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Created November 27, 2016 21:11
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A web scraping example using python. It used to test a list of web sites and scraped the results. This was only useful back in 2015 before they published an API
# Python script to test ssl via ssllabs service
# - input: space or newline delimited set of hostnames to test
# - process: sends request, polls till results are complete
# - output: saves html page
# - output: prints summary results per site in csv
# - output format: <fqdn/hostname>,<http status code>,<overall rating>,<certficate score %>,<protocol support score %>,<key exchange score %>,<cipher strength score %>
# python libs to use
import csv
from lxml import html
import re
import requests
import socket
import sys, os, time, datetime
#TODO major enhancement to make class/object to get results and use threading and timmers...
# constants
# global variables
domains = []
connection_timeout = 30
attempt_timeout = 900
poll_interval = connection_timeout
attempts = 900 / poll_interval
recurse_depth = 0
f_in_domains = None
f_out_results = None
f_out_results_csv = None
# pre-compile regex for matching domains
graph_width_pattern = re.compile(RE_GRAPH_SCORE_PX)
## function to scrape and save results ##
def testDomainSSLWeb(d, ip=None):
# report action
host = d.strip() if ip is None else d.strip() + '(' + ip + ')'
#build URL
if ip:
request_URL = BASEURL + '?d=' + d + '&s=' + ip + '&hideResults=on&ignoreMismatch=on'
request_URL = BASEURL + '?d=' + d + '&hideResults=on&ignoreMismatch=on'
result = [, os.path.basename(, d, 'unknown', 'unknown', 'NA', 'NA', 'NA', 'NA', 'NA', '', '']
# Function variables
page = None
tree = None
# Values to capture
report_ip = None
overall_rating = None
certificate = None
protocols = None
key_exchange = None
ciphers = None
# Main X-Path locations
MAIN_BRANCH = '/html/body/div[@id="page"]/div[@id="main"]'
RESULT_SUMMARY_BRANCH = MAIN_BRANCH + '//div[@class="sectionTitle"][text()="Summary"]/following-sibling::div[@class="sectionBody"][1]'
# keep polling for results until a = attempts
a = 0
while a < attempts:
a = a + 1
# print dot's to show progress
# send request
page = requests.get(request_URL, timeout=connection_timeout)
except (requests.exceptions.Timeout, socket.timeout) as e:
print ('\nWARNING: Timeout occurred. Will try again...')
continue #try again
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print ('\nERROR: request exception occurred. Will abort attempt!')
print (e)
result[4] = 'test error'
result[11] = ' [E] request exception occurred. Domain not tested.'
# check if we got a valid HTTP response
http_status = page.status_code
if (http_status != 200):
print ('\nWARNING: HTTP response status code indicates request failed. HTTP ' + page.status_code + ' returned. Will try again...')
continue #try again
# extract page content as XML tree
tree = html.fromstring(page.text)
# skip and poll to until the "please wait warning" has cleared, else we would attempt to scrape an incomplete result
test_warning_wait = tree.xpath(MAIN_BRANCH + '/div[@id="warningBox" and contains(string(.), "Please wait")]')
if test_warning_wait:
# check for error returned in page content
test_errors = tree.xpath(MAIN_BRANCH + '//div[@class="submitError"]/text()')
if test_errors:
result[4] = 'test error'
result[11] = ' [E] ' + ' [E] '.join(test_errors).strip()
# check if mulitple ip addresses have been returned for a single domain
multitable_IPs = tree.xpath(MAIN_BRANCH + '/table[@id="multiTable"]//span[@class="ip"]')
if multitable_IPs:
print ("\nINFO: multiple IPs returned for the domain, testing per IP instead...")
#DEBUG Recurison
global recurse_depth
recurse_depth = recurse_depth + 1
#print ("\nDEBUG: recurse depth = %i. Domain=%s. IP=%s" % ( recurse_depth, d, ip ))
if recurse_depth > 3:
print ('\nERROR: request is recursing too far (3 levels). Will abort attempt!')
for ip_span in multitable_IPs:
ip = ip_span.xpath('string(.)')
