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Minecraft Server Status Ping/Query Ajax/JSON interface.
// Grab server status and return as JSON format...
// This simple script is written by Jeremy Lam (JLChnToZ).
// Usage
// Requet it as usual file, first provide the server IP/host name and port, then is the request type.
// For what kind of json data will it return, I suggest to read the description in the mcstat.php
// as all data is wrap in there, the only thing what the script below doing is just repacking the reqult to JSON.
// mcstat.php is required for using this script
// Download from here:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// require the mcstat.php
require_once './mcstat.php';
// Tell the browser this is a dynamic JSON file.
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
header('Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT');
header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
// Parse the request
$request = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
if(strpos($request, "/") === 0) $request = substr($request, 1);
$request = explode("/", $request);
$request[0] = explode(":", $request[0]);
if(sizeof($request[0]) < 2) $request[0][1] = 25565; // Default port = 25565
if(sizeof($request) < 1) $request[1] = 'legacy_ping'; // Default request = legacy ping
// Construct
$mcs = new MinecraftStatus($request[0][0], $request[0][1]);
// Try to communicate with the server with each request type until the result is given
for($i = 1; $i < sizeof($request); $i++) {
try {
switch(strtolower($request[$i])) {
case 'ping': $data = $mcs->ping(false); break; // ping: basic 1.7+ server ping method
case 'legacy_ping': $data = $mcs->ping(true); break; // legacy_ping: old server ping method
case 'basic_query': $data = $mcs->query(false); break; // basic_query: basic UT3 query (require "enable-query=true" in
case 'full_query': $data = $mcs->query(true); break; // full_query: full UT3 query (require "enable-query=true" also)
} catch(Exception $e) { }
if(isset($data)) break;
// Dat'z all, bye bye!
echo json_encode($data);
function mcstat_expect($fp, $string) {
$recievedString = '';
for ($bytes = strlen($string), $cur = 0; $cur < $bytes; $cur++) {
$recievedByte = fread($fp, 1);
$expectedByte = $string[$cur];
$recievedString .= $recievedByte;
if ($recievedByte !== $expectedByte) {
$errorMessage = 'Expected ' . bin2hex($string) . ' but recieved ' . bin2hex($recievedString);
$errorMessage .= ' problem byte: ' . bin2hex($recievedByte) . ' (position ' . $cur . ')';
throw new Exception($errorMessage);
class MinecraftStatus {
public $hostname;
public $port;
public $lastError;
public $stats;
const SERVER_LIST_PING = 'Server List Ping';
const SERVER_LIST_PING_1_7 = 'Server List Ping 1.7';
const BASIC_QUERY = 'Basic Query';
const FULL_QUERY = 'Full Query';
private $methodTable;
function __construct($hostname, $port = 25565) {
$this->hostname = $hostname;
$this->port = $port;
$this->lastError = null;
$this->stats = array();
$this->methodTable = array(
self::SERVER_LIST_PING => array(
self::SERVER_LIST_PING_1_7 => array(
self::BASIC_QUERY => array(
self::FULL_QUERY => array(
public function ping($useLegacy = true) {
if ($useLegacy)
return $this->performStatusMethod(self::SERVER_LIST_PING);
return $this->performStatusMethod(self::SERVER_LIST_PING_1_7);
public function query($fullQuery = true) {
if ($fullQuery)
return $this->performStatusMethod(self::FULL_QUERY);
return $this->performStatusMethod(self::BASIC_QUERY);
private function performStatusMethod($statusMethodName) {
$method = $this->methodTable[$statusMethodName];
$arguments = array(
try {
$newStats = call_user_func_array($method, $arguments);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$newStats = false;
$this->lastError = $e->getMessage();
$this->stats[microtime()] = array(
'stats' => $newStats,
'method' => $statusMethodName,
'hostname' => $this->hostname,
'port' => $this->port
return $newStats;
Server List Ping
An example of how to get a Minecraft server status's using a "Server List Ping" packet.
