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Created December 17, 2022 01:01
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Day16 JR defeat
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.matching.Regex
object Day16Valves extends App {
val valvesInputRaw: Vector[String] ="./Sources/Day16Valves.txt").getLines.toVector
val valvesPattern: Regex = "Valve ([A-Z][A-Z]) has flow rate=([0-9]+); tunnel(?:[s]?) lead(?:[s]?) to valve(?:[s]?) ([A-Z, ]+)".r
val valvesParsed: Vector[(String, Int, Vector[String])] = => vr match {
case valvesPattern(v, r, ov) => (v, r.toInt, ov.split(", ").toVector)
val valveNames: Set[String] ={ case(valve,_,_) => valve}.toSet
val valveFlows: Map[String, Int] ={case(valve,flow,_) => valve -> flow}.toMap
val valveTunnels: Map[String, Vector[String]] ={case(valve,_,tunnels) => valve -> tunnels}.toMap
type ValveID = String
val totalTime: Int = 26
case class Valve(name: ValveID, flowPerTimeWhenOpen: Int, isOpen: Boolean = false, actualSummaryFlow: Int = 0) {
val flowPerTime: Int = if(isOpen) 0 else flowPerTimeWhenOpen
def potential(currentTime: Int): Int = flowPerTimeWhenOpen * (totalTime - currentTime)
def open(currentTime: Int) = Valve(name, flowPerTimeWhenOpen, true, potential(currentTime))
val valves: Map[String, Valve] ={ case(name, flow) => name -> Valve(name, flow) }
val unopenedValveNames: Set[String] = valves.values.toSet.filter(_.flowPerTime > 0).map(v =>
def getShortestDistances(currentValveName: String, curDist: Int, leftValves: Set[String], accuDistances: Set[(String, Int)] = Set()): Set[(String, Int)] = {
val valveDistance = (currentValveName, curDist)
val newAccuDistances = accuDistances + valveDistance
if(leftValves.isEmpty) newAccuDistances
else {
val valvesToVisit = valveTunnels(currentValveName).toSet.filter{f => leftValves contains f}
//println(s"${"\t".repeat(curDist)}${currentValveName} - ${leftValves} - ${valvesToVisit}")
if(valvesToVisit.isEmpty) newAccuDistances
else valvesToVisit.flatMap(vv => getShortestDistances(vv, curDist+1, leftValves - currentValveName, newAccuDistances ) )
println("Calculating shortest distances between all Valves...")
val distanceBetweenValves: Map[String, Map[String, Int]] = => {
val otherValves = valveNames - currentValveName
getShortestDistances(currentValveName, 0, otherValves).groupBy{case(s,_) => s}.map{ case(a,b) => (a,{case(a,b)=>b}.sorted.head)}
//def getLamePotential(valvesToCheck: Set[Valve], time: Int): Int = // zero distances assumed - lame
def getSmartPotential(currentValveName: String, unopenedValvesToCheck: Set[String], currentValves: Map[String, Valve], currentTime: Int): Int = {
val potentialsMinusReachCosts: Set[Int] = => currentValves(n)).map(v => {
val pmd = v.potential(currentTime) - distanceBetweenValves(currentValveName)(
if(pmd < 0) 0 else pmd
}).filter(_ > 0)
val sequencePenalties: Int = (0 to potentialsMinusReachCosts.size - 1).sum // because potential Valves can only be visited one after another
potentialsMinusReachCosts.sum - sequencePenalties
def cartesian[T](va: Vector[T], vb: Vector[T]): Vector[(T,T)] = {
va.flatMap(a => => (a,b)))
var currentGlobalMaxAccuFlow:Int = 0 // :-(
case class ForNextFlowStep(
currentValve: Valve,
accuFlow: Int,
plusCurrentValves: Option[(String, Valve)],
minusCurrentUnopenedValves: Option[String],
visitedSinceLastOpen: Set[String]
def getFlow(
step1: ForNextFlowStep,
step2: ForNextFlowStep,
currentTime: Int,
currentValvesFromLast: Map[String, Valve],
currentUnopenedValvesFromLast: Set[String]
): Int = {
val currentUnopenedValves: Set[String] = (step1.minusCurrentUnopenedValves, step2.minusCurrentUnopenedValves) match {
case (Some(a), Some(b)) => currentUnopenedValvesFromLast - a - b
case (Some(a), None) => currentUnopenedValvesFromLast - a
case (None, Some(b)) => currentUnopenedValvesFromLast - b
case (None, None) => currentUnopenedValvesFromLast
