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Last active December 16, 2015 17:19
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Save JMatthewman/5469517 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TS3Radio.php A script to receive now playing information from HTTP GET requests, and output the information to chat from a specific account via TeamSpeak Client Query interface
{// Start Timer
$time = microtime();
$time = explode(' ', $time);
$time = $time[1] + $time[0];
$start = $time;
{// Preamble
// ~~~~ToDo~~~~ //
// Add RADIOSTREAM functionality //
// Chat only implemented - still want name ✔ //
// Either check and reset, or just reset name. //
// Move chat message and command sends to functions? ✔ //
// Add functionality to loop through if more than one radio exists? //
// Script crashes if disconnected TS tab open //
// HostName / IP of machine TS3 is running on (can be localhost)
$clientHost = "";
// Port to connect to (Default / fixed value is 25639)
$clientPort = 25639;
// Unique ID of Radio (Settings > Identities > Unique ID)
$radioUID = "sjaohDZ0OPeS5UdmBgB1vZn94zA=";
// Nothing should need editing below this point //
// (OK, maybe JUST the find and replace arrays) //
// Arrays of elements to replace for TS3 message string
$find = array(" ","&","'");
$replace = array("\s","\&","\'");
{// Basic Checks (auth, variables set etc.)
// Require authentication password
// Get variables from HTTP GET
if ( isset($_GET["title"]) && isset($_GET["artist"]) )
$title = $_GET["title"];
$artist = $_GET["artist"];
// If variables aren't set, we have nothing to do
die("Suiciding: Artist / Title missing");
// connection = Open socket to ( host, port, rtnErrNo, rtnErrStr, timeout )
$conn = fsockopen("$clientHost", $clientPort, $errno, $errstr, 10);
{// Functions
function getLine()
global $conn;
$rawline = fgets($conn);
// Strip newlines and carriage returns
$line = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $rawline );
// Echo the line, and then newline
echo $line;
echo "\n";
// Return the line for use as variable if needed
return $line;
function successful()
global $conn;
$temp = getLine();
// If not correct response to signify succesfull command, close connection and kill PHP quoting error
if ( $temp != "error id=0 msg=ok" )
// Attempt to tell TS3 we are quitting
// Close connection
// Kill PHP script, quoting error from TS3
die("Suiciding: Unexpected TS3 error: \"" . $temp . "\"\n");
function chatMessage($rawString)
//global $artist;
//global $title;
global $find;
global $replace;
$string = str_replace($find,$replace,$rawString);
execCommand("sendtextmessage targetmode=2 msg=" . $string);
function execCommand($command)
global $conn;
fputs($conn, "$command" . "\n");
echo "command '" . $command . "' sent\n";
{// Let's get cracking!
// Make things show nicely in a browser
echo "<pre>";
// Check we can even connect...
if ( !$conn )
die("Suiciding: Connection Failed");
// First, check this is actually TS3
$temp = getLine();
if ( $temp != "TS3 Client" )
// If first line is not 'TS3 Client' die with error 'Not TS3'
die("Suiciding: Not TS3! \"" . $temp . "\"\n");
// Appears to be TS3, dumping unwanted lines from welcome message
// Request list of all Client Handler IDs
// Store list of available connection handlers
$scHandlersString = getLine();
// Verify
// scHandlers = array from splitting raw string around pipe
$scHandlers = explode( "|", $scHandlersString );
// For each handler, run loop
foreach ($scHandlers as $thisHandler)
// Select TSconnection
execCommand("use " . $thisHandler);
// Dump spare line
// Find out who we are
$temp = explode( " ", getLine() );
successful(); // Somewhere between checking the command worked, and just dumping a useless line
// CLID = first array item, after 5th char
$clid = substr( $temp[0], 5);
echo $thisHandler . " has CLID: " . $clid . "\n";
// Find and check our Unique ID
execCommand("clientvariable client_unique_identifier clid=" . $clid);
$temp = explode( " ", getLine() );
// Unique ID is everything after 25th char of 2nd returned variable
$thisUID = substr( $temp[1], 25);
// Check if this is UID is Radio or not
if ( $thisUID == $radioUID )
if ( isset( $radioHandler ) )
die("Whoa! two radio connections? Ain't nobody got time for dat! Suiciding\n");
$radioHandler = $thisHandler;
echo "HellYeah! I'm the radio bitch!\n";
echo "Nope.jpg -- This isn't the radio, carry on looking.\n";
// Check that we did actually find the radio connection
if ( !isset( $radioHandler ) )
die("Suiciding: We didn't find a radio user :(\n");
echo "The radio is using connection: " . $radioHandler . "\n";
// Switch to correct connection handler
execCommand("use " . $radioHandler);
// Now the real Radio actions start happening!
switch ($artist) {
// Is screeninfo, just print title (message) to chat
// Send chat message to channel '<title/message>'
case "RadioStream":
// Is a radio stream, print message to chat, and change client name
// Send chat message to channel '<title/message>'
chatMessage("[b]Now Streaming:[/b] " . $title);
// Change name to name of stream
case "":
// No artist given, don't bother outputting the artist or seperating dash
// Send chat message to channel 'now playing: <title>'
chatMessage("[b]Now Playing:[/b] " . $title);
// Artist did not match any presets, probably real, send output 'now playing' to chat
// send chat message to channel 'now playing: <title> <artist>'
chatMessage("[b]Now Playing:[/b] " . $title . " - " . $artist);
// Attempt to tell TS3 we are quitting
// Close connection
// Stop making things show nicely in a browser
{// Finish Timer
$time = microtime();
$time = explode(' ', $time);
$time = $time[1] + $time[0];
$finish = $time;
$total_time = round(($finish - $start), 4);
echo 'Page generated in '.$total_time.' seconds.';
echo "</pre>";
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