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Last active February 10, 2016 19:58
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Save JackDraak/05e252daac5b548c758c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Paddle.cs from BlockSmoker 3.7c Breakout-Clone with "Natual AI Paddle"
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Paddle : MonoBehaviour {
public AudioClip paddle;
private bool autoplay, begun, driftDirection, easy;
private Ball ball;
private Vector3 ballPos;
private float driftSkew, driftSpan, driftSpeed, driftThat, driftThis;
private LevelManager levelManager;
private GameObject startNote;
void AutoMove () {
Vector3 paddlePosition = new Vector3 (PaddleClamp (ball.transform.position.x + (driftSkew * driftSpan)), this.transform.position.y, 0f);
this.transform.position = paddlePosition;
void BeginPlay () {
if (startNote) startNote.SetActive (false);
ball.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2 (Random.Range(-8f, 8f), Random.Range(8f, 10f));
void EasyFlip () { if (easy) this.transform.localScale = new Vector2(2.5f,1); else this.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1.5f,1); }
void EasyPlayOff () { easy = false; EasySync(); }
void EasyPlayOn () { easy = true; EasySync(); }
void EasySync () { PlayerPrefsManager.SetEasy (easy); EasyFlip(); }
void FixedUpdate () { PaddleMotion(); }
void OnTriggerEnter2D (Collider2D trigger) {
AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint (paddle, transform.position);
float PaddleClamp (float xPos) {
if (easy) return Mathf.Clamp((xPos), 1.916f, 14.086f); // easy paddle
else return Mathf.Clamp((xPos), 1.390f, 14.615f); // normal paddle
void PaddleMotion () {
Vector3 paddlePos = new Vector3 (8f, this.transform.position.y, 0f);
if (!autoplay) {
float mousePosInBlocks = (Input.mousePosition.x / Screen.width * 16);
paddlePos.x = PaddleClamp(mousePosInBlocks);
this.transform.position = paddlePos;
if (autoplay) {
if (!levelManager.HasStartedReturn() && !begun) {
begun = true;
Invoke ("BeginPlay", 2);
if (levelManager.HasStartedReturn()) {
paddlePos.x = PaddleClamp(ball.transform.position.x);
if (driftDirection) { // drifting right, +x
driftSpan = driftSpan + driftSpeed;
} else { // drifting left, -x
driftSpan = driftSpan - driftSpeed;
void SetupDrift () {
// test distance to ball, & skew span...
// objective, allow ball to "drift away from paddle collumn"
// (X-skew between paddle and ball, relative to ball's Y-distance from the lower boundary)
// curently driftSpan is used directly to:
// Automove() the paddle, TestDriftBoundary(), Obv. Set Span for PaddleMotion(),
// ergo, calculate a skew factor here, apply it on Automove(), and Bob's your uncle.
if (ball.transform.position.y > 1.3f) driftSkew = ball.transform.position.y * 0.55f;
else driftSkew = 1f;
// Debug.Log (ball.transform.position.y + " " + driftSkew);
void SetupDriftBoundary () {
if (driftDirection) driftThat = Random.Range (0.21f, 0.79f);
else driftThis = Random.Range (-0.21f, -0.79f);
void SetupDriftReset () {
// Debug.Log ("This: " + driftThis + ", That: " + driftThat + ", Direction: " + driftDirection + ", Velocity: " + driftSpeed + ", Span: " + driftSpan);
void SetupDriftSpeed () {
driftSpeed = Random.Range (0.005f, 0.05f);
void Start () {
levelManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<LevelManager>(); if (!levelManager) Debug.LogError (this + ": unable to attach to LevelManager");
if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("StartNote")) startNote = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("StartNote");
ball = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<Ball>(); if (!ball) Debug.LogError (this + ": unable to attach to Ball");
autoplay = PlayerPrefsManager.GetAutoplay ();
easy = PlayerPrefsManager.GetEasy ();
driftDirection = true;
driftSkew = 1;
driftSpan = 0;
driftSpeed = 0.02f;
void TestDriftBoundary () {
if (driftDirection && driftSpan > driftThat) SetupDriftReset();
if (!driftDirection && driftSpan < driftThis) SetupDriftReset();
void ToggleAuto () { autoplay = !autoplay; PlayerPrefsManager.SetAutoplay (autoplay); }
void ToggleDriftDirection () { driftDirection = !driftDirection; }
void ToggleEasy () { easy = !easy; EasySync(); }
void Update () {
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)) ToggleAuto();
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P)) ToggleEasy();
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