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Last active November 2, 2021 16:09
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from time import sleep
from sys import exit
import time
import datetime
import math
import swivel-py
def truncate(number, digits) -> float:
stepper = 10.0 ** digits
return math.trunc(stepper * number) / stepper
def fetchPrice(underlying, maturity) -> float:
url = "" + underlying + "&maturity=" + maturity + "&depth=" + "1"
response = requests.get(url= url)
r = response.json()
price = r[0]['price']
return price
def limitOrder(underlying, maturity, exit, vault, price, amount, expiry):
signedOrder = swivel.vendor....
url = "x"
params = "y"
r = = url, params = y data = signedOrder)
def simplestMarketMake(underlying, maturity, range, amount, expiryLength):
price = fetchPrice(underlying, maturity)
upperBound = price + (price*(range/100))
lowerBound = price - (price*(range/100))
safeAmount = amount * .95
lowerAmount = truncate((safeAmount / 2), 4)
upperAmount = truncate((safeAmount / 2), 4)
expiry = + expiryLength
#what unit is this in again
limitOrder(underlying, maturity, true, false, lowerBound, lowerAmount, expiry)
limitOrder(underlying, maturity, true, true, upperBound, upperAmount, expiry)
underlying = input('what is the underlying token: ')
maturity = input('what is the market\'s maturity: ')
amount = input('how many zcTokens and nTokens do you want to use')
orderRange = input('how far from market price do you want to quote (in %): ')
expiryLength = input('how often should orders refresh: ')
PRIVATE_KEY = input('what is your private key') #or env
PROVIDER_KEY = input('what is your Infura or other provider key: ')
swivel = swivel-py(PRIVATE_KEY, PROVIDER_KEY)
loop = true
while loop = true:
simplestMarketMake(underlying, maturity, orderRange, amount, expiryLength)
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