttons.
taurus Secret love affairs might occur for some of you. It looks like pleasant dalliances are low-key or behind the scenes, for some reason.
gemini A friend might become a lover today. Or perhaps you just feel a strong urge to express your affection for somebody. You might meet a new romantic partner in a group.
cancer People will listen to your suggestions and advice about how to make things look better today. You might advise others how they can get along with each other better.
leo Travel for pleasure will delight you today! Romance with someone from another country or a different culture is likely. Enjoy beautiful places and buildings. Walk in a park; watch a sunset.
virgo Affections with your main squeeze are passionate today! Gifts, goodies and favors from others might come your way. (A pleasant day indeed.)
libra This is a wonderful day to enjoy the company of others, especially partners and close friends. Dealings with members of the public are positive and friendly.
scorpio Co-workers are unusually supportive today. In fact, flirtations might begin on the job! Explore ideas about how to redecorate or improve the appearance of your work station.
sagittarius You feel passionately romantic today. In fact, you might flirt with a stranger! (Perhaps just a sly smile.) Sports will be lively and competitive!
capricorn Entertaining at home will please you today. It will be fun to fix up where you live to make it more attractive. You'll enjoy shopping for beautiful things for your home. (Real estate deals will be vigorous.)
aquarius You're unusually exuberant and friendly today. This is a great day for business deals, buying and selling, and wheeling and dealing. You're in your element!
pisces You'll be aggressive about earning money today. Ironically, you will be just as enthusiastic to spend it as well, especially on beautiful things.
aries This is a perfect day to discover a new source of income. Alternatively, you might take something you already own and find a new use for it. Clever you!
taurus You have a chance to improve your appearance today. You might do this by buying something new for yourself, or getting a new hairdo or some kind of makeover.
gemini A secret love affair might thrill you today. Something that is behind the scenes, or very private, will please and delight you.
cancer You might develop a crush today on someone who is powerful and rather overwhelming. (Possibly this person is not good for you, but something irresistible draws you to him or her.)
leo You might develop a crush today on a boss, an authority figure or someone who is older or richer. You might shock yourself with the intensity of your feelings! (Who knew?)
virgo Some ideology, philosophy or religion might change your beliefs today. News from afar or about another culture could be rather mind-blowing.
libra A gift, assistance from someone or access to the resources of others might make a tremendous difference in your life today. What others own might transform your world.
scorpio Partnerships and close friendships are extremely powerful today. You realize how important someone is to you. You might be amazed to think you ever took this person for granted (as we all do).
sagittarius Look for ways to introduce reforms or make improvements to your job. Similarly, you can make improvements to your health in some way today.
capricorn What a passionate, mind-blowing day for romance! Some of you will be entirely swept off your feet. Others will feel passion about art or some kind of creative performance.
aquarius Look for ways to improve your home today, especially bathrooms and areas connected with plumbing. You want to renovate, restore, refinish or redo something.
pisces Because you're so persuasive today, use this day to sell, market, teach or get your point across to someone. No one will be able to resist you. (Trust me.)
aries Whether you intend to or not, today you will draw attention to yourself. In particular, parents, bosses, teachers and VIPs will notice you.
taurus Enjoy the company of people from other cultures and different lands today. You're eager to explore new ideas. (Plus, you're looking for a little adventure!)
gemini Because others can benefit you today, be open to this. This is a good day to ask for a loan or mortgage. (People will do favors for you today.)
cancer Relations with partners and close friends are friendly in a traditional, conservative way today. You're happy to do something to support the status quo.
leo Friendships, and even flirtations, might begin at work today. This is a good day to ask for the cooperation of others. Some of you might get a raise or praise.
virgo Relations with children will be enjoyable today. This is also a perfect day for sports, movies, the theater, parties and any event that is just for pleasure and fun.
libra If you have a chance to have some private moments at home alone today, you'll enjoy this. For some reason, memories of your past and your youth are in your mind. It can be a pleasant day with family members.
scorpio Writing, studying and reading will be sources of pleasure today. In fact, all communication with others will be pleasant and steady.
sagittarius Your moneymaking ideas could be profitable today! (You're certainly not off the mark.) Quite the contrary, your ideas are conservative but solid.
capricorn You might feel a bit more emotional than usual today, because the Moon is in your sign. Nevertheless, you feel friendly toward everyone and happy to meet new faces.
aquarius It's been a busy time for you lately, and this is why you will welcome any moment to rest or hide from the hubbub that surrounds you. Find a secret place for a moment of pleasant solitude.
pisces Conversations with friends, especially female acquaintances, will please you today. Creative, artistic people might seek you out.
aries Trust your ability to dream up some new moneymaking ideas today. You're extremely resourceful right now. You definitely can see new ways to earn money on the side or, perhaps, how to get a better job.
taurus All your discussions with others will be very productive today, because you have an ability to see a better way of doing things. You also might see a better use for something you already own. (Clever you.)
gemini Your research abilities are fantastic today. Keep searching for anything you want to know more about. Keep searching for answers and solutions to old problems.
cancer You might meet someone who is very powerful today, almost in a scary way. This person might take over and be in command of the conversation. (Yikes!) Keep your answers honest.
leo Discussions with important people -- like bosses, VIPs, teachers and parents -- will be productive today. People in authority are willing to listen to you because you have something worthwhile to say.
virgo You'll make great strides with studying or learning something new today. You have the necessary power of concentration, plus you want to understand how things work.
libra Secrets about shared property, the wealth of others or what your partner owns will come out today. You have the mind of Sherlock Holmes!
scorpio Conversations with partners and close friends will be penetrating and honest today. Largely this is because nobody can hide anything! (It's as if you have X-ray vision.)
sagittarius Introduce reforms or better ways of doing things at work today. People will be impressed. You also might improve your own health today.
capricorn You can see creative uses for something you already own. People who work with children will see better ways to approach them in order to help educate them.
aquarius Tackle home repairs today. You might see an entirely new approach to solving an old problem. Similarly, family discussions or discussions about family businesses will be productive.
pisces You're unusually convincing and persuasive today! If there's something you want, go after it. (No one can resist you.)
aries Be extra patient with others today, especially in group situations -- meetings, conferences and conventions, or classes. People are too quick to be irritable.
taurus Don't lose your temper in public today, because this is the kind of day where important people will notice you, especially regarding details of your private life. You might want to count to three before you reply to others.
gemini Avoid disputes about racial issues, politics and religion today. Your knee-jerk response to somebody might be something you will regret later. (Oops.)
cancer Conflict about shared property or shared responsibilities for someone or something could arise today. Don't get your belly in a rash. Calm yourself before you respond to others.
leo Tension between partners and close friends is likely today. However, it takes two to make a fight. Keep this in mind. Mum's the word.
virgo Demonstrate grace under pressure at work today, because co-workers and customers might easily irritate you. But what is the point of losing patience? It only makes everyone miserable, including you.
libra Be extra patient with children today. Similarly, romance might be in the toilet. Just remind yourself that you love these people!
scorpio Do what you can to keep the peace at home today. Family harmony is important. Not only is harmony more pleasant, it actually promotes health and happiness.
sagittarius Guard against irritable responses to siblings and relatives today. Rude remarks only make us more irritable with ourselves! Patience and kindness make us feel better. (Weird but true.)
capricorn Avoid making hasty or snap decisions about financial matters today. Think before you reply. Similarly, if you're going to spend your money, give things a sober second thought.
aquarius The Moon is in your sign today; however, it sits opposite fiery Mars. Not good! Strong, volatile emotions easily can cause quarrels with partners and close friends.
pisces You might feel irritable today and not know why. Give this very little thought, because it's a quickly passing influence. (Look for an opportunity to practice a small kindness to get rid of your irritable feeling. It works!)
aries You might have found it difficult to be efficient at work lately because Saturn is slipping backward. The best way to handle this is to finish old business.
taurus The best way to handle creative projects or anything having to do with show business, the entertainment world and children is to finish what you have already started. Work with what you have.
gemini You cannot ignore old business related to family, home and your domestic life. You can't go forward until you deal with this stuff in the past.
cancer You might have to rethink recent job moves or residential moves. What was left undone? Go back to the beginning and sort this out.
leo Finish old ways of earning money before you go on to new ways. Sometimes this takes patience, because it's more exciting to move ahead than to finish what is already on your plate.
virgo You have an opportunity to finish up some important work, especially with partnerships and close friendships. It will be easier than you think.
libra Continue to look for ways to streamline your life. You have to let go of people, places and things that are no longer relevant. It's time to move on.
scorpio You cannot ignore old challenges that you have to face when dealing with groups. This might apply to a friend or to people in a group situation. Don't try to run away.
sagittarius Some of you might find your best career opportunities in old business. In other words, it might benefit you to look over your shoulder and resurrect something from the past.
capricorn Continue to explore ways to finish school and training, or perhaps to travel somewhere you went before to learn something. Old legal matters can be rehashed now as well.
aquarius Finish up old business with shared property. You need to do this before you move forward with something new. Wrap up loose ends.
pisces Old business with ex-partners and ongoing partners is still on your plate. Actually, this is a good time to finish whatever you can.
aries Because you feel very sympathetic toward a friend today, you will look for ways to help this person. At the very least, you're willing to lend a shoulder to cry on. (Aries are always good to their friends.)
taurus Be very clear in discussions with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs today. Instead of discussing what you can realistically do, you might be focusing on what you wish you could do. Big difference!
gemini Your appreciation of beauty is heightened today. Therefore, make the most of this. Visit parks, boutiques, museums, art galleries, beautiful buildings and any place that appeals to you.
cancer Even though you feel very sorry for somebody today, you can't give away the farm. Be realistic. Just do what you can to help.
leo Candid conversations with partners and close friends are mutually sympathetic today. Either you or someone else will be very honest about your feelings.
virgo Help a co-worker today if someone needs your assistance. Show sympathy and understanding to others. But be realistic in whatever you offer.
libra This is a highly creative day for your sign. Many of you are in touch with your muse. Your imagination is turned on, and you're full of great ideas!
scorpio Family discussions will be mutually sympathetic today. People feel tenderhearted toward each other. Nevertheless, make sure your decisions are grounded in reality.
sagittarius You might spend today daydreaming or wool-gathering. That's OK, because we all need days like this now and then. (It is what it is.) Enjoy yourself.
capricorn Be careful with expenditures, because you're a bit fuzzy-minded with money today. You're very tempted to buy something that is too extravagant!
aquarius You're highly intuitive today. You might find that others say and do things just when you think about them. You feel like you're wired into the universe!
pisces Time spent alone, especially in beautiful surroundings, will please you today. You need a little pampering time just for you. Look for any opportunity to slip away, even if it's for just 30 minutes.
aries This is a lovely, feel-good day. You can enjoy the company of others, or you can enjoy your own company. Either way, you'll be happy.
taurus Conversations with others, especially female acquaintances, will be particularly warm and friendly today. In fact, new love could begin for some of you.
gemini People in authority will notice you in a favorable way. You look good to them in their eyes. (You might want to turn this to your advantage.)
cancer Travel experiences or a chance to explore taking a course, further training or higher education will please you today. It could lead to increased earnings or a chance to travel more!
leo Romance with your boss or someone older, richer or more established might begin today. Or this person might share something with you. (This is an interesting day.)
virgo Today, you'll feel inspired by arts and crafts or the creativity of other people -- especially those from other cultures. Enjoy literature, travel and discussions about philosophy and political ideas.
libra This is a pleasant day at work or when dealing with clients, co-workers and whoever you bump into in general. People are easily cooperative and friendly today. And so are you.
scorpio Romance, sports, the arts and playful activities with children are all wonderful sources of enjoyment today. Get out and do something that's fun!
sagittarius This is a lovely day to entertain at home. Invite friends and family over. People are ready to have a good time and share food, drink and ideas.
capricorn Accept all invitations. Interaction with others will be stimulating today. This is not the day to stay at home; get out and do something different!
aquarius Trust your moneymaking ideas, because they just might pay off! Discussions with others about new jobs or ways to earn money are profitable.
pisces This is definitely a feel-good day for you. Not only do you feel sympathetic and warm toward others, you're also playful, prankish and flirtatious! Laugh it up!
aries You feel happy and pleased with yourself in an almost spiritual way today. You see that when you are kind to others, it makes you feel happier! (A wonderful secret to discover.)
taurus You definitely will enjoy the company of groups, clubs and organizations today. If there's a parade or an event in a park, go and join it. Crowds will be fun!
gemini Someone might observe how generous you are to others today. In some manner, you will impress people in authority with your warm heart and big ideas.
cancer Ideas you have about travel, publishing or higher education are quite ambitious today. You're very keen to go someplace in order to learn something new or to discover adventure!
leo Gifts, goodies and favors from others can come to you today. In fact, people might be unusually generous to you. Keep your pockets open!
virgo Relations with partners and close friends are warm and cozy today. People are jovial and happy to see each other. Great day to schmooze with loved ones.
libra Your health feels robust and strong today. However, this is a classic day to overeat sweets, desserts and goodies. Caution. (Yummy, yummy.)
scorpio This is a great day to enjoy sports, see a movie or to attend a social event or party. Get out and flirt a little. Be a kid again yourself.
sagittarius If shopping for home and family, you might go overboard today. Or you might invite too many people back to your home. Something seems to be over-the-top.
capricorn Don't make promises to others that you can't keep today. Remember this in your discussions with others, especially with siblings and relatives.
aquarius This is a good day for business and commerce. You're full of excellent moneymaking ideas. However, money can leave your hands just as quickly!
pisces You feel healthy, happy and unusually optimistic today. Everyone is open-hearted and generous to each other. It's a great day to be alive! You can rally the troops for a fun cause today. (People will respond.)
aries This is such a strong time for you with the Sun in your sign. People and opportunities easily are drawn to you now. Make the most of this!
taurus Work alone or behind the scenes today. Because you have been so social, you need a chance to catch your breath! Taurus needs regular sleep.
gemini Share your dreams and goals for the future with others, because their feedback will help you today. You also might inspire somebody else. (Good ideas are contagious.)
cancer With the Sun at high noon in your chart acting like a spotlight on you, people notice you more than usual. In particular, bosses, parents and VIPs see you in a favorable light. Enjoy the applause.
leo Try to do something different now, because you want adventure. You also want to learn something new. Explore opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law.
virgo You feel passionately about something right now. It could be related to shared property, or it might be related to romance! (You also might discover a secret today.)
libra Because the Sun is as far way from your sign as it gets all year, you need more rest than usual. (After all, the Sun is your source of energy.) Sleep tight!
scorpio Work to get better organized. You want a home for everything, and everything in its place. Get as much done as possible, while you are so motivated!
sagittarius This is one of the most pleasant times all year for your sign. Enjoy romance, vacations, flirtations, the arts, movies, sports and playful activities with children.
capricorn Home, family and domestic matters continue to be your strong focus now. A conversation with a parent could be significant today.
aquarius Short trips, buying and selling, running errands, plus increased reading, writing and studying, keep you busy now. You also have an urge to talk everyone.
pisces Give some thought to what it is you really value. Money? Fame? Power? In other words, what is it that will really make you happy? Think about this.
aries Many of you will discover a deeper spirituality this year. Something will occur that puts you in touch with important truths that are related to your beliefs about life.
taurus Enjoy your increased popularity, because it will last for some time now. Everyone wants to see your face! All this interaction likely will boost your confidence with your long-term goals.
gemini You will boost your public reputation this year. A promotion, praise, professional success and increased confidence are just some of the reasons people have great respect for you.
cancer Grab every chance to travel that comes your way. While it's true you normally travel for a reason (like family or business), this year you're just traveling!
leo This is a great year to get a loan, a mortgage or money back from the government, or to receive an inheritance from others. All Leos will benefit from the wealth and resources of other people.
virgo Your personal relationships, close friendships and partnerships can improve hugely this year. You have a stronger sense of optimism and belief in what is possible.
libra Look for every opportunity to improve your job this year, because you can do it. You get a better job, a better boss or a better something.
scorpio Plan a vacation! This is your year for fun. It's also a great year for sports, playful activities with children and the entertainment world. Wheee!
sagittarius This is a wonderful year for real estate. Your family life and your domestic world also will be a source of joy.
capricorn The pace of your days is accelerating. Just go with the flow. You feel happier and more optimistic this year, more than you have in a long time.
aquarius Look for ways to boost your income, because they exist. Some of you will get a better-paying job; some will find ways to earn money on the side.
pisces All kinds of opportunities will continue to come your way, because lucky Jupiter is in your sign for the first time in 12 years. Make the most of this!
aries Take a realistic look in the mirror. What can you do to improve your appearance? You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
taurus Today is the New Moon, which is an excellent time to make resolutions. What have you done recently to put the needs of others before your own? (Think about it.)
gemini Do you hang out with quality people? Are you happy with your friends? If you want to make friends, the answer is simple: Be friendly!
cancer Think about your life direction. Are you headed in the direction that you want to go? Today's New Moon is the perfect time to give this serious consideration.
leo What further education or training could enhance your life or improve your job? This might be the best day of the entire year to ponder this question.
virgo What can you do to improve how you handle red-tape details? Are you current with insurance issues, inheritances, wills and shared property?
libra For a relationship to be successful, you must be as good for your partner as he or she is for you. How do you rate with this?
scorpio What can you do to improve your job or your relations with employees, co-workers or bosses? Today's New Moon asks this question of you.
sagittarius It's important to stay in touch with your playful side. All work and no play simply make Jack's widow rich. How do you express your creative talents?
capricorn This is the only New Moon all year to best think about how you can improve your family, your home and your relations with family members. Why not write down three things?
aquarius Today's New Moon urges you to strive to be as clear as possible in all your communications with others. In particular, do you think you are understood when talking to relatives and siblings?
pisces This is the perfect day to take stock of your money scene and your cash flow. What's the picture? Do you know how much comes in and how much goes out every month?
aries Today your focus is on money and cash flow. Trust your moneymaking ideas. You might dream up a new source of income, a new job or new ways to make money on the side. Yay!
taurus You might feel more emotional than usual today, because the Moon is in your sign. However, this can make you a little lucky. Ask for something if you want a yes answer.
gemini Work alone or behind the scenes today. This is also a good day to do research of any kind. In fact, secrets might come out.
cancer A conversation with a female acquaintance could be meaningful. Perhaps someone needs to confide in you, or vice versa. Be sympathetic and keep an open mind.
leo Some aspect of your private life suddenly might be obvious to bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs.
virgo This can be a very positive day for your sign, because the Moon is sympathetic to you. Seek out adventure. Try to learn something new. Go someplace you've never been before.
libra Stay on top of red-tape details about banking, cash flow, taxes, debt and anything having to do with shared property. Assume nothing. Make sure you have the correct information. (This way you will avoid unwelcome surprises.)
scorpio Expect to go more than halfway when dealing with others today, because the Moon is opposite your sign. This is small stuff, really. Just be patient, friendly and diplomatic.
sagittarius Set aside a little extra time today to get better organized. Take care of loose details, clutter and piles of scary stuff. Dig in.
capricorn This is a fun-loving day. Have a long lunch. Meet the gang after work. Invite people over this evening for pizza and beer. Enjoy yourself!
aquarius Today your emphasis is on your private and domestic world. Talk to family members. Invite family over. Conversations with a parent could be significant.
pisces Short trips, errands, shopping and conversations with others, especially siblings and relatives, will keep you on the go today! Just accept this busy pace, and start huffing and puffing.
aries Money issues are a headache now, and will continue this way for the next few weeks. Expect checks in the mail to be late. Your cash flow will encounter obstacles and delays.
taurus Today Mercury is going retrograde in your sign for the next few weeks. Expect to run into ex-partners and old friends. Silly delays and goofy mix-ups will plague you for about a month.
gemini Because your ruler, Mercury, is going retrograde today, you definitely are going to feel the effects of this until the end of next month. Expect errors, mixed-up communications and transportation delays.
cancer Old friends are back in your life again. However, meetings, conventions and conferences will suffer delays and communication errors. Be alert.
leo Encounters with bosses from your past are likely now. You also might have to deal with old issues that you thought were put to bed. Oh dear.
virgo Travel delays, as well as delays in higher education and schooling, are likely in the next six weeks. Just go with the flow. Allow extra time for everything.
libra Old issues about shared property, taxes, debt, mortgages and inheritances are back in your lap again. Actually, the next month is a good time to clear up these details.
scorpio Because Mercury is retrograde directly opposite your sign starting today, you are bound to encounter ex-partners and old friends, either now or in the next two weeks. Generally, it's good to have history with others.
sagittarius Things are challenging at work, because retrograde Mercury is stirring up problems. Canceled appointments, delays, staff shortages and silly errors in communications will frustrate you for the next month.
capricorn Old flames are back in your life again. Lots of old memories regarding romance will bubble to the surface during the next month. Such is life.
aquarius Relatives might be couch surfing. Retrograde Mercury brings all kinds of people to your door. Stock the fridge.
pisces The next month definitely is full of transportation delays, missed buses, car problems and confused communications. (It just goes with the territory.) Allow extra time for everything.
aries This is an excellent day for business and commerce. Trust your moneymaking ideas. Many of you can boost your income or get a better job today. Purchases also will please you.
taurus This is a wonderful day to get out and schmooze with others. You're in rare form! All group activities will delight. (You likely will learn something new as well.)
gemini If you work behind the scenes or alone, you will get your rewards, because important people approve of what you're doing (even if you're being very low-key about it).
cancer All group activities will be positive, joyful experiences today. Get out and schmooze with others! Classes, clubs, organizations, conferences and conventions will please you.
leo You might fall in love with somebody older, richer or from a different background at this time. Something seems to be taking place that brings different and unusual opportunities to you.
virgo Grab every chance to travel that suddenly comes your way today. Your appreciation of beauty is heightened, so enjoy museums, art galleries, parks and beautiful buildings. It's a good day for publishing and the media.
libra Gifts, goodies, favors from others and practical assistance can help you today. Somehow you are on the receiving end of what other people own or wish to bestow on you. (Great!)
scorpio You can learn something new from friends and partners today. They might introduce you to different ways of doing things or show you the ways of other cultures.
sagittarius You feel healthy and strong today! This is a pleasant day at work, especially for budding romance. (Romance with people from different backgrounds is likely.)
capricorn Romance, love affairs, sports, playful diversions, show business and the entertainment world are all fun choices today. Kick up your heels and enjoy yourself!
aquarius This is an excellent day for real estate deals. It's also an excellent day to shop for anything for your home or a family member.
pisces Relations with others are warm and friendly today. People are big-hearted and generous toward each other. Get out and enjoy the company of others, especially siblings and relatives.
aries Because you feel very sympathetic toward others today, someone might confide in you or cry on your shoulder. Consider this a compliment. It's good to show kindness to others. (Never miss an opportunity to do so.)
taurus Today, you find it easy to put the needs and wants of others before your own. You're not a martyr; you're just being thoughtful and considerate.
gemini When working with groups today, you might be surprised by how idealistic your goals are. You really want to achieve a lot. (And you believe it can be done.)
cancer This is a good time to ask for assistance from bosses, parents and authority figures, because they will show sympathy to you. Similarly, you have good feelings about them as well.
leo Travel plans are quite thrilling. You're oh so excited about something having to do with publishing, education or the media. You're willing to work on behalf of those who are less fortunate in other countries.
virgo Someone might feel very sympathetic toward you and show generosity to you. Possibly, this situation is reversed, and you are sympathetic to others.
libra This is an excellent day to patch up quarrels and mend broken fences with partners and close friends. A mutual give-and-take is easy to establish.
scorpio If you can help a co-worker today, you will. Others are equally ready to help you. People are cooperative today.
sagittarius You're definitely in touch with your muse today. All creative activities are blessed. Romance and love affairs are the stuff of movies. Enjoy playful times with children.
capricorn Family discussions are very sympathetic and tender. People are willing to help each other and are willing to understand and forgive.
aquarius You will likely spend time wool-gathering or daydreaming today. Not to worry. We all have days like this. (It's just par for the course.)
pisces When shopping today, you will be tempted by extravagant, gorgeous things. Naturally, if you can afford these goodies, go right ahead! Nevertheless, you might want to hedge your bets and keep your receipts. (Ya think?)
aries In the month ahead, you'll give more thought to your values and to what is really important to you. It's important to know this, so you don't put your money on the wrong horse. Right?
taurus Today the Sun moves into your sign, attracting opportunities and people to you for the next four weeks. Lucky you! Make the most of this!
gemini Work alone or behind the scenes during the next month, because you need to plan what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be all about. Set yourself some expectations.
cancer You can expect to enjoy a popular month ahead! Join clubs, classes, groups and organizations. You'll enjoy the company of others, and vice versa.
leo This is the only time all year when the Sun is at high noon in your chart, acting like a spotlight on you. This is why others notice you more than usual, especially VIPs.
virgo Travel or do anything to expand your horizons during the next six weeks. You want adventure; you want to learn something new; you want more out of life!
libra Focus on shared property, taxes, debt and inheritances during the months ahead. You can clean up a lot of loose details here.
scorpio Try to get more sleep during the next month, because the Sun is far way from your sign. It also will call you to focus on partnerships and close friendships more than usual.
sagittarius Do whatever you can to get better organized at work and at home. Since you have the urge, capitalize on this! Get the right tools to do a great job.
capricorn It's your turn to play! The months ahead are a wonderful time for parties, movies, sports, vacations, playful times with children, and love and romance!
aquarius Your focus now turns to home, family and domestic matters. Family discussions will be significant in the next month. It's a good time to tackle home repairs.
pisces Busy you! Short trips, increased reading, writing and studying, plus discussions with others keep you busy. Accept this accelerated tempo. It's just the way things are.
aries This is a great day to entertain at home. It's also a good day for real estate deals. Even your family business might do very well today. All is well with the world.
taurus It's easy to be upbeat, optimistic and friendly to everyone today. This is a particularly good day to deal with relatives and siblings. You're unusually hopeful about something.
gemini Business and commerce are favored today. If shopping, you will want to buy big items or make major purchases. You are feeling flush today! (Some of you might boost your earnings today, as well.)
aries You might feel like traveling today. You certainly want to explore life beyond your own everyday boundaries. This is a good day for business, dealing with partners and enjoying the company of others.
cancer You might feel like traveling today. You certainly want to explore life beyond your own everyday boundaries. This is a good day for business, dealing with partners and enjoying the company of others.
leo Spiritual or possibly secret matters could be your primary concern today. You're drawn to something "otherworldly" for answers.
virgo All group activities will be upbeat and fun for you today. Attend meetings, conventions and conferences, and enjoy the company of others.
libra Some aspect of your private life suddenly might be made public today. Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will notice you. Fortunately, you're looking good!
scorpio Grab every opportunity to travel that comes your way today. Similarly, anything having to do with higher education, training, publishing, the media, medicine and the law are lucky areas for you.
sagittarius Gifts, goodies and favors from others, and perhaps even outright cash, might come your way today. In some way, you can benefit from the wealth and resources of others.
capricorn This is a good day to mend fences with partners and close friends. It's easy to establish a warm friendship with those who are close to you. Expect the best from others.
aquarius Work-related travel is likely today. Meetings related to your job or even meetings related to your personal health will benefit you.
pisces Party day! Enjoy fun, romance, love affairs, playful activities with children and sports today. It's a feel-good day! This also is a good day for financial speculation.
aries Discussions about the long-term, future care of children will go well today. Similarly, practical discussions about the entertainment world, show business and the hospitality industry will be productive.
taurus This is an excellent day to tackle home repairs. Family discussions will be unusually practical and down-to-earth. You have an urge to "fix" things at home, be they physical or emotional.
gemini This is an excellent day for any kind of long-range planning. You're in a sensible, practical frame of mind. You want solutions.
cancer If shopping today, you will buy practical items that last for a long time. However, this also is an excellent day to project budgeting, cash-flow issues and plans for future expenses.
leo Older and wiser people might have advice for you today. Be prepared to listen to what others might suggest. (After all, you don't have to reinvent the wheel, right?)
virgo Work alone or behind the scenes today, because you will get a lot done. This is a very good day to do research. Look for practical solutions to old problems.
libra Discussions with someone older or more experienced will be worthwhile today. Don't hesitate to ask for the advice of others. Or perhaps you're the one giving advice.
scorpio Discussions with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will be practical and results-oriented today. You want to know what's happening tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow.
sagittarius Make plans about future schooling, training and possibly travel as well. You're looking down the road to what can be achieved. The study of history will intrigue you today.
capricorn Any kind of research will go well today! This is a good day to sit down to pay bills and attend to red-tape details about shared property.
aquarius Discussions with partners and close friends will be rather sober but productive today. People are looking for solutions to problems.
pisces Co-workers are ready to help you today. Everyone, including you, just wants to get the job done. A practical approach to your health issues also is likely today.
aries This is a good day to kick back and relax. Take a long lunch or goof off if you can. You would rather be partying, watching sports or seeing a movie. Playful times with kids will appeal to you.
taurus Focus your attention on home, family and domestic matters today. Discussions with a parent could be significant.
gemini Short trips, errands, buying and selling, wheeling and dealing, plus discussions with siblings and relatives will keep you hopping today! You want to talk to everyone.
cancer Respect your moneymaking ideas today. Take a look at your cash flow. This is a good day to see how you can improve your finances in some way.
leo You might feel more emotional than usual today, because the Moon is in your sign. However, whenever the Moon is in your sign, it also attracts extra good luck to you!
virgo Work alone or behind the scenes today. You need a little quiet time just for yourself. Secrets might come out in discussions with others today. (Be discreet.)
libra Discussions with a female friend, in particular, could be significant today. Perhaps somebody needs to confide in you. Or perhaps you need to confide in someone else.
scorpio You should know that parts of your private life might be rather obvious to bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs today. Since you sometimes are secretive about certain things, be aware of this.
sagittarius Try to do something different today. Shake it up a little. Go someplace you've never been before. Travel if you can. Talk to people from other cultures and different backgrounds.
capricorn You'll love yourself for taking care of red-tape matters that have been piling up. Make a dent in the pile. Just begin!
aquarius Set aside just 15 minutes today to help reorganize things at home or at work. You don't have to tackle everything. Just do a little. (It's a beginning.)
pisces You're in a flirtatious, teasing mood today! Romance definitely will heat up! Enjoy sports, movies, parties and playful activities with children.
aries This is a tricky day with money, cash flow, earnings and expenditures. Sudden opportunities might present themselves to you; nevertheless, you might not have all the facts, or something could be misrepresented. Caution!
taurus You feel excited, restless and eager for something different today. Be careful that you don't fall into some kind of trap, because you might misunderstand the wishes of bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Be very aware of what you're doing.
gemini Work behind the scenes could be quite profitable for you today. You might be very pleased with yourself. Nevertheless, double-check everything because something might not be right.
cancer It's exciting to meet new friends and new contacts through groups today. (These people are unusual or different, which makes them intriguing to you.) Nevertheless, keep your eyes open. Don't be naive.
leo A romance with your boss or someone older, wiser or richer could begin today. Nevertheless, you might be seduced by something or someone in a dishonest way. Be careful.
virgo Sudden opportunities to travel or get further education are exciting. Please double-check your facts. There could be a mistake somewhere.
libra Others want to give you something today, or do a favor for you today. This is good. Nevertheless, if you think it's too good to be true, it might be! (Caution.)
scorpio Conversations with partners and close friends are well-meaning today. Someone might surprise you in some way. My advice: If you think something fishy is going on, it is.
sagittarius Confusion at work will cause some excitement. Somebody might hide information or misrepresent something. Outright deceit is possible!
capricorn This is a classic day for love at first sight. The trouble with love at first sight is that it's often similar to love is blind. Keep your eyes open!
aquarius Be very careful with real estate deals today. Family discussions might yield a few surprises. However, if you have doubts, do not ignore them.
pisces Exciting new acquaintances might entice you today. Nevertheless, don't fall for things just because they're new and different. Trust your gut instincts.
aries This is an excellent day to make long-range plans about earnings and cash flow, and expenditures as well. Trust your ideas.
taurus You're willing to work hard and conscientiously for whatever you want. You know that it takes determination and stick-to-itivness. You've got what it takes!
gemini Behind-the-scenes work or research that you're doing right now will pay off in the long run. Work now for a better future tomorrow. Something will pay off.
cancer Romance with someone older, wiser or more established might begin today. If it is not a romance, it could be the beginning of a very solid friendship.
leo It's easy to impress important people today, because you sound like you know what you're talking about. You have a realistic view of things for the long term.
virgo Today is a good day to make future plans about travel, higher education or anything having to do with publishing, the media, medicine and the law. You will not regret this.
libra This is a good day to decide how to divide an inheritance, or share something that is jointly held. You have a strong sense of fair play and justice.
scorpio This is a solid day to have important discussions with partners and close friends. People are reasonable in discussions -- plus, they're also focused on long-term solutions.
sagittarius You might do something at work today that brings you a raise in the future, or nicely secures your job in some way. Perhaps someone older or in a position of power notices you.
capricorn Romance with someone older might begin today. Artists can be very productive in whatever they do today. People are willing to work for a better future today.
aquarius Go ahead and shop for beautiful items for your family or for your home today, because you probably will appreciate them for a long time in the future. This is a good day for family discussions.
pisces You feel more secure about something now. You have the belief that it will last. This gives you a warm feeling in your tummy.
aries Avoid squabbles about money or possessions with romantic partners today. Similarly, you might have the same kind of arguments with children. Either way, cool your jets. Who needs this? Not you!
taurus Arguments with others can break out easily today. Since you don't like arguing with others, tread carefully! Don't go looking for a fight, because it will find you.
gemini Research might yield some surprising results for you today. Perhaps you are looking in one area and instead something pops up in a completely different area. It works like that sometimes.
cancer Open conflict with friends, especially in group situations, is likely today. You don't have to win this confrontation. Lighten up!
leo Avoid heavy words with authority figures today, because you likely will be sorry for it later. Remember: If you act with discipline, you'll have no regrets.
virgo Avoid differences of opinions, especially about politics, religion and racial issues. People are too quick to argue today! Just keep your opinions to yourself -- at least for today.
libra This is a poor day to decide how to deal with shared property or to discuss inheritances, insurance matters and disputed bills or invoices. People will only haggle and disagree!
scorpio Definitely be diplomatic with partners, bosses, parents and loved ones today. No question. People actually are looking for a fight today. (Who needs this?)
sagittarius You might be more patient with co-workers and customers today, simply because people are on edge. They are too quick to take affront, feel insulted or take things personally. Run away!
capricorn People will dispute shared property, bills or the shared costs of things today. Therefore, if you get involved, be gentle. By next week, it's all blown over.
aquarius Avoid disputes with siblings and relatives today. They will be pointless and will only lead to unhappiness. It's far better to get along (if you want to be happy)!
pisces Arguments over money or possessions could needlessly spoil your day if you get involved. Therefore, why not avoid this? You don't need a downer. You want to be happy today!
aries Something related to your work or your health will catch you off guard. Computer crashes, power outages, canceled appointments, staff shortages or little mutinies are just some of the reasons.
taurus This is a rocky time for romance. Similarly, it is an accident-prone time for children. Therefore, keep your wits about you. Be extra vigilant.
gemini Dramatic changes to your home or family scene are likely now. This could involve a shift in family dynamics, a residential move or something as minor as appliances breaking down.
cancer This is an accident-prone time, so be careful. Take extra precaution with everything that you do. Be mindful. Allow extra time for everything. Don't rush or speed.
leo Unexpected surprises that might impact your earnings are possible at this time. It could be good news or not-so-good news. Either way, a change is coming.
virgo Certain aspects of your life that you thought were stable might suddenly be challenged at this time. This definitely could apply to partnerships. (Steady as she goes.)
libra You might feel rebellious about something at this time. Relationships that are dicey might break. Certainly, the winds of change are in the air!
scorpio An older friend, or someone you know in a group situation, might suddenly and dramatically change now. It could mean the end of this relationship, or certainly a big readjustment.
sagittarius Surprising news from VIPs, parents, teachers and bosses might catch you off guard now. Something you thought would never change suddenly has done so!
capricorn Unexpected opportunities to travel might fall into your lap at this time. By contrast, plans for travel could be canceled. It's a crapshoot. Things are changing very rapidly now.
aquarius You might be surprised at your fair share of something. This could be a pleasant surprise or an unpleasant surprise. (Hard to say.)
pisces Relationships definitely are challenging now. Those that are not going to last are simply going to break. Those that will last will have to undergo major readjustments. (You've seen this coming.)
aries Financial or money pressures might be building up for you because of tomorrow's Full Moon. Just try not to overreact. Easy does it.
taurus The only Full Moon that directly opposes your sign is taking place tomorrow. This almost certainly will introduce tension or conflict between you and partners or close friends. Patience is your only recourse.
gemini The reason you might feel a bit tense today is because the Full Moon is building up before tomorrow. The day after tomorrow will be surprisingly mellow by contrast.
cancer Be patient with meetings, clubs and organizations that you are involved with today. Try to cut others some slack, especially in friendships.
leo It's hard to choose between the demands of home and family versus the demands of your career or your job today. Just cope as best you can. (But don't ignore your public reputation.)
virgo This is an accident-prone day because of tension in the air building up before tomorrow's Full Moon. Therefore, slow down, and allow yourself extra time for everything.
libra Disputes about shared property, insurance matters, inheritances and anything you own jointly with others might come to a head now because of the Full Moon. Wait for a few days to make important decisions.
scorpio Tomorrow, the only Full Moon in your sign all year will occur. Tension today and tomorrow with partners and close friends is inevitable! Be patient.
sagittarius Be as cooperative as possible with co-workers and customers today. People are inclined to jump to conclusions or be a bit edgy because of the impending Full Moon tomorrow. (Easy does it.)
capricorn This could be an accident-prone day for children in your care or for your own children. Be extra vigilant. (Also, be patient and mellow.)
aquarius Avoid family squabbles today. Tension at home is likely because of this Full Moon time. Postpone important discussions, especially with parents.
pisces This is an accident-prone day for your sign. However, in all likelihood, it would be due to distractions or impatience on your part. Therefore, you can avoid this!
aries Today you are torn between the financial interests or responsibilities of others and your own. Not an easy call. (Actually, you can't ignore your own earnings.)
taurus It will be difficult to please others and, at the same time, please yourself, because of today's Full Moon. Just accept this, and do the best you can. (It's no big deal.)
gemini Since today's Full Moon will introduce agitation and emotional situations at work, what can you do? You can either be part of the problem or part of the solution.
cancer Because the Moon is your ruler, of course, you will feel the intensity of today's Full Moon. Romance is dicey. Romantic squabbles are likely. Take it easy.
leo The increased emotions of today's Full Moon could make it difficult dealing with parents and bosses today. (But this doesn't have to be, if you remain mellow and patient.)
virgo Give extra thought to everything you say and do today, to avoid accidents or minor breakage. Impatience due to today's Full Moon could trip you up.
libra Be extra aware of cash-flow issues, and anything having to do with shopping or being responsible for other people's possessions or money. Today's Full Moon could cause you to make a mistake. (Gulp.)
scorpio Actually, with the Full Moon opposite your sign today, you have to be patient with others. If not, you'll regret it! (Would I kid you?)
sagittarius Don't make a big deal about issues at work today. Today's Full Moon can quickly blow things out of proportion. Be the voice of reason on this intense day!
capricorn Be patient with children today. (This includes children over 40.) Today's Full Moon makes everyone short-tempered.
aquarius You might feel pulled in various directions today, nevertheless, you cannot ignore the needs of home and family. Although you will be tempted -- don't do it.
pisces Both yesterday and today are accident-prone days because of the Full Moon today. All will be well if you slow down and watch your movements, watch your actions and watch your words.
aries This is an excellent day to make serious plans about shared property, insurance matters, inheritances or anything having to do with something you own jointly with others. (This includes mortgages and loans.)
taurus Conversations with partners and close friends will be productive today. You're in a serious, practical frame of mind, and so are others.
gemini You'll make great strides at work today, especially if you do routine work that you might normally avoid. You'll find it easy to pay attention to details. Just keep slogging away!
cancer Parents and caregivers can discuss the care of children today. You want long-term, practical solutions. Similarly, romantic partners might discuss how to share money or the division of labor.
leo Get serious about plans to make repairs to where you live. In fact, family discussions will be productive and practical today.
virgo Because you have excellent powers of concentration today, you will be successful at organizing either your own efforts or the efforts of others. You want to get things done!
libra If shopping today, you likely will buy things that are practical and that will last for a long time. You don't feel frivolous with money. You're also serious about earning it today.
scorpio Discussions with someone older, more experienced or wiser will profit you today. Listen to what others have to say, so that you can learn something new. (It's all helpful information.)
sagittarius Your research skills are excellent today! Now is the time to dig for answers or solutions to old problems. You're willing to plow through lots of little details!
capricorn Constructive criticism from someone who is older and more experienced than you might be very helpful today. Possibly, you are the one giving advice to others. (It works both ways.)
aquarius People will look up to you and respect you today. They see you as someone who is reliable, conscientious and a straight shooter.
pisces Make long-range plans for travel or further education or training. You have a grounded, practical insight into what you want to achieve today.
aries You're concerned with money, cash flow and your earnings. Fortunately, busywork Mercury is giving you all kinds of moneymaking ideas! Why not write down a few of these ideas? Ka-ching!
taurus You have a strong sense of wanting to communicate to others now. You feel friendly, outgoing and eager to talk to people. Don't hold yourself back! Go for it.
gemini You will feel good about working alone or behind the scenes now. You need a little time to catch your breath. Plus, you have some private thinking to do.
cancer Get out and socialize with others. In particular, talk to people about your dreams and wishes for the future because their feedback will be helpful to you. Someone might encourage you to think even bigger!
leo You easily command attention now. People in power notice you more than usual. Don't hesitate to share your good ideas with others -- they are impressed!
virgo Travel plans and anything having to do with higher education will excite you now. You're very eager to push the sides of the envelope. You want adventure and new knowledge!
libra You feel passionate, sexy and very intense about everything! Discussions with partners will be equally as intense. You might discover a secret! (Serious discussions about shared property are worthwhile.)
scorpio You have a wonderful opportunity to learn more about yourself now, especially through your closest relationships and partnerships. Why not observe yourself in action?
sagittarius Because you're so gung-ho to get better organized, get down to it! Buy yourself the right tools to do a great job.
capricorn This is an extremely playful, romantic time for you; therefore, get out and schmooze with others! Flirt a little. See movies, watch games, accept all invitations. Enjoy playful activities with children.
aquarius Home, family and domestic issues are your prime concerns right now. Discussions with a parent could be significant.
pisces Busy you! Short trips, increased reading, writing and studying, plus running errands, create a jam-packed schedule. Many of you are spending more time with siblings and relatives as well.
aries You'll enjoy the beauty of your surroundings today, especially beautiful, religious buildings, museums and places of higher education. Lofty ideas might inspire you!
taurus Be careful with decisions about shared property today. You might be inclined to give away the farm. Actually, it's best to avoid these discussions today.
gemini Partners and close friends are in a great mood today. No doubt, your discussions are full of optimistic ideas and much laughter. It's easy to see the bright side today.
cancer Be careful you don't eat too many sweets, desserts or goodies today. (It's certainly tempting!) Likewise, don't make promises to others that you can't keep, especially at work.
leo What a playful day! Your sign wants to party! Enjoy sports, movies, the theater and playful times with children. However, don't drink and drive.
virgo It's easy to be generous with family members today. However, make sure that you can keep any promises you make. You might be overly optimistic about something.
libra Today is the kind of day where you might bite off more than you can chew (even though you can chew a lot!). Discussions with siblings and relatives are upbeat and fun.
scorpio Keep an eye on your expenses today because you might go overboard spending money. Certainly, keep your receipts!
sagittarius This is an emotional, fun-loving day for you because the Moon is in your sign making a strong aspect to your ruler, Jupiter. It's all about you today!
capricorn This is a feel-good day. You feel relatively content with yourself. Part of why you feel so good is that you're being generous and kind to others, which has a positive effect on everyone.
aquarius Group activities will be boisterous, happy occasions today. Enjoy the company of others. If things seem to be excessive, watch your step. Don't get sucked into anything you don't want to do.
pisces Some aspect of your private life might suddenly be made public today. People notice you for some reason. Be careful, because they might be noticing that you're going overboard in some way. Oops.
aries Unexpected events with bosses, parents and VIPs likely will take place today. Take note: This also includes the police. Be aware of what you say and do throughout the day.
taurus Travel plans might be canceled or changed. Ditto for anything related to higher education and advanced classes. Avoid arguments about politics, religion and race.
gemini Keep an eye on your bank account today. Similarly, be extra aware of shared property and your responsibilities to others. (Something could suddenly be upset here.)
cancer Partners and close friends are unusually independent today. You might not know how to take their behavior. Whatever happens, don't take it personally.
leo Interruptions, glitches, canceled appointments, computer crashes, staff shortages and confused communication are par for the course at work today. Just grin and bear it.
virgo This is an accident-prone day for your children or for children in your care. Be extra vigilant. Love at first sight might happen for some of you.
libra Unexpected events might take place at home today. Minor breakages could occur. Avoid squabbles with family members because they could turn nasty very quickly. People are intense today!
scorpio This might be an accident-prone day for you, so slow down and take it easy. Observe everything you're doing. Think twice before you speak. Don't rush.
sagittarius Keep an eye on your money today. You might find money; you might lose money. You might break something you own. Stay in touch with your bank account. If shopping, keep your receipts.
capricorn You feel restless today! You feel passionate yet rebellious about something. This combination could be confusing! Avoid making important decisions today. Chill out.
aquarius Something unexpected might occur behind the scenes or when you least expect it today. Keep your eyes open, because today is full of a number of small surprises that will catch you off guard. Boo!
pisces Avoid squabbles with others today. Meetings, conferences, conventions and groups are unpredictable. People are very opinionated today, including you. Cool your jets.
aries You're full of ingenious moneymaking ideas today. You have the ability to see new uses for possessions you already own. Clever you!
taurus You're full of ideas about how to improve everything around you. You feel resourceful and inventive. You want to make the best use of whatever you have.
gemini Any kind of research you do today will pay off. You have an investigative mind, and you're looking for answers (and perhaps even secrets).
cancer When talking to groups of people today, offer your ideas about how to reorganize things, do things better or get the best results for joint effort. People will listen to you!
leo Discussions with parents, bosses and authority figures will be quite productive today. Either they or you will have positive suggestions about how to improve your relationship with each other, and possibly, your career direction in general.
virgo This is an excellent day to study or learn something. You have excellent powers of concentration, and you are open to new ideas and new ways of seeing things.
libra Your efforts to research matters related to shared property, insurance issues, debt, mortgages, inheritances and delight will bring results. In fact, you might surprise yourself at how much you will get done!
scorpio Conversations with partners and close friends are powerful today. Refrain from trying to tell others how they should live. (Let's hope they do this as well!)
sagittarius Don't hesitate to make suggestions about introducing reforms or improvements where you work. You know what you're doing. Similarly, you might see ways to improve your own health.
capricorn A new spin on your approach to sports the arts or raising children will delight you today. It's like you're looking at the world through new glasses.
aquarius Tackle repairs at home today, especially related to bathrooms, garbage areas and anything having to do with plumbing. Clean up and de-clutter!
pisces You're unusually convincing today. This is an amazing day to act, teach, sell, market, persuade or charm your way into anything.
aries Avoid squabbles about money and possessions today, because they can easily occur! Be calm. Be cooperative. Cool your jets.
taurus Today the Sun is in your sign, making a harsh aspect to fiery Mars. It's very easy to be annoyed with others! (And vice versa.) Go gently.
gemini Don't let your impatience get the better of you today. Whatever annoys you will pass quickly. Be cooperative with others, especially with siblings and relatives.
cancer You're competitive today in group situations. (Others will treat you this way as well!) This could help you to get a lot done. Nevertheless, don't get carried away!
leo Although everyone knows you're in command of the situation, don't be pushy about this today. Don't let your ambition grab you by the throat. (Not pretty.)
virgo Avoid arguments about politics, religion and racial issues. They will quickly become heated, and nothing will be changed or established.
libra Disputes about shared property, debt, taxes, inheritances and wills are highly likely today. Who needs this? Not you. Listen to others, but think twice before you respond.
scorpio Tension and conflict with partners and close friends, or perhaps even bosses and parents will be challenging today. (It's just one of those days!) Therefore, play it cool. Keep your head down and your powder dry.
sagittarius It's hard to keep harmony at work today. Knowing this ahead of time, play it very low-key. Avoid contentious, dicey subjects. Don't tempt others, because they will bite back! (Ouch.)
capricorn Parents must be extra patient with children today. This is the classic day for kids to have a meltdown. Lovers also might have spats today. Just be patient with everyone.
aquarius Avoid domestic arguing and disputes today, especially with parents. Don't discuss touchy subjects! By Thursday, things can return to a relatively peaceful state. (Hang in there.)
pisces Squabbles with daily contacts, siblings and relatives are likely today. Be careful, because your irritation with others could cause you to have an accident. Don't try to convince people of anything. Easy does it.
aries This is a much easier day for talking to others, especially friends and people in group situations. You can make money by talking or writing today. (That's handy.)
taurus Business and commerce are favored today. In addition to financial matters, this is a good day to shop (except for phones, computers and all forms of ground transportation).
gemini Travel for pleasure definitely appeals today. This is a lovely day to enjoy flirtations with people from another culture or a different country. You feel like spreading your wings!
cancer You might benefit from the wealth of others today. Alternatively, people might do a favor for you. This is a good day to ask for a loan or for help from others.
leo Relations with partners and close friends are much better today! Yesterday, everyone was short-tempered. Today people are more reasonable. Enjoy chats with others.
virgo Matters that are work related will go quite smoothly today. This is a good day to ask for assistance from customers, co-workers or even bosses. People are helpful today!
libra Take a long lunch or goof off a little, because you want to have fun today. Enjoy playful activities with children. This also is a great day for sports.
scorpio Family discussions will please you today. In fact, someone might lend you something he or she owns. (If you want to borrow something, this is the day to ask.)
sagittarius You can make money by writing or talking today. All your communication will help you or boost your job in some way. Enjoy time spent with siblings and relatives.
capricorn Trust your moneymaking ideas today. You're in the zone. Discussions about different jobs or different ways of earning money might benefit you.
aquarius Because the Moon is in your sign today, your luck is a little extra special. However, you also will be a bit more emotional than usual. Basically, it's all good.
pisces Solitude in beautiful surroundings will please you today. You need some time to chill out and contemplate your navel.
aries You will find it gratifying to join with others to help in a charitable cause today. Or perhaps, you might want to offer your assistance or sympathy to a friend?
taurus You might be able to talk bosses, parents and VIPs into doing something to benefit others, especially to help people in need. Privately, you might fall in love with your boss!
gemini Your appreciation of beauty is heightened today. Give yourself a chance to enjoy beautiful buildings, galleries, art openings, parks, beautiful boutiques or anyplace you like.
cancer Don't give away the farm today. You feel so sympathetic toward somebody who is in need, you might be inclined to go overboard. Do what you can, but keep a healthy self-interest as well.
leo Relations with partners and close friends are warm and cozy today. It's easy to put yourself in someone else's shoes. Someone might want to confide in you.
virgo If you can help a co-worker today, you certainly will. Perhaps somebody just needs to cry on your shoulder? Remember, what's good for the hive is good for the bee. (And hopefully, vice versa.)
libra Love at first sight might take place for some of you today. (Eyes across a crowded room and all that.) Someone seems to be the perfect partner for you!
scorpio A family member needs your help today. Or perhaps you are the one who needs help from others? Either way, it's a good day for family members to help each other.
sagittarius Don't be worried if you spend a lot of today daydreaming and wool-gathering. It's just one of those days. Your imagination is alive today!
capricorn When shopping today, you might be tempted to buy something gorgeous and extravagant. Make sure you keep your receipts.
aquarius You're very tuned in to the vibes of others today, and because of this, you might get confused about something. It's as if there's too much information coming in without any filters.
pisces Your intuition is very heightened today. Trust your gut instincts. Time alone in beautiful surroundings will be replenishing for you.
aries You really have the gift of gab today! This is a wonderful day to teach, sell, write, train, market or even drive for a living. Go do your thing!
taurus Business and commerce definitely are favored today. There's money in them thar hills! Similarly, you'll enjoy shopping today, especially for beautiful goodies.
gemini You feel especially charming, witty and sociable with everyone. Get out and schmooze! People will love to be in your company.
cancer Moments of solitude will be very restorative today, especially if you can find a little niche in a beautiful place. (Some of you are having a secret love affair as well!)
leo Because you feel so warm toward others today, all interactions will go well, especially in group situations. Meetings, conventions, conferences and casual get-togethers will be positive experiences.
virgo Romance with your boss or someone who is older, richer, wiser or more established than you is likely today. At the very least, you might develop a crush on someone.
libra Travel for pleasure will delight you today! You need a change of scenery. At the very least, be a tourist in your own city. Enjoy the beautiful creations of others.
scorpio You definitely can benefit from what other people own today. Someone might give you a gift or let you use something that he or she owns. This is a good day to apply for a loan.
sagittarius Relationships with close friends and partners are very cozy and warm today. Get out and socialize! Enjoy good times with others. (It's a good day to form partnerships as well.)
capricorn You might get a promotion or a raise at work today. You also might see ways to earn more money. At the least, relations with co-workers are warm and friendly.
aquarius What a romantic, fun-loving day! New flirtations are exciting. Enjoy sports, movies, the theater and playful activities with children.
pisces Buy something to make where you live look more beautiful today. (Treat yourself to some fresh flowers.) This is the perfect day to entertain at home. You also might want to treat a family member.
aries It's all about you today! Go after what you want. After all, it's your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Make the most of this!
taurus Work alone or behind the scenes if you can, because you have a lot of planning to do. It's also best if you take it slowly and carefully in order to avoid mistakes and confusion.
gemini Talk to others about your dreams and hopes for the future. You might be surprised by how helpful their feedback will be. Voice your wants out loud.
cancer People are aware of you more than usual now; have you noticed? Furthermore, they're impressed! If you are offered increased responsibilities, accept. (You'll do fine.)
leo Travel plans are exciting. You're very eager to broaden your horizons and learn something new. This is a wonderful time to study and explore more of the world.
virgo Pull together loose details about inheritances, wills, debt, taxes and anything that involves the wealth or earnings of your partner. Tackle things you've been putting off.
libra Be prepared to go more than halfway when dealing with others. Actually, this will allow you to learn more about how you relate to those who are closest to you.
scorpio Do something to get better organized at home and at work. Every time you buy something new, get rid of something else. Declutter and recycle.
sagittarius This is a wonderful playful day! Take a long lunch. Enjoy happy hour. See a game or a movie. Laugh it up with friends.
capricorn You might want to entertain at home or have family over today or tonight. Or you might just want to spend some time alone at home. (You feel rather domestic.)
aquarius Conversations with relatives and siblings will be stimulating today. You feel the need to communicate to others because you want to enlighten people about something.
pisces Be alert for new ways to earn money, because they certainly exist right now. New job opportunities might come your way. Think about what it is that you really want that will make you happy.
aries You feel very restless today. It's almost as if you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. (One can only hope it's your size.)
taurus A friend (or perhaps a group) will do or say something that surprises you today. Possibly, instead, you will meet someone who is a character or quite eccentric in some way.
gemini This is a poor day to disagree with bosses, parents and authority figures in your life. These people are unpredictable! Anything can happen. (Keep a low profile so you don't wake the sleeping giant.)
cancer Travel plans might be canceled or delayed today. Similarly, plans regarding university, college and anything to do with advanced training also might go off the rails today.
leo Check your bank account. Something having to do with shared property, taxes, debt and bills will have a few surprises for you today.
virgo Expect a few surprises when dealing with partners and close friends today. Someone might tell you he or she needs more space or more freedom. Something unusual is afoot.
libra Expect the unexpected at work today. Staff shortages, computer crashes, power outages, fire drills and canceled appointments will be par for the course. Allow extra time for everything!
scorpio This is an accident-prone day for your children or for children in your care; therefore, be extra vigilant. Sports accidents also might take place. Be cautious.
sagittarius Something might occur at home today that surprises you. Perhaps company will drop by or a family member will have unexpected news. Small appliances could break down.
capricorn This is an accident-prone day. Therefore, be mindful of everything you say and do. Allow yourself extra time for everything. Slow down and take it easy.
aquarius You might find money today; you might lose money. You also might break or lose something you own. Be extra careful with everything.
pisces You feel rebellious today! If somebody challenges you, you will bark back! You feel like you have to prove yourself in some way. (Easy does it.) Don't do anything you will regret later.
aries Because the Moon is in your sign today, things will tend to go your way. Ask for anything if you want a yes answer. Lady Luck is smiling.
taurus Work alone or behind the scenes today. Keep a low profile. People are touchy and impatient today, so you might want to stay out of their way.
