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Created August 11, 2023 12:11
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Audio Visualizer w/ ParticlesJS

Audio Visualizer w/ ParticlesJS

Particles done w/ ParticlesJS.

Audio file computed with AudioContext and the sound bars are drawn on the Canvas.

Try a song with bass for the best effect!

Also, only mp3s are accepted right now.

Image Credits:

Song Credits:

Provided By: Free Music for Vlogs

Artist: Joakim Karud

Song: Boost

A Pen by Hyperplexed on CodePen.


h1 Drop MP3 Here
h1 Or Use Default Song
h1 Reset
const STATE = {
audio: null,
songEnded: false,
usingDefault: false,
minMag: 0,
canvas: {
height: 600,
width: 600
let COLORS = [
'rgb(239,83,80)', // light red - 0
'rgb(211,47,47)', // med red - 1
'rgb(183,28,28)', // dark red - 2
'rgb(255,112,67)', // light orange - 3
'rgb(255,87,34)', // med orange - 4
'rgb(216,67,21)', // dark orange - 5
'rgb(255,213,79)', // light yellow - 6
'rgb(255,193,7)', // med yellow - 7
'rgb(255,160,0)', // dark yellow - 8
'rgb(102,187,106)', // light green - 9
'rgb(67,160,71)', // med green - 10
'rgb(27,94,32)', // dark green - 11
'rgb(41,182,246)', // light blue - 12
'rgb(25,118,210)', // med blue - 13
'rgb(40,53,147)', // dark blue - 14
'rgb(126,87,194)', // light indigo - 15
'rgb(94,53,177)', // med indigo - 16
'rgb(69,39,160)', // dark indigo - 17
'rgb(171,71,188)', // light violet - 18
'rgb(142,36,170)', // med violet - 19
'rgb(74,20,140)', // dark violet - 20
particles: {
number: {
value: 100
size: {
value: 3,
random: true
opacity: {
value: 0.8,
random: true
move: {
direction: 'right',
speed: 20
line_linked: {
enable: false
interactivity: {
events: {
onhover: {
enable: false
const DROP_ZONE_WRAPPER = getEl('drop-zone-wrapper'),
DROP_ZONE = getEl('drop-zone'),
ALTERNATE_OPTION = getEl('alternate-option'),
AUDIO_CANVAS = getEl('audio-canvas'),
CENTER_LOGO = getEl('center-logo'),
PARTICLES_SLOW = getEl('particles-slow'),
PARTICLES_FAST = getEl('particles-fast'),
RESET = getEl('reset')
const dragStart = () => {
addClass(DROP_ZONE, 'hovering')
const dragEnd = () => {
removeClass(DROP_ZONE, 'hovering')
const initializeCanvas = () => {
const ctx = AUDIO_CANVAS.getContext('2d')
ctx.canvas.width = STATE.canvas.width
ctx.canvas.height = STATE.canvas.height
const isValidMp3 = data => {
return data.items
&& data.items.length === 1
&& data.items[0].kind === 'file'
&& (data.items[0].type === 'audio/mp3' || data.items[0].type === 'audio/mpeg')
const getMp3FromData = e => {
const data = e.dataTransfer
const mp3 = data.files[0]
return mp3
console.error('Error: Not a valid Mp3 file.')
return null
const createAudio = mp3 => {
const url = URL.createObjectURL(mp3),
audio = new Audio()
audio.src = url
return audio
const isBassABumpin = dataArray => {
if(dataArray[0] === 255 && dataArray[1] === 255){
if(dataArray[2] === 255){
return 2
return 1
return 0
const rumbleCenterLogo = dataArray => {
const isBumpin = isBassABumpin(dataArray)
if(isBumpin > 0){
const rumble = isBumpin === 2 ? 'rumble-level-2' : 'rumble-level-1'
addClass(CENTER_LOGO, rumble)
setTimeout(() => {
removeClass(CENTER_LOGO, rumble)
}, 300)
const rumbleParticles = dataArray => {
removeClass(PARTICLES_FAST, 'hidden')
setTimeout(() => {
addClass(PARTICLES_FAST, 'hidden')
}, 300)
const hasSongEnded = audio => audio.currentTime >= audio.duration
const resetPlayer = () => {
if( =
STATE.songEnded = true
removeClass(RESET, 'showing')
setTimeout(() => {
addClass(CENTER_LOGO, 'transition-out')
addClass(DROP_ZONE_WRAPPER, 'transition-in')
removeClass(DROP_ZONE_WRAPPER, 'hidden')
addClass(DROP_ZONE, 'transition-in')
removeClass(DROP_ZONE, 'hidden')
addClass(ALTERNATE_OPTION, 'transition-in')
removeClass(ALTERNATE_OPTION, 'hidden')
setTimeout(() => {
removeClass(DROP_ZONE_WRAPPER, 'transition-in')
}, 100)
setTimeout(() => {
removeClass(CENTER_LOGO, 'transition-out')
addClass(CENTER_LOGO, 'hidden')
removeClass(DROP_ZONE, 'transition-in')
addClass(DROP_ZONE, 'showing')
removeClass(ALTERNATE_OPTION, 'transition-in')
addClass(ALTERNATE_OPTION, 'showing')
addClass(PARTICLES_FAST, 'initial')
addClass(PARTICLES_FAST, 'hidden')
STATE.songEnded = false
setTimeout(() => {
removeClass(DROP_ZONE, 'showing')
removeClass(ALTERNATE_OPTION, 'showing')
}, 1000)
}, 1000)
}, 1000)
const drawLine = (ctx, color, c1, c2) => {
ctx.moveTo(c1.x, c1.y)
ctx.lineTo(c2.x, c2.y)
ctx.strokeStyle = color
let drawVisual = null
const processAudio = mp3 => {
let audio = null
if(mp3 === 'default'){
audio = new Audio('')
audio.crossOrigin = 'anonymous'
audio = createAudio(mp3)
} = audio
