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Created October 2, 2017 02:42
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#pragma once
#include <deque>
#include <flann/algorithms/dist.h>
#include <flann/algorithms/kdtree_single_index.h>
#include <flann/flann.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <rrt/StateSpace.hpp>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace RRT {
* Base class for an RRT tree node.
* @param T The datatype representing the state in the space the RRT
* will be searching.
template <typename T>
class Node {
Node(const T& state, Node<T>* parent = nullptr, int dimensions = 2,
std::function<void(T, double*)> TToArray = NULL)
: _parent(parent), _state(state), _vec(dimensions) {
if (_parent) {
if (NULL == TToArray) {
for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
_vec[i] = state[i];
} else {
const Node<T>* parent() const { return _parent; }
* Gets the number of ancestors (parent, parent's parent, etc) that
* the node has.
* Returns 0 if it doesn't have a parent.
int depth() const {
int n = 0;
for (Node<T>* ancestor = _parent; ancestor != nullptr;
ancestor = ancestor->_parent) {
return n;
* The @state property is the point in the state-space that this
* Node represents. Generally this is a vector (could be 2d, 3d, etc)
const T& state() const { return _state; }
std::vector<double>* coordinates() { return &_vec; }
std::vector<double> _vec;
T _state;
std::list<Node<T>*> _children;
Node<T>* _parent;
* An RRT tree searches a state space by randomly filling it in and
* connecting points to form a branching tree. Once a branch of the tree
* reaches the goal and satisifes all of the constraints, a solution is
* found and returned.
* This provides a base class for RRT trees. Because many parts of an RRT are
* implementation-/domain-specific, several key functionalities are placed in
* callbacks (C++ lambdas), which must be supplied by the user of this class.
* If adaptive stepsize control (ASC) is enabled, then the stepsize for
* extending new nodes from the tree will be dynamically updated depending on
* how close the nearest obstacle is. If there are no nearby obstacles, then the
* stepsize will be extended in order to safely cover more ground. If there are
* nearby obstacles, then the stepsize will shrink so that the RRT can take more
* precise steps.
* 1) Create a new Tree with the appropriate StateSpace
* RRT::Tree<My2dPoint> tree(stateSpace, hashT, arrayToT, TToArray);
* hashT is a function pointer to a hash function for T
* arrayToT is an optional function pointer to convert from an array of
*doubles to T
* TToArray is an optional function pointer to convert from T to an array of
* arrayToT and TToArray must be provided if T does not possess that
* 2) Set the start and goal states
* tree->setStartState(s);
* tree->setGoalState(g);
* 3) (Optional) If adaptive stepsize control is enabled:
* _stateSpace->setMaxStepSize sets the maximum stepsize the tree can take
* for any step.
* 4) Run the RRT algorithm! This can be done in one of two ways:
* Option 1) Call the run() method - it will grow the tree
* until it finds a solution or runs out of iterations.
* Option 2) Call grow() repeatedly
* Either way works fine, just choose whatever works best for your
* application.
* 5) Use getPath() to get the series of states that make up the solution
* @param T The type that represents a state within the state-space that
* the tree is searching. This could be a 2D Point or something else,
* but will generally be some sort of vector.
template <typename T>
class Tree {
Tree(const Tree&) = delete;
Tree& operator=(const Tree&) = delete;
Tree(std::shared_ptr<StateSpace<T>> stateSpace,
std::function<size_t(T)> hashT, int dimensions,
std::function<T(double*)> arrayToT = NULL,
std::function<void(T, double*)> TToArray = NULL)
: _kdtree(flann::KDTreeSingleIndexParams()),
_nodemap(20, hashT) {
_stateSpace = stateSpace;
_arrayToT = arrayToT;
_TToArray = TToArray;
// default values
StateSpace<T>& stateSpace() { return *_stateSpace; }
const StateSpace<T>& stateSpace() const { return *_stateSpace; }
* The maximum number of random states in the state-space that we will
* try before giving up on finding a path to the goal.
int maxIterations() const { return _maxIterations; }
void setMaxIterations(int itr) { _maxIterations = itr; }
* Whether or not the tree is to run with adaptive stepsize control.
bool isASCEnabled() const { return _isASCEnabled; }
void setASCEnabled(bool checked) { _isASCEnabled = checked; }
* @brief The chance we extend towards the goal rather than a random point.
* @details At each iteration of the RRT algorithm, we extend() towards a
* particular state. The goalBias is a number in the range [0, 1] that
* determines what proportion of the time we extend() towards the goal.
