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Last active September 27, 2019 22:54
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My favorite programs (arch version) (not tested yet)
#Group Package name Description
sudo running programs as root
ssh remote shell
sshfs for mapping filesystems over network
pv program for measuring data flow through pipes
git version control system
moreutils more utilities
rsync for making backups and copying files
tree file tree view
rename powerful renaming utility
ffmpeg video processing
python3 bloat :c
python-pip bloat :c
scrot screenshot utility
imagemagick image processing in terminal
sxiv image viewer
vim great text editor
locate for locating files
bash-completion improved bash autocompletion
entr run commands when files change
gnupg cryptography stuff
dos2unix for converting line endings
pxz multithreading xz
unrar .rar file reader
zip for creating .zip files
unzip for reading .zip files
p7zip for reading .7z files
lshw for listing hardware resources
xinit X server
xcompmgr X compositor
xorg-server X server
xorg-xrdb X server
xorg-xkill xkill utility
ttf-fira-mono Fira Mono font
ttf-inconsolata Inconsolata font
ttf-font-awesome Fontawesome
pulseaudio we want sound, don't we?
pulseaudio-alsa we want sound, don't we?
pulsemixer pulseaudio mixer
alsa-utils sound utilities
i3-gaps window manager
lemonbar simple and robust status bar
feh for setting wallpapers
dmenu a very useful menu program
xterm basic terminal
rxvt-unicode more powerful terminal
urxvt-perls urxvt perl extensions
sxhkd X hotkeys daemon
xclip X clipboard tool
xsane for scanning documents
xdotool for issuing X commands
arandr monitor setup
dialog dialog windows in terminal
zathura document viewer
zathura-pdf-poppler Zathura PDF support
bc calculator
apcalc calculator
mc Midnight Commander
ranger a terminal file browser
screen a lot of uses
tmux terminal multiplexer
gpart disk partitioning
usbip share USB over network
wakeonlan remotely start other machines
nmap network scanner
expect for pretending to be human
spell spell checker
aspell spell checker
samba Samba server
smbclient Samba client
curlftpfs FTP client
firefox web browser
screenfetch for showing off that I use Arch now
pandoc markup converter
groff GNU roff
gawk GNU awk
figlet ASCII art headings
cowsay terminal cows
asciinema recording terminal content
sox audio manipulation
gimp image editor
inkscape vector graphics editor
audacity sound editor
g++ C++ compiler
gcc C compiler
cmake CMake
make usual make
base-devel some stuff for building things
net-tools ifconfig and stuff
misc lynx web browser in terminal
misc wireshark-qt for capturing network traffic
misc clamav virus scanner
misc traceroute for tracing routes
misc ccze log colorizer
misc aha HTML adapter
dev nasm network assembler
dev valgrind for debugging and detecting leaks
dev gdb GNU debugger
dev uncrustify source code beautification
dev cppcheck C++ code static analysis
dev sloccount actual code line counter
emulators dosbox DOS emulator
emulators qemu whatever emulator
emulators virtualbox Oracle's Virtualbox
latex texlive-most most TexLive packages
latex texlive-lang additional language support
latex texlive-science scientific LaTeX stuff
big vlc great media player
big lmms for making music
big kicad Electronics CAD
big krita excellent drawing program
#big scilab poor man's Matlab
big blender powerful video and 3D animation tool
#big freecad CAD
big cura 3D printing utility
big code VSCode IDE
big thunar a file browser
wine playonlinux independent wine prefixes
games 0ad cool game
games openttd open source TTD
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