gemini A discussion with a female acquaintance could be important today, or perhaps someone needs to bend your ear. Either way, take time for conversation.
cancer Some aspect of your private life might be made public today. Beware of this. In particular, bosses, parents and VIPs, including the police, will notice you.
leo You're restless to do something different today! You want adventure, and you want to learn something new. Give yourself an opportunity to do this. Go someplace you've never been before.
virgo Focus on your responsibilities to others, and especially your financial responsibilities. Check out details about bills, taxes and debt. (You gotta do it.)
libra Because the Moon is opposite your sign today, you will have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. It's not a big deal. You can do this.
scorpio Focus on getting better organized at home and at work today. Tidy up loose ends. Clean your workspace. Get rid of garbage and clutter. You'll feel so much better later!
sagittarius This can be a fun-loving, playful day. It's also an excellent day for artists and people who do creative work of any kind. Sports, parties and activities with children will delight.
capricorn Home, domestic issues and discussions with family members -- especially parents -- are on the agenda today. Be patient with others. Don't just shoot from the hip.
aquarius This is a busy day! Don't stay at home. Get out and run errands, talk to others, be involved with wheeling and dealing, and buying and selling.
pisces Focus on money issues and earnings today. What can you do to boost your earnings or make a little money on the side? Because this is your lucky year, you might find a way to do this.
aries Errors regarding money, possessions and your earnings will decrease greatly now, because today, Mercury turns direct. You can relax and shop with greater ease, especially for cars, trucks and bicycles.
taurus Mercury has been retrograde in your sign for the past month, causing stalled vacations, goofy errors and partners from the past to appear suddenly in your life once again. Today, this is over. (Breathe a sigh of relief.)
gemini Private, behind-the-scenes business will become more efficient and yield better results from today onward. It's been difficult to get things off the ground lately.
cancer Go forward with hopeful plans for the future. Lately, your involvement with clubs, groups and organizations has caused you to spin your wheels.
leo Your efforts to please bosses, parents and authority figures finally has paid off. Now everyone is happy, and so are you! Basically, you're caught up. (Whew!)
virgo Travel plans and matters connected with higher learning, publishing and the media all will become much more efficient and reliable from this day forward. (Things have been pretty crazy lately with Mercury retrograde!)
libra Discussions about shared property, inheritances, wills and insurance matters can be wrapped up now. Don't be afraid to explore new ground. Be open to suggestions.
scorpio Focus on new developments with partnerships. Recently, you have been caught up in old business with ex-partners. Now it's time to move forward.
sagittarius Work has been a struggle lately because of detours, delays, errors, staff shortages and mixed-up communication. All this is history as of today. You're back in the saddle again!
capricorn Anything having to do with the arts, sports, working with children, plus vacations, parties and romantic liaisons will move forward more smoothly. Delays are now a thing of the past.
aquarius Recently, you have enjoyed family reunions and talking to relatives about the old days. Now it's time to focus on what you want to happen at home and in your family in the future.
pisces You have survived a month of silly errors, delays, transportation problems and goofy misunderstandings with others. Congratulations! This is all behind you now.
aries Many special things are happening this year that make you believe in a higher power or the goodness of everyone. You're feeling very spiritual.
taurus This is an unusually popular year for you! Now is the time to schmooze and enjoy the company of others. People can help you. Make the most of this opportunity.
gemini Something will occur this year that puts your name up in lights. You can really boost your reputation and good name in a positive way.
cancer Travel opportunities, as well as opportunities to get further education and training, are excellent this year. Some of you will make advances in publishing, medicine, the law or the media.
leo Gifts, goodies and favors from others will come your way this year. You're on the receiving end of the gravy train! (Keep laughing all the way to the bank.)
virgo You're proud of some accomplishments now. What is also very comforting is that you know you have the support of close friends and partners this year.
libra Look for ways to improve your job, because it certainly exists this year. You will get better duties, a better job or perhaps a better attitude toward your job.
scorpio Plan for some vacations this year, because it is definitely your turn to party! Love and romance are wonderfully blessed as well! This is a good year for sports as well.
sagittarius This is an excellent year for real estate, family relationships and ways to enrich or expand your home. Your personal life will be happier.
capricorn It's easy to have a positive attitude this year, because you believe in yourself. You don't have to try to be anybody that you're not.
aquarius Look for ways to boost your income this year, because they certainly exist. Some of you will get a raise or a better paying job, or spin off into self-employed ventures.
pisces Lucky you! Jupiter is in your sign this year. This is such a positive influence for you that your self-poise and confidence will grow. Opportunities and people easily come to you now. Make hay while the Sun shines!
aries The New Moon today is the perfect opportunity to make some resolutions about how to maintain your possessions and get the best value for your money. Think of ways you can do this.
taurus Today the only New Moon in your sign all year will take place. This is your chance to improve your self-image. Take a look in the mirror. How can you improve your appearance?
gemini The greatest happiness always comes from helping others. This is not corny; this is just the truth. Ask yourself this today: What can I do to make myself happy?
cancer Every New Moon is a chance to make resolutions. This particular Moon occurs in the part of your chart related to goals. Therefore, what are your goals?
leo What is your relationship to bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs? Do you rebel against authority, or are you cooperative? Think about this.
virgo Because of today's particular New Moon, this is the perfect day to think about what further education or training you could get that would enrich your life or improve your job. What would you like to do?
libra Ask yourself how you can clean up loose details about shared property, inheritances and anything you share with others. Outline a plan to get on top of your scene.
scorpio The only New Moon all year that is directly opposite your sign is taking place today. Think about what you can do to improve partnerships and close friendships.
sagittarius Today's New Moon is the best time all year to think about how to improve your health, and also how to improve your job. Why not write down a few approaches to consider?
capricorn You're always prepared to work, but how often do you give yourself permission to play? In particular, how often do you express your creativity?
aquarius Today's New Moon is the perfect time to make some resolutions about how you can improve your home and your family relationships. What would you suggest?
pisces Are you clear in your communication with others, especially siblings and relatives? Today's new Moon urges you to ask yourself this question.
aries You're very aware of money, cash flow, potential purchases, and wheeling and dealing today. Some of you are full of bright moneymaking ideas. Hey -- this is a good time to try them on for size!
taurus Because Mercury is finally now slowly moving forward (after being retrograde in your sign for the past month), you feel more productive. You have that sense of starting to get your show on the road. Yay!
gemini Secret, behind-the-scenes activities and plans might start to take on a life of their own now. Is it time to come out of the closet?
cancer If you have been involved with groups, whether casually or in an organization, now you can start to move forward to achieve joint goals. Others will help you now.
leo Discussions with parents, bosses and VIPs are productive now. You're impressed with what they have to say, and they are prepared to listen to you!
virgo Travel plans and anything having to do with higher education, publishing and the media finally can get off the ground! (Recent delays have been scary.)
libra Get moving with plans about inheritances, wills, estates, taxes and debt. Your time for procrastination is over. Make it happen.
scorpio With both the Sun and Mercury directly opposite your sign now, discussions with partners and close friends are important. Listen to what they have to say. Give them your honest feedback as well.
sagittarius Delays and errors at work will be reduced greatly now. You can breathe a sigh of relief. What a difficult month -- but you survived!
capricorn Sports plans and matters related to children (and their care and education) can really get off the ground now. Start to make vacation plans as well.
aquarius Family discussions, especially with parents or older family members, will be significant today. It's good to listen to your elders; however, you don't necessarily have to follow their advice.
pisces You have a lot of energy to write, edit, communicate or enlighten others about something. You want to share your ideas! Transportation delays and confused communication will be reduced hugely now. (Whew!)
aries You're very lively and dynamic today! All your communication with others will go well because you are forthright, assertive and persuasive! (Of course, that's who you are mostly, right?)
taurus Listen to your moneymaking ideas today. You're very enthusiastic about cash flow and earnings. You might discover something you want to buy for your home or for a family member.
gemini The Moon is in your sign today, and it's energized by fiery Mars! This makes you highly emotional -- and very assertive with others. You're going to get the job done!
cancer Work alone or behind the scenes today, because your research abilities are excellent. If you're looking for answers, or solutions to old problems, you will find them!
leo Discussions with groups, especially a female within a group, will be lively and energetic today. Someone is ready to speak his or her mind!
virgo Some aspect of your private life will suddenly be made public today. People will learn how strongly you feel about something. You're exposed! (Yikes.)
libra Do something different today. Change your routine. You want to learn something new, and you want a little adventure in your life. (Shake it up a bit.)
scorpio Discussions about shared property, inheritances, wills and insurance matters will be productive today. People are not going to mince words. (Oh, no.)
sagittarius A partner or close friend is going to speak very frankly to you today. Or perhaps this is happening vice versa? People mean what they say, and they say what they mean!
capricorn This is a productive day at work. Tackle any job, because you will do it with enthusiasm. Physical work, in particular, will appeal to you.
aquarius What a fun day! This is also a lovely, flirtatious, saucy day! Enjoy sports, the arts, show business and playful times with children. (New love is possible.)
pisces Conversations with female relatives, especially mothers, might be exciting or excitable today -- could go either way. Make sure you listen carefully to others. People feel very intensely about what they want to say today. (Forewarned is forearmed.)
aries Disruptions at home are inevitable today. Surprise company might drop by. Small appliances could break down. Minor breakages could occur. Tempers might snap! Run for cover!
taurus This definitely is an accident-prone day. Therefore, slow down and take it easy. Allow extra time for everything. Double-check whatever you do.
gemini Watch financial transactions and your money! You might find money today; you might lose money. Count your change. Similarly, something you own might be broken, stolen or mislaid. Be alert.
cancer Today the Moon is in your sign, making a nasty aspect to wild, wacky Uranus. Expect disruptions! People are easily irritated. Things will zig when you want them to zag. (Patience!)
leo You feel extremely restless today. You have the feeling that you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. Many things around you are not unfolding as expected. Allow extra time for everything.
virgo A friend or a member of a group might shock you today. Somebody might walk out of a meeting. (Actually, that somebody could be you.) People are extremely sensitive and touchy today!
libra You will feel lots of high energy (probably rebellious energy) around authority figures today, especially bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. If someone is too bossy with you, you will react!
scorpio Travel plans will be canceled or delayed today. Ditto for anything related to higher education, colleges and universities. The media might have surprising news.
sagittarius Something unexpected will occur with shared property or anything you own jointly with others. Make friends with your bank account. Make sure you know what's happening.
capricorn Squabbles with partners and close friends are highly likely today. Tread carefully! Somebody might demand more freedom or more space. (It's that kind of day.)
aquarius Interruptions to your job are unavoidable. Staff shortages, canceled appointments, power outages, computer crashes and tension with co-workers are possibilities. Yikes.
pisces Parents should be extra vigilant with their children today. This is an accident-prone day for sure with your kids, or for children in your care. Try to maintain a calm energy around children. (Ha!) Easier said than done.
aries This is a wonderful feel-good day. It's also an excellent day for business and commerce. The only downside is that in your enthusiasm, you might promise too much to somebody.
taurus This is a great day for business and shopping. However, there's a tendency to go overboard. If shopping, keep your receipts!
gemini You feel warm-hearted today. People enjoy your company, and vice versa. If you have to project goals and deadlines to bosses, be realistic.
cancer You feel friendly to everyone today. In fact, you're ready to help those who are in need. You're a good Samaritan today.
leo Your enthusiasm impresses others today, especially bosses, parents, VIPs and even the police. It shows how powerful a big, warm, genuine smile can be. (Although, let's face it -- this doesn't always work. But today, it does!)
virgo Travel plans are exciting. Others might be equally as excited about school or anything having to do with the media, publishing, medicine or the law. You have the feeling you can do anything today!
libra Gifts, goodies and favors from others will come to you today. This is an excellent day to get a mortgage or apply for a loan. Keep your pockets open.
scorpio Discussions with partners and close friends are upbeat and pleasant today. Get out and schmooze. This is such a family day!
sagittarius Things will go extremely well at work today. Co-workers are cooperative. Everybody has an upbeat, friendly attitude. Your health is very strong today as well.
capricorn What a wonderful day to party! Enjoy sports, playful activities with children and anything having to do with show business and the entertainment world. Have fun!
aquarius Real estate deals look very good today; however, if something looks too good to be true, that might be the case. Nevertheless, check it out. It might be that good!
pisces This is a wonderful day at home and with family members. Invite the gang over. People are in a party mood. It's also a great day to act, teach, write, sell and market.
aries What a wonderful, magical day! Relations with everyone are warm and friendly. Discussions with groups are particularly idealistic. You can achieve a special goal today.
taurus This is wonderful day for long-range planning. You're in a practical frame of mind. However, if shopping, you'll buy gorgeous extravagance!
gemini Philosophies, religions and different ideas from other cultures inspire you today. You want to explore new frontiers and learn something!
cancer Discussions with somebody older or wiser will inspire you today. You might meet people who are truly the elders with wisdom. You're also willing to put the needs of others before your own. (Commendable.)
leo You're in a serious frame of mind today because you feel you're on an important mission. Relations with groups are gentle, mysterious and concerned with inspired ideas. (Heady stuff.)
virgo This is an excellent day to pursue any kind of advanced study or new avenues in publishing, the media, the law and medicine. You're ready to learn, proof, critique and grasp something important.
libra Your appreciation of beauty is aroused today. By all means, give yourself a chance to enjoy art galleries, museums, beautiful boutiques, parks and architectural buildings.
scorpio Discussions with partners and close friends will be serious but profound today. Open up your heart and trust others. People are willing to help you now.
sagittarius This is a great day at work. You can get a lot done because you're in a practical frame of mind, and you feel disciplined about whatever you do. Partners are supportive today.
capricorn Romance with someone older or more experienced is possible today. Couples might discuss the care and education of children. Similarly, discussions about professional sports will be productive.
aquarius Make long-range plans for the future related to family and home today. Your thinking is very clear and logical. Meanwhile, romance is the stuff of movies!
pisces Your ability to make long-range plans is excellent today. Talk to others about what you hope to achieve. Family discussions might be sympathetically concerned about someone who needs help.
aries Discussions with a female friend will be rewarding today. Or perhaps, someone will introduce you to a new female friend. You want to share ideas about future goals with someone.
taurus Some aspect of your private life might suddenly be made public today, especially in the eyes of bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. This also includes the police. Be aware of this!
gemini Travel for pleasure is a lovely daydream today. Some of you might make it come true! Whatever happens, you want to learn more about the world beyond your everyday world.
cancer Discussions about how to share something or distribute a certain amount of money will be very reasonable and fair today. People are in the mood to cooperate.
leo This is good day to talk to partners and close friends about practically any subject. Everyone is in a good mood! (Less so late in the day, so strike early.)
virgo You might suggest improvements to your workplace today. These improvements could enhance the appearance of where you work or improve relations between co-workers.
libra This is a playful, flirtatious day! Take a long lunch if you can. You'd rather put pleasure before work, that's for sure. Sports events will appeal. (So will saucy flirtations!)
scorpio Family discussions can go very well today. In particular, discussions about interior design or redecorating might interest you.
sagittarius This is good day for writers, teachers, actors and people who drive for a living. Others are prepared to cooperate with whatever you want to do. (That's a nice change!)
capricorn This is good day for business and commerce, especially related to technology, electronics and anything having to do with aviation or space technology. It's a mild influence, but it is positive.
aquarius The Moon is in your sign, today making a lovely aspect to fair Venus. Others will enjoy your charm and diplomacy because you feel friendly.
pisces Solitude in beautiful surroundings and quiet contemplation in a pleasant place will please you today. You need a little time alone to pull your act together.
aries This is an ideal day to relate to groups of people. Meetings, conventions, conferences or casual get-togethers will be rewarding. This is a good time to share your hopes and dreams for the future to see what people say.
taurus Your interaction with an authority figure (teacher, parent or boss) will be important today. Quite likely, this person will be female.
gemini You want to do something different today! You're hungry for adventure, and you want to learn something new. Basically, you want to run away and join the circus.
cancer Discussions with others about shared property might be worthwhile today. You also might have to test the waters to find out if the values of someone else agree with your values. This could be tricky.
leo Because the Moon is opposite your sign today, you'll have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. This isn't a big deal. You can do it.
virgo Do something to make you feel like you're better organized at home and at work today. Why not take three things (at least) from your bathroom and throw them away?
libra Look for ways to express your creativity today, even if you do something childish, like coloring or something very simple. The product is not what counts. It's the process that is meaningful.
scorpio Family discussions, especially with females, are important today. You also might need some time alone today. (Your focus is definitely domestic.)
sagittarius Discussions with siblings and relatives can go well today. People are concerned about their freedom of action. They're testing the waters to see what others think. Why not give your opinion?
capricorn You might like to dream up ways to be self-employed today, or to make money on the side. You have moneymaking ideas, that's for sure.
aquarius You might be more emotional than usual today, because the Moon is in your sign. However, this also means you will get a little bit of extra good luck!
pisces This is the day to lie in the weeds. Don't call attention to yourself. Work alone or behind the scenes.
aries Put out some energy today to get better organized both at work and at home. You also might learn something that benefits your health. It could be a modern method or a very ancient practice.
taurus Today the Moon is in Virgo, which is your fellow Earth Sign; this bodes well for you! Plan to party, flirt, play and enjoy yourself with others. It's a great day for fun activities!
virgo Today the Moon is in Virgo, which is your fellow Earth Sign; this bodes well for you! Plan to party, flirt, play and enjoy yourself with others. It's a great day for fun activities!
gemini Home and family matters are your primary concerns today. Discussions with a parent could be significant. Entertain at home if possible.
cancer Busy day! Discussions with siblings and relatives are likely. This is also a good day for short trips, reading, writing and studying. It's a fast-paced day.
leo Focus on cash flow, money and possessions today. Keep track of things. Make friends with your bank account. Know what your assets are.
virgo You might be a bit more emotional about things today because the Moon is in your sign. However, when the Moon is in your sign, you are also a bit luckier than all the other signs.
libra Keep a low profile today. Work alone or behind the scenes. You have some private thinking to do. This is a very good day for research for your sign.
scorpio All group activities, meetings, conferences, conventions and even casual get-togethers are recommended today. Enjoy talking to others, especially female acquaintances.
sagittarius Certain details of your private life will come to the attention of bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs today. It's as if you are "noticed." (Eek.)
capricorn Travel definitely will please you today. Because you're in the mood to learn something new, any kind of study will go particularly well.
aquarius Discussions about inheritances, wills, taxes, debt and shared property are appropriate today. You could be focused on your partner's earnings and how they might affect you.
pisces Be prepared to go more than halfway when dealing with others today, because the Moon is directly opposite your sign. It's no big deal. Just be tolerant of and patient with others. You also might learn something interesting.
aries You can make excellent strides at work today, because you view everything with intelligence and a reasonable attitude. You're neither too optimistic or nor too pessimistic.
taurus Discussions with others, especially in group situations, are very grounded. These meetings likely will help you know what you want to do in the future.
gemini Today you see how your external world fits in nicely with your private world or your home scene. It is increasingly obvious to you how everything can come together nicely.
cancer As you consider residential moves or job changes, you feel a warm feeling in your tummy today. You now know the best way to move forward to do something.
leo You have a better feeling about the resources you can rely on, in terms of debt, taxes and inheritances, in addition to how much you can earn! You see the whole picture now.
virgo This is an excellent time for important discussions with partners and close friends. It's very easy to establish a nice, easygoing give-and-take.
libra You can be productive at work today because you find others to be supportive, and they will think the same of you. Similarly, health issues are reassuring as well.
scorpio This is the kind of day when you will appreciate children in your life, or you might appreciate a romantic partner. You see how these influences create a balance in your life.
sagittarius You feel happier about the balance you are managing to achieve between your personal life and your public life. Things seem to be working in your favor.
capricorn Your need to explore things close to home and your need to travel and explore more of the outer world are well-balanced now. You feel good about your choices.
aquarius It's reassuring to know that your own earnings can balance out whatever is lacking from partners and others. You're going to make it all work, one way or the other.
pisces You feel calm and realistic about your world today. You know you're doing well, but you don't take this success for granted.
aries You really want your way about something today because you feel passionately about it! You don't want to compromise. If necessary, you will persuade others to agree with you.
taurus You feel very intense about something today, possibly having to do with earnings, cash flow or buying something. Whatever it is, you believe you must have it!
gemini Relations with others are passionately intense today. If they are intimate relationships, this speaks for itself. If they are friendships, then your discussions will be intense and certainly memorable!
cancer You feel almost obsessed about something today. It could relate to your relations with others, especially partners and close friends. Or it could just be your own personal obsession!
leo Research and personal or private discoveries will reveal something very important to you today. You might learn more than you bargained for!
virgo Discussions with friends in group situations could become intense today. You might bump up against someone who is just as adamant about something as you are. Oops! You will be at loggerheads with someone.
libra Romance with a boss or someone older, richer or more worldly might be irresistible today. You can't help yourself. Nevertheless, be very mindful of whatever you do today.
scorpio Avoid important discussions about religion, politics and racial issues today, because people are too hot-headed! This includes you. Chill out. Avoid controversial subjects.
sagittarius Avoid quarrels and disputes about shared property today. Nobody will back down. People are definitely entrenched in their own points of view, and you are no exception.
capricorn Discussions with others are difficult because people are defensive today. On the other hand, passionate new relationships could begin. If so, these feel like they are fated, or meant to be.
aquarius Others might not agree with your ideas about how to improve things. Because of this, it might be advisable to wait for another time to put forth your suggestions.
pisces Romance is overwhelming today. You might fall head over heels in love with somebody. You feel like this connection was written in the stars. Who knows? Perhaps it was.
aries Discussions with partners and close friends are delightful today. People are energetic and enthusiastic to see you! (Ditto from your point of view.)
taurus Everyone at work is quite enthusiastic about something today. Similarly, you feel equally as enthusiastic about your health and how you feel today.
gemini Flirtations, playful activities with children, sports, the arts, the entertainment world and all fun, social occasions will appeal to you today. What a fun way to start your week!
cancer Discussions with female relatives (especially parents) are lively and dynamic today. Everybody is going to get into the act. (Everyone wants to pitch in his or her two cents.)
leo This is a great day if you write, sell, market, teach or act -- or even drive for a living. Everything you do will be done with gusto and enthusiasm!
virgo This is a good day for business and commerce. You're encouraged about cash-flow issues and possible purchases. You're eager to complete something.
libra You have lots of energy today! Not only that, but things seem to go your way. This is not surprising, since the Moon is in your sign, bringing you extra good luck.
scorpio Research and seeking solutions to old problems could be very successful today. You have the mental energy and enthusiasm to get the results you want.
sagittarius Discussions with others in group situations are lively! You might meet a female contact who is a lot of fun to be with.
capricorn It's not easy to control what's happening today. Suddenly, some private aspect of your life might be made public, especially in the eyes of bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs.
aquarius You're eager to blow this pop stand! You want a change of scenery. Do whatever you can to shake things up. Go someplace you've never been before.
pisces Make friends with your bank account today. If you join forces with others, you can achieve greater results. This is a great day for fundraising. Don't be afraid to ask others for the support you need. You'll likely get it!
aries This is a pleasant day for domestic activities and family gatherings. It's also a good day for home purchases. Enjoy entertaining at home. Invite the gang over for pizza and beer.
taurus Writers, teachers, actors and salespeople can make good use of today. Your ability to talk to others and communicate professionally or casually is tops today. Conversations with siblings are positive.
gemini This is a good day for business and commerce. Your moneymaking ideas are worth considering. Shop for beautiful things for yourself and loved ones.
cancer Your diplomatic skills are in top form today. You'll enjoy the company of others, and they will enjoy talking to you as well. People are cooperative today.
leo Work alone or behind the scenes today. Solitude in beautiful surroundings will be refreshing. You're happy just to enjoy your own company, if you get a chance to do this.
virgo Group activities are favored today. Meetings, conferences, conventions and casual get-togethers will go extremely well. People are easygoing and cooperative.
libra Someone might ask for your creative or artistic input about something today. It could relate to color, design, composition, furniture layout, gardening, anything. Tell this person what you think.
scorpio Travel for pleasure will please you today. Try to do something that is out of your normal routine. Because your appreciation for beauty is heightened, visit parks, beautiful buildings, galleries and museums.
sagittarius This is a romantic day! You'll enjoy hanging out with your main squeeze. Gifts, goodies and favors from others might come your way easily.
capricorn Important discussions with partners can go well today. This is also a good day to mend broken fences and relationships. And this is a good day to enter into agreements with others.
aquarius You might get a raise or praise from your boss today. Co-workers are in a good mood. You also might see how to make where you work look or feel more attractive.
pisces Romance, love affairs, parties, vacations and fun times are your top choices today. Sports will be enjoyable. Have fun with kids. Financial speculation could be promising.
aries Relations with siblings and everyday contacts could be tense today, because the pressure is building up before tomorrow's Full Moon. The best way to handle this is to be patient with others.
taurus Financial tension or concerns about cash flow could arise today. Things will look better by the weekend.
gemini Tomorrow, the only Full Moon all year that is opposite your sign will take place. That's why you feel increased tension when dealing with others today, especially partners and close friends. Chill out.
cancer You might feel vaguely uncomfortable, restless or tense today. This feeling just has do to with the buildup before tomorrow's Full Moon, which takes place in a hidden part of your chart.
leo You'll need extra patience when dealing with groups today, whether large groups or casual meetings. People are on edge because of the buildup today before tomorrow's Full Moon. Be cool.
virgo The Full Moon tomorrow is going to stretch your relationships with authority figures, bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs and the police. You will feel this already building up today. Tread carefully!
libra This is a mildly accident-prone day, so slow down and take it easy. Allow extra time for everything. Definitely avoid verbal accidents by not arguing about religion or politics. (Oh yeah.)
scorpio Double-check your bank account and all your cash-flow dealings today. If shopping, count your change and keep your receipts.
sagittarius Tomorrow, the only Full Moon in your sign all year will take place. This is why you might feel increasingly edgy or impatient with others today. Patience is the solution to this situation.
capricorn Keep your cool at work today, because stressful situations could occur, especially with co-workers or customers. People can feel the buildup today before tomorrow's Full Moon.
aquarius Upsets with sports, the care of children and anything having to do with vacations or romance are possible today. Tomorrow's Full Moon could wreak havoc in these areas.
pisces Be extra patient with family members, and in any situation at home. You also must be patient when dealing with real estate matters today. See how things unfold.
aries This is an accident-prone day for you, so don't push the river. Accidents generally happen because of haste and distraction.
taurus You might be confused about money matters or who owes what to whom. Avoid making important financial decisions if you feel pressured by anything.
gemini You have to go more than halfway when dealing with others today, because the only Full Moon opposite your sign all year is taking place. Be patient and cooperative.
cancer This might be a stressful day at work for you. Similarly, you might even feel stressed about health issues. These problems will fade by the weekend.
leo Some kind of tension when dealing with groups is likely today because of today's Full Moon. You also might feel pulled between the demands of romance and the demands of a friend.
virgo The Full Moon today is the classic tug-of-war between the demands of home and family versus the demands of career and your public life. You can't please everyone.
libra This definitely is an accident-prone day, so be careful. Accidents don't have to happen. They generally are caused by distractions and being too hasty. Slow down!
scorpio Stay on top of your cash-flow scene today. For some reason, you feel pulled in two directions, and you're not sure where to put your emphasis. You have responsibilities to others.
sagittarius The only Full Moon in your sign all year is taking place today. This means it's hard to know which to put first -- your interests or the interests of someone else.
capricorn You might encounter stressful situations at work today because of the challenges of today's Full Moon. Don't overreact. These problems will diminish greatly by the weekend.
aquarius Parents need to be extra patient with children today. And romantic partners also will have to be extra patient with each other because of today's Full Moon.
pisces Despite the demands of career and your public life, you cannot ignore the demands of home and family today. You feel a tug-of-war because of today's Full Moon. (Groan.)
aries Talk to siblings and relatives. Get out and schmooze. This is an excellent day for short trips and driving, plus reading, writing and studying.
taurus Focus on financial matters today. Is there any way you can boost your earnings? Make friends with your bank account. (Save a little money.)
gemini This is your lucky day! The Sun is in your sign, attracting people and opportunities to you. Milk this for all it's worth.
cancer Work alone or behind the scenes, because you are best served that way right now. Don't forget to plan what your new year is going to be like, because your birthday is just around the corner.
leo Talk to friends and people in group situations about your dreams and hopes for the future. The feedback from others can help you now.
virgo You're in the limelight right now. People notice you, especially people in power. If you are asked to take on increased responsibilities, accept. You'll do fine.
libra Travel, publishing and anything having to do with higher education looks very good right now. These are areas you want to explore!
scorpio Gifts, goodies and favors from others can come your way today. Some will get inheritances. This is a good time to ask for a loan or get a mortgage.
sagittarius Try to get more sleep. The Sun is as far away from your sign as it gets all year. (The Sun is your source of energy.)
capricorn Focus on ways to become more efficient and effective, both in your job and also in your everyday tasks. A new health regimen might appeal to you now as well.
aquarius Get away on a little vacation weekend if you can. You want to have fun and kick up your heels! Sports, playful activities with children plus romance look great!
pisces Home, family and your domestic scene is your main focus right now. Discussions with parents could be significant. Try to find some quiet time at home just for you.
aries Be careful making travel plans, setting deadlines for publishing or in matters related to higher education, because you could go overboard today. Your judgment might be a bit faulty.
taurus Don't give away the farm today because you're feeling generous (or guilty) about how something is shared. Protect your own self-interests.
gemini Your efforts to appease a close friend or partner might get you into hot water today, because you could make promises you can't back up. Don't bite off more than you can chew!
cancer Do your best to be reasonable and realistic with situations at work today. If you're trying a new health regimen, don't go overboard. Take it slowly until you know what you're doing.
leo Be careful you don't go overboard spending money on pleasure and social activities today. (You know who you are.) Similarly, you might be too indulgent with children.
virgo Don't make promises you can't keep with family members today. I say this because this is exactly what you are tempted to do. Think before you open your mouth!
libra You might go overboard by biting off more than you can chew today when making deals with others. If something looks too good to be true, perhaps it is.
scorpio Try to be conservative with your money today, instead of throwing it around recklessly. Of course, you don't think you're doing this, but maybe you are.
sagittarius You're going to feel more emotional about something today, there's no question about it. Keep this in mind when you react to others. (The Moon is in your sign, getting a boost from your ruler, Jupiter.)
capricorn Solitude in beautiful surroundings will delight you today. If you come up with a great idea or an epiphany, enjoy this moment. But wait a day or two to let it settle in your mind.
aquarius Big ideas that you share with others might need to be tested. Things might look rosier than they really are. Hmm.
pisces Some aspect of your private life is suddenly going to be made public today. However, probably it's well-meaning and even humorous.
aries Difficulties with your job might diminish now, because today marks the beginning of you going forward. You might even have a sense of relief about something.
taurus Some of you will have a clearer idea about what it is you want to do with your life, starting right now. It's as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
gemini Now you have a better idea about how to solidify your home base. You no longer feel threatened with overwhelming odds. You're in control.
cancer Job changes and residential moves that have been fuzzy in your mind, now appear to be clearer. You have a sense of knowing where you're really going.
leo Your money scene looks more stable now. Many of you will have a better idea of what to expect from your earnings, and this is reassuring.
virgo From this point on, you are going forward with your life with much more confidence. The brakes are off. Now you can entertain bigger, more ambitious plans.
libra More than ever, you see that now you're entering a completely new sandbox. In fact, things are going to be so different, you might even change your daily wardrobe!
scorpio Start to clear out closets, garages, lockers and cupboards so you can seriously downsize. It's time to get rid of what is no longer relevant in your life.
sagittarius Make sure you create time for you, as well as meet your busy obligations with others. You can't be all things to all people. You count, too.
capricorn Get ready for your time of harvest, because it's really going to kick in now. You're entering a five-year window you have worked so hard for.
aquarius Start to prepare for what it is you really want to happen a few years down the road. Get further education. Travel somewhere if you can. Learn whatever you can.
pisces Because you might get less from others, especially partners, as well as the support of loans, scholarships or even rent, you will have to stand on your own two feet. But you can do this.
aries This is a good day to talk to bosses, parents, teachers and authority figures, because these people are easily impressed by you now. (I say, milk this for all it's worth!)
taurus You couldn't pick a better day to make long-range plans for education, universities, colleges and anything having to do with publishing, the law and medicine. Just do it.
gemini You're in the right frame of mind to tackle red-tape details like inheritances, insurance matters, taxes and debt. Tie up loose ends. Do what you can.
cancer Discussions with partners and close friends will be practical today. You want to solve problems and come up with long-term solutions.
leo When at work, tackle routine tasks that you might normally avoid, because you have the mental capacity and patience to do them today. You want to get the job done.
virgo Someone older than you might have advice about children, sports or romance. Or perhaps you are the older person giving advice to others. Could go either way.
libra This is an excellent day for family discussions about family businesses or anything having to do with the future. People are concerned with practical solutions today.
scorpio It's a great day for long-range planning. Think about what you need and don't need for the future. Many of you are lightening your load now. (Good for you.)
sagittarius Advice from someone older is worth listening to today. After all, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Why not stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before you?
capricorn A conversation with the boss will be noticed by others today. People are aware that you could be singled out for some reason.
aquarius Any kind of research will really pay off today! You have the patience and persistence to dig for answers and discover what you're looking for.
pisces Think about your long-term goals. Where do you want to be 10 years from now? Five years from now? One year from now? What do you have to do this week to start to move in that direction?
aries This is a good day to mix with almost anybody -- particularly daily contacts, siblings and relatives. Get out and schmooze. You want to enlighten others about something.
taurus Money, earnings and possibly an increased focus on a particular possession will capture your interest today. Listen to your own moneymaking ideas!
gemini With the Sun in your sign now, you easily attract opportunities and people to you. Make the most of this. It is your turn to shine!
cancer Continue to work behind the scenes or alone. Remember to start planning your new year ahead. (Your new year is from birthday to birthday.)
leo Enjoy the friendship of others. You feel unusually social and keen to share your hopes and dreams for the future with someone.
virgo People in authority -- especially bosses, parents, teachers and even the police -- see you in a very favorable light now. You make a great impression on others!
libra Travel, new ideas, political concepts, religious art and the cultures of other people appeal to you now. You want to do anything that expands your horizons.
scorpio Try to wrap up loose details related to shared property, debt, inheritances, insurance matters and anything related to your partner's income or property. Reduce your debt.
sagittarius You can learn a lot about how you relate to those who are closest to you now, because the Sun is opposite your sign. This is the only time all year that this occurs, so why not learn as much as you can?
capricorn Because you're so motivated now to get better organized both at work and at home, give yourself the right tools to do a great job. Get cleaning equipment, shelving, file folders or whatever you need.
aquarius Vacations, romance, love affairs, sports and playful times with children are all tops on the menu for you now. Make sure you take time out of your day to have fun!
pisces Home, family and your domestic scene are your primary focus right now. This is why conversations with parents and family members will be significant.
aries Disputes with others about money and possessions are likely today. In particular, these disputes might take place in a group situation, especially with a female. Stay calm.
taurus Difficulties with authority figures, especially parents, are highly likely today. Therefore, cool your jets. Why wake a sleeping giant?
gemini Avoid delicate discussions about politics, religion and racial issues today, because people very quickly will get their knickers in a knot. It's a fight just waiting to happen.
cancer Disputes about shared property or fundraising issues, especially with groups, are possible today. Be very careful of everything you say.
leo Conflict with partners or authority figures can arise quickly today. Therefore, put a lid on it. Why walk into a minefield?
virgo On-the-job conflict with co-workers is possible today, especially regarding publishing matters or anything having to do with higher education, medicine or the law. "Don't quibble, Sybil."
libra People might have a strong difference of opinion about sharing the costs related to children or educational matters, or something having to do with sports. The debate even might be about spending money on a fun time. Easy does it.
scorpio With Mercury directly opposite your sign, making a harsh aspect of the Moon, domestic squabbles are likely today. Be patient with others, especially your partner.
sagittarius This is a mildly accident-prone day because you could feel agitated or annoyed with someone. Accidents don't have to happen. It's all a matter of concentration and mindfulness.
capricorn Disputes about money for recreational matters or anything having to do sports, children and vacations might arise today. Don't make a big deal about anything. Things will settle themselves.
aquarius You might be more emotional today than you usually are, because the Moon is in your sign. Furthermore, it's challenged by Mercury. People are touchy today! Therefore, give anything that looks like potential conflict a wide berth.
pisces Someone might be upset about secrets that come out today. If you are supposed to protect a secret for someone, make sure you do it. (Let's hope this secret isn't about you!)
aries Your idealism is aroused today, especially if you're working with a charitable cause or some kind of collective effort to help others. However, some confusion is possible. Be aware of this.
taurus Double-check all instructions from bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs today. Make no assumptions. Things are not as they appear. Someone could be confused!
gemini Because your appreciation of beauty is heightened today, give yourself an opportunity to enjoy museums, art galleries, beautiful parks, boutiques or anything that appeals to you. You might like to see the work of people from other cultures.
cancer If paying bills today or if dealing with banks or other financial institutions, double-check all your figures. It's remotely possible you could be deceived today.
leo Make no assumptions when talking to partners and close friends today. If for some reason you think something fishy is going on, it probably is!
virgo Don't fall for crocodile tears from a co-worker today or someone at work. On the other hand, you could be approached by somebody who is genuine and sincere! (But there is something shady going on.)
libra Your creative efforts might be unusually original today, because it's easy for you to be in touch with your muse. You feel tenderhearted toward children today as well.
scorpio Be extra clear in your communications with family members today. Someone might need your sympathy. Do your best to keep things in a realistic perspective.
sagittarius Someone might be playing fast and loose with the truth today. Don't believe everything you hear. Don't believe everything you see, either.
capricorn Be very aware of all financial transactions today. Keep your receipts. Double-check your dealings with banks. Guard against loss or theft.
aquarius You feel unusually warm and sympathetic toward others today. It's very easy to drift off into daydreams and woolly thinking. It's an extremely mellow day.
pisces You're concerned with secrets today. Perhaps you have a secret, or you are about to discover somebody else's secret. Actually, your psychic abilities are considerably heightened today. (Listen to them.)
aries Something extremely confusing related to sports, the arts or romantic relationships might occur today. It's very easy to misunderstand the actions of someone else. Use caution.
taurus Your energy to make some changes at home is low today. Suddenly, you're pooped! Be careful, whatever you do, in case someone else doesn't like it.
gemini You might be tempted to dodge the truth today if you are confronted by someone. In any event, quite likely, your actions will be misunderstood by others.
cancer Be very careful with all financial transactions today. Keep your receipts. Double-check your change. Guard against loss or theft. Don't trust your financial judgment today.
leo You might pursue one line of action aggressively and find out later that you were completely confused. Make sure you know what you're doing. Don't assume you have all the facts.
virgo Some kind of behind-the-scenes subterfuge or deceit could be going on today. If you have the feeling that things are not as they appear, trust your gut instincts.
libra Group activities are hard to organize today. In part, this might be because you're not clear about your group goals. Try to get feedback from others.
scorpio It's easy to misinterpret or misunderstand what people in authority want from you today. Perhaps they are not clear. Perhaps you are assuming something.
sagittarius Be very careful when dealing with the money and wealth of others today. Something a bit shady or deceitful could be going on. Keep things aboveboard.
capricorn This is a poor day for important discussions with partners and close friends, because direct honesty is tough to establish. Somebody could be hiding something from you.
aquarius Don't be discouraged if others block your efforts at work today. Quite likely, people don't understand what you're trying to achieve, or they're just not with it.
pisces Romantic relationships are rocky today. Meanwhile, issues with children can be confusing. Remain calm and clear about what you expect and what you want. Be patient if someone else is hesitant or unsure.
aries Someone older than you might be critical of your efforts at work today. Others might feel concerned about health, especially related to creaky joints, bones or a teeth problem. Yikes!
taurus Don't worry if someone older than you rains on your parade today, especially in matters related to your choice of friends or clubs and organizations you might belong to. You can't please everyone.
gemini This is not an ideal day to get approval from authority figures, especially parents, bosses, teachers and the police. You will encounter only obstacles and "talk to the hand."
cancer Travel delays are likely today. Rules and regulations might be the reason classes are postponed or situations with publishing, the media, medicine and the law get detoured or delayed in some way.
leo Financial matters might be disappointing today. Furthermore, you might be disappointed in your fair share of something. Don't expect to be able to ask for more porridge.
virgo Discussions with partners and close friends might be challenging today. Knowing this, keep things light. Don't ask for favors. Cut people some slack.
libra If you have health concerns, don't be too worried, because they likely will improve very shortly. Nevertheless, this is a classic day for stiff joints and teeth problems. People in power are unsympathetic.
scorpio Parents or older family relatives might be critical of you today. Just shrug this off. Don't worry about this, and don't add fuel to the fire.
sagittarius Go easy with family members today, especially parents and older relatives. People are inclined to be discouraging and critical; therefore, don't give anyone a chance.
capricorn You might be caught up in worrying about something today. Remember the old advice: Worry is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do, but gets you nowhere.
aquarius You might feel financially squeezed today. Or perhaps someone is critical about how you handle your money. Give this little thought. Just do what you can do.
pisces It's easy to be discouraged today. Just remember that this is a brief, dark cloud passing over your horizon. It's gone by tomorrow.
aries Expect to focus on your job pretty seriously for the next month. Suddenly, you're gung-ho to become more efficient and effective in everything you do.
taurus If you can plan to get away on a vacation in the next month or six weeks, by all means do so. You're starting to swing into party mode! Your creative skills are hot. Romance will be promising as well.
gemini Tension on the home front might be apparent in the months ahead. Just be patient with family members and loved ones. Even a hurricane lasts only a day.
cancer You're becoming increasingly aggressive in your communication with others. Many of you will start to read more, and enjoy studying as well. The month ahead is wonderful for sales, teaching, acting and writing.
leo For eight months now, fiery Mars has been in your sign. (This is most unusual!) Today it moves on. Glory, hallelujah!
virgo You're going to feel unusually invigorated and enthusiastic about everything for the next few months. You'll be quick to defend your rights, if need be.
libra Lots of busy activity behind the scenes is going to be taking place very soon. Even though you're busy, people won't know what you're up to. It's all very hush-hush.
scorpio Group activities, particularly sports, will be a primary focus for many of you during the next two months. You're getting ready to compete in something, that's for sure.
sagittarius Your ambition will be aroused during the next few months. Count on this. You decided that you want to make a name for yourself or put yourself on the map in some way.
capricorn Travel opportunities during the next six weeks look sweet! Many of you also will explore publishing and chances to advance yourself in medicine and law.
aquarius Disputes about shared property, insurance matters, inheritances and anything you own jointly with others (including debt) are likely in the next two months. Do your homework.
pisces During the next two months, relations with partners and close friends will be testy! Patience will be your ally. There's no doubt about it.
aries You suddenly might feel very good about something, because you sense that your luck is going to change for the better. You're probably right. Trust your positive gut feelings.
taurus Group activities might have a few surprises for you. Your interaction with others give you an increased sense of independence and personal power. This is good!
gemini Something unexpected might occur that really boosts your reputation with your peers in a positive way. Some of you could get a raise, praise, kudos or even a prize.
cancer Surprise opportunities to travel somewhere might fall in your lap right now. Similarly, something unexpected (but positive) could affect higher education, publishing, the media, the law or medicine.
leo Surprise gifts, goodies and wealth from other sources might come to you now. Something unexpected definitely can benefit you, or can benefit you indirectly through your partner. Ka-ching!
virgo Partners, close friends and loved ones could be the source of a wonderful surprise for you at this time. Maybe somebody will pop the question? Committed partnerships look swell.
libra Job opportunities are extremely good at this time. Either today or this week, something lovely might fall into your lap. It could be a raise, a promotion or a lovely acknowledgment.
scorpio Sudden opportunities to go on vacation exist for you right now. Others might experience love at first sight. So many exciting things are possible!
sagittarius Sought-after real estate deals finally might go through now. Fun and family reunions could occur. Something in your domestic world will improve dramatically.
capricorn You feel increasingly positive about your future now. It's such a relief to have a positive frame of mind. You feel more optimistic every day.
aquarius Keep your eyes open for ways to boost your income, because they certainly exist. Some of you can make a killing!
pisces Surprise good fortune can fall in your lap right now. Be ready for this. They say good luck is just being ready for opportunities when they occur. This is both your lucky day and your lucky week!
aries This is an excellent day for long-range plans, especially about secret deals that you're cooking up. Your luck is especially strong right now. You can probably play that long shot.
taurus New friendships or a new membership in a group brings you new opportunities. For some reason, this moves you to make practical plans about how you want to do something in the future.
gemini Surprising events might improve your reputation among your peers. This is a welcome thing! It also allows you to do some serious research behind the scenes.
cancer Hopefully, you can act on sudden opportunities to travel or explore further education or training. Similarly, publishing, the media, medicine and the law look great! Listen to the advice of someone older.
leo Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs are impressed with your practical common sense today. They see you have a firm grasp on what needs to be done.
virgo It's a great day to make long-range travel plans for the future. Similarly, people in publishing and the media can sit down together and hash things out. People have a long-term view of things today.
libra This is the perfect time to sit down with partners (professional or intimate) and talk about shared property. Things probably will go just the way you want.
scorpio Discussions with others about family matters will go very well today. You might discuss practical solutions for home repairs or taking care of older family members.
sagittarius People are impressed with you at work today because you have doable ideas about old problems. Your way of looking at things is upbeat, fresh and original!
capricorn Someone older might have wise advice about the arts, sports or something related to children. This could lead to an unexpected short trip.
aquarius This is a wonderful day to do repairs at home or discuss repairs in the future. In the same way, discussions about family events can be productive.
pisces You're in such a practical frame of mind today. You're taking the long-range view of everything. Because of this, people are impressed with what you have to say.
aries This is a poor day for important financial decisions. If you are shopping, keep your receipts and count your change. Deception or confusion with cash is possible.
taurus Be extra clear in all your communications with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs today. It's very easy for misunderstandings to occur. Assume nothing.
gemini If you think something fishy is going on today, it probably is. Trust your hunches. On the other hand, you, too, might be confused, because it's a confusing day!
cancer If you think a friend or a member of a group is trying to sell you a bill of goods today, you might be right. Or there could be some genuine confusion. Double-check everything.
leo Make sure you understand instructions from bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs today. Make sure they understand what you request. Things are not easily understood today.
virgo Don't go off on a tangent about political or religious matters unless you know you have the facts. This is a classic day for some big boo-boos. (Gulp.)
libra Avoid important decisions about shared property or how to share debt, an inheritance or something that is jointly held. Quite likely, you do not have all the facts.
scorpio Because confusion is rampant today, avoid important discussions with partners and close friends. Just coast along. Keep things light.
sagittarius If you are suspicious that something isn't as it should be at work today, trust your gut. People are working with misinformation, or they are even misleading each other!
capricorn This could be a productive day for artists because even though there is an element of fuzzy thinking with serious matters, artistic matters could get a punch of originality. Anything goes today!
aquarius Don't jump to conclusions in discussions with family members today. All might not be as it appears. Actually, some people are fibbing and lying. (Or completely innocent!)
pisces Many of you will spend a lot of time daydreaming or wool-gathering today. It's hard to settle down to serious work. That's OK. It's just one of those days.
aries Surprising new ways to earn money might drop in your lap today. By the same token, impulse purchases and surprising new ways to spend your money are equally at hand.
taurus Your general optimism and willingness to think big are one of the reasons that you're full of wonderful ideas today. You're thinking outside the box! Share these great ideas with someone.
gemini What a wonderful, upbeat day for you! Your ruler, Mercury, is on excellent terms with moneybags Jupiter. Surprise gifts and goodies could come your way. Be alert for opportunities.
cancer Unusual people might cross your path today. When relating to people in groups and meetings, sudden and unusual ideas will no doubt pop up. It's not a boring day!
leo Bosses, VIPs and parents might surprise you today. They could zig when you thought they would zag. Possibly, you will surprise them. ("I quit.")
virgo Wonderful ideas related to higher education, publishing, the media or perhaps even long-distance travel excite you today. You might discover that you have an adventure in the palm of your hand!
libra You might have excellent ideas about how to share things with others today. You also have a new approach to inheritances, insurance matters or joint property. You're full of clever ideas!
scorpio Dealing with others will be a surprise today. For starters, partners might have news that is unexpected. You could receive an invitation that delights you. (Fingers crossed.)
sagittarius Wonderful opportunities to get a raise or some kind of advantage at work exist for you today. You also might hear good news about your health.
capricorn What a playful day! Accept all invitations. Enjoy parties, lunch with friends, sports, movies, playful activities with children and, of course, sweet romance!
aquarius Family get-togethers will be upbeat and fun today. It's a good day to entertain at home. This is also an excellent day to tackle repairs that can improve or expand your home in some way.
pisces It's a great day for writers, editors, teachers, actors and anyone who drives for a living. Your optimism will bring joy to all who meet you.
aries Perhaps because of some deception or confusion yesterday, whatever the reason, arguments about money and possessions are likely to break out today. Keep cool. (It's never worth blowing your top.)
taurus You rarely lose your temper, because if you do, it's game over. You know this. Today will be one of those days where you have to practice self-control. (Which you do very well.)
gemini Arguments with others, especially family members, are likely today. (Home renovations might be driving you crazy.) Chaos and increased activity at home almost always trigger stress.
cancer You feel restless. Because of this, it's easy to be impatient, which means you are then irritable with others. Try not to do this, because it's really just your own impatience that is creating this situation.
leo Squabbles with friends about possessions, earnings or money might arise today. In particular, there seems to be an element of competition here. Chill out.
virgo You might blurt out a secret today. It's not like you, but some kind of anger might cause you to speak without thinking. Be very careful.
libra Avoid discussions about politics, religion, racial issues or anything having to do with publishing and the media, because arguments could break out today! Just coast.
scorpio Disputes about shared property, taxes, debt, inheritances or anything anyone owes to somebody are likely today. This is definitely a poor day for these discussions!
sagittarius Quarrels with partners and close friends are likely today. Therefore, be extra patient with others. Who needs a fight? (You need this like a fish needs a bicycle.)
capricorn Situations at work might break down today. Minor equipment could stall. Furthermore, co-workers are irritable with each other. Yikes! Run away. Run away.
aquarius Family members are touchy today. Domestic arguments might break out at the drop of a hat. Knowing this, give everyone a wide berth! Nobody likes disharmony. (It's even bad for your health.)
pisces This is an accident-prone day. However, it doesn't have to be accident-prone; it's just your own impatience and irritability that might cause problems.
aries This is a good day to do anything to redecorate where you live. Whatever you buy will be beautiful as well as practical and long-lasting. This is an excellent time for real estate deals.
taurus Writers, teachers, actors and people who drive for a living can make more money today. Whatever you do can yield a profit in the distant future.
gemini Purchases of art might turn out to be valuable, especially in the future. You also might see solid, long-term ways of earning money.
cancer Some of you will fall in love with somebody older today, or perhaps someone richer, wiser or more worldly. (This could last for a long time.)
leo Solitude in beautiful surroundings will please you today. You might be happy to contemplate the words of wisdom from someone older. Or perhaps you are the older person dispensing words of wisdom.
virgo Enjoy schmoozing with others today. Group situations will provide rewarding experiences for you, especially talking to someone older or more experienced. A long-term relationship could develop.
libra Some of you might have a crush on your boss or someone older today. You also might become involved with somebody richer and more worldly. Opportunities to boost your reputation exist.
scorpio This is an excellent day to make long-range plans about further education, publishing and anything having to do with medicine, the law and the media. You have a very practical view of things today.
sagittarius Legal decisions can be decided in your favor today. Discussions about inheritances, taxes or debt will go well. It's time to get what is your due.
capricorn Partnerships with someone older might move into a commitment stage today. You feel a great deal of trust and respect for someone, and possibly vice versa.
aquarius Whatever changes you introduce at work will have a long-term benefit for you. You also can do something to promote good health today.
pisces Romance with someone of an age difference is possible today. Financial deals about sports will have long-term benefit for you. If involved with children, you won't mind responsibilities.
aries This is an excellent time for you to think about how to improve your everyday communications with others, especially siblings and relatives. (Do you really listen to others? Do they understand you?)
taurus You're never casual about money. Ask yourself today if you're doing the best you can to use your money and possessions wisely, so that you feel good about your future security.
gemini Although yesterday was the New Moon, its influence is still present today. Think about how you can improve your image in the world. How can you make a better first impression?
cancer It's important to remember to give yourself enough solitude now and then to stay in touch with your inner being. It's easy to lose this in the hectic rush of our daily lives.
leo What are your long-term goals? Have you thought about this? Why not make goals, even just for the next 12 months? What would you like to do?
virgo Give some thought to your life direction today. Either you can let life happen to you, or you can have some choice in steering it in the direction you want.
libra Is there any further education or training you can get that will help you in your job? What further education would enhance your life, perhaps? Think about this today.
scorpio What can you do to settle loose ends about shared property? This is an important issue on your plate. What do you want as the final result?
sagittarius At this time of the New Moon, ask yourself what you can do to improve your partnerships and close friendships. Even one little thing.
capricorn What can you do to improve your health? It's so easy to take your health for granted until it's threatened, isn't it?
aquarius It's important to stay in touch with your creative potential. You were creative as a child. What do you do now to express your creativity?
pisces Today is the perfect day to think about how you can improve family relationships. It's also a good time to think about how you can improve your home.
aries This is a lovely day to entertain at home. Invite people over. Spontaneous purchases for your home or for a family member will please you.
taurus What a wonderful day to schmooze! Enjoy the company of others. Unexpected short trips will please you. Relations with siblings and relatives are good.
gemini Be on the lookout for ways to make money today, because a new job offer or a chance to earn money on the side exists. Impulsive purchases probably will make you happy.
cancer Expect to meet new faces today. In fact, all kinds of encounters will surprise you and leave you breathless. They'll be exciting and certainly different!
leo You're restless today, but in a rather happy way. Something makes you feel excited about life. Perhaps you're looking forward to something in the future.
virgo Friends might become lovers today. Any kind of new contact has an exciting edge to it. Expect to hook up with people who are different and unusual.
libra An unexpected raise or praise from an authority figure might surprise you today. (Some of you will fall in love with your boss!) Surprise events are occurring everywhere.
scorpio You might get an unexpected chance to travel somewhere. Similarly, a surprise opportunity to get further education might drop in your lap as well.
sagittarius Gifts, goodies and favors from others, as well as a chance to use something somebody else owns, might suddenly be available to you today. It looks like this is your lucky day!
capricorn Partners and close friends are full of surprises today. Or you might meet somebody who is bizarre and unorthodox in some way. It's an interesting day!
aquarius Why not introduce reforms and bright ideas you have at work today? Others will be receptive. (At least they will listen.) Who knows? Be open to new health suggestions as well
pisces This is the classic day for love at first sight. Even saucy little flirtations on the side will be fun. Spontaneous invitations to parties could come in! (However, parents should be vigilant about children, because this is an accident-prone day for them.)
aries This is quite a wonderful day! You're in the mood to both work hard and play hard! Introduce reforms and improvements at work, then go out and celebrate!
taurus All activities related to sports will be powerful and positive today. Somehow, you can introduce some improvements here. Entertain at home today as well. Buy gifts for family members or goodies for your home.
gemini Renovations and improvements, especially to plumbing areas, will go well at home today. This is an excellent day for writers, editors, teachers, actors and those who drive for a living.
cancer Business and commerce are favored today. You're unusually persuasive and convincing! If you're in sales, you're irresistible!
leo You are utterly charming to everyone today. This is a great day to talk to people from other cultures and different backgrounds. Travel plans will please you. You see new ways to make money! (It's a good day for publishing and higher education as well.)
virgo You're super energetic today! Not only are you unusually persuasive with others, you might even talk yourself into something. Take a look in the mirror. What can you do to improve your appearance?
libra Behind-the-scenes work and research will pay off for you today. You definitely can discover secrets. Meanwhile, a friend could become a lover. (Perhaps that's the secret.)
scorpio Group activities with others will be powerful -- and possibly even life-changing -- today. You might meet somebody who is overwhelming. Romance with a boss also is possible. (Perhaps this is who is overwhelming.)
sagittarius You are fiercely ambitious today. Meanwhile, travel for pleasure beckons. Such a choice! Work hard -- party hard.
capricorn Travel plans might change today, but you won't mind. Matters connected with publishing, the media, medicine and the law are improving. Gifts and goodies come your way. Yay!
aquarius Efforts to raise funds will be successful. This is an excellent time to decide how to share jointly held property and inheritances.
pisces It's a great day at work today! You're unusually powerful in dealing with co-workers. You also might come up with a new arrangement in a partnership.
aries Look for ways to communicate with others, especially siblings and relatives. This is a great day for writers, editors, actors, teachers and people who drive for living.