#print ("DEBUG: " + ip)
# Recursive function call
testDomainSSLWeb(d, ip)
#DEBUG Recursion
recurse_depth = recurse_depth - 1
# simply return from the function early
# this skips writing results from this parent of a nested test call where test results will be reported by child tests instead
# check for warning box in main page branch which appears before test results
# - ignore warning box if it contains 'Please Wait'
# - capture/report warning box if it doens't contain 'Please Wait'
## XPath text search example: //*[text()[contains(.,'ABC')]]
test_warnings_main = tree.xpath(MAIN_BRANCH + '/div[@id="warningBox" and not(contains(string(.), "Please wait"))]')
test_warnings_cleaned = []
for w in test_warnings_main:
w_clean = [w_str.strip().replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').replace('\t', '') for w_str in w.xpath('./text() | ./a/text()')]
# in case there was a link, intergrate and simply just single quote the link text (no URL provided)
test_warnings_cleaned.append("'".join(filter(None, w_clean)))
if test_warnings_cleaned:
result[4] = 'test warning'
result[10] = ' [W] ' + ' [W] '.join(test_warnings_cleaned)
# attempt to extract the data we want as eventually sslabs will update the page with the results...
# use string x-path funciton to handle cases where formatting might sometimes inlcude additonal elements/nodes.
overall_rating = tree.xpath('string(' + RESULT_SUMMARY_BRANCH + '//div[@id="rating"]/div[2])')
# its changed - below is obsolete as there's no % text anymore
#certificate = tree.xpath(RESULT_SUMMARY_BRANCH + '//div[@id="chart"]/div[2]/div[1]/div[3]/text()')
#protocols = tree.xpath(RESULT_SUMMARY_BRANCH + '//div[@id="chart"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/text()')
#key_exchange = tree.xpath(RESULT_SUMMARY_BRANCH + '//div[@id="chart"]/div[2]/div[3]/div[3]/text()')
#ciphers = tree.xpath(RESULT_SUMMARY_BRANCH + '//div[@id="chart"]/div[2]/div[4]/div[3]/text()')Hemspter #26
# now we have to reverse engineer the length of the graph, e.g. style="width:300px" implies 100%
certificate = tree.xpath('string(' + RESULT_SUMMARY_BRANCH + '//div[@id="chart"]//div[@class="chartLabel"][text()="Certificate"]/following-sibling::div[1]/@style)')
protocols = tree.xpath('string(' + RESULT_SUMMARY_BRANCH + '//div[@id="chart"]//div[@class="chartLabel"][text()="Protocol Support"]/following-sibling::div[1]/@style)')
key_exchange = tree.xpath('string(' + RESULT_SUMMARY_BRANCH + '//div[@id="chart"]//div[@class="chartLabel"][text()="Key Exchange"]/following-sibling::div[1]/@style)')
ciphers = tree.xpath('string(' + RESULT_SUMMARY_BRANCH + '//div[@id="chart"]//div[@class="chartLabel"][text()="Cipher Strength"]/following-sibling::div[1]/@style)')
#check the data scraped so far and move along to next domain if we got all we wanted
if (overall_rating and certificate and protocols and key_exchange and ciphers):
result[4] = 'complete'
# check if errors occurred
if (result[4] == 'test error' or result[4] == 'test warning'):
print (" = ?")
print ("WARNING: Skipping to next domain due to test error or warning")
# check if it timed out before getting all the data wanted
if (a == attempts and result[4] == 'unknown'):
print (" = ?")
