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Created October 29, 2020 03:02
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Shadowmap Caching
// File: LightShadow.cpp
// License: MIT
// Project: GLVU
#include "LightShadow.h"
#include "Renderables.h"
#include <atomic>
using namespace math;
using namespace std;
namespace GLVU
static double atlasSizeTable[] = {
1.0 / 2,
1.0 / 4,
1.0 / 8,
1.0 / 16,
1.0 / 32,
1.0 / 64,
1.0 / 128
const math::float4 AtlasCellTable::InvalidCell(-1, -1, -1, -1);
// Function: AtlasCellTable::AtlasCellTabe
// Purpose: Constructs and sets up for up to 64x64 units.
AtlasCellTable::AtlasCellTable(int dim) :
levels_ = 0;
while (dim > 64)
levels_ += 1;
dim /= 2;
cellCount_.resize(levels_ + 1, 0);
regions_.resize(levels_ + 1);
dim = dim_;
levelDims_.resize(levels_ + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < levels_ + 1; ++i)
levelDims_[i] = dim;
dim /= 2;
// Function: AtlasCelLTable::AtlasCellTable
// Purpose: Constructs, and then configures itself to support up to N-levels.
// Care should be taken that given params don't result in a level
// reaching 0x0 units as there are no safety checks.
AtlasCellTable::AtlasCellTable(int levels, int dim) :
cellCount_.resize(levels_ + 1, 0);
regions_.resize(levels_ + 1);
levelDims_.resize(levels_ + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < levels_ + 1; ++i)
levelDims_[i] = dim;
dim /= 2;
// Function: AtlasCellTable::GetCell
// Purpose:
// Return: The coordinates of the cell, or the sentinel InvalidCell value.
math::float4 AtlasCellTable::GetCell(int level)
if (level == -1)
return { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
if (cellCount_[level] > 0 || DivideCells(level - 1))
auto cell = regions_[level][cellCount_[level] - 1];
return cell;
return InvalidCell;
// Function: AtlasCellTable::CalculateLevel
// Purpose: Calculates subdivision level based on the desired dimensions of the provided tile.
// Return: The level that is appropriate for a given NxN size.
int AtlasCellTable::CalculateLevel(int forSize) const
for (int i = 0; i < levels_ + 1; ++i)
if (levelDims_[i] == forSize)
return i;
return -1;
// Function: AtlasCellTable::Clear
// Purpose: Wipes all data and resets to a single full cell.
void AtlasCellTable::Clear()
cellCount_[0] = 1;
regions_[0][0] = float4 { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
for (int i = 1; i < levels_ + 1; ++i)
cellCount_[i] = 0;
// Function: AtlasCellTable::ToViewport
// Purpose: Converts UV coordinates into meaningful { START, DIM } viewport
// coordinates that other code uses.
// Return: UV mapped to viewport.
math::uint4 AtlasCellTable::ToViewport(math::float4 value) const
return uint4(value.x * dim_, value.y * dim_, value.Width() * dim_, value.Height() * dim_);
// Function: AtlasCellTable::Divide
// Purpose: Slices the given rectangle and writes it into the output.
// Why is this unused?
void AtlasCellTable::Divide(float4 rect, float4* output)
const float width = (rect.z - rect.x);
const float height = (rect.w - rect.y);
const float halfWidth = (rect.z - rect.x) / 2.0f;
const float halfHeight = (rect.w - rect.y) / 2.0f;
output[0] = float4 { rect.x, rect.y, rect.x + halfWidth, rect.y + halfHeight }; // 0, 0 -> 0.5, 0.5
output[1] = float4 { rect.x + halfWidth, rect.y, rect.x + width, rect.y + halfHeight }; // 0.5, 0, -> 1.0, 0.5
output[2] = float4 { rect.x, rect.y + halfHeight, rect.x + halfWidth, rect.y + height }; // 0, 0.5 -> 0.5, 1.0
output[3] = float4 { rect.x + halfWidth, rect.y + halfHeight, rect.x + width, rect.y + height }; // 0.5, 0.05 -> 1, 1
// Function: AtlasCellTable::SplitCells
// Purpose: Chops up the cells at a given level.
void AtlasCellTable::SplitCells(int size)
float4 rect = regions_[size][cellCount_[size] - 1];
const float width = (rect.z - rect.x);
const float height = (rect.w - rect.y);
const float halfWidth = (rect.z - rect.x) / 2.0f;
const float halfHeight = (rect.w - rect.y) / 2.0f;
cellCount_[size + 1] = 4;
/// |---------| 1,1
// | C | D |
/// |----|----|
// | A | B |
/// 0,0 |---------|
// allocation order is D, C, B, A
regions_[size + 1][0] = float4 { rect.x, rect.y, rect.x + halfWidth, rect.y + halfHeight }; // 0, 0 -> 0.5, 0.5
regions_[size + 1][1] = float4 { rect.x + halfWidth, rect.y, rect.x + width, rect.y + halfHeight }; // 0.5, 0, -> 1.0, 0.5
regions_[size + 1][2] = float4 { rect.x, rect.y + halfHeight, rect.x + halfWidth, rect.y + height }; // 0, 0.5 -> 0.5, 1.0
regions_[size + 1][3] = float4 { rect.x + halfWidth, rect.y + halfHeight, rect.x + width, rect.y + height }; // 0.5, 0.05 -> 1, 1
// Function: AtlasCellTable::DivideCells
// Purpose: Tries to divide a given level into 4 cells, will divide
// up the tree as necessary in an attempt to acquire cells.
