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Created April 13, 2017 21:32
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C++ implementation of the Branch & Bound algorithm
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
#define TABSIZE 4
void FayardPlateau(float* content, float* cost, float* utility, float maxCost, unsigned int size);
void BranchAndBound(bool* content, float* cost, float* utility, float maxCost, unsigned int size);
int main(){
bool content[TABSIZE] = {
float utility[TABSIZE] = {8.f, 18.f, 20.f, 11.f};
float cost[TABSIZE] = {3.f, 7.f, 9.f, 6.f};
BranchAndBound(content, cost, utility, 17.f, TABSIZE);
for(int i = 0; i < TABSIZE; i++){
std::cout << content[i] << endl;
}std::cout << '\n';
float fcost = 0.f;
for(int i = 0; i < TABSIZE; i++){
fcost += content[i] * cost[i];
}std::cout << "Cost = " << fcost << endl;
return 0;
struct uc{
float ucRatio;
unsigned int index;
int cmp(const void* elm1, const void* elm2){
int a = ((uc*)elm1)->ucRatio;
int b = ((uc*)elm2)->ucRatio;
return a > b ? -1 : a < b;
struct bbNode{
unsigned int lev;
bool* set;
float benef;
float cost;
float bound;
float calculateBound(bbNode nd, float* cost, float* utility, uc* ucTab, float maxCost, unsigned int size){
float addCost = 0.f;
float addBenef = 0.f;
for(int i = nd.lev; i < size; i++){
if(nd.cost + addCost + cost[ucTab[i].index] > maxCost){
// Partial add of the best c/u object
float partialBenefit = ((maxCost - addCost) / cost[ucTab[i].index]) * utility[ucTab[i].index];
return nd.benef + addBenef + partialBenefit;
addCost += cost[ucTab[i].index];
addBenef += utility[ucTab[i].index];
return nd.cost + addCost;
float calculateBenefit(bbNode nd, float* utility, unsigned int size){
float res = 0.f;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
return res;
void cpyNode(bbNode* dest, bbNode src, unsigned int size){
*dest = src;
dest->set = (bool*)malloc(size * sizeof(bool));
memcpy(dest->set, src.set, size * sizeof(bool));
void setNextObject(bbNode* nd, bool val, float* cost, uc* ucTab){
nd->set[ucTab[nd->lev].index] = val;
nd->cost += val * cost[ucTab[nd->lev].index];
void BranchAndBound(bool* content, float* cost, float* utility, float maxCost, unsigned int size){
// Declarations
uc* ucTab = (uc*)malloc(size * sizeof(uc));
queue<bbNode> queueNd;
// Sorting items by Cost/Utility ratio
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
ucTab[i].ucRatio = utility[i] / cost[i];
ucTab[i].index = i;
}qsort(ucTab, size, sizeof(uc), cmp);
// Initializing level, set of items selected etc.
bbNode bsf;
bsf.lev = 0;
bsf.set = (bool*)malloc(size * sizeof(bool));
bsf.benef = - INFINITY;
bsf.cost = 0.f;
bsf.bound = 0.f;
memset(bsf.set, 0, size * sizeof(bool));
bbNode aNode;
aNode.lev = 0;
aNode.set = (bool*)malloc(size * sizeof(bool));
aNode.benef = 0.f;
aNode.cost = 0.f;
aNode.bound = calculateBound(bsf, cost, utility, ucTab, maxCost, size);
memset(aNode.set, 0, size * sizeof(bool));
// Enqueuing
bbNode currNode = queueNd.front();
memcpy(content, currNode.set, size * sizeof(bool));
float _cost = 0.f;
cout << "Contenu : \n";
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
_cost += currNode.set[i] * cost[i];
cout << currNode.set[i] << endl;
}cout << "Cout : " << _cost << endl << endl;
if(currNode.bound > bsf.benef){
// Create a node nextAdded equal to currNode with the next item added
bbNode nextAdded;
cpyNode(&nextAdded, currNode, size);
delete[] currNode.set; // Memory management
setNextObject(&nextAdded, true, cost, ucTab);
nextAdded.bound = calculateBound(nextAdded, cost, utility, ucTab, maxCost, size);
nextAdded.benef = calculateBenefit(nextAdded, utility, size);
// if nextAdded's benefit > bestSoFar's benefit
if(nextAdded.benef > bsf.benef){
// set bsf equal to nextAdded
delete[] bsf.set;
cpyNode(&bsf, nextAdded, size);
// if nextAdded's bound > bestSoFar's benefit
if(nextAdded.bound > bsf.benef){
// enqueue nextAdded
// Create a node nextNotAdded equal to currNode without the next item added
bbNode nextNotAdded;
cpyNode(&nextNotAdded, currNode, size);
delete[] currNode.set; // Memory management
setNextObject(&nextNotAdded, false, cost, ucTab);
nextNotAdded.bound = calculateBound(nextNotAdded, cost, utility, ucTab, maxCost, size);
nextNotAdded.benef = calculateBenefit(nextNotAdded, utility, size);
// if nextNotAdded's bound > bsf's benef
if(nextNotAdded.bound > bsf.benef){
// enqueue nextNotAdded
void FayardPlateau(float* content, float* cost, float* utility, float maxCost, unsigned int size){
// Tri des couts/utilité
uc* ucTab = new uc[size];
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
ucTab[i].ucRatio = utility[i] / cost[i];
ucTab[i].index = i;
qsort(ucTab, size, sizeof(uc), cmp);
// Ajout des objets dans le sac
float totalCost = 0.f;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
if(cost[ucTab[i].index] <= maxCost - totalCost){ // Ajout total
content[ucTab[i].index] = 1.f;
totalCost += cost[ucTab[i].index];
else{ // Ajout partiel
float ratioAdd = (maxCost - totalCost) / cost[ucTab[i].index];
content[ucTab[i].index] = ratioAdd;
totalCost += cost[ucTab[i].index] * ratioAdd;
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