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Last active August 7, 2021 05:57
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Network synchronized random maze generator for VRChat. Powered by UdonSharp.
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using VRC.SDKBase;
using VRC.Udon;
using UdonSharp;
namespace JLChnToZ.VRC.Maze {
[RequireComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)), UdonBehaviourSyncMode(BehaviourSyncMode.Manual)]
public class MazeGen : UdonSharpBehaviour {
// Constants
const byte LEFT = 0x1;
const byte BACKWARD = 0x2;
const byte RIGHT = 0x4;
const byte FORWARD = 0x8;
const byte ALT_LEFT = 0x10;
const byte ALT_BACKWARD = 0x20;
const byte ALT_RIGHT = 0x40;
const byte ALT_FORWARD = 0x80;
int[] hammingLookup = new [] { // Hamming distance lookup table from 0x0 to 0xF.
4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 1,
3, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0,
// Properties
public int mazeWidth = 20;
public int mazeHeight = 20;
[SerializeField] Rect wallTextureST = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
[SerializeField, Range(0, 1)] float altWallTextureProb;
[SerializeField] Rect altWallTextureST = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
[SerializeField] bool withCeiling;
[SerializeField] Rect ceilingTextureST = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
[SerializeField] bool withFloor;
[SerializeField] Rect floorTextureST = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
// Local References
MeshFilter meshFilter;
new MeshCollider collider;
Mesh generatedMesh;
Vector3[] vertices;
Vector3[] normals;
Vector2[] uv;
int[] triangles;
// Network synced states
[UdonSynced] byte rowSize;
[UdonSynced] byte[] states;
void Start() {
meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
collider = GetComponent<MeshCollider>();
// Cleanup logic
void OnDestroy() {
if (generatedMesh != null) Destroy(generatedMesh);
public override void OnDeserialization() => GenerateMesh();
// Generate maze data and sync it to everyone.
// This will trigger everyone to build the mesh locally by the data.
// Only mazegen object owner (should be room master) can call this.
public void Generate() {
if (!Networking.IsOwner(gameObject)) return;
states = new byte[mazeWidth * mazeHeight];
rowSize = (byte)mazeWidth;
int[] path = new int[states.Length];
int[] visited = new int[states.Length];
byte[] targets = new byte[4];
int pathLength = 1;
int visitedCount = 1;
while (pathLength > 0) {
int i = path[pathLength - 1];
int x = i % rowSize;
int z = i / rowSize;
// Fetch all unvisited neighbour cells to the random pool
int targetCount = 0;
if (x > 0 && Array.IndexOf(visited, i - 1, 0, visitedCount) < 0)
targets[targetCount++] = LEFT;
if (x < rowSize - 1 && Array.IndexOf(visited, i + 1, 0, visitedCount) < 0)
targets[targetCount++] = RIGHT;
if (z > 0 && Array.IndexOf(visited, i - rowSize, 0, visitedCount) < 0)
targets[targetCount++] = BACKWARD;
if (z < mazeHeight - 1 && Array.IndexOf(visited, i + rowSize, 0, visitedCount) < 0)
targets[targetCount++] = FORWARD;
// No available neighbours, walk back 1 cell to try again.
if (targetCount == 0) {
// Get 1 random neighbour from the pool and dig the wall to it.
switch (targets[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, targetCount)]) {
case LEFT:
states[i] |= LEFT;
states[i] |= RIGHT;
case RIGHT:
states[i] |= RIGHT;
states[i] |= LEFT;
states[i] |= BACKWARD;
i -= rowSize;
states[i] |= FORWARD;
states[i] |= FORWARD;
i += rowSize;
states[i] |= BACKWARD;
// Walk to the target neighbour and mark it visited.
path[pathLength++] = i;
visited[visitedCount++] = i;
// Change some walls to alternative ones.
void GenerateAltWalls() {
if (altWallTextureProb <= 0) return;
for (int i = 0; i < states.Length; i++) {
if ((states[i] & LEFT) == 0 && altWallTextureProb > UnityEngine.Random.value)
states[i] |= ALT_LEFT;
if ((states[i] & BACKWARD) == 0 && altWallTextureProb > UnityEngine.Random.value)
states[i] |= ALT_BACKWARD;
if ((states[i] & RIGHT) == 0 && altWallTextureProb > UnityEngine.Random.value)
states[i] |= ALT_RIGHT;
if ((states[i] & FORWARD) == 0 && altWallTextureProb > UnityEngine.Random.value)
states[i] |= ALT_FORWARD;
// Generate the actual maze mesh locally and assign the mesh to the MeshFilter and MeshCollider if applicable.
// Mesh data is not efficient to be synced, so in here we are using the synced state to rebulid.
void GenerateMesh() {
int featCount = 0;
foreach (byte s in states) featCount += hammingLookup[s & 0xF];
if (withCeiling) featCount += states.Length;
if (withFloor) featCount += states.Length;
if (vertices == null || vertices.Length != featCount * 4) vertices = new Vector3[featCount * 4];
if (normals == null || normals.Length != featCount * 4) normals = new Vector3[featCount * 4];
if (uv == null || uv.Length != featCount * 4) uv = new Vector2[featCount * 4];
if (triangles == null || triangles.Length != featCount * 6) triangles = new int[featCount * 6];
quadOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < states.Length; i++) {
byte s = states[i];
