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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Minecraft Color Formatting JQuery Plugin (Supports debug console too)
# Minecraft Color Formatting JQuery Plugin
# (c) JLChnToZ 2014
(($) ->
MCColors = [
0, 10, 160, 170
2560, 2570, 4000, 2730
1365, 1375, 1525, 1535
3925, 3935, 4085, 4095
rndstr = (len, chars) ->
chars ?= String.fromCharCode.apply null, [33..126]
ret = ""
for i in [0...len]
rnd = Math.floor Math.random() * chars.length
ret += chars.substring rnd, rnd + 1
$create = (elm) ->
$ document.createElement elm
$.event.special.destroyed = remove: (o) -> o.handler?()
$.fn.minecraftFormat = (options) ->
escaper = "\u00A7"
outputNonEscapedChar = yes
outputEscaper = no
debug = no
cleanUp = no
if typeof options is "string"
content = options
else if typeof options is "object"
content = options.content
escaper = options.escaper ? escaper
outputNonEscapedChar = options.outputNonEscapedChar ? outputNonEscapedChar
debug = options.debug ? debug
outputEscaper = options.outputEscaper ? outputEscaper
$(@).each ->
$e = $ @
$e.empty() if content?
textNodes = []
findTextNodes = (node) ->
if node
node = node.firstChild
while node?
switch node.nodeType
when 1
findTextNodes node
when 3
textNodes.push node
node = node.nextSibling
findTextNodes @
if textNodes.length is 0
dummy = document.createTextNode ""
textNodes.push dummy
$e.append dummy
$.each textNodes, ->
$n = $ @
return yes if $n.parent().data "mcformatted"
logOutput = [""]
$this = $create "span"
bold = italic = underline = strike = no
obfuscate = obfuscated = escaped = styleChanged = no
color = 15
buffer = []
_create = ->
style = {}
deco = []
style.color = "#" + "000#{MCColors[color].toString 16}".substr -3
style.fontWeight = "bold" if bold
style.fontStyle = "italic" if italic
deco.push "underline" if underline
deco.push "line-through" if strike
style.textDecoration = deco.join " " if deco.length > 0
$create "span"
.css style
.data "mcformatted", yes
_pop = ->
buffer.pop() if buffer[buffer.length - 1] is escaper and styleChanged
if buffer.length > 0
buf = buffer.join ""
$this.append styleContainer.text buf
if obfuscated
buf = buf.replace /./g, "\u25CF" if obfuscated
obfuscatedContainer = "text-length", styleContainer.text().length
interval = setInterval ->
obfuscatedContainer.text rndstr "text-length"
, 25
obfuscatedContainer.bind "destroyed", -> clearInterval interval
if debug
logOutput[0] += "%c#{buf}"
logOutput.push "background:#000;#{styleContainer.attr 'style'}"
buffer = []
obfuscated = obfuscate
styleContainer = _create()
src = content ? @.nodeValue
for char in src
pushing = yes
if char is escaper
escaped = yes
else if escaped
styleChanged = yes
pushing = no
lower = char.toLowerCase()
switch lower
when "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"
color = parseInt char, 16
when "k"
obfuscate = yes
when "l"
bold = yes
when "m"
strike = yes
when "n"
underline = yes
when "o"
italic = yes
when "r"
styleChanged = no
buffer.push escaper if outputEscaper
buffer.push char if outputNonEscapedChar
bold = underline = strike = italic = obfuscate = no unless "0123456789abcdefr".indexOf(lower) is -1
escaped = no
if styleChanged
styleContainer = _create()
styleChanged = no
buffer.push char if pushing
console.log.apply console, logOutput if debug and logOutput[0].length > 0
$n.after $this.children()
.parent()[0].removeChild @
) jQuery
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<div id="testing">§2§l&lt;&lt;§6§lGit§6§lHub§2§l&gt;&gt;</div>



This should be work.


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