print ("\nWARNING: Results are incomplete after %i attempts." % a)
result[4] = 'incomplete'
# cleanup and save text results
if overall_rating:
result[5] = ''.join(overall_rating).strip()
print (" = " + result[5])
if certificate:
result[6] = int(graph_width_pattern.match(certificate).group('width'))*100/GRAPH_SCORE_PX_WIDTH
if protocols:
result[7] = int(graph_width_pattern.match(protocols).group('width'))*100/GRAPH_SCORE_PX_WIDTH
if key_exchange:
result[8] = int(graph_width_pattern.match(key_exchange).group('width'))*100/GRAPH_SCORE_PX_WIDTH
if ciphers:
result[9] = int(graph_width_pattern.match(ciphers).group('width'))*100/GRAPH_SCORE_PX_WIDTH
if tree is not None:
# attempt to include ip in result
report_ip = tree.xpath(MAIN_BRANCH + '/div[@class="reportTitle"]/span[@class="ip"]/text()')
if report_ip:
result[3] = report_ip[0].strip().replace('(','').replace(')','')
# add info about any warnings. Note, text format used by website is very messy, sometimes containing links, etc...
warnings = tree.xpath(RESULT_SUMMARY_BRANCH + '//div[@class="warningBox"]')
warnings_cleaned = []
for w in warnings:
w_clean = [w_str.strip().replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').replace('\t', '') for w_str in w.xpath('./text() | ./a/text() ')]
# in case there was a link, intergrate and simply just single quote the link text (no URL provided)
if warnings_cleaned:
result[10] = result[10] + ' [W] ' + ' [W] '.join(warnings_cleaned)
# add info about any errors...
errors = tree.xpath(RESULT_SUMMARY_BRANCH + '//div[@class="errorBox"]')
errors_cleaned = []
for e in errors:
e_clean = [e_str.strip().replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').replace('\t', '') for e_str in e.xpath('./text() | ./a/text() ')]
errors_cleaned.append("'".join(filter(None, e_clean)))
if errors_cleaned:
result[11] = result[11] + ' [E] '.join(errors_cleaned)
# output to csv
# save html to file
if page is not None:
f_out_html_name = result[2] + '-' + result[3] + '-sslabs.html'
f_out_html = open('./' + SAVE_SUBDIR + '/' + f_out_html_name, 'w')
except IOError:
print ('WARNING: problem encountered saving web page as "' + + '"')
# main code to initiate reading input file, open output file, etc
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print ("Usage: [file(s) with domains to test]...")
print ('Using SSLLabs to test SSL quality of domains supplied')
# create dir for saving html copies of web page results
SAVE_SUBDIR = 'saved_html'
if not os.path.exists('./' + SAVE_SUBDIR):
os.makedirs('./' + SAVE_SUBDIR)
except OSError:
print ('ERROR: could not use directory "' + SAVE_SUBDIR + '". Aborting!')
print ('\n--- General')
print ('* html output dir: ' + SAVE_SUBDIR) # save html returned
print ('* connection timeout: %is' % connection_timeout)
print ('* might take a long while... poll for results every %is until is %is (%i polls) is reached before giving up' % ( poll_interval, attempt_timeout, attempts ))
print ('---\n')
# read in domains to test
# note f_in_domains is defined as a global at the start
for f in sys.argv[1:]:
if os.path.isfile(f):
f_in_domains = open(f, 'r')
f_in_basename = os.path.basename(
#lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f_in_domains] #avoid including newline characters.. but fails to handle malformed lines
domains = re.findall(RE_FQDN,
print ('--- input file: ' + f_in_basename)
# open file for writing csv results
f_out_name = f_in_basename + '-results.csv'
f_out_results = open(f_out_name, 'w')
f_out_results_csv = csv.writer(f_out_results)
CSV_HEADER = ['Timestamp', 'Domain Source', 'FQDN', 'IP', 'Status', 'Rating (A to Z)', 'certificate (%)', 'Protocol (%)', 'Key Exchange (%)', 'Ciphers (%)', '[W]arning(s)', '[E]rror(s)']
# main loop to iterate through domains listed
for d in domains:
print ('--- output file: ' +
except IOError:
print ('--- ERROR: could not use output file "' + + '". Aborting!')
except IOError:
print ('--- ERROR: could not use input file "' + f + '". Skipping.')
print ('--- ERROR input file: "' + f + '" is not a valid file. Skipping.')
print ('\n')
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