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Created July 7, 2023 12:52
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Smart contract for cryptoidol, v0.2
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
interface Verifier {
function verify(
uint256[] memory pubInputs,
bytes memory proof
) external view returns(bool);
contract CryptoIdol {
struct Contestant {
uint256 score;
uint256 cycle;
event NewEntry (
address indexed contestant,
uint256 count,
uint256 score,
uint256 cycle
event NewCycle (
address indexed verifier,
uint256 cycle
// The mapping of all the scores for each contestant, as well as the hash of their song
// and cycle in which they participated.
// mapping(address => Contestant) public contestants;
mapping(address => uint256) public contestantsCount;
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => Contestant)) public contestants;
// The admin address in charge of updating the to new verifier each new cycle.
address public immutable admin;
// The cycle number. This will be incremented by the admin each time a new cycle occurs.
uint16 public cycle = 1;
Verifier public verifier;
constructor(Verifier _verifier, address _admin) {
verifier = _verifier;
admin = _admin;
function updateVerifier(address _verifier) public {
// Called when a new cycle occurs. The admin will update the verifier to the new one.
require(msg.sender == admin);
require(_verifier != address(0));
verifier = Verifier(_verifier);
cycle += 1;
emit NewCycle(address(verifier), cycle);
function submitScore(uint256 score, bytes memory proof) public {
uint256[] memory pubInputs = new uint[](2);
// push address
pubInputs[0] = uint256(uint160(msg.sender));
// push score
pubInputs[1] = score;
// Verify EZKL proof.
require(verifier.verify(pubInputs, proof));
// Update the score struct
uint256 count = ++contestantsCount[msg.sender];
contestants[msg.sender][count] = Contestant(score, cycle);
// Emit the New Entry event. All of these events will be indexed on the client side in order
// to construct the leaderboard as opposed to storing the entire leader board on the blockchain.
emit NewEntry(msg.sender, count, score, cycle);
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