int x = i % rowSize;
int z = i / rowSize;
if ((s & LEFT) == 0)
AppendWall(new Vector2(x, z), new Vector2(x, z + 1), Vector3.right, (s & ALT_LEFT) != 0);
if ((s & RIGHT) == 0)
AppendWall(new Vector2(x + 1, z + 1), new Vector2(x + 1, z), Vector3.left, (s & ALT_RIGHT) != 0);
if ((s & BACKWARD) == 0)
AppendWall(new Vector2(x + 1, z), new Vector2(x, z), Vector3.forward, (s & ALT_BACKWARD) != 0);
if ((s & FORWARD) == 0)
AppendWall(new Vector2(x, z + 1), new Vector2(x + 1, z + 1), Vector3.back, (s & ALT_FORWARD) != 0);
if (withCeiling)
new Vector3(x, 1, z), new Vector3(x, 1, z + 1),
new Vector3(x + 1, 1, z), new Vector3(x + 1, 1, z + 1),
Vector3.down, ceilingTextureST
if (withFloor)
new Vector3(x + 1, 0, z + 1), new Vector3(x + 1, 0, z),
new Vector3(x, 0, z + 1), new Vector3(x, 0, z),
Vector3.up, floorTextureST
if (generatedMesh == null) generatedMesh = new Mesh();
generatedMesh.vertices = vertices;
generatedMesh.normals = normals;
generatedMesh.triangles = triangles;
generatedMesh.uv = uv;
meshFilter.sharedMesh = generatedMesh;
if (collider != null) collider.sharedMesh = generatedMesh;
// Shortcut method for append a wall at coordinates provided.
void AppendWall(Vector2 pos1, Vector2 pos2, Vector3 normal, bool altTexture) => AppendQuad(
new Vector3(pos1.x, 0, pos1.y), new Vector3(pos2.x, 0, pos2.y),
new Vector3(pos1.x, 1, pos1.y), new Vector3(pos2.x, 1, pos2.y),
normal, altTexture ? altWallTextureST : wallTextureST
// Append a quad to the mesh
void AppendQuad(Vector3 lb, Vector3 rb, Vector3 lt, Vector3 rt, Vector3 normal, Rect uvCoord) {
// We don't reuse exists vertices and just append to the end
// becuase it needs too much work load to seek the matching one,
// and the one might not have correct UV coordinate.
vertices[quadOffset * 4 ] = lb;
vertices[quadOffset * 4 + 1] = rb;
vertices[quadOffset * 4 + 2] = lt;
vertices[quadOffset * 4 + 3] = rt;
// Normal map, as this is just a flat quad so we only need to points to one direction.
normals[quadOffset * 4 ] = normal;
normals[quadOffset * 4 + 1] = normal;
normals[quadOffset * 4 + 2] = normal;
normals[quadOffset * 4 + 3] = normal;
// UV mapping from provided rect.
uv[quadOffset * 4 ] = uvCoord.min; // LB (--)
uv[quadOffset * 4 + 1] = new Vector2(uvCoord.xMax, uvCoord.yMin); // RB (+-)
uv[quadOffset * 4 + 2] = new Vector2(uvCoord.xMin, uvCoord.yMax); // LT (-+)
uv[quadOffset * 4 + 3] = uvCoord.max; // RT (++)
// Assume the input vertex order is lb-rb-lt-rt, 2→3
// and Unity's winding order is clockwise, ↑\↓
// therefore the mapping is 0-2-1; 2-3-1. 0←1
triangles[quadOffset * 6 ] = quadOffset * 4;
triangles[quadOffset * 6 + 1] = quadOffset * 4 + 2;
triangles[quadOffset * 6 + 2] = quadOffset * 4 + 1;
triangles[quadOffset * 6 + 3] = quadOffset * 4 + 2;
triangles[quadOffset * 6 + 4] = quadOffset * 4 + 3;
triangles[quadOffset * 6 + 5] = quadOffset * 4 + 1;
// Serialize the maze data to a string which can be copied and/or restored by a user (player).
public string SerializeToString() {
byte[] result = new byte[states.Length / 2 + 6];
for (int i = 0; i < states.Length; i++) {
byte v = (states[i] & 0xF) << (i % 2 * 4);
result[i / 2 + 6] |= v;
result[(i + 2) * 7 % 4] ^= v;
result[4] = (byte)mazeWidth;
result[5] = (byte)mazeHeight;
result[0] ^= result[4] | (result[5] << 4);
return Convert.ToBase64String(result);
// Deserialize the string data back to a maze.
// This will trigger everyone to build the mesh locally by the data.
// Only mazegen object owner (should be room master) can call this.
public void DeserializeFromString(string serializedState) {
if (!Networking.IsOwner(gameObject)) return;
byte[] temp = Convert.FromBase64String(serializedState);
if (temp.Length <= 6) return;
byte[] newState = new byte[temp[4] * temp[5]];
if (newState.Length > (temp.Length - 6) / 2) return;
byte[] hashCode = new byte[4];
for (int i = 0; i < newState.Length; i++) {
newState[i] = (temp[i / 2] >> (i % 2 * 4)) & 0xF;
hashCode[(i + 2) * 7 % 4] ^= temp[i / 2] & (0xF << (i % 2 * 4));
hashCode[0] ^= temp[4] | (temp[5] << 4);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (hashCode[i] != temp[i]) return;
mazeWidth = rowSize = temp[4];
mazeHeight = temp[5];
states = newState;
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JLChnToZ commented Aug 4, 2021

This is the simple script for creating randomized and network synchronized maze in VRChat worlds.

  • It generates a single wall mesh, it does not take much performance for results except when generating.
  • It is network synchronized, every users in the same instance will see the same result.
  • It uses randomized depth-first search algorithm for generating.
  • It only depends on a single MeshFilter and MeshRenderer, optionally MeshCollider for walls collision with players.
  • Maze size could be adjust by mazeWidth and mazeHeight parameter within inspector or by setting it from other UDON scripts.
  • For triggering it to generate new maze, just send Generate custom event to it.
  • To see this script in action, you can head to this world: 3D Maze Screensaver

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