taurus You are consumed by cash-flow issues at this time. Some of you might see new ways of earning money as well. (Trust your moneymaking ideas.)
gemini This is a strong time for you, and you feel it. This is why you have a desire to enlighten others or communicate with people. You've got something to say!
cancer Work behind the scenes or alone right now, because you need some downtime to do some thinking about your future year ahead. What's it going to be?
leo Get out and schmooze, because this is a wonderfully popular time for you! In particular, you'll enjoy the company of younger people. Laugh it up!
virgo Important people notice you more than usual right now, especially bosses, teachers, parents and VIPs. Don't worry -- if they do notice you, they'll think very highly of you. (Milk this for all it's worth.)
aries Do something different today. Go someplace you've never been before. Visit parks, libraries, museums and beautiful buildings, because your appreciation of beauty is heightened.
libra Do something different today. Go someplace you've never been before. Visit parks, libraries, museums and beautiful buildings, because your appreciation of beauty is heightened.
scorpio Romance can be very intense now, because you feel passionately about almost everything in your life! Fortunately, this is a good time to take care of loose ends regarding shared property.
sagittarius Partners and close friends are important to you at this time. Pay attention to discussions you have right now, because others want you to listen!
capricorn Do whatever you can to get better organized at work and at home. Give yourself the right tools to do a great job. Roll up your sleeves and get busy!
aquarius It's party city for your sign! Schmooze with friends. Enjoy sports, movies and parties. Playful activities with children also will be fun and heartwarming.
pisces Focus on family and home issues right now. Entertain at home if possible. Invite the gang over for pizza and beer.
aries Tackle your to-do list today to see how much you can get done. This is a good day to get better organized both at work and at home. Pay attention to pet supplies, and buy hygiene items.
taurus You feel flirtatious and playful today! Enjoy good times with others. Accept invitations. Sports, movies and playful times with children will appeal.
gemini Your focus is on home, family and domestic matters today. Real-estate deals also might be significant. Stay in touch with family members; talk to parents.
cancer Short trips, buying and selling, wheeling and dealing, plus reading and writing are good choices for you today. It's a busy pace, so put on your running shoes!
leo Keep an eye on your cash flow today. Make friends with your bank account. Important purchases might be on your mind. Trust your moneymaking ideas.
virgo You might be more emotional than usual today, because the Moon is in your sign. However, this also makes you a bit luckier as well. Ask for what you want!
libra Play it low-key, and stay out of the limelight today. You will prefer to work alone or behind the scenes, if possible. (Hide behind this paper.)
scorpio Accept invitations to meet with others today because this is a good day to schmooze, especially with female acquaintances. Talk to people about your future plans.
sagittarius Some aspect of your private life suddenly might be made public today. Is your aggressive side showing? (Could be.)
capricorn This is a good day for you, because the Moon is in your fellow Earth Sign. You might like to travel or to sign up for a course. Enjoy talking to people from different backgrounds.
aquarius Take care of mundane details having to do with insurance matters, inheritances, shared property, taxes and debt today. Wrap up whatever you can.
pisces Today the Moon is directly opposite your sign; furthermore, it is lined up with fiery Mars. Discussions with partners and close friends will be dynamic and feisty! (But they can still be friendly.)
aries Be extra patient with co-workers today, because people are easily irritable. (This includes you.) Patience will be your best friend today. Definitely.
taurus Romance might be a bit rocky today, because one party is critical of the other. Don't even go there. You need this like a fish needs a bicycle.
gemini Family squabbles might arise today; fortunately, they will probably be minor. Therefore, cut everyone some slack. Do whatever you can to keep the peace. (Harmony at home is worth it.)
cancer Conversations with relatives (and especially siblings) might be a bit prickly. Knowing this, be extra diplomatic. Don't go looking for a fight.
leo Squabbles about finances or possessions are likely today, so avoid these topics if possible. Wait a couple of days. Why wake a sleeping giant?
virgo Today the Moon is in your sign, making a harsh aspect to the Sun. This means you're inclined to disagree with others, especially if they sound like they know what they're talking about.
libra You feel vaguely disgruntled and dissatisfied today. Knowing this, be patient with yourself and others. Why make everybody miserable? (It will only make you feel worse.)
scorpio Disagreements with friends might arise today. Similarly, any group situation, meetings, conferences and conventions probably will end up in arguments. Try to avoid this. Run away!
sagittarius You're not in the best of moods today; nevertheless, people (especially bosses) will notice you more than usual. Be aware of this. Maintain your cool.
capricorn Avoid subjects like politics and religion, and racial issues today. People are quick to disagree! Therefore, don't give them an opportunity to start an argument. Keep things light. (It takes two to make a fight.)
aquarius Disagreements about shared property or inheritances could arise today. Nevertheless, you don't have to discuss these topics today. You won't resolve anything anyhow. (It's best to discuss something else.)
pisces Partners or close friends might challenge you about something today. Actually, this is an indication that there's some hidden tension afoot. Keep your eyes open. You might learn what it is and smooth things over.
aries Don't worry if you spend most of today daydreaming or wool-gathering. It's just one of those days. However, your imagination will take you anywhere! Enjoy the ride.
taurus You love beautiful things. Today you will be tempted to spend money on something elegant and gorgeous but beyond your budget. No matter what happens, keep your receipts.
gemini It's easy to feel sympathetic toward others today. If you can ease the suffering of anyone or help someone in need, you definitely will do so.
cancer You might spend a lot of time daydreaming or escaping into fantasyland. It's hard to concentrate on practical, routine work today. Just cope as best you can.
leo You happily will be involved with any group effort that is working for charitable causes today. You want to join forces with others to help those who are less fortunate.
virgo People view you in very favorable terms today. If you have any clout with someone in authority, you might use your influence to make life easier for people who are in trouble.
libra Travel for pleasure will delight you today. You'll also enjoy exploring esoteric subjects, astrology, spiritualism or ancient mysteries.
scorpio You're happy to do fundraising on behalf of others if you have a chance today. Personally, you might choose to help someone. (Be careful you don't give away the farm.)
sagittarius Discussions with partners and close friends are tender and mutually sympathetic today. People are willing to confide in you, and vice versa. It's reassuring to know others truly care.
capricorn A co-worker might need to confide in you about a problem today. Perhaps someone just needs a sympathetic ear or a shoulder to cry on? Be patient with people today.
aquarius This is a wonderfully creative day for artists or writers. Those who take care of or work with children will be full of imaginative ideas as well.
pisces Be open and sympathetic with a family member today if somebody needs your help. Respond to others in the same way you hope they will respond to you (use the Golden Rule).
aries For the next month, your focus will shift to home, family and domestic matters. Many of you might be involved in real-estate deals. It's a great time for a family reunion!
taurus The pace of your days will accelerate during the next several weeks. Just accept this. You've got places to go, things to do, people to see!
gemini Your attention will turn to financial matters more than usual in the month ahead. New job opportunities could be in the wings. Ditto for major purchases.
cancer During the next month, the Sun will be in your sign, recharging your batteries for the rest of the year. Make the most of opportunities and important people that come your way.
leo Work alone or behind the scenes so that you can strategize what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be all about. (This is only a month away!)
virgo Talk to friends and groups about your hopes and dreams for the future, because their feedback will be helpful. You're entering a social time during the next several weeks. Enjoy!
libra The Sun is slowly crossing the top of your chart, and this acts like a spotlight on you. This is why people will notice you more than usual in the next six weeks. Look your best!
scorpio You want adventure! You need to get outta Dodge. You also want to learn something new. Do what you can to spice up your life!
sagittarius It's now time to focus on shared property, insurance matters and inheritances. In the next month, you can tie up a lot of loose ends.
capricorn The Sun is opposite your sign for the next several weeks. Get more sleep. The Sun is as far away from you as it ever gets all year, and it is your source of energy.
aquarius Suddenly, you're gung-ho to get better organized. Capitalize on this urge. Get as much done as possible in the next month!
pisces It's party city for your sign during the next month. Love affairs, romance, plus vacations, parties and sports, are all beautifully blessed.
aries Interruptions to your home and family life are very likely today. Expected company might cancel or, more likely, someone you least expect will show up suddenly at your door. Family members also might have a few surprises.
taurus Please be careful, because this is an accident-prone day. Your daily schedule will be interrupted. Traffic delays and transportation breakdowns are likely. Communication is cut off.
gemini Keep an eye on your money today, because you might find money or you might lose money. You also might break something you own, or it could be stolen. Be vigilant!
cancer You feel restless and impulsive today. Because of this, you are in a slightly accident-prone frame of mind. Therefore, slow down and take everything easy. Think before you speak or act.
leo You're definitely at odds with yourself today. You feel uneasy and impulsive. Don't do anything rash. Give everything a sober second thought. Be aware of what you're doing.
virgo Friends likely will surprise you today. On the other hand, you might meet somebody new who is completely bizarre! Group situations will be unpredictable. Meetings could be canceled.
libra Don't be cheeky with bosses and authority figures or parents today. People are impatient. Don't overreact. (Don't quit your day job.)
scorpio Travel plans will be changed, interrupted or delayed today. Similar changes could happen in higher education, medicine and the law.
sagittarius A surprise gift or goodie might come your way today. Or you might hear surprising news about shared property. Be prepared.
capricorn A partner or close friend might want more freedom in the relationship today. Or, perhaps, you are the one feeling a bit rebellious. Be cool.
aquarius Interruptions to your job are likely today. Machinery breakdowns, computer crashes, power outages, staff shortages and canceled appointments are par for the course.
pisces Love at first sight might occur today. Surprises in sports -- especially accidents -- are likely. Because this is an accident-prone day for your children, be extra aware of where they are and what they're doing. Be watchful.
aries Today you might feel emotional about shared possessions, something somebody owes you or, vice versa, something you owe to them. Postpone important decisions if you're too emotionally involved.
taurus Because the Moon is directly opposite your sign today, you will have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. (This is no big deal.) Be patient. Be open to compromise.
gemini Focus on practical details today. Take care of hygiene factors and minor purchases. This is also a good day to focus on the needs of small pets.
cancer This can be a fun-filled day for you! It's a great day to flirt, party, enjoy sports and engage in playful activities with children. Kick up your heels!
leo Domestic matters catch your attention today. Focus on home and family, especially conversations with female relatives (perhaps your mother). Spend time getting better organized at home.
virgo It's a busy day! Go out and run errands. This is a good day for shopping, wheeling and dealing, talking to siblings and taking short trips.
libra Today your focus swings to financial matters and your cash flow. Make friends with your bank account. Trust your moneymaking ideas. Perhaps you want to look for a new job.
scorpio With the Moon in your sign today, you're more emotional than usual. No worries. The good news is that this makes you a bit luckier than all the other signs. Yay me!
sagittarius Work alone or behind the scenes today. Keep a low profile. (It just feels better that way.) Take care of details about shared responsibilities or shared property.
capricorn Friendships are important today. In fact, you might feel concerned or protective toward someone. A discussion with a female acquaintance could be significant.
aquarius Some aspect of your private life suddenly might be made public today. Just be aware of this. People will notice you for some reason, especially bosses, parents, VIPs and the police.
pisces Try to do something different today. You're eager to learn something new, plus you want adventure! Visit ethnic restaurants. Talk to people from different backgrounds.
aries Family gatherings are a big deal today. Something is happening at home that is exciting or over the top. Just go along with this. (You have no other choice.) Group gatherings at home should be positive.
taurus You're optimistic, confident and extremely busy today! However, be careful you don't bite off more than you can chew, because it's really easy to do this today. Stay within the realms of reality.
gemini Don't go overboard buying things today. You're tempted to be extravagant. On the other hand, this might be a good day for business and commerce. Nevertheless, guard against excess.
cancer You feel enthusiastic, happy and confident! You've got the world in the palm of your hand. This is wonderful; however, keep your feet on the ground. (Life is not a dress rehearsal, it's the real thing.)
leo Something will make you feel very spiritual today. You feel warmhearted, open and generous to everyone. If you can help someone in need, you will.
virgo All group activities will be upbeat, optimistic and fun today. Furthermore, you might learn something new or meet people from different backgrounds. Be sociable!
libra With the Sun at high noon in your chart, people notice you more than usual. Furthermore, you look great! Expect kudos, praise and increased responsibilities today.
scorpio Grab every opportunity to travel that falls in your lap today. Similarly, you might have a chance to explore further education or take a course. Looking good!
sagittarius Gifts, goodies, favors from others and good fortune can come your way today. Keep your pockets open!
capricorn All your relations with partners will be excellent today. People feel warmhearted and generous toward each other. Enjoy a happy camaraderie with loved ones.
aquarius Don't make promises you can't keep at work today. Your enthusiasm for something could make you promise more than you can deliver. (Oops.)
pisces What a fun-loving day! This is a great day for sports, romance, love affairs, parties, the arts and playful times with children. Enjoy! In particular, artists can be productive and unusually creative.
aries You might be worried about something today. Just remember: "Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but gets you nowhere."
taurus You feel broke today. Financial matters look bleak. (Why is there always so much month left at the end of the money?) You are not alone -- we number millions.
gemini Do not discourage others from doing something. In turn, don't let others discourage you! People are inclined to be wet blankets today.
cancer Your attitude about life and your frame of mind can affect how confident you feel. Don't worry because you feel you can't do something. This is a temporary block.
leo Someone, especially in a group situation, might be critical of you today. (You need this like a fish needs a bicycle.) Be patient.
virgo This is a poor day to ask for permission or approval from bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. People are too quick to be disapproving or critical.
libra Disappointments connected with higher education, travel or anything having to do with publishing, the media, medicine and the law might dash your plans today. Don't let this discourage you. (It's temporary.)
scorpio Stay on top of bills, debt, taxes and matters related to inheritances, shared property and insurance. Something could go awry here, or some obstacles are likely today. (Which is why you want to be on top of things.)
sagittarius Partners or close friends might criticize you today. Or perhaps they feel you're critical of them. Try not to take things personally. Let this pass.
capricorn Obstacles at work are likely today, especially due to criticism from co-workers or customers. Bummer! Just cope as best you can. (These things happen.)
aquarius Children are a serious responsibility today. Don't be discouraged if someone is critical of your relationship with children. Just do the best you can. (Romance is rocky as well.)
pisces Older family members might be critical of you today. Don't take this personally. They might just be grouchy or disappointed about something in their own lives. Cut people some slack.
aries This is an accident-prone day. Therefore, slow down and allow extra time for everything. Think before you act, speak or do anything.
taurus You might find money today; you might lose money. You might break a possession. Something could be stolen from you. If shopping, keep your receipts. Be alert about money and cash flow.
gemini You are nervous and edgy today. Because of this, this is an accident-prone day. Accidents don't have to happen, but your personal anxiety could trigger something. Be cool.
cancer You feel agitated about something today. You might feel restless and not know why. This puts you at a disadvantage, which is why you should take extra time to make important decisions.
leo A friend might surprise you today. Possibly, you will meet someone who is bizarre or unusual. Meetings with others could be canceled or changed.
virgo Relations with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs are unstable today. Anything could happen. You might be shocked by what someone says. You also might feel angered or rebellious. (Don't quit your job.)
libra Travel plans and anything having to do with higher education, publishing, media or medicine and the law will be interrupted or changed today. Expect surprises in these areas.
scorpio Stay on top of matters connected with joint wealth, shared property or anything having to do with inheritances, taxes and debt. Make friends with your bank account. Stay on top of unpredictable situations.
sagittarius Avoid arguments with partners and close friends today. Just expect the unexpected. People want more space. People feel rebellious. (There's nothing you can do about this.)
capricorn People are testy at work today. Your only recourse is to be patient. Surprise news related to your health also is likely. Expect cancellations and delays.
aquarius This is an accident-prone day for children in your care (or your own kids), so keep your eyes peeled! Be vigilant. Romance will hit a few speed bumps as well. Oops.
pisces Someone unexpected might drop by your home today. Or expected guests might cancel. Surprise events are likely. Small appliances or equipment could break down.
aries Expect to encounter difficulties with parents, bosses and authority figures. You're pulled between the demands of home and family versus the demands of your job or career. (You can't ignore home.)
taurus Today is the Full Moon, and this particular Full Moon is accident-prone for your sign. Therefore, think before you speak or act. Don't do anything in haste.
gemini Be extra careful with financial matters today. The Full Moon today might distract you or create some problems with cash flow. Keep your receipts. Check your bank accounts.
cancer The Moon is your ruler, and so you always feel the Full Moon! Because this particular Full Moon is opposite your sign, expect stress with partners and close friends. Be patient.
leo Many of you are undergoing some unusual spiritual experiences lately, especially today. Basically, this can deepen your understanding of life and who you really are.
virgo The Full Moon today might make you question your goals, or be unusually ambitious with your goals. This also could affect your relationship to groups, meetings and conferences. Be cautious.
libra Be careful not to make promises to VIPs, bosses, parents and teachers that are going to be difficult to fulfill. You might bite off more than you can chew today! (Yikes.)
scorpio Disputes about travel plans or anything having to do with higher education, publishing, the media and possibly even medicine or the law are likely today. Today's Full Moon is stirring things up!
sagittarius Today's Full Moon could stress financial matters -- especially matters related to shared property, inheritances, insurance, taxes and debt. Be clear about what you need to do.
capricorn Today, the only Full Moon in your sign is occurring. Naturally, this could introduce tension between you and partners and close friends. Chill out.
aquarius Tension at your workplace is highly possible due to today's Full Moon. Therefore, be extra patient with co-workers and customers.
pisces Romance is rocky today. Parents might find it challenging to deal with children, because the Full Moon creates a buildup of emotional tension within us. Stay mellow.
aries Today, nasty conversations with bosses, parents and VIPs might put you on the spot. Someone might demand that you account for yourself. (Yikes.)
taurus You're coming on like gangbusters today. (You should know this.) You're intense and penetrating. However, this same quality could yield discoveries and answers!
gemini Disputes about money, finances or possessions are likely today. (None of this is casual stuff for you.)
cancer Bitter disputes with partners and close friends are likely today. People are drawn into power struggles when they try to "improve" others or make them over. (No one likes this!)
leo The best way to use today's energy is to research something privately or dig for answers. In fact, secrets might surface. (Be discreet.)
virgo Criticism from friends or even members of groups might be painful today. In turn, you might want to lash out. But what will this accomplish? Cool your jets.
libra This is not a good day to go toe to toe with authority figures. It will only be nasty. If someone challenges you in a cruel way, why respond in kind? Why be like they are? Keep your self-respect.
scorpio Avoid touchy subjects, like politics, religion and racial issues. (It's very easy to get into arguments with others today.) In fact, some people are just looking for a fight!
sagittarius Disputes about shared property or who is responsible for what or how much something is shared are highly likely today. But this is a poor day for these discussions, because they'll only be nasty.
capricorn Ego arguments with partners and close friends are likely today, because each party is trying to convince the other party of something. People think they're right today! (Not necessarily so.)
aquarius Arguments with co-workers or customers might break out today. People are not easily pacified. Quite the contrary; once they are stirred up, they will get madder! (Easy does it.)
pisces Avoid power struggles with children today. Similarly, romance can be very rocky. People tend to see things in black-and-white terms and to be very rigid. Not good!
aries Expect a few surprises today when dealing with authority figures. In fact, something unexpected might call attention to you, especially something about your personal or private life. (Be aware of this.)
taurus Sudden chances to travel or to explore publishing, higher education and the media might fall in your lap today. Act quickly, because this is a short window of opportunity.
gemini Keep your pockets open and hope for the best today, because unexpected favors and goodies can come your way. You can benefit through the wealth and resources of others.
cancer Relations with partners and close friends are unpredictable today. Others might demand more freedom. There's an element of rebellion in the air!
leo Computer crashes, staff shortages, canceled appointments, power outages and unexpected delays are some of the reasons your job could frustrate you today. Demonstrate grace under pressure.
virgo This is an accident-prone day for children in your care or your own kids. Therefore, be extra vigilant. Keep an eye on those little ones! (And the big ones as well.)
libra Your home scene will not flow in a predictable way today. Expect surprises. Unexpected company might drop by; small appliances might break down (things like that).
scorpio This is an accident-prone day for your sign. Therefore, think before you say or do anything! Allow extra time for everything. However, you have great ideas today!
sagittarius Keep an eye on your financial scene and your cash flow today. If shopping, keep your receipts. You might find money; you might lose money. It's a bit of a crapshoot.
capricorn You feel restless, impulsive and impatient today. Guard against taking rash actions. On the other hand, pay attention to bright, new ideas that occur to you.
aquarius New faces and new ideas are popping up everywhere today. This could disorient you. It's confusing to have too many choices. Slow down and take it easy.
pisces Meetings might be canceled today. Expect to meet unusual, bizarre or unorthodox people. A friend might do or say something quite unexpected. It's not a boring day!
aries Discussions that take place in group situations could be significant today, especially those with females. Someone might need to confide in you, or vice versa; perhaps you need a sympathetic listener.
taurus Some aspect of your private life is going to be made public today, especially in the eyes of teachers, parents, bosses and authority figures. You might want to be aware of this.
gemini Because you have a desire for adventure and a few thrills today, do something different! Go someplace you've never been before. Visit unusual stores or ethnic restaurants.
cancer Attend to red-tape details about inheritances, shared property, insurance matters, taxes and debt. Discussions about your partner's earnings might arise.
leo Be prepared to go more than halfway when dealing with others today, because the Moon is opposite your sign. This means you need to compromise and be tolerant and patient with others. (No big deal.)
virgo You're eager to get better organized at work today. No matter what you do, you want to be efficient! Make a list, and start crossing items off one by one.
libra You're in a playful mood! Flirtations, social invitations, movies, sports and fun times with children all are tops on your to-do list today.
scorpio This is a good day to focus on domestic issues. Talk to family members about important topics. Tidy and clean up at home. Real estate could be significant. You want to be on top of your personal scene.
sagittarius A busy day! It's time for short trips, errands, buying and selling, and wheeling and dealing. Talk to siblings and relatives as well.
capricorn Business and commerce are favored today. Keep an eye on your cash flow. It's a good day to apply for a job. Make friends with your bank account.
aquarius Because the Moon is in your sign today, you are a little bit luckier than all the other signs. Therefore, go after anything to which you want a "yes" answer.
pisces Work alone or behind the scenes today. Privacy is important for you. Intriguing secrets might surface.
aries Your confidence is strong! (Surely you've noticed.) This is because lucky Jupiter is back in your sign for the first time since 1999. What a great summer for Aries!
taurus This continues to be an extremely popular time for you. Many of you are meeting people from other cultures and different countries. (Don't hesitate to join clubs and organizations.)
gemini This is your best chance in more than a decade to improve your reputation and truly make a name for yourself. Therefore, be confident. Go after what you want. People respect you now.
cancer Opportunities to travel and explore further education, as well as to work in publishing, the media, medicine and the law, abound for you now. Don't be afraid to dream big!
leo Finally, you are starting to benefit from the wealth of others. It looks like your partner is going to earn more money. (Some will inherit.)
virgo You're unusually forthright and direct when dealing with others, because fiery Mars is in your sign now. You won't hesitate to stick up for your rights.
libra Partnerships and close friendships will improve now. Others easily become the person they see reflected in your eyes.
scorpio Look for opportunities to improve your job, your health and your daily activities, because you can do this! A positive attitude will make all the difference.
sagittarius This is an especially good summer for you, because lucky, moneybags Jupiter is in your fellow Fire Sign. Expect more parties, sports, vacations and romance!
capricorn Do whatever you can to improve your home situation right now. Family relations are positive and joyful. This is also a good window of time to improve where you live or investigate real estate opportunities.
aquarius Your positive frame of mind will create a marvelous summer for you. This is also an excellent time for writers, actors, teachers, editors and those of you who drive for a living.
pisces Many of you will discover ways to boost your income this summer. No matter what happens, in the next 18 months, most of you will be able to do this.
aries Discussions with family members, especially about family businesses, will be lively today! This also is an excellent day to tackle home repairs.
taurus You're unusually eager to communicate to others. You have bright ideas and a strong urge to enlighten someone today. This is a great day for writers as well. Yada, yada, yada.
gemini You're full of moneymaking ideas today. In addition, you are eager to clarify anything related to your job or related to cash-flow issues. You're on the ball!
cancer You're in a feisty mood today. Mercury is in your sign, and it is fueled by fiery Mars. This is why you'll say what you mean and mean what you say!
leo This is a wonderful day to do research of any kind. You'll approach whatever you're looking for with dogged persistence. You want answers; you want results.
virgo Whether you are at a convention, a conference or a casual meeting over coffee with others, you are dynamite today! People will sit up and listen to whatever you have to say.
libra Discussions with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will be productive today. You're clear about what you want, and they're clear as well. (Oh yeah.)
scorpio Study of any kind will go well today. You'll enjoy learning something new. You're hungry to explore new ideas or even travel to new places.
sagittarius Tackle all kinds of red-tape details dealing with shared property, anything that is jointly held with others, debt, taxes, insurance matters and inheritances. You'll get a lot done today!
capricorn Conversations with partners and close friends will be lively today! Somebody might try to convince you of something, or vice versa. (People are persuasive today, including you.)
aquarius Because co-workers are willing to listen to you today, now is the time to put forth your ideas. (Don't hesitate to speak up.) This also is a good day to make repairs where you work.
pisces What a wonderful, creative day! This is also an energetic day for sports, playful activities with children and making vacation plans for the future. Yay!
aries Focus on home, family and personal events today. Discussions with relatives, especially a parent, could be significant. It's a great day to entertain at home.
taurus You're keen to take short trips in order to do some buying and selling, or to visit with relatives, especially siblings. You feel the need to spread your wings!
gemini Something having to do with cash flow and earnings has your attention now. Fortunately, you feel quite positive about things. It's nice to have change in your pocket again.
cancer This continues to be your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. With the Sun in your sign, people and opportunities are attracted to you.
leo Work alone or behind the scenes to pull together your ideas about what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be all about. You've got a few weeks to think about this.
virgo Talk to others in order to get their feedback about your goals and dreams for the future. This is one of the best times all year for you to give this some serious thought.
libra People in positions of authority are willing to listen to you now. That's because the position of the Sun high in your chart casts you in a favorable glow.
scorpio Because you have a strong urge to explore new things and get more out of life, indulge this inclination. Visit new places. Sign up for a course.
sagittarius You're motivated to clear up a lot of loose ends regarding shared property, inheritances and anything having to do with insurance matters. Get as much done as possible.
capricorn You can learn a lot about how you relate to those who are closest to you, because the Sun is directly opposite your sign. Observe yourself in action.
aquarius Do whatever you can to get better organized at work and at home, because this is what you want to achieve. Since you're motivated, act on this urge.
pisces Accept all invitations to party. Enjoy the arts. Watch or participate in sports, or catch a movie. You want to have fun!
aries Surprising news might delight you today. Whatever happens, you feel energetic, restless and ready for adventure! Today is an open book.
taurus Something unusual -- especially something high-tech -- could change your world. This might be an unusual purchase or a new discovery for you.
gemini New friends make a big difference in your world now. Some of you are in new organizations, clubs or groups. Your cohorts are unusual or different in some way. (It's interesting.)
cancer Your reputation can get a lovely boost right now, because your luck is good. Important people are prepared to endorse you.
leo Unexpected opportunities to travel can come your way now. In fact, anything having to do with publishing, the media, higher education, medicine and the law will bring exciting changes to your life.
virgo Many of you have a chance to benefit from the wealth and resources of others now. In fact, whatever happens might be a surprise. (For some, this already has taken place.)
libra Partnerships and close friendships are bursting with new energy. Some of you are in new partnerships. Others are putting a new spin on things.
scorpio Surprise job opportunities can give you a real boost now. Some will find new jobs; others will improve existing employment. (New technology is involved.)
sagittarius Surprise love and romance will fall into the lives of some of you. Others will suddenly take off on a vacation. While others will be surprised by children or babies on the horizon. (Oh my.)
capricorn New changes, especially with technology, might be taking place at home now. Other changes within your family dynamic bring exciting new situations where you live.
aquarius You're full of wonderful, bright ideas! This is a marvelous time for writers, editors, teachers, actors and those of you who communicate for a living.
pisces Be on the lookout for unexpected new ways of earning money. Something wonderful could fall in your lap. (It's about time!) Be prepared to act quickly, because your window of opportunity is quite likely brief.
aries With the Moon in your sign today, you are a bit luckier than all the other signs. This means you should go after what you want. (You have nothing to lose by asking.)
taurus You need peace and quiet today. Do something to pamper yourself, emotionally as well as physically. Seek solitude in beautiful surroundings.
gemini A discussion with a female acquaintance today could prove to be quite meaningful for you. Perhaps someone has something important to tell you. Possibly you need to confide in someone.
cancer Bosses, parents, teachers, the police and anyone in a position of authority will notice you suddenly for some reason today. It's almost as if you're waving a flag. (Be aware of this.)
leo Grab every chance to travel somewhere, study something new or learn something you never knew before. You want to broaden your horizons today!
virgo Discussions about shared property, insurance matters, inheritances or anything you hold jointly with others will be a bit feisty today. Nevertheless, people will put their cards on the table. (This is probably a good thing.)
libra Be extra patient and tolerant with loved ones, especially partners and close friends today. Some people have a short fuse today. Keep your head down and your powder dry.
scorpio Discussions with co-workers are lively and possibly even full of conflict. People are very opinionated today. Easy does it.
sagittarius If you watch or participate in sports today, it will be pretty aggressive. Everyone is prepared to go the extra distance to get what they want. It's that kind of day.
capricorn Discussions with family members will require patience and gentle consideration today. If you're impatient, then fighting will surely ensue. Who needs an argument? Not you!
aquarius Because you're full of bright ideas lately, you are a bit aggressive in all your communications with others. You might not realize this, but you are. Chill out!
pisces Surprising news about cash flow, finances, money, earnings or something you own could occur today. Avoid fighting about money and possessions. Just wait. The next few days are better for these discussions.
aries This continues to be a time of hard work for you. However, all this work will pay off soon, so keep at it. In the year ahead, you will get recognition for your efforts.
taurus At this stage in your life, you're wondering what you want to be when you grow up, no matter how old you are. Don't worry. Give yourself the freedom to dream big.
gemini Do whatever you can to make repairs to where you live. You need to solidify your home base so that you will feel more secure.
cancer You continue to be in a two-year window when job changes and residential moves are highly likely. Be open to this possibility.
leo Many of you are wondering about new ways of earning money. You're certainly wondering about your basic values and what really matters in life.
virgo Part of a major 30-year cycle, the past two years have been the beginning of a whole new life path. This is why some of you have even changed your daily wardrobe!
libra This continues to be a time of letting go of people, places and possessions. You need to streamline your life by getting rid of what is no longer relevant to you.
scorpio Enjoy this powerful time. Try to meet the demands of others, but do not forget that you can't sell out. Protect your own integrity.
sagittarius This is a time of harvest for you. It certainly is a time when you see clearly what is working in your life and what is not.
capricorn Get any additional education or training that is possible so you can make the most of a career peak that is about to take place. Readiness is everything!
pisces Without question, this is a stressful time for partnerships and close friendships. Some will go by the wayside. Relationships that continue will need to undergo changes.
aries Issues with home, family and real estate are important for you today. A conversation with a parent could be significant as well. You might enjoy some private time at home -- just for you.
taurus This is a busy day, with short trips, errands, buying and selling, and wheeling and dealing. Discussions with siblings and relatives will be upbeat.
gemini Focus on cash flow and earnings today. Some of you are equally focused on a major expenditure. Money, money, money. (Now you see it, now you don't.)
cancer Opportunities and important people might come to you today because you look energized and confident. The world is always attracted to a winner.
leo Set aside some private time for yourself today in order to strategize what you want your new year to be all about. (Your year runs from your birthday to your birthday.)
virgo Enjoy the company of others today. This might be a good day to take a class, join a gym or check out an organization. The company of others will stimulate you!
libra Important people notice you today. Furthermore, they see you in a positive light. Therefore, this is the day to ask for permission or approval, or to propose a project. (It could be your lucky day.)
scorpio Go someplace you've never been to before. Explore the world a little. If you can't travel, be a tourist in your own town. Learn something new!
sagittarius Your research skills are fabulous today. Some of you also are focused on shared property, inheritances, wills, estates and insurance matters.
capricorn You will have to go more than halfway when dealing with others today. Whatever happens probably will teach you something about your style of relating.
aquarius Act on your urge to get better organized. Get the right tools to do a great job. You want to be efficient, effective and productive!
pisces Make plans to have fun today. Take a long lunch. Meet the gang for happy hour. Accept invitations to parties. See a movie or watch a game. This is also a good day for romance, love affairs and spicy flirtations!
aries Your focus turns to money, possessions and cash flow today. Double-check your dealings. Count your change. Keep your receipts. Some confusion is possible today.
taurus You might feel a bit more emotional than usual today because the Moon is in your sign. However, it does bring you a little bit of extra good luck.
gemini Work alone or behind the scenes today. You need quiet time, and you also need a bit of privacy. Play your cards close to your chest.
cancer A discussion with a female acquaintance or friend could be significant today. Possibly, someone needs to confide in you, or perhaps vice versa.
leo Some aspect of your private life suddenly might be made public today, especially in the eyes of parents, bosses, teachers and VIPs. Incidentally, this also includes the police.
virgo Your appreciation of beauty is heightened today. In particular, you'll enjoy the arts and crafts of other cultures. Discussions about politics, religion or racial issues could be off base or confusing. Be careful.
libra Be careful about discussions related to shared property, other people's wealth or anything having to do with inheritances, taxes and debt. All is not as it seems. Forewarned is forearmed.
scorpio This is a poor day to agree to anything important with partners and close friends. You might not have the facts. Misunderstandings could occur.
sagittarius Work hard to accomplish as much as you can today. You want to get something done. However, make no assumptions. Double-check everything. Something could be fuzzy or not right.
capricorn Parents should be extra vigilant with children today. Make sure you know where they are. Romantic relationships could be confusing or a bit sly.
aquarius You appreciate time alone at home today, because you need to relax. Childhood memories are bubbling up for some reason. Discussions with a parent might take place.
pisces Don't take things at face value today. Discussions with siblings and relatives are prone to confusion or hasty assumptions that are incorrect. Be cool. Double-check your facts before you act on them.
aries This is a good day for serious planning about family matters or, especially, how to make repairs at home. However, it's a disappointing day for romance.
taurus Because you're in a practical frame of mind today, this is an excellent day to do long-range planning. Nevertheless, matters related to family businesses are subject to disappointment and poor judgment.
gemini This is a good day for financial planning. If you go shopping, you will want to buy practical items that last for a long time. You're in a sensible frame of mind. However, use caution in dealings with siblings and relatives.
cancer Practical discussions will go well today. Discussions with family members, domestic issues or family businesses will be productive. Guard against extravagant purchases.
leo Any kind of research will pay off today. You have the tenacity and ability to pay attention to detail. (This is necessary to get the job done.)
virgo Someone older or more experienced might have good advice for you today. (It certainly wouldn't hurt to listen, would it?)
libra Discussions with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs are future-oriented today. You are trying to solidify things for tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow.
scorpio This is a great day to make travel plans or plans connected to education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Someone older or wiser might give you advice in these areas.
sagittarius Discussions about shared property, insurance matters, inheritances and anything jointly owned will go well today. Both parties are in a cooperative frame of mind.
capricorn This is a good day to tackle practical matters, like the division of labor or who is responsible for what with partners and close friends. Sit down and work things out.
aquarius It's easy to do routine relatively boring tasks at work today. Your primary objective is just to get the job done. (And you will.)
pisces Parents might discuss the care and maintenance of children today. Creative artists or people in the entertainment world can make long-range plans that are practical.
aries Expect interruptions to your home scene today. Surprise company might drop by. Minor appliances might break down. Anything could happen.
taurus This is a mildly accident-prone day. However, you can expect to meet new people and be full of bright, new ideas! A sense of excitement is in the air.
gemini You might find money today; you might lose money. Stay in touch with your bank account. Spontaneous purchases are likely. (Keep your receipts.) Pay attention to your moneymaking ideas.
cancer All kinds of new and unexpected events and people will cross your path today. It's an exciting day in this respect. You're impatient to do things, but excited as well.
leo This is a restless today! You have the feeling that you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. If it does, let's hope it's the same size as the last one.
virgo New friends or contacts through groups will be interesting to encounter. This is a classic day to meet a real character. (Someone younger who is unorthodox will catch your eye.)
libra Conversations with bosses, parents and VIPs won't be boring today! People are full of bright, new ideas. (It might occur to you how to work independently or be self-employed.)
scorpio Unexpected opportunities to travel or get further training might drop in your lap today. Many of you will meet unusual people from different backgrounds and different cultures.
sagittarius Unusual ideas or new approaches to shared property, inheritances and anything you share jointly with others might surprise you. Don't reject them out of hand. These suggestions might be good.
capricorn A friend or even your partner might say or do something that really surprises you today. Perhaps someone wants more freedom?
aquarius Introduction of new technology might take place at work today. Or perhaps a new staff member or last-minute meeting will surprise you. Stay light on your feet, and be flexible.
pisces Parents should be extra vigilant about children today because this is a mildly accident-prone day. New flirtations and new love with someone different definitely can surprise you today. Anything can happen!
aries This is great day to entertain at home. Invite the gang over for pizza and beer. Family members are upbeat and enthusiastic! (Real estate deals might look very appealing today.)
taurus Good feelings abound with writers, teachers, editors, actors, salespeople and those who drive for living. You're happy to be alive today. You appreciate who you are!
gemini This is an excellent day for business and commerce. Trust your moneymaking ideas. Believe in your financial savvy because you can boost your income, if you keep your eyes open!
cancer It's easy to be optimistic today because you're looking forward to something in the future. Since optimism is contagious, others might jump on your bandwagon!
leo Today it's easy to appreciate yourself, and appreciate what you have. This is important. Daily appreciation is like a prayer offered to everyone in the universe.
virgo Group activities will be fun and enthusiastic today. Schmooze with others. Share your goals and dreams for the future to see what people think.
libra You've got a big idea today, and you're not afraid to share it with people who are in authority. Why not run it up the flagpole to see if anyone salutes?
scorpio Travel plans are exciting today! Likewise, some of you have big ideas related to publishing, the media, medicine and the law. You know you're going places!
sagittarius Happy news about shared property, the earnings of your partner or the wealth of someone else can fall in your lap today. Expect gifts, goodies and favors to come your way, Yay!
capricorn Conversations with partners and close friends are certainly enthusiastic today. People are in a good mood. Furthermore, they're open to suggestions.
aquarius Co-workers and customers where you work are upbeat and friendly today. It's easy to get cooperation from others. Choose today to make the best use of the joint effort of everyone. Many hands make light work.
pisces This is a wonderfully creative day for you. Accept all invitations. Enjoy schmoozing with others. Playful activities with children will delight. New romance as likely as well!
aries Today's New Moon is the perfect time to think about relationships. After all, each New Moon is the perfect opportunity to make new resolutions.
taurus What do you think about your communicating skills? Do others understand what you mean? This is the perfect day to think about your style of communicating.
gemini What is your attitude toward money? If you think money is evil, you won't hold onto it very long. Our attitude about something affects how it manifests in our life.
cancer Today is the only New Moon in Cancer all year. Take a look in the mirror. What can you do to improve your image, and the first impression you create on others?
leo Today's New Moon urges you to look inward and be in touch with your own gentle heart. You cannot ignore your spiritual base.
virgo Are you happy with the friends you have? Your friends can influence you because they influence your mind, hence your choices, hence your future.
libra This might be one of the best days all year to think about your life direction in general. Are you headed in the direction you want to go? Do you know where you want to go?
scorpio Is there are any further education or training you can get that will improve your job or the quality of your life? Think about this today.
sagittarius What can you do to clear up fuzzy details about debt, taxes and shared property? This is the perfect day to think about a good approach to get a handle on things.
capricorn Partnerships and close friendships are important. Sometimes your perfectionist urges can make you critical of others. Does this help? (Probably not.)
aquarius What can you do to improve your job, your attitude toward your job or your relationship with co-workers? Obviously, there is something you can do.
pisces It's important to be in touch with your creative urges. As a child you didn't hesitate to paint, draw, sing or dance. Are you still in touch with that child today?
aries Surprise flirtations might add some sizzle to your day! Accept invitations from others. Be open to parties, theatrical events, social occasions and sports. Yay team!
taurus Spontaneous get-togethers at home are likely today. You might hear from a family member you haven't heard from in a while. Home entertaining will be fun and full of a few surprises.
gemini You're full of bright ideas today! In fact, these ideas could attract unusual people to you. New faces and new places will capture your interest today.
cancer Trust your moneymaking ideas. Spontaneous purchases and shopping when you least expect it might please you today. Today is full of unexpected shifts to your cash flow. (Keep an eye on your money.)
leo You feel adventurous and ready to explore new ideas today. Expect to meet new people. Something unusual will surprise you!
virgo This is a restless day. Subconsciously, you are percolating new ideas that might pop up into your consciousness at any moment. It's like they're cooking on the back burner.
libra A friend will surprise you today. Alternatively, you might meet somebody who is a real character or unorthodox in some way. (It's not a boring day.)
scorpio Be prepared for different news from on high from bosses, teachers, parents and VIPs. You might be surprised by someone's suggestion. (Don't quit your day job.)
sagittarius Unexpected opportunities to travel, explore classes or get further education might fall in your lap today. You also might learn something new about politics and religion.
capricorn Be ready to accept the generosity of others today, because it certainly could come your way. Keep your pockets open and your fingers crossed.
aquarius Partners and close friends are full of surprises today. Be open to their suggestions. Variety is the spice of life!
pisces New technology or new ways of doing something at work might catch you off guard today. Keep an open mind. You might meet somebody new at work who has something to teach you.
aries Some of you will strike up a new romance at work today. (Be still, my beating heart.) However, others will be more interested in improving things on the job or making something look better.
taurus This is a hot and heavy day for romance! (Enjoy yourself.) However, this also is a lovely day for creative activities. Artists will see new ways of doing things.
gemini It's a great day to redecorate or repair bathrooms or anything that has to do with plumbing. You see new applications for existing items. Clever you!
cancer Conversations with others, especially siblings, are intense but pleasant today. You're particularly effective if you teach, sell, market, promote or act for a living. (No one can resist you!)
leo Be on the lookout for new sources of income, because they exist today! You might discover a new job or ways of earning money on the side. Shopping will please you as well.
virgo Take a good look in the mirror today, because you can improve your image and your appearance. What can you do? Different clothes? Different hairstyle? Think about this.
libra Secret love affairs are possible today. Even subtle flirtations will make your heart go pitter-patter. Private ways to earn money also exist. Hmmm.
scorpio Conversations with friends, especially in group situations, are unusually powerful today. Your suggestions actually might influence how something is done by others.
sagittarius Relations with authority figures (bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs) are quite powerful today. There's a mutual admiration society going on. In fact, you might develop a crush on someone.
capricorn Look for opportunities to travel or explore further education and training, because they do exist. You might meet a powerful teacher or someone who makes you see a different point of view.
aquarius Romance is hot and sexy today! Gifts, goodies and favors from others can come your way. What a day!
pisces Relations with partners and close friends are particularly warm and meaningful today. These conversations could result in something better for either one or both of you.
aries Look for ways to improve your health today, because you can discover something. Similarly, you might see ways to improve your job or to introduce reforms so that others can improve as well.
taurus Keep up this busy pace, because you have no choice. Short trips, errands, increased reading and studying, plus talking to everyone have you practically gasping.
gemini Continue to focus on money and ways to earn money. This is No. 1 on your agenda right now. Cash flow and possible major purchases are your primary focuses.
cancer Because people and opportunities are attracted to you, make the most of this! In other words, make hay while the Sun shines. (Your luck is very strong now.)
leo What a relief that, after eight months, Mars has moved away from your sign! Life is gentler and more calm. (Thank goodness.)
virgo Enjoy increased popularity with others now. This is an excellent time to join clubs, groups and organizations. Perhaps you can take a class. Or just poke around and learn something new.
libra Right now, the heavens bless you with good PR, so why not use it to your advantage? If people think well of you, milk this for all it's worth. (Ask for what you want.)
scorpio Competition with others is enjoyable right now. You're not afraid to throw your hat in the ring. Group activities favor you. Explore something new, just to see what happens.
sagittarius Romance with someone older, richer or more established is possible for some of you. Your ambition is aroused. Someone from a different background or another culture can teach you something today.
capricorn Travel for pleasure will delight you. Talk to partners and close friends. Make plans to go somewhere different. Expand your world!
aquarius Since you're interested in productivity and efficiency, make the most of what others are willing to give you. People will grant your wishes. (Therefore, why not ask?)
pisces This is such a playful, fun time for your sign. Partnerships are changing, but hopefully for the better. Yes, there are challenges, but a kite flies against the wind.
aries Many of you are keen to improve your health today. You might chide yourself to stop bad habits or improve your diet. (Good intentions are the beginning of positive life changes.)
taurus This is an exceptionally creative day for artists, people in show business and anyone who works with children. You're full of enthusiasm and bright ideas!
gemini Family conversations are so lively that debates and little arguments might break out. People tend to identify with their point of view today.
cancer You're highly persuasive and convincing today, because both the Moon and Mars are lined up in the area of your chart that influences your speech and thought. You can sell snow to the Eskimos!
leo If shopping today, you will be more emotional in your choices. Don't let your wants outweigh your needs. Caution against impulse spending.
virgo You feel more emotional about things today because the Moon is not only in your sign, it is also lined up with fiery Mars! Think before you speak; don't just shoot from the hip.
libra You might discover secrets today. This is because you have the energy and motivation to dig deep for hidden information. (It's a good day for research.)
scorpio Conversations with female acquaintances, especially in group settings, might be intense today! Don't get hung up on trying to win or prove your point. (Why bother?)
sagittarius It's a good thing to know that some aspect of your private life might suddenly be made public today, especially if you lose your temper. Therefore, be extra aware of everything you say and do. People are watching.
capricorn Do whatever you can to satisfy your need to explore more of life and learn something new. Go someplace you've never been before. You want to feel alive today!
aquarius This is a good day to examine red-tape details related to inheritances, wills, mortgages, debt and shared property. Minor disputes could arise. Oops.
pisces Be patient and tolerant with others today, because arguments can arise easily. Both Mars and the Moon now oppose you (just for today). Be open to compromise.
aries Expect upsets and surprises from partners and close friends today. In fact, somebody might demand more freedom or want to break loose from a restricting relationship. Run away! Run away!
taurus Delays at work because of computer crashes, power outages, staff shortages, canceled appointments and machinery breakdowns are likely today. Allow extra time for everything.
gemini This is an accident-prone day for children in your care or for your own children. Therefore, be extra vigilant. Keep your eyes open.
cancer Your home routine will be interrupted today by something unusual. Possibly, unexpected company will drop by. Minor breakages could occur. Small appliances might break down. Oh no!
leo This is an accident-prone day for you, so take extra care and precaution while driving, jogging and walking. Even verbal accidents might occur. Be careful!
virgo Keep an eye on your cash flow and money today. If shopping, keep your receipts. Count your change. Check your bank account.
libra You feel edgy and nervous today because the Moon is in your sign, making a harsh aspect to explosive Uranus. You don't want anyone telling you what to do.
scorpio This is a restless day for you, because you feel you should be doing something else but you're not sure what. It's hard to be content. Don't worry; this passes quickly.
sagittarius Be patient with friends and acquaintances in group settings today, because people are touchy! Minor explosions can take place suddenly. Diplomacy will pay off.
capricorn Sudden events might inadvertently call attention to you today in a way that you're not too thrilled about. Just be aware of this. Be especially patient with authority figures.
aquarius Travel plans could be interrupted or delayed today. Similarly, matters related to higher education, the law and medicine also might need to be rescheduled.
pisces Double-check anything having to do with shared property, bank accounts and anything you own jointly with others. Minor surprises can catch you off-guard today. Make friends with your bank account.
aries The next six weeks are fortunate for you, because lucky moneybags Jupiter is in your sign. Yippee! Expect good fortune, opportunities and people to be attracted to you.
taurus For much of this summer, you will feel quietly contemplative and pleased with yourself. Pleasures, especially the blessing of children, are wonderful.
gemini Enjoy this popular summer! All kinds of group activities will please you now. Many of you will encounter new friends and acquaintances.
cancer Something will occur to boost your reputation beautifully in the eyes of your peers. This summer you have a chance to really make a name for yourself.
leo You're captured by wanderlust this summer because you want to go places! Publishing, the media and higher education also offer exciting opportunities for you.
virgo This is an extremely fortunate time for you, because gifts, goodies, favors from others, plus inheritances and loans now come your way. You might even benefit indirectly through your partner.
libra Partnerships and close friendships are beautifully blessed this summer, because lucky Jupiter is opposite your sign. You feel fortunate to be with these people. It's a mutually beneficial relationship.
scorpio Continue to look for ways to improve your job, because they exist. A better job, better duties or better working conditions are all possible. You can improve your health as well.
sagittarius Vacations, parties, love affairs, romance, sports and playful activities with children offer lovely opportunities for fun and pleasure right up until October. You're laughing!
capricorn This is a very good time for real estate investments for many of you. It's also a good time to renovate or expand where you live. Home entertaining will please you as well.
aquarius Busy you! Because you are unusually happy and optimistic, you are tackling all kinds of projects you might normally dismiss. Your enthusiasm makes you demand more from life -- and get it!
pisces Money and cash flow look good. Some of you can boost your income now. Of course, because of the increased cash flow, many of you are making major expenditures as well.
aries You might see new ways of raising money or borrowing money, or new uses for something you own jointly with someone else. You're resourceful today!
taurus Discussions with partners and close friends can be productive because you both want to improve something. Perhaps you're trying to improve the relationship itself.
gemini Think of two ways that you can improve your health. Don't try to do everything at once. Go slowly.
cancer Parents might discover a new approach to dealing with children today. Similarly, artists or people involved with sports might see new ways to do something.
leo You can make great strides at home today by cleaning up garbage areas or dark basements. It sounds unappealing, but you'll love yourself later when the job is done.
virgo You have no trouble convincing others to agree with you today. However, if you come on too strong, you might send somebody in the opposite direction!
libra It's possible to discover new ways to earn money today. Alternatively, you might see new uses for something you already own. You're feeling inventive!
scorpio If you take a realistic look in the mirror, you might see ways to improve your appearance. After all, you never get a second chance to make a first impression, right?
sagittarius Any effort to dig up secrets or do any kind of research will be profitable today. At least you will get results! You might even get the scoop on someone!
capricorn Discussions with friends, especially in group settings, are powerful today. However, don't let others try to run your life or tell you how to improve things. (And don't do this to them, either.) Just let it be.
aquarius Powerful people in a position of authority will notice you today. Furthermore, they might discover something private or personal about you. Be aware of this.
pisces Avoid people who want to convince you to agree with their religion or their politics today. And whatever you do, don't try to do this to anyone else! Easy does it.
aries "Don't quibble, Sybil," especially with regard to children, sports teammates and partners. You will only look petty and immature. (Oops.)
taurus Silly quarrels with partners and close friends could make you end up with egg on your face. This is an unfortunate situation that requires ketchup, at best, or hiding in your room, at worst.
gemini Whether you realize it or not, you are actually looking for a fight today -- something contentious, combative and satisfying. But will it really be satisfying? Ah, that is the question.
cancer Be extra patient with children today. Similarly, be extra patient with romantic partners, sports colleagues and fellow members of the arts. Don't make a big deal about anything.
leo Family harmony is important. Every time you risk destroying family harmony, inevitably, you later regret it. You know this. Therefore, why tempt this scenario?
virgo If you find it difficult to get along with others today, you might want to look in the mirror. Perhaps you are the one who is just itching for a fight? What do you think?
libra Avoid discussions with others about important financial issues, because you don't have clarity today. Your feelings are intense, and they will cloud the issues.
scorpio You're too emotional to go head to head with any authority figure in your life, especially parents and bosses. (And let us not forget the police.) Just be cool. Zip thy lip.
sagittarius Avoid arguments about politics, religion and racial issues today. Similarly, avoid touchy subjects about publishing, the media, medicine and the law. You won't settle anything today.
capricorn Disputes about shared property, inheritances, insurance matters, mortgages and debt, or anything you own jointly are likely today. This is a minor wrinkle. Just let it go for the moment.
aquarius Public arguments with close friends and partners will be obvious to bosses, parents and authority figures. Chill out. Be patient.
pisces You won't regret being diplomatic with work colleagues. Do what you can to keep the peace, especially while dealing with people from different backgrounds and different cultures.
aries Unusual but practical long-range ideas about travel or higher education might occur to you today. Something looks doable, and at the same time, very exciting!
taurus Respect your new, innovative ideas about shared property, wills, inheritances or anything you share jointly with others. You're thinking outside the box!
gemini This is an excellent day to talk to partners about vacations, home situations or the care of children. Someone unusual might suggest a fresh idea.
cancer This is a practical day at work. Expect to get a lot done. If high technology enters the picture, your benefits will be long term.
leo An unexpected flirtation with someone older or someone of an age difference is likely today. Possible vacation plans down the road are equally exciting.
virgo Discussions with an older family member will no doubt surprise you. Either the idea itself or its source surprises you. Keep an open mind. (Who knew?)
libra You're in a practical frame of mind today, but at the same time, you're open to innovative ways to achieve what you want to do. Stay flexible. Today will not unfold as you expect.
scorpio You might be surprised to find that tried and true methods of earning money are as effective as they are. Financial matters will yield some new angles today.
sagittarius Someone older or in a position of power might be surprised by your approach to your work or your approach to a romantic situation. Don't feel that you have to explain yourself. It is what it is.
capricorn You feel restless today. You have this feeling that you want to nail something down or solidify a situation, but you're not sure how. (You can do it.)
aquarius Someone older might suggest something rather surprising to you today. It could show you that you're more conventional in your thinking than you thought you were. (It's never too late to learn something new.)
pisces Your spontaneous generosity might surprise someone today. You're taking the long view of how things should be shared, and you're not afraid to speak your mind.
aries During the next few years, partnerships and close friendships will require extra patience. Nevertheless, some of them will end.
taurus You're entering a two- to three-year window of hard work. Just accept this. At times, you might feel overwhelmed, but you will persevere!
gemini For many of you, children will become an increasing responsibility during the next few years. Just accept this. Others will search for their true calling in life.
cancer Home renovations and repairs will be on your mind during the next two to three years. You're determined to give yourself a solid home base that is reliable.
leo Many of you will change residences, jobs or both during the next few years. You are entering a window of flux and change.
virgo From here on, your life will feel much lighter! Quite literally, almost as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Enjoy your future!
libra You're entering a new sandbox. The last time anything like this happened was in the early 1980s. Many of you will actually change the style of your daily wardrobe. Just go with the flow.
scorpio You are now entering a two- to three-year period where you'll start to dismantle much of what you have created since 1999. Expect to give up people, places, possessions and even partnerships.
sagittarius In the next few years, the demands on your time will teach you to carve out time for yourself. You can't martyr yourself for everyone! After all, you have rights too! Be cooperative, but maintain your integrity.
capricorn In the next few years, many of you will achieve some cherished dreams. This is your time of harvest. It could begin this year or next, depending on when you were born.
aquarius It's important to learn as much as you can through education, training or travel in the next few years. You need to polish your skills so they're ready to use!
pisces The financial and practical assistance from others, especially partners, might diminish in the next few years due to job changes or changing events. This will show you how to stand on your own two feet.
aries A playful month ahead! Romance, love affairs, the arts, sports and fun times with children will bring extra joy to your world.
taurus In the next few weeks, your focus is on home, family and domestic issues. Family discussions will be significant, especially about family businesses.
gemini Busy you! Short trips, extra time with siblings, buying and selling, along with increased reading, writing and studying, keep you hopping during the next month.
cancer For the next four to six weeks, your focus will turn to money issues. Some of you are thinking about how to earn money; others are contemplating a major purchase.
leo Today the Sun enters your sign, where it will recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. It will stay in Leo for the next four weeks, bringing you increased opportunities and popularity!
virgo It's time to lie low. Your birthday is about a month away. That's why this is the perfect time to strategize about what you want your new year to be all about.
libra A popular month ahead! Suddenly, everyone wants to see your face. Enjoy clubs, groups and associations. Get out and schmooze!
scorpio This is the only time all year when the Sun moves across the top of your chart, acting like a spotlight on you. This is why bosses and VIPs notice you more than usual.
sagittarius The next month is great for travel, as well as study and getting further education. You want more out of life!
capricorn Many of you will focus on shared property, inheritances, wills and insurance matters during the next four weeks. You can clear up a lot of loose ends.
aquarius In the month ahead, the Sun will be as far way from your sign as it gets all year. Because of this, you will need more rest than usual. (The Sun is your energy.)
pisces Act on your impulse to get better organized. Give yourself the right tools to do a great job. You want things to be efficient and smooth at work and at home.
