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Last active April 21, 2018 14:47
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React Form Validation
const fieldValidations = [
ruleRunner("name", "Name", required),
ruleRunner("emailAddress", "Email Address", required),
ruleRunner("password1", "Password", required, minLength(6)),
ruleRunner("password2", "Password Confirmation", mustMatch("password1", "Password"))
export default class CreateAccount extends React.Component {
constructor() {
// ...
this.state = {
showErrors: false,
validationErrors: {}
// Run validations on initial state
this.state.validationErrors = run(this.state, fieldValidations);
handleFieldChanged(field) {
return (e) => {
// update() is provided by React Immutability Helpers
let newState = update(this.state, {
[field]: {$set:}
newState.validationErrors = run(newState, fieldValidations);
handleSubmitClicked() {
this.setState({showErrors: true});
if($.isEmptyObject(this.state.validationErrors) == false) return null;
// ... continue submiting data to server
render() {
return (
<TextView placeholder="Email address" showError={this.state.showErrors}
text={this.props.emailAddress} onFieldChanged={this.handleFieldChanged("emailAddress")}
errorText={this.errorFor("emailAddress")} />
// Render Name, Password, Submit button, etc. fields
export const isRequired = fieldName => `${fieldName} is required`;
export const mustMatch = otherFieldName => {
return (fieldName) => `${fieldName} must match ${otherFieldName}`;
export const minLength = length => {
return (fieldName) => `${fieldName} must be at least ${length} characters`;
export const ruleRunner = (field, name, ...validations) => {
return (state) => {
for (let v of validations) {
let errorMessageFunc = v(state[field], state);
if (errorMessageFunc) {
return {[field]: errorMessageFunc(name)};
return null;
export const run = (state, runners) => {
return runners.reduce((memo, runner) => {
return Object.assign(memo, runner(state));
}, {});
import * as ErrorMessages from './errorMessages.js';
export const required = (text) => {
if (text) {
return null;
} else {
return ErrorMessages.isRequired;
export const mustMatch = (field, fieldName) => {
return (text, state) => {
return state[field] == text ? null : ErrorMessages.mustMatch(fieldName);
export const minLength = (length) => {
return (text) => {
console.log("Checking for length greater than ", length);
return text.length >= length ? null : ErrorMessages.minLength(length);
import React from 'react';
import OptionallyDisplayed from './OptionallyDisplayed.jsx';
export default class TextField extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.shouldDisplayError = this.shouldDisplayError.bind(this);
shouldDisplayError() {
return this.props.showError && this.props.errorText != "";
render() {
return (
<input type="text" placeholder={this.props.placeholder}
value={this.props.text} onChange={this.props.onFieldChanged} />
<OptionallyDisplayed display={this.shouldDisplayError()}>
<div className="validation-error">
<span className="text">{this.props.errorText}</span>
TextField.propTypes = {
showError: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
onFieldChanged: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
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