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Created August 15, 2019 00:31
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#include "ImmediateRender.h"
#include "../Core/Context.h"
#include "../Graphics/VertexBuffer.h"
#include "../Graphics/Camera.h"
#include "../Graphics/Graphics.h"
#include "../Scene/Node.h"
#include "../Input/Input.h"
#include "../Graphics/View.h"
#include "../Graphics/Viewport.h"
namespace Urho3D
ImmediateRenderer::ImmediateRenderer(Context* context) :
vertexBuffer_ = new VertexBuffer(context);
/// Destruct.
/// Register object factory.
void ImmediateRenderer::RegisterObject(Context* context)
void ImmediateRenderer::EndFrame()
void ImmediateRenderer::Render()
unsigned vertCt = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Im3d::GetDrawListCount(); ++i)
const Im3d::DrawList& drawList = Im3d::GetDrawLists()[i];
vertCt += drawList.m_vertexCount;
if (vertexBuffer_->GetVertexCount() < vertCt)
vertexBuffer_->SetSize(vertCt, {
VertexElement(TYPE_VECTOR4, SEM_POSITION, 0, false),
VertexElement(TYPE_UBYTE4_NORM, SEM_COLOR, 0, false) });
auto* dest = (Im3d::VertexData*)vertexBuffer_->Lock(0, vertCt, true);
if (!dest)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Im3d::GetDrawListCount(); ++i)
const Im3d::DrawList& drawList = Im3d::GetDrawLists()[i];
unsigned cpyCt = drawList.m_vertexCount * sizeof(Im3d::VertexData);
memcpy(dest, drawList.m_vertexData, cpyCt);
dest += drawList.m_vertexCount;
auto graphics = GetSubsystem<Graphics>();
ShaderVariation* vsLines = graphics->GetShader(VS, "IM3D", "LINES VERTEX_SHADER");
ShaderVariation* gsLines = graphics->GetShader(GS, "IM3D", "LINES GEOMETRY_SHADER");
ShaderVariation* psLines = graphics->GetShader(PS, "IM3D", "LINES PIXEL_SHADER");
ShaderVariation* vsPoints = graphics->GetShader(VS, "IM3D", "POINTS VERTEX_SHADER");
ShaderVariation* gsPoints = graphics->GetShader(GS, "IM3D", "POINTS GEOMETRY_SHADER");
ShaderVariation* psPoints = graphics->GetShader(PS, "IM3D", "POINTS PIXEL_SHADER");
ShaderVariation* vsTris = graphics->GetShader(VS, "IM3D", "TRIS VERTEX_SHADER");
ShaderVariation* psTris = graphics->GetShader(PS, "IM3D", "TRIS PIXEL_SHADER");
static const auto depthTestLayer = Im3d::MakeId("DepthTest");
static const auto depthLessLayer = Im3d::MakeId("DepthGreater");
static const auto noDepthLayer = Im3d::MakeId("NoDepth");
Im3d::Id lastID = 0;
unsigned vertStart = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Im3d::GetDrawListCount(); ++i)
const Im3d::DrawList& drawList = Im3d::GetDrawLists()[i];
if (drawList.m_layerId != lastID)
if (drawList.m_layerId == depthTestLayer)
else if (drawList.m_layerId == noDepthLayer || drawList.m_layerId == 0)
else if (drawList.m_layerId == depthLessLayer)
switch (drawList.m_primType)
case Im3d::DrawPrimitive_Lines:
graphics->SetShaders(vsLines, psLines, gsLines, nullptr, nullptr);
case Im3d::DrawPrimitive_Points:
graphics->SetShaders(vsPoints, psPoints, gsPoints, nullptr, nullptr);
case Im3d::DrawPrimitive_Triangles:
graphics->SetShaders(vsTris, psTris, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_MODEL, Matrix3x4::IDENTITY);
graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_VIEW, view_);
graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_VIEWINV, view_.Inverse());
graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_VIEWPROJ, gpuProjection_ * view_);
auto& appData = Im3d::GetAppData();