aries Life at home will not unfold as expected today. Surprise company might drop by. Family events might similarly be canceled. Even small appliances might break down.
taurus It's an exciting day full of new faces, new places and fresh, new ideas. Your mind is in overdrive. Siblings and relatives might do or say something unusual.
gemini You might find money today; you might lose money. Trust your financial impulses, because you are intuitively bold and adventurous today. New ways of earning money might occur to you.
cancer You feel restless and adventurous today. You want to do something different. You want some excitement in your life. Be open to suggestions. Be a tourist in your own town.
leo A bright idea might erupt out of your subconsciousness today. Geniuslike thoughts might spring out of the blue. (Or they might not be remarkable at all.)
virgo A friend might suggest something unusual today. Or you might encounter someone in a group setting who is unconventional and unorthodox. Either way, it's not a boring day!
libra Parents, bosses, teachers and VIPs will do or say something that surprises you today. In turn, you don't want to be micromanaged. You want to be free!
scorpio Unusual ideas about religion, politics and philosophy intrigue you today. Your appreciation of beauty will reveal new preferences, perhaps for modern designs.
sagittarius Unexpected gifts, goodies, favors and perks from others might come your way today. Surprise news about your partner's income will be welcome.
capricorn Either you or your partner might want more freedom and space today. People feel independent, even rebellious. They want to do their own thing. (And so do you.)
aquarius New technology might be introduced to your workplace today. Similarly, a new staff member could be very unusual or from a different background. Be ready for some big changes.
pisces Surprising, unexpected flirtations might make your day! This is a mildly accident-prone day for children in your care, so be extra vigilant. Surprise news about vacations could be exciting!
aries Spiritual ideas or a deeper belief about something might occur to you today. It could be minor, but for some of you, it could be very meaningful.
taurus A group situation might cause you to change your goals or modify your future dreams. Perhaps someone suggests a whole new way to approach something.
gemini Something that affects your reputation among your peers will change radically today -- hopefully, for the better. New opportunities to gain respect are at hand.
cancer Today, something might happen to totally change your ideas about religion, politics, philosophy or a particular belief system. It's like a huge revelation.
leo Many of you will see completely new applications or new uses for something that is jointly owned or shared property. This could be extremely fortunate for you.
virgo A new point of view might make you appreciate a partner or a close friend in your life. You see this person's value in your world, and it is a revelation.
libra New ways to approach your job, or perhaps a new job, can really give you a lift today. People are very supportive to you. Make the most of this!
scorpio Romance, love affairs, vacations, parties, sports and fun times are a great source of joy for you. News about children or playful activities with children will delight you today.
sagittarius This is an excellent day for real estate. You might see how to tackle a renovation project, how to tear something down in order to rebuild it or how to create something far better.
capricorn You are hopeful and optimistic about something today. You see that peeling away the layers of the onion has led you to a deeper truth.
aquarius Trust your moneymaking ideas! You might see new ways to earn money, discover new income streams or find ways to make money on the side. It looks good!
pisces This is a fortunate day for you, primarily because you realized that you do have good fortune. Sometimes you can get hung up on what isn't working and ignore what is working. But not today.
aries The Full Moon can create tension in the family today, particularly with children. Be extra patient with others, because everyone can feel the Full Moon, even the dog. Woof!
taurus Today's Full Moon can trigger arguments with neighbors and siblings. It is also an accident-prone Full Moon for your sign. Therefore, slow down and take it easy!
gemini Your shopping habits might be affected by today's Full Moon. (When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping.) Just be aware of this.
cancer Today's Full Moon could create tension with partners and close friends. Because the Moon is your ruler, naturally you feel the tension of every Full Moon.
leo The only Full Moon directly opposite your sign is taking place today. Naturally, this triggers tension with others. Be gracious. After all, Leo is the sign of royalty.
virgo Today's Full Moon can make romantic situations a bit rocky. It also can create tension with children. Demonstrate grace under pressure.
libra Relations with authority figures -- parents, teachers and VIPs -- will be stressed because of today's Full Moon. If you are aware of this, you can avoid unpleasantness.
scorpio This is a poor day to engage in arguments about politics, religion or racial issues because the Full Moon makes people edgy and emotional. Therefore, avoid these kinds of discussions, for your own survival.
sagittarius This is not the day to decide how to deal with shared property or anything that is jointly owned, or to discuss inheritances. People are too heated and emotional because of today's Full Moon.
capricorn Relations with partners and close friends are a bit dicey today. Knowing this, avoid contentious subjects or anything that will push somebody else's buttons. Just don't do it.
aquarius Social situations might be a bit of a squeeze play because of today's Full Moon. This certainly includes sports, the arts and children's parties. Be extra tolerant and gracious with everyone. (What's the big deal?)
pisces Today's Full Moon could trigger underlying tension with you because it occurs in a hidden part of your chart. Just remain mellow.
aries Relationships, especially romantic relationships, are full of all kinds of surprises today. Some of you might have third-party complications or stress related to children.
taurus No matter how weird things are at work right now (and they are different), you feel awfully good about family, home and your private life lately. Family is a source of joy.
gemini Even though things are stressed or a bit dicey on the home front, you feel optimistic today. Good news lifts your spirits. You are looking forward to a better tomorrow.
cancer Financial opportunities can be a lovely boost for many of you right now. Some of you will get a better job or a raise. Others will buy something that's a super bonus.
leo You're encouraged about travel plans, anything having to do with higher education or publishing and media opportunities. Things are going your way!
virgo A deep inner satisfaction makes you feel content with yourself and more content with the world. Naturally, things are not perfect. They're never perfect. But you can still be content.
libra This is a popular day. You can tell others feel an upbeat energy in the air as well. Group situations and meetings will go well.
scorpio You have a wonderful opportunity today to impress bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. People in authority think you're cool. (You might as well use this to your advantage.)
sagittarius Grab any opportunity that comes your way today to travel or explore more of the world. Some of you are enjoying a chance to study more, or take a course or explore further higher education. It's all good.
capricorn Many of you will benefit from the wealth or resources of others today. People are generous to you. Don't shy away from this. Just say thank you!
aquarius Relations with partners and close friends are greatly improved today. A mutually beneficial give-and-take is heartwarming. (That's nice.)
pisces Wonderful job opportunities await you today. You can get a better job, better duties or a better boss. Your health also might improve.
aries For the next several months, you will be more concerned than usual about health issues. You might even change your diet or get more exercise.
taurus You're in a playful frame of mind during the next few months. You'll love puzzles, mental games and teasing others. Enjoy!
gemini Family communication will be important during the next few weeks. Very soon, you'll hear from relatives whom you haven't heard from in ages! (Stock the fridge.)
cancer The next few months are busy with appointments and short trips. From mid-August to mid-September, expect delays, confused communication and transportation problems.
leo In the next few months, you'll be more focused on cash flow, earnings and major expenditures than usual. Many of you will have great moneymaking ideas!
virgo Mercury is going to be in your sign until early October. You will have such a strong desire to talk to everyone in the next few months!
libra Your ability to research and discover secrets and ferret out facts will be wonderful during the next few months. You're determined to find what you're looking for.
scorpio Clubs, groups and organizations will appeal to you because you have a strong desire to talk to others in the next few months. Many of you might join a group.
sagittarius You're keen to make plans for your professional life and your life direction in general during the next few months. This is an excellent time to talk to bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs.
capricorn You're so eager to learn in the immediate future! Sign up for a course. Read books, watch films and talk to people from other cultures and different backgrounds. Study something.
aquarius Important discussions about inheritances, wills and shared property will be a big focus for the rest of the summer and into the fall. You might have some big decisions to make.
pisces Be careful during the next few months, because it's easy to have conflict in your conversations with partners and close friends. You have a sense of urgency about communicating something.
aries By thinking quietly today, you might come up with new approaches to things. Or you might see how to take an existing situation and spin it around to make it better.
taurus Expect to meet a powerful female acquaintance or friend today. This person might suggest how you can improve your life. Or she might just be bossy!
gemini Parents, bosses, teachers and VIPs will suggest ways you can get ahead in the world. (Or possibly, you see better ways to deal with these authority figures.)
cancer You might meet a powerful person who affects your life and belief systems, or your religious ideas and values. Some of you will think about living somewhere else far away.
leo It's easy for you to see how to take something that you share or own with someone else and put it to a new use. You're highly resourceful today!
virgo Partners and close friends might try to "improve" you today. Bummer idea. By the same token, don't waste your breath trying to improve them. (Also a bummer idea.)
libra This is the perfect day to introduce reforms and improvements to where you work. Other Librans will figure out ways to improve their health. Either way, you win.
scorpio Romance can be captivating today! You might meet someone who really is attractive to you; however, you fear that this person might not be good for you.
sagittarius You definitely can improve family relationships today or your relations with parents and relatives, especially females. The first step is to get rid of obstacles that are in the way.
capricorn You're unusually persuasive with others today. Not only do you attract people to you, but you can change their way of thinking!
aquarius Look for new ways to earn money or ways to make money on the side today, because they exist. New sources of income are entirely possible.
pisces You might feel more emotional about something today, because the Moon is in your sign. These feelings could motivate you to improve your appearance or your image.
aries This is a wonderful day for creative projects, arts and crafts or dealing with children. You see several ways to improve how to do something.
taurus Family discussions are productive today. Even though one person might dominate, the aim of these talks is to introduce improvements at home or to your family dynamic.
gemini You're unusually powerful in your communication today. This makes today a strong day for writers, actors, teachers, salespeople and anyone who is in marketing or promotions.
cancer Be on the lookout for new ways to earn money, because they exist today. Similarly, you might discover new ways to use something you already own. Clever you!
leo Your love of mystery is aroused today. You'll enjoy reading whodunits, seeing mystery movies or prying secrets from people. You want to know what is behind the mask.
virgo Any kind of research will pay off today. It's as if you have X-ray vision. You see the subtext of anything. You'll be able to spot a phony a mile away.
libra Expect to meet somebody pretty powerful in a group setting today. This person might come on like gangbusters and actually persuade you to change your goals.
scorpio You're ready to work hard today, but you also will make sure people in power notice. Perhaps you will encounter a powerful boss or teacher today.
sagittarius New ideas about travel or something related to publishing and the media could be innovative. In fact, little inventions and discoveries in medicine and the law are likely today.
capricorn You have penetrating insight into matters related to inheritances, shared property, insurance matters and bills. You see very clearly now what needs to be done.
aquarius You can learn something from a partner or friend today. Possibly, you are the one doing the teaching. Be careful, because people want to coerce others into agreeing with them today -- this includes you.
pisces This is an ideal day to introduce reforms and improvements where you work. Why not apply some of your bright ideas to improve your health as well?
aries This is an accident-prone day at work for many of you. Please be careful and slow down. Be aware of all your actions. Also be aware of verbal accidents and knee-jerk reactions to others. (Zip thy lip.)
taurus Parents and teachers must be extremely vigilant today about your own children or children in your care. This definitely is an accident-prone day, especially for kids. Be alert.
gemini Guard against accidents at home today, or minor breakages. Small appliances might break down. Conflict with family members also might erupt. (Yikes!)
cancer This is definitely an accident-prone day for your sign. Therefore, slow down and take everything easy. Be extra mindful while walking, driving, jogging and in all your activities. (Awareness is your best protection.)
leo Stay on top of your financial scene. Something unexpected could happen. Keep your receipts if shopping. Check your bills. Guard your possessions.
virgo Because you feel rebellious and independent today, you might act in a rash or reckless way. This is ill-advised. It will only get you in trouble. (Definitely.)
libra You're very restless today. Be very careful about whatever you do. Secret plans or private activities behind the scenes might backfire or explode in your face.
scorpio This is a classic day for a blowup with someone, especially in a group setting. It could turn into a yelling match or worse. Therefore, remain calm and patient with everyone!
sagittarius Tread carefully when talking to authority figures today -- bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs or the police. Nasty conflicts definitely can occur today.
capricorn Avoid arguments about politics, religion and racial issues. Take extra precautions when traveling. Accidents, delays, cancellations and changes are likely regarding travel and school schedules.
aquarius Be extra careful if you are responsible for the property of others today. Unexpected events could cause loss, theft or breakage -- or arguments!
pisces This is an explosive day for partnerships and relationships. Practice tolerance, patience and kindness with others. (It's impossible to find a perfect partner. Factoid. Therefore, you have to allow leeway for others.)
aries This is a difficult day at work. It seems that no matter what you try to do, somebody will block your efforts. You feel a bit like you're banging your head against the wall.
taurus Be extra patient when dealing with children today. Guard against accidents in sports events. Romance is also rocky, because cooperation seems to be impossible!
gemini Whatever task you attempt at home today will go sideways in a New York minute. Everything seems to be harder than it has to be. Nothing is easy or simple! ("Why me, Lord?")
cancer Whatever you try to do today is blocked by somebody else or by circumstances. You feel hexed! (You can't push the river.)
leo You might find it very challenging to earn money today. Or perhaps your financial scene is just challenging in every way. Obstacles of all kinds will block your money transactions. (Bummer!)
virgo Guard against nasty conflicts with partners and close friends today. It seems that no matter what you suggest, somebody shoots you down. Aaarggh! (Of course you find this irritating!) Cool your jets.
libra Secret activities that are going on behind the scenes definitely will encounter difficulties, delays and cancellations today. There is nothing you can do about this. Just be patient.
scorpio Group activities are challenging today. Others are not cooperative. Authority figures are in your face. Nothing seems to work easily. (Just tread water.)
sagittarius This is an extremely poor day to try to get approval or permission for anything from an authority figure -- boss, parent, teacher, the police. Don't even go there, because all you'll get is, "Talk to the hand."
capricorn You will encounter opposition if you question anything about politics, religion or racial issues. Even publishing, medicine and the law could be controversial.
aquarius Today it's impossible to try to have a good discussion about how to share something, especially an inheritance. Pick another day.
pisces Difficulties with partners and close friends are unavoidable today. Therefore, make the best of a bad situation. Be patient, and smile a lot.
aries What a difference a day makes! You feel much calmer and more relaxed today. Yes, you're a bit emotional, but it's all good. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, and it's not a train! Yay!
taurus For the first time in several days, you have a warm feeling in your tummy. You feel better about your world and better about your future. Thank goodness!
gemini Discussions with a friend, especially a female friend, are particularly warm and gracious today. In fact, one of you might want to quietly confide in the other. It's all good.
cancer People in authority will notice you more than usual today, and in particular, they will see you in glamorous terms. They might learn something about your personal or private life that intrigues them.
leo Your appreciation of beauty is heightened today. Visit beautiful places. Similarly, philosophical and religious discussions will inspire you. (It's that kind of day.)
virgo You might want to use shared possessions to help someone in need. Or you might want to do some fundraising or ask others to help those who are less fortunate.
libra Relations with partners and close friends are mutually sympathetic and warm today. This is a good day to share hopes and disappointments. People will understand.
scorpio If you can help a co-worker today, you will. Possibly, this occurs in reverse, and someone will help you. People are mutually sympathetic today.
sagittarius Your creativity is turned on today. Be like a child again. Enjoy singing, dancing, drawing, painting, whatever. Romance is sweet and dreamy.
capricorn You will enjoy relaxing at home or, possibly, entertaining at home. You feel idealistic about your privacy and your family relations.
aquarius You might spend time daydreaming or woolgathering today, but that's OK. We all need days like this. (They're mental health days.)
pisces Be careful about your spending habits today, because you are attracted to luxurious, elegant items that might be beyond your budget. (It's tough to have champagne taste on a beer wallet.)
aries You're focused on cash flow, purchases and how to earn money or boost your earnings today. Money, money, money. (Where is it when you need it?)
taurus Because the Moon is in your sign today, you might feel more emotional than usual. However, the good news is that today, you are luckier than all the other signs!
gemini Your energy is a bit low today. You feel private today. This is why you are best served by working alone or behind the scenes. (Or just hiding somewhere!)
cancer Conversations in group settings will go well today, especially with females. Others are sympathetic to your point of view, and they are interested in your ideas for the future.
leo Certain details about your personal life suddenly might come to light today, especially with bosses, parents and the police. (Oops.) Be aware of this.
virgo Try to do something different today. Down deep, you want adventure and excitement. Furthermore, you want to learn something new. Therefore, push the sides of the envelope!
libra You have a greater-than-average concern about bills, taxes and the wealth and resources of others today, especially your partner's. You want as much information as possible about things that might affect you.
scorpio Today the Moon is opposite your sign, which means you have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. Fear not -- in two weeks, others will have to go more than halfway when dealing with you!
sagittarius This is an ideal day to tackle little errands and get a lot of things done. You want more efficiency in your life. You want to feel like you are on top of things!
capricorn What a playful day! Enjoy flirtations, romance, sports, children's activities, the theater, movies and parties. It's your turn to have fun!
aquarius Home, family and domestic issues are your focus today. A conversation with a female relative (perhaps Mom) will be significant.
pisces A busy day! Short trips, errands, buying and selling, and wheeling and dealing keep you on the run. It's a good day to talk to siblings and relatives.
aries Something might be occurring very privately in your life that hugely stirs your appreciation of spirituality -- or even your appreciation of your own worth. This is good.
taurus Friends and groups you are involved with now can really transform your world in some way. You might work with others to repair or reorganize something.
gemini You feel very confident about something. In fact, this confidence could take you in a whole new life direction or to a new career. Anything could happen!
cancer Legal difficulties could be challenging for some of you. Others will explore travel opportunities and educational chances that will literally change your life. Your world is growing!
leo Your ability to benefit from the resources and wealth of others might get a huge boost right now. Inheritances, gifts or the use of something that others own, especially if you have to rebuild it, could come your way now.
virgo You might be undergoing some kind of major change right now with your closest friendships or partnerships. Don't be too obsessed about anything. Stay true to yourself.
libra You have wonderful opportunities to improve your job right now. In fact, these same opportunities can improve your health as well.
scorpio Romance, sports, vacations, anything that has to do with the arts, plus working or relating to children, truly can transform your life right now. Be honest and aboveboard.
sagittarius Now is the time to make improvements to your home or your family situation that could possibly involve tearing something down in order to rebuild it. It's a classic time for renovations.
capricorn You're extremely convincing now! However, allow others their own beliefs as well. Resist the temptation to steamroll people with your ideas.
aquarius Moneymaking ideas, different jobs or different ways of earning money might present themselves to you now. Some of you are fixing up, repairing or restoring something you own.
pisces This is a good time to think about how you can improve your appearance or the impression you create on others. But first, you might have to let go of old ways of doing things.
aries Avoid power struggles at work. (They could occur today, yesterday or tomorrow.) They won't resolve anything -- they're just battles of ego.
taurus Be patient with children at this time because your relationships with children can be quite competitive. Romance is also rocky because of jealousy or arguments. Keep your cool.
gemini Definitely do whatever you can to avoid family conflicts. They will not resolve anything. You will have disharmony at home, and everyone will be miserable. Put a lid on it.
cancer Avoid arguments with others, especially siblings. This is the kind of argument you might lose, so why even begin? Easy does it.
leo With determination and perseverance, some of you can come up with a whole new approach to earning money. Or you might put a lot of energy into transforming something you own.
virgo You can do one of two things: You can creatively transform the world around you right now, or you can get into big fights with partners and close friends. Which one sounds like more fun?
libra Secrets or behind-the-scenes activities could change your world. Some of you are having love affairs. However, others are coming into new beliefs and conclusions about things.
scorpio Confrontations with groups or members of groups -- or perhaps even a friend -- are likely at this time. Unless you really believe in what you're doing, you might want to step aside. Who needs this?
sagittarius You are very ambitious right now! You believe you have the power to make changes that are necessary and, furthermore, changes that will improve things for everyone. (Perhaps.)
capricorn Avoid religious, political and racial arguments. People are intent on trying to persuade others to agree with them. Don't get caught up in this.
aquarius Arguments about inheritances or how to share something are likely. Unless you stand on firm ground, back away.
pisces It's easy to be upset with partners and close friends now. You feel you must defend your turf. But should you have to feel this way with loved ones?
aries This is a busy day, with errands, short trips and conversations with everyone, especially siblings. Don't stay at home -- get out and do something!
taurus Money, cash flow and possible ways of earning money are on your mind today. Some of you will take care of, clean or repair something you own.
gemini The Moon is in your sign today, making you a bit more emotional than usual. However, it also makes you luckier than other signs. Yay, you!
cancer Work behind the scenes or alone today, because you need more privacy than usual. Some of you might even cocoon with a movie or a book.
leo Contact with a female friend could be significant for you today. A new friendship might develop. An ongoing friendship could deepen in an emotional, trusting way.
virgo Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will notice something about you today, probably something personal (perhaps about your family). Be aware of this.
libra Try to do something different today. Go someplace you've never been before. Secretly, you want adventure, and you want to learn something new!
scorpio This is a good day to discuss shared property and how to divide something. You also might want to pay bills and take care of red-tape details.
sagittarius Because the Moon is opposite your sign today, you will have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. This just means you have to compromise a little. (Not a big deal.)
capricorn Set aside time to get more organized at work or at home. Take care of little details. Get rid of clutter. Do something to feel like you are more on top of your scene.
aquarius What a playful day! Flirtations, sports, the arts, enjoyable times with children, and anything having to do with show business will please you today. Make time for fun!
pisces Focus on home, family and domestic details today. Talk to parents. A female relative might want to confide in you. Or vice versa -- you might want to confide in someone else.
aries Be extra patient with family members and people at home today, because everyone has a short fuse. It's nothing major. (However, it's always the little things that get you, right?)
taurus Be tolerant and patient with others today, because you will be involved in lots of conversations, as well as being busy with short trips and running errands. Keep your cool!
gemini Disputes about money, cash flow or purchases could arise today. Keep your receipts if shopping. Make friends with your bank account. Count your change.
cancer You've had better days. The Moon is in your sign today; however, it is at odds with so many other planets! This means you are emotionally at odds with others. (Gulp.)
leo Work alone or behind the scenes today. Keep a low profile. If you feel upset with others, don't make a big deal about anything. Everyone is at sixes and sevens today.
virgo Difficulties with groups or friends might arise today, especially with female acquaintances. Be as patient with others as you would hope they would be with you in similar circumstances.
libra Some details of your private life will be made rather public today (a public argument?). Be aware of this before you act or say anything. People are watching!
scorpio Don't be insistent about your plans regarding travel or anything having to do with higher education, publishing, the law or medicine. Cut people some slack today.
sagittarius Disputes about shared property or anything held jointly with others are very likely today. Try to avoid these if you can. Postpone these talks for another time.
capricorn Today the Moon is directly opposite your sign. This can create stress in your dealings with partners and close friends. Avoid arguments with authority figures. Stay frosty.
aquarius It's not easy to get the cooperation of co-workers today. People are obstinate, stubborn and argumentative. Just relax. Don't make a big deal about things.
pisces Parents must be extra patient with children today. This is a classic day for a little meltdowns. (Don't be judgmental, because adults are having meltdowns as well!)
aries Surprise flirtations at work might delight you. Similarly, unexpected events -- which could ultimately benefit you or improve your job -- might occur. Technology is unreliable today!
taurus Love at first sight is possible for some of you. However, the important message today is for parents: This is an accident-prone day for your children. Be alert!
gemini Spontaneous parties or get-togethers might take place at home today. Unexpected company might drop by. It's a good day to buy modern art or something high-tech for where you live.
cancer Expect to meet new faces and go to new places today. This is an exciting, different day! Amidst all this fun and flurry of activity, guard against accidents.
leo Spontaneous purchases are likely today, especially regarding technology or unusual art. New ways of earning money might drop in your lap. Meanwhile, keep an eye on your possessions.
virgo This is a completely unpredictable day! You're ready to explore all kinds of new situations. Partners and close friends surprise you! (People are very independent today.)
libra You feel restless today, but don't worry -- everybody else feels restless as well. Be careful about jumping to conclusions or hastily saying something you will later regret.
scorpio You might meet someone unusual or a bit bizarre today. Or perhaps, somebody you know will say something that surprises you. Some of you will join a group that is involved in trying to improve something.
sagittarius Romance with someone older or richer, or perhaps even your boss might begin today. People might be surprised at your actions for whatever reason. Quite likely, you don't care.
capricorn Grab any unexpected opportunities that come your way today to travel or to get further education or training. Your window of opportunity will be brief.
aquarius Surprise gifts and goodies might come to you today. A decision about shared property or something that has to be divided could be made in your favor.
pisces Partners and close friends are full of surprises today. Someone might demand more freedom and more space. Or perhaps, you are the person who feels too confined.
aries You're concerned about security today, especially related to your job. Some of you are also concerned about how secure you feel about your health. You want to be safe.
taurus Romance with someone older is likely today. Perhaps even a slight flirtation will be of interest. It's a good day to make long-range plans about the care of children.
gemini Whatever you do to improve your home today will have long-lasting results. Listen to the advice of someone older. In fact, someone older might help you or give you something.
cancer You'll enjoy discussions with others that deal with the future and how to best prepare for it. Suggestions from people who are more experienced are worth listening to.
leo Today you're taking a sober look at your cash flow and your income. Even though you like to throw your money around, you know how to save it when you want to.
virgo You're willing to practice, repeat or redo something until you get it right today. You know the results you have in mind, and you're not going to settle for less!
libra Secret love affairs with someone of an age difference are likely today. Others simply might benefit from someone of an age difference. It's a good day.
scorpio Someone older, more experienced, wiser or richer, probably has some good advice for you today. It doesn't hurt to listen, does it? (What's to lose?)
sagittarius Bosses, people in authority or possibly parents have strong opinions about something today. However, it behooves you to listen. It appears their advice actually will help you.
capricorn Make long-range travel plans today. Similarly, it's a good day to make long-range plans about further education or possible training down the road.
aquarius This is an excellent day to sit down with partners and close friends and work out loose details about shared property. Everyone will be reasonable.
pisces Someone close to you wants to have a discussion about how things will be in the future. Many people are taking a long-range view of things today. (This is not a bad idea.)
aries You want to make sweeping changes to your health today and also to your job. You are determined to come up with better ways of doing things.
taurus Romance is wonderful and overwhelming today. Many of you are suddenly head over heels in love -- or, alternatively, delighted with children or a new birth.
gemini You will love redecorating your home today or entertaining at home. You want to enjoy fun with family members.
cancer All your conversations with others, especially with siblings, are exuberant and enthusiastic because you feel passionate about something today. You really want to say or do something!
leo One of two things might happen today: You might go way overboard shopping for something. Or you might be delighted to find a new job or a new way of earning money.
virgo Your passion is aroused today, and only you will know the reason why. This passion could be romantic, but it might just be the passion you feel about life in general or having a good time with others.
libra You feel so strongly about something today that a close relationship might actually break down or end! Be careful about giving in to feelings of jealousy. Don't try to control someone.
scorpio Don't react to others if they say things to try to persuade you to do something. People can be manipulative today. Try to keep everything above board.
sagittarius Avoid passionate disagreements with authority figures today. However, passionate flirtations might take place instead! Nothing is casual today.
capricorn This is not the day to pursue heated debates about politics, religion or racial issues. Even matters related to publishing, the media, medicine and the law are very touchy!
aquarius Romantically, you feel very intense today. This might be with someone you know, or you might develop an intense crush on someone who is not even aware of it.
pisces Be straightforward with partners and close friends today. Refrain from using cunning and guile or guilt-tripping to get your way. (And don't let others do this to you.)
aries Social occasions, parties, the arts or work with children, plus anything that has to do with love and romance, are all sources of confusion for you today. (Yikes!) You don't know if you're coming or going.
taurus Be extra clear in all your communication with family members -- especially parents and most especially Mom! Guard against crocodile tears from someone who asks for help.
gemini Communication with others, especially siblings, might be garbled, misunderstood or possibly even deceitful. If you think you cannot trust someone, you're probably right.
cancer Be on top of all your financial exchanges today. Count your change. Check your bills. Keep an eye on your possessions in order to guard against theft or loss.
leo Conversations with partners and close friends are subject to confusion today. You might feel let down by something or someone. Remember: Unexpressed expectations always lead to disappointment.
virgo Someone might be hiding the truth from you today. All is not as it seems. If you think something fishy is going on, it is!
libra A friend, especially a female friend, might be stringing you along about something today. Or perhaps this person is well-meaning and just has his or her facts wrong. Be aware of this.
scorpio Because this is a classic day for confused communication, be very clear about what bosses, parents and authority figures want from you. Assume nothing.
sagittarius Avoid heated discussions about politics, religion or racial issues today. Misinformation and confusion will yield only further misinformation and confusion! It's far better to keep conversations light and friendly.
capricorn If you are responsible for the wealth or possessions of others today, be extra conscientious, because something could go wrong. Insufficient information or wrong information could cause problems.
aquarius Today the Moon is opposite your sign, and it also is opposite Neptune. Therefore, tread carefully. Make no assumptions about others. Easy does it. If you're not sure what's going on, do nothing.
pisces Something confusing with your health or your job could occur today. Part of this confusion could be misplaced sympathy for a co-worker. Be careful.
aries Focus on health concerns and hygiene matters today. This is a good day to attend to the needs of pets. You're keen to be efficient and productive at work as well.
taurus Playful activities, sports, the theater, the entertainment world and playful times with children will delight you. This is a primo day for love and romance!
gemini Home, family and domestic issues are your primary focus today. Discussions with parents will be significant. You might want to entertain at home.
cancer This is a busy day, in part because you want to enlighten others about something. There's something to say. Conversations with siblings and relatives will be important.
leo Money issues and cash flow are your primary focus today. You're contemplating major purchases. Some of you are dreaming up ways to boost your income. (Good luck.)
virgo You might feel a bit more emotional than usual today, because the Moon is in your sign. However, this also makes you a bit luckier than all the other signs as well. Yay!
libra Matters that are hidden concern you now. You might prefer to work alone or behind the scenes (that is for certain). Play your cards close to your chest.
scorpio Discussions with groups and casual friends, especially female acquaintances, will be significant today. Someone wants to confide in you. (Or, perhaps, vice versa.)
sagittarius Some aspect of your private life is going to be made a bit public today, especially in the eyes of bosses, VIPs and the police. You should be aware of this. Be mindful of your appearance and whatever you say or do!
capricorn You want adventure and a change of scenery today. You also want to learn something new. Be a tourist in your own town. Go someplace you've never been before.
aquarius Stay on top of taxes, bills, shared property and anything you hold jointly with others. Be in touch with your bank account.
pisces Because the Moon is directly opposite your sign today, you will have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. Be patient.
aries Unexpected events will change your job routine today. Staff shortages, computer crashes, power outages and cancellations could make things go south in a New York minute.
taurus This is an accident-prone day for children in your care, so be careful and extra vigilant. Surprise flirtations could trigger love at first sight for some of you!
gemini Your home scene will not go as planned today. Surprise company might drop by. Minor breakages could occur. Small appliances might crash. Oh, dear. Be prepared.
cancer This is an accident-prone day for your sign. Therefore, slow down and take it easy. Be aware of what you do and say all day long.
leo Something untoward or unexpected might happen to your money or possessions today. Guard against theft and loss. You might find money; you might lose money. It's a crapshoot.
virgo You feel rebellious, restless and highly independent today. If you have to cooperate with others, be patient and tolerant. Don't expect to get your own way all day.
libra This is a restless day, in large part because you feel rebellious and independent! You want to do your own thing. (Perhaps you should look before you leap.)
scorpio Surprise secrets could come out today. You might discover something on your own or someone could tell you something that amazes you. Mum's the word.
sagittarius A friend might do something or say something quite unexpected today. Or possibly, you will meet somebody new who is bizarre or a real character. Enjoy your day.
capricorn Travel plans can be delayed or canceled today. Ditto for plans related to higher education, colleges and universities. Expect the unexpected.
aquarius Stay on top of your bank account today. Similarly, be very mindful of shared possessions or anything you are guarding or holding for somebody else. Guard against loss or theft.
pisces A close friend or partner will be the source of a big surprise for you today. (Or perhaps someone you know casually decides to get cozier.) People can throw you off guard today. Be prepared.
aries Discussions with a partner or close friend will be important for you today. However, be prepared to compromise or go more than halfway with others. (There's no choice, really.)
taurus Your health and employment scenes are your primary concerns today. What can you do to improve both areas? (Well, at least one.)
gemini This is a romantic day for your sign. Flirtations, love affairs and just playful fun with others will make your day. You feel lighthearted, playful and prankish!
cancer Family discussions are significant today. Set aside time for this if you can. Talk to relatives, especially female relatives or mothers. (You'll be glad you did.)
leo Sales, marketing, teaching, acting and all kinds of communicating will profit you today. You have a sixth sense when dealing with people right now. You know what they want.
virgo Trust your intuition about how to boost your income. You might see ways of getting a better job or ways of making money on the side. Shopping also will interest you today.
libra You're a little bit luckier than all the other signs today. However, you might feel a bit more emotional as well. That's because today's Moon is in your sign.
scorpio A female friend might have something important to say to you today. (This could be confidential.) Or perhaps, you want to talk about your hopes and dreams for the future.
sagittarius Discussions with bosses and important people are rather emotional today. Probably, they will learn more about you than you might think. Keep this in mind.
aries Any kind of travel or a chance to learn something new will delight you today. Visit libraries, art galleries, parks, bookstores, beautiful architectural buildings and colleges and universities.
libra Any kind of travel or a chance to learn something new will delight you today. Visit libraries, art galleries, parks, bookstores, beautiful architectural buildings and colleges and universities.
capricorn Any kind of travel or a chance to learn something new will delight you today. Visit libraries, art galleries, parks, bookstores, beautiful architectural buildings and colleges and universities.
aquarius Clear up loose ends about red-tape details connected with inheritances, estates, wills, taxes, debt and shared property. Finish whatever you can. (You'll love yourself for this later.)
pisces Look for a win-win solution when dealing with partners and close friends today. Compromise is definitely possible. If you achieve this, then everyone is happy.
aries You feel sympathetic toward partners and close friends today. It feels easy to see their point of view and where they are coming from. (This bodes well for harmony.)
taurus You won't hesitate to help a co-worker today. It seems to be your turn to be the amateur psychologist on the job. Possibly, someone is willing to help you in the same way.
aries Your appreciation of beauty is heightened today. Visit libraries, museums, art galleries, beautiful architectural buildings and parks.
gemini Your appreciation of beauty is heightened today. Visit libraries, museums, art galleries, beautiful architectural buildings and parks.
libra Your appreciation of beauty is heightened today. Visit libraries, museums, art galleries, beautiful architectural buildings and parks.
cancer You might find a way to use the collective resources of others to benefit someone who is less fortunate. Or you might do some fundraising today on behalf of a needy cause.
leo Today it's easy to daydream and fantasize. Just relax and enjoy yourself. Don't worry about working less. Sometimes we need a mental health day, right?
virgo You might be tempted to go overboard spending money on something quite elegant or beautiful. If you can afford it, go ahead. If you can't afford it, think about when the bill will be due!
libra Today the Moon is in your sign, which makes you a bit more emotional than usual. However, it makes a lovely aspect to fuzzy Neptune, which will help you to be easygoing with everyone.
scorpio No doubt you will want to put the interests of someone else before your own today. You feel self-sacrificing. You also feel genuine concern for those who are in need.
sagittarius You might idealize a friend today. That's OK, but don't let anyone talk you into anything. Keep your wits about you.
capricorn Travel and escape to other places appeal to you now. Be a tourist in your own city if you can. Do something you don't normally do. Go someplace you've never been before.
aquarius Your ideals are aroused. You want to be part of something that's bigger than you. (Actually, you want to save the world before bedtime.)
pisces Do whatever you can to help those in need today; refusing to do so will bother you later. Consider it an opportunity to practice kindness.
aries Aries who are born right at the beginning of your sign feel exuberant and happy right now. Those born after the 28th feel more spiritual and serene.
taurus Your popularity certainly has been strong recently. This is a good thing. It's totally appropriate for you to schmooze with others and be involved in groups and clubs.
gemini Continue to look for ways to boost your reputation among your peers. This is one of the best times for your sign in more than a decade to put your name up in lights.
cancer Be constantly aware of opportunities to travel, as well as opportunities to explore higher education, publishing and the media. These exist for you now.
leo Money, resources and help from others continue to come your way. (It's often more difficult to receive than to give!)
virgo Partnerships and close friendships are beautifully blessed for your sign at this time. Make the most of this.
libra Continue to look for ways to improve your health as well as ways to improve your job or even your attitude toward your job. That's because now is the best chance you've had to do this in about 12 years!
scorpio Romance, love affairs, vacations, the arts, sports and playful activities with children all are sources of joy for you now. Kick up your heels and have fun!
sagittarius Home and family definitely are sources of joy for you. Family relationships have never been better. Many of you have expanded your home through marriage, adoption or birth.
capricorn Your positive frame of mind is a godsend this year; have you noticed? It's true what they say about the power of positive thinking!
aquarius You definitely can find ways to make money on the side, boost your current income or increase your assets with major purchases. It's your year to get richer!
pisces This is your most fortunate year since 1998. Have a positive attitude about life. Make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.
aries Something about your work scene or your health makes you feel settled, secure and happier about your future. This is a good way to be -- no question.
taurus You have greater stability in your relationships with children and even your relationships to sports and fun diversions. You're getting a balance between work and play.
gemini Now that you have faith and confidence in your family relationships and your home, it reflects in your relationships with the authority figures in your life. When things are fine at home, you can tackle the world!
cancer Your communication with others is balanced today. You realize that if you're talking, you can't hear what anyone is saying.
leo You feel better about your ability to earn, and how you use your possessions. No matter how extravagant you are, you have a handle on things.
virgo You've been unusually serious about life lately; in part, this is because you had to give up a lot. Now you're on a new path. The difference is that now you know it's a new path.
libra As you continue to get rid of what you no longer need in your life, you know you're getting ready for something new. The next year, a whole new world will open up for you.
scorpio It's hard to find a balance between taking time for yourself and agreeing to respond to the needs of others, isn't it? But this is what you're doing!
sagittarius Accept the fact you are harvesting the seeds you planted for the past 14 years, certainly the past seven years. Now you see what works; now you see what doesn't.
capricorn You always have felt you were destined to be someone or something. This is probably true. Now you're cultivating a belief system that is genuine for you.
aquarius Learning to live with the values of others is not easy. ("I'm right! You're wrong!") But you are learning.
pisces Coming to terms with the value of partnerships and relationships is your challenge right now. That's because some are worth keeping, and some aren't.
aries This is a perfect day to appreciate art, whether it's architectural buildings, fine art or the beauty of parks and nature. Even beautiful ideas will intrigue you.
taurus Others are generous to you today. Because of this, this is the time to ask people to help you. It's also a good day to ask for a loan.
gemini Discussions with partners and close friends are warm and friendly today because you can establish an easy give-and-take with others. People are pleasantly cooperative!
cancer Because co-workers are supportive today, you will get a lot done. You can also achieve a lot at home with home renovations or domestic projects.
leo Catch a movie, watch sports, enjoy playful activities with children, accept all social invitations. This is a great day to party, flirt and have a good time!
virgo Family discussions are friendly and warm today. This is a good day to talk to parents. You might be interested in redecorating or making where you live look more attractive. It's also a good day to buy goodies for family members. "A gift!"
libra This is a great day for sales, marketing, acting, teaching and all kinds of important communication. You can intuitively sense what others want you to say.
scorpio Respect your moneymaking ideas today. Something you do today could boost your income. Some of you are dabbling in secret or behind-the-scenes activities.
sagittarius You might feel a bit more emotional about things today because the Moon is in your sign. However, it makes a lovely aspect to several other planets -- all is good!
capricorn Work alone or behind the scenes today. You need to chill out. Basically, you need a psychological, emotional and physical rest.
aquarius A female friend or acquaintance might need to talk to you today. This discussion could be confidential. Alternatively, it could be just a pleasant exchange that is mutually beneficial.
pisces Some aspect of your private life will probably be made public today (especially in the eyes of parents, bosses and VIPs). Be aware of this. People are watching.
aries Be patient with delays and errors that take place at work now. (This is going to last for several weeks.) Just grin and bear it.
taurus Old flames and ex-lovers are back in the picture for some of you. Perhaps you're bumping into people? ("Oh no!") Wrap up old issues relating to children if you can.
gemini Relatives you haven't seen for ages are camped on your doorstep. This is a classic time for a family reunion. Stock the fridge!
cancer Transportation delays and breakdowns with cars, trucks and bicycles will be frustrating for many of you in the next few weeks. (Not an ideal time to buy a car.)
leo It's easy to misplace items and forget things, especially related to money and personal possessions. Old ideas from your past about how to earn money might look good now.
virgo You have to accept the fact that the next few weeks are going to be challenging because forgetfulness, delays, cancelled appointments and confused communication will be frustrating. (You've been through this before.)
libra While many are frustrated with delays and lost items, your sign can make great headway in the next few weeks if you have research to do. You easily dig up data from the past. Hmmm.
scorpio Expect to run into old friends, and especially people you might have been involved with in group situations. Be friendly. It's good to have history with others.
sagittarius You might encounter situations from the past, especially with bosses you worked for before. Or perhaps discussions with a parent will finally settle old business. (Fingers crossed.)
capricorn Expect delays and cancellations in travel plans, matters related to higher education, plus publishing and the media. Just do what you can. (This will last a few weeks.)
aquarius You can't avoid rehashing old issues about shared property, inheritances and things that are jointly owned. You might have to face old discussions about different values.
pisces Ex-partners are back on the scene again for many of you. Perhaps you can use the next few weeks to bring closure to something.
aries This is a poor day to ask for permission or approval from bosses and parents. Quite likely, the answer will be, "Talk to the hand." Postpone requests made to others.
taurus Avoid discussions about politics, religion or racial issues. People are in a negative frame of mind today. They will be inclined to disagree with or criticize you. Run away!
gemini This is not a good day to ask for a loan or to ask to borrow something. It's hard to get any kind of cooperation from others. Play it very low-key.
cancer Conversations with partners and close friends are stilted and stiff today. Warmth doesn't come easily. Don't take this personally. It's just what it is.
leo Situations at work might be a bit challenging today, especially with female co-workers. Older people definitely are critical (sort of sour grapes).
virgo If you are working with children or taking care of them today, things might seem onerous or burdensome. Sometimes it's like that. It goes with the territory. Romance also might be a bit depressing. Oops.
libra Parents and relatives might be critical of you today. Try to steer clear of this. If you are the older family member, don't criticize others. (They hate it.)
scorpio Don't be too worried about something today. Remember: Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but gets you nowhere. Lighten up.
sagittarius If shopping today, you'll only buy practical items that last for a long time. No frills! In fact, many of you just feel broke.
capricorn Everything seems to be stern and serious today. People are critical and unenthusiastic. You just have to ride this one out.
aquarius There's an undercurrent to everything today that is a bit pessimistic. Just accept this and move on. Every day can't be a winner, unless you are enlightened.
pisces Don't be discouraged if someone older, more experienced or in authority is critical of you today. Pessimism is rampant. People are in a critical mood. (Yikes!)
aries Relations with others are a bit tricky today, because in one way, you really feel confident about what you're doing. But in another way, you're actually confused! (This alone tells you it's a confusing day.)
taurus Romance might be disappointing today. Ditto for gambling or any kind of financial speculation. Don't trust what you hear. Things at work are strong, however. Nevertheless, this is a tricky day!
gemini Conversations with others, especially siblings and relatives, are subject to confusion today. Make no assumptions. Be extra clear in all your communication. (If you think someone is lying, he or she might be.)
cancer This is a tricky day for money and financial transactions. You might not have all the facts. Be very careful. Keep your receipts if shopping, and count your change.
leo Confusion with partners and close friends is classic today. You might make the wrong assumptions. The other person might be in error. Or somebody actually might try to deceive you!
virgo Today might be confusing and fuzzy. You might not even know why you feel this way; then again, you might. Quite likely, you don't have all the facts or someone is actually deceiving you.
libra Don't be eager to let a friend influence you today. You likely will change your mind very soon anyhow. Just listen, but make no decisions.
scorpio Be very clear when dealing with bosses, parents, teachers and authority figures today. Make sure you know what they want. Make sure you have your facts correct.
sagittarius Double-check all travel plans today. It's easy to get something confused or mixed up. Most of the confusion today will because of incorrect assumptions.
capricorn This is a poor day to make important financial decisions, especially about other people's money or possessions. Quite likely, it is a misunderstanding or someone is not telling you everything.
aquarius Partners and friends might disappoint you today. But do they know what you would expect? Unexpressed expectations lead to disappointment.
pisces Assume nothing at work today. It's very easy to get the wrong information about things. Double-check everything.
aries Guard against industrial accidents at work today, or even accidents in an office or retail situation. Avoid power struggles with co-workers, bosses and customers.
taurus Parents and caregivers must be extra patient with children today. It's very easy to lose it in some kind of a power struggle. Remember -- you're the adult.
gemini Avoid domestic arguments, which could lead to accidents or regrettable words and actions. People can get out of control too easily today!
cancer Do not let your emotions get the better of you today. Nasty arguments could break out with others, especially relatives and siblings. To avoid this, cool your jets.
leo You might be upset about money issues or something related to how you earn your money. A possession might be broken or stolen. Remain calm and on top of your scene.
virgo Quite likely, you feel that someone or something is blocking your attempts to do something today. You're probably right. This is not the time to fight back. Lie low.
libra You can't push a river, but you can get across it with a little boat. If you have difficulties with others today, do not antagonize them! Bide your time, and see what happens.
scorpio This is the classic day to have a real dust-up with a friend, especially people who are members of a group. People are pushy today. Take a step back.
sagittarius Definitely do not raise objections with authority figures today. This is a very bad idea. You have to know when to hold and when to fold, and today, you have to fold. (It's not a big deal. Let it go.)
capricorn Absolutely avoid arguments about racial issues, religion and politics. Steer clear of touchy subjects with others. Definitely.
aquarius Quarrels about shared property or who is responsible for what are likely today. Don't try to get your way. Just tread water. Don't let the dam burst open.
pisces This is an extremely poor day for important, passionate or emotional discussions about practically anything with anybody -- especially partners and close friends. Zip thy lip!
aries You're gung-ho to get better organized in the next few weeks. Get the right tools and support material so that you can do a really good job.
taurus Get ready for a month of parties, romance, vacations, good times, sports and playful activities with children. This is one of the best times all year to enjoy yourself!
gemini In the next six weeks, you'll be focused on home, family and domestic matters. Home repairs plus entertaining at home will be some of the reasons for this. Time to chill out.
cancer A busy month ahead! Now the pace of your days is accelerating, with short trips, talking to relatives and reading, writing and studying.
leo For the next few months, you're giving more thought to money, earnings, cash flow and, quite likely, major expenditures as well. Money, money, money!
virgo The next month is your chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Expect to attract powerful people and favorable circumstances to you. Bonus!
libra You are best served now by working alone or behind the scenes, and taking it easy for the next few weeks. You've got some thinking to do.
scorpio Your popularity rating is going up. For the next six weeks, as invitations pour in, you'll enjoy schmoozing with others.
sagittarius The Sun will be slowly traveling across the top of your chart, acting like a spotlight on you this month. This means important people notice you. It also means you look good!
capricorn Travel, study and exploring new places and different cultures will appeal to you during the next month. You want to get out of town to find adventure!
aquarius It's time to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and deal with shared property, shared possessions and getting things better organized. Who owns what?
pisces You're going to need more sleep in the next month because the Sun is now as far away from your sign as it gets all year. Expect to focus more on partnerships and close friendships.
aries Conversations with a female acquaintance or friend might be significant today. You might discuss how to change some future goals that you have.
taurus Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs definitely will notice you today, because something connected with your private life is suddenly made rather public. (Oops.) Be aware of this.
gemini Do something different today! You have a strong urge to travel or learn something new. If you can't get away somewhere, then at least be a tourist in your own city.
cancer Today is a good day to tackle red-tape issues dealing with insurance matters, inheritances and wills, as well as debt and taxes. It's a good day to pay bills. (Groan.)
leo Because the Moon is directly opposite your sign today, you will have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. This just requires a little patience and compromise. You can do it.
virgo You're on an efficiency kick today. You want to get better organized. Perfect! Tackle your to-do list, and deal with necessary supplies for pets.
libra You're in a playful mood! Flirtations, love affairs, social outings, picnics, movies, sports and fun times with children all are excellent choices for today. Have fun!
scorpio Family discussions, especially with female relatives (mother), will be significant today. If possible, you might want to sort of hide or cocoon at home as well.
sagittarius Communication with others is very personal today. You're more prepared than usual to talk about your feelings. (You don't want superficial, chatty-chatty talk.)
capricorn It's very easy to identify strongly with your possessions today. Because of this, you might want to take extra care of something, or maintain or clean something you own. (You certainly won't want to lend it.)
aquarius Because the Moon is in your sign today, you likely will feel a bit more emotional than usual about everything. You're also very nurturing to others. (Could be your lucky day.)
pisces Any kind of mystical or spiritual pursuit will intrigue you today. You're looking for answers, and you're interested in secrets. Woo, woo!
aries The Full Moon today makes you restless because it occurs in a hidden part of your chart. Just be aware of this. Everything is as it should be.
taurus Differences with acquaintances, especially in group settings, are likely because of today's Full Moon. Don't make a big deal about anything. Relax!
gemini This is not an easy day to get along with authority figures, especially parents and bosses. The Full Moon is high in your chart, creating tension between your domestic world and your outer world.
cancer Avoid heated discussions about politics, racial issues and religion. It's tough to get agreement about anything during a Full Moon!
leo Disputes about shared property, bills, taxes and inheritances might come to a head today because of the Full Moon. Wait a few days to see what develops.
virgo Today the only Full Moon opposite your sign is taking place. This will encourage tension between partners and close friends. Practice patience.
libra Difficulties with co-workers, and possibly even with your health, could occur because of the stress of today's Full Moon. In a few days, this added stress will disappear.
scorpio This is a rocky day for romance because of the Full Moon. It's also a delicate day if you're dealing with children, because they might have meltdowns. Be tolerant and patient.
sagittarius Domestic difficulties and family quarrels could erupt because of the Full Moon tension today. Don't go looking for a fight. This energy will pass in a few days.
capricorn This is an accident-prone day because of today's Full Moon. Therefore, slow down and take it easy. Don't push the sides of the envelope. Just let it be.
aquarius Financial disputes or quarrels about possessions might take place because of today's Full Moon. This is a poor day to try to settle anything. Cool your jets.
pisces Today the only Full Moon in your sign -- all year -- is taking place. This could introduce increased tension with partners and close friends. If you wait 48 hours, much of this tension will subside.
aries Look for ways to improve your job or introduce reforms where you work, because you definitely can do this today. Similarly, you also can improve your health in some way today.
taurus This is a wonderful day for artists, writers and anyone in a creative field. You can see entirely new ways of doing something. (Bonus!)
gemini This is a wonderful day to improve where you live and especially to clean up messy areas! Recycle, give away and throw out what you no longer need. Focus on garbage and such.
cancer You're extremely convincing today. If you work in sales, acting, teaching, marketing or writing, you'll do well today!
leo Be on the lookout for new ways to earn money, because they certainly exist today. You might find a new job or discover a way to make more money on the side. You also might improve something you own.
virgo Take a look in the mirror, because there's a good chance you can figure out how to improve your image and create a better impression in the world. What do you think you might do?
libra Any kind of research can be extremely successful today. Your ability to discover answers or find solutions to ongoing problems is excellent, because you're willing to dig deep!
scorpio You might encounter a powerful person today. This person might teach you something. If not, for some reason, he or she will be memorable to you! (Oh yeah.)
sagittarius This is a good time to suggest improvements to bosses, parents and VIPs. You might see ways of saving money or more efficient ways of doing things. People might welcome your suggestions!
capricorn You might discover something today that alters your life beliefs. This is a powerful day for matters related to politics, religion and racial issues.
aquarius You easily can see new uses for existing resources, especially something you share with others. This could be the solution you've been looking for!
pisces What can you do to improve partnerships and close friendships? That's a question to ask yourself today. Be receptive to what others have to say.
aries Today you are enthusiastically excited about something. You can feel it in your bones. You might be anticipating something wonderful. (Try to remain calm.)
taurus Friends and groups likely will say something that amazes you and stirs you to action today. Whatever happens is out of the blue and over-the-top. Maintain your cool.
gemini You're so confident about something, you might quit your day job today. Or you might decide to do something unusual or even brash. Do you think you need to give all this a sober second thought?
cancer Sudden opportunities to travel, get training or have further education in some way might fall in your lap today. Similarly, these very things might be canceled!
leo Unexpected gifts, goodies, favors and boons from others might come your way today. However, for some of you, your expectations in these same areas suddenly might be changed.
virgo A partner or close friend probably is going to throw you a curveball today. This could be an exciting event, like a marriage proposal, or some other kind of surprise.
libra Something having to do with your job will go haywire today. It could be a wonderful piece of luck, or it could be delays because of computer crashes or cancellations. (It could go either way.)
scorpio Unexpected invitations to theatrical events, sporting events and parties might come to you today. Yay! However, guard against accidents with children in your care.
sagittarius Plan for the unexpected at home today. If you are entertaining, more people might show up than you expect. Something will be bigger, larger and surprising.
capricorn You're in a positive frame of mind today; nevertheless, this is also an accident-prone day for you. Therefore, enjoy your day, but be mindful and aware.
aquarius Keep an eye on your money and possessions today. You might get a raise or a gift. Or something might get out of hand, and you could lose control of something you own.
pisces Today is definitely full of surprises! Expect the unexpected. You feel restless, expectant and full of eager anticipation about something.
aries Perhaps your reaction to yesterday causes you to be worried today? Whatever the case or the cause, you might feel apprehensive about something. This is only temporary. Relax.
taurus Someone older or more experienced than you might be critical of you or your efforts today. Don't let this get you down. It's just a brief dark cloud on your horizon.
gemini Difficulties with authority figures, parents and bosses are likely today. Be careful that these difficulties are not aired in public, in case you later regret this.
cancer Travel plans or something having to do with further education and higher schooling looks discouraging. Possibly, a teacher is critical of you. (Don't let this get you down.)
leo Your expectations about shared resources or money that is owed to you might be disappointing today. Don't worry. This is only a temporary setback.
virgo Avoid important discussions with partners and close friends, especially people who are older than you. They will only rain on your parade.
libra It's hard to keep your boss happy at work today. Even older, more experienced co-workers are grumpy and judgmental. Who needs this? (Not you!)
scorpio Romance is very touchy and probably disappointing today. It could be because people easily are critical of each other today. (That's always a bummer.) Don't worry about this.
sagittarius Discussions with a parent or an older relative are discouraging. Definitely do not initiate them! Wait another day to ask for someone's opinion.
capricorn For some reason, you feel vaguely worried about things today. Worry is anti-productive, and it's also mostly just a habit. Let it go. By Sunday, you're laughing.
aquarius Financial matters look a bit bleak today. Someone older might talk you out of buying something you want. "Is this a want or is this a need?" (That's a lot of fun, isn't it?)
pisces Discussions with others are stiff and a bit cold today. People's emotions are stifled. Don't worry about this. It's just like spores in the air (gone very soon). It's nothing to do with you personally.
aries It is very easy to get into arguments with others today, especially partners and close friends. Therefore, to avoid this, be tolerant and patient. (You can do this.)
taurus Feelings of self-doubt might surface today. Don't give this too much credence, because this is temporary. (These feelings are gone by tomorrow.)
gemini Arguments with friends and acquaintances, especially females, are highly likely today. The fact is, people are actually looking for a fight! Run away! Run away!
cancer All your dealings with authority figures in your life -- bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs and the police -- will be subject to disputes and disagreements today. People are impatient. And they're bossy! (Chill out.)
leo Definitely avoid heated discussions about politics, religion or racial issues today. People are too easily excited and emotional about things. Steer clear of these kinds of discussions!
virgo This is a poor day to iron out loose details about inheritances, shared property, insurance matters, taxes or debt. Postpone these discussions for another day. (Believe me.)
libra Things are very touchy with partners and close friends today. Not only is the Moon directly opposite your sign today, it is also opposite fiery Mars. (Big oops.)
scorpio You might find it difficult to get along with co-workers today. Therefore, don't push anybody's buttons. Be cooperative. Easy does it.
sagittarius Parents and people working with children must be extra patient with children today, because there's a lot of tension in the air. This translates into rocky romance as well. (Oh dear.)
capricorn Squabbles about money or possessions are likely today; therefore, if you want to avoid this unpleasantness, steer clear of these subjects! Patience is your ally today.
aquarius Don't take the bait and fall into squabbles with siblings and relatives today. Instead, run in the other direction if things start to fall apart. People are too keen to argue!
pisces Arguments about money and possessions are likely today. Since these likely will resolve nothing, why get involved? Instead, protect your own peace of mind. Say nothing. (Later, you'll be glad you did.)
