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Created December 24, 2022 14:03
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Day24 JR
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Day24Blizzard extends App {
val blizzardRaw: Vector[Vector[Char]] ="./Sources/Day24Blizzard.txt").getLines()
val blizzardWithoutLF = => r.slice(1, r.length-1))
val gridBody: Vector[Vector[Char]] = blizzardWithoutLF.slice(1, blizzardWithoutLF.length-1)
val gridX: Int = gridBody(0).length
val gridY: Int = gridBody.length
val longCycleLength: Int = gridX * gridY // worst case scenario
def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = b match {
case 0 => a
case n => gcd(b, a % b)
case class Coord(y: Int, x: Int) {
def +(other: Coord): Coord = Coord(y+other.y, x+other.x)
def up: Coord = this + Coord(-1,0)
def down: Coord = this + Coord(1,0)
def left: Coord = this + Coord(0,-1)
def right: Coord = this + Coord(0,1)
def getMoves: Set[Coord] = Set(this, this.up, this.down, this.left, this.right)
case class Blizzard(coord: Coord, direction: Char) {
val directionCoord: Coord = direction match {
case '^' => Coord(-1,0)
case 'v' => Coord(1,0)
case '>' => Coord(0,1)
case '<' => Coord(0,-1)
def move(grid: Grid): Blizzard = {
val nextCoord: Coord = (this.coord + directionCoord) match {
case Coord(-1,x) => Coord(grid.sizeY-1, x)
case Coord(y,-1) => Coord(y, grid.sizeX-1)
case Coord(grid.sizeY,x) => Coord(0,x)
case Coord(y,grid.sizeX) => Coord(y,0)
case c => c
Blizzard(nextCoord, direction)
case class Grid(sizeY: Int, sizeX: Int, blizzards: Set[Blizzard]) {
def next: Grid = Grid(sizeY, sizeX,
def allGridCoords: Set[Coord] = (0 to sizeY-1).flatMap(y => (0 to sizeX-1).map(x => Coord(y,x))).toSet
def emptyCoords: Set[Coord] = {
allGridCoords --
override def toString: String = (0 to sizeY-1).map(y => (0 to sizeX-1).map(x => {
val blizzardsHere: Set[Blizzard] = blizzards.filter(_.coord == Coord(y,x))
blizzardsHere.toVector match {
case Vector() => '.'
case i +: Vector() => i.direction
case vec => (vec.length.toString.head)
val cycleLength: Int = gridX * gridY / gcd(gridX, gridY)
val startCoord = Coord(-1, 0)
val endCoord = Coord(gridY, gridX-1)
println(s"Cycle length: ${cycleLength}, start: ${startCoord}, finish: ${endCoord}")
val startBlizzards: Set[Blizzard] = (0 to gridBody.length-1).flatMap(y => (0 to gridBody(0).length-1).map(x => (y,x,gridBody(y)(x)) match {
case (_,_,'.') => None
case (y,x,c) => Some(Blizzard(Coord(y,x), c))
val startGrid = Grid(gridY, gridX, startBlizzards)
def iterateGrid(stepsLeft: Int, currentGrid: Grid, accuGrids: Vector[Grid] = Vector()): Vector[Grid] = {
if(stepsLeft == 0) accuGrids else {
val nextGrid: Grid =
iterateGrid(stepsLeft-1, nextGrid, accuGrids :+ nextGrid)
println("Iterating grid...")
val cycleGrids: Vector[Grid] = iterateGrid(cycleLength-1, startGrid, Vector(startGrid))
println("Grids acquired.")
val emptyCoords: Vector[Set[Coord]] = => g.emptyCoords + startCoord + endCoord)
def iterateSearch(
destinations: Vector[Coord],
time: Int,
frontier: Set[Coord],
currentEmptyCoords: Vector[Set[Coord]] //currentEmptyBlizzardCoords: Vector[(Set[Coord], Set[Coord])]
): Int = (currentEmptyCoords, destinations) match {
case (_, curDest +: Vector()) if frontier contains curDest => time-1
case (curEmpty +: restEmpty, curDest +: restDest) if frontier contains curDest => {
iterateSearch(restDest, time+1, Set(curDest), restEmpty :+ curEmpty)
case _ if frontier.isEmpty => {
println("ERROR!!! empty frontier")
case (curEmpty +: restEmpty, dest) => {
val newFrontier: Set[Coord] = frontier.flatMap(_.getMoves) intersect curEmpty
iterateSearch(dest, time+1, newFrontier, restEmpty :+ curEmpty)
println("Searching shortest time...")
val shortestTime = iterateSearch(Vector(endCoord, startCoord, endCoord), 0, Set(startCoord), emptyCoords)
println(s"Shortest time found: ${shortestTime}")
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