static const StringHash VSP_VIEWSIZE = "Viewport";
graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_VIEWSIZE, Vector2(appData.m_viewportSize.x, appData.m_viewportSize.y));
switch (drawList.m_primType)
case Im3d::DrawPrimitive_Lines:
graphics->Draw(LINE_LIST, vertStart, drawList.m_vertexCount);
case Im3d::DrawPrimitive_Points:
graphics->Draw(POINT_LIST, vertStart, drawList.m_vertexCount);
case Im3d::DrawPrimitive_Triangles:
graphics->Draw(TRIANGLE_LIST, vertStart, drawList.m_vertexCount);
vertStart += drawList.m_vertexCount;
graphics->SetShaders(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
void ImmediateRenderer::BeginFrame(Viewport* viewport, Vector2 mousePos, IntRect r, float timeStep, bool grabInput)
auto& appData = Im3d::GetAppData();
auto camera = GetNode()->GetComponent<Camera>();
view_ = camera->GetView();
projection_ = camera->GetProjection();
gpuProjection_ = camera->GetGPUProjection();
auto frustum = camera->GetFrustum();
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
appData.m_cullFrustum[i] = ToIm(Vector4(frustum.planes_[i].normal_, frustum.planes_[i].d_));
appData.m_viewDirection = ToIm(GetNode()->GetWorldDirection());
appData.m_viewOrigin = ToIm(GetNode()->GetWorldPosition());
appData.m_deltaTime = timeStep;
appData.m_worldUp = ToIm(Vector3::UP);
appData.m_projOrtho = camera->IsOrthographic();
appData.m_projScaleY = Tan(camera->GetFov()) * 3;
appData.m_viewportSize = ToIm(r.Size());
auto input = GetSubsystem<Input>();
auto mouseP = input->GetMousePosition();
appData.m_cursorRayOrigin = appData.m_viewOrigin;
appData.m_cursorRayDirection = ToIm(camera->GetScreenRay(mousePos.x_, mousePos.y_).direction_);
if (!grabInput)
for (int i = 0; i < Im3d::Key_Count; ++i)
appData.m_keyDown[i] = false;
for (int i = 0; i < Im3d::Key_Count; ++i)
appData.m_keyDown[i] = false;
appData.m_keyDown[Im3d::Mouse_Left] = input->GetMouseButtonDown(MOUSEB_LEFT);
void ImmediateRenderer::PushMatrix(const Matrix4& mat)
Im3d::Mat4 newMat;
memcpy(&newMat, mat.Data(), sizeof(Matrix4));
void ImmediateRenderer::PushMatrix(const Matrix3x4& mat)
Im3d::Mat4 newMat;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
newMat.setRow(i, ToIm(mat.Row(i)));
bool ImmediateRenderer::GizmoTranslation(const String& id, Vector3& translation, bool local, bool small)
return Im3d::GizmoTranslation(id.CString(), const_cast<float*>(translation.Data()), local, small);
bool ImmediateRenderer::GizmoRotation(const String& id, Matrix3& rotation, bool local)
return Im3d::GizmoRotation(id.CString(), const_cast<float*>(rotation.Data()), local);
bool ImmediateRenderer::GizmoScale(const String& id, Vector3& scale)
return Im3d::GizmoScale(id.CString(), const_cast<float*>(scale.Data()));
bool ImmediateRenderer::GizmoPoint(const String& id, const Vector3& pt, Color c, float radius)
return Im3d::GizmoPoint(id.CString(), ToIm(pt), ToIm(c), radius);
bool ImmediateRenderer::GizmoNormal(const String& id, const Vector3& origin, Vector3& normal)
Quaternion q;
q.FromRotationTo(Vector3::FORWARD, normal);
DrawArrow(origin, origin + normal * 2, -1, 16);
auto rotMat = q.RotationMatrix();
PushMatrix(Matrix3x4(origin, q, 1));
bool ret = false;
if (GizmoRotation(id, rotMat, true))
ret = true;
normal = (rotMat * Vector3::FORWARD).Normalized();
return ret;
bool ImmediateRenderer::GizmoArrow(const String& id, const Vector3& oOrigin, const Vector3& dir, float& position)
