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Created February 6, 2019 01:51
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HLSL Toon Shader
// Toon Shader
// Features:
// - artist supplied *tone* ramp
// - Control map to force shadow/highlight
// - model-space vertical 1px shade control (hat shadows, etc)
// - MSDF *linework* map
// - rimlight glow
// - geometry-shader outlines
// - flaky about normals, hates most *stock* models
// - matcap/spherical environment maps
// - hair *halo* rings
// Configuration
// includes a mat-cap like hair ring, requires TEXCOORD1 for the vertical coordinate, U is ignored
// HAIR_RING and MATCAP are mutually exclusive
// #define TOON_MATCAP
// includes a mat-cap for metals
// MATCAP and HAIR_RING are mutually exclusive
// #define TOON_RIMLIGHT
// includes rim-lighting features
// includes a vertically sampled 1d texture for controlled dimming, like an AO map
// model-space Y coordinate is used to sample
// has a control map
// #define TOON_RIMLIGHT
// MSDF linework map
// #define TOON_GS_OUTLINE
// Use geometry shader to emit reversed faces colored black for lines
// #define TOON_TESS
// Use PN tessellation
// #define NORMALMAP is supported
// BEWARE of noisy normals
// #define SPECMAP is supported
// However, it is used *straight* and not stepped like diffuse
// #define ALPHAMASK is supported
// #define EMISSIVEMAP is supported, but means a ControlMap cannot be used
// Textures
// Required: tone map
// remaps the acquired lighting values, responsible for the overal shade tone
// Optional: control map
// R channel: min lighting sample, use to force highlights
// G channel: max lighting sample, use to ban highlights
// B channel: outline power, scales the outline thickness
// A channel: matcap mask
// Optional: rimlight map
// RGB color
// A channel: rim-light mask
// Optional: linework map
// RGB channels: MSDF
// optional A channel: minimum dot-product to gate lines
// only used with TOON_LINE_MAP_CONTROLLED
// Optional: vertical ramp
// New Uniforms
// cHairRingTransform: XY = offset, ZW = scale
// cVerticalRampShift: X = lower, Y = upper
// cRimLightColor: RGB = color, A = power
// cLineWorkPower: XY = msdf scales, Z = multiplier
// cOutlinePower: X = scale along normal, Y = offset along camera vector
// Reused Uniforms
// cMatSpecColor: as-is
// cMatEnvMapColor: multiplied with matcap map
#include "Uniforms.hlsl"
#include "Constants.hlsl"
#include "Samplers.hlsl"
#include "Transform.hlsl"
#include "Lighting.hlsl"
#include "Fog.hlsl"
#include "Toon_Data.hlsl"
#include "Toon_Util.hlsl"
struct VSOutput
float2 oTexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
float4 oTexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
float4 oTangent : TEXCOORD3;
float4 oPosition : OUTPOSITION;
float3 oNormal : TEXCOORD1;
float4 oWorldPos : TEXCOORD2;
#if defined(TOON_GS_OUTLINE)
float4 oColor : COLOR0;
#ifdef SHADOW
float4 oShadowPos[NUMCASCADES] : TEXCOORD4;
float4 oSpotPos : TEXCOORD5;
float3 oCubeMaskVec : TEXCOORD5;
