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Created February 27, 2017 02:27
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C++ TicTacToe (for the Windows console)
Tic - Tac - Console
by: @JackDraak - Playing around: just a humble hobbyist
tinkerer, messing with C++ to have fun
and maybe even learn something.
This is my first working version of a one-player
take on the the classic pen and paper (or should I
say, "stick and dirt"?) game: tic - tac - toe
[designed to now be played on the Windows Console.]
Where to go from here:
- improve formatting, use colour(?)
- optimize source-code
- separate into MFC class and Game class, use a header file....
// Used for Input and Output.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
// Used by A.I. player.
#include <random>
// Used to treat the console display as a textbox.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// For quality randomness, use this Entropy.
std::mt19937 Entropy = std::mt19937{ std::random_device{}() };
// The 9 cells of the traditional game grid will be box objects in memory.
class box
char value;
char identity;
int screenColumn;
int screenRow;
char GetValue();
char GetID();
int GetScreenColumn();
int GetScreenRow();
void Reset();
void SetValue(char);
void SetID(char);
void SetScreenColumn(int);
void SetScreenRow(int);
// Default initializations for a new box object.
box::box() { value = 'U'; identity = '0'; screenColumn = 0; screenRow = 0; return; }
// Box getters and setters.
char box::GetValue() { return value; }
char box::GetID() { return identity; }
int box::GetScreenColumn() { return screenColumn; }
int box::GetScreenRow() { return screenRow; }
void box::Reset() { value = identity; return; }
void box::SetValue(char newValue) { value = newValue; return; }
void box::SetID(char newID) { identity = newID; return; }
void box::SetScreenColumn(int sColumn) { screenColumn = sColumn; return; }
void box::SetScreenRow(int sRow) { screenRow = sRow; return; }
// Global variables.
char const winSets[8][3] = {
{ '1','2','3' }, // 0 row 1
{ '4','5','6' }, // 1 row 2
{ '7','8','9' }, // 2 row 3
{ '1','4','7' }, // 3 column 1
{ '2','5','8' }, // 4 column 2
{ '3','6','9' }, // 5 column 3
{ '1','5','9' }, // 6 backslash
{ '7','5','3' }, // 7 foreslash
box gameBoard[3][3];
char activePlayer;
char blockingPlay;
char winingSet;
char winner;
bool playerXturn = false;
int blockingSet;
// Method prototypes.
bool CheckForBlock();
bool CheckForWin();
bool Continue();
bool ValidatePlay(char);
char GetBlockingPlay(int);
char GetPlay();
char GetBoxValue(char);
char Shuffle(char, char);
int Shuffle(int);
int Shuffle(int, int);
void Home();
void Home(bool);
void Home(int, int);
void InitBoard();
void PauseForInput();
void PrintEmptyBoard();
void PrintValues();
void SwitchPlayer();
// Switch active player from X to O or vice versa.
void SwitchPlayer()
playerXturn = !playerXturn;
if (playerXturn) activePlayer = 'X';
else activePlayer = 'O';
// Print the game box::value's into the game-grid on screen.
void PrintValues()
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++)
for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++)
int boxRow = gameBoard[row][column].GetScreenRow();
int boxColumn = gameBoard[row][column].GetScreenColumn();
char boxValue = gameBoard[row][column].GetValue();
// Output value to designated screen position.
Home(boxRow, boxColumn);
std::cout << boxValue;
Home(10, 0);
// Initialize gameBoard array with content (numbered boxes) and position information.
void InitBoard()
// Assign game grid rows and columns to on-screen coordinates.
int const R1 = 4;
int const R2 = 6;
int const R3 = 8;
int const C1 = 17;
int const C2 = 21;
int const C3 = 25;
char thisValue = '1';
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++)
for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++)
// Set initial value and reset ID <thisValue> of each box.