auto nDir = dir.Normalized();
Vector3 origin = oOrigin;
float junk = 0.0f;
if (Im3d::GizmoDir(Im3d::MakeId(id.CString()), (float*)origin.Data(), ToIm(nDir), ToIm(Color::GREEN), junk))
Urho3D::Plane plane(nDir, origin);
position = plane.d_;
return true;
return false;
bool ImmediateRenderer::GizmoPlane(const String& id, const Vector3& oOrigin, Plane& plane)
Vector3 origin = plane.Origin();
float junk = 0.0f;
if (GizmoArrow(id, oOrigin, plane.normal_, plane.d_))
//if (Im3d::GizmoDir(Im3d::MakeId(id.CString()), (float*)origin.Data(), ToIm(plane.normal_), ToIm(Color::GREEN), junk))
// plane = Urho3D::Plane(plane.normal_, origin);
// return true;
return false;
void ImmediateRenderer::PointLine(const Vector3& a, const Vector3& b, float size, const Color& color, float spacing)
Vertex(a, size, color);
Vertex(b, size, color);
auto d = a.DistanceToPoint(b);
for (float f = spacing; f < d; f += spacing)
Vertex(a.Lerp(b, f / d), size, color);
void ImmediateRenderer::PointSpline(const Spline& spline, float size, const Color& color, float spacing)
float length = 0.0f;
Vector3 a = spline.GetKnot(0).GetVector3();
for (auto i = 0; i <= 100; ++i)
Vector3 b = spline.GetPoint(i / 100.f).GetVector3();
length += Abs((a - b).Length());
a = b;
Vertex(spline.GetPoint(0.0f).GetVector3(), size, color);
Vertex(spline.GetPoint(1.0f).GetVector3(), size, color);
for (float f = spacing; f < length; f += spacing)
Vertex(spline.GetPoint(f/length).GetVector3(), size, color);
#pragma once
#include "../Math/Color.h"
#include "../Math/Frustum.h"
#include "../Scene/Component.h"
#include "../Core/Spline.h"
#include <im3d/im3d.h>
// someone in the include tree of im3d.h has included the word small ... and it messes with VS
#undef small
namespace Urho3D
class BoundingBox;
class Camera;
class Polyhedron;
class Drawable;
class Light;
class Matrix3x4;
class Renderer;
class Skeleton;
class Sphere;
class VertexBuffer;
class Viewport;
class URHO3D_API ImmediateRenderer : public Component
URHO3D_OBJECT(ImmediateRenderer, Component);
/// Construct.
explicit ImmediateRenderer(Context* context);
/// Destruct.
~ImmediateRenderer() override;
/// Register object factory.
static void RegisterObject(Context* context);
void BeginFrame(Viewport*, Vector2, IntRect, float timeStep, bool grabInput);
void EndFrame();
void Render();
void PushMatrix(const Matrix4&);
void PushMatrix(const Matrix3x4&);
void PopMatrix() { Im3d::PopMatrix(); }
void SetIdentity() { Im3d::SetIdentity(); }
void PushColor(const Color& in) { Im3d::PushColor(ToIm(in)); }
void PopColor() { Im3d::PopColor(); }
void PushLayer(const String& layer) { Im3d::PushLayerId(layer.CString()); }
void PopLayer() { Im3d::PopLayerId(); }
static Im3d::Vec2 ToIm(const IntVector2& in) { return Im3d::Vec2(in.x_, in.y_); }
static Im3d::Vec2 ToIm(const Vector2& in) { return Im3d::Vec2(in.x_, in.y_); }
static Im3d::Vec3 ToIm(const Vector3& in) { return Im3d::Vec3(in.x_, in.y_, in.z_); }
static Im3d::Vec4 ToIm(const Vector4& in) { return Im3d::Vec4(in.x_, in.y_, in.z_, in.w_); }
static Im3d::Color ToIm(const Color& in) { return Im3d::Color(in.r_, in.g_, in.b_, in.a_); }
void DrawXyzAxes() { Im3d::DrawXyzAxes(); }
void DrawPoint(const Vector3& p, float s, Color c) { Im3d::DrawPoint(ToIm(p), s, ToIm(c)); }
void DrawLine(const Vector3& a, const Vector3& b, float size, Color color) { Im3d::DrawLine(ToIm(a), ToIm(b), size, ToIm(color)); }