// Return: True if we were able to, false if division failed.
// If failed then there's no room.
bool AtlasCellTable::DivideCells(int level)
if (level < 0 || level > levels_)
return false;
if (cellCount_[level] > 0)
// do we have a cell on our level we can divide?
return true;
else if (DivideCells(level - 1))
// try to go up a level and divide from there
return true;
return false;
// Function: QuadTreeAllocator::QuadTreeAllocator
// Purpose: Constructs and initializes for a given set of dimensions.
QuadTreeAllocator::QuadTreeAllocator(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) :
root_ = new Cell();
root_->coords_ = math::uint4::FromPosSize(0, 0, width, height);
// Function: QuadTreeAllocator::~QuadTreeAllocator
// Purpose: Deletes the root cell, and thus the entire tree.
delete root_;
root_ = nullptr;
// Function: QuadTreeAllocator::GetCell
// Purpose: Grabs a cell from the quad-tree with the appropriate dimensions
// Return: Viewport coordinates or -1,-1,-1,-1 if unable to acquire a cell.
math::uint4 QuadTreeAllocator::GetCell(Cell* cell, uint32_t dim, uintptr_t datum)
// This cell the right size and not taken?
// cell is bigger or equal, but half of it would be too small
if (cell->Width() >= dim && (cell->Width()/2) < dim && !cell->taken_ && !cell->AnyTaken())
cell->taken_ = true;
if (datum)
// if we have a datum then mark so we can try to preserve.
auto& found = datumTable_.find(datum);
if (found != datumTable_.end())
found->second.first += 1;
datumTable_.insert(make_pair(datum, make_pair(1, cell)));
return cell->ToViewport();
// if our cell is larger than our size, then continue
if (cell->Width() > dim)
// can we and do we need to divide?
if (cell->children_ == nullptr && cell->Width() > 1)
if (cell->children_)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
if (cell->children_[i].taken_)
auto ret = GetCell(&cell->children_[i], dim, datum);
if (ret.Width() > 0) // did we get something valid?
return ret;
// Return a sentinel for invaid cell, zero sized.
return uint4(-1, -1, -1, -1);
// Function: QuadTreeAllocator::GetCell
// Purpose: Base call for attempting to acquire a cell,
// first checks the datum value for whether a cell has been
// requested to be used as a sticky.
math::uint4 QuadTreeAllocator::GetCell(uint32_t dim, uintptr_t datum)
if (datum)
// if we have a datum then check it
auto& found = datumTable_.find(datum);
if (found != datumTable_.end())
// is our current cell still a good choice?
auto foundWidth = found->second.second->Width();
if (foundWidth >= dim && (foundWidth / 2) < dim)
found->second.first += 1;
found->second.second->taken_ = true;
return found->second.second->ToViewport();
// not the same size, free the cell we found.
found->second.second->taken_ = false;
return GetCell(root_, dim, datum);
// Function: QuadTreeAllocator::QuadTreeAllocator
// Purpose: Constructs and initializes for a given set of dimensions.
void QuadTreeAllocator::ProcessUpdate()
// Check and see if anything has expired.
vector<uint32_t> toRemove;
for (auto& rec : datumTable_)
// anyone that's at 0 should be cleaned since it wasn't marked with a +1 again
if (rec.second.first <= 0)
rec.second.first -= 1; // now mark everything down as having been through a cycle.
// remove everything we need to
for (auto r : toRemove)
// Free everything indiscriminately (mark them taken again soon).
// mark anyone left in the table as taken so that others can't take it.
for (auto& rec : datumTable_)
rec.second.second->taken_ = true;
// Function: QuadTreeAllocator::ReturnCell
// Purpose: Returns the cell associated to a datum back to the allocator.
void QuadTreeAllocator::ReturnCell(uintptr_t datum)
auto& found = datumTable_.find(datum);
if (found != datumTable_.end())
found->second.second->taken_ = false;
// Function: QuadTreeAllocator::Cell::AnyTaken
// Purpose: Checks if this cell or any of its' children are marked as taken.
