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Last active December 11, 2023 16:34
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Unity's missing Skinned Mesh Bone Reference Editor
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditorInternal;
public class BoneEditorWindow : EditorWindow {
const string BASE_MENU_PATH = "CONTEXT/" + nameof(SkinnedMeshRenderer) + "/";
const string MENU_PATH = BASE_MENU_PATH + "Edit Bone References";
const string COPY_MENU_PATH = BASE_MENU_PATH + "Copy Bone References";
const string PASTE_MENU_PATH = BASE_MENU_PATH + "Paste Bone References";
const string EDITOR_PREFS_AUTOAPPLY = "BoneEditorWindow.AutoApply";
public static float boneSize = 0.06F;
public static Color minCoverageBoneColor = new Color(0, 0, 0.5F, 0.5F);
public static Color maxCoverageBoneColor = new Color(0, 0.8F, 1);
static GUIContent tempContent, warningIcon, infoIcon, filterIcon, plusIcon, avatarIcon, rootIcon, notAssignedIcon, noWeightIcon;
static readonly Queue<Transform> walker = new Queue<Transform>();
static readonly HashSet<Transform> walkedBones = new HashSet<Transform>();
static readonly HashSet<string> walkedNames = new HashSet<string>();
static bool autoApply;
static Transform[] copiedBones;
HashSet<Transform> humanoidBones;
SkinnedMeshRenderer target;
static readonly Dictionary<Transform, float> boneCoverageMap = new Dictionary<Transform, float>();
Mesh mesh;
Transform[] bones;
float totalCoverage;
static float maxCoverage;
static bool shouldRefreshBoneCoverageMap;
static Transform selectedBone;
(int refCount, float coverage)[] boneInfos;
ReorderableList list;
Vector2 scrollPos;
static Action refreshBoneCoverageMap;
static BoneEditorWindow() {
SceneView.duringSceneGui += OnSceneGUI;
static void BoneEditorMenu(MenuCommand command) {
if (!BoneEditorMenuEnabled(command)) return;
var instance = CreateInstance<BoneEditorWindow>(); = command.context as SkinnedMeshRenderer;
static void CopyBones(MenuCommand command) {
if (!BoneEditorMenuEnabled(command)) return;
copiedBones = (command.context as SkinnedMeshRenderer).bones;
static void PasteBones(MenuCommand command) {
if (!PasteBonesEnabled(command)) return;
var smr = command.context as SkinnedMeshRenderer;
Undo.RecordObject(smr, "Paste Bones");
smr.bones = copiedBones;
[MenuItem(MENU_PATH, true)]
[MenuItem(COPY_MENU_PATH, true)]
static bool BoneEditorMenuEnabled(MenuCommand command) {
var smr = command.context as SkinnedMeshRenderer;
if (smr == null) return false;
var mesh = smr.sharedMesh;
if (mesh == null || !mesh.HasVertexAttribute(VertexAttribute.BlendIndices)) return false;
return true;
[MenuItem(PASTE_MENU_PATH, true)]
static bool PasteBonesEnabled(MenuCommand command) =>
BoneEditorMenuEnabled(command) &&
copiedBones != null &&
copiedBones.Length == (command.context as SkinnedMeshRenderer).sharedMesh.bindposes.Length;
void OnEnable() {
if (filterIcon == null) filterIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("d_Animation.FilterBySelection");
if (plusIcon == null) plusIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Toolbar Plus");
if (filterIcon == null) filterIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Animation.FilterBySelection");
if (target == null) return;
minSize = new Vector2(500, 100);
mesh = target.sharedMesh;
Undo.undoRedoPerformed += OnUndoRedo;
autoApply = EditorPrefs.GetBool(EDITOR_PREFS_AUTOAPPLY, true);
refreshBoneCoverageMap += RefreshBoneCoverageMap;
void OnLostFocus() {
selectedBone = null;
void OnDisable() {
Undo.undoRedoPerformed -= OnUndoRedo;
refreshBoneCoverageMap -= RefreshBoneCoverageMap;
shouldRefreshBoneCoverageMap = true;
void UpdateDirty(bool isDirty) {
titleContent = new GUIContent($"Bone Editor{(isDirty ? "*" : "")}");
void OnGUI() {
if (target == null) {
if (list == null || mesh != target.sharedMesh) {
mesh = target.sharedMesh;
if (mesh == null || !mesh.HasVertexAttribute(VertexAttribute.BlendIndices)) {
using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope(EditorStyles.toolbar)) {
if (GUILayout.Button(GetGUIContent("Fill Empty", "Fill empty bone references."), EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) {
var undoGroup = Undo.GetCurrentGroup();
