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Last active May 9, 2020 19:33
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  • Save JTraversa/8b98aa7aab0069a45b354bf1d7c7ec8a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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if (window.ethereum) {
var web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum);
const childChain = new ChildChain({ watcherUrl: "" });
account = getAccounts(function(result) {
document.getElementById("useraddress").innerHTML = result[0];
async function transfer () {
// We want to pay the fee in ETH, so we have to fetch the ETH fee amount from the Watcher
const allFees = await childChain.getFees()
const feesForTransactions = allFees['1']
const { amount: ethFeeAmount } = feesForTransactions.find(i => i.currency === OmgUtil.transaction.ETH_CURRENCY)
const _utxos = await childChain.getUtxos("0x00fE460A15B49d09F39b057D0f1A7B9444F4F2BE");
// Create the transaction body
const transactionBody = OmgUtil.transaction.createTransactionBody({
fromAddress: "0x00fE460A15B49d09F39b057D0f1A7B9444F4F2BE",
fromUtxos: _utxos,
payments: [
owner: "0x84b5ce3eA8CDC1B19Ea1768F1C4075b6937b483b",
currency: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
amount: '1'
fee: {
currency: OmgUtil.transaction.ETH_CURRENCY,
amount: ethFeeAmount
metadata: "data"
// Type, sign, and submit the transaction to the Watcher
const typedData = OmgUtil.transaction.getTypedData(transactionBody, "0x96d5d8bc539694e5fa1ec0dab0e6327ca9e680f9")
const privateKeys = new Array(transactionBody.inputs.length).fill("0xREDACTED")
const signatures = childChain.signTransaction(typedData, privateKeys)
const signedTxn = childChain.buildSignedTransaction(typedData, signatures)
function getAccounts(callback) {
web3.eth.getAccounts((error,result) => {
if (error) {
} else {
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