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Last active January 17, 2023 20:35
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Temporal Convolutional Network
# -----------------------------------------
# Temporal Convolutional Network in Flux.jl
# Author: Jonathan Chassot, May 17, 2022
# -----------------------------------------
# Reference:
# Shaojie Bai, J. Zico Kolter, Vladlen Koltun. (2018)
# An Empirical Evaluation of Generic Convolutional and Recurrent Networks for Sequence Modeling
# -----------------------------------------
# Note that this gist uses batch normalization instead of weight normalization as in the original paper
# -----------------------------------------
using Flux
# Temporal blocks which compose the layers of the TCN
function TemporalBlock(
chan_in::Int, chan_out::Int;
dilation::Int, kernel_size::Int, dropout_rate::AbstractFloat = 0.2,
residual::Bool = true, pad = SamePad()
# Causal convolutions
causal_conv = Chain(
Conv((1, kernel_size), chan_in => chan_out, dilation = dilation,
pad = pad),
BatchNorm(chan_out, relu),
Conv((1, kernel_size), chan_out => chan_out, dilation = dilation,
pad = pad),
BatchNorm(chan_out, relu),
residual || return causal_conv
# Skip connection (residual net)
residual_conv = Conv((1, 1), chan_in => chan_out)
Parallel(+, causal_conv, residual_conv),
x -> relu.(x)
# Temporal Convolutional Network with `length(channels) - 1` layers
# e.g., `TCN([1, 8, 8, 1], kernel_size = 3)` constructs a TCN with 3 TemporalBlock layers:
# 1.) 1 => 8, dilation = 2⁰ = 1
# 2.) 8 => 8, dilation = 2¹ = 2
# 3.) 8 => 1, dilation = 2² = 4
# each of them with `kernel_size = 3`
function TCN(
kernel_size::Int, dilation_factor::Int = 2,
dropout_rate::AbstractFloat = 0.2, residual::Bool = true
Chain([TemporalBlock(chan_in, chan_out, dilation = dilation_factor ^ (i - 1),
kernel_size = kernel_size, dropout_rate = dropout_rate, residual = residual,
pad = (0, 0, (kernel_size - 1) * dilation_factor ^ (i - 1), 0))
for (i, (chan_in, chan_out)) ∈ enumerate(zip(channels[1:end-1], channels[2:end]))]...)
# Computes the receptive field size for a specified dilation, kernel size, and number of layers
receptive_field_size(dilation::Int, kernel_size::Int, layers::Int) =
1 + (kernel_size - 1) * (dilation ^ layers - 1) / (dilation - 1)
# Minimum number of layers necessary to achieve a specified receptive field size
# (take ceil(Int, necessary_layers(...)) for final number of layers)
necessary_layers(dilation::Int, kernel_size::Int, receptive_field::Int) =
log(dilation, (receptive_field - 1) * (dilation - 1) / (kernel_size - 1)) + 1
# Example usage
tcn = TCN([1, 8, 8, 1], kernel_size = 2) # Create the network
X = randn(Float32, 1, 252, 1, 128) # Batch of 128 univariate time series of length 252
tcn(X) # Output of the temporal convolutional network
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