val currentValves: Map[String, Valve] = (step1.plusCurrentValves, step2.plusCurrentValves) match {
case (Some(a), Some(b)) => currentValvesFromLast + a + b
case (Some(a), None) => currentValvesFromLast + a
case (None, Some(b)) => currentValvesFromLast + b
case (None, None) => currentValvesFromLast
val currentValve1: Valve = currentValves(
val currentValve2: Valve = currentValves(
val currentUnopenedValvesAdjustedFor1: Set[String] = => currentValves(uvn)).map(uv => {
val pmd: Int = uv.potential(currentTime) - distanceBetweenValves(
(, pmd)
}).filter{ case(_,pmd) => pmd > 0 }.map{ case(uvn,_) => uvn }
val currentUnopenedValvesAdjustedFor2: Set[String] = => currentValves(uvn)).map(uv => {
val pmd: Int = uv.potential(currentTime) - distanceBetweenValves(
(, pmd)
}).filter{ case(_,pmd) => pmd > 0 }.map{ case(uvn,_) => uvn }
val accuFlow: Int = step1.accuFlow + step2.accuFlow
currentGlobalMaxAccuFlow = if(accuFlow > currentGlobalMaxAccuFlow) accuFlow else currentGlobalMaxAccuFlow
(step1, step2, currentTime) match {
case _ if (step1.visitedSinceLastOpen contains || (step2.visitedSinceLastOpen contains => accuFlow
case (_,_,26) => accuFlow
case _ if currentUnopenedValves.isEmpty || currentUnopenedValvesAdjustedFor1.isEmpty || currentUnopenedValvesAdjustedFor2.isEmpty => accuFlow
case _ if (
accuFlow +
getSmartPotential(, currentUnopenedValves, currentValves, currentTime + 1) +
getSmartPotential(, currentUnopenedValves, currentValves, currentTime + 1)
) <= currentGlobalMaxAccuFlow => accuFlow
case _ => {
val moveToValvesFrom1: Vector[Valve] = valveTunnels( => currentValves(tunnelToValve)).sortBy(y => -getSmartPotential(, currentUnopenedValves, currentValves, currentTime))
val moveToValvesFrom2: Vector[Valve] = valveTunnels( => currentValves(tunnelToValve)).sortBy(y => -getSmartPotential(, currentUnopenedValves, currentValves, currentTime))
val stepsFrom1: Vector[ForNextFlowStep] = => ForNextFlowStep(v, step1.accuFlow, None, None, step1.visitedSinceLastOpen +
val stepsFrom2: Vector[ForNextFlowStep] = => ForNextFlowStep(v, step2.accuFlow, None, None, step2.visitedSinceLastOpen +
val openCurrent1: Vector[ForNextFlowStep] = if(currentValve1.flowPerTime > 0) { // currentValve1 can be opened
val newValve = + 1)
val newAccuFlow = step1.accuFlow + newValve.actualSummaryFlow
val plusCurrentValves = Some( -> newValve) // to replace
val minusUnopenedValves = Some(
val newStep = ForNextFlowStep(
currentValve = newValve,
accuFlow = newAccuFlow,
plusCurrentValves = plusCurrentValves,
minusCurrentUnopenedValves = minusUnopenedValves,
visitedSinceLastOpen = Set()
} else {
val openCurrent2: Vector[ForNextFlowStep] = if(currentValve2.flowPerTime > 0 && != ) { // currentValve2 can be opened, if not he same as valve1
val newValve = + 1)
val newAccuFlow = step2.accuFlow + newValve.actualSummaryFlow
val plusCurrentValves = Some( -> newValve) // to replace
val minusUnopenedValves = Some(
val newStep = ForNextFlowStep(
currentValve = newValve,
accuFlow = newAccuFlow,
plusCurrentValves = plusCurrentValves,
minusCurrentUnopenedValves = minusUnopenedValves,
visitedSinceLastOpen = Set()
} else {
val stepPairs: Vector[(ForNextFlowStep, ForNextFlowStep)] = cartesian(stepsFrom1 ++ openCurrent1, stepsFrom2 ++ openCurrent2)
val allFlows: Vector[Int] ={ case(s1,s2) => getFlow(s1, s2, currentTime + 1, currentValves, currentUnopenedValves) }
println("Seeking Max Flow...")
val p1 = ForNextFlowStep(
currentValve = valves("AA"),
accuFlow = 0,
plusCurrentValves = None,
minusCurrentUnopenedValves = None,
visitedSinceLastOpen = Set()
val p2 = ForNextFlowStep(
currentValve = valves("AA"),
accuFlow = 0,
plusCurrentValves = None,
minusCurrentUnopenedValves = None,
visitedSinceLastOpen = Set()
val xxx = getFlow( p1, p2, 0, valves, unopenedValveNames )
// for TEST: 1707
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