* The rest of the time, we extend() towards a random state.
double goalBias() const { return _goalBias; }
void setGoalBias(double goalBias) {
if (goalBias < 0 || goalBias > 1) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"The goal bias must be a number between 0.0 and 1.0");
_goalBias = goalBias;
* @brief The chance that we extend towards a randomly-chosen point from the
* @waypoints vector
double waypointBias() const { return _waypointBias; }
void setWaypointBias(double waypointBias) {
if (waypointBias < 0 || waypointBias > 1) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"The waypoint bias must be a number between 0.0 and 1.0");
_waypointBias = waypointBias;
* The waypoints vector holds a series of states that were a part of a
* previously-generated successful path.
* Setting these here and setting @waypointBias > 0 will bias tree growth
* towards these
const std::vector<T>& waypoints() const { return _waypoints; }
void setWaypoints(const std::vector<T>& waypoints) {
_waypoints = waypoints;
void clearWaypoints() { _waypoints.clear(); }
double stepSize() const { return _stepSize; }
void setStepSize(double stepSize) { _stepSize = stepSize; }
/// Max step size used in ASC
double maxStepSize() const { return _maxStepSize; }
void setMaxStepSize(double maxStep) { _maxStepSize = maxStep; }
* @brief How close we have to get to the goal in order to consider it
* reached.
* @details The RRT will continue to run unti we're within @goalMaxDist of
* the goal state.
* reached.
* @details The RRT will continue to run unti we're within @goalMaxDist of
* the
* goal state.
double goalMaxDist() const { return _goalMaxDist; }
void setGoalMaxDist(double maxDist) { _goalMaxDist = maxDist; }
* Executes the RRT algorithm with the given start state.
* @return a bool indicating whether or not it found a path to the goal
bool run() {
// grow the tree until we find the goal or run out of iterations
for (int i = 0; i < _maxIterations; i++) {
Node<T>* newNode = grow();
if (newNode &&
_stateSpace->distance(newNode->state(), _goalState) <
return true;
// we hit our iteration limit and didn't reach the goal :(
return false;
* Removes nodes from _nodes and _nodemap so it can be run() again.
void reset(bool eraseRoot = false) {
for (int i = 1; i < _kdtree.size(); i++) {
if (eraseRoot) {
} else {
if (_nodes.size() > 1) {
T root = rootNode()->state();
_nodes.emplace_back(root, nullptr, _dimensions, _TToArray);
_nodemap.insert(std::pair<T, Node<T>*>(root, &_nodes.back()));
unsigned short seed[3] = {0, 0, 0};
* Picks a random state and attempts to extend the tree towards it.
* This is called at each iteration of the run() method.
Node<T>* grow() {
// extend towards goal, waypoint, or random state depending on the
// biases and a random number
if (_nodes.size() == 1) {
if (_TToArray) {
std::vector<double> data(_dimensions);
flann::Matrix<double>(, 1, _dimensions));
} else {
(double*)&(rootNode()->state()), 1, _dimensions));
double r =
rand() /
(double)RAND_MAX; // r is between 0 and one since we normalize it
if (r < goalBias()) {
return extend(goalState());
} else if (r < goalBias() + waypointBias() && _waypoints.size() > 0) {
const T& waypoint = _waypoints[rand() % _waypoints.size()];
return extend(waypoint);
} else {
return extend(_stateSpace->randomState());
* Find the node int the tree closest to @state. Pass in a double pointer
* as the second argument to get the distance that the node is away from
* @state. This method searches a k-d tree of the points to determine
Node<T>* nearest(const T& state, double* distanceOut = nullptr) {
Node<T>* best = nullptr;
// k-NN search (O(log(N)))
flann::Matrix<double> query;
if (NULL == _TToArray) {
query = flann::Matrix<double>((double*)&state, 1,
sizeof(state) / sizeof(0.0));
} else {
std::vector<double> data(_dimensions);
query = flann::Matrix<double>(, 1,
sizeof(state) / sizeof(0.0));
std::vector<int> i(query.rows);
flann::Matrix<int> indices(, query.rows, 1);
std::vector<double> d(query.rows);
flann::Matrix<double> dists(, query.rows, 1);
int n =
_kdtree.knnSearch(query, indices, dists, 1, flann::SearchParams());
if (distanceOut)
*distanceOut = _stateSpace->distance(state, best->state());
T point;
if (NULL == _arrayToT) {
point = (T)_kdtree.getPoint(indices[0][0]);
} else {
point = _arrayToT(_kdtree.getPoint(indices[0][0]));
return _nodemap[point];
* Grow the tree in the direction of @state
* @return the new tree Node (may be nullptr if we hit Obstacles)
* @param target The point to extend the tree to
* @param source The Node to connect from. If source == nullptr, then
* the closest tree point is used
virtual Node<T>* extend(const T& target, Node<T>* source = nullptr) {
// if we weren't given a source point, try to find a close node
if (!source) {
source = nearest(target, nullptr);
if (!source) {
return nullptr;
// Get a state that's in the direction of @target from @source. This
// should take a step in that direction, but not go all the way unless
// the they're really close together.
