This is a collection of independant scripts to show how to communicate with the QooCam EGO remotely.
They were tested with firmware 2.1.29 in the camera.
They are quite minimal so that you can inpire yourself to create your own awesome utility.
You can also use them directly as is.
I had also updated the firmware to version 2.1.29 and can confirm that the HTTP interface works differently.
Through more testing with a sniffer I can confirm that the QooCam Android and iOS Apps communicate with the EGO via port 5555. This is a secure connection. Before communicating with the EGO, the Apps do a TLS handshake with a server in China to obtain credentials. The Apps then uses those credentials to communicate OSC commands to and download files from the EGO over a secure connection.
Some of the OSC commands still work using port 80. So far, I have confirmed that the /osc/info and the /osc/commands/execute camera.listFiles and camera._getMediasSize commands work. Sometimes the /osc/state works. Sometimes it returns an error. The /osc/commands/execute camera._download_File works with Photo files and with smaller Video files. For larger files, the download aborts before completing. Using the sniffer, it appears that the EGO sends a message indicating the file transmission is complete even though there is more to send. Not sure what the upper limit is on Video file size that works. So far I have observed download speed via WiFi of ~ 10 MB/sec. This is a very convenient way to download Photos and smaller Video files. For larger files, the USB interface is probably preferred.