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Last active March 8, 2024 09:12
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Import Picasa face tags into Digikam database
# This is a script to import face tags from Picasa into Digikam's SQLite database.
# First you need to export Picasa database into XML using this tool:
# Later you need to adjust this script to fit your needs and then just run it.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import sqlite3
# Adjust the values below:
XML_FILE_PATH = '/path/to/file.xml'
SQLITE_DB_PATH = '/path/to/sqlite.db'
# In order to find out what is the parent tag ID in your database, just tag some person in Digikam, open the database using any SQLite client and see what is the pid value in Tags table for the tag you've just created.
tree = ET.parse(XML_FILE_PATH)
root = tree.getroot()
conn = sqlite3.connect(SQLITE_DB_PATH)
cur = conn.cursor()
for folder in root:
folderName = folder.get('name')
cur.execute("SELECT FROM AlbumRoots r INNER JOIN Albums a ON = a.albumRoot WHERE r.specificPath || a.relativePath = :folderName", {'folderName': folderName})
row = cur.fetchone()
if not row:
albumId = row[0]
for file in folder:
fileName = file.get('name')
cur.execute("SELECT FROM Images i WHERE = :name AND i.album = :albumId", {'name': fileName, 'albumId': albumId})
row = cur.fetchone()
imageId = row[0]
for face in file:
personName = face.get('contact_name')
rectLeft = float(face.get('rect_left'))
rectRight = float(face.get('rect_right'))
rectTop = float(face.get('rect_top'))
rectBottom = float(face.get('rect_bottom'))
if not personName:
cur.execute("SELECT i.width, i.height FROM ImageInformation i WHERE i.imageId = :imageId", {'imageId': imageId})
row = cur.fetchone()
imageWidth = row[0]
imageHeight = row[1]
x = int(imageWidth * rectLeft)
y = int(imageHeight * rectTop)
width = int(imageWidth * (rectRight - rectLeft))
height = int(imageWidth * (rectBottom - rectTop))
rectValue = '<rect x="' + str(x) + '" y="' + str(y) + '" width="' + str(width) + '" height="' + str(height) + '"/>'
cur.execute("SELECT FROM Tags t WHERE = :name AND = :tagId", {'name': personName, 'tagId': PARENT_TAG_ID})
row = cur.fetchone()
if row:
tagId = row[0]
cur.execute("INSERT INTO Tags (pid, name, icon) VALUES (:tagId, :name, 0)", {'tagId': PARENT_TAG_ID, 'name': personName})
tagId = cur.lastrowid
cur.execute("INSERT INTO TagProperties (tagid, property, value) VALUES (:tagId, 'person', :value)", {'tagId': tagId, 'value': personName})
cur.execute("INSERT INTO TagProperties (tagid, property, value) VALUES (:tagId, 'kfaceId', :value)", {'tagId': tagId, 'value': personName})
cur.execute("INSERT INTO ImageTags (imageid, tagid) VALUES (:imageId, :tagId)", {'imageId': imageId, 'tagId': tagId})
except sqlite3.IntegrityError as ex:
print 'WARNING: ' + str(ex) + '. Image: ' + folderName + '/' + fileName + ', person: ' + personName
cur.execute("INSERT INTO ImageTagProperties (imageid, tagid, property, value) VALUES (:imageId, :tagId, 'tagRegion', :rectValue)", {'imageId': imageId, 'tagId': tagId, 'rectValue': rectValue})
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Lukmhee commented Apr 6, 2022

Thanks to take interest in my problem...
I just realise that I need to check about folder date and picasa folder dating process....
right now I don’t have access to my mum computer so it will take me a few days before I can come back to you with a better explanation of my problem.
Best regards,

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Lukmhee commented Apr 8, 2022

I change a folder(dossier) date in Picasa and check with Window Files explorer the different Dates associate with this folder (date created, date modified ........) Unfortunately, no change, that mean Picasa keep the folder dating in his own database like Digikam (The dating process looks similar in both software : during the importation (building their database) process they date the folder "picasa"/Album "Digikam" using the older images/files.
So what I need its something like you did with the face tag but this time for the folder date. Something to extract the folder date from picasa database and write it in the Digikam database with some step by step explanation as i have limited computer knowledge.
It will be a challenge for me... but compared to manually modifier 1150 folder/album date in digikam so the date/presentation order match the picasa presentation that my mum use to and love....
Again thanks for your help

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