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Created October 26, 2021 09:00
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R code to simulate and fit a random intercept linear model showing the fixed intercept and average of fitted values credible intervals do not align.
#### Simulate some data ####
nID <- 100 ## number of people
k <- 4 ## number of observations per person
## make it reproducible
## generate random intercepts
mu <- rnorm(nID, mean = 50, sd = 6)
## generate random observations -- 4 per person
y <- rnorm(nID * k, mean = rep(mu, each = k), sd = 6)
## put it all together
d <- data.frame(y = y, ID = rep(seq_len(nID), each = k))
## subsample so unequal sample sizes by ID
d <- d[sample(nrow(d), size = nrow(d) * .8), ]
m <- brm(y ~ 1 + (1 | ID),
data = d, chains = 2, cores = 2,
iter = 4000, refresh = 0, seed = 1234)
msum <- summary(m)
## fitted values ignoring random effects
fitted.fixed.all <- fitted(m, summary = FALSE, re_formula = NA)
## fitted values including random effects
fitted.random.all <- fitted(m, summary = FALSE)
## fitted values including random effects but only one obs per ID so equal weighting
fitted.random.noduplicates <- fitted(m, summary = FALSE)[, !duplicated(model.frame(m)$ID)]
## fixed effect estimate
## fitted values no random effect summary (matches fixed effect estimate)
centrality = "mean", ci_method = "eti")
## random effects, unequal weighting (all obs included)
## similar point estimate, smaller CI than fixed
centrality = "mean", ci_method = "eti")
## random effects, equal weighting (all obs included)
## similar point estimate, smaller CI than fixed
centrality = "mean", ci_method = "eti")
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