// Set designated on-screen row of each box.
if (row == 0) gameBoard[row][column].SetScreenRow(R1);
else if (row == 1) gameBoard[row][column].SetScreenRow(R2);
else if (row == 2) gameBoard[row][column].SetScreenRow(R3);
// Set designated on-screen column of each box.
if (column == 0) gameBoard[row][column].SetScreenColumn(C1);
else if (column == 1) gameBoard[row][column].SetScreenColumn(C2);
else if (column == 2) gameBoard[row][column].SetScreenColumn(C3);
} return;
// Get a boxID <char 1-9> from the console user.
char GetPlay()
std::string userInput;
char position;
bool outOfRange = true;
getline(std::cin, userInput);
std::stringstream thisStream(userInput);
Home(15, 0); std::cout << " ";
if (thisStream >> position) { break; }
Home(15, 0); std::cout << " Invalid entry...";
if (position >= '1' && position <= '9') outOfRange = false;
} while (outOfRange);
return position;
// Clear and home the console, and put up an empty game board.
void PrintEmptyBoard()
std::cout << /// 10 20 30 4
"\n -------------------" ///1
"\n Tic - Tac - Console" ///2
"\n" ///3
"\n | | " ///4
"\n ---|---|---" ///5
"\n | | " ///6
"\n ---|---|---" ///7
"\n | | " ///8
"\n"; ///9
Home(10, 0);
// Use this function to "Home" the cursor to the top left of the console.
void Home()
HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
COORD coordScreen = { 0, 0 };
SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, coordScreen);
// Use this function overload to "Home" the cursor to a specific row:column.
void Home(int row, int column)
short thisRow = row;
short thisColumn = column;
HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
COORD coordScreen = { thisColumn, thisRow };
SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, coordScreen);
// Use this overload with a true or false argument for a "Clear and Home" effect in the console.
void Home(bool clear)
HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
COORD coordScreen = { 0, 0 };
BOOL bSuccess;
DWORD cCharsWritten;
DWORD dwConSize;
bSuccess = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &csbi);
if (!bSuccess) return;
dwConSize = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y;
bSuccess = FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hConsole, (TCHAR) ' ', dwConSize, coordScreen, &cCharsWritten);
if (!bSuccess) return;
bSuccess = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &csbi);
if (!bSuccess) return;
bSuccess = FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hConsole, csbi.wAttributes, dwConSize, coordScreen, &cCharsWritten);
if (!bSuccess) return;
bSuccess = SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, coordScreen);
if (!bSuccess) return;
// Return a random int from 0-max.
int Shuffle(int max)
std::uniform_int_distribution<> zIndexDist(0, max);
return zIndexDist(Entropy);
// Return a random int from min-max.
int Shuffle(int min, int max)
std::uniform_int_distribution<> zIndexDist(min, max);
return zIndexDist(Entropy);
// Return a random char from begin to end.
char Shuffle(char begin, char end)
std::uniform_int_distribution<> zIndexDist(begin, end);
return zIndexDist(Entropy);
// Delay for console input.
void PauseForInput()
std::string userInput;
Home(10, 0); std::cout << " Please hit <Enter> to proceed... ";
getline(std::cin, userInput);
// True if continued play is requested, false if exit requested.
bool Continue()
bool validInput = false;
bool proceed = false;
std::string userInput;
Home(10, 0); std::cout << " Please enter (P)lay or (Q)uit then <Enter>, thank you. ";
getline(std::cin, userInput);
if (userInput[0] == 'p' || userInput[0] == 'P')
validInput = true;
proceed = true;
else if (userInput[0] == 'q' || userInput[0] == 'Q')
validInput = true;
} while (!validInput);
Home(10, 0); std::cout << " ";
return proceed;
// Take a box ID and attempt to claim it for the activePlayer.
bool ValidatePlay(char id)
bool validity = false;
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++)
for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++)
if (id == gameBoard[row][column].GetID())
char boxValue = gameBoard[row][column].GetValue();
if (boxValue == id)
validity = true;
else if (boxValue == activePlayer && activePlayer == 'X')
Home(12, 0); std::cout << " ";
Home(12, 0); std::cout << " Box " << id << "?!? You've already claimed that one! ";
Home(10, 0);
else if (activePlayer == 'X' && boxValue != activePlayer)
Home(12, 0); std::cout << " ";
Home(12, 0); std::cout << " Box " << id << "?!? Your opponent already claimed that one! ";
Home(10, 0);
} return validity;
// Return the box::value of a box by box-ID.
