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Last active June 8, 2024 17:35
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Bitwise Ops Support for Project Zomboid (Build 41.78.16)
-- BITE is a last resort for Lua 5.1 (Kahlua2) bitwise support for Project Zomboid.
-- @author JabDoesThings, asledgehammer 2023
local BITS = 32;
--- @class bite
--- @field bcast fun(value): number Cast a value to the internally-used integer type
--- @field bnot fun(value): number Returns the one's compliment of the value.
--- @field band fun(value, ...): number Returns the bitwise AND of the values.
--- @field bor fun(value, ...): number Returns the bitwise OR of the values.
--- @field bxor fun(value, ...): number Returns the bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR of the values.
--- @field lshift fun(value, offset): number Returns value shifted by offset.
--- @field rshift fun(value, offset): number Returns value shifted logically right by offset.
--- @field arshift fun(value, offset): number Returns value shifted arithmetically right by offset.
--- @field tobit fun(value): number
--- @field tohex fun(value): string
--- @field rol fun(a, b): number
--- @field test fun(): void Tests 'bite' with 'bitlib' to see if the same results occur.
local readonly = function(table)
local meta = getmetatable(table) or {};
return setmetatable({}, {
__index = table,
__newindex = function() error("Attempt to modify read-only class.", 2) end,
__metatable = false,
__add = meta.__add,
__sub = meta.__sub,
__mul = meta.__mul,
__div = meta.__div,
__mod = meta.__mod,
__pow = meta.__pow,
__eq = meta.__eq,
__lt = meta.__lt,
__le = meta.__le,
__concat = meta.__concat,
__call = meta.__call,
__tostring = meta.__tostring
['0'] = '0000',
['1'] = '0001',
['2'] = '0010',
['3'] = '0011',
['4'] = '0100',
['5'] = '0101',
['6'] = '0110',
['7'] = '0111',
['8'] = '1000',
['9'] = '1001',
['a'] = '1010',
['b'] = '1011',
['c'] = '1100',
['d'] = '1101',
['e'] = '1110',
['f'] = '1111'
['0000'] = '0',
['0001'] = '1',
['0010'] = '2',
['0011'] = '3',
['0100'] = '4',
['0101'] = '5',
['0110'] = '6',
['0111'] = '7',
['1000'] = '8',
['1001'] = '9',
['1010'] = 'A',
['1011'] = 'B',
['1100'] = 'C',
['1101'] = 'D',
['1110'] = 'E',
['1111'] = 'F'
--- @param value string The hexadecimal string.
--- @return string binary The binary string.
local function hex2bin(value, bits, positive)
local result = '';
for i in string.gmatch(value, '.') do
i = string.lower(i);
result = result .. HEX_BIN_DICTIONARY[i];
while #result < bits do
if positive then
result = '0' .. result;
result = '1' .. result;
return result;
--- @param value string The binary string.
--- @return string binary The hexadecimal string.
local function bin2hex(value)
local l, result = string.len(value), '';
local rem = (l % 4) - 1;
-- need to prepend zeros to eliminate mod 4
if (rem > 0) then value = string.rep('0', 4 - rem) .. value end
for i = 1, l, 4 do result = result .. BIN_HEX_DICTIONARY[string.sub(value, i, i + 3)] end
return result;
--- @param value string The binary string.
--- @return number
local function s_bin2dec(value)
local isNegative = string.sub(value, 1, 1) == '1';
local ex2 = #value - 2;
local mRet = 0;
for i = 2, #value, 1 do
local charValue = string.sub(value, i, i);
if isNegative then
if charValue == '0' then
mRet = mRet + math.pow(2, ex2);
if charValue == '1' then
mRet = mRet + math.pow(2, ex2);
ex2 = ex2 - 1;
if isNegative then mRet = -mRet - 1 end
return mRet;
--- @param value number The Base10 string.
--- @param bits number The string length to extend.
