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TableGen assert
//===-- - Target definition file for the Sharp SM83 --*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This is a target description file for the Sharp SM83 architecture, referred
// to here as the "SM83" architecture.
include "llvm/Target/"
// Register file, instruction descriptions, and calling conventions
include ""
include ""
// include ""
def SM83InstrInfo : InstrInfo;
// Define the target
def SM83 final : public Target {
let InstructionSet = SM83InstrInfo;
//===-- - Target Description for SM83 -----*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// generic SM83 instruction
class SM83Instruction<dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern = []>
: Instruction
let Namespace = "SM83";
dag OutOperandList = outs;
dag InOperandList = ins;
let AsmString = asmstr;
let Pattern = pattern;
class SM83Inst8<dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern = []>
: SM83Instruction<outs, ins, asmstr, pattern>
field bits<8> Inst;
let Size = 1;
class SM83Inst16<dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern>
: SM83Instruction<outs, ins, asmstr, pattern>
field bits<16> Inst;
let Size = 2;
class SM83Inst24<dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern>
: SM83Instruction<outs, ins, asmstr, pattern>
field bits<24> Inst;
let Size = 3;
// arithmetic operations
class SM83ALU<bits<3> op> {
bits<3> Value = op;
def ALU_ADD : SM83ALU<0b000>;
def ALU_ADC : SM83ALU<0b001>;
def ALU_SUB : SM83ALU<0b010>;
def ALU_SBC : SM83ALU<0b011>;
def ALU_AND : SM83ALU<0b100>;
def ALU_XOR : SM83ALU<0b101>;
def ALU_OR : SM83ALU<0b110>;
def ALU_CP : SM83ALU<0b111>;
let Uses = [A], Defs = [A, FLAGS] in {
class ALU_r<SM83ALU op, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern>
: SM83Inst8<outs, ins, asmstr, pattern>
bits<3> src;
let Inst{7-6} = 0b10;
let Inst{5-3} = op.Value;
let Inst{2-0} = src;
class ALU_i<SM83ALU op, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern>
: SM83Inst16<outs, ins, asmstr, pattern>
bits<8> imm;
let Inst{7-6} = 0b11;
let Inst{5-3} = op.Value;
let Inst{2-0} = 0b110;
let Inst{15-8} = imm;
class PrefixCB<dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern>
: SM83Inst16<outs, ins, asmstr, pattern>
let Inst{7-0} = 0xCB;
// shifts and rotates
class SM83SHRO<bits<3> type> {
bits<3> Value = type;
def RO_RLC : SM83SHRO<0b000>;
def RO_RRC : SM83SHRO<0b001>;
def RO_RL : SM83SHRO<0b010>;
def RO_RR : SM83SHRO<0b011>;
def SH_SLA : SM83SHRO<0b100>;
def SH_SRA : SM83SHRO<0b101>;
def SH_SWAP : SM83SHRO<0b110>;
def SH_SRL : SM83SHRO<0b111>;
class SHRO_r<SM83SHRO type, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern>
: PrefixCB<outs, ins, asmstr, pattern>
bits<3> dst;
let Inst{15-14} = 0b00;
let Inst{13-11} = type.Value;
let Inst{10-8} = dst;
// bit tests and sets
class SM83BTS<bits<2> op> {
bits<2> Value = op;
// 00 is shifts and rotates
def BTS_BIT : SM83BTS<0b01>;
def BTS_RES : SM83BTS<0b10>;
def BTS_SET : SM83BTS<0b11>;
class BTS_ri<SM83BTS op, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern>
: PrefixCB<outs, ins, asmstr, pattern>
bits<3> dst;
bits<3> idx;
let Inst{15-14} = op.Value;
let Inst{13-11} = idx;
let Inst{10-8} = dst;
//===-- - SM83 Instruction Descriptions ---*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file describes SM83 instructions in TableGen format.
include ""
multiclass ALU_ri<string opstr, SM83ALU opc, SDPatternOperator op> {
def r : ALU_r<opc,
(outs), (ins GR8:$src),
opstr # " a, $src",
[(set A, (op A, GR8:$src))]>;
def r : ALU_i<opc,
(outs), (ins i8:$imm),
opstr # " a, $imm",
[(set A, (op A, i8imm:$imm))]>;
defm ADD : ALU_ri<"add", 0b000, add>;
defm SUB : ALU_ri<"sub", 0b010, sub>;
defm AND : ALU_ri<"and", 0b100, and>;
defm XOR : ALU_ri<"xor", 0b101, xor>;
defm OR : ALU_ri<"or" , 0b110, or >;
def LDddnn : SM83Inst24<(outs AR16:$dst),
(ins i16:$src),
"ld $dst, $src",
[(set $dst, i16imm:$src)]>
bits<2> dst;
bits<16> src;
let Inst{7-6} = 0b00;
let Inst{5-4} = dst; // Destination
let Inst{3-0} = 0b0001;
let Inst{8-23} = imm; // Operand
//===- - Describe the SM83 Register File --*- tablegen -*-==//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file describes the SM83 Register file, defining the registers themselves,
// aliases between the registers, and the register classes built out of the
// registers.
class SM83Reg<string name,
bits<16> enc = -1,
list<Register> subregs = []>
: RegisterWithSubRegs<name, subregs>
let Namespace = "SM83";
let HWEncoding = enc;
let SubRegs = subregs;
// Subregister indices.
let Namespace = "SM83" in {
def sub_low : SubRegIndex<8>;
def sub_high : SubRegIndex<8, 8>;
// Register definitions...
// 8-bit registers
def B : SM83Reg<"b", 0>;
def C : SM83Reg<"c", 1>;
def D : SM83Reg<"d", 2>;
def E : SM83Reg<"e", 3>;
def H : SM83Reg<"h", 4>;
def L : SM83Reg<"l", 5>;
// we don't want [hl] to be allocated
def A : SM83Reg<"a", 7>;
def FLAGS : SM83Reg<"f">;
let SubRegIndices = [sub_high, sub_low],
CoveredBySubRegs = 1 in
// 16-bit registers
def AF : SM83Reg<"af", 3, [A, FLAGS]>;
def BC : SM83Reg<"bc", 0, [B, C]>;
def DE : SM83Reg<"de", 1, [D, E]>;
def HL : SM83Reg<"hl", 2, [H, L]>;
// stack pointer
def SP : SM83Reg<"sp", 3>;
// instruction pointer/program counter
def PC : SM83Reg<"pc">;
// miscellaneous
def IME : SM83Reg<"ime">;
// Register class definitions...
// General-purpose 8-bit registers
def GR8 : RegisterClass<"SM83", [i8], 8, (add A, B, C, D, E, H, L)>;
// All 8-bit registers
def R8 : RegisterClass<"SM83", [i8], 8, (add GR8, FLAGS)>;
// General-purpose 16-bit registers
def GR16 : RegisterClass<"SM83", [i16], 8, (add BC, DE, HL)>;
// 16-bit registers that can be used with the stack
def SR16 : RegisterClass<"SM83", [i16], 8, (add GR16, AF)>;
// with arithmetic and load operations
def AR16 : RegisterClass<"SM83", [i16], 8, (add GR16, SP)>;
// All 16-bit registers
def R16 : RegisterClass<"SM83", [i16], 8, (add GR16, AF, SP, PC)>;
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