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Last active December 2, 2023 12:55
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Regex sucks
import scala.util.matching.Regex
object Day2CubeConundrum extends App {
// Cube RGB
case class CubeReveal(red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int) {
lazy val isValid: Boolean = red <= CubeReveal.redMax && green <= CubeReveal.greenMax && blue <= CubeReveal.blueMax
lazy val cubePower: Int = red * green * blue
def minRequiredCubes(other: CubeReveal): CubeReveal = CubeReveal( max, max, max
override def toString: String = s"<red: $red, green: $green, blue:$blue>"
object CubeReveal {
val redMax: Int = 12
val greenMax: Int = 13
val blueMax: Int = 14
// Game with ID and multiple Cube Reveals (RGBs)
case class Game(gameId: Int, cubeReveals: Vector[CubeReveal]) {
lazy val validGame: Boolean = cubeReveals.foldLeft(true)((a, b) => a && b.isValid)
lazy val gameIdIfValid: Int = if(validGame) gameId else 0
override def toString: String = s"Game $gameId, RGB: $cubeReveals, valid: $validGame, gameIdIfValid: $gameIdIfValid"
// Input parsing
val cubeGamesRaw: Vector[String] ="./Sources/2023/Day2CubeConundrum.txt").getLines().toVector
val GamePattern: Regex = """Game ([0-9]+):(.+)""".r
val RevealPattern: Regex = """([0-9, a-z]+)""".r
val SingleColourPattern: Regex = """([0-9]+) ([a-z]+)""".r
val games: Vector[Game] ={GamePattern.findFirstMatchIn(_) match {
case None => None
case Some(GamePattern(gameIdString,revealsRaw)) => {
val gameId: Int = Integer.parseInt(gameIdString)
val revealStrings: Vector[String] = RevealPattern.findAllMatchIn(revealsRaw).map {_ match {
case RevealPattern(revealString) => Some(revealString.trim)
case _ => None
val reveals: Vector[Vector[(Int, String)]] = =>
SingleColourPattern.findAllMatchIn(revealString).map {_ match {
case SingleColourPattern(count, colour) => Some((Integer.parseInt(count), colour))
case _ => None
def colourCount(reveal: Vector[(Int,String)], colour: String): Int = reveal.find { case (_, c) => c == colour} match {
case Some((i, _)) => i
case _ => 0
val revealRgbs: Vector[CubeReveal] = => {
val redCount = colourCount(reveal, "red")
val greenCount = colourCount(reveal, "green")
val blueCount = colourCount(reveal, "blue")
CubeReveal(redCount, greenCount, blueCount)
Some(Game(gameId, revealRgbs))
// Part One
val validSum: Int = games.foldLeft(0)( (a, g) => a + g.gameIdIfValid )
println(s"Valid Game IDs sum: $validSum")
// Part Two
val cubePowers: Int = => g.cubeReveals.reduce(_ minRequiredCubes _).cubePower).sum
print(s"Cube powers sum: $cubePowers")
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