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Created May 3, 2019 08:19
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Export and Import Variables between PowerShell sessions (naive)
# function Export-Variable {
param($CommandName, $ParameterName, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $BoundParams)
$Current = $BoundParams.Name
(Get-Variable).Name.Where({$_ -like "*$($WordToComplete)*" -and $_ -notin $Current})
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[int]$Depth = 5,
[string]$Path = (Join-Path $env:Temp "ExportedVariables")
process {
switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name')) {
$true {
foreach ($Variable in $Name) {
Get-Variable -Name $Variable | %{
Write-Verbose "Exporting: '$($_.Name)'"
$_ | Export-Clixml -Path "C:\Temp\Variables\$($_.Name).clixml" -Depth $Depth
$false {
Get-Variable | Out-GridView -PassThru | %{
Write-Verbose "Exporting: '$($_.Name)'"
$_ | Export-Clixml -Path "C:\Temp\Variables\$($_.Name).clixml" -Depth $Depth
# }
# function Import-Variable {
if ((-not (Test-Path $_ -PathType Container)) -and (-not (Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf -Include *.clixml))) {
throw "Path must be to a folder or *.clixml file"
$Path = (Join-Path $env:Temp "ExportedVariables")
foreach ($Var in Get-ChildItem $Path -Filter *.clixml) {
Write-Verbose "Importing '$($Var.BaseName)'"
Set-Variable -Name $Var.BaseName -Value (Import-Clixml $Var.FullName).Value
# }
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