char GetBoxValue(char id)
char value = '-';
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++)
for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++)
if (gameBoard[row][column].GetID() == id)
value = gameBoard[row][column].GetValue();
return value;
} return value;
// Check winSets against gameBoard.
bool CheckForWin()
bool won = false;
char thisSet[3];
for (int winSetRow = 0; winSetRow <= 7; winSetRow++)
for (int member = 0; member <= 2; member++)
thisSet[member] = winSets[winSetRow][member];
int xScore = 0;
int oScore = 0;
for (int member = 0; member <= 2; member++)
char thisValue = thisSet[member];
char thisBoxValue = GetBoxValue(thisValue);
if (thisBoxValue != thisValue)
if (thisBoxValue == 'X') xScore++;
else oScore++;
if (xScore == 3 || oScore == 3)
Home(16, 0); std::cout << " Congratulations, player " << activePlayer << " for the win! (WinPatternID:" << winSetRow << ")";
won = true;
} return won;
// Check gameBoard array, looking for any prescribed blocking play; when true, follow with GetBlockingPlay() on the identified set.
bool CheckForBlock()
bool block = false;
char thisSet[3];
blockingSet = -1;
for (int winSetRow = 0; winSetRow <= 7; winSetRow++)
for (int member = 0; member <= 2; member++)
thisSet[member] = winSets[winSetRow][member];
int xScore = 0;
int oScore = 0;
blockingPlay = 'U';
for (int member = 0; member <= 2; member++)
char thisValue = thisSet[member];
char thisBoxValue = GetBoxValue(thisValue);
if (thisBoxValue != thisValue)
if (thisBoxValue == 'X') xScore++;
else oScore++;
if ((xScore == 2 && oScore == 0) || (xScore == 0 && oScore == 2))
blockingSet = winSetRow;
block = true;
} return block;
// To be used if CheckForBlock identifies a blockingSet in order to return the blockingPlay.
char GetBlockingPlay(int blockingSet)
char block = 'E';
char thisSet[3];
char thisValue;
for (int member = 0; member <= 2; member++)
thisSet[member] = winSets[blockingSet][member];
thisValue = thisSet[member];
char thisBoxValue = GetBoxValue(thisValue);
if (thisBoxValue == thisValue) block = thisValue;
} return block;
// Application entry point.
int main()
// Play (at least one) game of Tic-Tac-Toe
do {
if (activePlayer == 'O') SwitchPlayer(); // For simplicity, start each game with console player as X.
blockingPlay = 'U';
winner = '-';
bool gameInProgress = true;
int turnNumber = 1;
do {
// Player X plays.
bool validMove = false;
do {
Home(10, 0); std::cout << " ";
Home(10, 0); std::cout << " Make a move, player " << activePlayer << ": ";
char thisPlay = GetPlay();
validMove = ValidatePlay(thisPlay);
} while (!validMove);
gameInProgress = (!CheckForWin());
if (turnNumber == 9 && gameInProgress) { winner = '-'; gameInProgress = false; }
if (CheckForBlock()) blockingPlay = GetBlockingPlay(blockingSet);
// Player O plays.
if (gameInProgress)
bool validRandom;
if (!ValidatePlay(blockingPlay)) validRandom = false; else validRandom = true;
if (!validRandom) do {
char randomPlay = Shuffle('1', '9');
validRandom = ValidatePlay(randomPlay);
} while (!validRandom);
gameInProgress = (!CheckForWin());
// Repeat X play then O play as needed.
} while (turnNumber < 10 && gameInProgress);
// Would you like to play a game? -War Games
} while (Continue());
// End Of Line -Tron
return 0;
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