for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++)
if (bones[i] == null && boneInfos[i].coverage > 0) AutoSetBone(i, false);
ApplyBones("Fill Empty Bones");
Undo.SetCurrentGroupName("Fill Empty Bones");
if (GUILayout.Button(GetGUIContent("Set Bindpose", "Move all bones to bindpose."), EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) {
var undoGroup = Undo.GetCurrentGroup();
foreach (var i in GetSortedBoneIndecesByDepth())
if (bones[i] != null && !walkedBones.Add(bones[i])) AutoSetBone(i, true);
ApplyBones("Move Bones To Bindpose");
Undo.SetCurrentGroupName("Move Bones To Bindpose");
if (GUILayout.Button(GetGUIContent("Reassign Dup.", "Reassign duplicated bones."), EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) {
var undoGroup = Undo.GetCurrentGroup();
foreach (var i in GetSortedBoneIndecesByDepth())
if (bones[i] != null && !walkedBones.Add(bones[i])) ReassignBone(i);
ApplyBones("Reassign Bones");
Undo.SetCurrentGroupName("Reassign Bones");
if (GUILayout.Button(GetGUIContent("Rename Dup.", "Rename duplicated bones."), EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) {
var undoGroup = Undo.GetCurrentGroup();
foreach (var i in GetSortedBoneIndecesByDepth()) {
var bone = bones[i];
if (bone == null || walkedBones.Add(bone)) continue;
var name =;
if (walkedNames.Add(name)) continue;
name = GetUniqueNameForBone(bone);
Undo.RecordObject(bone.gameObject, "Rename Bone"); = name;
ApplyBones("Rename Bones");
Undo.SetCurrentGroupName("Rename Bones");
if (GUILayout.Button("Refresh", EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)))
using (var changed = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope()) {
autoApply = GUILayout.Toggle(autoApply, GetGUIContent(autoApply ? "Auto Apply" : "Auto", "Auto apply changes to target skinned mesh renderer."), EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
if (changed.changed) EditorPrefs.SetBool(EDITOR_PREFS_AUTOAPPLY, autoApply);
if (!autoApply && GUILayout.Button("Apply", EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)))
using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope())
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true)) {
EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(mesh, typeof(Mesh), false, GUILayout.Width(EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth + ReorderableList.Defaults.dragHandleWidth - 4));
EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(target, typeof(SkinnedMeshRenderer), true, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
using (var scroll = new EditorGUILayout.ScrollViewScope(scrollPos)) {
scrollPos = scroll.scrollPosition;
if (focusedWindow == this) selectedBone = list.index >= 0 ? bones[list.index] : null;
void OnHierarchyChange() {
if (target == null) {
var root = target.rootBone;
if (root == null) root = target.transform;
if (humanoidBones != null) humanoidBones.Clear();
var animator = root.GetComponentInParent<Animator>();
if (animator == null) return;
var avatar = animator.avatar;
if (avatar == null || !avatar.isValid || !avatar.isHuman) return;
if (humanoidBones == null) humanoidBones = new HashSet<Transform>();
for (var i = HumanBodyBones.Hips; i < HumanBodyBones.LastBone; i++) {
var bone = animator.GetBoneTransform(i);
if (bone != null) humanoidBones.Add(bone);
static void OnSceneGUI(SceneView sceneView) {
if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint || !sceneView.drawGizmos) return;
foreach (var bone in boneCoverageMap.Keys) walker.Enqueue(bone);
while (walker.Count > 0) {
var current = walker.Dequeue();
if (current == null || !walkedBones.Add(current)) continue;
if (boneCoverageMap.TryGetValue(current, out float coverage)) {
var parent = current.parent;
Color parentColor = default;
if (boneCoverageMap.TryGetValue(parent, out float parentCoverage))
parentColor = GetBoneColor(parent, parentCoverage);
else parent = null;
DrawBoneGizmos(sceneView, parent, current, GetBoneColor(current, coverage), parentColor);
foreach (Transform child in current) walker.Enqueue(child);
static void RefreshBoneCoverageMapIfNeeded() {
if (!shouldRefreshBoneCoverageMap && boneCoverageMap != null) return;
