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Created December 14, 2022 18:04
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Day14 JR
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Day14DropSand extends App {
// -= Coordinates and Grid =-
type DimCoord = Int
case class Coord(x: DimCoord, y: DimCoord) {
def up: Coord = Coord(x, y - 1)
def down: Coord = Coord(x, y + 1)
def left: Coord = Coord(x - 1, y)
def right: Coord = Coord(x + 1, y)
case class Grid(
sandSource: Coord,
grid: Vector[Vector[Char]],
coordAdjustmentX: DimCoord,
minX: DimCoord,
maxX: DimCoord,
minY: DimCoord,
maxY: DimCoord,
settledSand: Vector[Coord]
) {
override def toString: String ="\n")
private def updateGrid[A](grid: Vector[Vector[A]], c: Coord, newVal: A): Vector[Vector[A]] = {
grid.updated(c.y, grid(c.y).updated(c.x, newVal))
def isInsideGrid(c: Coord): Boolean = c.x >= minX && c.x <= maxX && c.y >= minY && c.y <= maxY
def getFromGrid(c: Coord, g: Vector[Vector[Char]] = grid): Char = g(c.y)(c.x)
final def dropSand(sand: Coord = sandSource, accuGrid: Vector[Vector[Char]] = grid, accuSettledSand: Vector[Coord] = Vector()): Grid = sand match {
// off grid or source covered
case s if !isInsideGrid(s.down) || getFromGrid(sandSource, accuGrid) == 'o' =>
Grid(sandSource, accuGrid, coordAdjustmentX, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, accuSettledSand)
// fall straight down
case s if getFromGrid(s.down, accuGrid) == '.' =>
dropSand(s.down, accuGrid, accuSettledSand)
// fall down, left
case s if ("#o" contains getFromGrid(s.down, accuGrid)) && (s.x == minX || (s.x > minX && getFromGrid(s.down.left, accuGrid) == '.')) =>
dropSand(s.down.left, accuGrid, accuSettledSand)
// fall down, right
case s if ("#o" contains getFromGrid(s.down, accuGrid)) && (s.x == maxX || (s.x < maxX && getFromGrid(s.down.right, accuGrid) == '.')) =>
dropSand(s.down.right, accuGrid, accuSettledSand)
// settle
case s if ("#o" contains getFromGrid(s.down, accuGrid)) =>
dropSand(sandSource, updateGrid(accuGrid, s, 'o'), accuSettledSand :+ s)
def addRow(lineChar: Char): Grid = {
val newMaxX: DimCoord = maxX + 2
val newMaxY: DimCoord = maxY + 1
val newGrid: Vector[Vector[Char]] = ( { row => '.' +: row :+ '.' }) :+ (lineChar.toString * newMaxX).toVector
Grid(sandSource.right, newGrid, coordAdjustmentX + 1, minX, newMaxX, minY, newMaxY, settledSand)
def nrOfSettledSand: Int = settledSand.size
object Grid {
def apply(sandSource: Coord, rocks: Set[Coord]): Grid = {
val foundMinX = { case (Coord(x, _)) => x }.min
val foundMaxX = { case (Coord(x, _)) => x }.max
val foundMaxY = { case (Coord(_, y)) => y }.max
val requiredDimX: DimCoord = Vector(foundMaxY, (foundMaxX - sandSource.x), (sandSource.x - foundMinX)).max
val requiredMaxX = 1 + requiredDimX * 2
val adjustmentX = sandSource.x - requiredDimX
val adjustedSandSource = Coord(sandSource.x - adjustmentX, sandSource.y)
val newGrid: Vector[Vector[Char]] = (0 to foundMaxY).map(y => (0 to requiredMaxX).map { x =>
Coord(x + adjustmentX, y) match {
case c if rocks contains c => '#'
case c if c == sandSource => '+'
case _ => '.'
Grid(adjustedSandSource, newGrid, adjustmentX, 0, requiredMaxX, 0, foundMaxY, Vector())
// -= MAIN =-
val rockPathsRaw: Vector[String] ="./Sources/Day14Sand.txt").getLines().toVector
val rockPathsFromToCoords: Vector[Vector[Coord]] = rockPathsRaw
.map(_.split(" -> ").toVector
.map(c => c.split(","))
.map { case (Array(x, y)) => Coord(x.toInt, y.toInt) }
def fillRockGapsBetweenFromTo(coords: Vector[Coord], accu: Vector[Coord] = Vector()): Vector[Coord] = coords match {
case from +: to +: rest => {
val moveToY = to.y - from.y
val moveToX = to.x - from.x
val dirY = if (moveToY < 0) -1 else 1
val dirX = if (moveToX < 0) -1 else 1
to +: rest,
accu ++ ((0 to moveToY by dirY).flatMap(dy => (0 to moveToX by dirX).map(dx => Coord(from.x + dx, from.y + dy))).toVector)
case _ => accu
val rockPathFromToCoordsFilled: Vector[Vector[Coord]] =
val rockPathFromToCoordsFilledFlatSet: Set[Coord] = rockPathFromToCoordsFilled.flatten.toSet
val sandSource: Coord = Coord(500, 0)
val startGrid = Grid(sandSource, rockPathFromToCoordsFilledFlatSet)
// -= Part 1 =-
println(s"\n---= Starting Grid (Part 1) =---\n${startGrid}")
val settledGrid = startGrid.dropSand()
println(s"\n---= Grid with Settled Sand (Part 1) =---\n${settledGrid}")
println(s"\nNumber of Settled Sands (Part 1): ${settledGrid.nrOfSettledSand}")
// -= Part 2 =-
val startGridPartTwo = startGrid.addRow('.').addRow('#')
println(s"\n---= Starting Grid (Part 2) =---\n${startGridPartTwo}")
val settledGridPartTwo = startGridPartTwo.dropSand()
println(s"\n---= Grid with Settled Sand (Part 2) =---\n${settledGridPartTwo}")
println(s"\nNumber of Settled Sands (Part 2): ${settledGridPartTwo.nrOfSettledSand}")
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