float3 oVertexLight : COLOR1;
#if defined(D3D11) && defined(CLIPPLANE)
float oClip : SV_CLIPDISTANCE0;
float oRampCoord : TEXCOORD6;
#if defined(TOON_HAIR_RING) || defined(TOON_HAIR_RING_UV2)
float2 oHairUV : TEXCOORD7;
#if defined(TOON_MATCAP)
float2 oMatCapUV : TEXCOORD7;
#if defined(TOON_GS_OUTLINE)
float4 oOutlineOffset : TEXCOORD8;
#if defined(COMPILEVS)
VSOutput VS(
float4 iPos : POSITION,
float3 iNormal : NORMAL,
float4 iTangent : TANGENT,
float2 iTexCoord : TEXCOORD0
#ifdef SKINNED
, float4 iBlendWeights : BLENDWEIGHT
, int4 iBlendIndices : BLENDINDICES
, float4x3 iModelInstance : TEXCOORD4
#if defined(TOON_HAIR_RING_UV2)
, float2 iHairUV : TEXCOORD1
VSOutput ret = (VSOutput)0;
float4x3 modelMatrix = iModelMatrix;
ret.oRampCoord = (iPos.y - cVerticalRampShift.x) / (cVerticalRampShift.y - cVerticalRampShift.x) + cVerticalRampShift.z;
float3 worldPos = GetWorldPos(modelMatrix);
ret.oPosition = GetClipPos(worldPos);
ret.oNormal = GetWorldNormal(modelMatrix);
ret.oWorldPos = float4(worldPos, GetDepth(ret.oPosition));
#if defined(D3D11) && defined(CLIPPLANE)
ret.oClip = dot(ret.oPosition, cClipPlane);
#if defined(TOON_GS_OUTLINE)
// white is default
ret.oColor = float4(1,1,1,1);
#if defined(TOON_HAIR_RING) || defined(TOON_HAIR_RING_UV2)
#if defined(TOON_HAIR_RING_UV2)
ret.oHairUV = float2(((mul((float3x3)cViewInv, ret.oNormal) + 1) * 0.5).x, iHairUV.y);
ret.oHairUV = float2(((mul((float3x3)cViewInv, ret.oNormal) + 1) * 0.5).x, iTexCoord.y);
ret.oMatCapUV = ((mul((float3x3)cViewInv, ret.oNormal) + 1) * 0.5).xy;
float4 tangent = GetWorldTangent(modelMatrix);
float3 bitangent = cross(, ret.oNormal) * tangent.w;
ret.oTexCoord = float4(GetTexCoord(iTexCoord), bitangent.xy);
ret.oTangent = float4(, bitangent.z);
ret.oTexCoord = GetTexCoord(iTexCoord);
// outline offset is computed here so that the GS can almost pass-through instead of repeating clip-space transformation
float outlinePower = Sample2D(ControlMap, ret.oTexCoord.xy).r * cOutlinePower.y;
float outlinePower = cOutlinePower.x;
ret.oOutlineOffset = GetClipPos(worldPos + ret.oNormal * -(1+outlinePower) + normalize(cCameraPos - iPos) * cOutlinePower.y);
// Per-pixel forward lighting
float4 projWorldPos = float4(, 1.0);
#ifdef SHADOW
// Shadow projection: transform from world space to shadow space
GetShadowPos(projWorldPos, ret.oNormal, ret.oShadowPos);
// Spotlight projection: transform from world space to projector texture coordinates
ret.oSpotPos = mul(projWorldPos, cLightMatrices[0]);
ret.oCubeMaskVec = mul(worldPos -, (float3x3)cLightMatrices[0]);
ret.oVertexLight = GetAmbient(GetZonePos(worldPos));
return ret;
#if defined(COMPILEGS)
void GS(triangle in VSOutput vertices[3], inout TriangleStream<VSOutput> triStream)
VSOutput v1 = vertices[0],
v2 = vertices[1],
v3 = vertices[2];
// emit the flipped vertices
// color all vertices black
v1.oColor = v2.oColor = v3.oColor = float4(0,0,0,1);
v1.oPosition = v1.oOutlineOffset;
v2.oPosition = v2.oOutlineOffset;
v3.oPosition = v3.oOutlineOffset;
#if defined(COMPILEPS)