shouldRefreshBoneCoverageMap = false;
maxCoverage = 0;
void RefreshBoneCoverageMap() {
for (int i = 0; i < boneInfos.Length; i++) {
var bone = bones[i];
if (bone == null) continue;
boneCoverageMap.TryGetValue(bone, out float coverage);
coverage += boneInfos[i].coverage;
boneCoverageMap[bone] = coverage;
maxCoverage = Mathf.Max(maxCoverage, coverage);
void OnUndoRedo() {
if (autoApply) {
void RefreshBones() {
if (target == null) return;
bones = target.bones;
int boneCount = mesh.bindposes.Length;
if (bones == null || bones.Length != boneCount) {
var newBones = new Transform[boneCount];
if (bones != null) Array.Copy(bones, newBones, Mathf.Min(bones.Length, boneCount));
bones = newBones;
ApplyBones("Initialize Bones");
} else
boneInfos = new (int, float)[boneCount];
totalCoverage = 0;
foreach (var boneWeight in mesh.GetAllBoneWeights()) {
var boneInfo = boneInfos[boneWeight.boneIndex];
boneInfo.coverage += boneWeight.weight;
totalCoverage += boneWeight.weight;
boneInfos[boneWeight.boneIndex] = boneInfo;
list = new ReorderableList(bones, typeof(Transform), true, true, false, false) {
drawElementCallback = OnListDrawElement,
drawHeaderCallback = DoNotDraw,
drawFooterCallback = DoNotDraw,
onReorderCallback = OnListReorder,
elementHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing,
showDefaultBackground = false,
headerHeight = 0,
footerHeight = 0,
shouldRefreshBoneCoverageMap = true;
void OnListDrawElement(Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused) {
var bone = bones[index];
var (refCount, coverage) = boneInfos[index];
rect.y += EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing;
var rect2 = rect;
rect2.width -= EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 2;
rect2.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
var contentColor = GUI.contentColor;
if (coverage == 0) {
var newContentColor = contentColor;
newContentColor.a *= 0.5F;
GUI.contentColor = newContentColor;
var iconRect = rect2;
iconRect.x = rect2.xMin + EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
iconRect.width = 16;
rect2 = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(rect2, GetGUIContent($"{index} ({refCount}, {coverage / totalCoverage:0.##%})"));
if (coverage <= 0) {
if (noWeightIcon == null)
noWeightIcon = new GUIContent(EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("UnLinked")) {
tooltip = "This bone has no weights. In most cases you can safely remove this bone reference.",
iconRect.x -= iconRect.width;
GUI.Label(iconRect, noWeightIcon);
} else if (bone == null) {
if (notAssignedIcon == null)
notAssignedIcon = new GUIContent(EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Invalid")) {
tooltip = "This bone is not assigned and it has weights. Parts of the mesh binded to this bone will breaks.",
iconRect.x -= iconRect.width;
GUI.Label(iconRect, notAssignedIcon);
using (var changed = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope()) {
bone = EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect2, bone, typeof(Transform), true) as Transform;
if (changed.changed) {
ReplaceBone(index, bone);
ApplyBones("Replace Bone Transform");
iconRect = rect2;
iconRect.x = rect2.xMax - EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight - 4;
iconRect.width = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
if (bone != null) {
if (humanoidBones != null && humanoidBones.Contains(bone)) {
if (avatarIcon == null)
avatarIcon = new GUIContent(EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Avatar Icon")) {
tooltip = "This bone is a humanoid bone.",
iconRect.x -= iconRect.width;
GUI.Label(iconRect, avatarIcon);
if (target.rootBone == bone) {
if (rootIcon == null)
rootIcon = new GUIContent(EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("AvatarPivot")) {
tooltip = "This bone is the root bone.",
iconRect.x -= iconRect.width;
GUI.Label(iconRect, rootIcon);
GUI.contentColor = contentColor;
rect2.xMin = rect2.xMax + 2;
rect2.width = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
#if UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER
var iconButtonStyle = EditorStyles.iconButton;
var iconButtonStyle = EditorStyles.label;
if (GUI.Button(
bone == null ?
