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Created August 23, 2021 16:31
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Function Wrapper Concept
/// Implementation
typealias AnyFunction = ((Any?, ((Any?) -> (Any?))?) -> (Any?))
struct Logging {
let value: AnyFunction
func wrappedFunction(_ arguments: Any?, _ completion: ((Any?) -> (Any?))? = nil) -> Any? {
let start = mach_absolute_time()
if let completion = completion {
return value(arguments, { result in
print("[\(#function)][elapsed]\t\t\(seconds(mach_absolute_time() - start))")
return completion(result)
} else {
let result = value(arguments, nil)
print("[\(#function)][elapsed]\t\t\(seconds(mach_absolute_time() - start))")
return result
init(_ value: @escaping AnyFunction) {
self.value = value
private var timebase = mach_timebase_info_data_t()
private func seconds(_ mach: UInt64) -> Double {
(Double(mach * UInt64(timebase.numer)) / Double(timebase.denom)) / 1.0e9
/// Examples
func syncFactorAllPrimes(_ input: UInt64) -> [UInt64] {
// Do very difficult math problem
let result: [UInt64] = [1, 13, 19]
return result
Console Output
[syncFactorAllPrimes(_:)][start] 1629735701
[syncFactorAllPrimes(_:)][result] [1, 13, 19]
[syncFactorAllPrimes(_:)][elapsed] 682ms
func updateServer(_ completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
makePostRequest { didSucceed in completion(didSucceed) }
Console Output
[updateServer(_:)][start] 1629737925
[updateServer(_:)][elapsed] 93ms
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