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Last active December 25, 2015 21:29
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  • Save JLChnToZ/7043235 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JLChnToZ/7043235 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
MCFormatToHTML = (src) ->
src = src.replace /&/g, "&"
src = src.replace /</g, "&lt;"
src = src.replace />/g, "&gt;"
src = src.replace /"/g, "&quot;"
src = src.replace /\s/, "&nbsp;"
src = src.replace /\n/, "<br />"
colors = ["000", "00A", "0A0", "0AA", "A00", "A0A", "FA0", "AAA", "555", "55F", "5F5", "5FF", "F55", "F5F", "FF5", "FFF"]
shadowColors = ["000000", "00002A", "002A00", "002A2A", "2A0000", "2A002A", "2A2A00", "2A2A2A", "151515", "15153F", "153F15", "153F3F", "3F1515", "3F153F", "3F3F15", "3F3F3F"]
color = "000"
isBold = isUnderline = isStrike = isItalic = isCode = isStyleChanged = no
styleText = "text-shadow:2px 2px #000;color:#000"
ret = "<span style=\"#{styleText}\">"
i = 0
while i < src.length
if src[i] is "§"
isCode = yes
else if isCode
switch src[i].toLowerCase()
when "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"
color = parseInt src[i], 16
when "l"
isBold = yes
when "m"
isStrike = yes
when "n"
isUnderline = yes
when "o"
isItalic = yes
isBold = isUnderline = isStrike = isItalic = no unless ("0123456789abcdefr".indexOf src[i].toLowerCase()) is -1
styleText = "color:##{colors[color]};text-shadow:2px 2px ##{shadowColors[color]};"
styleText += "font-weight:bold;" if isBold
styleText += "font-weight:italic;" if isItalic
styleText += "text-decoration:" if isUnderline or isStrike
styleText += "underline" if isUnderline
styleText += " line-through" if isStrike
isCode = no
isStyleChanged = yes
ret += "</span><span style=\"#{styleText}\">" if isStyleChanged
ret += src[i]
isStyleChanged = no
function MCFormatToHTML(src) {
src = src.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').
replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/\s/, "&nbsp;");
var colors = ['000', '00A', '0A0', '0AA', 'A00',
'A0A', 'FA0', 'AAA', '555', '55F',
'5F5', '5FF', 'F55', 'F5F', 'FF5', 'FFF'],
shadowColors = ['00000', '002A', '002A00', '002A2A', '2A0000',
'2A002A', '2A2A00', '2A2A2A', '151515', '15153F',
'153F15', '153F3F', '3F1515', '3F153F', '3F3F15', '3F3F3F'],
color = '000',
isBold = false, isUnderline = false, isStrike = false,
isItalic = false, isCode = false, isStyleChanged = false,
ret = '<span style="text-shadow:2px 2px #000;color:#000">';
for (var i = 0; i < src.length; i++) {
if (src[i] == '§') {
isCode = true;
} else if (isCode) {
switch (src[i].toLowerCase()) {
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
case '8': case '9': case 'a': case 'b':
case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
color = parseInt(src[i], 16);
case 'l':
isBold = true;
case 'm':
isStrike = true;
case 'n':
isUnderline = true;
case 'o':
isItalic = true;
if('0123456789abcdefr'.indexOf(src[i].toLowerCase()) != -1)
isBold = isUnderline = isStrike = isItalic = false;
isCode = false;
isStyleChanged = true;
} else {
ret += (isStyleChanged ?
'</span><span style="color:#' + colors[color] + ';text-shadow:2px 2px #' +
shadowColors[color] + ';' +
(isBold ? 'font-weight:bold;' : '') +
'text-decoration:' + (isUnderline ? 'underline' : '') +
(!isUnderline && !isStrike ? 'none' : (isUnderline && isStrike ? ' ' : '')) +
(isStrike ? 'line-through' : '') + ';' +
(isItalic ? 'font-weight:italic' : '') + '">' : '') + src[i];
isStyleChanged = false;
ret += '</span>';
return ret;
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