GetGUIContent(tooltip: "Create new bone transform at bindpose.", iconContent: plusIcon) :
GetGUIContent(tooltip: "Try move bone transform to bindpose.", iconContent: filterIcon),
)) {
var undoGroup = Undo.GetCurrentGroup();
AutoSetBone(index, true);
ApplyBones("Update Bones");
Undo.SetCurrentGroupName(bone == null ? "Create Bone Transform" : "Move Bone Transform");
rect2.x += 16;
if (bone != null) {
bool isDuplicateName = !walkedNames.Add(;
bool isDuplicateBone = !walkedBones.Add(bone);
var rootBone = target.rootBone;
if (rootBone == null) rootBone = target.transform;
if (!bone.IsChildOf(rootBone))
EditorGUI.LabelField(rect2, GetWarningContent(tooltip: "This bone is not under root bone. This is not recommend unless it is intentional."), EditorStyles.label);
else if (isDuplicateBone) {
if (GUI.Button(rect2, GetInfoContent(tooltip: "This bone is duplicated. You may need to reassign a new bone in some cases."), iconButtonStyle) &&
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Reassign Bone", $"Reassign bone \"{}\"?", "Yes", "No")) {
ApplyBones("Replace Bone Transform");
} else if (isDuplicateName) {
if (GUI.Button(rect2, GetInfoContent(tooltip: "This bone has the same name with another bone. You may need to rename it in some cases."), iconButtonStyle)) {
var newName = GetUniqueNameForBone(bone);
if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Rename Bone", $"Rename bone \"{}\" to \"{newName}\"? This may break some animation clips.", "Rename", "Cancel")) {
Undo.RecordObject(bone.gameObject, "Rename Bone"); = newName;
static void DoNotDraw(Rect rect) {}
void OnListReorder(ReorderableList list) => ApplyBones("Reorder Bones");
bool AutoSetBone(int index, bool move) {
var bone = bones[index];
var rootBone = target.rootBone;
if (rootBone == null) rootBone = target.transform;
var bindposes = mesh.bindposes;
GameObject go = null;
Matrix4x4 offset;
if (bone == null) {
go = new GameObject($"{}.Bone {index}");
bone = go.transform;
bone.SetParent(rootBone, false); = GetUniqueNameForBone(bone, rootBone);
ReplaceBone(index, bone);
offset = rootBone.localToWorldMatrix;
} else if (!move) return false;
else if (bone == rootBone) {
var parentBone = bone.parent;
if (parentBone == null) return false;
offset = parentBone.localToWorldMatrix;
} else {
var parentBone = bone.parent;
while (parentBone != null) {
if (boneCoverageMap.ContainsKey(parentBone)) break;
parentBone = parentBone.parent;
if (parentBone == null) offset = rootBone.localToWorldMatrix;
else {
int parentIndex = Array.LastIndexOf(bones, parentBone, index);
if (parentIndex < 0) parentIndex = Array.IndexOf(bones, parentBone, index);
offset = parentBone.localToWorldMatrix * bindposes[parentIndex];
offset *= bindposes[index].inverse;
if (go == null) Undo.RecordObject(bone, "Move Bone Transform To Bindpose");
bone.SetPositionAndRotation(offset.MultiplyPoint(, offset.rotation);
var scale = offset.lossyScale;
var boneParent = bone.parent;
if (boneParent != null) {
var boneParentScale = boneParent.lossyScale;
scale.x /= boneParentScale.x;
scale.y /= boneParentScale.y;
scale.z /= boneParentScale.z;
bone.localScale = scale;
if (go != null) Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(go, "Create Bone");
return true;
void ApplyBones(string customUndoName = null) {
bool forced = string.IsNullOrEmpty(customUndoName);
if (autoApply || forced) {
using (var so = new SerializedObject(target)) {
var bonesProperty = so.FindProperty("m_Bones");
bonesProperty.arraySize = bones.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++) {
