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Created December 28, 2018 16:27
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apply plugin: 'cpp'
apply plugin: 'google-test-test-suite'
apply plugin: 'edu.wpi.first.GradleRIO'
apply plugin: TinkerboardPlugin
deploy {
targets {
target('coprocessor') {
directory = '/home/vision'
locations {
// Change this if you've changed the target hostname, username or password. Or if you
// want to use a raspberry pi, etc.
ssh {
address = 'linaro-alip' // Tinkerboard = linaro-alip
user = 'linaro' // Tinkerboard = linaro
password = 'linaro' // Tinkerboard = linaro
artifacts {
nativeArtifact('vision') {
// Change this to change to a raspberry pi or other coprocessor. Logic from here on in
// should be generic for any debian linux platform.
targetPlatform = TinkerboardPlugin.tinkerboardPlatform
targets << 'coprocessor'
component = 'curtinFrcVision'
buildType = 'release'
// Make sure we can run our program!
postdeploy << { execute('chmod +x curtinFrcVision') }
// Install the systemd service. This makes our vision run on startup!
fileArtifact('visionService') {
targets << 'coprocessor'
file = file('src/main/vision.service')
postdeploy << {
// Install a symlink for the service so the system can run it! A symlink is like a pointer for files
execute('sudo ln -sf $(pwd)/vision.service /etc/systemd/system')
// Reload the system services and start our vision service. Also print out the status :)
execute('sudo systemctl daemon-reload; sudo service vision restart; sudo service vision status')
// Store all the libraries in /home/vision/libraries, that way we don't poison /usr/local.
withType(jaci.gradle.deploy.artifact.BinaryLibraryArtifact) {
directory = '/home/vision/libraries'
predeploy << {
execute("sudo mkdir -p ${directory} && sudo chmod -R 777 ${directory}/..")
// Make sure the system can find our libraries!
execute("echo ${directory} | sudo tee /etc/")
// Refresh the system's cache of known libraries, so ours can be found
postdeploy << { execute('sudo ldconfig') }
model {
components {
curtinFrcVision(NativeExecutableSpec) {
targetPlatform wpi.platforms.desktop
targetPlatform wpi.platforms.raspbian
targetPlatform TinkerboardPlugin.tinkerboardPlatform
sources.cpp {
source {
srcDir 'src/main/cpp'
exportedHeaders {
srcDir 'src/main/include'
binaries.all {
lib project: ':common', library: 'curtinFrcCommon', linkage: 'static'
useLibrary(it, 'opencv')
task runVision(dependsOn: "simulateCurtinFrcVision${wpi.platforms.desktop.capitalize()}ReleaseExecutable")
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