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Created December 3, 2017 19:34
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Planetary Orbit Script (Outdated)
// Orbit Script by Jab (40BlocksUnder)
string configName = "OrbitSettings";
IMyTerminalBlock Block = null;
double px = 0;
double py = 0;
double pz = 0;
double radius = 0;
double factor = 0;
double limit = 3000;
double randomFactor = 0;
double p = 0;
double phi = 0;
double theta = 0;
double waypointRadius = 100;
char[] delimiter_colon = {':' };
char[] delimiter_line = {'\n'};
int m_lastX = 0;
int m_lastY = 1;
int m_lastZ = 2;
int m_p = 3;
int m_phi = 4;
int m_theta = 5;
int m_lastWX = 6;
int m_lastWY = 7;
int m_lastWZ = 8;
void Main(String arg) {
var blocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
// Get the antenna
if (blocks.Count > 0) {
Block = blocks[0];
Dictionary<string, string> config = Load_Settings(configName);
if (config == null || config.Count == 0) {
config = Load_Default_Settings(configName);
px = Convert.ToDouble(config["center-x"]);
py = Convert.ToDouble(config["center-y"]);
pz = Convert.ToDouble(config["center-z"]);
radius = Convert.ToDouble(config["orbit-radius"]);
factor = Convert.ToDouble(config["waypoint-step-degrees"]);
waypointRadius = Convert.ToDouble(config["waypoint-radius"]);
randomFactor = Convert.ToDouble(config["waypoint-randomness"]);
string memoryPanel = config["memory"];
string[] memory = Load_Memory(memoryPanel, 32);
// Get coordinates (VRageMath.Vector3D, so pull it in the ugly way)
double x = Math.Round(Block.GetPosition().GetDim(0), 4);
double y = Math.Round(Block.GetPosition().GetDim(1), 4);
double z = Math.Round(Block.GetPosition().GetDim(2), 4);
if (arg.Equals("reset")) {
List<IMyTerminalBlock> list = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
if (list.Count > 0) {
var remote = list[0] as IMyRemoteControl;
p = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2) + Math.Pow(z, 2));
theta = Math.Atan(y / z);
phi = Math.Atan((Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2))) / z);
memory[m_lastX ] = x.ToString();
memory[m_lastY ] = y.ToString();
memory[m_lastZ ] = z.ToString();
memory[m_p ] = p.ToString();
memory[m_phi ] = phi.ToString();
memory[m_theta ] = theta.ToString();
memory[m_lastWX] = x.ToString();
memory[m_lastWY] = y.ToString();
memory[m_lastWZ] = z.ToString();
Save_Memory(memoryPanel, memory);
double facAsRad = factor * (Math.PI / 180);
double lastX = Convert.ToDouble(memory[m_lastX ]);
double lastY = Convert.ToDouble(memory[m_lastY ]);
double lastZ = Convert.ToDouble(memory[m_lastZ ]);
double lastP = Convert.ToDouble(memory[m_p ]);
double lastPhi = Convert.ToDouble(memory[m_phi ]);
double lastTheta = Convert.ToDouble(memory[m_theta ]);
double lastWX = Convert.ToDouble(memory[m_lastWX]);
double lastWY = Convert.ToDouble(memory[m_lastWY]);
double lastWZ = Convert.ToDouble(memory[m_lastWZ]);
if (GetTargetDistance(lastX, lastY, lastZ, x, y, z) > limit) {
p = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2) + Math.Pow(z, 2));
theta = Math.Atan(y / z);
phi = Math.Atan((Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2))) / z);
memory[m_p ] = p.ToString();
memory[m_phi ] = phi.ToString();
memory[m_theta ] = theta.ToString();
} else {
phi = lastPhi + facAsRad;
theta = lastTheta;
var wx = px + (radius * Math.Sin(phi) * Math.Cos(theta));
var wy = py + (radius * Math.Sin(phi) * Math.Sin(theta));
var wz = pz + (radius * Math.Cos(phi));
if (randomFactor > 0) {
Random rnd = new Random();
int rval = Convert.ToInt32(randomFactor);
wx += Convert.ToDouble(rnd.Next(rval) - (rval / 2));
wy += Convert.ToDouble(rnd.Next(rval) - (rval / 2));
wz += Convert.ToDouble(rnd.Next(rval) - (rval / 2));
memory[m_lastX ] = x.ToString();
memory[m_lastY ] = y.ToString();
memory[m_lastZ ] = z.ToString();
String wcoords = "";
// If the distance between the set point and the
// current position isn't close enough, do not
// update the Remote Waypoints.