// Fresnel-like, just with a fixed specular of 0,0,0
float3 GetRimlight(in float VdotH)
return pow(1.0 - VdotH, 5.0);
void PS(in VSOutput vtxIn,
out float4 oColor : OUTCOLOR0)
float4 diffInput = Sample2D(DiffMap, vtxIn.oTexCoord.xy);
if (diffInput.a < 0.5)
float4 diffColor = cMatDiffColor * diffInput;
// Get material specular albedo
#ifdef SPECMAP
float3 specColor = cMatSpecColor.rgb * Sample2D(SpecMap, iTexCoord.xy).rgb;
float3 specColor = cMatSpecColor.rgb;
// Get normal
float3x3 tbn = float3x3(, float3(, vtxIn.oTangent.w), vtxIn.oNormal);
float3 normal = normalize(mul(DecodeNormal(Sample2D(NormalMap, vtxIn.oTexCoord.xy)), tbn));
float3 normal = normalize(vtxIn.oNormal);
// Get fog factor
float fogFactor = GetHeightFogFactor(vtxIn.oWorldPos.w, vtxIn.oWorldPos.y);
float fogFactor = GetFogFactor(vtxIn.oWorldPos.w);
float3 cameraDir = cCameraPosPS -;
#if defined(PERPIXEL)
// Per-pixel forward lighting
float3 lightDir;
float3 lightColor;
float3 finalColor;
float diff = saturate(GetDiffuse(normal, vtxIn.oWorldPos, lightDir));
#ifdef SHADOW
diff *= GetShadow(vtxIn.oShadowPos, vtxIn.oWorldPos.w);
diff = Sample2D(ToneMap, float2(saturate(diff), 0)).r;
float4 controlValues = Sample2D(ControlMap, vtxIn.oTexCoord);
diff = max(controlValues.r, min(controlValues.g, diff));
diff = min(diff, Sample2D(VerticalRamp, float2(vtxIn.oRampCoord, 0)));
#if defined(SPOTLIGHT)
lightColor = vtxIn.oSpotPos.w > 0.0 ? Sample2DProj(LightSpotMap, vtxIn.oSpotPos).rgb * cLightColor.rgb : 0.0;
#elif defined(CUBEMASK)
lightColor = SampleCube(LightCubeMap, vtxIn.oCubeMaskVec).rgb * cLightColor.rgb;
lightColor = cLightColor.rgb;
float spec = GetSpecular(normal, cameraDir, lightDir, cMatSpecColor.a);
finalColor = diff * lightColor * (diffColor.rgb + spec * specColor * cLightColor.a) * 2;
finalColor = diff * lightColor * diffColor.rgb;
#ifdef AMBIENT
finalColor += cAmbientColor.rgb * diffColor.rgb;
finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor;
oColor = float4(GetFog(finalColor, fogFactor), diffColor.a);
oColor = float4(GetLitFog(finalColor, fogFactor), diffColor.a);
// Ambient & per-vertex lighting
float3 finalColor = vtxIn.oVertexLight * diffColor.rgb;
finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor * Sample2D(EmissiveMap, vtxIn.oTexCoord.xy).rgb;
finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor;
finalColor.rgb += EvaluateMatCap(vtxIn.oMatCapUV, vtxIn.oTexCoord);
const float3 toCamera = normalize(cCameraPosPS -;
const float3 Hn = normalize(toCamera - vtxIn.oNormal);
const float vdh = clamp((dot(toCamera, Hn)), 0.0001, 1.0);
finalColor.rgb += GetRimlight(dot(toCamera, vtxIn.oNormal)) * cRimLightColor.rgb;
oColor = float4(GetFog(finalColor, fogFactor), diffColor.a);
// linework always darkens
oColor.rgb *= SampleMSDF(vtxIn.oTexCoord, vtxIn.oNormal, normalize(cameraDir));
#if defined(TOON_HAIR_RING) || defined(TOON_HAIR_RING_UV2)
float4 hairRing = EvaluateHairRing(vtxIn.oNormal, vtxIn.oHairUV, vtxIn.oWorldPos);
oColor.rgb = lerp(oColor.rgb, hairRing.rgb, hairRing.a);
oColor *= vtxIn.oColor;
#ifndef D3D11
