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Created October 15, 2019 01:11
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print("This Program converts to Pig Latin, then prints both the original word and the Pig Latin version to the console. The program continues reading words until the user enters 'stop'.")
def pigLatin(ll):
flag = 0
if(ll[0] == "a" or ll[0] == "e" or ll[0] == "i" or ll[0] == "o" or ll[0]== "u" or ll[0] == "y"):
flag = 1
elif(ll[0] == "A" or ll[0] == "E" or ll[0] == "I" or ll[0] == "O" or ll[0]== "U" or ll[0] == "Y"):
flag = 1
if(flag == 1):
s = ll[1:] + ll[0]
s = s + "ay"
s = ""
while(s!= "stop"):
s = input("Enter a word to convert to pig Latin enter stop to end: ")
if(s != "stop"):
p = pigLatin(s)
print(s +" is pig latin is: " + p)
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