aries Very likely, you will discover or see new uses for something you already own. Or perhaps you will see new ways of earning money. Either way, you benefit.
taurus Take a realistic look in the mirror, and ask yourself what you can do to improve your appearance. After all, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
gemini Your research skills are excellent today. If you're looking for answers or solutions, dig deep for them, because you likely will come up with something that pleases you.
cancer Conversations with others, especially females, will be revealing today. You might discover secrets. Someone might convince you of something. You also might meet a powerful woman.
leo Discussions with authority figures -- parents, bosses, teachers and VIPs -- will be unusually intense today. Don't throw your weight around. Wait to see what somebody else wants first.
virgo You might meet somebody today or come across a piece of information that transforms your belief about something. You might be able to let go of some kind of prejudice you have mistakenly held.
libra If you work together with others, especially regarding shared property, you can come up with a new agreement or approach to things. It's possible to see new ways of doing things today.
scorpio Conversations with partners and close friends will be memorable today! You or someone else might suggest ways to improve the relationship. Be open to what others have to say.
sagittarius Don't hesitate to make suggestions at work that are improvements, reforms or better ways of doing things. You have great ideas today!
capricorn Romance is powerfully intense today! Even casual attempts to have fun or socialize will turn into potent encounters with others. Be aware of this.
aquarius Make every effort today to clean up debris and garbage at home. Tidy up clutter. Definitely focus on bathrooms and areas related to garbage.
pisces You are supremely convincing today! This is an unusually powerful day for people who are in sales, acting, teaching, marketing, plus those who drive for a living.
aries Begin this week by getting as organized as you can. Efficiency, effectiveness and productivity are your bywords. You want everything to run tickety-boo.
taurus Make sure you take time out to play this week. Sports, the theater, social events, parties, picnics, barbecues and playful times with children will appeal to you. (Romance is cozy.)
gemini Home and family continue to be your primary focus. Family discussions are important. Home repairs also are a strong possibility this week.
cancer You're busy with short trips, reading, writing and studying, and talking to everyone, especially siblings and relatives. Your daily pace is accelerating!
leo Cash flow, earnings, plus major expenditures all are on the menu right now. Trust your moneymaking ideas. (You might think of ways to boost your income.)
virgo With both the Sun and Mercury in your sign now, people and favorable circumstances are attracted to you. Make the most of this during the next few weeks. (Make hay while the Sun shines!)
libra Work alone or behind the scenes to be most effective now. You've got some thinking to do. Plus, you're making some very private plans that are exciting.
scorpio This is an extremely social time for you! Now is the time to take a class or join clubs and organizations. All group endeavors will delight you in the next few weeks.
sagittarius Bosses, parents and VIPs are impressed by you now. Because of this, you likely will be asked to take on increased responsibilities in some way. Just say yes -- you will pull it off.
capricorn Because you're hungry for adventure and new knowledge now, go someplace different. Travel if you can. Learn something you didn't know before!
aquarius This might be one of the best times all year for you to think about what you can do to become a better person or improve yourself in some way. What is it you want to achieve?
pisces Be prepared to go more than halfway when dealing with others. It's important to get more rest during the next few weeks.
aries Surprising and unexpected opportunities to earn money might present themselves to you today. This could be a chance for a different job or a way to make money on the side. Spontaneous purchases are likely.
taurus You have a strong desire for excitement today! Actually, it's more of a pleasant feeling of restlessness. You have a new point of view about things. Technology interests you.
gemini Secret flirtations and secret love affairs are possible today. Hidden news might suddenly pop out into the open. (Oh, my.) You want something different to happen!
cancer It's entirely possible that you will meet a new and exciting friend or acquaintance today. Quite likely, this person will be a female. Technical discussions are likely as well.
leo Because you're trying to introduce changes to your home scene or your family dynamic, some aspect of your personal life suddenly might become public today. Bosses, parents and VIPs will notice.
virgo Sudden opportunities to travel or to get further education might fall in your lap today. Act quickly, because this window of opportunity is brief.
libra Gifts, goodies and favors from others might come to you today. You definitely stand to benefit from the wealth and resources of others. "Surprise!"
scorpio Partners and close friends might surprise you by saying or doing something unexpected today. All your interactions with others will be stimulating.
sagittarius Anything might happen at work today. The introduction of new technology is possible. However, computer crashes, power outages and canceled appointments are also on the menu. (Oops.)
capricorn Exciting flirtations might really catch you off guard today. This is a fun-loving, playful day! Nevertheless, parents and people taking care of children should be extra vigilant to guard against mishaps.
aquarius Surprise company might drop by at home today. Something will happen that changes your daily domestic routine. The introduction of new technology might be one of them.
pisces You're restless and eager for excitement today! Expect to meet new and unusual people, especially females. (This is regardless of whether you are male or female.)
aries Be patient in discussions with others today. In particular, be patient with siblings and relatives. It's just too easy to be at odds with others, but it doesn't have to be that way, does it?
taurus Think twice before making financial transactions today -- this includes major purchases. Something is not quite copasetic. Trust your good Taurean common sense.
gemini Today the Moon is in your sign, which makes you a bit more emotional than usual. However, this also can bring you a bit of good luck. Nevertheless, easy does it.
cancer Behind-the-scenes transactions might meet with obstacles today. Instead of being pushy or aggressive, bide your time.
leo Relations with female acquaintances or members of groups might not go as smoothly as you would like. With this in mind, go easy; don't push the river.
virgo Some aspect of your private life suddenly will be made public today, especially in the eyes of bosses and VIPs. Even if this is a bit discomfiting, remind yourself that it is no big deal.
libra You might run into minor obstacles today with travel plans or higher education. This also applies to publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Patience!
scorpio This is not an ideal day to decide how to share something or divide jointly owned assets. Obviously, this includes discussions about inheritances. Postpone this for another day.
sagittarius Conversations with bosses, partners and close friends are at odds today. Others might not respect your wishes. (Why not wait until tomorrow?)
capricorn Tomorrow is a far better day to get the cooperation of others than it is today. Knowing this, go gently today. Let people at work do their own thing.
aquarius Parents and those who take care of children will have to be extra patient with their kids today. The energy of the Sun and the Moon are at odds. (It's minor stuff, really.)
pisces Postpone family discussions until tomorrow. Today, discussions with females are a bit challenging, especially about domestic matters. Why row against the tide?
aries This is an excellent day for all your communication with others. It's good for writing, editing, teaching, acting, selling, marketing -- the works. People will help you today.
taurus Everything having to do with business and commerce looks much better today! You might see ways to boost your income or increase your profits. Yay!
gemini The Moon is still in your sign today; however, now it makes a lovely aspect to Venus and Mars. Romance, flirtations, the arts and playful activities with children will delight you.
cancer Work alone or behind the scenes today, because you will actually get a lot done! In particular, you will be able to make good decisions about family matters and real estate.
leo Relations with others, especially females in group situations, will go extremely well today. This is a good day to talk to others about your hopes and dreams for the future.
virgo Important people notice you today, and they are willing to help you in such a way as to improve your job or your earnings. They also might recommend an excellent purchase to you. (What a deal!)
libra This is a wonderful day for your sign. Travel and higher education are nicely blessed. Anything having to do with publishing, the law, the media and medicine will go smoothly.
scorpio Now is the time to discuss shared possessions or anything you hold jointly with others. People are reasonable, including you! (It just feels good.)
sagittarius Relations with partners and close friends are quite warm and friendly today. This also is a good day to create partnerships.
capricorn Co-workers are supportive today! Others cheer you on and endorse your ambitious activities. (This certainly is a relief.)
aquarius Set aside some time to enjoy yourself today. Watch a game, see a movie, enjoy playful activities with children. Slip away on a vacation. It's a fun day!
pisces You'll enjoy entertaining at home today. Family discussions will go well. This is an excellent day for real estate deals. Essentially, people are prepared to help you in some way today.
aries Today your focus definitely is on home, family and domestic matters. (This could include real estate deals.) Avoid power struggles with parents and partners. (Run away!)
taurus Don't take the bait today if you are tempted to argue with siblings and relatives. Things will only get nasty, and nastiness will resolve nothing. Patience is your best friend today.
gemini Avoid contentious discussions about money and possessions today. They could get unpleasant. People are not in the mood to cooperate!
cancer It's a mixed bag today. However, quite likely, you will feel rather emotional about something today. Powerful people might oppose or criticize you. (Who needs this?)
leo It's easy to feel out of sorts today, especially about money matters or squabbles about possessions. Try to avoid these. They will be too emotional!
virgo A minor dispute with a female acquaintance is likely today. It's very easy for older or more powerful people to disagree with you. Naturally, this is tough on you!
libra This could be a challenging day for you. Someone older or in power might be critical of you today; furthermore, this episode will be noticed by those in authority. Be careful.
scorpio Avoid disputes about politics, religion, travel details, racial issues or anything having to do with higher learning. Someone might try to change your views about something.
sagittarius This is not a good day to discuss how to share things or deal with inheritances, insurance matters or jointly held property. People are too quick to criticize! Power struggles are likely.
capricorn You'll have to go more than halfway when dealing with others today. The Moon now opposes your sign, and it is at odds with Saturn and Pluto. Watch out!
aquarius Something having to do with your job or your health could be challenging today. If you have ideas about improvements, people will resist your suggestions. (Oh dear.)
pisces Parents and caregivers should be patient with children today. Power struggles can promote meltdowns. Just take things one at a time. Resist the urge to throw your weight around.
aries Because it's easy to feel sympathetic and warm toward partners and close friends, this is an ideal day to mend broken fences. People just want to get along today.
taurus Co-workers will be unusually supportive of you today. Similarly, if you are busy dealing with health matters, others will be unusually sympathetic of you today.
gemini This is a wonderful day for the arts, as well as for romance. Your idealism is aroused. You feel tenderhearted to others. You're also very much in touch with your creative muse.
cancer You'll enjoy buying beautiful things for your home today. Similarly, you will love any kind of redecorating project. Family discussions will be mutually sympathetic. (It's a good day to entertain at home.)
leo This is an excellent day for writing, selling and communicating with others. It's easy to feel warm and friendly toward everyone.
virgo You'll be tempted to spend money on wonderful luxuries today because you can't resist beautiful things! Many of you also will be generous to others.
libra This is the kind of day to spend time in fantasy and daydreams. You are more concerned than usual with the ideal and what could be perfect. You also feel tender and compassionate toward others.
scorpio It's easy to put the wishes of others before your own today, which is why you will be compassionate and caring for those who are in need. (This is admirable.)
sagittarius Relations with others, especially in groups, will be warm and supportive today. People are willing to help you, and you are willing to help them.
capricorn Romance with your boss or someone who is older or richer is likely today. You might use your influence to help someone.
aquarius Because your appreciation of beauty is heightened today, give yourself a chance to enjoy museums, art galleries, beautiful architectural buildings and parks. It will be a delight.
pisces It's easy to be generous to others today, especially if they need your help. You feel sympathetic toward people, especially partners and close friends. If you can do something to help them, you will.
aries This is an excellent day to make long-range plans that affect your home, where you live and your family. In particular, discussions with someone older or more experienced will be helpful.
taurus This is a great day for practical, long-range planning. It could relate to your job, your day-to-day life or your relations with siblings and relatives.
gemini If shopping today, you will want to buy practical items that last for a long time. No frills for you today! You want the real deal.
cancer It's easy to balance your emotional needs with your sense of duty and obligation to others today. You feel serious about life, but pleasantly so.
leo This is the ideal day to work alone or behind the scenes. In fact, you will enjoy being alone with your thoughts and feelings. It's a very private day for you.
virgo Seek the advice of someone older or more experienced than you. You will not regret this. You don't have to follow everything this person says, but it could be helpful.
libra Relations with bosses and authority figures are excellent today. People can see that you are very careful and thorough in whatever you're doing, and they're impressed!
scorpio Make long-range travel plans today or plans that pertain to further education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law. You can get a lot done.
sagittarius This is the perfect time to sit down and discuss inheritances, insurance matters and how to share jointly held property. You're in a sensible frame of mind. (And so are others.)
capricorn Discussions with partners and close friends will yield good results today, especially if you keep to practical, sensible topics. Figure out what needs to be done in the future.
aquarius Choose work that requires attention to detail today. You are willing to be persevering and do whatever it takes to get the job done. Bravo!
pisces Discussions about the care and education of children will be productive today. Similarly, working with the arts or inthe entertainment world will give you practical results. Someone older might have helpful advice for you.
aries Be patient with all the snafus and errors that are taking place at work. We are in the middle of a Mercury retrograde. (This stuff just goes with the territory.)
taurus Old lovers are back in your life again. Many of you are also dealing with old issues with kids. And so it goes.
gemini Life has been challenging you with silly errors, transportation delays, lost items and confused communications, especially with family members. Just hang in there. (Nothing lasts forever.)
cancer Many of you are suffering from transportation delays, missed buses and auto mishaps. It's hard to keep your schedule. Just tough it out. Things will get better by the end of the month.
leo Old money issues are back in your lap. Some of you might be able to earn money or get money from work that is now finished.
virgo Mercury is retrograde, and it is retrograde in your sign. This is why you feel you're losing it! You're not losing it. Delays, mixed-up communication and lost items are just par for the course.
libra Research into history and matters from the past will yield good results now. It's easier to go backward than to go forward. (Go figure.)
scorpio Old friends have been back in your life again. Sometimes this is wonderful; sometimes it isn't. Nevertheless, it's good to have history with others.
sagittarius Past issues with bosses might be back on your plate again now. Tie up loose ends and work on projects you have already started.
capricorn Travel delays are very likely now, also delays with publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Just cope as best you can.
aquarius This is a good time to wrap up old business about inheritances, insurance matters and anything having to do with shared property, debt and taxes. Whatever you've been putting off can be finished quite easily!
pisces Ex-partners are back in your life again, no question. Use this to your advantage. Perhaps it's your chance to do closure or clean up old business. (Good luck.)
aries You're full of good ideas about how to make improvements to your health today. Similarly, you're full of equally good ideas about how to improve your job, if you have one.
taurus Parents might tackle a new approach to dealing with children today. This is also a classic day to recycle or downsize toys, clothing and items either you or your children own.
gemini Tackle home repairs. In particular, work on anything that can be improved related to garbage, plumbing and bathrooms or laundry areas.
cancer You're extremely persuasive today! This means today is a wonderful day to sell, teach, act, market or convince anyone of anything. Yes!
leo Respect your moneymaking ideas today. You might well come up with a new source of income or a new way to make money on the side. You also might see new uses for something you already own.
virgo Take a realistic look in the mirror to see how you can improve your image in the world. After all, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. (And you like to make a good impression.)
libra Your research abilities are excellent today! If you're looking for answers, you will find them. This is a good day for any kind of study.
scorpio Conversations with others, especially in group situations, will be forceful and intense. People who are phonies will be found out or exposed. Ah ha!
sagittarius You might be obsessed about something in your discussions with bosses, parents and VIPs today. Don't let your enthusiasm override your respect for their authority.
capricorn You will love to study anything new today. You're keen to penetrate matters in order to find out the truth of something, especially in politics or religion.
aquarius This is quite a passionate, sexual day for some of you! Others will use this same driving passion to settle issues about shared property and inheritances.
pisces Whatever you talk about to partners and close friends will be approached with intensity today. You're not casual about anything. Be careful about obsessive thinking. (Oops.)
aries Today's New Moon is the best day all year to think about what you can do to improve your health. Perhaps you can reduce a bad habit?
taurus Do you feel your work and play have a good balance in your life? It's important to play and rejuvenate yourself so that you can work.
gemini Think of two things you could do to improve your relationships with your family. And what can you do to be happier with your home?
cancer Excellent communications actually are rare. How can you improve your communications with others? This is the day to think about this.
leo This is a good day to take stock of how much you owe, and how much you own. Get the whole picture. Information is power.
virgo Today the only New Moon all year is taking place in your sign. It's a good time for you to examine your appearance, and your style of relating to others. Time for a reality check.
libra In our busy, busy world, we too easily forget our spiritual life. Try to take some quiet time today to think about what you really believe.
scorpio Do you hang out with quality people? Do like your friends? The New Moon today urges you to think about the people you see regularly in your life.
sagittarius What is your attitude to authority? The New Moon today is the best day all year to think about this. (You might learn something about yourself.)
capricorn What further education or learning can you get through school or travel? It doesn't matter how old you are. We can always keep on expanding our minds.
aquarius Today's New Moon urges you to think about how your values are different from the values of somebody else, and what you need to do to get consensus or an easy compromise. There must be something.
pisces The only New Moon all year that is directly opposite your sign is taking place today. This is your best chance to think about how to improve your partnerships and your closest relationships.
aries You feel sympathetic to partners and close friends today. Because of this, you probably will go out of your way to help someone. You won't regret this.
taurus Your efforts at work might be more inclined to help others or share the glory rather than to make a name for yourself today. Teamwork is where it's at for you.
gemini Twin artists can be particularly creative today because you're in touch with your muse. But all Geminis will be sympathetically tuned in to beauty today.
cancer You'll enjoy putting out effort in two ways today: If you can help a family member, you will. But you also will enjoy making where you live look more attractive.
leo You are rather gentle in all your communication with others today. You are not an iron fist in a velvet glove. You're velvet all the way! (Gosh.)
virgo You're tempted to spend money on wonderful, luxurious items today. Of course, if you can afford this, go ahead. However, if this is a case of champagne tastes on a beer wallet, be careful!
libra You genuinely feel concerned for the welfare of others today. You will help anyone, if possible. You sense your greatest rewards today are from being kind to others.
scorpio It's easy to put the needs of others before your own today. In fact, you feel surprisingly selfless. Kindness has its own rewards.
sagittarius All group activities will be rather sweet and special today. Something touching and rewarding might occur that makes you feel so glad to be part of a group.
capricorn You might use your influence with people in power to help those who are in need today. Or you might defend the rights of someone who needs your help.
aquarius Give yourself a chance to appreciate the beauty in architecture or museums or parks. You are happy to go out of your way today to have an uplifting experience.
pisces If you do fundraising on behalf of those who are in need, you can be quite successful today. You'll know exactly what to say and when to say it.
aries You'll have to go more than halfway when dealing with others today, because the Moon is directly opposite your sign. This is actually not a big deal, is it?
taurus Do something extra today to make yourself feel better organized. Clean out your glove compartment or your purse. Throw away five items from your medicine cabinet. Pull your act together.
gemini This is a fun-loving day! Enjoy sports, music, the arts, playful times with children and -- above all -- love affairs and sweet romance.
cancer Conversations with a parent or another family member (especially female) will be significant today. If possible, some of you will cocoon at home today.
leo Conversations with others are interesting today because you are discussing your feelings. You're sharing your emotions as opposed to what you think.
virgo You might be a bit more attached to your possessions today than usual. This is why you won't lend something if someone wants to borrow it. ("Sorry, I just can't do it.")
libra Quite likely, you'll be a bit more emotional than usual today. This is because today the Moon is in your sign. But you're also luckier!
scorpio Work alone or behind the scenes today. You need some peace and quiet. Try to withdraw from the busyness of your daily world (at least for a short while).
sagittarius Discussions with a female friend could be significant today. Perhaps someone needs to talk to you or, vice versa, you need to talk to them?
capricorn Be prepared for the fact that your private life suddenly is going to be made a bit public at some point today. (Gulp.) Furthermore, bosses, parents and VIPs will notice! (This includes the police.)
aquarius Try to do something different today. Go someplace you've never been before. You want adventure, and you want to learn something new!
pisces Set aside some time today to tackle red-tape details about bills, taxes and shared property. Clean up some loose details. (Even if you do only a little bit, you'll love yourself for this later.)
aries Relations with partners and close friends can be very passionate today. Even platonic relationships will be exciting and stimulating. Enjoy the company of others!
taurus Do whatever you can to make where you work look more attractive. You're on a big improvement kick today. You also might apply this to your own health.
gemini This is a classic day for love at first sight. Your response to others is unusually intense and passionate. (This is the stuff of movies!)
cancer What can you do to improve your relationships with family members? By the same token, what can you do to improve the appearance of where you live? Think about this.
leo Communication is so intense today, you can sell, act, teach and market anything to anyone. It's also a great day for writers.
virgo Think about new sources of earning money, because you might dream up something today. However, if you're spending money, you'll want something beautiful, and you probably will get it!
libra Romance with others is very passionate today. This is not a lukewarm day. It's a day in which everybody feels things very intensely! Just look around you -- what do you see?
scorpio Secrets might come out today; however, there probably will be no harm done. The secrets might show how kind somebody else has been. (A good thing.)
sagittarius Friends could become lovers today. This is the kind of day where people feel passionate and, suddenly, a relationship takes an unexpected right turn! (Or is that a wrong turn?)
capricorn Some of you will fall in love with your boss today. Others might become romantically entangled with someone older, richer or more experienced. An interesting day!
aquarius Romance with someone from a different background or different culture is highly likely today. Nevertheless, many of you will just enjoy the beauty of other cultures.
pisces Gifts, goodies and favors from others might come your way today. Some of you will benefit through your partner because that person gets a raise or a bonus. You definitely come out ahead today!
aries All those crazy errors that you have suffered in the past month at work -- possibly, related to your health -- will start to diminish now. Things are going to get better.
taurus Mercury turns direct today, so this will make all your dealings with children, the arts and anything having to do with sports much more efficient. There've been lots of silly errors during the past six weeks.
gemini Past issues with relatives and family members have been on your plate in the past month. Now your focus can shift elsewhere. Elvis has left the building.
cancer Your life has been inefficient lately! Delays, lost items and transportation breakdowns have dogged your steps. As of today, this will be greatly lessened.
leo As of today, you can go forward with your new moneymaking ideas. Your cash flow also will improve. Thank goodness!
virgo This has been a frustrating month, especially because of ex-partners and old friends suddenly showing up. Now your life can get back on an even keel. The craziness is over.
libra Lately, you've been off your cud, which is an old farm expression. The previous month has been worrisome. Now you'll start to feel surer of what you're doing.
scorpio It's been interesting, with all kinds of old friends popping up in the picture. However, as of today, you can think about your goals and start going after them with confidence.
sagittarius Relations with bosses have been curious in the past month. Some of you have run into old friends or ex-bosses. Now a new set of possibilities is opening up. Time to go forward!
capricorn Travel plans that were shaky are now back on solid ground. Ditto for anything having to do with higher education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law.
aquarius You've been rehashing issues about shared property, jointly held possessions, inheritances and insurance matters. Finally, it's time to move forward!
pisces While Mercury was retrograde opposite your sign, you had to deal with old issues with partners. As of today, you can wrap this stuff up and move ahead. The past is the past.
aries You feel optimistic today, especially about travel plans or possibilities for further education. You see your future opening up before you with promise! Yippee!
taurus This is a good day to sit down with others and discuss how to divide something or address inheritances, shared property and the like. People are in a fair and generous frame of mind.
gemini Relations with partners are warm and friendly today. Get out and boogie! You're in the mood for some fun. Others will encourage you today.
cancer Trust your big ideas at work. Whatever you suggest probably will fly. (Why not run it up the flagpole to see if anyone salutes?) Who knows?
leo This is a marvelous, fun-loving, social day. Enjoy sports, the theater, social outings and especially playful activities with children. Romance is likewise encouraging!
virgo Family discussions will be positive and warm today. People feel bighearted toward each other. Plans to improve your home look exciting. (And big!)
libra It's easy to be optimistic today. You can sense that good things are coming down the pipe in the future. Conversations with siblings and relatives are positive and happy.
scorpio This is an excellent day for business and commerce. Trust your moneymaking ideas. Something looks like it could generate a future profit! (Fingers crossed.)
sagittarius Today, the Moon is in your sign, making a lovely aspect to several other planets. You feel hopeful about your future. Because enthusiasm is contagious, everyone wants to be in your presence.
capricorn You're quietly pleased about something today. You feel confident that things are going to work out the way you want them to. That's all you needed to know.
aquarius Group activities are positive and upbeat! Classes, meetings, conferences and even casual get-togethers will be a good exchange of bright ideas.
pisces You make an excellent impression on others today. Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs notice you, and they think you're swell! Sounds like it's time to demand the advantage! Accept increased responsibilities that come your way.
aries For the next six weeks, you might dispute shared property, inheritances or anything you own jointly with others. Privately, your sex life will be passionate!
taurus Today, fiery Mars moves opposite your sign. This will stir up tension and conflict with partners and close friends. This touchy situation continues for about six to eight weeks. Patience!
gemini Fortunately, you're gung-ho to get better organized in the next few months. You're ready to delegate whenever possible, and work hard yourself to accomplish things. Yowzah!
cancer You're entering a party time in the next few months. Grab a vacation if you can. Sports, playful times with children and participation in the arts will please you. Romance looks hot!
leo Guard against conflict with family members in the next few months. Chaos and increased activity due to renovations or visiting guests will try your patience. (Oops.)
virgo During the next few months, you'll be aggressive and assertive in your communication. This will help you if you sell, act, teach or market anything for a living.
libra You're gung-ho to increase your earnings during the next month or longer. Similarly, you seem to be just as interested in spending it!
scorpio You will be more forthright and assertive in all your dealings with others in the next few months. This is because fiery Mars is in your sign. (Don't scare people.)
sagittarius Secret activities (love affairs?) might take place in the next few months. Many of you are playing your cards close to your chest. What's up?
capricorn Activities with groups, especially physical activities, will go extremely well in the next few months. However, you might find yourself in competition with someone.
aquarius Your ambition is definitely aroused now! For the next two months, you will give everything you have to advance your cause and promote your good name.
pisces You want to travel and learn more in the next few months. It's not just that you have the travel bug, you genuinely feel a need to expand your experiences of life. This is exciting!
aries Sudden changes or cancellations of travel plans are likely today. Similarly, unexpected changes in school schedules -- especially at universities and colleges -- also might occur.
taurus If you are responsible for the wealth or possessions of others, guard against sudden loss or theft today. Changes in inheritances, insurance matters and jointly held property also are possible.
gemini Little blowups with partners and close friends might occur today. Either you or somebody else wants more freedom! "Cut me some slack!"
cancer Computer crashes, power outages, canceled appointments, staff shortages and sudden changes are some things that might affect your job today. Allow extra time for everything.
leo Parents and teachers must be extra vigilant about children in their care today. This is an accident-prone day for your kids.
virgo Something will interrupt your daily routine today, especially at home. Unexpected company might drop by. Expected company could be a no-show. A family member might surprise you.
libra Be careful! This is a mildly accident-prone day for you. Slow down and take it easy. Don't push the river. (Be aware of your actions and your speech.)
scorpio Keep an eye on your money and your possessions today. You might find money; you might lose money. Guard against loss or theft. It's a crapshoot today.
sagittarius Just accept the fact that today will not unfold as you think. Some detours are inevitable. Stay flexible, and be ready to go with the flow.
capricorn You feel restless and perhaps a bit agitated today. Something going on behind the scenes, of which you might or might not be aware, makes you feel distracted today.
aquarius A friend or acquaintance, especially a female, might do or say something that surprises you today. Conversations with others could cause you to change your goals.
pisces This is a very unpredictable day for dealing with authority figures in your life. Be careful. Do not wake the sleeping giant. Even if you disagree with a boss or parent, it's best to keep this to yourself.
aries Avoid discussions about politics, religion or racial issues today. Similarly, do not get entangled with teachers, professors or people from another culture. Just be patient.
taurus This is a poor day to discuss differences or disputes about shared property or anything you hold jointly with others. Ditto for fundraising. Someone in authority will shout you down.
gemini Keep things light with partners and close friends. It's easy to be critical of others. You don't want people to do this to you, and you don't want to do this to others.
cancer Keep your nose clean at work today. Don't be critical of co-workers. By the same token, be tolerant of someone who is critical of you. It's just that kind of day!
leo Romance might be in the toilet today. Parents and teachers will have to be extra patient with children. It's too easy to be critical or take a dim view of things. Lighten up!
virgo Try not to react to the comments of family members today, especially authority figures like parents. Everyone is acting like Eeyore today. "It will probably rain" (said in a woeful voice).
libra "Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but gets you nowhere." Keep this in mind today.
scorpio You probably feel broke today. Join the club; we number millions. This feeling will ease up very soon.
sagittarius Dealings with authority figures, especially parents, will be stiff or even disappointing today. Therefore, steer clear of this if you can. Avoid negativity.
capricorn You might feel worried and unsure of yourself today. Be reassured that many people feel this way today. It's almost like spores in the air. Don't worry.
aquarius Don't let the comments of someone older or more experienced put you down today. So what? People are looking for opportunities to be critical or just a wet blanket.
pisces This is not a good day to make a pitch to bosses and parents, or to ask for permission or approval. In fact, avoid this kind of activity.
aries You might be surprised to find yourself the center of attention today, especially with respect to bosses, parents and VIPs. People are watching. Be aware of this. (This includes the police.)
taurus Grab any sudden opportunity to travel somewhere or to get extra training. Some of you can broaden your opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. (But you'll have to act fast!)
gemini Unexpected gifts and goodies definitely can come your way today. Keep your pockets open! (Some will benefit indirectly through partners.)
cancer Expect a few surprises from partners and close friends today. Alternatively, you might meet someone who is very unusual or bizarre. (It's an interesting day.)
leo Interruptions to your daily routine at work are likely today. Expect computer crashes, power outages and cancelled appointments. Anything could happen. Stay light on your feet so you can jump in either direction.
virgo This is a mildly accident-prone day for children in your care. Therefore, be extra vigilant. Love at first sight might take place for some of you. Woo woo!
libra Expect a few surprises on the home front today. A family member might have something amazing to divulge. Minor breakages might occur, or small appliances could break down. ("Not again!")
scorpio You're full of bright ideas today! You're also optimistic and energetic. Because of this, expect to meet new and unusual people today. It's an exciting day.
sagittarius Many of you will see new ways to earn money today. You might start a new job, or you might see ways of making money on the side. Keep your eyes peeled.
capricorn You're restless today! You feel unusually independent. You don't want anyone else telling you what to do. (Not today!)
aquarius Surprising and unexpected secrets might leak out today. The secrets could be about you, or about somebody else. Whatever the case, remember that discretion is probably your best course.
pisces A female friend might surprise you today. Possibly, some of you will meet somebody new who is very unconventional or different. You might change your long-term goals today, as well.
aries You might experience a spiritual epiphany or a sense of awakening to something. This is a magical, exciting day!
taurus Any kind of group meeting, conference or casual get-together with others could bring good news or really encourage you about something. Definitely schmooze with others today!
gemini Something exciting might promote your good name or your reputation in the eyes of others today. It will be sudden and fortunate. Lucky you!
cancer Unexpected opportunities to travel or get further education could fall in your lap today. Similarly, you can make great strides in publishing, the media, medicine and the law.
leo Surprise gifts and goodies, including inheritances, might come to you at this time. You definitely can benefit from the wealth or resources of others!
virgo Partnerships and close friendships might have a surprise in store for you today. Whatever happens likely will bring you joy and possible financial benefit.
libra Job opportunities abound today. Either today or around this time, you can improve your job as well as your health. This is a very beneficial time for you.
scorpio This is a lucky time for you. Some of you might win things. Others will suddenly go on a vacation. Still others will fall in love! It's also great for sports and playful times with children.
sagittarius Many beneficial things are taking place at home or with real estate or within your family dynamic right now. It's all good. Surprise additions to the family also are likely.
capricorn Exciting short trips and meetings with relatives and siblings will be upbeat, positive experiences for you. This same wonderful energy can help you study, sell, teach and act. Bravo!
aquarius All kinds of financial opportunities exist for you now! Some will get a raise or a better job, or find an opportunity to earn money in a new way. Others are excited about a major purchase.
pisces Surprising events really boost your confidence right now. Something is happening that makes you believe in yourself and also to believe in your future! Yay me!
aries Conversation with a female acquaintance could be significant today. Perhaps a discussion about your hopes and dreams for the future will give you valuable information.
taurus Some aspect of your private life suddenly will be made public today, especially in the eyes of bosses, parents and VIPs. Just be aware of this. (Check your zipper.)
gemini Try to do something different today. You're eager to learn something new as well as squeeze in a little adventure if you can find it! Go someplace you've never been before. Do something new.
cancer Discussions with partners and close friends can settle matters about shared property today. Focus on the wealth and resources of partners and close friends.
leo Be prepared to go more than halfway when dealing with others today. Be extra tolerant and patient. This is no big deal. (You can do this.)
virgo Do something that makes you feel better organized and more on top of your scene. De-clutter things at work or at home. Get rid of five things you don't need. Try it.
libra This is a favorable day for you! The placement of the Moon encourages romance, prankish times, creativity, sports and playful activities with children.
scorpio Home, family and real estate matters have your attention today. A discussion with a parent could be significant. Try for some private time at home if you can get it.
sagittarius This is a busy day. Enjoy short trips, buying and selling, and wheeling and dealing. Discussions with siblings are likely.
capricorn Something having to do with money, your cash flow or possibly your possessions has your focus today. Respect your moneymaking ideas. (And respect what you own.)
aquarius You might feel more emotional about something today because the Moon is in your sign. Fortunately, this placement of the Moon also makes you a bit luckier than others.
pisces Work alone or behind the scenes today. You need privacy. Actually, you need mental and physical rest. Don't try to be all things to all people all the time.
aries Curb your impulse to go overboard with something related to your health or your work today. If you suspect you're doing or saying something that is over the top, you are!
taurus Be careful of promises that you make to others, especially in group settings. Don't be eager to volunteer for anything or to take on increased responsibilities. (You might regret it later.)
gemini Be cautious in conversations with bosses, parents and VIPs today because you might promise more than you can deliver. Whatever you do, don't bite off more than you can chew!
cancer Remain realistic today in all your dealings with others, especially siblings. You're tempted to promise someone the Moon today. (Do you own the Moon?)
leo Be careful about going overboard financially today. You might not be able to resist an expensive purchase. Just remember that the bill will arrive later!
virgo Something might come to a head or some kind of culmination now. This could be a turning point for you. Whatever you're involved in will move to a successful completion in about three years.
libra You might get a sense that something that has been happening behind the scenes is finally over! You're moving into a whole new scene.
scorpio Don't let friends in group situations talk you into doing something you don't want to do. Be firm!
sagittarius Suddenly, others are aware of your reputation or your presence for some reason. Everything you have been doing is now in the limelight. (This could be helpful.)
capricorn Something having to do with travel, higher education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law has come to fruition or a major turning point. You are so relieved that this is the case!
aquarius Hopefully, you can pull together opposing sides about shared property, inheritances and anything that is jointly held. This thing has to be settled once and for all, don't you think?
pisces Close partnerships and ex-partnerships definitely are your focus at this time. Something that has been waffling or limping along is now coming to a resolution -- one way or the other.
aries Interruptions and surprises to health issues as well as your job are likely today. Computer crashes, canceled appointments, power outages and staff shortages are just some examples of what might occur. Run for cover!
taurus This is an accident-prone day for children in your care. (This applies to educators, health care workers and parents.) Be extra vigilant! Guard against sports accidents as well.
gemini Expect surprises at home today. Your domestic routine will be interrupted. Small appliances might break down. Minor breakages could occur. Unexpected company could arrive. (Stock the fridge.)
cancer This is an accident-prone day for your sign, so be careful. Slow down and take extra precautions. Allow extra time for everything. Think before you act or speak.
leo Keep an eye on your cash flow today. You might find money; you might lose money. Keep your receipts. Count your change. Check your bank account. With respect to your possessions, guard against theft or breakage.
virgo Relationships with others might be rocky today. Either you or someone else feels super independent! (Give people lots of room to maneuver.)
libra Because you feel restless and independent today, issues with co-workers might arise at work. Be aware of this. Don't overreact to what others say or do.
scorpio A rocky road for romance! Be patient with friends, group situations and lovers. Also be extra vigilant with anything involving the care of children.
sagittarius Refrain from an impulse to tell your boss off or any other authority figure in your life. You might regret this later! Avoid direct confrontations with others.
capricorn Travel plans will be canceled or delayed today. Ditto for anything having to do with publishing, higher education, the media, medicine and the law. Be prepared for detours and a change of plans.
aquarius Make friends with your bank account. Surprises connected with shared property, bills, taxes, debt, insurance matters and inheritances are likely. Stay on top of your scene.
pisces Be extra patient with partners and close friends today. People are rebellious, independent and unpredictable! Don't push anybody else's buttons.
aries You might experience difficulties with partners and close friends today because of the buildup of tension before tomorrow's Full Moon. Patience is your best ally.
taurus Be extra patient with co-workers today. Increasing tension (due to tomorrow's Full Moon) might make on-the-job relationships difficult. Stay frosty.
gemini Tension with others is always strong just before the Full Moon. Tomorrow we have a Full Moon that causes some angst in dealing with children, sports issues and romantic partners. Keep this in mind.
cancer Be respectful to bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs and the police today. Difficulties with these people will only get worse! Chill out.
leo This is an accident-prone day for all kinds of travel. Similarly, it's a challenging day for publishing, the media, medicine, the law and anything having to do with education. Be patient.
virgo You might not be happy about how something is shared or settled today, especially regarding inheritances, insurance matters, debt and jointly held property. Wait a day or two to reassess this situation.
libra Tomorrow, the only Full Moon directly opposite your sign will occur. This is why you feel tension building up within you today, especially dealing with partners and close friends. (Oops.) Stay cool.
scorpio Guard against tension with co-workers today due to tomorrow's Full Moon. Since you know this is taking place, don't overreact with others. Demonstrate grace under pressure.
sagittarius Difficulties in romantic situations or anything related to sports or the care of children are likely because of built-up tension today. This tension is due to tomorrow's Full Moon. (Yikes.)
capricorn Be tolerant and patient with family members today. People are inclined to overreact because of tomorrow's Full Moon. Easy does it.
aquarius This is definitely an accident-prone day. Therefore, slow down and take it easy. Allow extra time for everything. Think before you act or speak. (Tomorrow is the Full Moon.)
pisces Keep an eye on your money scene today. Errors with cash flow might take place. Disputes about earnings are likely. Even the ownership of something could be debated. (Whaaat?)
aries You feel pulled between the demands of others and your own wants and needs today. This tug-of-war is due to the Full Moon in your sign. Be patient with everyone.
taurus You can't please everyone at work, and everyone can't please you. Work toward a compromise that everyone will accept. It's your only choice.
gemini Stress with romantic situations or children could occur because of obligations with groups and friends. Who to choose? (Children should always come first.)
cancer You feel pulled between the demands of your job and your external world, and the demands of your private life today. You cannot satisfy both. (Choose home and family.)
leo This is an accident-prone day because the Full Moon stresses the area of your chart related to communication and travel. Therefore, slow down and take it easy. Be aware of everything you say or do.
virgo Today's Full Moon could cause you to make errors with cash or investments. Be extra careful in all your financial transactions.
libra Today the Full Moon is directly opposite your sign. This creates tension with partnerships and close friendships. It's hard to know who to put first. Look for a win/win compromise.
scorpio It's challenging trying to figure out whose interests to put first today. You don't want to be a martyr, and you don't want to be selfish. Today's Full Moon creates this confusion.
sagittarius Disputes with others, especially in group situations, could arise today. Lovers might be jealous of friends. Friends might be jealous of lovers or even children. Tread carefully!
capricorn Expect challenges in dealing with authority figures today. It's hard to keep both family and home on an even keel. Nevertheless, you can't ignore your current obligations.
aquarius Be extra aware of everything you say and do today, because this is an accident-prone day. Avoid touchy subjects like politics, religion or racial issues. Be cool.
pisces Today's Full Moon could create stress in cash-flow situations. Do you put the wealth and resources of others before your own, or vice versa? Wait a few days to decide this if possible.
aries The next six weeks will give you a better-than-average opportunity to learn more about how you relate to others. Use this to your advantage.
taurus You have an increasingly strong desire to get better organized. Why not give yourself the right tools to do a great job?
gemini Romance, love affairs, vacations, the arts, sports and playful activities with children are your focus for the next six weeks. This is a great time to get away and have fun! Yay!
cancer Your attention now turns to home, family and domestic matters for the next six weeks. Some of you will cocoon more than usual.
leo A busy month ahead! Short trips, increased reading, writing and studying, plus time spent with siblings will keep your scheduled jam-packed. Plan ahead.
virgo Issues related to finances, cash flow, earnings and your possessions will be your focus for the next six weeks. It's a good time to get these things better organized.
libra Yay! It's your turn to replenish, rejuvenate and restore your energy for the rest of the year. Expect opportunities and important people to come your way in the month ahead.
scorpio It's time to lie in the weeds. Work alone or behind the scenes for the next month. You need to figure out what you want your pending new year to be all about.
sagittarius In the next six weeks, grab opportunities to join clubs, groups and organizations. Interactions with others will benefit you. Get feedback about your hopes and dreams for the future.
capricorn Because the Sun is high in your chart, acting like a spotlight on you, bosses and VIPs notice you more than usual. In the month ahead, you will dazzle them!
aquarius Go someplace you've never been before. Use the next few weeks to expand your experience of the world. Travel if you can.
pisces You feel intense about practically everything now, and it will continue this way for the next six weeks. This is a good time to deal with the wealth and resources of others.
aries Power struggles with others at work are highly likely now. Basically, you have to ask yourself if they are worth it. Why create enemies? Why destroy your peace of mind?
taurus Parents and teachers need to be patient with children today. Sports participants also must be extra patient with each other as well. It's very easy to get your belly in a rash! (Don't do it.)
gemini Avoid power struggles and nasty confrontations with family members today, especially parents. Everybody has ideas about how to improve things. Isn't that wonderful? (Not!)
cancer Arguments with others, especially siblings, can break out today. Basically, this is all about power and control. It's not really about the issues at hand.
leo You're obsessed about something having to do with your cash flow today. Perhaps you really want to buy something. Or perhaps you really want to get your way at your job? Easy does it.
virgo You might be dealing with powerful people today. Perhaps someone will demand that you account for yourself about something. (Gulp.) It's one of those days.
libra Secrets might come out today. These might be secrets you are looking for or secrets you are trying to hide; either way, be alert.
scorpio It's easy to cross swords with people, especially in group situations today. Be open to compromise. These confrontations will not be pleasant. (Easy does it.)
sagittarius Don't refuse to cooperate with bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs or the police today. It simply will be a pointless standoff. Others will not capitulate. You will only lose ground.
capricorn Avoid discussions about politics, religion and racial issues today. People are willing to argue just for the sake of arguing. What's the point of that?
aquarius Disputes about shared property or anything that is held jointly with others could get nasty today. Someone might try to impose his or her will on yours.
pisces Someone might test you today. They might criticize your decisions or the way that you live. You might feel like you have to defend yourself. (Probably, this is just a power trip.)
aries It's easy to identify with what you own today. Because of this, you might not be willing to lend someone something you own. No big deal.
taurus The Moon is in your sign today, which could make you feel a bit more emotional than usual. However, it tends to bring you a bit of extra good luck.
gemini You might not feel like socializing today. Instead, you would rather withdraw or keep to yourself. You want privacy.
cancer Emotional contact with others might be important today. Perhaps you have something you want to share with others, or vice versa. You feel protective of a friend.
leo Some aspect of your private life suddenly might be made rather public today. In fact, bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs and the police will notice you!
virgo Because you want adventure and you have a desire to learn something new, go someplace you've never been before. Travel if you can. Explore new places. Talk to people from other cultures.
libra Your emotions are highly intense today! This means emotional encounters with others also will be intense. Take it easy. Don't add fuel to the fire.
scorpio Because the Moon today is opposite your sign, be prepared to go more than halfway when dealing with others. This is no big deal. It will make life easier.
sagittarius Any kind of work with home crafts, plus shopping for hygiene items, will be ideal choices for you today. Do whatever you can to get better organized at home and at work.
capricorn You want to play today! Romance, vacations, sports and playful activities with children are all on the menu for you. Make sure you take some time out to have fun.
aquarius Home and family are your concerns today. Quite likely, you want to cocoon at home because you have an urge for privacy and peace and quiet. (Nice.)
pisces Female relatives might be significant in your life today. Conversations with others are taking place at a gut level. You don't want superficial chit chat. You want the real deal.
aries This is a good day for business and finance. Trust your moneymaking ideas. However, guard against extravagant expenditures, because you will be tempted.
taurus You feel very sympathetic to others today, especially somebody in a position of power or authority. You might meet a new friend who is rather unusual or unorthodox.
gemini Because you feel restless today, do something different! Give yourself a chance to enjoy beautiful surroundings or the arts and crafts of others, especially from other countries. You'll be intrigued.
cancer A friend might be a source of surprise for you. Alternatively, you might want to help a friend because you feel sympathetic to somebody else's situation today.
leo Details of your personal or private life suddenly might be made public today, especially in the eyes of bosses, parents or the police. You're high-viz!
virgo Because your appreciation of beauty is heightened today, visit parks, architectural buildings and beautiful places. Art from other countries will interest you. (Romance with someone from another culture is possible.)
libra Unexpected support from others might delay you today. People are willing to help you, or perhaps you are willing to help someone else in need.
scorpio Partners and close friends are full of surprises today! Relations will be smooth because you are unusually sensitive to their needs. You also might meet somebody new and unusual today.
sagittarius The introduction of new technology at work might be a bit challenging today. In fact, all things electronic are a bit unpredictable today. Computer crashes and power outages are possible.
capricorn Exciting flirtations might make your day! This is also a great day to enjoy movies, sports, the arts and playful times with children. You are attracted to the unusual.
aquarius Surprise company might drop by at home today. A family member might do something unexpected. However, people feel very sympathetic toward each other today.
pisces Your daily routine will be interrupted somehow today. You might encounter new ways of thinking, or you might meet somebody new. You're full of bright, out-of-the-box ideas!
aries This is a wonderful day for serious discussions with others, especially siblings. It's also a great day to sign important documents. You're concerned with long-range, practical results.
taurus If shopping today, you will want to buy items that are practical and long-lasting. No frills! Basically, you want bang for your buck. You'll take this same attitude into your job.
gemini You have wonderful powers of concentration today. Because of this, choose tasks that require perseverance and attention to detail. You will excel doing these things. (And you will also get them out of the way!)
cancer This is a fabulous day to do any kind of serious research. You're ready to roll up your sleeves and begin, and then follow something to its logical conclusion.
leo Someone older might have good advice for you today. Or perhaps you are the older, wiser or more experienced individual who is helping others with some hot tips.
virgo Discussions with bosses, parents, teachers and authority figures will go extremely well today. You present an image that is conscientious, sensible and reliable. (They like that.)
libra Any kind of study will be quite easy for you today! You'll have no trouble hitting the books. It's a good day for travel plans as well.
scorpio Wrap up loose details with shared property, taxes, debt and anything you hold jointly with others. You'll have no trouble focusing on details.
sagittarius Serious discussions with partners and close friends will go very well today. It's easy to be patient. Furthermore, someone older or more experienced might have advice for you.
capricorn This is an extremely productive day for you at work! Your focus will be on doable, practical results. You want to know what use things have.
aquarius Children might be a responsibility today (more so than usual). Romantic couples can use today to discuss the division of labor or how to share financial responsibilities.
pisces Family discussions will be practical and concerned with long-range issues and the future today. This is a very good day for strategizing a family business.
aries This is a busy day. Don't stay at home. Get out and run errands, talk to siblings, take short trips and negotiate via wheeling and dealing or buying and selling.
taurus Focus on money issues today. Make friends with your bank account. Trust your moneymaking ideas. Ka-ching!
gemini Today the Moon is in your sign, which makes you a bit more emotional than usual. However, it also can make you luckier than all the other signs. (That's good.)
cancer Work alone or behind the scenes today. You will get a lot done if you isolate yourself somewhat from others. Incidentally, secrets might come out. (Oh my.)
leo Conversations with groups, and perhaps with female acquaintances in these groups, will be important today. Somebody might have helpful information for you.
virgo Certain details about your private life suddenly might be made public today. In particular, bosses, parents and authority figures like the police will notice! (This is something you might want to know.)
libra Try to do something different today! Go someplace you've never been before. You want a little adventure, and you certainly want to learn something new!
scorpio Focus on red-tape details about shared property or any money that you owe others. You're quite intense today, and you're thinking like Sherlock Holmes.
sagittarius Be prepared to go more than halfway when dealing with others today. Actually, you have no choice, because today, the Moon is opposite your sign. (In two weeks, when the Moon is in your own sign, others will go more than halfway when dealing with you.)
capricorn Efficiency, effectiveness and productivity are your priorities today. You will apply this attitude to your job as well as to your health issues.
aquarius You would rather be playing than working today. You feel prankish, and you want to have some fun! It's a good day for mental games, reading and puzzles.
pisces Family discussions will be fairly intense today. If it's difficult to reach an agreement, don't push anything. Just let it go. Give everything more time.
aries Discussions with others might be a bit tense today, because people are critical or afraid to make a mistake. Nothing is lighthearted or slapdash. People are somber.
taurus Some aspect of taking care of children might be onerous today. Whatever the case, you will take your responsibilities seriously. Romance with someone older might be in the picture as well.
gemini Family discussions are serious today. Someone older might be running the show or giving advice. Just take it easy, and don't push the envelope. Go with the flow -- for now.
cancer It's easy to fall into worry mode today. Remember: Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but gets you nowhere.
leo Be conservative in all your financial dealings today. Check your bank account. If shopping, you will want to buy practical items that are long-lasting. (It's that kind of day.)
virgo You're concerned about your responsibilities to others today. Frivolous matters will not appeal to you. Quite the opposite -- you'll want to address anything useful that needs to be done.
libra Your ability to research matters or discover answers is excellent today. You are both persevering and observant about all kinds of details.
scorpio Discussions with older, more experienced people might be helpful today. Possibly, these people will discourage you! (It's hard to say which way this could go.)
sagittarius Be respectful of authority figures today. They have the upper hand, no question. This is not the day to rebel or to run away and join the circus.
capricorn It will be easy to apply yourself to any kind of serious study of schoolwork, politics, religion or any subject that appeals to you. You are very focused today.
aquarius You might be concerned about shared property today. You feel protective of what you own. This is also why you might not want to lend anything or share something today.
pisces Discussions with partners and close friends will focus on serious matters today. You might be deciding whether a partnership is more trouble than it's worth. (Oops.)
aries Don't overestimate things at work today, because it's easy to do this. In turn, if somebody makes a promise to you that sounds unrealistic, it probably is.
taurus Romance or romantic expectations could get out of hand today, or in turn, could be disappointing. It's very easy for people to expect too much from others today.
gemini If you make promises to family members today, make sure you can keep them. This is the kind of day when people will bite off more than they can chew.
cancer You feel unusually optimistic today! (This is a good thing. Positive thinking is a powerful blessing.) Nevertheless, if something looks too good to be true, it might be.
leo Be careful about making financial estimations today. Similarly, be careful shopping, because you might go overboard! (Easy does it.)
virgo You feel happy and optimistic about life today! Nevertheless, be careful, because you might be tempted to go overboard about something. It's also easy to overlook small details today.
libra If you hear gossip today, don't believe everything you hear. This is the kind of day where things get inflated so quickly that it can boggle the mind.
scorpio You might find it easy to promote ideas with others today, especially in group situations. You're like the Pied Piper! Because you believe in what you're saying, others will too.
sagittarius Do your best to remain realistic in your dealings with bosses, parents, teachers and authority figures today. Do not promise more than you can deliver. Forewarned is forearmed.
capricorn Discussions about politics, religion, racial issues and philosophical subjects will be lively today! You want big answers to big questions.
aquarius Don't give away the store today. If you are responsible for shared property or the wealth of others, be circumspect. Don't spend money you don't have.
pisces Do your best to be realistic in serious discussions with partners and close friends today. However, if these talks are light, enjoy yourself! (Be wary about promises that people make today -- including promises you might make!)
aries Expect the unexpected at work today! Computer crashes, power outages, fire drills, canceled appointments and staff shortages are just some examples. (Gulp.) Just go with the flow, and keep your eyes open.
taurus This is definitely an accident-prone day for children in your care or your own kids. Therefore, be extra vigilant! Also, be extra patient in order to promote harmony with everyone.
gemini Something unexpected will occur at home today or within your family sphere. Surprise company might drop by. Small appliances could break down. Minor breakages could occur. Real estate deals might surprise you or take an unexpected turn.
cancer This is an accident-prone day. Forewarned is forearmed. Allow extra time for everything. Slow down and take it easy. Be patient with everything you do and everything you say.
leo Watch your money and your possessions today! Guard against theft or loss. You might find money; you might lose money. Be careful handling anything you own.
virgo It's very easy to speak out too hastily today and later regret what you said. Watch out for those knee-jerk reactions. You might blurt something out that shocks others.
libra You feel restless today! Your mind is a bit scattered. Therefore, avoid tasks that require discipline or attention to detail. "Not tonight, Josephine!"
scorpio Relations with others, especially in group situations, are unpredictable today. You might meet a real character. Or someone you know might shock you! (Oops.)
sagittarius Don't quit your day job today. Dealings with bosses, parents and authority figures are full of surprises that make you feel rebellious or inclined to overreact. Easy does it.
capricorn Travel plans might be delayed or canceled today. Interruptions to publishing, the media, medicine, the law and anything having to do with higher education also are likely. Allow yourself some wiggle room.
aquarius Make friends with your bank account today. Stay in touch with events that affect inheritances, taxes, debt and insurance matters. Something unpredictable might happen.
pisces Partners and close friends are full of surprises today. Someone might ask for more space or more freedom. Stay flexible.
aries This is a passionate day for Aries lovers! In fact, many of you will feel passionately or intensely about many subjects, including shared property and inheritances.
taurus Conversations with partners and close friends will be lively today! There's lots of energy for debates; however, they are friendly. (At least, for the most part.)
gemini Today, it's easy to put out energy in order to earn money or improve your job or even to delegate what needs to be done. You have high expectations, and you likely will get what you want.
cancer This is a wonderful, playful, creative day. Enjoy sports; enjoy flirtations. Enjoy playful activities with others. Enjoy social invitations. Live it up!
leo You can use today's energy to do a lot of redecorating or to introduce improvements at home. Others will use this same energy to entertain at home. Enjoy yourself!
virgo Your ability to sell, teach, persuade, influence or market is wonderful today. It's also a great day for acting or giving a speech. You are eloquent!
libra Listen to your moneymaking ideas today. You're on a roll! Not only can you make money, but if you spend money, you will enjoy what you buy.
scorpio You're unusually dynamic today. You're full of energy as well as charm. This makes you extremely successful in your dealings with everyone. Get out and schmooze!
sagittarius This is a classic day for secret love affairs for many of you. Even if it's not a secret love affair, a great number of you will be involved in very private activities.
capricorn All group situations will be pleasant and highly energetic today. Get out and enjoy the company of others. Accept all invitations.
aquarius Your ambition is aroused today. This is a good thing, because people in power see you in very positive terms. You can make great headway in promoting your good name.
pisces Grab every chance to travel or learn something new today. Many of you can explore opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law as well. This is an exciting, interesting day!
aries Power struggles at work or with co-workers are highly likely today. Go gently. This is not an easy Monday. In fact, if tempers flare, accidents could happen. Do not tempt any dicey situations!
taurus Avoid power struggles with children today. Be patient, and remember that you are the adult. Similarly, fights between romantic partners can break out easily today. Keep your cool!
gemini This is a challenging day for domestic situations and family life. Appliances might break down. Difficulties at home could lead to irritable disputes. Be tolerant and patient with others.
cancer This is a classic day for nasty little comments and jealous jibes, especially between siblings and relatives. It's just a battle of egos. Don't even go there.
leo You're obsessed about financial matters today. It could be related to your earnings, or it might be about something that you insist on buying.
virgo Try to refrain from forcing your opinions on others today. You have a very strong ego today! Furthermore, everybody is inclined to be compulsive or obsessed about something today. Run away! Run away!
libra Use today's driving, intense energy to do any kind of research. You'll definitely come up with some answers. (You won't stop until you do!)
scorpio All group dynamics are subject to disruptions today. People will challenge the authority in the group. You'll regret it if you get caught in the middle of this!
sagittarius This is a poor day to challenge any authority. People are fighting simply because they can't help it. (Or because they want to.) Demonstrate grace under pressure.
capricorn Avoid controversial subjects and discussions about politics, religion and racial issues. Put a lid on it -- just for today.
aquarius Avoid quarrels about shared property, inheritances, taxes and debt today. This is an extremely poor day to tackle these subjects. Instead, just chill out.
pisces It's practically impossible to avoid snarky comments or arguments with partners and close friends today. But forewarned is forearmed! You can be patient and avoid all this.
aries People are wonderfully charming at work today. This is an excellent day to schmooze with others, be they customers or co-workers. Expect praise and possibly a raise! (You win today.)
taurus This is a fun-loving, flirtatious day! Romance is beautifully favored. Enjoy playful activities with children. Sports, movies, the arts and parties will delight. Party on!