sampler2D sControlMap : register(s3);
sampler2D sMatCap : register(s4);
sampler2D sHairRing : register(s4);
sampler2D sLinework : register(s5);
sampler2D sVerticalRamp : register(s6);
sampler2D sToneMap : register(s7);
Texture2D tControlMap : register(t3);
Texture2D tMatCap : register(t4);
Texture2D tHairRing : register(t4);
Texture2D tLinework : register(t5);
Texture2D tVerticalRamp : register(t6);
Texture2D tToneMap : register(t7);
SamplerState sControlMap : register(s3);
SamplerState sMatCap : register(s4);
SamplerState sHairRing : register(s4);
SamplerState sLinework : register(s5);
SamplerState sVerticalRamp : register(s6);
SamplerState sToneMap : register(s7);
#if defined(COMPILEVS) || defined(COMPILEHS) || defined(COMPILEDS)
cbuffer CustomVS : register(b6)
float4 cOutlinePower;
#if defined(TOON_TESS)
float4 cTessParams;
float4 cVerticalRampShift;
#if defined(COMPILEPS)
cbuffer CustomPS : register(b6)
float4 cRimLightColor;
float4 cLineWorkPower;
float4 cOutlinePower;
float4 cHairRingColor;
#include "Uniforms.hlsl"
#include "Samplers.hlsl"
#include "Transform.hlsl"
#include "Toon_Data.hlsl"
void VS(float4 iPos : POSITION,
#ifndef NOUV
float2 iTexCoord : TEXCOORD0,
float3 iNormal : NORMAL,
#ifdef SKINNED
float4 iBlendWeights : BLENDWEIGHT,
int4 iBlendIndices : BLENDINDICES,
float4x3 iModelInstance : TEXCOORD4,
out float4 oPos : OUTPOSITION)
// Define a 0,0 UV coord if not expected from the vertex data
#ifdef NOUV
float2 iTexCoord = float2(0.0, 0.0);
float4x3 modelMatrix = iModelMatrix;
float3 worldPos = GetWorldPos(modelMatrix);
float outlinePower = Sample2D(sControlMap, iTexCoord.xy).r * cOutlinePower.x;
float outlinePower = cOutlinePower.x;
oPos = GetClipPos(worldPos + iNormal * -(1+outlinePower) + normalize(cCameraPos - iPos) * cOutlinePower.y);
void PS(out float4 oColor : OUTCOLOR0)
oColor = float4(0, 0, 0, 1);
float4 EvaluateHairRing(float3 normal, float2 secondaryUV, float3 worldPos)
return Sample2D(HairRing, float2(secondaryUV.x, secondaryUV.y)) * cHairRingColor;
// User: szamq
float3 EvaluateMatCap(float2 matcapUV, float2 uv)
float4 sampleValue = Sample2D(MatCap, matcapUV);
float matcapPower = clamp(cAmbientColor.a, 0, 1);
matcapPower *= Sample2D(ControlMap, uv).a;
return cMatEnvMapColor.rgb * sampleValue.rgb * matcapPower;
float MSDF(float r, float g, float b)
return max(min(r, g), min(max(r, g), b));
float SampleMSDF(float2 uvCoord, float3 normal, float3 cameraDir)
float2 texSize = float2(0, 0);
tLinework.GetDimensions(texSize.x, texSize.y);
float2 stepSize = float2(4.0,4.0) / texSize;
float4 samp = Sample2D(Linework, uvCoord);
if (samp.a > saturate(dot(normal, cameraDir)))
return 1.0;
float fldVal = (MSDF(samp.r, samp.g, samp.b) - 0.5) * dot(stepSize, 0.5 / fwidth(uvCoord));
float weight = saturate(fldVal + 0.5);
// use step instead? might it alias too much if stepSize isn't good?
return lerp(1.0, 0.0, weight);
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larsyxa commented Feb 9, 2021

Thx )

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