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Created April 9, 2024 06:56
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  • Save JaHIY/5d009675ff848e651f192cb5ac41fad9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JaHIY/5d009675ff848e651f192cb5ac41fad9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def download(URL from, File to) {
if (to.exists()) {
println "Skip `${to.canonicalPath}`";
} else {
println "Download `${to.canonicalPath}` from `${from.toString()}`";
to << from.openStream();
return to;
def saveDirectory = './emote';
1.upto(5000) { id ->
def result = new URI("${id}")
def slurper = new JsonSlurper();
def packages = slurper.parseText(result).data.packages;
packages?.each { pkg ->
def pkgName = pkg.text;
pkg.emote?.findAll {
it.type != 4
}.each { emote ->
def url = new URI(emote.url).toURL();
def emoteName = emote.text.replaceAll(/(^\[|\]$)/, "");
def ext = emote.url.find(/\.\w+$/);
def savePath = new File("${saveDirectory}/${pkgName}/${emoteName}${ext}");
download(url, savePath);
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