var boneProperty = bonesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
boneProperty.objectReferenceValue = bones[i];
} else UpdateDirty(true);
shouldRefreshBoneCoverageMap = true;
void ReplaceBone(int index, Transform bone) {
bones[index] = bone;
shouldRefreshBoneCoverageMap = true;
static void DrawBoneGizmos(SceneView sceneView, Transform from, Transform to, Color color, Color parentColor) {
Handles.color = color;
var cameraPos = Handles.inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint(;
var toPos = to.position;
var vector = cameraPos - toPos;
float scale = vector.magnitude * (from != null ? Vector3.Distance(from.position, toPos) : 0.5F) * 0.1F;
Handles.DrawWireDisc(toPos, vector.normalized, scale);
if (from == null) return;
Handles.color = parentColor;
var fromPos = from.position;
Handles.DrawLine(fromPos, toPos);
int[] GetSortedBoneIndecesByDepth() {
var depthMap = new Dictionary<Transform, int>();
foreach (var bone in bones) {
if (bone == null) continue;
var depth = 0;
var parent = bone.parent;
while (parent != null) {
if (depthMap.TryGetValue(parent, out var parentDepth)) {
depth = parentDepth + 1;
parent = parent.parent;
depthMap[bone] = depth;
var boneWithIndex = new (Transform t, int i)[bones.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++) boneWithIndex[i] = (bones[i], i);
Array.Sort(boneWithIndex, (l, r) => {
if (l.t == null || !depthMap.TryGetValue(l.t, out var lDepth)) lDepth = -1;
if (r.t == null || !depthMap.TryGetValue(r.t, out var rDepth)) rDepth = -1;
return lDepth != rDepth ? lDepth - rDepth : l.i - r.i;
return Array.ConvertAll(boneWithIndex, x => x.i);
static Color GetBoneColor(Transform bone, float coverage) =>
selectedBone == bone ? Handles.selectedColor :
coverage > 0 ? Color.Lerp(minCoverageBoneColor, maxCoverageBoneColor, Mathf.Sqrt(coverage / maxCoverage)) :
static GUIContent GetGUIContent(string title = null, string tooltip = null, GUIContent iconContent = null) {
if (tempContent == null) tempContent = new GUIContent();
tempContent.text = title ?? string.Empty;
tempContent.tooltip = tooltip ?? string.Empty;
tempContent.image = iconContent?.image;
return tempContent;
static GUIContent GetWarningContent(string title = null, string tooltip = null) {
if (warningIcon == null) warningIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("console.warnicon.sml");
return GetGUIContent(title, tooltip, warningIcon);
static GUIContent GetInfoContent(string title = null, string tooltip = null) {
if (infoIcon == null) infoIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("console.infoicon.sml");
return GetGUIContent(title, tooltip, infoIcon);
string GetUniqueNameForBone(Transform bone, Transform parent = null) {
var newName =;
if (parent == null) parent = bone.parent;
if (parent != null) newName = GameObjectUtility.GetUniqueNameForSibling(parent, newName);
var existNames = new HashSet<string>();
foreach (var otherBone in bones)
if (otherBone != null && otherBone != bone)
if (existNames.Contains(newName)) {
var existNameArray = new string[existNames.Count];
newName = ObjectNames.GetUniqueName(existNameArray, newName);
return newName;
void ReassignBone(int index) {
var bone = bones[index];
var go = new GameObject(;
var newBone = go.transform; = GetUniqueNameForBone(newBone, bone);
newBone.SetParent(bone, false);
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(go, "Create Bone");
ReplaceBone(index, newBone);
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