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Created April 20, 2020 13:25
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  • Save JTBrinkmann/7ec0f9039e71a33243890af486ae6251 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$inputs = ls -R -F *.mp4
$i = 0
for ($input in $inputs) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Converting Videos" -Status "$(++$i / $inputs.Length)% $($input.Name)" -PercentComplete $($i / $inputs.Length)
$output = Join-Path "..\compressed" ($_ | Resolve-Path -Relative)
if (Test-Path $output) {
echo "already exists: $output"
} else {
mkdir ($output | Split-Path)
ffmpeg -hide_banner -i $input -movflags faststart -r 25 -vf scale=-1:720 -tune stillimage $output
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