gemini Enjoy entertaining at home. If not, enjoy family conversations in general. Kick back and relax. This is a warm, friendly day for any kind of domestic activity. It's also a great day for real estate.
cancer Writers, actors, teachers and those of you who drive for a living will enjoy today! You might see ways to boost your income. You're certainly in the zone!
leo Business and commerce are favored today. Trust your moneymaking ideas. Many of you also enjoy shopping today and will get goodies that please you.
virgo The Moon is in your sign today, making a lovely aspect to Venus and Mars. You feel wonderful! Your schmoozing skills are in top form. Get out and enjoy the company of others. Everyone wants to see your face.
libra Work alone or behind the scenes today, because you need inner contentment. You want to be quietly pleased with your accomplishments. No fanfare.
scorpio All group situations, especially with females, will be unusually friendly and dynamic. Meetings, conferences and classes will please you.
sagittarius Some of you might fall in love with your boss or someone older or richer today. People who are more worldly seem so appealing! (Gosh, golly, gee.)
capricorn This is an adventurous day! Grab every opportunity to learn something new through classes, training or further education. Travel anywhere if you can. Talk to people from other cultures.
aquarius Gifts, goodies and favors can come your way today. You definitely can benefit from the wealth and resources of others. Lucky you!
pisces Conversations with partners and close friends will be charming, warm and reassuring. Others aren't passive today. They're charming and dynamic -- and so are you! Have fun.
aries Interruptions to your job are likely today. Computer crashes, power outages, fire drills, canceled appointments and staff shortages are just some things that might dog your steps.
taurus Parents should be extra vigilant about their children today. Ditto for anyone who works with children, because this is an accident-prone day for children in your care.
gemini Something unpredictable will take place at home today. Minor breakages could occur. Surprise company might drop by. Something out of the ordinary will happen!
cancer Heads up! This is an accident-prone day for you. Therefore, slow down and take extra time to do whatever you're doing. Think twice before you act or speak. Forewarned is forearmed.
leo Something having to do with finances or cash flow could go sideways today. You might find money; you might lose money. Guard against loss or theft of your possessions as well. Keep your eyes open!
virgo Because you feel impulsively restless and adventurous, you might do something rash today. Guard against this. Don't do anything you're going to regret later.
libra It's hard to sit still today. That's because a deep, restless energy is running through everything you do. Don't worry about it. Almost everyone else can feel it too. It is what it is.
scorpio Acquaintances, especially female acquaintances, might surprise you today. You might meet someone new who is unusual or unorthodox, or someone you know might just shock you. (Whaaat?)
sagittarius Don't quit your day job today. Aspects of your private life will catch the attention of bosses, VIPs and the police. You might feel rebellious, but don't do anything foolish. (Be your own best friend.)
capricorn Travel plans might be canceled or delayed today. Similarly, matters connected with school, particularly higher education, also will suffer from unexpected changes.
aquarius Stay in touch with your bank account today. Everything having to do with your cash flow is highly unreliable! Ditto for shared property and jointly held possessions.
pisces Partners and close friends are rebellious today! You might feel this way as well. This is a poor day to make important decisions in your close relationships.
aries The New Moon today is the time to think about how you can improve partnerships and close friendships. They don't have to be perfect. Just think how they could be better.
taurus What can you do to improve your job today? In a similar vein (but the other arm), what can you do to improve your health?
gemini Do you value your creativity? Children sing, draw, paint and dance. Adults are afraid to make mistakes! Nevertheless, the child in you still wants to be creative.
cancer Today's New Moon offers you the best chance all year to think about how you can improve your family relationships. What can you do to better enjoy where you live?
leo Are you clear in your communication with others? Try to be extra clear when you are talking to others. Make sure people understand what you say.
virgo Our belief about something can influence how it manifests in our life. If you think money is dirty or evil, you won't have much of it for very long. Hmmm?
libra What can you do to improve your appearance and the first impression you create on others? Take a realistic look in the mirror.
scorpio What are your deep beliefs? (We all believe in something.) Do you know what you believe in? Today's New Moon begs this question.
sagittarius Are you happy with your friends? Do you hang out with quality people? And, of course, if you want to have more friends in your life, the solution is simple -- be friendly.
capricorn What is your attitude toward authority? Today's New Moon is the only time this year when it occurs at the top of your chart. How well do you handle authority? Do you cooperate or rebel?
aquarius What further education or training could you get to improve your job or enrich your life? This is what to think about today.
pisces Are you happy with the division of labor, money or shared possessions with others? Do you have a healthy self-interest about your share of things? Today's New Moon highlights this.
aries People at work are quick to complain today. Don't fall into this rut. It's just a negative downward spiral. Run away! Run away!
taurus Don't be overly critical of children today. You were a kid yourself once, remember? Try to be patient and tolerant with romantic partners.
gemini Domestic disputes can take place today because people are in a sour frame of mind. They're just downright grouchy! Don't hang black crepe paper everywhere.
cancer You might be worrying too much about something today. Guard against negative thinking. And guard against critical thinking about yourself and others. Lighten up!
leo Lately, financial issues have been depressing for you. You are the last of the big-time spenders, and you like to have some coin jingling in your pockets! This, too, shall pass.
virgo Although there are some serious overtones to the mood of today, you can use today's energy to focus on routine tasks. You will not ignore details. You have steady endurance.
libra Your ability to conduct any kind of research is quite excellent today. Nothing is too much trouble. You'll look under every rock to find what you're searching for.
scorpio Someone older or more experienced than you could be critical of your efforts today. Don't let this get you down. (What do they really know?)
sagittarius Discussions with authority figures -- bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs and the police -- are serious today. You might have to account for yourself. (Gulp.)
capricorn Don't be discouraged if someone is critical about your views on politics, religion or racial issues. People are critical about everything today!
aquarius If you are waiting for something to be divided, today is a poor day to do this. You might not get your fair share. Furthermore, you will have trouble defending your own best interests.
pisces Negative thinking can bring close friendships and partnerships down today. People are too easily critical of each other. Actually, at the bottom of all this -- they are worried! Don't make a big deal out of anything.
aries You feel fervently passionate about everything today. Romance is strong. Your point of view about shared possessions is strong. Your sense of responsibility for others is strong. (Wow.)
taurus Conversations with partners and close friends are lively today! This is a wonderful day to schmooze with others. Quite likely, people are impressed with you.
gemini Trust your instincts to make improvements at your job today, because you are spot-on. Similarly, you also might have bright ideas about how to improve your health!
cancer What a wonderful, creative day! Enjoy the arts, movies, sports and fun times with others. Flirtations, playful activities with children and vacations all appeal.
leo Home and domestic matters will go very well today. This is a good day to clean up or improve where you live. (Plan a party to motivate you to do this!)
virgo All your communication with others will be smooth and yet very direct and to the point today. This is a wonderful day if you teach, sell, market or write for a living.
libra Commerce and business are favored today. Trust your moneymaking ideas. You might think of ways to boost your income. If shopping, you will buy beautiful things for yourself and loved ones.
scorpio It's easy to be charming with everyone today. Finally, you have the energy to play the role of the Pied Piper to others. People are eating out of your hand!
sagittarius Try to get away somewhere by yourself today. You have been very popular lately, but you might burn out! Sneak away somewhere to restore and rejuvenate yourself.
capricorn Group situations are wonderfully positive today. In particular, you will feel competitive in sports or physical competition of any kind. (A friend could become a lover.)
aquarius Important people are impressed with you today. In fact, some are so impressed that a romance with your boss or someone richer or older could begin! (Oh my.)
pisces Grab every opportunity to travel that comes your way today. You want to blow this pop stand. You want adventure, and you want a chance to learn something new!
aries In many respects, this is your kind of day! All kinds of new ideas and adventures will appeal to you. You'll meet people from other cultures. A chance to travel and learn something different is at hand.
taurus You can benefit from the wealth and resources of others today. Unexpected opportunities exist here. Surprise news about inheritances, favors, perks and advantages might please you.
gemini You might meet exciting new acquaintances (probably female) through a close friend or partner. Or someone you already know will have a surprise for you. (It's not a boring day!)
cancer You or others might introduce improved ways of doing things at work today. New technology very likely will change things. (But it's exciting.)
leo This is a fun-filled, flirtatious day! Unexpected invitations to parties, social occasions, sports events or child-related activities bring you new opportunities to enjoy yourself. Jump on board!
virgo Many of you will introduce new kinds of high technology to your home today. Or you might explore new ways of doing things. Home improvements and domestic news make this an exciting day.
libra All kinds of new activities and new encounters with others will surprise you today. Conversations with relatives and siblings will be stimulating and full of innovative ideas.
scorpio Expect the unexpected in financial ways today. Keep an eye on your money. New ways to earn money could occur to you. It's a good day to buy high-tech items.
sagittarius This is a strong day for you! You might be a bit more emotional than usual, but you also are excited about new ideas and new ways to do things.
capricorn Privately, you might break down some barriers that were self-imposed. You might discover today how you have been holding yourself back in some way. Freedom!
aquarius A new acquaintance, probably female, will come into your life today. It's an exciting exchange. Quite likely, you'll learn something fascinating.
pisces You have a chance to show off in some way today, especially in the eyes of bosses, parents and VIPs. Others might discover you have hidden skills and talents. Who knew?
aries This is an excellent day to make long-range travel plans or future plans about higher education, publishing, the media and anything related to medicine and the law.
taurus Discussions about shared property or anything that is held jointly will be solid today. You have a practical, realistic viewpoint of things.
gemini Discussions with partners and close friends will be practical and relatively serious today. People are more concerned with positive results tomorrow versus the pleasures of today.
cancer You can be unusually productive at work today. Choose work that requires attention to detail, because your powers of concentration are excellent today.
leo This is a good day to sit down with others and discuss the needs and education of children. Some will make long-range plans about vacations, the arts and sports. People want results today.
virgo An older family member might have good advice for you. Discussions about a family business will be productive. People are taking a practical, long-range view of things today.
libra You can be mentally productive today. You will work patiently at any job because your powers of concentration are excellent. You can deal with intricate details.
scorpio If shopping today, you will buy only items that are long-lasting and practical. You don't feel financially frivolous!
sagittarius You want practical results today. You're ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Don't hesitate to ask for the advice of older, more experienced people. (You don't have to reinvent the wheel.)
capricorn Moments of solitude or a chance to work alone or behind the scenes will appeal to you today. You want to remove yourself from the busy clatter of the world around you.
aquarius Listen to the advice of those who are older or more experienced today. Practical ideas from others will help you. Think about your long-term goals for the future.
pisces Are you happy with the direction you are going in life? This is an ideal day to think about where you are headed, and what you want to be doing 10 years from now.
aries Be ready for cancellations and delays to travel plans or anything having to do with higher education, medicine and the law. This is a highly unpredictable day! (Courage.)
taurus Check your bank account. Be aware of anything that has to do with mortgages, bank loans, insurance matters, inheritances and shared property. There's a loose cannon out there today.
gemini Partners and close friends might say or do something that surprises you. You will be caught off guard. Quite likely, somebody wants more freedom or independence. (Could this person be you?)
cancer Anything might happen at work today because your routine will be interrupted -- this is a given. Computer crashes, power outages, canceled appointments and staff shortages are just some of the likely reasons.
leo Parents and teachers need to be extra cautious because your children or children in your care are having an accident-prone day today. Be extra vigilant! Romance is rocky as well.
virgo Your home routine will be interrupted today. Surprise company might drop by. Small appliances could break down. Minor breakages could occur. Oh dear.
libra Your daily routine might go sideways in a New York minute. Guard against accidents. Expect to meet new people and have surprising encounters. Anything can happen today.
scorpio Keep an eye on your money scene today. You might find money; you might lose money. Guard your possessions against theft or breakage.
sagittarius In one way, you feel restless, but in another way, you are excited today. This is not a typical day. Expect the unexpected. New and different things are occurring around you.
capricorn You're restless. You have that feeling that you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. And you're right. Keep listening. (Thud!)
aquarius You might meet a real character today. Or perhaps, someone you already know will do or say something that amazes or shocks you. It will be interesting.
pisces Don't quit your day job. Bosses and authority figures might be tricky to deal with, even exasperating. Nevertheless, guard against knee-jerk reactions. You don't want to do something you will regret later.
aries This is a very poor day to ask for approval or permission from bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs and the police. People will not be cooperative. In fact, you will be met with opposition.
taurus Avoid arguments and discussions about politics, religion and racial issues. Similarly, matters connected with higher education, publishing and the media look discouraging.
gemini This is not a good day to ask to borrow something. Not even from a bank. The resources of others will be blocked. You are definitely on your own today.
cancer Partnerships and close friendships are easily derailed today because people are too quick to criticize or tell others what to do. Try to avoid these unpleasant conversations.
leo Even though you might have good ideas about how to make improvements at work, keep them to yourself today. Nobody wants to hear them. People are pretty rigid in their thinking today.
virgo Be patient with children today. It's very easy for people, definitely children, to have meltdowns. Don't be critical. Be easygoing with romantic partners as well.
libra Refrain from criticizing family members today because this will only get you into trouble. Things will quickly become noisy! People are touchy and a bit sullen today.
scorpio You feel so passionately about something today, you might speak without thinking. Be careful that this doesn't get you in trouble. Be extra careful when dealing with authority figures.
sagittarius You feel financially squeezed today. (Join the club; we number millions.) This feeling passes soon.
capricorn Life feels hard today. It's not easy to get things done. Whatever you're trying to do or whoever you speak to, obstacles arise. What gives? (Apparently, nothing.)
aquarius Listen to your gut instincts today. If you think someone is working against your best interests, you might be right. Play your cards close to your chest.
pisces Group situations could be stressed because of criticisms. Don't be part of this. Keep your nose clean. Sometimes people are quick to push down a fence that is starting to fall. (Don't do this.)
aries You will shine very favorably in group situations today, especially in the eyes of parents, bosses, VIPs and authority figures. You look capable and successful.
taurus Today your plans for travel look much better. In fact, anything having to do with publishing, higher education, the media, medicine and the law looks way more promising today.
gemini Someone might be generous to you today, or vice versa, you can be generous to others. Either way, it appears that wealth is being shared! (Pass the hat.)
cancer Conversations with partners and close friends are friendly, upbeat and mutually beneficial today. People are in a good mood. Thank goodness!
leo This is a much better day at work. Now is the time to introduce reforms and improvements. You might get a positive endorsement from everyone. Yay!
virgo Fun flirtations, romantic adventures, sporting events, movies, the theater and playful activities with children are excellent choices today. You want everyone to have a good time!
libra Invite the gang over! This is a wonderful day to entertain at home, even if it's just pizza and beer. Family members are in a sharing, positive mood. (It's a good day for real estate.)
scorpio People will enjoy being in your company today because you have such a positive attitude. Everyone likes to be around someone with upbeat vibes.
sagittarius This is an excellent day for business and commerce. Trust your moneymaking ideas. Whatever you do today might multiply to your advantage!
capricorn All group activities are favored today, whether they are casual coffee klatches or big conferences. Enjoy the company of others. You very likely will learn something new.
aquarius Look for ways to be generous to others, either through practical means or your own direct charity or financial assistance. You'll feel good about being able to help others today.
pisces Group activities can make a difference today. Things are good on the home front, they are good in business, and they are good with your friends. A pleasant day indeed!
aries This is a good day to think of long-range plans and how to make your hopes and dreams for the future start to become a reality. What can you do this month to go in that direction?
taurus Are you headed where you want to be going in life? This is a good day to think about your job and your career, and to listen to the advice of others.
gemini This is an excellent day for your sign. Both the Moon and the Sun are in your fellow Air signs. You feel adventurous and eager for something different!
cancer Careful planning can reduce your debt and improve your relationships with others. Someone older or more experienced might have advice for you on how to do this today.
leo Be prepared to compromise when dealing with others today, because the Moon is opposite your sign. In two weeks, others will go more than halfway when dealing with you.
virgo This can be a productive day at work today. Similarly, pay attention to your ideas about how to improve your health. You're on the ball!
libra Discussions about the future education of children or the care of children will be profitable today. Similarly, you can plan ahead for vacations, the arts and social events.
scorpio This is a strong day for family businesses. In fact, any family discussion will be profitable and good for future long-distance planning.
sagittarius Choose work that requires attention to detail today. You're in a practical frame of mind and willing to work until the job is done.
capricorn This is an excellent day for business and long-range financial planning. If shopping, you will want to buy practical items that last for a long time.
aquarius This is an excellent day for you! The Moon is in your sign and it's in a strong position. Go after anything that you want a "yes" answer to. (You just might get it.)
pisces Any kind of research or work you do behind the scenes will pay off today. Your strong sense of determination will yield practical results.
aries Conversations with partners, close friends and members of the general public are lively today. You feel strongly about things because you identify with your ideas!
taurus You're unusually effective at work today. People will listen to you because you put so much of who you are into what you have to say.
gemini Look for every opportunity to express your creative self today. Draw, paint, sing, dance, take photographs, carve, weave -- do whatever brings you joy.
cancer Family discussions are lively today! You might have firm opinions about something, especially repairs or how to fix something at home. You know what you want.
leo This is a great day to teach, act, write, sell or market anything to anyone. Because you're so persuasive, no one will be able to resist you!
virgo Trust your moneymaking ideas today. Your sense of confidence and your belief in yourself will help you entertain new ideas for earning money. Some of you will be spending big as well.
libra This is a great day to start a new business venture or to begin something. Talk to other people and get their opinion. Ideas are flying, and you are excited.
scorpio Behind-the-scenes research could yield very good results for you today. You're determined to find the answers you're looking for. You won't give up!
sagittarius You won't hesitate to express your point of view to others today or to initiate any kind of communication, especially in a group setting. You might even surprise yourself.
capricorn Conversations with bosses, VIPs, teachers and people in power will be interesting today. You want to make things happen. You're ready to speak up and state your mind.
aquarius What a wonderful day to study. You're eager to learn anything new. This is also a great day to make travel plans or initiate ideas about further schooling.
pisces If you have ideas about how to reduce your debt or how to better handle something that is shared with someone else, speak up! You're mentally tuned in today.
aries Your ideals are aroused today. Because of this, you will find it rewarding if you can work with charitable or nonprofit groups to help those who are less fortunate.
taurus Your sympathetic stance on something is somehow public to others today. Perhaps your own generosity at home is evident to bosses and VIPs? (Not a bad thing.)
gemini Your appreciation of beauty is heightened today. Therefore, you'll be glad if you make the effort to visit beautiful places -- architectural buildings, parks, museums, art galleries and such. Enjoy!
cancer Because you feel sympathetic to someone, perhaps even a partner or close friend, you're willing to share what you have with them today. Or at least you're going to cut them some slack.
leo Conversations with partners and close friends are idealistic today. It may be all about pie-in-the-sky stuff, but that's OK, isn't it? It's good to get warm and cozy.
virgo People at work might come to you with their problems today. They sense that you have a sympathetic ear for them. (Sometimes people simply need to be heard, and this is something you can do.)
libra This is a wonderfully creative day for you. And you are a creative sign. Love can be romantic, and playful times with children will be precious.
scorpio Discussions between family members are mutually sympathetic today. Someone might need to cry on your shoulder, or vice versa.
sagittarius You likely will spend a good portion of today daydreaming or fantasizing. Don't worry about this. We all need mental health days now and then. Dream on! (Literally.)
capricorn If shopping today, you will be tempted by elegant or luxurious items. It's almost as if you want what is unattainable to you. Be careful about this (especially if you have champagne taste on a beer wallet).
aquarius Your hopes and dreams for the future are wildly idealistic today. But if you don't dream big, how else will you ever attain the impossible?
pisces You might be attracted to mystical ideas or spiritual discussions today. Feelings of sympathy for others are strong. You're willing to put the needs of others before your own, which is certainly admirable.
aries Conversations with partners and close friends will be about hopes and daydreams. You're not that interested in discussing the harsh realities of life today.
taurus A co-worker or someone connected with your job might have an unusual discussion with you today. Or possibly, someone will ask you for help.
gemini Your imagination can help you create something wonderful today if you want to explore the arts. Romance will be sweet and tender. It's definitely a day for hearts, flowers and candles.
cancer Family discussions will be less practical and more based on wish-fulfilling ideas. "What if?" "What if?" It's fun to dream about possibilities, isn't it?
leo You're unusually sensitive to the subtle nuances of others. You can tell what people think or what they're feeling. That's why it's easy to be sympathetic with people today.
virgo Be careful about giving in to your desires if you're shopping today. You could go overboard. On the other hand, some of you will look for ways to be generous to those who are less fortunate. (Always a good thing.)
libra You genuinely want to help others today. You feel unusually sympathetic because it's easy for you to put yourself in somebody else's position.
scorpio Mystical ideas, secrets and daydreams will absorb you today. Don't worry about getting important practical matters done. (It is what it is.)
sagittarius A friend or a group to which you belong might suggest ways to help those who are in need. If you work with a charitable organization today, you will feel rewarded.
capricorn This is not a day for practical matters. Even bosses and VIPs are willing to discuss fantasies, daydreams and wishes for the future.
aquarius You have a strong desire to escape somewhere today. You want more out of life. If you can't travel somewhere, you can travel through books and film.
pisces If you work with inheritances or shared property, make sure you don't give away the farm today. It's good to be sympathetic, but you also need a healthy self-interest.
aries Conversations with others, especially partners and close friends, flow very easily today. People feel mutually sympathetic toward each other. It's all good.
taurus At work, co-workers might ask for your sympathy, your advice or your consolation about something. Do give them an attentive ear. You could be a great help to someone else by just listening.
gemini You are very in touch with your muse today, which is why you are unusually creative and artistic! Romance inspires with promise. (Oh my!) Activities with children are delightful and very heartwarming.
cancer Relations with family members are warm and bonding today. People are unusually sympathetic and considerate of each other. You might see ways to make your home look more cozy and feel more comfy.
leo Don't worry if your mind slips into daydreams and woolgathering today. We all have days like this. This is not a good day to concentrate on routine, detailed information. (Ya think?)
virgo If shopping today, you will be tempted to buy luxurious, elegant items. Just remember that the bill for these items has to be paid! Ouch.
libra You feel idealistic today. Doing good work on behalf of others will be satisfying and rewarding. You also might want to pursue spiritual studies.
scorpio Seek out peace and quiet in private places today. This is a perfect day to go off by yourself and meditate or contemplate your navel. You want serenity.
sagittarius Discussions with others might focus on charitable works or how to combine forces and benefit those who are suffering. Any group activity that does good will appeal to you.
capricorn Others will perceive you as being sympathetic and kind today. Alternatively, you might have influence with someone in power to alleviate harsh conditions or help those in need. Do whatever you can.
aquarius Your appreciation of beauty is definitely heightened today. Because of this, give yourself a chance to enjoy beautiful architectural buildings, art galleries, museums and parklike settings.
pisces Fundraising or using shared property to benefit others will appeal to you today. Possibly, someone will be generous to you.
aries This is an excellent day for business and commerce, and particularly for doing fundraising or using the wealth of resources of others. You can benefit from other people today.
taurus This is an excellent day to form working units or partnerships with others. People can help you, and vice versa! (You will accomplish more by working with others today.)
gemini You are gung-ho to get stuff done today! In particular, you know how to marshal the forces of others by delegating or encouraging them to achieve your objectives. Bravo!
cancer This is a fabulous day for sports events, playful times with children, show business, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry. You want to play and have fun! Romantic flirtations will sizzle!
leo You have enormous energy to make positive changes where you live. This is the kind of day where you are shoving furniture around and rearranging bookcases. Entertain at home, if possible.
virgo You are so convincing today! This is a wonderful day for selling, teaching, acting or promoting anything. Your positive, upbeat approach is irresistible.
libra Business and commerce are beautifully blessed today. You're thinking like a winner. Your confidence will help you make all kinds of financial deals. You have vision!
scorpio What an energetic day! Physical exercise will please you. Get out and boogie. Others are ready to follow your lead. Go, go, go.
sagittarius Secret love affairs might be exciting today for many of you. Behind-the-scenes activity does seem to appeal in some way. Whatever the case -- you're laughing!
capricorn Group activities are blessed today. You definitely can get more done by joining forces with others. Physical activities, including sports, are particularly positive experiences.
aquarius Your ambition is aroused, but in a very positive way. People are impressed with what you're doing. They like your style!
pisces Travel of any kind will delight you today. This also is a great day for studying and pursuing opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. You are so up-tempo!
aries Yikes! What happened to the wonderful vibes from yesterday? Today, conversations with partners and close friends are stifled, critical and a bit of a drag. Oh well. (Sigh.)
taurus Because you have a more critical viewpoint of things today, relations with co-workers could be less than smooth. Possibly, someone older than you is also critical. Oh no!
gemini Someone older or more experienced than you might discourage you in some way with his or her comments. Don't let this take the wind out of your sails. And don't let this take the wind out of your sales, either!
cancer Today has its challenges. For some reason, certain aspects of your private life are made rather public, and important people might be critical! You didn't ask for this!
leo Someone in a position of authority might rain on your parade today, especially your travel plans or anything having to do with publishing, the media and higher education. Just tough this one out.
virgo Your fair share of something might be disappointing to you today. You expected more. Wait a day or two to plead your case. The powers that be are not sympathetic today.
libra Conversations with partners and close friends definitely are crunchy today. That's because people are in a bit of a downcast mood. Nobody wants to give an inch.
scorpio Be extra patient with co-workers today. Don't let others discourage you. If you are in a position of power, be sympathetic to others.
sagittarius Be extra patient with children today. Just remember that "Criticism does much, but encouragement does more." (Wise advice from Goethe.)
capricorn Postpone important discussions with family members today. Someone in authority only will shoot down everything. People feel cautious and even fearful. Oops.
aquarius It's easy to fall into negative thinking today. From your point of view, your glass is half-empty. But hey -- if you look at it again, isn't it half-full?
pisces You probably feel broke today. (Why is there always so much month left at the end of the money?) Join the club; we number in the millions.
aries This is a tough day, because it's the Full Moon and somehow this confuses issues about shared property, inheritances and debt. Definitely postpone these discussions!
taurus Don't make important decisions at work today. Discussions with partners and close friends are subject to misunderstandings. In addition to which, today's Full Moon is emotional!
gemini Parents must be patient with children today. (Today's Full Moon will test your patience.) In addition, you might feel tired or sluggish. It was ever thus.
cancer Romance is confusing today. An element of deceit or dishonesty is possible. You also might be confused if you are taking care of children today. Keep your wits about you.
leo Today's Full Moon can make you argumentative with others. You're quick to disagree or defend yourself. Make no assumptions about family situations today. (You don't have all the facts.)
virgo Financial pressure might surface today because of the Full Moon. You will find that you're not as skilled as usual at defending yourself or presenting your case. Do as little as possible today.
libra Technically, this is the second Full Moon opposing your sign all year. Most unusual! This means you need to be patient with partners and close friends.
scorpio Your actions or words might be misunderstood or misconstrued today. Do your best to be very clear with everyone. (Something underhanded could be going on.)
sagittarius Secret love affairs as well as sneaky behind-the-scenes activities are taking place today. Meanwhile, romance is tested! If you're taking care of children, be patient.
capricorn Relations with authority figures are not ideal today. Avoid confrontations. Even group activities are subject to deception, denial and confusion. Run away!
aquarius Although you are quite ambitious now, someone might misunderstand your intentions. Because of this, arguments about politics, religion and racial issues could arise. Chill out.
pisces Arguments about shared property, cash flow or who owns what are likely today. Be careful, because somebody might misrepresent something and use the power of the law to back this up.
aries In the month ahead, you'll be more focused on shared property and things you own jointly with others. You can clear up loose details!
taurus Today the Sun moves opposite your sign for the next month. This means it's as far away from you as it gets all year, which is why you need more sleep!
gemini In the next month, you have a strong desire to get better organized at work and at home. Since you have this urge, act on it. Get the right tools to do a bang-up job.
cancer You have a wonderful month ahead! Enjoy romance, vacations, the arts, all kinds of sporting events plus delightful, playful activities with children.
leo Now your attention turns to home, family and domestic matters, probably for the next six weeks. Home-decorating projects will appeal.
virgo The tempo of your days will accelerate in the month ahead. Get used to this. Short trips, conversations and increased reading, writing and studying are likely.
libra Sort out loose details about finances in the next month. Do what you can. Trust your moneymaking ideas.
scorpio Today the Sun moves into your sign to join Mercury and Venus and Mars. The entire world is having a Scorpio hit! You will be reenergized in the month to come.
sagittarius Work behind the scenes, because you need time alone to plan your new year (birthday to birthday), which is about to arrive soon. How do you want your new year to be different from this year?
capricorn A popular month ahead! Join groups, clubs and organizations. Sporting events will delight you. You want to schmooze with others and be in the scene.
aquarius For the next six weeks, the Sun is at the top of your chart shining down on you like a spotlight. This is why others, especially bosses and VIPs, notice you more than usual. You look good!
pisces In the month ahead, grab every opportunity to travel and explore adventure! You want to broaden your horizons. You want more out of life.
aries You have lots of energy today, especially to deal with anything you share with somebody else. Incidentally, this energy is also sexual and flirtatious! (Oh, my.)
taurus Encounters with partners and close friends will be fun and unusual today. Quite likely, someone will do something to surprise you. It will be different and, possibly, educational.
gemini You're keen to introduce new technology or reforms and better ways of doing things at work. This urge to improve might even translate into coming up with something to better your health.
cancer This is a lovely playful, exciting day! New romance might catch you off guard. Unexpected invitations to parties might arrive. However, it could be an accident-prone day for your children. Be vigilant.
leo You might introduce something new that is a rather high-tech or unusual to your home today. Possibly, unexpected company will drop by, and this will really amaze you.
virgo You're full of bright, new ideas today. You have fresh ways of looking at things, because it's easy for you to think outside of the box today. Eureka!
libra Trust your moneymaking impulses today. You have ideas that are fresh and untried. You're original and resourceful in your approach to dealing with money. Likewise, impulse spending is likely.
scorpio You're all revved up and raring to go! Today's full of new activities and exciting new encounters with others. Life has a fresh quality right now!
sagittarius Whatever happens today might make you feel younger or freer in some way. Behind-the-scenes activities definitely could surprise you. (Is something secret going on?)
capricorn Group activities, especially physical activities like sports or athletic training, will be fun today. You're in the mood to do something different!
aquarius There is no question that your ambition is aroused right now. Today, however, you might see entirely new ways of doing something. Why not run it up the flagpole to see if anyone salutes?
pisces Surprise opportunities to travel or get further education or training might drop in your lap today. Because this window of opportunity is brief, act fast!
aries Romance, gifts and goodies from others are just some of the things that can benefit you today. You definitely are on the receiving end of other people's generosity. Yay! (It's a good day to ask for a loan or to borrow something.)
taurus Partnerships and close friendships are lively and dynamic today. Enjoy the company of others. Casual relationships might become more committed.
gemini This is a nice day at work. Customers and co-workers are cooperative. In fact, a work-related romance could begin. (Oooh la la!)
cancer This is a playful, flirtatious day! You feel a bit like the trickster. Some of you will be playing jokes and pranks on others. Enjoy sports, movies and entertaining diversions. Playful times with kids are fun.
leo Act on your decorating ideas for where you live. You want to make things look more attractive. The next few weeks are a good time to entertain at home.
virgo You can make money from writing, talking or communicating with others. You're unusually convincing, yet charming at the same time.
libra You're unusually focused on money right now. You're thinking about ways to earn more money as well as ways to spend it. However, postpone shopping until tomorrow (Tuesday).
scorpio Do you realize there are four planets in your sign right now? The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Holy planetarium! It's all about you.
sagittarius Secret love affairs are on the agenda for some of you. Whatever the case, many of you are working alone or behind the scenes doing something very private. You're playing your cards close to your chest.
capricorn Relations with others, especially in group situations, are excellent today! Enjoy schmoozing. Everyone wants to see your face.
aquarius You make a fabulous impression on parents, teachers, bosses, VIPs and even the police now. Even if you don't do anything special, people think you're the cat's meow.
pisces You will adore any chance to travel. You want a change of scenery. You want adventure and stimulating experiences. Some of you will fall in love with someone from another culture or a different country.
aries You're clever today at seeing new uses for things other people own. You might also see a new way of approaching jointly held property or reducing debt.
taurus Pay attention to your ideas on how to improve partnerships or close friendships today. However, if you just want to improve your partner, keep it to yourself!
gemini This is the perfect day to introduce reforms and better ways of doing things at work. Quite likely, co-workers are willing to listen. (You seem to know what you're talking about.)
cancer You're in a creative, resourceful mood! You might see a new approach to sports or planning a social event, or a new spin on raising children.
leo Think of how you can improve your home or where you live today. In particular, think about cleaning up garbage areas or areas under sinks or in basements. It's a good day to get rid of clutter and junk!
virgo You're convincing in all your communication with others today. That's why this is a great day for sales, marketing, writing, teaching and acting. No question!
libra You might discover a new source of earning money today or a new use for something you already own. You're in an inventive, resourceful frame of mind.
scorpio You can make changes for the better in your immediate environment today. Try cleaning up any situation around you that is messy.
sagittarius You'll investigate things thoroughly today. This is a good day to come up with solutions to old problems or to discover answers to mysteries.
capricorn You might meet somebody who is very powerful today. Quite likely, this person will influence you for a long time in the future.
aquarius Today you have the courage to try a new approach to dealing with authority figures -- be they parents, bosses, teachers or VIPs in your life. Run it up the flagpole!
pisces A new approach to travel, going to school or dealing with publishing and the media could occur to you today. New solutions due to new ways of seeing things might solve a problem!
aries Your interest in travel and higher education, as well with publishing and the media will be strong now and for the rest of the year. You're going places!
taurus Disputes about shared property are very likely during the next few months. The dust might not settle on these issues until early next year.
gemini Mars is moving directly opposite your sign, where it's going to stay until well into December. This could provoke conflict with partners. Oops.
cancer From various reasons, you're moving into serious work mode. For the rest of the year, you are going to give everything you've got to certain projects, and delegate as well!
leo You're in a playful mood. Parties, vacations, sports and fun times with children are on your agenda for the rest of the year. Yay!
virgo Major renovations and projects at home are likely to be on the agenda for some of you in the next two months. Increased chaos and negativity will be taking place. Practice patience with family members!
libra You're unusually convincing in the next two months. This is particularly empowering for those who teach, act, sell, market and write for a living.
scorpio Your cash-flow situation seems to get a boost now and in the next six weeks. Increased earnings as well as increased spending are both likely. (It goes out as fast as it comes in!)
sagittarius You're revved up and ready for action! Today Mars is moving into your sign, where it will stay until December. This super-boosts your energy and your aggression. (Yikes!)
capricorn Secret love affairs and private activities will be a strong focus for many of you in the next few months. You're being very private about something, aren't you?
aquarius Physical activity, especially in group situations, will delight you during the next six to eight weeks. However, competition with someone could lead to conflict. Be careful about this.
pisces Your ambition is aroused! You've decided that you really want to achieve something. This motivation will help you to impress bosses and VIPs, that's for sure.
aries Gifts, goodies and favors from others definitely will come your way today. Keep your pockets open! It's completely possible to benefit from the wealth and resources of others, including partners and close friends.
taurus Relations with partners and close friends are unusually smooth and friendly today. Enjoy good times. Casual relationships could become committed. Woo, woo.
gemini Relations with co-workers and clients at work are unusually friendly and warm today. People are glad to see you and vice versa. You might earn a raise or at least praise from others. Yay!
cancer This is a sexy, fun-loving, flirtatious day! New romance can blossom for many of you. Even casual social occasions will have an element of saucy, exciting fun!
leo Entertain at home today. All family gatherings will be warm and pleasant. This is also an excellent day to do redecorating projects or buy something beautiful for where you live.
virgo You can make money through your excellent communications today. Relations with siblings are warm and cozy. It's a great day for sales, writing, teaching and acting. Your words are smooth!
libra Trust your moneymaking ideas. You're in a creative, moneymaking mood! Some of you also will enjoy shopping for beautiful little treasures for yourself and loved ones.
scorpio This is a great day to shop for wardrobe items, because you like what you see in the mirror. You're unusually gracious and diplomatic. Everyone will enjoy your company.
sagittarius Solitude in beautiful surroundings will please you today. You want some peace and quiet, preferably in a park-like setting outdoors.
capricorn All group activities will be successful today whether they are little coffee klatches and small meetings, or big conferences and conventions. You enjoy the company of others, and vice versa.
aquarius Romance with a boss or someone older or more experienced might begin today for some of you. All of you will enjoy good relations with authority figures.
pisces Grab every opportunity to travel for pleasure. Others might get a chance to take a course or boost your education. Romance with someone from another country or culture could begin.
aries Be very careful with promises made to a family member today. You could go overboard! Make sure you can back up whatever you say. (Incidentally, stock the fridge if company is coming.)
taurus You feel enthusiastic and confident about things. However, your plans could change suddenly today. Interruptions could make things go south in a New York minute. Allow extra time for everything.
gemini This is a good day for business and commerce. Your moneymaking ideas are excellent, although perhaps a bit optimistic. Nevertheless, guard your money and your possessions against loss or theft.
cancer You feel nervous and jumpy today. Perhaps you're excited about something that's going to happen. An expectant feeling is in the air.
leo You feel excited today. Be careful that you don't overestimate things. Feelings of anticipation (a fun weekend or Halloween?) turn you on today.
virgo If you're in any kind of a group today (a meeting, a luncheon, a class or a big conference), something surprising and unexpected will occur. The meeting could be delayed or canceled. Or you might meet a real character!
libra Others might learn something surprising about you today. And by "others," I mean these people probably are people in authority, like your boss. Be prepared.
scorpio Travel plans might be changed, delayed or canceled today. Ditto for anything having to do with higher education in school. Double-check everything dealing with these areas!
sagittarius Make no assumptions when dealing with others about inheritances, insurance matters or anything you share or own jointly with someone. Things could quickly go awry! You might even lose something!
capricorn Friends and partners are full of surprises today. This should be some fun. Unless you're not in the mood for a surprise? (There's always that.)
aquarius Interruptions to your job are likely today, perhaps due to staff shortages, power outages, computer crashes or canceled appointments. Just allow yourself a lot of wiggle room to accommodate this.
pisces Sudden flirtations might make your day! Basically, this is a fun-loving day. However, it can be accident-prone for children in your care. Be vigilant.
aries This is a great day to make long-range plans about vacations, anything having to do with the arts, the hospitality industry, show business or raising children. Time for serious thinking!
taurus Home repairs will go well today. You want to tackle things in a practical, common-sense way so that these repairs will last long into the future.
gemini Choose work that requires attention to detail, because your discriminating faculties are sharp today. You won't miss a thing, and you'll finish whatever you begin.
cancer If shopping today, you will want to buy only practical items that will last for a long time. No frills! No ostrich boas. (Not today.)
leo Today the Moon is in your sign, which gives you a little edge over all the other signs. Use this to your advantage. (Today, you're more concerned with practical results than comfort.)
virgo Any kind of research will pay off for you today. You have the right temperament, the ability to concentrate and the energy to pay attention to detail. Go after what you want to know!
libra Listen to the advice of others who are older, wiser or more experienced than you. You might not follow what they recommend, but at least take what they say into consideration.
scorpio People in positions of authority are impressed with you today. They see you as reliable, honest and trustworthy.
sagittarius Make future plans for travel today, because you have the patience to sort through the details. Similarly, plans for further education, publishing and the media will go well.
capricorn Now is the time to tackle important discussions about shared property, taxes, debt or anything you own jointly with others. Wrap up red-tape details.
aquarius This is a good day to discuss the division of labor or how to share expenses with partners and close friends. People are in a serious, practical frame of mind.
pisces You can get a lot done at work today because you're in the right frame of mind. Tackle boring, routine tasks you might normally avoid. Just do it.
aries Yes, it's Halloween; however, there is also some other kind of deception or illusion going on today, especially with children or romantic partners. Keep your eyes open!
taurus Family members or people you live with are in a strange mood today. Some sort of confusion at home is likely. Be very careful with drugs and alcohol today. (You need your wits about you.)
gemini Interactions with others are subject to misunderstandings today. Make no assumptions! You erroneously might think someone doesn't like you. It's a strange and weird day!
cancer Double-check all your financial dealings today. If shopping, keep your receipts and count your change. Check your bill. Guard against loss or being forgetful about your belongings.
leo Today the Moon is in your sign, but it is directly opposite fuzzy Neptune. This creates confusion and misunderstandings in discussions with partners and close friends. Go carefully and slowly.
virgo Don't worry if you want to spend a lot of time today daydreaming. This is the perfect day for wool-gathering. "Trick or treat!"
libra If you think someone is not being entirely honest with you today, you might be right. Trust your gut reaction when talking to others. (But don't overreact.)
scorpio Relations with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs are confusing today. You might not know what others expect from you. In turn, they might misunderstand what you are doing. Be aware of this.
sagittarius Be extra clear about directions or information related to travel and anything having to do with the law, medicine or higher education. Confusion is rampant because people will jump to conclusions.
capricorn This is a poor day to discuss how to share anything. It's also not a good day to discuss jointly held property, inheritances or insurance matters.
aquarius Be patient with partners and close friends because misunderstandings can arise easily today. Conversations are like two ships passing in the night.
pisces Double-check all your work at your job today. Be watchful about infections, food poisoning and the misuse of drugs or alcohol. It's a tricky day.
aries Lovers feel unusually passionate today. Actually, you feel unusually passionate about practically anything. It's a passionate day!
taurus Relations with partners and close friends are intense today, but wonderfully so. Nothing is gray; everything is black and white. Everything matters.
gemini You might see marvelous new ways of doing things at work today. Others will see ways to improve their health. Lucky people will see both (as Geminis generally do)!
cancer This is a strong day for romance and love affairs. However, it is equally intense for sports events, show business and playful times with children. Remember to keep things light!
leo Trust your urge to improve where you live. You might see new uses for something. Or you might see a whole new approach on making your home more beautiful. Like wow!
virgo Something might happen that makes you truly appreciate the beauty in your everyday surroundings. You also might see how much love there is in your life. (Gosh.)
libra Be on the lookout for new ways to make money today, because they exist. Some of you will see totally new uses or different applications for something you already own.
scorpio There's no kidding about today. You feel intense! That's because Venus is in your sign, making a dance with your ruler, Pluto. You're definitely hot!
sagittarius You're full of resolve today about something that's important to you. You will not be put off. You have decided to go after what you want.
capricorn You might meet a new friend today who will change your point of view or even your worldview. It's not a passing, casual thing at all. (You will remember this person.)
aquarius Some of you might fall in love with your boss or develop a crush on an authority figure in your life. It might be your own private little dream, but nevertheless, it's there!
pisces You feel strongly about philosophical and religious issues today. Therefore, avoid arguments about politics or religion. However, flirtations with someone from another culture or a different country might intrigue you.
aries Expect interruptions at work today. Canceled appointments, staff shortages, computer crashes and equipment failures due to overuse are likely.
taurus This is an accident-prone day for your children. Parents should be extra vigilant. Aside from that, be cautious about overdoing partying!
gemini Your home routine will be interrupted today. Small appliances might break down. You might have too many mouths to feed. Something that is "excessive" will put a strain on your domestic schedule.
cancer This is an accident-prone day, so slow down and be careful. Allow extra time for everything. Don't shoot from the hip. Don't make promises you can't keep.
leo Be careful about financial transactions today. Keep your receipts. Guard against loss or theft. Check your bank account. Something unexpected might happen to your money or your possessions.
virgo You're tempted to do things in a big way today; however, it might get you in trouble! Do not overestimate something. Be a little more cautious.
libra Quite likely, you feel restless and a bit nervous today. Perhaps you're excited about something in the future. You have that feeling you're waiting for the other shoe to drop, and you hope it's the right size.
scorpio Friends will surprise you, especially in group situations today. You might want to leave the group or quit something as a result. Conversely, it could be an unexpected invitation!
sagittarius Your dealings with authority figures are subject to a few surprises today. The result could be that you feel rebellious or caught off guard, and you might want to quit your job. Don't overreact! Think this out.
capricorn Travel plans might be delayed, changed or interrupted in some way today. Ditto for anything having to do with higher education. Stay light on your feet!
aquarius Something that has to do with taxes, debt, shared property and the wealth or possessions of others is subject to change today. Keep your eyes peeled.
pisces A partner or close friend probably will surprise you today. Do not make excessive promises to anyone. And if anyone promises you the Moon, be very wary.
aries Relations with others, particularly partners and close friends, are depressing today. People are bummed out. Fortunately, this is short-lived.
taurus Others are inclined to be critical at work today. (You need this like a fish needs a bicycle.) Do your best just to keep things light and friendly.
gemini Romance is in the toilet today. Areas you'd hoped might be fun are disappointing. Similarly, you might feel critical when dealing with children. (Don't mention your concerns out loud.)
cancer It's tough dealing with family members today, especially female members, like Mom! Everyone is depressed and critical today. No big deal.
leo Don't fall into worry mode today, because it's easy to do this. Don't be critical about others, especially siblings and relatives. Instead, do routine work that requires attention to detail. You will do this well!
virgo If shopping today, buy practical items that last for a long time. You don't feel frivolous at all with your money. (Money? What money?)
libra You might feel lonely and cut off from others today. Ironically, you are probably the one who is raising a fence to protect yourself -- but instead, you're in a prison!
scorpio Work alone or behind the scenes today and stay focused on the task at hand. People feel a bit shut off from each other. Therefore, steady work is your best choice.
sagittarius Someone older or more experienced might be critical of you today. (This is always a lot of fun, isn't it?) Don't take this personally. The whole world is doing this today.
capricorn This is a poor day to deal with authority figures. If you ask for something, you will be rejected. People are not in a giving mood. Do not wake the sleeping giant.
aquarius Travel plans or something having to do with publishing, the media, higher education, medicine or the law could be disappointing today. Actually, this is a minor setback. Don't get your belly in a rash.
pisces News about shared property could be disappointing today. Try not to overreact to this. Don't give in to a "poor me" moment. This will pass quickly!
aries This is an excellent day to discuss inheritances, taxes, debt and how to deal with shared property. You have a good chance of coming out ahead! Yay!
taurus All conversations with partners and close friends will be upbeat and positive today. Not only that, in some way, you will benefit. Jump right in -- the water's fine!
gemini Your optimism definitely shines through at work today. Relations with groups, in particular, will be very successful. You can rally the troops!
cancer This is a marvelous day for sports, playful activities with children and social endeavors (including show business and the hospitality industry). You feel like a winner!
leo Family conversations are friendly and positive today. This is a great day to entertain at home. Invite the gang over for pizza and beer. This is also a good day to explore real estate deals.
virgo It's a great day for actors, teachers, writers, salespeople and anyone who communicates for living. It's also wonderful for those who drive for a living. Positive vibes are everywhere!
libra Business and commerce definitely are blessed today. Trust your moneymaking ideas. Don't be afraid to play a long shot. Your confidence in yourself makes others believe in you as well.
scorpio Today your glass is definitely half-full. You feel positive and enthusiastic about your future. This kind of enthusiasm is contagious!
sagittarius Behind-the-scenes plans look promising. You are quietly enthusiastic about something. (Fingers crossed!)
capricorn All your dealings with groups will be unusually positive today. People are happy to see you, and vice versa. You are sure enthusiastic about your goals.
aquarius What a difference a day makes! This is a wonderful day to talk to bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs and even the police. All your exchanges will be positive and upbeat. Looking good!
pisces Now travel plans look positive. Similarly, your plans for higher education, publishing and the media also look extremely good. In addition, matters related to medicine and the law will be in your favor. Whoopee!
aries During this New Moon, you can benefit by thinking about how to best handle loose details relating to taxes, debt and, especially, shared property. What can you do to improve these areas?
taurus Today's New Moon is the perfect time to think about how you can improve your partnerships and closest friendships. Be honest with yourself. You are the one who will benefit!
gemini What can you do to improve your job and also your health? Is there something you can stop doing? Is there something you can start doing?
cancer This is the perfect day to think about how you can improve your relationships with your children. As for others, you might think about how to express your creativity.
leo Every New Moon is a chance to make new resolutions. What can you do to improve your home and also to improve your relationships with family members?
virgo Are you clear in all your communication with others? Is there something you can do to communicate better? Perhaps be more aware of listening to others?
libra You often avoid thinking about money. Today is the time to ask yourself how you can boost your income and more efficiently handle the money you have.
scorpio Take a realistic look in the mirror. What kind of report card would you give yourself? What can you do to improve your appearance?
sagittarius Try to clean up loose details in your private life. Messy details at home or wherever only drag down your energy. It's time to clean up your act!
capricorn Are you happy with the friends you have? Do you hang out with quality people? Remember that the way to make friends is to be friendly!
aquarius This is a good day to ponder what your attitude to authority is. By nature, you are rather rebellious. Does this attitude get in the way?
pisces What kind of further training or education can you get to enrich your life? Perhaps you can do this through travel? Think about this today. This is the perfect time for new resolutions.
aries Something unusual or unexpected might occur with something related to inheritances, insurance matters or shared property. You might be caught off guard by something.
taurus Partners and close friends might surprise you about something today. Somebody might start making noise about wanting more freedom or more space. (Oh, no, that again?)
gemini Interruptions to your workday are very likely today. Computer crashes, power outages, equipment breakdowns and staff shortages are just some examples. Ouch. Be prepared.
cancer This is an accident-prone day for children in your care or your own kids. Therefore, be extra vigilant and observant. Also be extra patient. (This is also a very rocky day for romance.)
leo Something unexpected is going to occur today with your home scene. Small appliances might break down. Surprise company might drop by. It could be anything. (Stock the fridge.)
virgo This is definitely an accident-prone day, so be careful. Slow down and take extra precautions. Don't be hasty. Think before you speak or act.
libra Keep an eye on your money today. You might find money; you might lose money. Similarly, guard against theft or loss of your possessions. Forewarned is forearmed!
scorpio This is a classic day for all kinds of sudden and unexpected events to occur. Therefore, allow lots of wiggle room in your day! If the unexpected happens, you can cope with it.
sagittarius Think twice before you do anything today. Matters are very uncertain, and many people are accident-prone. In addition, with Mars in your sign now, you are eager to act. Look before you leap!
capricorn A friend or a member of a group might do or say something that surprises you today. Alternatively, you might meet a real character today. (Oh well, things aren't boring.)
aquarius Don't quit your day job. Something unexpected will happen today, especially with authority figures. Just play it cool.
pisces Travel plans and something that has to do with higher education are not dependable today. Be flexible and go along with changes, delays or cancellations. (And things were looking so good yesterday! What happened?)
aries An unusual planetary configuration will beautifully improve your closest relationships until February of next year. What a blessing for you!
taurus Many of you have a wonderful opportunity to improve your job or to get a raise in the next few months. By all means, make the most of this!
gemini Love affairs, romance, vacations and joyful times with children are yours for the rest of the year. (Santa Claus is coming early for Geminis!)
cancer Many of you will be keen to do redecorating projects in the next few months. This could be because you plan on increased entertaining at home.
leo Your schmooze skills with others, especially siblings and relatives, will greatly improve from now until the rest of the year. Short trips, plus reading and writing, will delight.
virgo Things are going to pick up for you, financially speaking! In the next three months, you might come up with ways to boost your income. Furthermore, opportunities to buy beautiful things will come, too!
libra This is an increasingly fortunate time for you, and you can feel it. It's almost as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Things will improve for the rest of the year. (Whew!)
scorpio You have an excellent run ahead until about March of next year. (Actually, Scorpios haven't had this much good luck in eight years.)
sagittarius For various reasons, some of you will be more in touch with your belief systems or your private spiritual self. Yoga, meditation and just contemplating your navel will appeal to you in the next few months.
capricorn Friendships can turn into romantic liaisons during the next few months. You're going to enjoy schmoozing with others!
aquarius Romance with someone older or richer might very well take place in the next several months. You have a chance to improve your image in the world as well.
pisces Travel for pleasure between now and March looks promising! Ditto for anything having to do with publishing, the media, medicine, the law and higher education.
aries Be very careful about going overboard today, especially in discussions about politics, religion or racial issues. A little less bravado; a little more facts. (Ya think?)
taurus Don't give away the store today. When it comes to dividing something or discussing inheritances, be circumspect and prudent (which you generally are).
gemini Refrain from making promises to others, especially VIPs or partners, in order to get out of a bad situation. You'll only regret this later.
cancer Something excessive might happen at work today. You might promise too much to somebody, or somebody might promise too much to you. Be on the lookout for this.
leo Even too much of a good thing is too much. Be careful about going overboard when partying and having a good time. Be extra careful when taking care of children as well. Be sensible.
virgo You likely will enjoy entertaining at home today. Family vibes are positive. Everyone is doing things in a big way. You can have fun!
libra This is a great day to enjoy the company of others. Short trips, in particular, will please you. However, don't agree to anything if you think it's not possible. "Excess" is in the air.
scorpio Be cautious with all financial dealings today because you might go overboard in some way. You might spend too much for something. You might expect more than you get.
sagittarius You don't feel like working today -- quite the opposite. Guard against foolish generosity and extravagance. Ditto for overeating. (It's one of those days.)
capricorn You really want to just kick back and relax today. You're throwing caution to the wind. You don't even want to obey the rules. (Oh dear.)
aquarius If somebody says something that's too good to be true, believe me -- it is. This is a classic day for exaggeration and pie-in-the-sky thinking.
pisces Be careful in discussions with authority figures. Do not promise more than you can deliver. Pull your punches. Be conservative in your estimates of everything. (That way you likely will be more correct.)
aries It's easy to make a wonderful impression on others today. A flirtation or new relationship with someone older, richer or more worldly could develop. (Might be your boss?)
taurus Grab every opportunity to travel today. (This could promote you in some way.) Similarly, grab every opportunity to get further training or education.
gemini Gifts, goodies and favors from others can come to you today. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Just say, "thank you!"
cancer This is a wonderful day for important discussions with partners, close friends and family members. Whatever you decide upon could favorably affect real estate issues or anything having to do with your family and personal life.
leo Things go well at work today. You also feel healthy and robust. Communication with co-workers and customers is positive and unusually productive.
virgo This is a playful, pleasant day with sports, working with children, vacations, artistic events, fun times and, above all, flirtations. Enjoy yourself! Go for the gusto!
libra Relations with family members are positive today, especially relations with authority figures, like parents. This is also a great day for real estate deals and improving your home. "Fresh flowers!"
scorpio Your deep instincts are to be trusted today. Go with you gut reactions. As you speak to others, especially siblings and relatives, you'll know what to do.
sagittarius Money and financial issues are easily settled with groups, friends and casual acquaintances. In fact, all group situations seem to agree with you today. (Don't question this; just accept it.)
capricorn This is a very powerful day for you. Count your lucky stars! Not only are you powerful, but your ability to deal with authority figures is excellent. What more do you want?
aquarius You might see ways to make improvements to travel plans or anything connected with publishing, the media and higher education. Your brain is very sharp today!
pisces The resources of others (including a partner or close friend) can help you today. In fact, all group situations -- whether small meetings or big conferences -- will benefit you.
aries This is a poor day to ask for permission or approval from authority figures, including parents and teachers. Why? The answer likely will be, "Talk to the hand." (Bummer.)
taurus Travel plans might be disappointing. Don't ask for favors from anyone in higher education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Keep a low profile.
gemini You might be discouraged about the high cost of something related to children, social events, the arts or sports. Even romance might seem a bit onerous today.
cancer Power struggles with partners, authority figures or even family members could be a bummer today. Steer clear of this. Just do your job. Keep it simple.
leo The criticism of someone older or in a position of power might discourage you today. This is likely to happen at work, although it could even be something related to your health. Don't worry -- this is a brief setback.
virgo Fun plans might be canceled today, probably due to the high cost of something. It sounds like a good time, but it's just too pricey!
libra Discussions with authority figures, especially parents, might be discouraging today. Family matters seem to be burdensome. (It was ever thus.)
scorpio It's easy to fall into worry mode today, but this is anti-productive. "Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but gets you nowhere."
sagittarius Why is there always so much month left at the end of the money? That's how you feel today. (Things go better tomorrow.)
capricorn Pessimism is rampant today. People in authority are grumpy and uncooperative. It's hard to know what to do. (In cases like this, do nothing.)
aquarius You might feel lonely or cut off from others today. Don't let this get you down. Actually, a lot of people feel like this today. (It's the Moon.)
pisces Discussions about shared property, especially through e-mails, will not go well today. Therefore, avoid these if you can. Just stick to the matters at hand and don't go looking for approval from anyone.
aries You suddenly might be in the limelight for some reason today, especially by coming to the notice of bosses, parents and VIPs. Fear not. You look good!
taurus Unexpected opportunities to travel or to do something with higher education might come your way today. If this is the case, act quickly, because your window of opportunity will be brief.
