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Created September 30, 2015 01:55
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Animation motion controller
// Controls animations based on the movements of a node:
// Automatically switches between strafing/forward/reverse/run/fall/jump
// class: AnimSet
// Helper class that let's us quickly swap out entire animation sets, mostly for "state" purposes
class AnimSet
String walkForward;
String walkBackward;
String walkLeft;
String walkRight;
String fall;
String jump;
String run;
String idle;
void Serialize(Serializer& stream)
void Deserialize(Deserializer& stream)
walkForward = stream.ReadString();
walkBackward = stream.ReadString();
walkLeft = stream.ReadString();
walkRight = stream.ReadString();
fall = stream.ReadString();
jump = stream.ReadString();
run = stream.ReadString();
idle = stream.ReadString();
// class: MotionController
// Controls a Node's AnimationController based on
// how the position of the node changes
// Selects and blends between Cross direction walks and running
// Running + jumping
class MotionController : ScriptObject
private Vector3 lastPosition;
private Quaternion lastRotation;
private Vector3 relativeMotion;
float animSpeed;
String walkForward;
String walkBackward;
String walkLeft;
String walkRight;
String fall;
String jump;
String run;
String idle;
int DefaultLayer = 0;
float runThreshold;
float moveThreshold;
float fallThreshold;
float jumpThreshold;
float rotationOffset = 0;
bool active = true;
private float nextUpdate = 0.0f;
AnimSet@ GetAnimSet()
AnimSet@ ret = AnimSet();
ret.walkForward = walkForward;
ret.walkBackward = walkBackward;
ret.walkLeft = walkLeft;
ret.walkRight = walkRight;
ret.fall = fall;
ret.jump = jump; = run;
ret.idle = idle;
return ret;
void SetAnimSet(AnimSet@ anims)
walkForward = anims.walkForward;
walkBackward = anims.walkBackward;
walkLeft = anims.walkLeft;
walkRight = anims.walkRight;
fall = anims.fall;
jump = anims.jump;
run =;
idle = anims.idle;
void FixedUpdate(float td)
if (!active)
nextUpdate -= td;
if (nextUpdate > 0)
nextUpdate = 0.02;
Vector3 dist = node.worldPosition - lastPosition;
lastPosition.x = node.worldPosition.x;
lastPosition.y = node.worldPosition.y;
lastPosition.z = node.worldPosition.z;
const float verticalSpeed = 1 * dist.y * td;
dist.y = 0;
float linearSpeed = 1 * dist.length * td;
if (linearSpeed < 0)
linearSpeed = -linearSpeed;
const float pi3rd = M_PI/3.0;
const float pi2 = M_PI*2.0;
//we're not sufficiently moving vertical
if (verticalSpeed > -fallThreshold && verticalSpeed < jumpThreshold)
float direction = Atan2( -dist.x, -dist.z ) - (node.worldRotation.eulerAngles.y + rotationOffset);
direction *= M_DEGTORAD;
// Normalize direction angle to [-PI, +PI]
// To get less if cases
if( direction > M_PI )
direction = direction - pi2;
if( direction < -M_PI )
direction = pi2 + direction;
if (linearSpeed > 0 && linearSpeed > moveThreshold)
if (direction > pi3rd && direction < 2*pi3rd)
{ //play strafe left
if (walkLeft.length > 0 && walkLeft.length > 0)
PlayAnimation(walkLeft, false, false, true, DefaultLayer);
else if (walkRight.length > 0 && walkRight.length > 0) //reverse right walk to use as left walk
PlayAnimation(walkRight,true, false, true, DefaultLayer);
else if (direction > -2*pi3rd && direction < -pi3rd)
{ //play strafe right
if (walkRight.length > 0 && walkRight.length > 0)
PlayAnimation(walkRight, false, false, true, DefaultLayer);
else if (walkLeft.length > 0 && walkLeft.length > 0) //reverse left walk to use as right walk
PlayAnimation(walkLeft,true, false, true, DefaultLayer);
else if (direction >= 2*pi3rd || direction <= -2*pi3rd)
{ //play walk backwards
if (walkBackward.length > 0 && walkBackward.length > 0)
PlayAnimation(walkBackward, false, false, true, DefaultLayer);
else //reverse forward anim to walk backward
PlayAnimation(walkForward,true, false, true, DefaultLayer);
else if (linearSpeed > runThreshold && run.length > 0)
{ //play run forward
PlayAnimation(run, false, false, true, DefaultLayer);
{ //play move forward
PlayAnimation(walkForward, false, false, true, DefaultLayer);
else if (idle.length > 0)
else if (-verticalSpeed > fallThreshold && fall.length > 0)
//play fall animation
PlayAnimation(jump, false, true, true, DefaultLayer);
else if (verticalSpeed > jumpThreshold && jump.length > 0)
//play jump animation
PlayAnimation(fall, false, true, false, DefaultLayer);
else if (idle.length > 0)
private void PlayAnimation(const String&in animName, bool reverse = false, bool restart = false, bool loop = true, int layer = 0)
AnimationController@ animCtrl = node.GetComponent("AnimationController");
if (animCtrl !is null)
const float animDir = reverse ? -1.0 : 1.0;
if (restart)
animCtrl.Play(animName, layer, loop, 0.2);
animCtrl.SetTime(animName, 0.0); // play from beginning
animCtrl.PlayExclusive(animName, layer, loop, 0.2);
animCtrl.SetSpeed(animName, animSpeed*animDir);
String msg = "Missing Animation controller in node for MotionController script: ";
msg +=;
// Update our history of positions
void TransformChanged()
//lastPosition = node.position;
lastRotation = node.rotation;
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