var dis = GetTargetDistance(lastWX, lastWY, lastWZ, x, y, z);
if (dis > waypointRadius) {
Block.SetCustomName("Distance from Waypoint: " + dis.ToString());
} else {
Block.SetCustomName("Creating new Waypoint.");
List<IMyTerminalBlock> list = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
if (list.Count > 0) {
var remote = list[0] as IMyRemoteControl;
Vector3D pos = new Vector3D(wx, wy, wz);
remote.AddWaypoint(pos, "NextPoint");
remote.AddWaypoint(pos, "NextPoint");
memory[m_phi ] = phi.ToString();
memory[m_theta ] = theta.ToString();
memory[m_lastWX] = wx.ToString();
memory[m_lastWY] = wy.ToString();
memory[m_lastWZ] = wz.ToString();
Save_Memory(memoryPanel, memory);
public string[] Load_Memory(string panel, int size) {
var lcd = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(panel) as IMyTextPanel;
string data = lcd.GetPublicText();
if (data != "") {
string[] ret = data.Split('\n');
int length = ret.Length;
if (length > size) size = length;
string[] fullRet = new string[size];
for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
fullRet[index] = ret[index];
return fullRet;
return new string[size];
public void Save_Memory(string panel, string[] memory) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string value in memory) {
if (value != null && value != "") {
builder.Append(value + "\n");
var lcd = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(panel) as IMyTextPanel;
public Dictionary<string, string> Load_Settings(string panel) {
Dictionary<string, string> config = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var lcd = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(panel) as IMyTextPanel;
if (lcd == null) return null;
string data = lcd.GetPublicText();
if (data == "") return null;
string[] ret = data.Split(delimiter_line);
for (int index = 0; index < ret.Length; index++) {
string setting = ret[index];
if (setting == "") continue;
string[] split = Array.ConvertAll(setting.Split(delimiter_colon), p => p.Trim());
if (split.Length < 2) continue;
string settingName = split[0];
string settingValue = split[1];
if (settingName == "") continue;
if (settingName.StartsWith("#")) continue;
config[settingName] = settingValue;
return config;
public Dictionary<string, string> Load_Default_Settings(string panel) {
Dictionary<string, string> config = new Dictionary<string, string>();
config.Add("# The coordinates to orbit around.", "#");
config.Add("center-x", "0");
config.Add("center-y", "0");
config.Add("center-z", "0");
config.Add("# The radius from the center to orbit.", "#");
config.Add("orbit-radius", "25000");
config.Add("# How many degrees between each new position.", "#");
config.Add("waypoint-step-degrees", "5");
config.Add("# Adds randomness for the waypoint. Good for multiple ships.", "#");
config.Add("waypoint-randomness", "100");
config.Add("# Radius of the area around the waypoint to move to the next.", "#");
config.Add("waypoint-radius", "150");
config.Add("# Memory cards (Text Panels). Will eventually drop to one.", "#");
config.Add("memory", "memory");
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
var en = config.GetEnumerator();
while (en.MoveNext()) {
var entry = en.Current;
var key = entry.Key;
var val = entry.Value;
// If this line is a comment.
if (key.StartsWith("#")) {
builder.Append(key + "\n");
} else {
if (val == "") continue;
builder.Append(key + ": " + val.ToString() + "\n");
string text = builder.ToString();
var lcd = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(panel) as IMyTextPanel;
return config;
public int GetTargetDistance(double oldx, double oldy, double oldz, double newx, double newy, double newz) {
double deltaX = newx - oldx;
double deltaY = newy - oldy;
double deltaZ = newz - oldz;
int distance = (int) Math.Sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY + deltaZ * deltaZ);
return distance;
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