gemini Gifts, goodies and favors might come your way today. If you like what you see, grab it quickly!
cancer Partners and close friends are full of surprises today. Somebody might want more independence or suggest travel for either you or them. Go!
leo Your daily routine at work will have a few surprises today. Glitches due to technology, computer crashes, power outages and cancellations are likely.
virgo Love at first sight might take place today. Eyes across a crowded room and all that. Surprise flirtations are exciting! (Please note: This is an accident-prone day for your children.)
libra Unusual purchases for your home or a family member are possible today. Quite likely, they are related to technology, computers or game platforms.
scorpio This is a pleasant, optimistic, upbeat day. However, it's also an accident-prone day. Therefore, keep your eyes open! Expect to zig when things should zag.
sagittarius Keep an eye on your money today. In one way, this is a good day for business and commerce. However, you also might lose money or go overboard in some way. Be careful!
capricorn You feel freedom-loving and adventurous today. Just be sure this doesn't get you into trouble. Have fun, but don't bite off more than you can chew. (You know who you are.)
aquarius There is an interesting undercurrent today that makes you feel excited and restless about life. (You might know why, or you might not.) Money could fall from the sky today. Ka-ching!
pisces A female acquaintance likely will surprise you today, but hopefully, in a positive way. Listen to what this person says, because she might cause you to change your mind about something. (And the change might be good.)
aries Listen to the advice of someone older or more experienced today, probably a female acquaintance. This person has something valuable to impart to you.
taurus Some aspect of your private life will be made public today. However, fear not, because others see you as conscientious, reliable and honest. (This is great press!)
gemini This is the perfect day to make long-range plans about travel, higher education or anything having to do with publishing, the media, medicine and the law. You're in a practical, sensible frame of mind.
cancer Now is the time to decide how to share inheritances, shared property or settle matters about insurance, taxes and debt. You know what you're doing.
leo You will have to go more than halfway when talking to others today, but it's OK. People are logical, fair-minded and seeking practical solutions.
virgo This is a productive day at work! Tackle duties that require attention to detail. Don't be afraid to do things that are routine and boring.
libra Plan ahead for vacations and matters related to sports, show business and the hospitality industry. Even fun stuff needs serious, detailed planning. (Today is the day for this sort of thing.)
scorpio Listen to older family members today or people who have more experience than you. This is a good day to discuss the practical aspects of family matters or real estate deals.
sagittarius You're in a sensible frame of mind today. You have the concentration, perseverance and ability to notice details. Others are impressed with what you have to say.
capricorn If shopping today, you will buy only practical items that will last for a long time. You will not be frivolous with your financial decisions. (Oh no!)
aquarius It's very easy for you to accept tasks and duties, whether you want to do them or not. Your physical comfort is of lesser importance. Getting the job done is what matters.
pisces You're willing to put the needs and interests of others before your own today. You don't mind taking a back seat, because you're totally results-oriented.
aries This is a wonderfully social day! Do get out and schmooze so that you can enjoy the company of others. Partners and friends also will enjoy meeting each other.
taurus Co-workers and customers are cooperative at work today. In fact, everyone and everything will flow quite smoothly. Expect compliments and possibly even a raise.
gemini Romance with someone from another culture or a different country might blossom today. If you have a chance to travel anywhere, grab this brief opportunity. You want fun and adventure!
cancer Assistance, gifts and favors from others can benefit you at home. Or perhaps a family member benefits. Something will help you to make your home scene more attractive.
leo This is a successful day when it comes to dealing with partners and close friends. Even schmoozing with the general public will be a positive experience. Enjoy this friendly popularity.
virgo Everything related to your job, and even your health, feels unusually positive today. You might want to research the relative cost of vitamins and other wellness products. (You could learn a lot.)
libra What a wonderful day for romance! Flirtations, parties, sports and playful activities with children will delight you. It's time for fun!
scorpio This is an excellent day to entertain at home. It's also a good day for redecorating projects or anything having to do with real estate. Family discussions will be positive as well.
sagittarius Writers, teachers, actors and those of you who drive for a living can have a positive and successful day today. Basically, your positive frame of mind makes you a winner.
capricorn Business and commerce are blessed today. Trust your moneymaking ideas. Purchases of computers or other technology-related items will please you.
aquarius Today the Moon is in your sign, making a lovely aspect to other planets. This is why you feel friendly and sociable to everyone. Enjoy the good times!
pisces You feel quietly content with the world today. You trust in your future. You have a warm feeling in your tummy. In fact, others are ready to help you today. (What's not to like?)
aries You can make enormous strides in areas related to publishing, the media, medicine and the law. This is also a fabulous day for travel plans and exploring opportunities related to higher education.
taurus Discussions about shared property will go well today. You're in the right frame of mind to defend your best interests. Just do whatever needs to be done.
gemini Cooperate with others about joint projects today. You're willing to listen to others and consider their approach to things. Your concerns are simply practical and realistic.
cancer Because you will do everything today with patience and diligence, you can get a lot done at work! You're not a slacker. Quite the opposite; you're a hard worker!
leo All sports-related activities will be highly productive today. It's also a productive day for people who work in show business and the hospitality industries. Yahoo!
virgo Family businesses can thrive today! People are willing to cooperate with each other because tomorrow's results are more important than today's rewards. (You're taking a long-range view of things.)
libra This is an unusually successful day for those of you who sell, market, teach, act or drive for a living. You're assertive, confident and forward-thinking.
scorpio Trust your moneymaking ideas. This is a good day for business and commerce. You will defend your best interests, and systematically go after what you want.
sagittarius Any kind of physical workout will be productive for you today. You have a lot of stamina and endurance. Others will use this same energetic influence to work hard.
capricorn Behind-the-scenes or secretive activities will be very productive today. What you do today will have positive benefits for a long time in the future.
aquarius Your efforts on behalf of someone older or more experienced will be appreciated. Any kind of group effort will benefit you in the future.
pisces You're ambitious today! Furthermore, your ambition will pay off. Choose work that requires attention to detail or perhaps working with hard materials, like metal or stone.
aries You have an opportunity to bask in the generosity of others today. People are good to you today! Partners in particular might give you things. Keep your pockets open.
taurus This is a wonderful day for dealing with friends and partners. People are upbeat and happy to see you. All your dealings with others will be positive and mutually friendly.
gemini You feel great today! You feel healthy and energetic. You couldn't pick a better day to start off your week. It's a positive day at work as well.
cancer Make sure you take time off to have fun today, because this is the day for pleasure! Love affairs, romance, sporting events and playful activities with children are excellent choices. Enjoy!
leo This is a happy day for you. You feel good at home, and you feel good dealing with family. It's a marvelous day for real estate as well.
virgo Because you're in such a positive frame of mind, you'd be excellent at selling, teaching, marketing, acting and persuading anyone to do anything today. No one can resist you!
libra Business and commerce will go extremely well today. Trust your moneymaking ideas. This is a very good day for financial transactions.
scorpio You feel so hopeful and optimistic about your future, you have a warm feeling in your tummy. It's a good day to take stock of your life. How do things look?
sagittarius You can see the big picture and overall patterns today. It's as if you feel wiser. In another way, you also feel lucky! (What's new?)
capricorn What a popular day! All your dealings with others, especially with groups, will be unusually positive and optimistic. There's a feeling of peace and harmony with others. Use this energy to do good.
aquarius You make a fabulous impression on bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs today. People are attracted to your enthusiasm and optimism. You look like a winner!
pisces You're so excited about travel opportunities today. Similarly, publishing, higher education, the media, medicine and the law all offer wonderful chances to promote your good name. Grab them!
aries You feel unusually restless today. You have a feeling like you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. (Let's hope it's the same size as the last one. Then you'll have a pair.) Relax; take it easy.
taurus A friend, likely a female acquaintance, might say or do something that surprises you today. Whatever happens could make you alter your future goals. You might make a new friend.
gemini You suddenly could be in the limelight, especially with respect to bosses, VIPs, parents and teachers. (This also includes the police.) Be aware of this. Look sharp.
cancer Travel plans might be canceled or changed today. Ditto for anything having to do with higher education. You want more freedom of thought and activity. (You're restless!)
leo Surprise gifts or goodies might come to you from others today, especially partners. Something unpredictable will take place related to shared property, taxes, debt and anything that is jointly owned.
virgo Partners and close friends are unpredictable today! Someone might want more freedom or more space. Perhaps this person is you.
libra Expect disruptions to your job today due to computer crashes, power outages, staff shortages and canceled appointments. Just wing it as best you can, but know that your normal routine will be interrupted.
scorpio Parents should be extra vigilant about their children today because today is an accident-prone day for your kids. Surprise flirtations could trigger new relationships. (Exciting!)
sagittarius Be careful at home today, because minor breakages might occur or small appliances could break down. Family members might be touchy; therefore, be patient in order to avoid conflict.
capricorn This is definitely an accident-prone day for your sign. Slow down and take it easy. Be careful about whatever you say or do. Think before you speak.
aquarius Keep an eye on your money today. You might find money; you might lose money. Guard your possessions against loss or theft. However, you might have genius-like moneymaking ideas!
pisces You're impulsive and ready for action today. Guard against hasty, snap judgments. You feel a bit rebellious; you don't want others telling you what to do. Not today!
aries This is a fabulous day for study of any kind, especially study related to higher education -- universities, colleges and technical schools. You have excellent powers of concentration today!
taurus You couldn't pick a better day to sit down and sort through details about inheritances, shared property, insurance matters, debt and taxes. You won't overlook anything today!
gemini Discussions with partners and close friends will be practical, profitable and productive today. Your mind is on serious matters because you want results.
cancer This is a wonderfully productive day at work. Choose the kind of routine work you normally might avoid. You'll pay attention to the details, and you'll keep slogging away until your task is done.
leo Serious discussions with others about the care or education of children will go well today. Others might make long-range plans about vacations.
virgo This is a good day to tackle repairs at home. Similarly, serious discussions also can repair rifts in family relationships. (People are willing to listen.)
libra You will work very carefully on any mental task at hand today. You have wonderful powers of concentration and an eye for detail. Tiny things will not overwhelm you.
scorpio Because you have a conservative view about finances today, this is a good day to balance checkbooks, pay bills and assess your financial picture. You have the patience to wade through all this red tape!
sagittarius You will survey your environment today and wonder how you can make improvements. That's because you want to fix up things, repair things and have everything running more smoothly.
capricorn Your ability to research anything or find solutions to old problems is excellent today. Put on your thinking cap, and get busy!
aquarius Someone older or more experienced than you might have good advice for you today. Why not listen? After all, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Use whatever you can!
pisces Discussions with bosses and authority figures will go well today. Both parties have the patience to hear the other person out. Practical solutions are your objective.
aries You might be surprised by gifts, goodies and favors that come your way today. You can benefit from the wealth and resources of others, perhaps even indirectly through your partner.
taurus Partners and close friends might surprise you with their suggestions of greater freedom in your relationship. Or they might do something unusual that really catches you off guard.
gemini The introduction of new technology where you work is likely today. Something will happen that gives you a sense of greater freedom. (You're all for making things better and easier for everyone!)
cancer Sudden opportunities to go on a vacation, to explore a new romance or to excel in a sport exist for you today. (However, today is also mildly accident-prone for children. Be careful.)
leo The introduction of high-tech toys to your home might be exciting today. Someone unusual or different might come to your home. This is not a typical day.
virgo You're full of new ideas, in large measure because you're encountering new and unusual people today. Conversations with others make you think out of the box.
libra Pay attention to moneymaking ideas that you have today, because they could be clever. It's a great day to start a new job. Be open to new offers to earn money.
scorpio Life has an exciting quality to it today! Get out and do something. Meet new people and enjoy adventurous, new situations.
sagittarius You're not hiding anything today. In fact, others might be surprised at how frank you are, even about secrets. You have a heightened perception of everything today. "I see dead people."
capricorn New friends and introductions are exciting. These people are unorthodox or different in some way, which makes this an interesting day for you!
aquarius Bosses and authority figures might have unusual suggestions for you. Surprise promotions or the permission to do something might amaze you.
pisces Grab every opportunity to travel or to get further education that drops in your lap today. Your window of opportunity will be brief, so act fast! In other words, you snooze, you lose.
aries You might see a completely new or different use for something you own today. You're a naturally resourceful person, and today, you are especially so!
taurus Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself what you can do to improve your appearance. After all, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
gemini Solitude, moments of meditation or peace and quiet will benefit you today. Others will use this same energy to research something or quietly look for answers.
cancer You might meet somebody who is very powerful today. In fact, this person could influence you to change your mind about something. (Quite likely, this person is a female.)
leo You have a wonderful opportunity to improve your reputation today, especially in the eyes of powerful people. Something about your private life will come to the attention of bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs.
virgo You might want to change travel plans or make major changes to school ideas or something having to do with publishing, the media, medicine and the law. You might even change your religious views just a little bit today. (Curious.)
libra Look for new uses for something that you share with others. Or perhaps a new method of fundraising or ways of using something that someone else owns will occur to you.
scorpio You have a strong desire to improve your closest relationships and partnerships today. Be careful; this could come across as meddling.
sagittarius Introduce reforms and ways to improve things at work today. You definitely will see something. Let's hope others listen to you.
capricorn You feel passionate and flirtatious today. Ideally, you want to be adored or admired. If you're involved in sports, you'll go for the gusto!
aquarius Look for ways to improve your home today, because they certainly exist. Get rid of clutter and garbage. Look for new uses and applications of things you already own.
pisces You're extremely convincing today! This is an excellent day for those of you in sales, marketing, acting or teaching.
aries This is a fabulous day for study. You're curious about other cultures, different places and how to travel somewhere new. It's a good day for publishing, the media, medicine and the law.
taurus You have all the mental energy you need to debate or dig into details about inheritances, shared property, taxes, insurance matter and debt. Roll up your sleeves and get busy!
gemini If you debate anything with a partner or close friend today, it will be a close call! Others are coming on like gangbusters! (Good luck holding your ground.)
cancer You're productive at work today because you have lots of mental energy! You're quick to think of bright ideas and ways to do things more efficiently.
leo What a creative day! Enjoy sports, the arts, show business, fun, flirtatious activities and playful times with children. What a great day to have fun!
virgo Act on your energy and drive to clean up things at home. You might want to push furniture around and make a real difference. You've got ideas about improving everything! (Oh my.)
libra Relations with siblings and relatives will be high-spirited today! In fact, all your conversations with everyone will be packed with energy and optimism. You mean what you say, and you say what you mean!
scorpio Trust your moneymaking ideas today. You got a lot of energy that you're throwing into some kind of financial situation. You know what you want to get out of this, don't you? Cash!
sagittarius With Mercury and Mars both lined up in your sign, you're unstoppable today. You can win any case you present. You also can edit, study or explain anything to anyone.
capricorn Whatever work you do behind the scenes will be extremely productive today. You have lots of energy for research. (Oh yeah!)
aquarius Group activities are lively today! You want others to hear what you have to say. Actually, do they have a choice?
pisces You might win any confrontation with the head honcho today. Nevertheless, be careful. Why threaten someone in power? (Think about this.)
aries Today's Full Moon likely will create financial problems for you. At the very least, you will be pulled between wanting to save money and wanting to spend money. And possibly, wanting to earn it!
taurus Things might be a bit difficult today because the Full Moon today is in your sign! This means you will have to be more patient with partners and close friends. No question.
gemini You're a bit restless today, because you're not sure whose interests to put first -- your own or those of others? It's important to keep people happy. (And easier for you as well, no?)
cancer Avoid arguments with friends, especially in group situations. This might occur today simply because of the Full Moon. Let this energy pass. (Wait a few days.)
leo Don't get tangled up in messy discussions with bosses, parents and authority figures. Today's Full Moon will backfire against you! Easy does it.
virgo Avoid discussions about politics, religion and racial issues today. They will become heated very quickly because of the energy of today's Full Moon.
libra This is too emotional a day to have important discussions about inheritances, shared property and the like. Table these discussions for a few days.
scorpio The Full Moon today is directly opposite your sign, which makes it difficult to talk to others. Therefore, play it cool. (You can do this.)
sagittarius Be extra patient with others at work today, because the Full Moon energy can make people emotional! Don't make a big deal about anything. (This means you.)
capricorn Be patient with children today. Naturally, they feel the energy of that Full Moon as much as you do. Even animals do! Stay mellow.
aquarius Discussions with family members, especially parents, are a bit emotional today because of the Full Moon. Keep this in mind. Stay calm and relaxed.
pisces Resist the urge to argue or to show others that you are right about something. Today's Full Moon will only make everyone upset with you. (You need this like a fish needs a bicycle.) Therefore, relax.
aries Grab every opportunity to travel in the next six weeks. You'll love it! Similarly, explore opportunities with education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law.
taurus In the month ahead, you'll be more interested in the wealth and resources of others. It seems to be the right time to settle situations regarding shared property.
gemini Try to get more sleep during the next six weeks. You'll feel more tired, and you must respect this. You also can learn more about how you relate to those who are closest to you.
cancer In the month ahead, you're gung-ho to get better organized. You want to be efficient, effective and more productive. Do whatever you can to make this happen.
leo The next six weeks are your turn to play! Slip away on a vacation. Enjoy flirtations, romance, the arts and playful times with children.
virgo Now your attention turns to home, family and domestic matters. In the month ahead, decorating projects will interest you.
libra Fasten your seatbelts, because the month ahead will be busy! Short trips, errands and discussions with everyone will keep you running.
scorpio For different reasons, your focus on money, earnings, cash flow and major purchases will increase during the next six weeks. Money, money, money! (Don't go overboard.)
sagittarius Ta-da! Your birthday month has arrived. With the Sun in your sign, it's your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Enjoy this time ahead. Grab opportunities that come your way!
capricorn Now is the time to plan quietly, behind the scenes, what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be all about. Take a back seat and give this some serious thought.
aquarius You're popular! Everyone wants to see your face. During the next six weeks, accept invitations and get out and schmooze with everyone!
pisces The Sun is now high in your chart, acting like a spotlight on you. This is why others notice you more than usual, especially bosses and VIPs. Looking good!
aries This is an accident-prone day. Therefore, slow down and take extra time with everything. Do not rush. Do not be hasty. Think before you speak or act.
taurus Guard your money and your possessions today. Things are unpredictable with respect to financial matters. You might find money; you might lose money. Possessions could be broken or stolen.
gemini You feel at odds with yourself today. You're extremely stimulated, yet restless. You're not sure what to do next. Guard against making hasty judgments or pronouncements.
cancer In a way, today might be a bit nerve-racking for you. Don't worry if you can't figure out why; it's sort of like spores in the air. Fortunately, life returns to normal later in the week.
leo A friend, especially in a group situation, might surprise you completely today. Alternatively, you might meet someone new who is bizarre or unorthodox.
virgo Be very careful in all your dealings with authority figures today, because they might do or say something that alarms you, or vice versa. Don't quit your day job. Just ride this one out.
aries Expect changes to travel plans and itineraries as well as changes to schedules of higher learning. People from other countries might do something that catches you off guard.
libra Expect changes to travel plans and itineraries as well as changes to schedules of higher learning. People from other countries might do something that catches you off guard.
scorpio Make sure you know what you're doing if you are responsible for the property of somebody else. Surprises having to do with your partner's income also are likely.
sagittarius People are unpredictable and rebellious today. It's very easy to make rash statements that are only half thought out. Don't judge if someone else does this.
capricorn Computer crashes, power outages, equipment failures, canceled appointments and staff shortages are just some of the things that will plague your day at work. Easy does it. Take a deep breath.
aquarius Parents take note: This is an accident-prone day for your children or for children in your care. Be extra vigilant! Romance is also rocky today. Caution against sports accidents.
pisces Minor appliances might break down today. It's hard to keep domestic harmony because people will say thoughtless things and act impulsively. (Oh dear.)
aries Avoid important family discussions today. This is also a poor day to ask for permission or approval from a parent. Just keep things light.
taurus You might be worried today. Just remember that old saying: "Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but gets you nowhere." Totally true.
gemini Financial matters are a bit gloomy today. Perhaps something costs more than you thought, or your money runs out before the end of the month. Hang in there.
cancer You might be a bit more emotional because the Moon is in your sign today. It's making a dance with stern Saturn, which makes everyone feel reserved, cool and a bit depressed. (Oh dear.)
leo Work alone or behind the scenes today. Give yourself a little treat. Ice cream? Dark chocolate? It's one of those days where you need to have a little pick-me-up. (Yummy.)
virgo Someone older or more experienced might be critical of you today. What's the point of this? Don't give it any thought. Nobody's perfect.
libra This is definitely a poor day to talk to authority figures, especially if you want permission or approval for something. All you'll get is, "Talk to the hand."
scorpio Something having to do with travel, higher education, medicine, the law or even publishing and the media might discourage you today. Don't let this get you down. Tomorrow is another day.
sagittarius You might be disappointed with your fair share of something. If something is being divided, others might be stingy with you today. Hold your ground.
capricorn Dealings with close friends and partners are a bit stiff and difficult today, because that's how people feel! Everyone is in a bit of a funk.
aquarius Relations with co-workers are disappointing today. Therefore, don't ask for favors or help. Just get along on your own if you can.
pisces Romance is in the toilet today. Matters related to sports, vacations and the care of children seem to be disappointing as well. Hey -- this is just a temporary dark cloud on your horizon. By Friday, things are better.
aries You're excited about travel plans! Something with foreign countries, higher education and, possibly, publishing and the media makes you excited today. You've got something to look forward to.
taurus If you're dividing something or dealing with inheritances or shared property, be careful you don't go overboard. Generosity is good, but so is a healthy self-interest.
gemini If somebody is promising something that seems to be too good to be true, then it probably is too good to be true. People are inclined to be excessive today.
cancer What a different day from yesterday! Co-workers and others are supportive, even if they can't follow through on their good intentions.
leo Be careful playing a long shot today; something might look better than it is. However, this is a great day to socialize and enjoy fun, playful times with others, especially children.
virgo Be reasonable when making promises to family members today. (They never forget.) Today is upbeat; however, it's easy to promise more than you can deliver.
libra You might be sloppy with details today. It's easy to overlook little things. You're absorbed with the big picture -- and so is everyone else.
scorpio Be careful about overestimating financial situations today. Don't think you can afford to buy something if you really can't. (Don't count your chickens before they're barbecued.)
sagittarius Today you feel optimistic and positive about life! You want to make big plans! Your enthusiasm about something will carry you through all the little problems.
capricorn This is not an ideal day for research. It's very easy to be too casual with details. People are inclined to overlook little things today because they're focusing on what's happening in the future.
aquarius All group activities will be fun-filled and joyful today. People want to have a good time! Accept invitations that come your way.
pisces This is a positive day for most people; however, there is a tiny snag. It's easy to bite off more than you can chew. Be careful about agreeing to deadlines with bosses and authority figures.
aries This is a lovely day for you! Aries is a Fire sign, and today the Moon is in Leo, which is also a Fire sign, and the Sun is in Sagittarius, the third (and last) Fire sign. Everything fits for you!
leo This is a lovely day for you! Aries is a Fire sign, and today the Moon is in Leo, which is also a Fire sign, and the Sun is in Sagittarius, the third (and last) Fire sign. Everything fits for you!
sagittarius This is a lovely day for you! Aries is a Fire sign, and today the Moon is in Leo, which is also a Fire sign, and the Sun is in Sagittarius, the third (and last) Fire sign. Everything fits for you!
taurus This is an excellent day for real estate deals. It's also an excellent day for family functions, entertaining at home and talking to family members. Enjoy!
gemini What a wonderful day for sales, teaching, acting, marketing and driving for a living. You're upbeat and positive in all your communications.
cancer Business and commerce are favored today. Trust your moneymaking ideas. In addition, if you're shopping, you will buy things for yourself or loved ones that will please you.
leo What a great day for you! The Moon is in your sign, and it feels good. A bit of extra luck is coming your way today. Party, schmooze, enjoy sports and sociable occasions.
virgo Time spent alone or behind the scenes will delight you today. You need to kick back and relax. Try to find some down time just for you, even if it's only 15 minutes!
libra This is a wonderful day to enjoy the company of others, especially in group settings. Tell people about your hopes and dreams for the future. (See what they say.)
scorpio Relations with authority figures are excellent today. Now is the time to ask for what you want. You just might get it!
sagittarius Try to do something different today. Shake it up a little! You're eager for adventure and the opportunity to learn something new. Go someplace you've never been before.
capricorn Gifts, goodies, favors and perks from other people will come your way today. Keep your pockets open!
aquarius Relations with partners and close friends are unusually warm and friendly today. Nevertheless, be prepared to go more than halfway when dealing with others. (It won't take much.)
pisces Co-workers, clients and customers are all supportive today. This is an easy day at work. You feel invigorated, boisterous and healthy today.
aries Expect travel plans or anything having to do with higher education to be interrupted, canceled or delayed. Even matters related to publishing, the media, medicine and the law might change suddenly.
taurus Make friends with your bank account today. Something unexpected could occur. Similarly, double-check everything if you're responsible for the wealth or possessions of others.
gemini Someone close to you likely will surprise you today. This is the kind of day when people say things that will blow you out of the water. Be prepared.
cancer Something will go sideways at work today. Expect computer crashes, canceled appointments, staff shortages or fire drills. Give yourself some wiggle room today.
leo Parents must be extra vigilant because this is an accident-prone day for your kids. It's also an accident-prone day for everyone regarding sports, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry.
virgo Small appliances might break down today. Minor breakages could occur. This same kind of energy could provoke domestic arguments. Therefore, be patient with family members.
libra Without question, this is an accident-prone day. Therefore, allow yourself extra time while you're doing everything. Do nothing in haste. Slow down. Be alert.
scorpio An unpredictable element can wreak havoc with your financial scene today. Guard your money. You might find money; you might lose money. Protect your possessions against theft or loss. (You get the picture.)
sagittarius You're nervous and excitable today. There is high energy all around you, and plans are constantly changing. Stay light on your feet, and be ready to jump in any direction.
capricorn You're restless today because a vague, nervous energy seems to underlie everything. Don't worry about this. Everyone feels it, too, in one way or another.
aquarius Expect a few surprises when you're dealing with others today, especially in group situations. Meetings could be canceled or changed. People could change their stance or position on issues. It's a crapshoot.
pisces Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will surprise you today. Just be ready for this. It could provoke a response in you that makes you want to throw in the towel.
aries Look for ways to improve your health today, because they exist. Some of you will see ways to improve your job or the way you do the work you do.
taurus Improvements to sports might occur today. Profound flirtations could blossom into new romance. It's easy to put a new spin on social activities.
gemini Family discussions are intense today; however, someone might come up with a better way of doing things. You might see ways of improving plumbing or bathroom areas, or how to get rid of junk!
cancer You're extremely persuasive today! You're hot if you're in sales, marketing, teaching or acting. No one can resist the power of your words.
leo Be open to new ways of earning money because they might occur to you today. You also might persuade others how to jump on board a money-making plan. Who knows?
virgo Take a realistic look in the mirror and ask yourself how you can improve your personal appearance. What kind of impression do you create when others first see you?
libra This is a wonderful day for research or for uncovering deep, dark secrets. People are inclined to tell you things they normally would never mention. (Oops.)
scorpio A powerful friend might say something that strongly influences you today. You might even be convinced to change your long-term goals about something.
sagittarius Exchanges with authority figures (parents, teachers, bosses, VIPs and the police) are unusually powerful today. Whatever happens could cause you to alter your general life direction.
capricorn Discussions with others today might change your religious or political beliefs, or some basic concept that you have heldIt's a whole new point of view!
aquarius Someone powerful might influence you in a situation related to shared property. Don't do anything you don't want to do. Stick to your guns.
pisces A close friend might obsessed with an idea today! (You could find this a bit tedious.) Actually, you also might be obsessed with an idea. (Guess how the other person feels?)
aries This is a wonderful day to study or teach higher education. Discussions about politics, religion and racial issues will be profound and lively!
taurus You might be excited about inheritances, shared property or dividing something with someone. There is an air of generosity and largess to what you do today.
gemini Relations with partners, close friends and even the general public are upbeat and warm-hearted. Others are ready to include you in their plans, and vice versa.
cancer You can get a lot done at work today. You have so much energy that you have a finger in every pie.
leo You're excited to be alive today! Flirtations, sports, social events and vacations are wonderfully adventurous. You might learn something new!
virgo Real-estate deals might be concluded today. You have lots of energy to make changes at home or within your family. These changes might be big and far-sweeping.
libra You'll be successful in selling, teaching, acting, promoting or marketing your ideas to others today. Because it's easy to be enthusiastic, it's easy to get your point across to others!
scorpio Many of you will do something today that boosts your earnings or helps you find a better-paying job. If you join forces with others, this also could attract money to you.
sagittarius You likely will be successful at whatever you do today. This is because you are so optimistic and confident! You have that feeling that whatever you do will turn to gold. Also, you're lucky!
capricorn Behind-the-scenes activities certainly pay off today. You know how to interest others in whatever you're doing. Even if you are working alone, others want to join you or jump on your bandwagon!
aquarius All group activities today are blessed. People want to be in your company. You're ambitious to achieve big goals, and you're confident you can do so. (Everyone loves a winner.)
pisces Relations with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will be quite successful today. They see you as strong and confident! You easily impress anyone in power.
aries Guard your temper today, especially when talking to partners and close friends. Everyone feels very intensely about things today. Because of this, they're quick to be defensive.
taurus Don't get your belly in a rash at work today. Others are entitled to their opinion. This is a poor day to introduce reforms. People will resist you.
gemini Romance and love are stressed today. People are at odds with each other. Taking care of children is also challenging because little meltdowns are likely. Be patient.
cancer This is a poor day to talk to parents and authority figures at home. You want to change or improve things, and others are upset. Cool your heels.
leo Don't try to make others agree with you today. People will resist your ideas. Everybody has their own idea about what works best.
virgo You might feel obsessed about buying something, or equally obsessed about how you earn your money. It's hard to find the middle ground today, especially when it comes to finances. Chill out.
libra Today the Moon is in your sign, which makes you more emotional than usual. However, to add fuel to the fire, it is at odds with Pluto. Heated flare-ups are likely! Remain calm.
scorpio Today you're intense, probably about a secret issue. Perhaps you're doing a slow boil. Don't make a big deal about anything. Others are intense, too.
sagittarius Don't take the bait if someone challenges you in a group situation. You might end up with egg on your face. Just let it go.
capricorn Definitely avoid aggressive discussions with authority figures -- including parents and teachers. They could quickly turn nasty. People are not open to compromise. (Yikes!)
aquarius Avoid discussions about politics, religion or racial issues. Similarly, matters related to publishing and the media could be sensitive! Do not wake the sleeping giant.
pisces This is not the day to get on your high horse if you're dissatisfied about how something is shared. Discussions about shared property will not go well.
aries This is a lovely day to study. It's also a great day to make travel plans, especially travel for pleasure. Because your appreciation of beauty is heightened, visit libraries, universities, architectural buildings and parks.
libra This is a lovely day to study. It's also a great day to make travel plans, especially travel for pleasure. Because your appreciation of beauty is heightened, visit libraries, universities, architectural buildings and parks.
taurus This is a good day to discuss how to share something, especially an inheritance or anything that is jointly held. Both you and others will seek fairness and harmony.
gemini Relations with partners and close friends are cozy today. Conversations are warm and supportive. Enjoy good times with others.
cancer Co-workers are very supportive today! In fact, good friends and even lovers might be the future result of acquaintances and introductions at work.
leo Flirtations, romance, parties, social occasions, the arts and vacations are fun choices today. Playful times with children will delight. This is a wonderful day for creative fun!
virgo You'll enjoy family discussions today. You feel quite happy at home. Invite the gang over. Do something that makes where you live look more attractive. Home repairs will please you.
libra You can make money writing today. You also can make money through sales, acting, teaching or promoting something. You have the gift of gab!
scorpio Trust your moneymaking ideas today. You are in the zone. Not only can you generate money today, if shopping, you will buy beautiful things for yourself and loved ones.
sagittarius It's easy to have grace of speech when talking to others today. You will charm everyone! Go after anything that you want, because the answer probably will be yes. (Lucky you!)
capricorn Your ability to ferret out details and answers in hidden areas is wonderful today. In addition, you won't mind doing this. You're in the mood for a little sleuthing.
aquarius All group occasions will please you today. Whether it's a small meeting or casual coffee klatch, a class or a large conference, you relate to everyone beautifully! Enjoy your day.
pisces This is an excellent day to talk to bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Your gracious charm impresses everyone. Romance with someone older or richer could begin.
aries You're ready to fight for an idealistic cause today, especially in a distant place where civil rights are abused. You want to make a difference beyond your own world.
taurus If dividing something today, you'll be generous. While this is a good thing, don't forget to protect your own best interests.
gemini You're willing to help partners and close friends today. You feel sympathetic to others, and because of this, you want to let loose your efforts to improve something.
cancer Today you're keen to help co-workers. You also might look for opportunities to introduce reforms, particularly to boost the morale of others.
leo You're in touch with your muse today! Because of this, grab every opportunity to express your creative talents. Romance is heightened.
virgo You'll go out of your way to help a family member today, and vice versa. This is a good day to work collectively with others to create good feelings at home.
libra If you can use your influence to help others today, you will -- especially through writing or talking. You might fire off e-mails or sign petitions to ease the suffering of others.
scorpio If shopping today, you will be tempted by luxury! Gorgeous, elegant, extravagant items might find their way into your hands. But can you pay for them?
sagittarius You might use your ability to work on behalf of others today. Feelings of sympathy, especially for those who are less fortunate, are strong. You want to help someone.
capricorn When it comes to dealing with others, you're not sure who to put first -- your own interests or those of someone else? Quite likely, if others are in need, they will be your choice. People feel sympathetic to each other today.
aquarius It's hard to assert yourself in a group situation today. You might begin to do so, and then just decide to let things slide. It's that kind of day.
pisces Your ambition to succeed is softened today. You are quick to see the needs and hopes of others, and this makes you pull your punches (probably not a bad thing).
aries Greet 2010 deciding to live your New Year's resolutions, whether it is taking a walk or making a morning call to a special friend in your life. You could feel a bit awkward as you initiate this goal. Remember, it is worth it. Tonight: Spontaneity rules.
taurus Anchor in and spend some private time by yourself or with immediate family or roommates. Much news and information comes forward as you start to chat. You could be a little out of kilter and need some downtime. Tonight: Happy at home.
gemini Keep reaching out for another person who you really care about. Sometimes this person is evasive, as he or she gets depressed or down. The excuse this person might give works for him or her but not for you. Be accepting. Tonight: Catch up on e-mail.
cancer You might want to open up to a new idea. Listen to what is being shared between you and another person. Realize this person cherishes the connection but could feel insecure. A family situation could dominate. Tonight: Gather holiday bills.
leo Be spontaneous, but don't avoid an important talk with a sibling or neighbor. Yes, it might be easier to skirt the issue, but once the air is cleared, you will only feel better. Evaluate a recent choice. Tonight: Whatever knocks your socks off.
virgo Take some long-overdue personal time. Though you might be exhausted by everything that is going on, complete some of your must-do's. Say "no" to invitations and "yes" to some R and R. Tonight: Just vanish.
libra You could be very serious, which is pushing some friends and loved ones away. Though you might not want to come off that way, realize many people don't understand that is not your intent. Tonight: Clear the air between you and a friend.
scorpio Take a strong stand and make sure others realize why. Not everyone understands you or can piece together where you are coming from. Though someone might not agree, it would help if this person understood your logic. Tonight: Visit with an older relative or friend.
sagittarius Follow the music. Whether at a restaurant or just hanging out at home, feed your mind. Some of you could tumble into your imagination and just unwind. Touch base with loved ones at a distance. Tonight: Just go with the flow.
capricorn Deal directly with others. With the holidays over, one-on-one relating takes on a new quality. Go to a movie with friends or for a drive to a favorite spot. Reconnect with renewed depth and happiness. Tonight: Togetherness works.
aquarius Establish better flow between you and others. As an Aquarian, you have a lot of friends and might need some downtime. Others want to catch up on their holidays news. Do what is best for you. Tonight: Sort through invitations -- only if you want.
pisces Get into a postponed project, or clean up. The sooner you get this done, the sooner you can really kick back and enjoy yourself. Understanding evolves, especially as you recycle. Tonight: Do only what is relaxing.
aries When you start zooming around, remember that not everyone has the same energy that you do. Clearly a friend or loved one might have a conflicting idea, but with the present confusion, you just might not be communicating. Find a midpoint of agreement. Tonight: Just be yourself.
taurus Invite others over for a cozy get-together, but limit the number. Whether playing cards or catching up on news, it makes no difference. You simply enjoy being with this person. Loosen up and ask for help if you feel overwhelmed. Tonight: Make it early.
gemini Your ability to tell it like it is or to get past a hassle emerges. You could come off as cranky if you're not careful. Understand where someone is coming from by detaching from your issues. You'll suddenly get it. Tonight: Hanging out.
cancer You still might be looking at the physical or material implications of an issue rather than the big picture. Your finances continue to be a concern to many of you. Restructure your budget accordingly. A discussion could be illuminating. Tonight: Think "Monday."
leo You can meet a challenge without great effort, be it playing racquetball or quashing a budding fight about nothing. You discover that there is a silver lining behind every hassle as you quickly see the positives. Others seek you out en masse. Tonight: Time to take a hard look at your finances.
virgo Honor a need for extra R and R. You could be exhausted by recent events and what is going on. Listen to your inner feelings. If you are suppressing annoyance or anger, it could be taking an additional toll on you. Decide to do otherwise. Tonight: Feeling better and better.
libra Zero in on what you want. A male friend could be egging you on, whether you like it or not. Don't let a situation become a problem. Tap into your ingenuity in order to neutralize a situation and allow someone to express more of his or her happy-go-lucky personality. Tonight: Get some extra zzz's. Make it early.
scorpio You might want to see a situation in a different light. Yet another person who has a tendency to be extremely authoritative could trigger you beyond belief. Curb a sharp tongue, as words said cannot be taken back. Tonight: Where your friends are.
sagittarius If you have plans to take off, get an early start. A family situation could be a source of tension. Getting a little distance between you and the issue could help you see both sides. A solution will come forward. Tonight: Sooner or later you must surface. Just get it over with.
capricorn A partner presents a completely different opinion. Listen to news with an open mind. You could be surprised. Remain light and easy when dealing with a key partner. Tonight: Feed your mind some candy -- maybe a movie?
aquarius Let others make the first move. Someone could be demanding or combative. You could be overwhelmed by what is going on, and it might be easier to pick and choose your company and what you want to do. Make it OK to say "no." Tonight: Visit with a partner.
pisces Have you been putting off an errand or getting into a project? Use the moment to complete some of these trailing obligations. You will feel much better as a result, as you clear the air and get past lingering chores. Tonight: Consider an appealing offer.
aries Although thinking about recent days past could be fun, business dealings or work-related matters need your attention. Now that you're rested, you could come up with some amazing ideas. Key associates look up to you. Tonight: Squeeze in a stress-buster if possible.
taurus Your sense of direction, teamed with unusual ingenuity, gives you greater influence than in the past. Be willing to pull back if you are stalled or are looking at issues. You could be amazed by what you see come up. Tonight: Dedicate time for a child or loved one.
gemini You might have difficulty getting going. You could be very tired and drawn from recent events. Listen to news that comes forward from a partner. You could be encouraged to continue on an even keel. Tonight: Dinner at home.
cancer Keep communication flowing, knowing where you are going and why. If you overthink a personal matter, you might not find the solution. Let go and trust that when the time is right, you will come up with the right idea. Tonight: Meet a friend for munchies.
leo Be more in touch with what you have to offer. Some people might not understand your qualifications, but those who count do. Change a health pattern that you might feel is negative or limiting. Remain optimistic. Tonight: A brainstorming session still might be active in your mind.
virgo Use your creative skills at work and within your personal life. You could be overwhelmed by everything that is happening or the offers that are coming forward. Do a better job of listening to a child or new friend. Tonight: So what if it is Monday night?
libra Know when you are best off not sharing your thoughts. Investigate alternatives and weigh your choices. A family member or roommate sees what is going on. He or she wants to be included! Tonight: Get some extra R and R.
scorpio You might want to approach a meeting differently. A change of style always has an impact, but not as it has in the past. You are best off surrounded by groups and people. Return calls; schedule meetings. Don't fight this busy day! Tonight: Off to the gym or where people are.
sagittarius Your take-charge attitude must come out if you are to accomplish more of what you want. In any case, a decision to approach a situation differently might be OK if it works financially. Tonight: Working late.
capricorn You have far more to offer in different situations than you realize. Examine what appears to be a dead end without your natural prejudice. What you'll discover is a distinctive new direction. What is stopping you? Tonight: Walk in another's shoes.
aquarius A partner or associate tries to pull you in, to no avail. What is happening could shock you, or even force your hand. Check out a proposal, and you'll see a situation differently. Tonight: Visit with a pal.
pisces Defer to others, even in a meeting. You, as well as others, can see the end results without your input. Don't worry about someone's attitude so much. Understand what is going on when this person has to assume responsibility. Tonight: Join a friend for dinner.
aries Dive into your work knowing what you want to accomplish. Even under pressure you'll get way ahead. Listen to news, and see a situation for what it is. The unexpected, though difficult, has a way of homing in on the real issues. Tonight: Easy does it.
taurus You might want to continue to clear up a situation, fast. Yet inevitably you encounter a roadblock. Learning to work with this type of event and head in another direction could be strategic to your well-being. Your ability to adjust and do something very differently could mean the difference between success and failure. Tonight: Let the fun and games begin.
gemini Personal matters float through your day, causing a potential work-related problem. Take a walk or learn to center quickly. Focus. Tonight: Have a long-overdue talk.
cancer Keep communication flowing, despite various unpredictable events. Surprises occur when you least expect them, but are an eye-opener. A partner could mean well but holds you back. Tonight: Hang out.
leo Be aware of what others are asking, behind their words. Mixed messages often surround business and money. An unanticipated reaction from someone could have you rethinking a decision. Tonight: A discussion could be necessary, even if it is awkward.
virgo You continue to receive your share of jolts when dealing with others. Maintain your composure and stay confident. You have made some excellent choices. Test out a work-related idea on others. Tonight: As you like.
libra Step back and do less. You are more proactive than you realize. Investigate alternatives that head your way. You are not yet in a position to make a decision. More information will be forthcoming. Tonight: Take your time.
scorpio Your way of handling a problem could change, as the issue seems to take on a different form. Know that nothing is written in stone. Use your renowned creativity to find other answers and solutions. Tonight: Go for fun and games.
sagittarius Expand, but be efficient with a work-related matter. On some level, you could feel undermined by what is happening in your personal life. Attempt to separate these two different parts of your life. Tonight: Could be late.
capricorn Keep reaching out for a new perspective. This constant searching will pay off in multiple ways. The most obvious is the dynamic thinking that evolves. A surprise in your daily life could have you regrouping. Know what you cannot depend on. Tonight: Relax to music or some other favorite pastime.
aquarius Relate on a one-on-one level, and get to the bottom of a problem. Investigate financial options where you pull the wild card. Money matters could swing either way. Realize what is happening within a key relationship. Tonight Listen to another's opinion.
pisces If someone is going to toss the moment into chaos, it is you. Perhaps you don't realize the impact of others. Try to walk in their footsteps and get past a problem. You'll see life from a renewed perspective. Tonight: Beam in what you want.
aries Defer to others. Each person wants to do a project his or her way. Let it happen. You will gain a different perspective as a boss or higher-up demonstrates his or her willfulness. Tonight: Others seek you out.
taurus Listen to news that heads in your direction. If you want to see a situation change before your eyes, detach and distance yourself from the whole matter. It might seem like everyone has a better idea. Rise above the situation. Tonight: Take in the total perspective.
gemini Listen to news from someone who cares much more than he or she lets on. Creativity flows forward, revealing another perspective or side. Events trigger resourcefulness as well as a challenging, demanding partner. Tonight: Add to the fun of the moment.
cancer Honor your priorities, even though a partner could be trying to change your mind. You might wonder which way is best. You feel pressured, but take time to honor your own needs right now. Tonight: Say "yes."
leo You could be taken aback by what others want and expect. Is someone trying to coerce you into doing something else? You might have an unusually strong reaction. Straighten out a misunderstanding. Tonight: Keep talks going. Clear the air.
virgo Be aware of what is being offered. A risk might not be worth the thought. A child or loved one could be reactive and touchy. Think twice before taking a risk. Understanding grows. Tonight: Time for a treat.
libra You might be all smiles, but you sense someone's feelings. Trying to clear the air could be difficult at best. Realize what is going on behind the scenes with a family member or roommate. Tonight: Think positively.
scorpio Be more upbeat and content with others. You have the right words for a difficult situation. Don't judge someone who might not have the same gift for gab as you. Confirm meetings. Don't stand on ceremony over a call. Tonight: Get some extra sleep.
sagittarius Zero in on what you want. You might need to make a financial investment. But you might want to hold back from taking an uncomfortable risk. Is there another path to the same end? Tonight: Where the action is.
capricorn Someone might trigger a strong reaction. Rethink situations with that knowledge. If you want something done a certain way, you might need to do it yourself. Test an idea on a trusted associate. Tonight: It could go till the wee hours.
aquarius Reach out for someone at a distance. You are ahead of the game with a possible new venture. Travel, education or a foreigner could play a significant role. Remain open to new ideas. Tonight: Meet a friend at a new restaurant.
pisces You might see a situation differently because of a partner's feedback. Your ability to move past an issue marks new possibilities. Listen carefully to what is being shared. Make a decision only once you are sure you have all the facts. Tonight: Be a duo.
aries An infusion of energy allows you to complete anything that needs to happen. Understanding evolves to a new level, if you want it to. Realize that others just might not be able to keep up with you. Tonight: Say "yes."
taurus Your imagination and energy need to be tapped into for a work or must-do project. Given the space, you could be surprised by what you can accomplish. A boss or someone you look up to has many excellent ideas. Tonight: Zero in on what you must.
gemini Allow greater give-and-take. How you see a situation doesn't make any difference. Your sense of amusement emerges when dealing with a child or loved one. Listen to feedback, understanding what is possible. Tonight: Time to move into weekend mode.
cancer Emphasize home and security. You are on top of your game. No matter what occurs, know that there is always another perspective. Try working with that concept more often. A partner shows you that the cup is half-full rather than half-empty. Tonight: Your treat.
leo Be sensitive to new possibilities. Even though someone might not give the best presentation, his or her idea can be sound. Try working with it before nixing it. Others will become far more open as a result. Tonight: Hang out.
virgo Be aware of your spending, your need to indulge and perhaps your need to make an impression. Your work and dedication speak for themselves professionally. Your nurturing way touches many. Tonight: Indulge yourself in a back rub.
libra Your imagination wiggles into whatever you do, whenever you do it. Your energy and upbeat perspective merge. You get your point across in a meeting and/or with an individual. Remember, questioning a plan doesn't mean disagreement. Welcome inquiries. Tonight: Let the good times in.
scorpio If you are tired, it is understandable. You can only get so much done, so fast. Someone could be difficult as you want to charge forward. Know when to play the waiting game. Tonight: Opt for some extra R and R.
sagittarius Your determination often emerges when you are wanting to clear out all problems. Your view or perspective could be like a merry-go-around, a perpetually revolving view. This growth adds dimension to anything you take on. Tonight: Where the action is.
capricorn A challenging partner could force your hand. Stay in touch with your need to have certain matters how you want them. Creativity and risking could merge financially. Careful! Tonight: On the merry-go-round of life.
aquarius Your need to seem full of ideas and to be a source of solutions emerges. You will note that you could inadvertently challenge a partner. Though you might not see a situation as others do, who is to say you are wrong? Tonight: Reach out for loved ones at a distance.
pisces Unite with a partner, and you'll suddenly see situations much differently, and others will see you differently. Though this merger could simply be a business agreement over one project, you trigger some magic, as you watch events fall into place. Tonight: Be with a favorite person only.
aries Others assume a dominant position, and you just might not mind. Listen to what is shared, especially with key associates and a higher-up. You might want to do some major rethinking as a result. Tonight: Make dinner plans with a loved one.
taurus You can be sure your opinion isn't the only one in the fray. In fact, being a good listener and understanding where ideas overlap could be instrumental. You discover there are a lot of ways to the same end. Tonight: Just don't opt to be alone.
gemini Bring a project to completion, if possible. A partner likes your idea but also adds his or her own flair. You certainly are an idea person, though you might need the mix of new concepts and others' gifts and strengths. Tonight: Head home early.
cancer Allow greater creativity to flow between you and others. Sometimes you don't share your ideas, for various reasons. Start breaking down those barriers to success. Others ignite your imagination. Tonight: Add more magic to the moment.
leo Your ability to move through issues and make a difference in various situations could change the direction of projects, associates and friends. Use your innate skills well to create more stability within your life. Tonight: Head home; do what you want.
virgo Keep talks going, as much more information could float through, especially concerning a work-related matter. Remember, you don't need to agree with others, but it is helpful to understand where they are coming from. Tonight: Get together with a friend.
libra How you visualize a choice and your presentation can make or break any deal. You are unusually gifted with a great imagination. Do be aware of the building costs of a project. Remain sensitive to others' needs. Tonight: Pay a bill or two, then decide.
scorpio You are in prime shape, and ready to turn a situation around. Your abilities take you down a new path, where success will be more likely to greet you. Understand that someone isn't being contrary as much as testing his or her boundaries. Tonight: Whatever puts a grin on your face.
sagittarius Know when to pull back and do something totally differently. Understanding will evolve to a new level if you listen and note what isn't being said. Follow your sixth sense with a money matter. Tonight: Take some long-overdue private time.
capricorn You could feel inspired by recent events and what might be occurring. Keep reaching out to several associates or friends for a meeting of the minds. You might be surprised by everything that goes down. Tonight: Know what you want and why.
aquarius Take a stand, as uncomfortable as it might be. Your intuition pushes you strongly in one key direction. Understanding evolves to a new level if you can relax. A boss or higher-up might be quite transparent to you, but not to others. Tonight: A force to be dealt with.
pisces Take in a new idea, even if it means that you are reinventing your logic on some level. Sometimes you don't have all the answers, but you have the resources to determine the correct path to head down. Trust in your intuition. Tonight: A must show.
aries Sitting around at home won't make you happy, and could be the source of arguments. You have so much energy -- go out for a walk, even if it is brisk. If you decide you must stay close to home, stack wood, start working on your taxes, just stay active. Tonight: Make plans with a favorite person.
taurus Defer to others. You might not have a choice, as a partner, family member or friend cannot help but be dominant. You actually might like the adventure that being a follower could take you on. Tonight: People pop out of the woodwork.
gemini You might have a lot to accomplish. Listen to what is being shared by the many different people in your life. You'll accomplish more than you thought possible with the merry-go-round of friends and loved ones appearing. Tonight: Choose "cozy."
cancer Your imagination cannot be held back. Often, you choose not to share your thoughts. Your ideas will invigorate your day, as well as others'. With spontaneity as an ally, you could be off for a fun, different adventure before you know it. Tonight: Stay in motion.
leo Take a hint from Aries. Go to the gym or indulge in a favorite sport. If you remain sedentary, quarrels could erupt from out of nowhere. Make time for a key family member. Tonight: Take the dog for a longer walk.
virgo Return calls and make plans with family or close friends. A neighbor might have an interesting tidbit to share. Listen, but don't take the information as gospel. Check out a purchase of a car or computer with a great deal of care. Tonight: You don't have to go far.
libra Stay sensitive to spending and know when you have gone overboard. Recent months have encouraged more spending, and your budget might need an immediate diet or restoration! Learn to say "no." Tonight: Learn less expensive ways of indulging others.
scorpio You are all smiles, moving into a new realm. Understanding will evolve to a new level if you remain open, even if someone challenges you. How you deal with a situation could change as a result. Tonight: It is your call.
sagittarius You might want to do something far differently from in the past. Though the idea might appear ripe, the timing might not be right. Hold off for several days, and you'll get far more positive results. Tonight: Do something just for you.
capricorn Don't lose sight of your objectives, or you might be sorry later. A partner expresses his or her irritation. How you process this person's complaint and your attitude could be a marker in this tie. Tonight: Where the action is.
aquarius Others look to you. Know that you are the lead player in making plans today, whether you like it or not. Listen to suggestions, but your energy, smile and attitude are the landmarks that create change. Tonight: A must appearance.
pisces If you are in the mood for a day trip or want to make travel plans for the near future, go off and do just that. You probably need a change of scenery. You will feel much better as a result. Tonight: Put on a great piece of music.
aries After a discussion in which you feel you have been open, if you still get no response, proceed. Walk down a new path. With all the excitement that surrounds a new movie or a special visit, why not make it happen? Tonight: Let your mind wander to good music.
taurus Relate directly to those in your life. A brunch could involve more than one person, but you need to make time for key people. Test what has been just a theory, and see if it could become a reality. Someone you look up to is nebulous at best! Tonight: Have an overdue chat.
gemini Your willingness to put yourself on the line counts. If you're trying to make inroads right now with a new or key person, use the afternoon to get together, but be willing to defer. Let this person reveal his or her true colors. Tonight: Just don't be alone.
cancer Funnel creativity into a cleanup project, redoing a room or whatever interests you. This ingenuity often comes out emotionally, but also use this special quality elsewhere in your life. Tonight: Make a list of to-dos.
leo This afternoon you feel like a child again. Even better if you can find a kid to share this moment with. In any case, get into a fun activity; go to the movies and escape into fantasy. Tonight: Forget tomorrow; live now.
virgo Make calls. Many of you would prefer to stay close to home and not push so hard. You could be tired and overdrawn to the max and need to honor your fatigue. Don't push so hard. Feel free to cancel plans. Tonight: Make it an early night.
libra Be careful with your finances and spending. Curb a wild mood in the afternoon; later on you could regret what you do. Better yet would be to visit with a friend over a late lunch. Tonight: Where people are.
scorpio Make calls and reach out to friends in the morning. You could be delighted by a change in plans. Make it a point to invite someone along or let this person know how much you appreciate him or her. Nothing speaks like a token of affection. Tonight: Settle in.
sagittarius Move into a more active stance in the afternoon. Though you might be exhausted and fed up with what is going on, the time has come to move forward and handle a situation directly. Do nothing halfway right now. Tonight: The world is your oyster.
capricorn Look at the basics of a situation rather than react. Perhaps, with the aid of a friend, study the possibilities here for change. You don't have to deal with this situation immediately either. Tonight: Play it low-key.
aquarius Expect to be more visual than you normally might choose to be. Others want to hear your opinions. Nevertheless, at some point you will want to toss your hands in the air and just go off and enjoy the remaining part of the weekend. Tonight: Forget that tomorrow is Monday. Enjoy.
pisces Touch base with someone at a distance or someone you don't often hear from. Your ability to visualize and create comes out in the afternoon. Claim your power; you have much more going for you than you realize. Tonight: A must appearance.
aries You are willing to assume responsibility, but you also need to be more sensitive to or in tune with others. A brainstorming session only strengthens an idea. Also, if you detach from this project, you might see some holes. Tonight: Let your mind wander.
taurus Deal with a partner directly. He or she wants to feel helpful and is more than willing to share more. You might encounter this focused attention with more than just this one person. Detach from someone's story, but remain empathetic. Tonight: A debate proves to be worthwhile.
gemini Defer to others and make an effort to get past a problem. Your sense of direction comes through when you make a suggestion in a positive way, praising others along the way. You will like the impact this behavior has. Tonight: Visit with friends or answer e-mail.
cancer You see a situation far differently from many others. This ability proves to be your strong suit. Be willing to break past conventional thinking. Someone flatters you -- you might wonder if this person is for real. He or she is. Tonight: Get a project completed.
leo Others admire the fact that you are firing on all cylinders, as one idea after the other rolls off your tongue. This lightning thinking is impressive, but make sure others are with you. Slow down and indulge an associate. Tonight: Having fun wherever you are.
virgo What is comfortable might not be the best solution, no matter how you cut it. If you want to open up a conversation, do so, but realize that you could be stunned by someone's thoughts and ideas. A child or loved one lets you know how important you are to him or her. Tonight: Stay close to home.
libra Go along with someone else's thinking for now. By not questioning this person's rationale, you'll clear out a problem, and quickly at that. You are anchored and determined to handle a personal or domestic matter. Tonight: Hang out with an old pal.
scorpio Remain sensitive to your budget. Your ability to move through problems and get to the bottom of the issue emerges. If you try a gentler approach than in the past, the results will be excellent. Tonight: Order in.
sagittarius You know when you are at your best. Your mind is alert and resourceful. You have the physical energy to do whatever you want. Mix these two qualities, and it could be hard to stop you. Tonight: Stop and buy some cards for upcoming birthdays.
