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Last active July 26, 2024 13:50
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Compress gzip with Powershell
function Compress-Data
Compresses data
Compresses data into a GZipStream
$rawData = (Get-Command | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Out-String)
$originalSize = $rawData.Length
$compressed = Compress-Data $rawData -As Byte
"$($compressed.Length / $originalSize)% Smaller [ Compressed size $($compressed.Length / 1kb)kb : Original Size $($originalSize /1kb)kb] "
Expand-Data -BinaryData $compressed
$content = [IO.File]::ReadAllText("path to file")
Compress-Data $content -As String > gzip_compressed_payload
# A string to compress
# A byte array to compress.
# Determine how the data is returned.
# If set to byte, the data will be returned as a byte array. If set to string, it will be returned as a string.
[String]$As = 'string'
process {
if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'String') {
$Data= foreach ($c in $string.ToCharArray()) {
$c -as [Byte]
#region Compress Data
$ms = New-Object IO.MemoryStream
$cs = New-Object System.IO.Compression.GZipStream ($ms, [Io.Compression.CompressionMode]"Compress")
$cs.Write($Data, 0, $Data.Length)
#endregion Compress Data
#region Output CompressedData
if ($as -eq 'Byte') {
} elseif ($as -eq 'string') {
#endregion Output CompressedData
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HackyDev commented Aug 29, 2022

Hey! Thank you for the script! Can you help me understand how to use it? In the code below I'm trying to gzip a single file.
This code creates a gzip archive, but inside it has a file without extension (just image).
When I unpack it and add the png extension the image viewer complains that the format is not supported.
Am I missing something?

$fileIn = 'C:\image.png'
$fileOut = 'C:\image.gz'

$originalData = Get-Content -Path $fileIn -Encoding Byte
$compressedData = Compress-Data -Data $originalData -As Byte

Set-Content $fileOut -Value $compressedData -Encoding Byte

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Hey! Thank you for the script! Can you help me understand how to use it? In the code below I'm trying to gzip a single file. This code creates a gzip archive, but inside it has a file without extension (just image). When I unpack it and add the png extension the image viewer complains that the format is not supported. Am I missing something?

$fileIn = 'C:\image.png'
$fileOut = 'C:\image.gz'

$originalData = Get-Content -Path $fileIn -Encoding Byte
$compressedData = Compress-Data -Data $originalData -As Byte

Set-Content $fileOut -Value $compressedData -Encoding Byte

Nevermind. Figured it out. The output file name should be changed to 'C:\image.png.gz'

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