// Return: True, if taken.
bool QuadTreeAllocator::Cell::AnyTaken() const
if (children_)
if (children_[0].AnyTaken() ||
children_[1].AnyTaken() ||
children_[2].AnyTaken() ||
return true;
return taken_;
// Function: QuadTreeAllocator::CollectRects
// Purpose: Recurses through the tree collecting the rectangles of everything
// that isn't claimed, this can be used to gather the minimum number
// of clear rects for something like vkCmdClearAttachments.
void QuadTreeAllocator::CollectRects(Cell* cell, vector<uint4>& holder)
if (cell->AnyTaken())
if (cell->children_)
if (!cell->children_[0].taken_)
CollectRects(&cell->children_[0], holder);
if (!cell->children_[1].taken_)
CollectRects(&cell->children_[1], holder);
if (!cell->children_[2].taken_)
CollectRects(&cell->children_[2], holder);
if (!cell->children_[3].taken_)
CollectRects(&cell->children_[3], holder);
// Function: QuadTreeAllocator::CollectRects
// Purpose: Public wrapper around the recursive rect collector.
void QuadTreeAllocator::CollectRects(vector<uint4>& holder)
CollectRects(root_, holder);
// Function: QuadTreeAllocator::Clear
// Purpose: Resets state of the quad-tree allocator so that everything is clear.
void QuadTreeAllocator::Clear()
// File: LightShadow.h
// License: MIT
// Project: GLVU
// Contents: Core lighting and shadowing backend needs.
// Not the actual rendering/execution (yet at least),
// but the guts needed such as atlasing and tile clustering.
#pragma once
#include "glvu.h"
#include "RenderScript.h"
namespace GLVU
class IQueriableScene;
/// Subdividing allocator for square blocks of a 2D domain. Doesn't actually care what purpose.
class AtlasCellTable
/// Construct for a number of levels and a given total size (ie. 5 subdivisions of a 4096x4096 texture).
AtlasCellTable(int levels, int dim);
/// Construct for a fitment to a 64x64 minimum tile size.
AtlasCellTable(int dim);
/// Helper to hide need for levels knowledge.
math::float4 GetArea(int size) { return GetCell(CalculateLevel(size)); }
/// Try to get a texture-region for a given subdivision level.
math::float4 GetCell(int level);
/// Determines the subdivision levels based on an actual pixel-size (such as 64x64)
int CalculateLevel(int forSize) const;
/// Reset the state.
void Clear();
/// Convert into a viewport appropriate rect. As in glViewport
math::uint4 ToViewport(math::float4) const;
/// Sentinel value for comparisons.
static const math::float4 InvalidCell;
static void Divide(float4 input, float4* output);
/// Inner handling of splitting a subdivision.
void SplitCells(int level);
/// Outer logical concerns for whether to split and from where in the tree to split if there is no one suitable.
bool DivideCells(int level);
/// Count of cells in each region.
std::vector<int> cellCount_;
/// There's never more than 4 cells needed for a given level at any time due to subdivision spiral
std::vector< std::array<float4, 4> > regions_;
/// LUT for mapping a pixel-size to a level of subdivision.
std::vector<int> levelDims_;
/// Intended dimensions of our texture.
int dim_;
/// Number of subdivision levels.
int levels_;
/// Subdividing alloator for blocks of a 2D domain. Doesn't actually care what purpose.
/// Unlike the AtlasCellTable this one supports retaining cells for caching purposes
class QuadTreeAllocator
struct Cell {
Cell* children_ = nullptr;
math::uint4 coords_;
bool taken_ = false;
~Cell() {
if (children_)
delete[] children_;
children_ = nullptr;
void Clear() {
if (children_)
taken_ = false;
void Free() {
if (children_)
taken_ = false;
void Divide() {
children_ = new Cell[4];
const unsigned bX = coords_.x;
const unsigned bY = coords_.y;
const unsigned w = coords_.z / 2;
const unsigned h = coords_.w / 2;
children_[0].coords_ = math::uint4(bX, bY, w, h);
children_[1].coords_ = math::uint4(bX + w, bY, w, h);
children_[2].coords_ = math::uint4(bX, bY + h, w, h);
children_[3].coords_ = math::uint4(bX + w, bY + h, w, h);
inline math::uint4 ToViewport() {
return math::uint4::FromPosSize(coords_.x, coords_.y, coords_.z, coords_.w);
inline uint32_t Width() const { return coords_.z; }
inline uint32_t Height() const { return coords_.w; }
bool AnyTaken() const;
Cell* root_;
math::uint4 GetCell(Cell*, uint32_t dim, uintptr_t datum = 0);
void CollectRects(Cell*, std::vector<math::uint4>&);
std::map<uintptr_t, std::pair<int, Cell*> > datumTable_;
QuadTreeAllocator(uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
// as in glViewport
inline math::uint4 ToViewport(math::float4 value) const {
return uint4(value.x * width_, value.y * height_, value.Width() * width_, value.Height() * height_);
inline math::float4 ToFractional(math::uint4 value) const {
return math::float4(value.x / (float)width_, value.y / (float)height_, value.z / (float)width_, value.w / (float)height_);
math::uint4 GetCell(uint32_t dim, uintptr_t datum = 0);
void ProcessUpdate();
void ReturnCell(uintptr_t datum);
void CollectRects(std::vector<math::uint4>&);
void Clear();
uint32_t width_;
uint32_t height_;
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