audio.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', () => {
const audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(),
audioSrc = audioCtx.createMediaElementSource(audio),
analyser = audioCtx.createAnalyser(),
canvasCtx = AUDIO_CANVAS.getContext('2d')
analyser.fftSize = 256
const bufferLength = analyser.frequencyBinCount,
dataArray = new Uint8Array(bufferLength)
canvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, STATE.canvas.width, STATE.canvas.height)
const draw = () => {
drawVisual = requestAnimationFrame(draw)
canvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, STATE.canvas.width, STATE.canvas.height)
canvasCtx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, STATE.canvas.width, STATE.canvas.height)
let radius = 150,
cX = STATE.canvas.width / 2, cY = STATE.canvas.height / 2,
inc = Math.round(bufferLength / 10),
colorIndex = 0
for(let i = 0; i < bufferLength; i++){
let mag = (dataArray[i] / 255)
if(mag < 0.03){
mag = getRand(STATE.minMag, 5) * 0.02
let r = radius + 7 + 5,
angle = degToRad((i / bufferLength) * 360) - 90,
c1 = getCoords(cX, cY, r, angle),
c2 = getCoords(cX, cY, r + (mag * 30), angle),
c3 = getCoords(cX, cY, r + (mag * 35), angle),
c4 = getCoords(cX, cY, r + (mag * 40), angle),
c5 = getCoords(cX, cY, r + (mag * 45), angle)
canvasCtx.lineWidth = 10
canvasCtx.lineCap = 'round'
drawLine(canvasCtx, COLORS[13], c3, c5)
drawLine(canvasCtx, COLORS[16], c2, c4)
drawLine(canvasCtx, COLORS[19], c1, c3)
drawLine(canvasCtx, 'white', c1, c2)
if(hasSongEnded(audio) && !STATE.songEnded){
const degToRad = deg => (deg * Math.PI) / 180
const getCoords = (cX, cY, r, a) => {
return {
x: cX + r * Math.cos(a),
y: cY + r * Math.sin(a)
const hideDropZone = () => {
addClass(DROP_ZONE_WRAPPER, 'transition-out')
setTimeout(() => {
addClass(DROP_ZONE, 'hidden')
}, 1000)
setTimeout(() => {
removeClass(DROP_ZONE_WRAPPER, 'transition-out')
addClass(DROP_ZONE_WRAPPER, 'hidden')
}, 5000)
const showCenterLogo = () => {
setTimeout(() => {
removeClass(CENTER_LOGO, 'hidden')
addClass(CENTER_LOGO, 'showing')
setTimeout(() => {
removeClass(CENTER_LOGO, 'showing')
}, 1000)
}, 1000)
const showParticles = () => {
setTimeout(() => {
removeClass(PARTICLES_FAST, 'initial')
}, 5000)
const initializeParticles = () => {
const config = Object.assign({}, PARTICLE_CONFIG)
particlesJS('particles-slow', config)
config.particles.size.value = 5
config.particles.move.speed = 50
config.particles.number.value = 200
particlesJS('particles-fast', config)
const startPlayer = mp3 => {
addClass(ALTERNATE_OPTION, 'transition-out')
setTimeout(() => {
removeClass(ALTERNATE_OPTION, 'transition-out')
addClass(ALTERNATE_OPTION, 'hidden')
}, 1000)
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
setTimeout(() => {
addClass(RESET, 'showing')
}, 5000)
DROP_ZONE.ondragenter = () => {
DROP_ZONE.ondragover = e => {
return false
DROP_ZONE.ondragleave = () => {
DROP_ZONE.ondragend = () => {
DROP_ZONE.ondrop = e => {
const mp3 = getMp3FromData(e)
ALTERNATE_OPTION.onclick = () => {
RESET.onclick = () => {
window.onresize = _.throttle(() => {
}, 100)
window.onload = () => {
setInterval(() => {
STATE.minMag = getRand(3, 5)
}, 1000)
window.ondragover = e => {
e = e || event
window.ondrop = e => {
e = e || event
// canvasCtx.beginPath()
// canvasCtx.arc(cX, cY, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false)
// canvasCtx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)'
// canvasCtx.fill()
// canvasCtx.lineWidth = r - radius
// canvasCtx.strokeStyle = `rgba(255, 255, 255, ${alpha})`
// canvasCtx.stroke()
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transform: translateX(-55%) translateY(-50%);
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20% {
transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) translate3d(0, 10px, 0);
40%, 45% {
opacity: 1;
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25% {transform: translateX(-51%) translateY(-52%) rotate(-1deg) scale(1.1);}
50% {transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) rotate(0deg) scale(1.05);}
75% {transform: translateX(-48%) translateY(-49%) rotate(1deg) scale(1.07);}
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0%, 100% {transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) rotate(0deg) scale(1);}
25% {transform: translateX(-51%) translateY(-52%) rotate(-2deg) scale(1.2);}
50% {transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) rotate(0deg) scale(1.1);}
75% {transform: translateX(-48%) translateY(-49%) rotate(2deg) scale(1.15);}
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