--- @return string binary The binary string.
local function s_dec2bin(value, bits)
local n = bits or 0;
local sValue = hex2bin(string.format('%x', value), BITS, value > -1);
if string.sub(sValue, 1, 1) == '1' then
while string.len(sValue) < n do sValue = '1' .. sValue end
while string.len(sValue) < n do sValue = '0' .. sValue end
return sValue;
--- @type bite
--- @diagnostic disable-next-line: missing-fields
local bite = {};
--- Unknown function.
bite.rol = function() error('The function \'rol(a, b)\' is not implemented.') end
bite.tohex = function(value)
if type(value) == 'string' then return string.format('%x', value) else return bin2hex(value) end
bite.tobit = function(value)
if type(value) == 'number' then return value else return s_bin2dec(hex2bin(value)) end
--- Calculates the 'AND' bitwise operation for two signed values.
--- @param value number Either a number or NumberTable.
--- @param mask number Either a number or NumberTable.
--- @return number result The calculated result. = function(value, mask) end
--- Calculates the 'OR' bitwise operation for two signed values.
--- @param value number Either a number or NumberTable.
--- @param mask number Either a number or NumberTable.
--- @return number result The calculated result.
bite.bor = function(value, mask) end
--- Calculates the 'XOR' bitwise operation for two signed values.
--- @param value number Either a number or NumberTable.
--- @param mask number Either a number or NumberTable.
--- @return number result The calculated result.
bite.bxor = function(value, mask) end
--- Calculates the 'NOT' bitwise operation for two signed values.
--- @param value number Either a number or NumberTable.
--- @return number result The calculated result.
bite.bnot = function(value) end
--- Shifts a value's bits to the left. ( x << y )
--- @param value number Either a number or NumberTable to be shifted.
--- @param offset number The number of bits to shift to the left.
--- @return number result The calculated result.
bite.lshift = function(value, offset) end
--- Shifts a value's bits to the right. ( x >> y )
--- @param value number Either a number or NumberTable to be shifted.
--- @param offset number The number of bits to shift to the left.
--- @return number result The calculated result.
bite.rshift = function(value, offset) end
--- Shifts a value's bits to the right. ( x >>> y )
--- @param value number Either a number or NumberTable to be shifted.
--- @param offset number The number of bits to shift to the left.
--- @return number result The calculated result.
bite.arshift = function(value, offset) end
if BitwiseOps and BitwiseOps.band32 then = BitwiseOps.band32;
else = function(value, mask)
local bv, bm, br, cv, cm = s_dec2bin(value, BITS), s_dec2bin(mask, BITS), '', '', '';
for i = 1, BITS do
cv, cm = string.sub(bv, i, i), string.sub(bm, i, i);
if cv == '1' and cm == '1' then br = br .. '1' else br = br .. '0' end
return s_bin2dec(br);
if BitwiseOps and BitwiseOps.bor32 then
bite.bor = BitwiseOps.bor32;
bite.bor = function(value, mask)
local bv, bm, br, cv, cm = s_dec2bin(value, BITS), s_dec2bin(mask, BITS), '', '', '';
for i = 1, BITS do
cv, cm = string.sub(bv, i, i), string.sub(bm, i, i);
if cv == '1' then br = br .. '1' elseif cm == '1' then br = br .. '1' else br = br .. '0' end
return s_bin2dec(br);
if BitwiseOps and BitwiseOps.bxor32 then
bite.bxor = BitwiseOps.bxor32;
bite.bxor = function(value, mask)
local bv, bm, br, cv, cm = s_dec2bin(value, BITS), s_dec2bin(mask, BITS), '', '', '';
for i = 1, BITS do
cv, cm = string.sub(bv, i, i), string.sub(bm, i, i);
if cv == '1' then
if cm == '0' then br = br .. '1' else br = br .. '0' end
elseif cm == '1' then
if cv == '0' then br = br .. '1' else br = br .. '0' end
br = br .. '0'
return s_bin2dec(br);
if BitwiseOps and BitwiseOps.bnot32 then
