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Created November 14, 2016 15:22
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var R = require('ramda');
void 0; //to not bloat the output
var random = require('seed-random')(1337);
var data = [
{input: [0, 0], output: 0},
{input: [1, 0], output: 1},
{input: [0, 1], output: 1},
{input: [1, 1], output: 0},
var activation_sigmoid = x => 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-x));
var derivative_sigmoid = x => {
const fx = activation_sigmoid(x);
return fx * (1 - fx);
var weights = {
i1_h1: random(),
i2_h1: random(),
bias_h1: random(),
i1_h2: random(),
i2_h2: random(),
bias_h2: random(),
h1_o1: random(),
h2_o1: random(),
bias_o1: random(),
function nn(i1, i2) {
var h1_input =
weights.i1_h1 * i1 +
weights.i2_h1 * i2 +
var h1 = activation_sigmoid(h1_input);
var h2_input =
weights.i1_h2 * i1 +
weights.i2_h2 * i2 +
var h2 = activation_sigmoid(h2_input);
var o1_input =
weights.h1_o1 * h1 +
weights.h2_o1 * h2 +
var o1 = activation_sigmoid(o1_input);
return o1;
var calculateResults = () =>
R.mean({input: [i1, i2], output: y}) => Math.pow(y - nn(i1, i2), 2)));
var outputResults = () =>
data.forEach(({input: [i1, i2], output: y}) =>
console.log(`${i1} XOR ${i2} => ${nn(i1, i2)} (expected ${y})`));
var train = () => {
const weight_deltas = {
i1_h1: 0,
i2_h1: 0,
bias_h1: 0,
i1_h2: 0,
i2_h2: 0,
bias_h2: 0,
h1_o1: 0,
h2_o1: 0,
bias_o1: 0,
for (var {input: [i1, i2], output} of data) {
//this part is 100% identic to forward pass function
var h1_input =
weights.i1_h1 * i1 +
weights.i2_h1 * i2 +
var h1 = activation_sigmoid(h1_input);
var h2_input =
weights.i1_h2 * i1 +
weights.i2_h2 * i2 +
var h2 = activation_sigmoid(h2_input);
var o1_input =
weights.h1_o1 * h1 +
weights.h2_o1 * h2 +
var o1 = activation_sigmoid(o1_input);
//learning starts here:
// we calculate our delta
var delta = output - o1;
//then we calculate our derivative (and throwing away "2 * " as we can multiply it later)
var o1_delta = delta * derivative_sigmoid(o1_input);
//and for our equatation w1 * h1 + w2 * h2 we're trying to alter weights first
weight_deltas.h1_o1 += h1 * o1_delta;
weight_deltas.h2_o1 += h2 * o1_delta;
weight_deltas.bias_o1 += o1_delta;
//and then we're trying to alter our h1 and h2.
//but we cannot alter them directly, as they are functions of other weights too
//so we need to alter their weights by same approach
var h1_delta = o1_delta * derivative_sigmoid(h1_input);
var h2_delta = o1_delta * derivative_sigmoid(h2_input);
weight_deltas.i1_h1 += i1 * h1_delta;
weight_deltas.i2_h1 += i2 * h1_delta;
weight_deltas.bias_h1 += h1_delta;
weight_deltas.i1_h2 += i1 * h2_delta;
weight_deltas.i2_h2 += i2 * h2_delta;
weight_deltas.bias_h2 += h2_delta;
return weight_deltas;
var applyTrainUpdate = (weight_deltas = train()) =>
Object.keys(weights).forEach(key =>
weights[key] += weight_deltas[key]);
R.times(() => applyTrainUpdate(), 100)
R.times(() => applyTrainUpdate(), 1000)
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MIKEk8 commented Dec 9, 2016

Для лучшего понимания было бы неплохо это
var outputResults = () =>
data.forEach(({input: [i1, i2], output: y}) =>
console.log(${i1} XOR ${i2} => ${nn(i1, i2)} (expected ${y})));

заменить на более распространённый вариант function(){return }

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