T intermediateState;
if (_isASCEnabled) {
intermediateState = _stateSpace->intermediateState(
source->state(), target, stepSize(), maxStepSize());
} else {
intermediateState = _stateSpace->intermediateState(
source->state(), target, stepSize());
// Make sure there's actually a direct path from @source to
// @intermediateState. If not, abort
if (!_stateSpace->transitionValid(source->state(), intermediateState)) {
return nullptr;
// Add a node to the tree for this state
_nodes.emplace_back(intermediateState, source, _dimensions, _TToArray);
_nodes.back().coordinates()->data(), 1, _dimensions));
std::pair<T, Node<T>*>(intermediateState, &_nodes.back()));
return &_nodes.back();
* Get the path from the receiver's root point to the dest point
* @param callback The lambda to call for each state in the path
* @param dest The node in the tree to get the path for. If nullptr, will
* use the the last point added to the @_nodes vector. If run() was just
* called successfully, this node will be the one last created that is
* closest to the goal.
* @param reverse if true, the states will be sent from @dest to the tree's
* root
void getPath(std::function<void(const T& stateI)> callback,
const Node<T>* dest = nullptr, bool reverse = false) const {
const Node<T>* node = (dest != nullptr) ? dest : lastNode();
if (reverse) {
while (node) {
node = node->parent();
} else {
// collect states in list in leaf -> root order
std::vector<const Node<T>*> nodes;
while (node) {
node = node->parent();
// pass them one-by-one to the callback, reversing the order so
// that the callback is called with the start point first and the
// dest point last
for (auto itr = nodes.rbegin(); itr != nodes.rend(); itr++) {
* The same as the first getPath() method, but appends the states to a given
* output vector rather than executing a callback.
* @param vectorOut The vector to append the states along the path
void getPath(std::vector<T>* vectorOut, const Node<T>* dest = nullptr,
bool reverse = false) const {
getPath([&](const T& stateI) { vectorOut->push_back(stateI); }, dest,
* The same as the first getPath() method, but returns the vector of states
* instead of executing a callback.
std::vector<T> getPath(const Node<T>* dest = nullptr,
bool reverse = false) const {
std::vector<T> path;
getPath(&path, dest, reverse);
return path;
* @return The root node or nullptr if none exists
const Node<T>* rootNode() const {
if (_nodes.empty()) return nullptr;
return &_nodes.front();
* @return The most recent Node added to the tree
const Node<T>* lastNode() const {
if (_nodes.empty()) return nullptr;
return &_nodes.back();
* All the nodes
const std::deque<Node<T>>& allNodes() const { return _nodes; }
* @brief The start state for this tree
const T& startState() const {
if (_nodes.empty())
throw std::logic_error("No start state specified for RRT::Tree");
return rootNode()->state();
void setStartState(const T& startState) {
// create root node from provided start state
_nodes.emplace_back(startState, nullptr, _dimensions, _TToArray);
_nodemap.insert(std::pair<T, Node<T>*>(startState, &_nodes.back()));
* @brief The goal this tree is trying to reach.
const T& goalState() const { return _goalState; }
void setGoalState(const T& goalState) { _goalState = goalState; }
* A list of all Node objects in the tree.
std::deque<Node<T>> _nodes{};
std::unordered_map<T, Node<T>*, std::function<size_t(T)>> _nodemap;
T _goalState;
const int _dimensions;
int _maxIterations;
bool _isASCEnabled;
double _goalBias;
/// used for Extended RRTs where growth is biased towards waypoints from
/// previously grown tree
double _waypointBias;
std::vector<T> _waypoints{};
double _goalMaxDist;
double _stepSize;
double _maxStepSize;
flann::Index<flann::L2_Simple<double>> _kdtree;
std::function<T(double*)> _arrayToT;
std::function<void(T, double*)> _TToArray;
std::shared_ptr<StateSpace<T>> _stateSpace{};
} // namespace RRT
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