See details here:
class MinecraftServerListPing {
private static function packString($string) {
$letterCount = strlen($string);
return pack('n', $letterCount) . mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-16BE');
// This is needed since UTF-16BE text rendered as UTF-8 contains unnecessary null bytes
// and could cause other components, especially string functions to blow up. Boom!
private static function decodeUTF16BE($string) {
return mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE');
public static function ping($hostname, $port = 25565) {
// 1. pack data to send
$request = pack('nc', 0xfe01, 0xfa)
. self::packString('MC|PingHost')
. pack('nc', 7 + 2 * strlen($hostname), 73)
. self::packString($hostname)
. pack('N', 25565);
// 2. open communication socket and make transaction
$time = microtime(true);
$fp = stream_socket_client('tcp://' . $hostname . ':' . $port, $errno, $errmsg, MCSTAT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT);
stream_set_timeout($fp, MCSTAT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT);
if (!$fp)
throw new Exception($errmsg);
fwrite($fp, $request);
$response = fread($fp, 2048);
$socketInfo = stream_get_meta_data($fp);
if ($socketInfo['timed_out'])
throw new Exception('Connection timed out');
$time = round((microtime(true) - $time) * 1000);
// 3. unpack data and return
if (strpos($response, 0xFF) !== 0)
throw new Exception('Bad reply from server');
$response = substr($response, 3);
$response = explode(pack('n', 0), $response);
return array(
'player_count' => self::decodeUTF16BE($response[4]),
'player_max' => self::decodeUTF16BE($response[5]),
'motd' => self::decodeUTF16BE($response[3]),
'server_version' => self::decodeUTF16BE($response[2]),
'protocol_version' => self::decodeUTF16BE($response[1]),
'latency' => $time
public static function ping17($hostname, $port = 25565) {
$handshakePacket = self::packData(chr(0)
. self::packVarInt(4)
. self::packData($hostname)
. pack('n', (int) $port)
. self::packVarInt(1));
$statusRequestPacket = self::packData(chr(0));
$time = microtime(true);
$fp = stream_socket_client('tcp://' . $hostname . ':' . $port, $errno, $errmsg, MCSTAT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT);
stream_set_timeout($fp, MCSTAT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT);
if (!$fp)
throw new Exception($errmsg);
fwrite($fp, $handshakePacket);
fwrite($fp, $statusRequestPacket);
$time = round((microtime(true) - $time) * 1000);
$jsonLength = self::unpackVarInt($fp);
for ($jsonString = ''; strlen($jsonString) < $jsonLength; $jsonString .= fread($fp, 2048));
$json = json_decode($jsonString, true);
if (isset($json['players']['sample'])) {
foreach ($json['players']['sample'] as $player)
$players[] = $player['name'];
} else
$players = array();
return array(
'latency' => $time,
'server_version' => $json['version']['name'],
'protocol_version' => $json['version']['protocol'],
'player_count' => $json['players']['online'],
'player_max' => $json['players']['max'],
'motd' => $json['description'],
'icon' => $json['favicon'],
'players' => $players
private static function packData($data) {
return self::packVarInt(strlen($data)) . $data;
private static function unpackVarInt($fp) {
$int = 0;
$pos = 0;
while (true) {
$byte = ord(fread($fp, 1));
$int |= ($byte & 0x7F) << $pos++ * 7;
if ($pos > 5)
throw new Exception('VarInt too big');
if (($byte & 0x80) !== 128)
return $int;
private static function packVarInt($int) {
$varInt = '';
while (true) {
if (($int & 0xFFFFFF80) === 0) {
$varInt .= chr($int);
return $varInt;
$varInt .= chr($int & 0x7F | 0x80);
$int >>= 7;
This section utilizes the UT3 Query protocol to query a Minecraft server.
