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Created October 31, 2018 15:30
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Score Meaning
0 Critera not met
1 Criteria met inconsistently
2 Criteria met consistently

Frontend (6/24)

Criteria Score Comments
Uses thunks to encapsulate AJAX requests 2/2
Avoids side effects/mutations in reducers and in renders 2/2
Takes advantage of components to enforce modularity/separation of concerns 2/2

Backend (6/24)

Criteria Score Comments
Properly handles errors in routes (i.e. by passing them to next) 2/2
Properly manages control flow in routes (i.e. does not send more than one response for the same request) 2/2
Selects appropriate data types for database columns 2/2

Code Cleanliness/Maintainability (8/24)

Criteria Score Comments
Formatting (indentation, whitespace, etc) is consistent 2/2
No unused/unnecessary code 2/2
Uses meaningful/self-documenting variable/function names 2/2
Does not contain blocks of commented out code (except for documentation) 1/2

Git (4/24)

Criteria Score Comments
Commits are pushed to GitHub regularly 2/2
Commit messages clearly describe the changes 2/2


Points may be deducted if you are unable to complete a requirement without full direction from an instructor or a fellow. Points may also be deducted for any "hacks" or solutions to problems that do not properly employ the tools at hand (ex. directly modifying the DOM instead of allowing React to modify it for you). Any deductions will be documented below:


Great Job!

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