capricorn Though much could be more surreptitious than you might like, you'll clear out an unusual amount of work. Take your time weighing a decision. Impulsiveness won't serve you well here. Tonight: Take some much-needed personal time.
aquarius You smile, and others respond. Your sense of humor comes through and helps others move from one issue to another. You might be holding back some strong feelings. Sooner or later, do share. Tonight: Where people are.
pisces Others appreciate you taking a stand when they would prefer not to. At the same time, you have many allies and supporters who agree with you. Investigate an alternative more carefully in order to realize a project. Tonight: Burning the candle at both ends.
aries Tension builds as, out of necessity, you approach a situation differently. Your willingness to go back to square one allows a better plan to evolve. Associates have many ideas -- some good, some not so good! Tonight: Detach and take another look at a situation later on.
taurus A friend could create a mini revolution in your life, should you permit it to happen. This person could be an associate. Deal with this person firmly and directly, and don't take anything for granted. You might need to establish limits. Tonight: Chat and dinner.
gemini Your way of handling situations might be nixed. Remain calm, and let others try their way, which might not work. Sometimes experience is the only teacher in situations like this. Tonight: Listen to an offer and/or invitation.
cancer Don't get into the methodology. Just let go of any remnants of negativity and open up to new types of thinking. If you think outside the box, workable ideas will appear. Tonight: Make time for a special person.
leo Be more forthright and direct with a child or loved one. You also might have to put it on the line with a creative project. Others simply might not see eye to eye with you. Know when enough is enough. Tonight: So what if you have to work tomorrow? Enjoy living.
virgo You might want to change the path you are heading down. Investigate new possibilities, despite someone's reaction. Perhaps this person is going overboard trying to make an impression or make sure you get where he or she is coming from. Acknowledge this person's position. Still, do what you know works for you. Tonight: Could be late.
libra Understand what is going on with a close associate, sibling or maybe even a neighbor. This person's needs could stun you or shake up your plans. You might need to think about your priorities when you make a decision. Tonight: Run errands on the way home.
scorpio You are more aware of your limits than you might let on. A child or loved one could be demanding. You might need to say "no." Avoid any risk-taking right now. The end result might have you shaking your head. Tonight: Pay a bill or two.
sagittarius You could be taken aback by a family member's reaction. If you want to do something differently, now might be the time, especially if it involves the person who is kicking up his or her heels. Tonight: Do what you want. Claim your power!
capricorn Step back if news or an incident throws you into a tizzy. You can only control your reaction and nothing else. Knowing that, you won't get involved in a power play. Take a walk if you feel you are going to lose your temper. Tonight: Get some extra rest; you are going to need it.
aquarius Zero in on what you want without getting too caught up in the costs. At a certain point, a less-expensive or more-effective way will occur if you relax and work with this goal. Tonight: With friends.
pisces Others eye how you handle yourself. You could be in a tough situation right now, but realize that severe reactions or doing something unexpected won't help your cause. Tonight: Up late.
aries You can and will make a difference wherever you decide to put your energy. You could become frustrated by a blockade or two, but you can and will handle it. You find out where hidden hassles lie. Tonight: Could be late.
taurus Your spirit soars, and you see a situation in a new light. Your humor opens up a blockage and allows others to have a little more give-and-take. You could laugh at what others see as difficult. Tonight: Kick back and detach.
gemini Working with one person could take its toll on you, especially as one blockage after another comes up. Kick back and detach. Your creativity might not be able to resolve some of the evolving issues, but remain true to yourself. Tonight: Let go of a problem.
cancer Defer to someone else knowing there are situations you might want to change, and move on. By staying observant and open, you'll learn a lot more of what could be and the direction in which you are heading. Tonight: Sort through your options.
leo Accomplishment feels good, but you might not be able to push a situation in the direction you so choose. Be aware of the possibilities if you don't go down the normal route. You might need to veer in another direction. Tonight: Put your feet up.
virgo Allow greater creativity and dynamic thought into an issue. Even though you might try to close a door on a situation, it doesn't work -- not even slamming it works. Don't take a financial risk, no matter how good it sounds. Tonight: Have reasonable expectations.
libra You could feel unusually limited right now. If you want to do something differently, now is the time. Investigate options with new eyes, knowing that perhaps you have overlooked something. You could be shutting it out without knowing it. Tonight: Living it up.
scorpio Keep conversations moving, even though someone or several people seem blocked for various reasons. You might ask yourself what you aren't revealing and why. Analyze why you are holding back before you judge someone else. Tonight: Work with the moment.
sagittarius Could you be overstepping a boundary with a friend without knowing it? Stop and look at a situation carefully. Sometimes you take certain details for granted. Learn to move through problems. Tonight: Your treat.
capricorn You discover many ways you could trip yourself up. Today could provide too many examples for you to integrate into one day. Do your best, knowing it serves you to understand how you might be interfering with progress. Tonight: Chat with a trusted friend.
aquarius Know when to back off, especially as you seem to run into a hassle no matter which way you turn. Your normal creativity and upbeat manner go far and allow greater give-and-take. Tonight: Listen to your inner dialogue; in here lies an answer.
pisces A friend could sorely disappoint you, and you wonder if you could have made a difference. Let go and worry less right now. Sometimes when you get too focused, you inadvertently cause a problem. Tonight: Stay away from difficult people.
aries As difficult as one day might be is as good as the next can be. See the error of your ways, or see where you can change a situation as it evolves through to resolution. Be willing to give that extra push of self-discipline mixed with determination. Tonight: A must appearance.
taurus Do needed research; be willing to get past another person's anger. How you handle a matter and the decisions you make define the potential of a change. Be willing to call a spade a spade. Tonight: Meet a friend at a new restaurant.
gemini An agreement or decision makes relating to a key individual easier later. In a sense, you have pushed too far and done too much. Now this person needs to demonstrate his or her true colors through actions, not words. Tonight: Chat over dinner.
cancer Though you might have felt you had reason to be angry, let go and claim responsibility for your side in this difficult situation. Your vision could be informative and important. Listen to another perspective, and get past an issue. Tonight: Defer to others.
leo You might want to understand more of what is happening behind the scenes. Be a listener, but ask questions that help you resolve a mental conflict. As a result, you can make a new resolution or change your direction. Tonight: Put your feet up.
virgo Once more, your creativity means something. Resolve an issue involving a child or new friend. Someone you meet today could be very important in the long run. This person has a way of re-energizing you. Tonight: Go into weekend mode.
libra Stop and be willing to understand more of what is going on with you. Sometimes you do nothing or project on someone else when you need to resolve the issue once and for all. Tonight: Laughter helps you relax.
scorpio Talk is cheap and takes you in a different direction. Resolution comes through communication. You could be surprised by how someone looks at a situation. Innovate and change directions. Tonight: Hang out. If need be, clear the air with a friend.
sagittarius Nearly anything you do has positive results. Your ability to edge through a personal situation and come out on top could mark your finances. You have the financial wisdom and knowledge to make a situation work. Just do it! Tonight: Your treat.
capricorn You manage to do something very differently and come up with as-yet-unseen results. A new approach and beginning become distinct possibilities if you are willing to change gears. Tonight: As you like it.
aquarius Your sense of self and direction take you to a new level. Realize what is happening behind the scenes with you and perhaps a close friend. If you want to change directions, please do. Tonight: Take some much-needed personal time.
pisces A friendship influences your decisions and direction. Take time to renew this bond; after all, it means a lot to you. Discussions open you up to possibilities as yet unthought-of. Think before you leap. Tonight: Think and act like it is the weekend.
aries New beginnings become possible if you try another approach or do something differently. You discover a gentleness in a higher-up or boss that you hadn't seen before. Touch base with a loved one. Tonight: A must appearance.
taurus Examine what is going on with someone you care a lot about. If you want to see life from a different point of view, investigate possibilities with an eye to change. You see a situation far differently from many. Tonight: Avoid comparing notes.
gemini When you sweep away the layers and layers of issues, clearly someone really does care. You might ask yourself if it is worth all the ups and downs to live in this bond. Only you can decide. Tonight: Say "yes" to living.
cancer Defer to others. You can say "no" at any given point. Claiming your power doesn't mean being in control of a situation. It is being able to control your reactions and choosing your responses instead. Tonight: Sort through invitations.
leo A new project could be dropped on your plate out of the blue. Listen to suggestions. A co-worker or friend could reinvigorate your thoughts and help you come up with a unique approach. Tonight: Run errands, then decide.
virgo Your sunny behavior disarms many, but no one as much as a child or loved one. This person wishes you were like this more often. Use the moment and mood to let others know how you really feel. Tonight: It is TGIF!
libra Your ability to move forward and head in a distinctly new direction might emerge, but only after you handle a personal or domestic matter. You cannot move much further without solid personal foundations. Tonight: At home.
scorpio Stay on top of a personal matter, and clear out an overdue conversation. You were worried whether it would go OK. You could be delighted and surprised by the end results. Sometimes the anticipation in no way equals the realization. Tonight: Be open to suggestions. Hang out, in any case.
sagittarius Be sensitive to expenses and aware of what needs to be done within the parameters of a certain issue. Knowing how much you give could be more important than you realize. Tonight: Hang out.
capricorn Give 100 percent, knowing full well you can and will make a difference. Don't sell yourself short. If you want to let another person know how very much you care, now is the time. Tonight: Treat a friend to munchies.
aquarius Though you might have a difficult time starting the day, you'll whiz through the afternoon. Suddenly you feel as if you can handle nearly anything. Open up to talks and stay on top of various situations, at work and personally. Tonight: Finally, the world is your oyster.
pisces You might want to examine what is happening behind the scenes. You might be right about what you believe is occurring. Trust a friend who is always there for you. A discussion could be most enlightening. Tonight: Disappear. Do your own thing.
aries You might want to enjoy yourself more. Let friends help you do just that. Investigate an option more carefully that revolves around them. Some of you might want to take up a new sport or do something very differently. Tonight: Where the gang is.
taurus You might not be able to move away from your responsibilities as easily as you would like. If you understand what is motivating someone, you will make better choices. Don't forget someone you care a lot about, who could be older. Tonight: A must appearance.
gemini Finally taking an overview is easier than you thought, though you easily could fall into the same trap again or consider a situation in a certain way. Be careful, because although you use strong and clear language, to someone else it sounds brusque and harsh. Tonight: Looking to see a situation differently.
cancer Consider your options more clearly, and discuss a situation that might be ailing you. You cannot always have situations tumble the way you want. A partner or close friend might insist on a certain activity or happening -- you have no choice. Tonight: Curb spending.
leo An eruption of your fiery temper might not be the best way to go. Listen to what someone offers you before you react. Sometimes your fieriness works against you. Stay centered, knowing where you are heading. Tonight: Defer to others. Go for the adventure.
virgo You might need some exercise, especially if you have been staying indoors because of the weather. Consider signing up for a yoga class or some other appealing sport. Learn to express your anger more effectively. Tonight: Make it easy.
libra Count on a child or loved one coming up with some fun suggestions. If you start sharing, a great time could be had by all. Relax more with a loved one, especially as you might be keeping him or her at a distance. Tonight: Let the good times begin.
scorpio You could be more secure and anchored than in the past. Understand that doors suddenly will open if you work with a key person, roommate or family member. Communication might be key. Tonight: Back away from an angry individual.
sagittarius Make calls and reach out for others. You might join some friends or just want to hang out at a favorite spot. You don't need to go far to enjoy yourself. Lose the word "no," or else you could close yourself off from a special opportunity. Tonight: Where there is music!
capricorn Understanding evolves to a new level and takes you to a new place financially. You might be surprised by someone's willingness to chip in. You could understand a lot more about this person as a result. Tonight: Pick up the tab.
aquarius You could be more upbeat than you have been in a while. Your way of handling a situation could be substantially different from a partner's. This person tells you in no uncertain terms what he or she is thinking. Tonight: Still doing your thing.
pisces Do your own thing, especially if you feel pushed and tired. Others might not be in the same mood, and you just might not care. Open up to different ideas, and let go of your vision of what might work. Take a walk and clear out stress. Tonight: Let the fun begin.
aries It is far too easy to fill in the gaps, where you don't have facts, with your imagination. On the other hand, it could be a lot more fun. You enter the last year of a 12-year cycle. Tonight: Make it early.
taurus Move a situation in a positive direction. Deal with someone in a radically different manner. Vagueness can be enticing; the problem is that you need facts. Tonight: Start smiling. Expect a positive change.
gemini If you tap into your imagination, you could be surprised by what you see. Evaluate a change more openly than in the past. An older or respected friend comes up with many solutions. Tonight: Could be late.
cancer A partner means well, even if you aren't on the same page. Enjoy your differences instead of making a big deal out of them. Do it his or her way right now, as in a sense, you'll learn much more. Detach; try to identify with this person. Tonight: Let your mind wander ...
leo Others clearly want you to do something their way. It might not be so bad. You could have quite an adventure. Later on, a discussion with a key friend or loved one proves to be substantial. Tonight: Talk over dinner.
virgo Dig into a project, get a head start on your taxes -- do whatever is necessary. You could be exhausted. Why not go for a little more R and R? You could be surprised by all the options that surface right now. Tonight: Move in new ways.
libra A child or loved one could be quite enticing. Perhaps you didn't realize how imaginative this person is. The challenge will be to meet him or her on the same level. Let go of restrictions and be spontaneous. Tonight: Play the night away.
scorpio A parent or family member could reveal some information that surprises you. Integrate what you are hearing; it could be worthwhile. Today's facts clear up a puzzle. Opt for a relaxing nap. Tonight: Feeling revived? Choose what would make you happy.
sagittarius Just make a call, and you'll have plans. Stay close to home. Somewhere along the way, catch up on a friend's news. Your intuition is unusually strong; follow it. Tonight: Dinner out, but make it an early night.
capricorn Do be careful with spending. As the expression goes, if something is too good to be true, it probably is. Cut back. Get a head start on your taxes, or price a purchase. You might be surprised by the difference between what you think you will hear and what you actually hear. Tonight: The later it gets, the more on top of your game you feel.
aquarius Make plans with those you really want to be with. You can do nothing halfway right now, nor should you. You might have a sense of deja vu. Your ability to intuit is very high. Tonight: Your call.
pisces Play it low-key. You might need a day to recycle. Your understanding comes forward when having an important discussion. Empathize all you want, but be careful about making any more commitments. Tonight: Greet a new luck cycle -- for the better!
aries Your dreams last night leave you enthusiastic and energized. Subconscious messages come forth. You might look at a responsibility much differently. Use your sixth sense. Tonight: Know that you don't have to do anything at all.
taurus If you suddenly have a desire to do something totally different from your norm, the only question is, Why not? As you open up to new people and ideas, you will be enriching your life this year like you haven't in a long time. Tonight: Go where there are people.
gemini Investigate options a little more openly involving your work and a boss. You might wonder why there has been a sudden change. The energy actually is coming off of you. An important discussion cannot be postponed any longer. Tonight: Find an insightful friend.
cancer Your mind is everywhere but on the present. Investigate what is happening within your circle of friends before making a judgment. Don't toy with going back to school or planning that trip any longer -- the time has come. Tonight: Whatever you come up with works.
leo Let go and admire a situation from afar. You don't need to be up close and personal all the time. You'll probably be invited to come in closer and relax. Someone makes it clear how much he or she values your input. Tonight: Togetherness.
virgo Knowing when you have exhausted all the alternatives is important. Also, it is important to know when someone absolutely needs to have something his or her way. Be smart, and let it happen the way this person wishes. Tonight: Listen to suggestions.
libra Your energy is renewed and much higher than usual. Have you been holding yourself back unnecessarily? Wonder less and stay more centered. Curb a sweet tooth in order to maintain your weight! Tonight: Are you considering a new hobby?
scorpio Your imagination pinnacles to a new peak, making nearly anything possible. Don't worry; this pattern will last for a while, so you can create your greatest masterpiece! Romance starts budding for those who are single. Tonight: Be spontaneous.
sagittarius If you can stay home, you will be a lot happier. In fact, you could be eyeing a change of profession or a home-based business. Right now, you are best off at home. Your instinct might be to plug a lot of money into your home. Make sure you are OK with that even if you don't recoup the costs later. Tonight: Happy as a cat.
capricorn Take your time returning calls. It is important for people to feel that you care. Taking your time when you talk to them could make all the difference. You are able to transform your thinking and head in a new direction. Tonight: Meet a loved one and/or friend for dinner.
aquarius You could go overboard feeling so optimistic about your present situation. Still, remember that a partner, associate or someone you need to check in with might be shaking his or her head. Try a little self-discipline! Tonight: Take a hard look at your budget.
pisces Your smile is a winner. If you sense that others will acquiesce to your request, you probably aren't far from right. A meeting could be challenging, yet at the same time help you shore up a project or an investment. Tonight: Beam in what you want.
aries Understand what is going on behind the scenes. The most effective way is to melt into the woodwork and listen. Through this process, you'll come out on top. Tonight: Make it an early night.
taurus Zero in on your priorities. Snooze and then make your point. The more people who can see your vision, the higher the odds of hitting a home run. Tonight: Lie back and enjoy yourself. Give up work mentality.
gemini As you open up to more changes and deal directly with those who have an impact in your life, you might grasp their perspective. With everything that is going on, let a partner or family member assume greater responsibility. Tonight: A must appearance.
cancer Visualize more of what you want, and go for the goal. Give less thought to every detail that could trip you up on your way. Find an expert, and open up to a brainstorming situation. You quickly make headway. Tonight: Imagine what it would be like to be a key difficult friend in your life.
leo A partner could push and push, and your boundaries could become stronger and stronger. End the game by not playing. You don't need to have this discussion right now. You could opt to take another path or to let go of a plan for now. Tonight: Network.
virgo Your ability to defer needs to emerge. You might be vested in having a situation fall one way. All the pushing in the world won't help. Relax and watch what occurs. You will have reason to smile. Tonight: Know that you don't need to do anything.
libra You might feel that someone is pushing very hard. You know how to state your boundaries in a way that causes others to back off. Investigate other ideas as well if you don't feel comfortable. Tonight: Where the action is.
scorpio Your imagination knows no limits and is a wonderful instrument for finding solutions, enhancing projects and adding more dimension to whatever you want. Know that not everyone has a wild imagination like you. Tonight: Onward. Now, to add more fun to your life.
sagittarius Your efforts do make a difference, even if a family member or roommate opts to be contentious and difficult. You might wonder if there is a better way, or perhaps a way to avoid this uproar. Tonight: Stay close to home.
capricorn You know what you want. Even if an associate, friend or partner has a very different idea, it could be a moot issue. A surprise down the road only adds to the excitement of the moment. Tonight: Hang with a friend or two.
aquarius You know when you are out of kilter. And to no one's surprise, it is today. Someone has been coming down on you, or so it feels. No wonder you are up for being a recluse. Promise -- this mood will pass. Tonight: Nap and then decide.
pisces A meeting points to the fact that you really cannot wait much longer. You cannot stop, and you need to zero in on a goal, completion of a project or perhaps something as simple as networking. Your appeal speaks for itself. Tonight: Try to make it early.
aries You enter one of your stronger periods this month. Just stop for a moment and take a breather. Execute key projects or situations. If you knew you were carrying a lucky rabbit's foot, what would you do? Now you have the answer. Tonight: Count on your friends.
taurus The buildup around a problem could have more to do with the situation than the real issue. Clear the haze. Work on only known facts. Trust your instincts, not others', for the moment. Tonight: Take some much needed personal time.
gemini A verbal and social sign, you might like to do things differently. In any case, open up to the possibilities and look to a new attitude, if not path. The more you are willing to think outside the box, the more successful you will be. Tonight: Get outside yourself. Watch a movie or listen to music.
cancer Clearly, another person demands more and more input, when you are deciding what really is enough. Understanding helps you realize that maybe you don't have the only path. Certainly, a partner lets you know he or she has a better one! Tonight: Could be late.
leo You might be seeing situations differently thanks to the input of others. Through detaching, you will gain more understanding. Think positively about others, and suddenly situations ease up. Tonight: Let your spirit soar.
virgo Listen to news and evaluate its impact. Focus on a key relationship and getting a project done. You flourish at an easy pace, but don't lose sight of the ball. You could be tired of having to always nix someone's extravagance. Tonight: Seriously consider an offer.
libra You might want to let go of a need to protect yourself. Sometimes, when you're as guarded as you are, you miss out on an opportunity. Know when you have had enough of boring thinking. Break out of the box. Others do appreciate another perspective. Tonight: Just don't be alone.
scorpio Emphasize what you can do as opposed to what feels impossible. Keep possibilities in mind when dealing with an associate. You might be surprised by what someone shares. Recognize this person for his or her openness. Tonight: Make it easy.
sagittarius You might want to re-evaluate a situation or add that extra touch that identifies you. In any case, be sensitive to your budget no matter how great an idea seems. Make sure you can take a loss, even if you don't see it happening. Tonight: Take a midweek break.
capricorn Understand the importance of sticking to the basics. Though you might want to add some frivolous items if you're making a purchase, it won't work ultimately. Fatigue could encourage an early day. Tonight: Get home as soon as possible.
aquarius You have the right words to open up a conversations and resolve a hassle if need be. Evaluate someone's body language as well as his or her words. You might be taken aback by what you see. Tonight: Relax with family or friends.
pisces Your instincts will guide you concerning money. You often rely on good, solid judgment. Right now, follow that inner sense of knowing. A friend could become very pushy trying to have a situation as he or she would like. Learn the word "no." Tonight: Make sure ends meet.
aries Be direct in your dealings, and you will feel better. You are on top of your game. Others could be taken aback by your creative, energetic and smiling ways. You will have what you want, no matter what. Tonight: All smiles.
taurus Listen to news and understand what is happening behind the scenes. Someone is very fiery and full of him- or herself. Rather than get into a heated dance or argument, look the other way. Tonight: Do for you.
gemini Get ready, as friends and associates join together to help you accomplish something that is very important. Curb a tendency toward sarcasm, especially if you're trying to heal a rift. This person might be overly sensitive, but you are also very dramatic. Tonight: Be with a favorite person.
cancer You might want to understand exactly what is going on behind the scenes. Be sensitive to the possibilities. Someone sees you as far more capable than he or she ever could be. Be sensitive to this associate. He or she is competent but needs some encouragement. Tonight: A must appearance.
leo Look at the big picture, and then you'll have less of a chance for a backfire. You'll also be less likely to waste energy when your plate is full. Communicate what is on your mind. Others might be more upset than you realize. Tonight: Imagine. Walk in someone else's shoes.
virgo Deal with another person directly. You might want to avoid that situation but honestly cannot. Listen to your inner voice when you're angry or hurt. Don't hold back, but also don't explode. You want to be heard. Tonight: Talk over dinner.
libra You have been so serious for so long. Listen to someone's opinions and share. Could you be looking at the glass as half-empty? Though normally you are not negative, you could be right now. Tonight: Listen to a partner. You will hear a whole different version of what occurred.
scorpio If you are not feeling 100 percent, it might be time to see the doctor or start a reasonable diet. In any case, you cannot go wrong taking better care of yourself. Don't forget the dentist, either! Tonight: Choose something relaxing.
sagittarius Allow more playfulness to come forward than in the past. Your inventiveness and creativity emerge as your strong suit once more. Evaluate a friend's suggestion, keeping in mind where he or she is coming from. Tonight: Follow the action.
capricorn Steer clear of problems and stay more upbeat. You might be wondering what to do in order to get past an issue with a family member or someone you care a lot about. Let this person express his or her anger, even if you don't like what you hear. Tonight: Order in.
aquarius Stay in touch with your feelings and express them before they become bottled up and even more of a problem. In fact, someone might find it quite disarming to hear your vulnerability. Tonight: Chit chat over dinner.
pisces Be aware of your efforts and what they are worth. It is important to ask for what you feel is fair. A partner starts acting up. You might want to assume more responsibility to complete this project. Tonight: Balance your checkbook. Pay a bill or two.
aries Your ability to get things accomplished has been high all week. Today is no exception. Zero in on what you want, realizing that you have limited time. Your imagination provides another source of thought and action. Tonight: As you like.
taurus Know when to back off. You will accomplish the most by being low-key when responding to a boss or someone who influences your thinking. Question which way to go with an enthusiastic friend. Tonight: Keep a secret just that.
gemini Zero in on what you want. Consider what is happening with a friend who cannot stay on topic. On the other hand, you are in a whirlwind of ideas as you try to sort through what is workable. Use the moment. Tonight: Only where people are.
cancer Others might not like all your decisions, but they do follow your lead. Know when enough is enough. Though you might want to get this or that done, not everyone has the energy to follow-through. Tonight: Still pushing your weight around?
leo Tap into your ability to see the big picture, but this will be a concentrated effort if you are vested. Remember, so many possibilities are out there. Be willing to walk up and take a step in a new direction. Tonight: Try a new spot or new type of happening.
virgo A partner continues to act on strange influences. Respond in a caring way once more, knowing that soon this person's attitude might change. Use your imagination with a day-to-day project. Do make an appointment with the doctor before starting a diet. Tonight Go for togetherness.
libra Defer to others and observe where the clog in the works is. Clearly, you will make changes, but only when you are more sure of yourself. Wait it out a little longer; more is likely to emerge. You need as much information as possible. Tonight: Choose what pleases you most.
scorpio Your ability to see and handle different situation emerges. If you want to understand what makes a co-worker tick, start observing more. You understand what needs to happen but might hedge on another project. Tonight: Squeeze in some exercise.
sagittarius Let more fun into your professional life. You work very hard to keep this boundary, but others could use an infusion of happiness. Make that additional time that a co-worker needs. Tonight: Paint the town red!
capricorn If you can take off today, please do. You will benefit from time spent out of the office or away from the work site. How you feel could change your approach, and thus the outcome of a situation. Tonight: Balance your checkbook before deciding.
aquarius You are inspired, and others get a charge off of this energy. Be precise, because sloppiness could be a problem, especially if someone is following your lead. Conversations are animated and have many suggestions below the surface. Tonight: Start the weekend with a fun get-together.
pisces Sometimes your intuition leads you down an expensive path. Make sure you separate intuition from wanting, as you could be off spending way too much. How you deal with another person could be off. Tonight: Stick to your budget. There is a tomorrow.
aries Revamp an upcoming trip, or consider a day trip this weekend. A change of setting never hurts, and it refreshes the mind. News comes from a distance; you might want to celebrate. Don't take unnecessary risks. Tonight: Worry tomorrow and enjoy now.
taurus You smile and feel more relaxed than you have in a long while. Take a drive, go to a movie or schedule a mini trip -- whatever is your pleasure. You could be overwhelmed by all the possibilities. Tonight: Make hay while you can.
gemini Take off for the day. Do something uniquely for you. You need to mellow out and do some thinking. You might be surprised by everything that comes up. A partner might be more understanding than you realize. Tonight: Don't worry about vanishing.
cancer Friends point out the direction to better times and more fun. Your style might need some updating. Friends really care and ask you to join in. A partner is only too happy to adjust to a change. Tonight: Where the action is.
leo Deal with someone directly. Others admire your style, but right now the message might need more weight than diplomacy, especially if someone is not getting it. You cannot be responsible if someone doesn't share. Tonight: A must show.
virgo Escape reality; fantasy fits the bill. You might want to do something in a totally different way. Remain sensitive to a child or loved one who is going through some big changes. Doors will open with caring. Tonight: Use your imagination.
libra Togetherness works well for you, especially right now. You are more open than you have been for a sustained period. Initiate talks and share more of yourself. Possibilities open up when you are together, and not just in the personal realm of your life. Tonight: Chat, talk, flirt, etc.
scorpio Say "yes" to a partner or loved one. In fact, you'll find relating much easier if you relax. Really, if you are with the person you love, do you care what you do or where you eat? Tonight: Be a socialite for the night.
sagittarius Go skiing or indulge in another favorite winter sport. Getting exercise makes you full of energy and get-up-and-go. Listen to your inner voice with a money matter. Don't take any risks. Tonight: Off to a movie.
capricorn Let your creativity float up, adding to the mischief, fun and/or sensuality of the moment. Knowing when you have had enough could be more important. Laugh and relax with the company of another person. Tonight: Know that you are the main player. It is your call.
aquarius Step back and gain a deeper understanding of what is going on behind the scenes. Stay close to home; get into a project that is long overdue. If you want to see friends or loved ones, invite them over. Tonight: Remember, your home is your castle.
pisces Keep conversations rolling. Open up to a potential new friend who demonstrates caring and sensitivity. You could change your mind because of the feedback you get. Different opinions count. Tonight: Hanging out.
aries Think before you say yes to a money matter. You could be unusually tired and drawn considering everything that you have done lately. By listening to a friend, you'll gain new insight about this person. Tonight: Make it your treat. Order Chinese take-out.
taurus A friend delights and surprises you. He or she thinks you are quite special. A compliment might make you blush! Understand your innate needs and which situations create discomfort for you. Tonight: An older person or boss could cause some confusion.
gemini Continue to keep your own counsel. You have a lot on your mind, but you are right -- this might not be the moment for sharing. Decide how much of your own stuff you are putting in, and where it ends and begins. Listen to someone you respect enormously. You'll receive powerful feedback. Tonight: Think "tomorrow."
cancer Friends come through for you. Unexpected news opens up conversations and presents yet a another point of view. Put yourself in a position to meet others and expand your circle. A family member could be a drag. Tonight: Forget that tomorrow is Monday.
leo Listen to someone you have trusted and cared about. Take the time to explore what this person sees that you might not. You could be amazed. Make time for an important talk. Stay on top of your game. Touch base with an older relative. Tonight: A must-do occasion.
virgo Try to visualize and understand where another person is coming from. Trying to control this person has been futile and brought some strange results. Read between the lines. Look at what might not be said. Tonight: Try a new type of cuisine.
libra Someone you care about demands more attention. To do or not to do might be the question. Don't waste time with silliness. Touch base with your caring and act accordingly. Togetherness blooms and makes both of you happy. Tonight: Build a warm fire.
scorpio Though you might have a surprise or two down the path, you could be quite pleased with what has occurred by you not insisting on having a dominant role. Others seem to want the opportunity to let you know who they really are. Tonight: Go with the exotic suggestion.
sagittarius If you have something you feel you must do, roll with it. You could be open to some unusual news that tosses your grounding off for a while. Remember, not everyone stays in the same mental framework all of the time. Tonight: Easy works.
capricorn Your playfulness emerges, full of fun and ideas. Try another style; do something differently. By letting go and being spontaneous, others get to see the inner you. Don't even question how appealing this side of you might be. Tonight: Act like it is Friday night.
aquarius Know when to back off and take in information. You could learn a lot that ultimately points to a new direction. You also might see a family member in a far different light as a result. Know that anything can happen. Tonight: Get ready to be too busy!
pisces People find you to be unpredictable and zany. Just be sure a very important person in your life can tolerate those ups and downs. You could find someone to be somewhat staid. Remember, you value that quality in him or her. Tonight: Return e-mail and calls.
aries You blaze into the day full of enthusiasm and energy. You could inadvertently run up against someone who has very different ideas. Challenge yourself to get past this person's resistance. Both of you will be happier. Tonight: Catch up on a pal's news.
taurus Even though you might feel out of kilter, you'll do a good job. Have more faith in your abilities. Others do, so why shouldn't you? News could be disruptive, but certainly don't buy into what you are hearing hook, line and sinker. Tonight: Get your budget in order.
gemini Sometimes you just simply know -- like today. You are unbeatable, on top of your game, full of get-up-and-go. Your spirit opens doors and allows in someone who for a while might have been backing off. Tonight: In the whirlwind of the moment.
cancer Sometimes it is best to take leave of a situation and move in a new direction. Understanding builds as you come to terms with a situation head-on. Though you see someone's recalcitrant ways, also understand how limited he or she feels. Tonight: R and R.
leo The Lion roars and struts his stuff. The issue with this attitude is that often others react to what appears to them to be arrogant or difficult behavior. Avoid that position. There are alternatives, you know. Tonight: Follow the action.
virgo Before you lead the gang into a problematic situation, stop. Your "brilliant" idea just might backfire. You could be amazed by your alternatives if you kick back and relax. A position of leadership might be more significant than pushing to have your way. Tonight: A must appearance.
libra You make adjustment after adjustment. Don't allow this situation to get the best of you. Understand how even you could be a stick in the mud. Tonight: Feed your mind with a good book.
scorpio Refuse to allow a partner to dominate when you understand the error of his or her ways (even if this person doesn't!). Your ability to make someone feel important but still head in your unique direction emerges. Listen to feedback, but do your thing! Tonight: Togetherness counts.
sagittarius Don't hesitate to pull out all the stops when dealing with an ongoing problem. There are times when you feel overwhelmed by what is happening around you. Investigate options more carefully. Your laugh is a surefire winner. Tonight: Go with another person's suggestion.
capricorn Investigate alternatives. Drop saying "no, no, no." Be ready for an unusual twist, to be a tad uncomfortable and still be on top of your game. Listen to what is being shared, and for once, understand that you do need proof. Tonight: Easy does it.
aquarius Add that unique flavor your sign is known for. Others either love or hate your flamboyant individualism. Remember that you are playing to the group that likes your style. You cannot make everyone happy all the time. Tonight: Think not of what day it is, but of living well.
pisces If you can work from home, realize that there is no better place. You don't have to get dressed or do anything, for that matter. Simply enjoy the space you are in, relax and accomplish what you must. A friend has very different ideas from you. Tonight: Order in.
aries Keep communication flowing, even if at some point you might want to slam the door shut. Rest assured, that will get you nowhere. Sometimes what appears to be a disaster transforms into good news, and quickly at that today. Tonight: Visiting with others.
taurus Know the costs before you even entertain the idea of a project or some kind of joint venture. If you have a better idea of your liability, you can make a sounder decision. No one can be responsible for your choices but you! Tonight: Your treat.
gemini A boss most certainly could rain on your parade. Can you handle it, or will you handle it? Your ability to read past the obvious and see another's true intent sometimes needs to be relied on slightly less. Tonight: As you like.
cancer Know when to back off and allow someone else to come forward and make necessary demands. There are times when everyone needs to do some things differently. You might want to rethink a decision involving a personal matter. Tonight: In the thick of things.
leo Zero in on what you feel you must. What is certain is that you can no longer hide from the inevitable. You could feel out of sorts and pushed way beyond your limits. Listen to your sixth sense, and refuse to get angry when dealing with an associate. Tonight: Let another person inspire you.
virgo Continue to assume your natural leadership role. When you really have had enough, it will become quite clear. Knowing your limits is important, but sometimes deferring to the cause could be equally as significant. Tonight: Discuss a problem rather than have it eat you up.
libra Keep unusual thinking in mind when trying to get past a problem. Ask yourself how opposing ideas both could be right. Often, you might feel that no matter which direction you go, you hit an obstacle. The trick will be to rise above the obstacle. Tonight: Where the action is.
scorpio You are working with a difficult person, and getting the appropriate response could be nothing less than difficult. Understanding will grow as long as you can stay out of the blame game. At this point, creativity could cause more of a problem. Tonight: Togetherness is the theme.
sagittarius Defer to others, knowing full well what is going on between you and another person. Know that you don't always need to agree. Investigate another's response more fully. He or she might have a worthwhile point here. Listen. Tonight: Go with the most appealing suggestion.
capricorn Getting a project done might be more important than ego. You will focus on the job, while others' egos emerge. You understand what is happening here. Others might not. Listen to what is being shared. Tonight: You deserve a break.
aquarius You certainly are the idea person, but unfortunately, with each idea you seem to incur another person's ire. This situation could be close to unacceptable, but you can change it. Simply say less right now. Tonight: Evaluate the importance of a key relationship.
pisces You know what you want, though you might not be sure what is appropriate to say. The pros and cons of a home office need to be weighed first rather than acted on. Tonight: At home.
aries The time has come to mellow out some. You have pushed perhaps beyond reason. Now is the time for a break. Realize your limitations and that even you need to slow down. Don't allow someone's mood to impact you. Tonight: Order in.
taurus Keep communication going, and understand exactly what needs to be done. You could be overwhelmed by the possibilities that exist around you. Return calls and see what comes up. Realize what is happening with a neighbor. Tonight: Do more listening.
gemini You might wonder what your limits are. Certainly, it might be hard to determine, with perhaps the exception of your finances. If you would rather approach a different matter, walk a conservative path. You will be much more content. Tonight: Your treat.
cancer Allow more happiness to enter your life. Someone who continually aims to gain control might not be worth dealing with. You want more openness and fewer games. Support yourself in those desires. Tonight: Enjoy each moment.
leo Smile, but keep your feelings to yourself. You are best off not being too abundant in what you share. Someone might be itching for an argument. But you do need to feed someone the information in order to cause a problem. Touch base with your inner needs. Tonight: Try an early bedtime.
virgo Knowing your objectives could help you override someone who might decide most unexpectedly to take a stand. You can handle it, but not necessarily well. Keep your long-term goals in mind, and don't allow yourself to digress, if possible. Tonight: Where the fun is.
libra Realize that someone might not be intending to, but nonetheless is limiting you. Realize what is acceptable. You might need to establish your limits once more, questioning the very premise from which you are coming. Tonight: Burning the candle at both ends.
scorpio Events force you to think and stretch your mind. Certain issues are no longer acceptable, and you are not likely to let the status quo continue. How you see a situation could change radically given time. You might feel far more upbeat later. Tonight: Allow your imagination to wander.
sagittarius Someone makes an offer you might feel is too good to be true. You can test the waters if you would like to, but then it is most likely the person will back off. Are you willing to accept the risk involved? Tonight: Dinner for two.
capricorn Remain mellow and easy. Understand what needs to happen. Listen to news that heads in your direction; the inexplicable occurs. Power plays become inevitable if you decide that it has to be your way. Relax and trust in others' abilities. Tonight: Fatigue plays a role.
aquarius Understand what is happening behind the scenes at work. Though you might not be able to sleuth out a situation or even imagine what is up, focus on your work. Take care of your share of what must be done. Tonight: Take a break from your routine.
pisces Stay on top of work, despite a potential distraction. You might not be able to handle everything that is on your plate. Know when you have had enough, and call it a day. Focus on a personal matters at a later time. Tonight: Zero in on what you want.
aries Some misunderstandings are more difficult to handle than others. You might be better off listening to what the other side has to say. Sometimes there is more value in being receptive than in acting. Tonight: Easy works.
taurus Keep talks moving, and refuse to lock onto a point of misunderstanding. Opt for the point of understanding. You will do better if you keep the higher cause in mind. Understand what needs to happen here. Tonight: Know what you want.
gemini Curb a tendency to make someone feel as if he or she has to hold back. You might need to rethink a situation more carefully. Investigate options that allow greater exchange for both parties. Then you can really create a great idea, event or talk! Tonight: Take a hard look at your budget.
cancer You have the wherewithal to change the very nature of a situation. Your ability to grasp the dynamics involved is critical. A misunderstanding might be just that. Don't put all your power and energy into it. Tonight: All smiles.
leo Partners know how to work the unexpected, like it or not. You might feel as if you have little recourse than to go along with a financial partner. You really do have options, but you might not be comfortable with them. Understand your limits and work within a key framework. Tonight: Take your own advice!
virgo Zero in on a meeting where you have a greater opportunity to have your point heard and at the same time find supporters. You could be more than overwhelmed with a certain situation involving a way-too-unpredictable partner. Tonight: Where the action is.
libra Stay on top of work, despite the fact that you might want to take a walk or go for a drive. As strange as it sounds, your nervous energy could be preventing you from accomplishing more. Listen to what a child shares. Tonight: A must appearance.
scorpio Dig into your imagination for answers. You could be taken aback by another person's seemingly great solution. See what works for you, and understand the many possibilities. If need be, do find an expert. You want different ideas, don't you? Tonight: Choose the unusual.
sagittarius Understanding evolves if and when you sit down and have a long-overdue conversation. Not everyone needs to understand where you are coming from. Examine your different choices and listen to what someone shares. Tonight: Make it cozy.
capricorn Your ability to see past the obvious emerges. You understand what many don't: the complexity of an issue. Open up to the potential of change and understanding. See what happens if you talk with a friend more openly. Tonight: Defer to others.
aquarius Your sense of direction comes through in many different ways. Realize what you can do to change the tides. Understand you are but one person. Think through an upcoming offer. Do you really want to take on any more work? Tonight: Easy works.
pisces Don't expect others to see through the same lens as you. Your experiences are different and, in some way, far richer. Listen to news with an open mind, then consider if you want to do anything about it at all. Tonight: Fun times are here.
aries Avoid being a terror, so to speak, with someone you are always butting heads with. Why bother? Use your strength and energy appropriately. You could be amazed by what you'll accomplish if you lighten up. The Full Moon could make others a touch wacky! Tonight: Time to let your hair down.
taurus Home is where the heart is. Most definitely you'll want to consider putting in more time at home by establishing a home office or a home-based business. You could be much happier if you stay closer to a loved one. Tonight: Head home and invite a couple of friends over.
gemini Keep communication going, and you could get much better results. The instinct to lose your temper might be extremely high. Stop and center. Gain a perspective. You could become more accident-prone if you're not careful. Tonight: Hang out.
cancer Curb your possessive side and don't get yourself into any difficulties. Moods definitely impact your decisions far more than you realize. Ask questions and get to the bottom of your own reaction. Listen to feedback with a touch of skepticism. Tonight: Find the right arena in which to go overboard.
leo You smile, and another person responds. Listen to feedback from someone you care about. Investigate what is going on with a dear friend. He or she finally might be responsive. Tonight: The world is your oyster.
virgo Know when to vanish, especially if a key person remains unresponsive. You might not like the way he or she acts. Review a personal matter more closely, as it appears you don't have a handle on what is happening. Tonight: Take your time before you make a decision.
libra You do best where people are. Sometimes you could be overwhelmed by all the possibilities that head in your direction. Everyone seems to want your time and attention. You seem to be unable to say "no" at the right point! Start practicing, rather than lose your temper. Tonight: Where the gang is.
scorpio If you don't handle a key project, it might not ever get done -- not to your specifications. Know when you have had enough and cannot do anymore. Everyone needs free time -- you included. Honor your priorities. Tonight: Changing gears ... leader of the gang.
sagittarius Taking an overview is your unique talent. However, to put someone down for not having that ability could be a big error. Realize what is enough. Accept differences in a more gracious manner. Be careful with a trip. You might want to cancel it if you are out of sorts. Tonight: Use that endless ingenuity.
capricorn Realize that a partner has an idea or project totally locked up. Know that you might want to try to walk on the other side. An issue becomes more apparent. Are you in the midst of a power play? Only you know for sure. Tonight: Togetherness is an A-OK theme.
aquarius Others might seem inordinately challenging. How you deal with this situation could change radically, as you might come to understand where others are coming from. With this identification, a new unity becomes possible. Tonight: Go with the flow.
pisces Be willing to break past restrictions and understand what makes someone tick. You might not always understand why this particular associate acts a certain way. Try being a bit more understanding. Walk in his or her shoes. Tonight: Choose relaxing.
aries The high energy of the Full Moon could prove to be somewhat wayward if you're not careful. Pressure builds in a new direction. Instead of being reactive, try being direct. Make plans with a child or childlike person. Be a kid again. Tonight: Let the good times rock and roll.
taurus Know that you cannot control situations, even some of the time. Events today will point to the truth of this statement. Kick back and go along for the ride. You could be stunned by another person's attitude. Tonight: Make it easy -- order in.
gemini Listen to all the possibilities. Inevitably, you will feel like you need to squeeze them all in. Choose the most appealing; after all, this is your Saturday too. Others might be slightly flaky. Let go and rethink a decision. Tonight: Talking up a storm.
cancer Curb your need to "have," as you become extraordinarily demanding. Trust that you don't always have to ask. A request actually could have the reverse impact. Know that what needs to happen absolutely will occur. Tonight: Give up your controlling ways.
leo You certainly feel empowered and capable of handling someone's seeming contrariness. Perhaps this person might not be getting the gist of what you are saying. Stay easy, and let this person see the genuineness of your feelings. Trust in yourself. Tonight: All smiles.
virgo If you simply feel as if you would like to do something different or more creative, then do. Make it OK not to join in with the crowd. Tonight: Rejuvenate by being your own person.
libra How you handled a changing matter might have worked in the past, but not any longer. The time has come to recognize that the impossible can and will happen if you give others half a chance. A misunderstanding could be at the base of a relationship. Tonight: Where the gang is.
scorpio Others want what they need and desire. You have little to no problem with that. Open up to possibilities that someone you respect suggests. Investigate what is happening within a key interaction. Tonight: In the thick of the moment.
sagittarius Ask a friend or loved one to hop in the car and join you for a day exploring a new area of your state, town or nearby countryside. You could be amazed by the ease with which you refresh. Realize that everyone needs to recycle. Tonight: A change of pace is just what the doctor ordered!
capricorn A partner challenges you, but how you accept and deal with this behavior determines the net results. Perhaps taking the attitude that some people just have passionate opinions and nothing more will work best. Avoid personalizing what this person says. Tonight: Enjoying the moment.
aquarius Your ability to be clear and direct takes you down a different path from many. Don't make any snap judgments, especially as it appears you see a matter very differently from someone else. Allow time to be a reality check. Tonight: Just don't be alone.
pisces Hardship is defined in many different ways, depending on the person. Don't let this work become part of your thinking, or else you could make it so. Be aware that many people have varied needs. Allow for differences rather than judge. Tonight: Play it mellow.
aries Stop! That's more like it. You need to slow down and take a day for relaxation. Investigate your options, but know that odds are you are going to have to make a must appearance. Tonight: Dinner with an older relative.
taurus Your ingenuity appears to have attracted someone very close. This person might be unduly interested. If this feeling is not reciprocated, use care. You don't want problems! Tonight: Act as if it were Friday night.
gemini Staying close to home feels very comfortable, especially with a key loved one. You might have pushed beyond your limits. Take a much-needed timeout. Tonight: Just make it easy.
cancer Make calls and catch up on someone's news. You could be taken aback by what you hear. Not all the facts are clear yet. Do a better job of listening in order to put two and two together. Tonight: Hanging out.
leo Be aware of expenses before giving the nod. You will be much happier as a result and will achieve a lot more. Realizing what is happening behind the scenes might be critical to everything functioning well. Tonight: Balance your checkbook.
virgo Reveal the true you, and others could be quite delighted. If someone doesn't like the real you, do you want to have anything more to do with this person? Being authentic can be very positive. Tonight: Ask, and you shall receive.
libra You tend to be hard on yourself and others. Avoid judgments, and you, as well as others, could be much happier. What proves to be an exquisite opportunity will surface soon. Tonight: Get some R and R. It is much needed.
scorpio Zero in on what is most important to you, be it a friendship, a get-together or even a party. Wherever you are, you seem to be able to pull white rabbits out of black hats. Why not? Tonight: Act as if it were Friday night.
sagittarius A parent, older relative or friend needs your attention now. Though you might want to do something else, you must respond to the immediate situation. Use good money sense. Tonight: Dinner out doesn't need to cost.
capricorn Keep taking an overview, and don't fall into a rut of being overly negative. A parent or older person could be unusually difficult. What is going on might have nothing to do with you. Tonight: Let your imagination create the moment.
aquarius A partner is pleased to be making the first moves. Why not allow greater give-and-take between you and this person? You might discover how much more content you could be if you relax and let go. Tonight: Snuggle in. Let your mind quiet down.
pisces Learn more about those in your life. Let them make more of the choices. Others will feel much more together and valued. At the same time, you will learn more about key people. Tonight: Don't let a dear friend or partner discourage you.
aries Mellow out before you walk into work. Others need you to do this or that ASAP. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your perspective, you are known for handling certain matters. Tonight: Go for an early bedtime.
taurus Others tap into your ingenuity. The issue for you might lie in what you will do when you realize someone distorts your concept or actually destroys it. Let go of rigidity. An idea or concept is nothing more than that. Don't share it if you feel territorial. Tonight: Surprises and friendship mix.
gemini If you can take off or take a personal day, the time is perfect. Listen to news that is forthcoming. You laugh, and others lighten up. Just because Monday is associated with work doesn't mean you must work. Tonight: Play it low-key.
cancer How you feel about an issue is directly reflected in what you say. Use care, because you could discover that although someone says the right words, he or she might not necessarily agree. Tonight: Catch up on a friend's news.
leo Don't wonder; find out. What is occurring could be rather surprising. Observe rather than react. Continue to maintain a low profile financially, and make no new investments. You will be much happier as a result. Tonight: Rethink an expenditure.
virgo Realize that while others fret, you are in a position to sleuth out solutions and come to the rescue. Though this role is not your normal one, it certainly opens doors. Evaluate and think before you leap into action. Tonight: As you like it.
libra You might want to realize what is going on with a child or loved one. You will want to do more for this person, though the timing could be off. How you deal with someone could vary. Think deeply before acting. Tonight: Get some extra sleep. You will need the rest.
scorpio Zero in on more of what you desire. Your ability to make an impression and keep a situation focused comes through. A meeting will help direct your energy where you want it. Supporters seem to naturally surface. Tonight: Where the action is, of course.
sagittarius You can bypass issues only if you decide to assume a stronger leadership role. You understand far more than others realize. Take a situation from the top and look at it from a new perspective. A family member has the capacity to create a tremendous uproar. Tonight: A must appearance.
capricorn Invite your mind to stretch. Drop locked thinking, and at that point you can get past an issue. Review recent events with more care. You know where you are going and why. Investigate opportunities. Tonight: In the thick of things.
aquarius Knowing that someone else has it all handled can and will make all the difference. Loosen up and be more receptive to what someone is offering you. He or she really cares. Don't get stuck in negative thinking. Tonight: Use care with your bills.
pisces Take your time coming to a conclusion. How you handle a problem and what you do with it could change radically. Investigate ideas more openly and with greater give-and-take. You could be amazed by what emerges. Tonight: Don't shake up a loved one.
aries Let bygones be bygones -- someone feels bad enough as it is. Realize what is going on with this person and how down he or she truly might be. Understanding evolves. Tonight: Try out another person's idea.
taurus You might be more vested than in the past. Your inability to follow through might be coming from a past experience. Distance yourself rather than trigger. Understand rather than carry on. Off to the gym, or find another form of exercise!
gemini Realize that you have quite possibly pushed someone too hard, and he or she is reacting way beyond the obvious. How you handle a child or loved one has much to do with your own resourcefulness. Tonight: Just ask.
cancer Stay close to home if possible, or don't venture far, even if at work. Many unexpected elements are at work. If you are feeling sad or depressed, take this opportunity to discuss the situation. Tonight: Order in.
leo You might intend for your words to come out clearly and that someone understand what is happening. Your inability to move forward will start a problem. Listen to news that is forthcoming with a grain of salt. It is coming from a point of negativity. Tonight: Say "yes."
virgo Your spending continues to be a major issue. Invariably, you are thinking about a lot of changes. Evaluate what is happening behind the scenes before making a decision involving your finances. There is more to the story. Tonight: Your treat.
libra You could be overly serious about what is happening. By being heavy or not looking at a situation, you'll see someone from a different perspective. You could be inadvertently pushing someone too hard. Tonight: Say "yes" to living.
scorpio Take your time evaluating what is happening. Consider news with open eyes. Think positively and get to the bottom of an issue. You easily could be blocking some of the information. Tonight: Take some much-needed personal time.
sagittarius Zero in on more of what you honestly desire. Meetings could prove to be key in implementing a project or gaining supporters for a venture. You have the wherewithal to hit a home run. The only person stopping you is you. Tonight: Where the action is.
capricorn You might be overwhelmed by others' expectations, but as usual, you will walk up to the plate and hit a home run. Knowing what you want and where you are heading remains crucial to your success. Stop periodically to review your goals. Tonight: Burning the candle at both ends.
aquarius Stay on course, but review your methods of getting to the final goal. Perhaps an update might be in order. You frequently are overwhelmed by events and information. Staying centered remains instrumental to your success. Tonight: Try a movie.
pisces Working with an individual rather than a group points to success, though that could change in a few days. You could be surprised by the mammoth amount of material you need to go through. A little help is always nice. Tonight: Chat over dinner.
aries Stay in tune with the positive. Know that you are not the only person who feels a bit awkward at times. How you handle someone could change radically because of a side that he or she manifests. Tonight: Be the audience and the listener.
taurus Easy does it. You could be exhausted and dragging after a certain point. You have a lot of charm and a positive attitude, which carry you through a tense moment or two. Know what it is you seek. Tonight: Put your feet up.
gemini Give a problem a shot of your ingenuity and then see where everything lands. You could be taken aback by your alternatives, as strange as that might seem. How you deal with someone you care about could change radically. Tonight: Take a midweek break.
cancer Easy works better than you realize. Sometimes you get uptight imagining what-if scenarios. Toss them to the wayside, as they won't serve you. Realize your limits within your domestic circle. You might not be the only one who is uncomfortable. Tonight: Happy at home.
leo The Lion roars and wants no one and nothing to stop him. Listen to what someone shares within your immediate circle before leaping in. Remain optimistic in a conversation. Someone is most certainly getting your point. Tonight: Hang out with a friend.
virgo Your discomfort with one issue easily could be coloring other issues, despite all efforts to stay clear. Listen to a close friend or associate. Not only does this person mean well, he or she has your best interests in mind. Tonight: Treat yourself to a not-too-expensive item you have desired.
libra Others might be a lot tougher than you anticipated. Yet there appears to be no problem in you having your way. Dominate and express your preference. Think positively about an offer that could be surprising. Tonight: Only what you want.
scorpio How you see an evolving situation could change radically. If you understand what is happening, you might opt to do something differently. Give yourself time to sort through recent confusion. More conflicting facts are heading your way. Tonight: Get some extra R and R.
sagittarius Your ability to zero in on problems comes through in a meeting. You might feel a bit strange about what comes up. Think in terms of growth. You could be worn out by everything that is happening. Certainly you are in a period of transformation. Tonight: Where the action is.
capricorn Others continue to look to you for decisions and insight. You feel pressure from a misunderstanding or a mixed message. You could be a bit uncomfortable until you understand that you need to release some of these issues. Tonight: A must appearance.
aquarius Reach out for someone at a distance. Your ability to get past a problem energizes many. If you are confused about info you are hearing, say so and get more confirmation. You cannot have all the answers all the time. Tonight: Be adventuresome when making plans.
pisces Work with someone directly without having any expectations. Realize what happens when you let go and don't feel the need to do anything a certain way. Investigate options with someone you trust. Tonight: Try dinner for two.
aries Clearly understand that you don't have as much under control as you would like to. In fact, through releasing you'll come up with an unusual solution. Realize when you have done enough. Let your fiery side come out in the right or effective situation. Tonight: Togetherness works.
taurus You wake up with work as a priority, but quickly different colorful characters appear in your life. Recognize the moment through networking. Understand that others' differences add, not subtract. Tonight: Say "yes" to living.
gemini Use an idea you have this morning to revive a project or association. Diplomacy helps you turn the corner with a key person. Avoid trying to convince someone that he or she is wrong through strong words or a putdown. Tonight: As you like it.
cancer Share more of what is really important to your well-being. Yes, you know when enough is enough. How you handle someone and the choices you make could remain key. Laughter surrounds your decisions. You know what you want. Tonight: Togetherness.
leo You might want to make a difference, and you will if you relax. Sometimes when you push too hard, you experience a backfire. If you go with the flow, you'll come out all smiles and ready to handle nearly anything. Tonight: Order in.
virgo Zero in on basics during a conversation. Your clarity can define what is happening. Listen to news with an eye to dynamic change. Keep conversations moving, and be ready to jump in and handle a matter. Your perspective is needed. Tonight: Visit with friends.
libra Take a stand, knowing when enough is enough. You have far more to offer than you realize. Focus on security and the potential of a home office. Not everything is as it seems. Understand what is going on within your immediate circle. Tonight: Pay bills before solidifying plans.
scorpio You could be on cruise control. Your words or concepts presented differently ring another person's chime. Be willing to discuss what is happening behind the scenes. Understand what needs to be accomplished. Tonight: Your treat.
sagittarius You might want to distance yourself and take your time making a decision. You have the ability to move past a problem. Listen to news more carefully. Review your budget. Pressure builds. Understand your limits. Tonight: Get some extra R and R.
capricorn Meetings put a smile on your face. You know what is happening behind the scenes. Realize that others mean well -- in fact, someone could be quite the resource of ideas. Zero in on what is important, never losing your priorities. Tonight: Where people are.
aquarius You might want to assume a greater role at work and/or with your career. You could be very tired and drawn. Know when enough is enough. Feel free to change gears, and you could revive once more. Tonight: Could be very late.
pisces Keep reaching out for more opinions. The more you stretch your mind, the better the end results. Sometimes we block ourselves from seeing the complete story and finding the right answers. Start thinking "vacation." You need some downtime. Tonight: Follow the music.
aries You might not believe what is happening behind the scenes. Consider your options more carefully than in the past
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