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Created December 11, 2022 16:50
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Day11 Ruumis Day11 Ruumis
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Day11MonkeyInTheMiddle extends App {
// -= Item =-
// Item used to be `type Item = Long` for Part 1.
class Item(val divisions: Map[Int, Int]) {
override def toString: String = s"Item(${divisions})"
// Part 2 logic:
// We just keep (divisor, reminder) pairs.
// When adding or multiplying, we can add and multiply just the reminders for each of the divisors.
// Thus, we can go from Monkey to Monkey, who have different divisors each.
// with Item
def +(that: Item): Item = {
val newDivisions = divisions map { case(divisor, reminder) => (divisor, (reminder + that.divisions(divisor)) % divisor ) }
def *(that: Item): Item = {
val newDivisions = divisions map { case(divisor, reminder) => (divisor, (reminder * that.divisions(divisor)) % divisor ) }
// with Int
def +(that: Int): Item = {
val newDivisions = divisions map { case(divisor, reminder) => (divisor, (reminder + that) % divisor ) }
def *(that: Int): Item = {
val newDivisions = divisions map { case(divisor, reminder) => (divisor, (reminder * that) % divisor ) }
def divisibleBy(divisor: Int): Boolean = divisions(divisor) == 0
object Item {
// for init only
def apply(initValue: Integer, divisors: Vector[Int]): Item = {
val divisions: Map[Int,Int] = =>
(divisor, initValue % divisor)
new Item(divisions)
def apply(divisions: Map[Int, Int]): Item = {
new Item(divisions)
// -= Monkey =-
type MonkeyId = Int
case class Monkey(monkeyId: MonkeyId, items: Vector[Item], itemInspections: Long, operation: Item => Item, test: Item => MonkeyId, relief: Item => Item) {
//override def toString: String = s"Monkey(id: ${monkeyId}, items: ${items.mkString(", ")}, inspections: ${itemInspections})"
override def toString: String = s"Monkey(id: ${monkeyId}, inspections: ${itemInspections})"
//def operationWithRelief(i: Item): Item = operation(i) / 3 < --- this we can no longer do
def operationWithRelief(i: Item): Item = relief(operation(i))
def addItem(i: Item): Monkey = Monkey(monkeyId, items :+ i, itemInspections, operation, test, relief)
def getItem: Option[(Monkey, Item)] = items match {
case Vector() => None
case i +: rest => Some(Monkey(monkeyId, rest, itemInspections+1, operation, test, relief), i)
final def monkeysAfterExecuteMonkey(monkeys: Vector[Monkey]): Vector[Monkey] = getItem match {
case None => monkeys
case Some((currentMonkeyWithItemRemoved, currentItem)) => {
val itemAfterOperationWithRelief: Item = operationWithRelief(currentItem)
val targetMonkeyId: MonkeyId = test(itemAfterOperationWithRelief)
val newTargetMonkey = monkeys(targetMonkeyId).addItem(itemAfterOperationWithRelief)
val updatedMonkeys = monkeys
.updated(targetMonkeyId, newTargetMonkey) // update Target Monkey in monkeys
.updated(monkeyId, currentMonkeyWithItemRemoved) // update this Monkey in monkeys
// -= Round =-
case class Round(roundId: Int, monkeys: Vector[Monkey]) {
final def executeRound(
monkeyIds: List[MonkeyId] = (0 to monkeys.size-1).toList,
currentMonkeys: Vector[Monkey] = monkeys
): Round = monkeyIds match {
case Nil => Round(roundId+1, currentMonkeys)
case i :: rest => executeRound(rest, currentMonkeys(i).monkeysAfterExecuteMonkey(currentMonkeys) )
final def executeManyRoundsAccumulate(i: Int, accuRounds: Vector[Round] = Vector(this)): Vector[Round] = i match {
case 0 => accuRounds
case i if i > 0 => {
val newRound: Round = this.executeRound()
newRound.executeManyRoundsAccumulate(i-1, accuRounds :+ newRound)
final def executeManyRoundsRememberLast(i: Int, lastRound: Round = this): Round = i match {
case 0 => lastRound
case i if i > 0 => {
val newRound: Round = this.executeRound()
newRound.executeManyRoundsRememberLast(i-1, newRound)
// -= Parsers =-
def getItemOperation(op: String, arg: String ): Item => Item = (op, arg) match {
case ("+","old") => ((a:Item) => a + a)
case ("+",b) => ((a:Item) => a + b.toInt)
case ("*","old") => ((a:Item) => a * a)
case ("*",b) => ((a:Item) => a * b.toInt)
def getItemTest(divisor: Int, toMonkeyIfTrue: MonkeyId, toMonkeyIfFalse: MonkeyId)(worryLevel: Item): MonkeyId =
if(worryLevel divisibleBy divisor) toMonkeyIfTrue else toMonkeyIfFalse
val monkeyPattern = "Monkey ([0-9]+):".r
val startingItemsPattern = " Starting items: ([, 0-9]+)".r
val operationPattern = " Operation: new = old ([+*]) (old|[0-9]+)".r
val testPattern = " Test: divisible by ([0-9]+)".r
val ifTruePattern = " If true: throw to monkey ([0-9]+)".r
val ifFalsePattern =" If false: throw to monkey ([0-9]+)".r
// -= MAIN =-
val monkeysInput ="./Sources/Day11MonkeyInTheMiddle.txt")
.getLines().toVector.filter(_ != "").grouped(6).toVector
val startMonkeysRaw = => a match {
case (
monkeyPattern(monkeyId) +:
startingItemsPattern(startingItems) +:
operationPattern(itemOperation, arg) +:
testPattern(itemForTest) +:
ifTruePattern(monkeyIfTrue) +:
ifFalsePattern(monkeyIfFalse) +:
) => (
startingItems.split(", ").map(i => i.toInt).toVector,
val divisors: Vector[Int] ={ case(d,_,_,_,_,_,_) => d } // extract the test divisors from all Monkeys - to be added to all Items
// -= Part 1 =-
// Part 1 can only be executed with an older version of this code :-(
// -= Part 2 =-
val part2relief: Item => Item = (i:Item) => i // this is kind of redundant because my Part 2 code does not support a relief function that divides
val startMonkeys = {case(itemForTest,monkeyId,startItems,itemOperation,arg,monkeyIfTrue,monkeyIfFalse) =>
Monkey(monkeyId, => Item(i, divisors)), 0, getItemOperation(itemOperation, arg), getItemTest(itemForTest, monkeyIfTrue, monkeyIfFalse), part2relief)
val roundZero: Round = Round(0, startMonkeys)
val lastRound10000 = roundZero.executeManyRoundsRememberLast(10000)
val top2ActiveMonkeyInspectionProduct10000 = * _)
println(s"After 10000 Rounds, the product of top 2 Monkey Inspections is ${ top2ActiveMonkeyInspectionProduct10000}")
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