Read about it here:
class MinecraftQuery {
private static function getString($fp) {
$string = '';
while (($lastChar = fread($fp, 1)) !== chr(0))
$string .= $lastChar;
return $string;
private static function getStrings($fp, $count) {
for ($stringsRecieved = 0; $stringsRecieved < $count; $stringsRecieved++)
$strings[] = self::getString($fp);
return $strings;
private static function parseKeyValueSection($fp) {
$keyValuePairs = array();
while (($key = self::getString($fp)) !== '') {
$value = self::getString($fp);
$keyValuePairs[$key] = $value;
return $keyValuePairs;
private static function makeSessionId() {
return rand(1, 0xFFFFFFFF) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
// Verify packet type and ensure it references our session ID.
private static function validateResponse($response, $type, $sessionId) {
$invalidType = ($response['type'] !== $type);
$invalidSessionId = ($response['sessionId'] !== $sessionId);
if ($invalidType || $invalidSessionId) {
$errorMessage = 'Invalid Response:';
$errorMessage .= ($invalidType) ? " {$response['type']} !== {$type}" : '';
$errorMessage .= ($invalidSessionId) ? " {$response['sessionId']} !== {$sessionId}" : '';
return false;
return true;
private static function handleHandshake($fp, $sessionId) {
$handshakeRequest = pack('cccN', 0xFE, 0xFD, 9, $sessionId);
fwrite($fp, $handshakeRequest);
$handshakeResponse = self::readResponseHeader($fp, true);
if (!self::validateResponse($handshakeResponse, 9, $sessionId))
return false;
return $handshakeResponse['challengeToken'];
private static function readResponseHeader($fp, $withChallengeToken = false) {
$header = fread($fp, 5);
$unpacked = unpack('ctype/NsessionId', $header);
if ($withChallengeToken)
$unpacked['challengeToken'] = (int) self::getString($fp);
return $unpacked;
private static function startQuery($hostname, $port, $fullQuery) {
$sessionId = self::makeSessionId();
$fp = stream_socket_client('udp://' . $hostname . ':' . $port, $errno, $errmsg, MCSTAT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT);
stream_set_timeout($fp, MCSTAT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT);
if (!$fp)
throw new Exception($errmsg);
$time = microtime(true);
$challengeToken = self::handleHandshake($fp, $sessionId);
if (!$challengeToken) {
throw new Exception('Bad handshake response');
$time = round((microtime(true) - $time) * 1000);
$statRequest = pack('cccNN', 0xFE, 0xFD, 0, $sessionId, $challengeToken);
if ($fullQuery)
$statRequest .= pack('N', 0);
fwrite($fp, $statRequest);
$statResponseHeader = self::readResponseHeader($fp);
if (!self::validateResponse($statResponseHeader, 0, $sessionId)) {
throw new Exception('Bad query response');
return array(
'sessionId' => $sessionId,
'challengeToken' => $challengeToken,
'fp' => $fp,
'time' => $time
private static function unpackBasicPort($fp) {
$unpacked = unpack('vport', fread($fp, 2));
return (string) $unpacked['port'];
public static function basicQuery($hostname, $port = 25565) {
$vars = self::startQuery($hostname, $port, false);
$fp = $vars['fp'];
$stats = array(
'motd' => self::getString($fp),
'gametype' => self::getString($fp),
'map' => self::getString($fp),
'player_count' => self::getString($fp),
'player_max' => self::getString($fp),
'port' => self::unpackBasicPort($fp),
'ip' => self::getString($fp),
'latency' => $vars['time']
return $stats;
public static function fullQuery($hostname, $port = 25565) {
$vars = self::startQuery($hostname, $port, true);
$fp = $vars['fp'];
$stats = array();
$stats['latency'] = $vars['time'];
mcstat_expect($fp, "\x73\x70\x6C\x69\x74\x6E\x75\x6D\x00\x80\x00");
foreach (self::parseKeyValueSection($fp) as $key => $value) {
switch ($key) {
case 'numplayers':
$key = 'player_count';
case 'maxplayers':
$key = 'player_max';
case 'hostname':
$key = 'motd';
case 'hostip':
$key = 'ip';
case 'hostport':
$key = 'port';
$stats[$key] = $value;
mcstat_expect($fp, "\x01\x70\x6C\x61\x79\x65\x72\x5F\x00\x00");
$stats['players'] = array();
while (($player = self::getString($fp)) !== '')
$stats['players'][] = $player;
return $stats;
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