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Created July 19, 2018 13:51
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for outCome in outComeOrder {
if let oddItem = outComeMap[outCome] as? NSDictionary {
var handicapOddItem: [String: Any] = [:]
if name == "handicap" {
print("--- handicap odd ---")
for key in oddItem.allKeys {
if key as! String == "outCome" {
handicapOddItem[key as! String] = const.string.handicapOdd + outCome
} else {
handicapOddItem[key as! String] = oddItem[key]
// получить селектор
// постучать в oddsTypeMap с этим селектором
// выцепить нужные итемы
// добавить в них oddTypeName
let handicapSelectors = oddGroup["selectors"] as! [String]
let selector = handicapSelectors.first!
var winningPair: [[String : Any]] = []
if let oddsTypeMap = match["oddsTypeMap"] as? NSDictionary {
if let handicapItems = oddsTypeMap[selector] as? [String : Any] {
if let oddTypeName = handicapItems["oddTypeName"] as? String {
handicapOddItem["oddTypeName"] = oddTypeName
if let oddsMap = handicapItems["oddsMap"] as? NSDictionary {
var allValues = oddsMap.allValues as! [[String: Any]]
var handicapMap: [Float: Any] = [:]
let sortedValues = allValues.sorted {
abs(Float($0["specialValue"] as! String)!) < abs(Float($1["specialValue"] as! String)!)
var absSpecialValues: [Float] = []
sortedValues.forEach {
let specialValue = $0["specialValue"] as! String
if let floatSpecialValue = Float(specialValue) {
let absSpecValue = abs(floatSpecialValue)
absSpecialValues = absSpecialValues.removeDuplicates()
// собрать массив массивов с оддсами с одинаковым спешиалВэлью
sortedValues.forEach {
if let floatSpecialValue = Float($0["specialValue"] as! String) {
let absSpecValue = abs(floatSpecialValue)
for specialValue in absSpecialValues {
if specialValue == absSpecValue {
// составить мапу [abs(specialValue) : 2x oddItem]
for specialValue in absSpecialValues {
var sortedBySpecialValueArray: [[String: Any]] = []
sortedValues.forEach {
if let floatSpecialValue = Float($0["specialValue"] as! String) {
let absSpecValue = abs(floatSpecialValue)
if absSpecValue == specialValue {
handicapMap[specialValue] = sortedBySpecialValueArray
// найти в мапе пару с наименьшей разницей между коэффициентами
var lowestDiff: Float = 10.0 // default value is needed for (if coeffDiff < currentLowestDiff) to work
var diffArray: [Float] = []
var specialValueWithLowestDiff: Float = 0.0
var specialValueDiffArray: [Float] = []
for specialValue in absSpecialValues {
let pair = handicapMap[specialValue]!
var coeffDiff: Float = 0.0
var coeffArray: [Float] = []
for handicapOdd in pair as! NSArray {
if let coeff = (handicapOdd as! [String: Any])["coefficient"] as? String {
if let floatCoeff = Float(coeff) {
if coeffArray.count > 1 {
coeffDiff = abs(coeffArray[0] - coeffArray[1])
if coeffDiff < lowestDiff {
lowestDiff = coeffDiff
specialValueWithLowestDiff = specialValue
// найти пару с коэффициентами ближайшими к 1.8
var lowestDiff18: Float = 10.0
var specialValueWithLowestDiff18: Float = 0.0
var diff18Array: [Float] = []
var specialValuesDiff18Array: [Float] = []
for specialValue in absSpecialValues {
let pair = handicapMap[specialValue]!
var diff18_1: Float = 0.0
var diff18_2: Float = 0.0
var coeffArray: [Float] = []
for handicapOdd in pair as! NSArray {
if let coeff = (handicapOdd as! [String: Any])["coefficient"] as? String {
if let floatCoeff = Float(coeff) {
if coeffArray.count > 1 {
diff18_1 = abs(coeffArray[0] - 1.8)
diff18_2 = abs(coeffArray[1] - 1.8)
let diff18 = (diff18_1 + diff18_2) / 2.0
// print(diff18)
if diff18 < lowestDiff18 {
lowestDiff18 = diff18
specialValueWithLowestDiff18 = specialValue
// расставить элементы specialValueDiffArray в соответствии с отсортированным diffArray
var sortDict: [Float : Float] = [:]
for i in 0..<diffArray.count {
sortDict[specialValueDiffArray[i]] = diffArray[i]
var specialValuesSortedByDiff = Array(sortDict.keys).sorted {
sortDict[$0]! < sortDict[$1]!
var diff18SortDict: [Float : Float] = [:]
for i in 0..<diff18Array.count {
diff18SortDict[specialValuesDiff18Array[i]] = diff18Array[i]
var specialValuesSortedByDiff18 = Array(diff18SortDict.keys).sorted {
diff18SortDict[$0]! < diff18SortDict[$1]!
print("== SV for PAIR /w lowest diff ==")
print("== SV for PAIR /w lowest diff18 ==")
if let diffSpecialValue = specialValuesSortedByDiff.first,
let diff18SpecialValue = specialValuesSortedByDiff.first {
var sv: Float = 0.0
if diffSpecialValue == diff18SpecialValue {
sv = diffSpecialValue
} else {
sv = diff18SpecialValue
winningPair = handicapMap[sv] as! [[String : Any]]
// обыграть кейс, когда winningPair содержит больше чем 2 оддса
// составить мапу [specialValueDescription : [odd1, odd2]]
var currentLowestDiff18: Float = 0.0
var currentPair: [[String: Any]] = []
var winningMap: [String : Any] = [:]
var svArray: [String] = []
for odd in winningPair {
let specialValueDescription = odd["specialValueDescription"] as! String
for sv in svArray {
var pair: [[String: Any]] = []
for odd in winningPair {
if sv == odd["specialValueDescription"] as! String {
winningMap[sv] = pair
//////////////////////////// TODO
// for odd in pair {
// mi.oddsList.append(odd as! NSDictionary)
// }
//////////////////////////// TODO
if winningPair.count == 2 {
for odd in winningPair {
mi.oddsList.append(odd as! NSDictionary)
} else {
// считай хули
// mi.oddsList.append(handicapOddItem as! NSDictionary)
} else {
} else {
mi.oddsList.append(["coefficient" : "-", "outCome" : outCome])
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