void DrawQuad(const Vector3& a, const Vector3& b, const Vector3& c, const Vector3& d) { Im3d::DrawQuad(ToIm(a), ToIm(b), ToIm(c), ToIm(d)); }
void DrawQuad(const Vector3& origin, const Vector3& normal, const Vector2& size) { Im3d::DrawQuad(ToIm(origin), ToIm(normal), ToIm(size)); }
void DrawQuadFilled(const Vector3& a, const Vector3& b, const Vector3& c, const Vector3& d) { Im3d::DrawQuadFilled(ToIm(a), ToIm(b), ToIm(c), ToIm(d)); }
void DrawQuadFilled(const Vector3& origin, const Vector3& normal, const Vector2& size) { Im3d::DrawQuadFilled(ToIm(origin), ToIm(normal), ToIm(size)); }
void DrawCircle(const Vector3& origin, const Vector3& normal, float radius, int detail = -1) { Im3d::DrawCircle(ToIm(origin), ToIm(normal), radius, detail); }
void DrawCircleFilled(const Vector3& origin, const Vector3& normal, float radius, int detail = -1) { Im3d::DrawCircleFilled(ToIm(origin), ToIm(normal), radius, detail); }
void DrawSphere(const Vector3& origin, float radius, int detail = -1) { Im3d::DrawSphere(ToIm(origin), radius, detail); }
void DrawSphereFilled(const Vector3& origin, float radius, int detail = -1) { Im3d::DrawSphereFilled(ToIm(origin), radius, detail); }
void DrawAlignedBox(const Vector3& min, const Vector3& max) { Im3d::DrawAlignedBox(ToIm(min), ToIm(max)); }
void DrawAlignedBoxFilled(const Vector3& min, const Vector3& max) { Im3d::DrawAlignedBoxFilled(ToIm(min), ToIm(max)); }
void DrawCylinder(const Vector3& start, const Vector3& end, float radius, int detail = -1) { Im3d::DrawCylinder(ToIm(start), ToIm(end), radius, detail); }
void DrawCapsule(const Vector3& start, const Vector3& end, float radius, int detail = -1) { Im3d::DrawCapsule(ToIm(start), ToIm(end), radius, detail); }
void DrawPrism(const Vector3& start, const Vector3& end, float radius, int sides) { Im3d::DrawPrism(ToIm(start), ToIm(end), radius, sides); }
void DrawArrow(const Vector3& start, const Vector3& end, float headLength = -1.0f, float headThickness = -1.0f) { Im3d::DrawArrow(ToIm(start), ToIm(end), headLength, headThickness); }
bool GizmoTranslation(const String& id, Vector3& translation, bool local, bool small);
bool GizmoRotation(const String& id, Matrix3& rotation, bool local = false);
bool GizmoScale(const String& id, Vector3& scale); // local scale only
bool GizmoPoint(const String& id, const Vector3& pt, Color c, float radius);
bool GizmoNormal(const String& id, const Vector3& origin, Vector3& normal);
bool GizmoArrow(const String& id, const Vector3& origin, const Vector3& dir, float& position);
bool GizmoPlane(const String& id, const Vector3& origin, Plane& plane);
void BeginTriangles() { Im3d::BeginTriangles(); }
void BeginPoints() { Im3d::BeginPoints(); }
void BeginLines() { Im3d::BeginLines(); }
void Vertex(const Vector3& pt) { Im3d::Vertex(ToIm(pt)); }
void Vertex(const Vector3& pt, float size) { Im3d::Vertex(ToIm(pt), size); }
void Vertex(const Vector3& pt, float size, const Color& color) { Im3d::Vertex(ToIm(pt), size, ToIm(color)); }
void End() { Im3d::End(); }
void PointLine(const Vector3& a, const Vector3& b, float size, const Color&, float spacing);
void PointSpline(const Spline& spline, float size, const Color&, float spacing);
Im3d::Context imContext_;
SharedPtr<VertexBuffer> vertexBuffer_;
Matrix3x4 view_;
Matrix4 projection_;
Matrix4 gpuProjection_;
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