bite.bnot = BitwiseOps.bnot32;
bite.bnot = function(value)
local bv, br = s_dec2bin(value, BITS), '';
for i = 1, BITS do
if string.sub(bv, i, i) == '1' then br = br .. '0' else br = br .. '1' end
return s_bin2dec(br);
if BitwiseOps and BitwiseOps.lshift32 then
bite.lshift = BitwiseOps.lshift32;
bite.lshift = function(value, offset)
if offset >= BITS then return 0 elseif offset <= 0 then return value end
local bv = s_dec2bin(value, BITS);
local br = string.sub(bv, offset + 1);
while #br < BITS do br = br .. '0' end
return s_bin2dec(br);
if BitwiseOps and BitwiseOps.rshift32 then
bite.rshift = BitwiseOps.rshift32;
bite.rshift = function(value, offset)
if offset >= BITS then return 0 elseif offset <= 0 then return value end
local bv = s_dec2bin(value, BITS);
local br = string.sub(bv, 1, BITS - offset);
while (string.len(br) < BITS) do br = '0' .. br end
return s_bin2dec(br);
if BitwiseOps and BitwiseOps.arshift32 then
bite.arshift = BitwiseOps.arshift32;
bite.arshift = function(value, offset)
if offset >= BITS then return 0 elseif offset <= 0 then return value end
local bv = s_dec2bin(value, BITS);
local br, b1 = string.sub(bv, 1, BITS - offset), string.sub(bv, 1, 1);
while (string.len(br) < BITS) do br = b1 .. br end
return s_bin2dec(br);
return readonly(bite);
package com.asledgehammer.craftnail.util;
public class BitwiseOps {
public static byte bnot8(long value) {
return (byte) ~(byte) value;
public static byte band8(long value, long mask) {
return (byte) ((byte) value & (byte) mask);
public static byte bor8(long value, long mask) {
return (byte) ((byte) value | (byte) mask);
public static byte bxor8(long value, long mask) {
return (byte) ((byte) value ^ (byte) mask);
public static byte lshift8(long value, long offset) {
return (byte) ((byte) value << (byte) offset);
public static byte rshift8(long value, long offset) {
return (byte) ((byte) value >>> (byte) offset);
public static byte arshift8(long value, long offset) {
return (byte) ((byte) value >> (byte) offset);
public static short bnot16(long value) {
return (short) ~(short) value;
public static short band16(long value, long mask) {
return (short) ((short) value & (short) mask);
public static short bor16(long value, long mask) {
return (short) ((short) value | (short) mask);
public static short bxor16(long value, long mask) {
return (short) ((short) value ^ (short) mask);
public static short lshift16(long value, long offset) {
return (short) ((short) value << (short) offset);
public static short rshift16(long value, long offset) {
return (short) ((short) value >>> (short) offset);
public static short arshift16(long value, long offset) {
return (short) ((short) value >> (short) offset);
public static int bnot32(long value) {
return ~(int) value;
public static int band32(long value, long mask) {
return (int) value & (int) mask;
public static int bor32(long value, long mask) {
return (int) value | (int) mask;
public static int bxor32(long value, long mask) {
return (int) value ^ (int) mask;
public static int lshift32(long value, long offset) {
return (int) value << (int) offset;
public static int rshift32(long value, long offset) {
return (int) value >>> (int) offset;
public static int arshift32(long value, long offset) {
return (int) value >> (int) offset;
public static long bnot64(long value) {
return ~value;
public static long band64(long value, long mask) {
return value & mask;
public static long bor64(long value, long mask) {
return value | mask;
public static long bxor64(long value, long mask) {
return value ^ mask;
public static long lshift64(long value, long offset) {
return value << offset;
public static long rshift64(long value, long offset) {
return value >>> offset;
public static long arshift64(long value, long offset) {
return value >> offset;
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